alma lux lighting

Post on 11-Sep-2021






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Referine Legislative Legislative References
Sisteme Optice Louvers
Semne Convenionale Conventional Signs
„Chiar i cel mai banal context, metamorfozat prin flux luminos, poate deveni spectaculos. Iar cel mai spectaculos obiect are nevoie de lumin pentru a strluci.“
"Even the most common context, metamorphosed through lighting beam can become spectacular. And the most spectacular object needs light to shine."
ALMA LUX LIGHTING, specializat în producia corpurilor de iluminat, aparatelor tehnice de iluminat i echipamentelor pentru instalaii electrice, este o societate consacrat în domeniul electricitii i iluminrii profesionale, plasat pe locul secund în industria naional de profil.
Brand-ul ALMA LUX LIGHTING este asociat produselor care soluioneaz exigenele iluminatului de tip comercial, industrial, rezidenial, arhitectural, sportiv, exterior, stradal - produse care, în exploatare, îi menin performanele pe termen lung i eficientizeaz consumul de energie electric.
Afirmarea incontestabil a societii se datoreaz politicii de dezvoltare, ce vizeaz atât îmbuntirea calitii i diversitii produselor, pentru un nivel merceologic competitiv, cât i realizarea unor acorduri strategice de distribuie, pentru o recunoatere i apreciere crescând la nivel teritorial.
ALMA LUX LIGHTING este catalizatorul relaiei dintre funcionalitate i context, prin intermediul unei platforme comune de resurse i echipamente dedicate produciei, cercetrii, dezvoltrii i testrii. i toate acestea deoarece ALMA LUX LIGHTING consider c: „percepia clientului contureaz imaginea companiei“.
Responsabili pentru realizarea analizelor de pia i interpretarea rezultatelor statistice, sunt profesionitii departamentului cercetare-dezvoltare. În acest mod, sunt generate direciile de dezvoltare ale culturii organizaionale, respectând totodat conformitatea domeniului i etica profesional.
ALMA LUX LIGHTING, specialized in manufacturing of the lighting fixtures, luminaires and electrical installation equipments, is a renowned company in the electricity and professional lighting field, situated on the second place in the national profile industry.
ALMA LUX LIGHTING brand is associated with products that answer to commercial, industrial, residential, architectural, sporting, exterior, street lighting demands – products that maintain their performances on long term operation and have an efficient power demand.
The indisputable self-assertion of the company is owed to the development policy that sets its sights on quality improvement and product diversity, for a merceologic competitive level, signing strategic distribution agreements for a higher recognition and consideration on territorial level.
ALMA LUX LIGHTING is the accelerator of the relationship between functionality and context through a common platform of resources and equipments dedicated to manufacture, research, development and testing. And all this because ALMA LUX LIGHTING considers that "the client's perception takes shape into the company's image".
The high professional staff from the research-development department is responsable with the market analysys and interpretation of statistic results. In this way, the development directions of the organizational culture are generated, respecting both field's conformity and professional ethics.
Investiiile substaniale de capital destinate sectorului productiv, au vizat achiziia de echipamente moderne i linii automatizate, apte s ofere independen în exploatare, majorarea capacitii de fabrica]ie i dinamizarea fluxului operaional. Calificarea lucrtorilor din producie, prin instruiri tehnice periodice, se reflect prin gradul ridicat de eficien al colectivului la locul de munc`.
Departamentul comercial se remarc prin capacitatea cu care satisface necesitile clienilor, animând competiia în brana distribuitorilor de profil. Popularitatea ALMA LUX LIGHTING, cu tot ansamblul de mrfuri, servicii, beneficii, oportuniti, crete pe msura „conjugrii eforturilor“ comerciale i de cercetare a pieei, în direcia noilor oportuniti.
Pe lâng producia i comercializarea mrfurilor fabricate, departamentul de asisten tehnic asigur partea de suport profesional la soluionarea problematicilor specifice fiecrui proiect, prin analizarea necesarului de aparatur electric, dimensionarea i configurarea sistemelor de iluminat, realizarea calculului luminotehnic în amenaj`rile de anvergur, montaj, garanie i \ntre]inere cu personal calificat. În acest mod, propria expertiz` profesional` a societii este pus \n slujba clienilor, spre beneficiul lor.
Great investments in the production department were made for the aquisition of modern equipments and automatic production lines, able to offer self-support in exploitation, a higher production capacity and dinamism to the operational flux. The high competence of the personnel, obtained through periodic technical courses is reflected in our worker's high efficiency.
The commercial department excels in its ability to satisfy the needs of the clients, activating the competition in the distribution field. The popularity of ALMA LUX LIGHTING, with all the goods, services, benefits, opportunities, grows in the same time with the commercial and research of the market "effort conjugation", towards new opportunities.
Beside the production and selling the manufactured products, tehnical asistency department ensures the professional support, solving all the specific problems of any project, analysing the necessary electrical equipments, designing and configurating lighting systems, making lighting computation in ample facilities, installation work, offering warranty and maintenance with high qualified personnel. In this way, our company’s professional expertise attends our clients, for their support.
CERTIFIC~RI PRODUSECERTIFICATIONS PRODUCTS ALMA LUX LIGHTING îi îmbuntete permanent reputaia în mediul de afaceri i datorit certificrilor dobândite în domeniul su de activitate.
• În februarie 2007, societatea a fost avizat favorabil în privina agrementelor tehnice ale echipamentelor de iluminat, conforme cu „Metodologia privind programul de urmrire în timp, a comportamentului construciilor din punct de vedere al cerinelor funcionale“, de ctre Consiliul Tehnic Permanent pentru Construcii – certificare MLPTL/CTPC.
• Toate produsele fabricate de ALMA LUX LIGHTING corespund normelor europene impuse echipamente- lor electrice, referitoare la sigurana electric, compa- tibilitatea electromagnetic EC 89/339/CEE, reducerea voltajului electric 73/23/EC i impactul acestora asupra mediului, beneficiind de certificarea Ageniei Naionale pentru Protecia Mediului, în conformitate cu direc- tivele RAEE.
• Din septembrie 2008, produsele fabricate sunt în conformitate cu directivele UE i îndeplinesc cerinele eseniale impuse pe piaa Uniunii Europene. Societa- tea obine certificarea de aplicare a marcajului de con- formitate CE i acordul pentru libera circulaie a pro- duselor în spaiul comunitar, fr s afecteze sntatea sau sigurana public.
• În iunie 2006, societatea a fost certificat de TUV Rheinland InterCert Kft., în conformitate cu standar- dul internaional ISO 9001:2000, ca o confirmare a implementrii cu succes a Sistemului de Manage- ment al Calitii, orientat pe îmbuntirea continu a produselor i serviciilor ctre satisfacia clienilor. Astfel sunt garantate reglementrile de calitate i performanele referitoare la „producia i comercia- lizarea corpurilor pentru iluminatul industrial, comer- cial i arhitectural“.
ALMA LUX LIGHTING constantly improves its reputation in the business field due to the certifications received in it’s field of activity.
• In February 2007, our company received MLPTL/ CTPC certification from Permanent Tehnical Cons- truction Councile, regarding tehnical ageements for lighting equipments, according to "The methodo- logy regarding pursuance programme of buildings bearing under the aspect of functional requests".
• All the products manufactured by ALMA LUX LIGHTING comply with european regulations imposed to electrical equipments, regarding electrical safety, electromechanical compatibility EC 89/339/CEE, low voltage 73/23/EC and their impact on the environment, and received National Agency of Environment Protec- tion certification, in accordance with RAEE directives.
• Since September 2008, our manufactured products comply with UE directives and thus comply with the rules imposed to the market by UE. Our company received CE certification and the appro- val for free trade of our products in CE space, without affecting the health and public safety.
• In June 2006, our company received TUV Rheinland InterCert Kft. Certification, in conformity with inter- national standard ISO 9001:2000, as a confirmation for the succesful implementation of Quality Manage- ment System, with a continuous trend to improve our products and services towards client’s satisfaction. In this way we ensure, quality and performance regula- tions regarding "the production and selling industrial, commercial and architectural lighting fixtures".
Corpurile i sistemele tehnice de iluminat fabricate de ALMA LUX LIGHTING, soluii funcionale, accesibile i economice din punct de vedere al consumului de energie electric, sunt catalogate pe piaa de consum ca fiind printre acele produse la care nivelul ridicat de calitate este exprimat la pre corect. Gama merceologic` destinat` ilumin`rii spa]iilor comerciale include plafoniere, spoturi cu tuburi fluorescente i sisteme modulare cu montaj aparent sau încastrat în plafoane (de tip casetat sau carton-gips), cu balast electronic sau invertor de autonomie, cu optici variate pentru distribuia direct sau indirect a unui flux luminos, amplu sau discret, în vederea asigurrii condiiilor optime pentru un confort vizual maxim. Sunt destinate utilizrii pentru centre comerciale, showroom-uri, magazine, hoteluri, restaurante, cldiri de birouri, uniti medicale, centre de date i de comand, uniti de învtmânt, sli de spectacole, sli de sport, saloane de înfrumuseare i Spa-uri etc.
În vederea unui management energetic eficient, indiferent de destinaia de utilizare a sistemelor tehnice de iluminat, ALMA LUX LIGHTING recomand s se realizeze iniial proiecte luminotehnice de evaluare a necesarului de surse artificiale numai dup determinarea cu exactitate a contribuiei, variaiilor, sensului i intensitii disponibilului de lumin natural. Valoarea nivelului de iluminare este maxim în cazul sarcinilor vizuale foarte exacte, unde se cer performane mari. Nivelul descrete treptat, pân la cele mai mici valori, în cazul zonelor destinate circulaiei i depozitrii mrfurilor.
The lighting fixtures and systems, manufactured by ALMA LUX LIGHTING, functional solutions, accessible and economic regarding energy saving, are recognized on the market as high quality products on a fare price. The commercial lighting range includes luminaires, spot lights with fluorescent lamps and modular systems flush mounted or embedded into ceilings (modular or false), with electronic ballast or autonomy inverter, with different optics for direct or indirect distribution of light, ample or discreet, for optimal conditions and maximum visual comfort. These lighting fixtures are suitable to be used in commercial centers, showrooms, shops, hotels, restaurants, office buildings, medical units, data and command centers, education units, theaters, gyms, beauty salons and Spa etc.
For a more efficient energetic management, no matter what destination the lighting systems have, ALMA LUX LIGHTING recommends, firstly, a lighting project to evaluate the need of artificial lighting sources, after the exact quantification of natural light’s contribution, direction and intensity. The value of the lighting level is maximum in case of high visual capacities, where precise performances are requested. This level decreases gradual, to the minimum, in traffic areas and storage units.
ALMA LUX LIGHTING funcioneaz cu o echip de profesioniti care îneleg relevana aciunilor în domeniu, a politicilor derulate pentru binele public, a utilitii i semnificaiei unui iluminat corect. Acetia aduc un aport semnificativ în relaia dintre calitatea iluminatului i avantajele de ordin economic, ambiental i spiritual.
Designerii sunt cei care concep i re-evalueaz formele, modeleaz fiecare unitate prin stilizri simplificate sau suplimenteaz artificiile estetice, pân în zona ornamental. Creaia designer-ilor i tehnica specialitilor se regsesc transpuse în manier raional i expresiv, la peste 300 de produse finite disponibile la ALMA LUX LIGHTING.
ALMA LUX LIGHTING works with a proffesional team that understands the relevance of its actions in the field, the public safety policies and the meaning and utility of a correct lighting. They bring a major contribution in the relationship between lighting quality and economic, ambiental and spiritual advantages.
Designers are the ones that create and re-evaluate shapes, adapt every unit thorugh simplified stylizations or increase esthetics for the ornamental space. The creation and the work of our technical personnel are found, in a rational and expresive manner, in more than 300 products availble at ALMA LUX LIGHTING.
• University of Agronomy, Bucharest;
• Millenium Bank Headquarters, Bucharest;
• Business Center Forum, Bucharest;
• Tetarom Park Office Building, Cluj Napoca;
• Cavatorta Administrative Building, Giurgiu;
• Carson Administrative Building, Giurgiu;
• Bucharest Municipal Hospital;
• CFR2 Hospital, Bucharest;
• Curtici Industrial Park, Arad;
• General Parma Food, Bucharest;
• Staff Collection Stores, Bucharest;
• Staer Showroom, Bucharest etc.
REFERINE REFERENCES ALMA LUX LIGHTING înelege perfect ce însemn respectarea unei promisiuni i acord o deosebit importan avantajelor furnizate pieei, prin intermediul produselor i serviciilor. Pentru acest fapt numrul proiectelor care poart amprenta companiei este impresionant. Dintre cele mai importante enumerm:
ALMA LUX LIGHTING perfectly understands what means to keep a promise and therefore gives a great importance to the advantages provided to the market through its products and services. Therefore, the number of projects signed all over by our company is impressive. The most important are:
DISTRIBUIA DISTRIBUTION Coerena i integritatea funcional a societii este apreciat de un portofoliu bogat de clieni naionali (distribuitori, importatori, retaileri, arhiteci, designeri etc.), cât i internaionali, provenii din Albania, Belgia, Bulgaria, Cambogia, Frana, Grecia, Italia, Kosovo, Republica Moldova, Serbia [i Ungaria.
Our company’s coherence and integrity is appreciated by a great portofolio of national clients (distributors, importers, retailers, architects, designers etc.) and international clients from Albania, Belgium, Bulgary, Cambogia, France, Greece, Italy, Kosovo, Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Hungary.
PROTECIA MEDIULUI Energia electric este cea mai important form de energie disponibil pentru civilizaia modern, disponibilitatea ei fiind vital pentru susinerea structurilor economice. Totodat, energia electric este unul dintre cei mai importani factori ce prejudiciaz mediul prin diverse fenomene: creterea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de ser, poluarea mediului cu hidrocarburi, stocarea pe termen lung a deeurilor miniere i nucleare, despduriri în ritm alert etc. Sectorul energetic contribuie la emisia în atmosfer a unor cantiti însemnate de dioxid de sulf (SO2), monoxid de carbon (CO), dioxid de carbon (CO2), oxizi de azot (NOx), particule fine, precum i la deversarea de ape reziduale.
Pentru reducerea impactului sectorului energetic asupra mediului, România implementeaz normele reglementate de Uniunea European, referitoare la: lucrri de reabilitare i modernizare, ecologizarea haldelor de zgur i cenu, monitorizarea continu a calitii mediului în zona marilor obiective energetice, reabilitarea solurilor poluate i reintroducerea acestora în circuitul agricol, reducerea emisiilor de poluani la rafinrii i minimizarea pierderilor, refacerea ecologic a unor zone petrolifere prin reducerea riscului în operare, în scopul limitrii emisiilor de dioxid de sulf, oxizi de azot i pulberi.
Obiectivele principale de mediu, regsite în politica de energie, se refer la minimizarea impactului de mediu i dezvoltarea unui sistem energetic durabil. Minimizarea impactului de mediu are trei direcii principale de aciune: înlocuirea energiilor poluante cu altele mai puin poluante, introducerea tehnologiilor de reducere a emisiilor de gaze i creterea eficienei energetice.
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION The electrical energy is the most important form of energy available for the modern civilization, it’s availability being vital for sustaining economic structures. Electrical energy is also one of the most important factors that injures the environment through variate phenomenons like: increase of greenhouse effect due to the toxic gas emissions, pollution of the environment with hydrocarbons, long term conservation of nuclear and mine residues, rapid deforestation etc. The energetic industry contributes to gas emissions in atmosphere with important quantities of: sulfur dioxide (SO2), white damp (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitric oxide (NOx), dust and residual waters.
In order to reduce the impact of the energetic industry on the environment, Romania introduced UE regulations regarding to: rehabilitation and modernization works, ecologic sinter dumps, continuously watching over the environment’s quality near big energetic objectives, the rehabilitation of polluted soils and reintroducing them into agrarian circuit, reducing polluting emissions in refineries and decreasing losses, ecologic recovery of oil lands by reducing the risk in operations, in order to limit sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide and dust.
The main environmental objectives, found in our energy policy, refer to reducing the impact on the environment and the development of a stable energetic system. The decrease of the environment impact has three main action trends: the replacement of polluting energies with less polluting ones, introduction of new technologies to decrease gas emission and finally increasing energetic efficiency.
• optimizarea termic a cldirilor; • optimizarea energetic a proceselor de producie; • optimizarea reelelor de termoficare; • optimizarea consumului casnic de energie; • optimizarea transportului.
ECONOMISIREA ENERGIEI Perioada prezent i viitoare se caracterizeaz printr-o tendin puternic de eficientizare a consumului de energie, atât la productori, cât i la consumatori. Aceast` tendin are ca rezultat o diminuare a impactului sectorului energetic asupra mediului. Principalele direcii pentru creterea eficienei energetice sunt:
ENERGY SAVING The present and future period is characterized by a powerful trend for energy saving both to producers and consumers. This trend has as a result, a decrease of the energetic field’s impact over the environment. The main trends for energy saving are:
Conform prevederilor Politicii energetice a României, msurile specifice care vor fi adoptate pentru protecia mediului în domeniul energetic sunt urmtoarele:
According to Romanian Energetic Policy regulations, the specific measures that will be adopted for the environment protection in the energetic field are:
• realizarea investiiilor corespunztoare proteciei mediului; • internalizarea treptat a costurilor de mediu în preul energiei; • intensificarea utilizrii mecanismelor flexibile prevzute în Protocolul de la Kyoto i de Directiva 2003/87/CE privind comercializarea permiselor de emisii de CO2; • promovarea tehnologiilor curate i în special a pilelor de combustie, precum i utilizarea hidrogenului ca vector energetic.
• thermal optimization of the buildings; • energetic optimization of production processes; • optimization of heating installations; • optimization of the household energy consumption; • transport optimization.
• achieving investments for the environment’s protection; • gradual introduction of enviromental costs into energy’s price; • intensified use of the flexible mechanism that comply with Kyoto Protocol and 2003/87/CE Directive regarding the sell of CO2 emission licence; • promoting clean technologies and especially ignition elements, as well as the use of hydrogen as an energetic vector.
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Simbolul indic` faptul c` este interzis` depozitarea la co[urile de gunoi.
The symbol indicates that the disposal in garbage bins is prohibited.
Indicele IP indic gradul de protecie al aparatului împotriva ptrunderii elementelor solide (prima cifr) i lichide (a doua cifr). Ordinea se stabilete în sensul creterii eficacitii. Exist 7 trepte de protecie împotriva corpurilor solide (de la 0, adic fr protecie -> pân la 6, protecie integral) i 9 trepte de protecie împotriva lichidelor (de la 0, adic fr protecie -> pân la 8, protejat împotriva imersiunii sub presiune).
IP index indicates the protection degree of the equipment against the penetration of solids (first number) and liquids (second figure). The order increases directly proportional with efficiency increase. There are 7 levels of protection against solids (from 0, without protection -> to 6, total protection) and 9 protection levels against liquids (from 0, without protection -> to 8, total protection against immersion under pressure).
Acest simbol arat c productorul sau importatorul garanteaz conformitatea aparatelor cu normele în vigoare din Comunitatea European i satisface cerinele administrative pentru vânzarea i deplasa- rea liber a produselor pe teritoriul european.
This symbol indicates that the manufacturer or importer provides the compliance of the equipments with CE regulations and satisfies the administrative requests regarding the sell and free circulation of the products on the european teritory.
Clasa de izolaie CLASS I este destinat seriei de produse izolate electric i prevazute cu protec]ie prin \mp`mântare.
Insulation CLASS I is suitable for the series of electric insulated products, provided with protection by grounding.
Simbolul indic` faptul c` aparatul este dotat cu reactor electronic A2 pentru o economie a energiei de aproximativ 20% (15W pe or`, pe lamp`).
This symbol indicates that the equipment is provided with electronic reactor A2 for energy saving of approximately 20% (15W per hour, per lamp).
Clasa de izolaie CLASS II este destinat seriei de produse prev`zute cu protec]ie \mpotriva ocurilor electrice, printr-o izola]ie adi]ional`, f`r` a depinde de izola]ia principal` i f`r` a fi necesar` protec]ia prin \mp`mântare.
Insulation CLASS II is dedicated for the series of products provided with protection against electric shock, reinforced with a double insulation, without relaying on basic insulation and grounding.
Acest simbol denumit „dubl izolaie“, indic faptul c niciun element, conductor al curentului electric, nu este accesibil fr utilizarea uneltelor i echipamentelor speciale de protecie. Aceste aparate sunt lipsite de conductorul neutru.
This symbol, also known as "double insulation", indicates the fact that no element, electricity conductive, is not accesible without the use of special tools and protection equipments. These equipments do not contain neutral conductive.
Indicele IK semnaleaz gradul de protecie al aparatului împotriva ocurilor mecanice. Acest indice comport 11 nivele, pornind de la 0, adic fr protecie, pân la 10, care rezist la o energie de oc de 20 joule (echivalentul unei mase de 5 kg, ce cade de la o înlime de 40 cm).
IK index indicates the level of shock resistance of the equipment. It has 11 levels starting from 0, without protection, to 10, that has a shock resistance of 20J (correspondent to a 5 Kg mass that falls from a height of 40 cm).
Simbolul indic` faptul c` aparatul poate fi montat direct pe suprafe]e normal inflamabile.
This symbol indicates that the equipment can be mounted directly on normal inflammable surfaces.
Simbolul indic` faptul c` aparatul este dotat cu receptor cablat cu balast electronic dimabil.
This symbol indicates that the equipment is provided with receiver wired with electronic ballast dimmable
Indic` gradul de protec]ie al aparatului împotriva ptrunderii elementelor solide mai mari de 12 mm i nu prezint protecie la ptrunderea lichidelor.
Indicates the protection degree of the equipment against the penetration of solid objects bigger than 12 mm and has no protection against penetration of liquids.
Indic` gradul de protec]ie al aparatului împotriva ptrunderii elementelor solide mai mari de 1 mm i nu prezint protecie la ptrunderea lichidelor.
Indicates the protection degree of the equipment against the penetration of solid objects bigger than 1 mm and has no protection against penetration of liquids.
Simbolul indic` faptul c` aparatul rezist` la test`ri cu fir incandescent.
This symbol indicates that the equipment resists the test of incandescent wire.
Indic` gradul de protec]ie al aparatului împotriva ptrunderii elementelor solide mai mari de 1 mm i la pulverizarea elementelor lichide.
Indicates the protection degree of the equipment against the penetration of solid objects bigger than 1 mm and protection against spraying liquid elements.
Indic` un grad ridicat de protec]ie al aparatului împotriva ptrunderii elementelor solide (praf) i un nivel ridicat de protec]ie la aciunea direct` a jeturilor lichide.
Indicates the protection degree of the equipment against the penetration of solid objects (dust) and a high level of protection against the direct action of water jets.
Indic` gradul de protec]ie total` al aparatului împotriva ptrunderii elementelor solide (praf) i un nivel ridicat de protec]ie la aciunea jeturilor directe de ap`.
Indicates the total degree of protection of the equipment against solids (dust) penetration and high protection against water jets direct action.
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BLUE ........ 125
YELLOW ........ 77 RED ........ 81
COPPER ........ 107 IVOIRE ........ 111
BLACK ........ 91 COBALT ........ 99
Corpurile din seria White sunt special proiectate i fabricate astfel încât prin distribuia coerent i uniform a fluxului luminos s redea un iluminat de tip direct, un nivel optim de lumin i un confort vizual maxim, asigurându-se cele mai bune condiii din punct de vedere al funcionalitii, sntii i siguranei colective. Iluminatul direct se caracterizeaz prin proporia mare de flux luminos dirijat în emisfera inferioar i o proporie mic de flux emis în emisfera superioar. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficient` din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece fluxul luminos este orientat cu preponderen]` \n direc]ia planului util.
Fabricarea integral din tabl de oel, construcia de tip modular, echivalena dimensiunii laturilor (596 x 596 mm), ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreinere i detaare, iar fixarea prin procedeul de încastrare diminueaz timpul de montaj, reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) i costul total de exploatare.
În funcie de tipologia plafoanelor, corpurile de iluminat din seria White sunt disponibile \n trei versiuni: • White Sight, pentru plafoane din panouri modulare i structur` portant` la vedere, de 24 mm; • White Board, pentru orice tip de plafoane false, cu excep- ]ia celor cu structuri la vedere sau ascunse; • White Hide, pentru plafoane din panouri modulare i structur` ascuns`.
Avantaje: • creterea eficien]ei energetice, prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice; • m`rirea rezistenei la radia]ii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester; • prelungirea perioadei de exploatare, prin dotarea cu tuburi liniare fluorescente de tip T8; • facilitarea instal`rii, prin dotarea cu conector rapid cu montaj lateral; • versatilitatea gamei, prin folosirea diverselor sisteme optice: lamelar, dublu-parabolic dark-light, metacrilat multilenticular sau opal.
The White Series lighting fixtures are specially designed and manufactured to provide a coherent and uniform light distribution, to generate a direct lighting, an optimum light flood and highest visual comfort, ensuring the best conditions regarding the functionality, health and collective safety. The direct lighting type of these systems is characterized by a large proportion of the light flood aiming to the lower hemisphere and a small proportion of the light flood to the upper hemisphere, therefore assuring a maximum visual comfort. This type of lighting is the most energy efficient because the light flood is aiming mostly into the action plan.
Manufactured entirely from steel sheets, the modular struc- ture with the equivalence of side dimensions (596 x 596 mm) provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the assembling through embedding, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.
According to the type of the false ceilings, the White Series luminaires are available in three versions: • White Sight, suitable for modular false ceilings with 24 mm sight supporting structure; • White Board, suitable for any kind of false ceiling, excluding sight and hidden supporting structure; • White Hide, suitable for modular false ceilings and hidden supporting structure.
Advantages: • increasing the energy-saving, by using electronic ballasts; • increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders; • increasing lifespan of the luminaires, by using T8 tubular fluorescent lamps; • easy installation using the fast connector from the lateral part; • versatility of the series, by using various louvers: lamellar, double parabolic dark-light, multilenticular or opal meta- crylate.
Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical Specifications Prin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic i unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de via` a surselor se atinge i datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor). Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21. Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatic: culoare alb`. Zone de utilizare: centre comerciale, magazine, show- room-uri, hipermarket-uri, spaii deschise de lucru colectiv, zone de call center, holuri i încperi de trecere/ateptare în edificii publice, medii care necesit` un iluminat confortabil.
By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The lifespan of the lamps has been increased for 3 times due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21. Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: white. Applications: commercial centers, shops, showrooms, hypermarket, open areas, call center areas, corridors and passage ways, waiting rooms in public buildings, rooms where a comfortable lighting is needed.
Seria White Sight integreaz corpuri de iluminat cu montaj \ncastrat \n panouri modulare cu structura portant` la vedere, de 24 mm. Acestea sunt recomandate spa]iilor deschise, birourilor i zonelor administrative. Sistemele optice diverse (lamelar, dublu-parabolic dark-light, metacrilat multilenticular sau opal) confer` o mare versatilitate seriei White Sight.
The White Sight Series include luminaires embedded into modular false ceilings with 24 mm open sight supporting structure. These are suitable for open areas, administrative and offices areas. The various louvers (lamellar, double parabolic dark-light, multilenticular or opal metacrylate) confer versatility to the White Sight Series.
Surse i Sisteme Optice Sisteme optice cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare T8. LA - Aluminiu lucios cu lamele striate; LB - Aluminiu alb cu lamele lise; DKE - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°; DKE1 - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°; LT - Metacrilat multilenticular cu ram` din aluminiu; LTO - Metacrilat opal cu ram` din aluminiu.
Light Sources and Louvers Direct light systems that use T8 linear fluorescent lamps. LA - Specular aluminium with striped transverse blades; LB - White aluminium with transverse blades; DKE - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium; DKE1 - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium; LT - Multilenticular metacrylate with aluminium perimetral frame; LTO - Opal metarylate with aluminium perimetral frame.
G13 – 18W, 36W
Electromagnetic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
10000 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.5 10001 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.5 10002 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.5 10003 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.5 10004 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.5 10005 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.5
10012 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.9 10013 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.9 10014 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.9 10015 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.9 10016 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.9 10017 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x592x92 3.9
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
10006 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 292x592x92 3.1 10007 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 292x592x92 3.1 10008 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 292x592x92 3.1 10009 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 292x592x92 3.1 10010 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 292x592x92 3.1 10011 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 292x592x92 3.1
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
10018 2x18W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 292x592x92 3.1 10019 2x18W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 292x592x92 3.1 10020 2x18W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 292x592x92 3.1 10021 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 292x592x92 3.1 10022 2x18W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 292x592x92 3.1 10023 2x18W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 292x592x92 3.1
Electromagnetic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
10024 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5 10025 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5 10026 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5 10027 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5 10028 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5 10029 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5
10036 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9 10037 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9 10038 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9 10039 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9 10040 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9 10041 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
10030 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6 10031 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6 10032 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6 10033 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6 10034 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6 10035 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
10042 2x36W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6 10043 2x36W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6 10044 2x36W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6 10045 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6 10046 2x36W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6 10047 2x36W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6
Electromagnetic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
10048 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.5 10049 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.5 10050 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.5 10051 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.5 10052 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.5 10053 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.5
10060 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.9 10061 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.9 10062 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.9 10063 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.9 10064 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.9 10065 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 592x592x82 5.9
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
10054 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 592x592x82 4.6 10055 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 592x592x82 4.6 10056 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 592x592x82 4.6 10057 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 592x592x82 4.6 10058 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 592x592x82 4.6 10059 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 592x592x82 4.6
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
10066 4x18W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 592x592x82 4.6 10067 4x18W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 592x592x82 4.6 10068 4x18W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 592x592x82 4.6 10069 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 592x592x82 4.6 10070 4x18W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 592x592x82 4.6 10071 4x18W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 592x592x82 4.6
Seria White Board integreaz corpuri de iluminat cu montaj \ncastrat \n aproape orice tip de plafon suspendat, cu excepia panourilor modulare cu structura la vedere sau ascuns`. Acestea sunt recomandate \n spa]iile care necesit` un iluminat confortabil, precum birourile i spa]iile deschise. Sistemele optice diverse (lamelar, dublu-parabolic dark- light, metacrilat multilenticular sau opal) confer` o mare versatilitate seriei White Board.
The White Board Series include embedded luminaires in any type of false ceiling, excluding modular panels with open sight or hidden supporting structure. These luminaires are suitable for comfortable lighting areas like offices and open areas. The various louvers (lamellar, double parabolic dark- light, multi lenticular or opal metacrylate) provide versatility to the White Board Series.
Surse i Sisteme Optice Sisteme optice cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluores- cente liniare T8. LA - Aluminiu lucios cu lamele striate; LB - Aluminiu alb cu lamele lise; DKE - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°; DKE1 - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°; LT - Metacrilat multilenticular cu ram` din aluminiu; LTO - Metacrilat opal cu ram` din aluminiu.
Light Sources and Louvers Direct light systems that use T8 linear fluorescent lamps. LA - Specular aluminium with striped transverse blades; LB - White aluminium with transverse blades; DKE - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium; DKE1 - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium; LT - Multilenticular metacrylate with aluminium perimetral frame; LTO - Multilenticular metacrylate with aluminium perimetral frame.
G13 – 18W, 36W
Electromagnetic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
11000 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 3.7 11001 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 3.7 11002 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 3.7 11003 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 3.7 11004 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 3.7 11005 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 3.7
11012 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 4.1 11013 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 4.1 11014 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 4.1 11015 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 4.1 11016 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 4.1 11017 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x685x92 4.1
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
11006 2x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 325x685x92 3.2 11007 2x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 325x685x92 3.2 11008 2x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 325x685x92 3.2 11009 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 325x685x92 3.2 11010 2x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 325x685x92 3.2 11011 2x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 325x685x92 3.2
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
11018 2x18W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 325x685x92 3.2 11019 2x18W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 325x685x92 3.2 11020 2x18W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 325x685x92 3.2 11021 2x18W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 325x685x92 3.2 11022 2x18W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 325x685x92 3.2 11023 2x18W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 325x685x92 3.2
MODUL 300x600
28 29
Electromagnetic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
10024 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5 10025 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5 10026 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5 10027 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5 10028 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5 10029 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.5
10036 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9 10037 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9 10038 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9 10039 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9 10040 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9 10041 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.9
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
10030 2x36W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6 10031 2x36W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6 10032 2x36W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6 10033 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6 10034 2x36W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6 10035 2x36W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
10042 2x36W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6 10043 2x36W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6 10044 2x36W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6 10045 2x36W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6 10046 2x36W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6 10047 2x36W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6
Electromagnetic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
11048 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7 11049 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7 11050 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7 11051 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7 11052 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7 11053 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7
11060 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7.4 11061 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7.4 11062 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7.4 11063 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7.4 11064 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7.4 11065 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x92 7.4
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
11054 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 625x625x92 6.1 11055 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 625x625x92 6.1 11056 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 625x625x92 6.1 11057 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 625x625x92 6.1 11058 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 625x625x92 6.1 11059 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 625x625x92 6.1
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
11066 4x18W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 625x625x92 6.1 11067 4x18W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 625x625x92 6.1 11068 4x18W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 625x625x92 6.1 11069 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 625x625x92 6.1 11070 4x18W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 625x625x92 6.1 11071 4x18W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 625x625x92 6.1
Seria White Hide integreaz corpuri de iluminat cu montaj \ncastrat \n panouri modulare cu structura portant` ascuns`. Acestea sunt recomandate \n spa]iile ce necesit` un iluminat confortabil, precum centrele comerciale, birourile i \nc`- perile deschise. Sistemele optice diverse (lamelar, dublu- parabolic dark-light, metacrilat multilenticular sau opal) confer` o mare versatilitate seriei White Hide.
The White Hide Series include embedded luminaires in false ceiling modules with hidden supporting structure. These luminaires are suitable for areas that require an optimal, comfortable level of illumination, such as commercial centers, offices and open areas. The various louvers (lamellar, double parabolic dark-light, multilenticular or opal metacrylate) confer versatility to the White Hide Series.
Surse i Sisteme Optice Sisteme optice cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare T8. LA - Aluminiu lucios cu lamele striate; LB - Aluminiu alb cu lamele lise; DKE - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°; DKE1 - Aluminiu specular dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°; LT - Metacrilat multilenticular cu ram` din aluminiu; LTO - Metacrilat opal cu ram` din aluminiu.
Light Sources and Louvers Direct light systems that use T8 linear fluorescent lamps. LA - Specular aluminium with striped transverse blades; LB - White aluminium with transverse blades; DKE - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium; DKE1 - Double parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium; LT - Multilenticular metacrylate with aluminium perimetral frame; LTO - Multilenticular metacrylate with aluminium perimetral frame.
G13 – 18W
Electromagnetic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
12000 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6 12001 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6 12002 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6 12003 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6 12004 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6 12005 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6
12012 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6.4 12013 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6.4 12014 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6.4 12015 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6.4 12016 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6.4 12017 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x92 6.4
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
12006 4x18W G13 LA 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 5.1 12007 4x18W G13 LB 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 5.1 12008 4x18W G13 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 5.1 12009 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 5.1 12010 4x18W G13 LT 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 5.1 12011 4x18W G13 LTO 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x92 5.1
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
12018 4x18W G13 LA 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 5.1 12019 4x18W G13 LB 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 5.1 12020 4x18W G13 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 5.1 12021 4x18W G13 DKE1 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 5.1 12022 4x18W G13 LT 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 5.1 12023 4x18W G13 LTO 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x92 5.1
MODUL 600x600 4x18W
Seria Ivory, cea mai versatil serie de produse a societii ALMA LUX LIGHTING, ofer solu]ii de iluminare \n amenaj`rile interioare, capabile s redea cele mai bune condiii din punct de vedere al funcionalitii, sntii i siguranei colective. Aportul de lumin artificial atinge un nivel calitativ ridicat prin iluminare direct, deoarece proporia cea mai mare a fluxui luminos este dirijat în emisfera inferioar i o mic proporie de flux emis în emisfera superioar. Aceast` modalitate de iluminat este cea mai eficient din punct de vedere energetic, deoarece fluxul luminos este orientat cu preponderen] \n direc]ia planului util.
Fabricarea integral din tabl de oel, construcia de tip modular, echivalena dimensiunii laturilor (596 x 596 mm), ofer beneficii în materie de instalare, întreinere i detaare, iar fixarea prin încastrare, diminueaz timpul de montaj i reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) i costul total de exploatare. Corpurile de iluminat ale acestei serii se potrivesc tuturor tipurilor de plafoane suspendate, cu structur ascuns sau la vedere, gips-carton sau grile.
Ivory, the most flexible series of products manufactured by ALMA LUX LIGHTING, supplies lighting solutions for interior design, able to provide the best conditions regarding the efficiency, health and collective safety. Artificial light level reaches a high quality through direct lighting, because the highest part of the lighting beam is aiming to the lower hemisphere and only a little part to the upper hemisphere. This type of lighting is the most efficient due to the lighting beam aiming towards the effective plan.
Manufactured entirely from steel sheets, the modular struc- ture with the equivalence of side dimensions (596 x 596 mm) provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the assembling through embedding, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost. These luminaires are suitable for any type of false ceiling with sight or hidden supporting structure, gypsum boards or grills.
Avantaje: • cre[terea eficien]ei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice; • reducerea consumului i cre[terea nivelului calitativ al luminii prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare de tip T5; • m`rirea rezistenei la radiaii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester; • prelungirea perioadei de exploatare; • performane ridicate garantate de sistemul optic parabolic tri-dimensional din aluminiu anodizat anti-iridescent.
Advantages: • increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts; • reducing consumption and increasing the quality of the light by using T5 linear fluorescent lamps; • increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders; • increasing the lifespan of the product; • higher performances guaranteed by the tri-dimensional louver, made of anti-iridescent aluminium.
Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical Specifications Prin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic i unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de via` a surselor se atinge i datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor). Performan]ele superioare ale l`mpilor T5 conduc la o durat` de via` mai mare, un consum mai mic i un iluminat superior calitativ, datorit` fluxului luminos mai mare ca cel al l`mpilor T8. Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21. Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatic: culoare alb`. Zone de utilizare: spa]ii cu destina]ie comercial`, zone de acces i tranzit cu trafic intens, edificii publice, centre de conferine.
By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The lifespan of the lamps has been increased for 3 times due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). The high performances of T5 lamps result in a longer lifespan, lower energy consumption and a higher quality lighting due to the higher light flood that T8 lamps. Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21. Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: white. Applications: commercial, access and transit rooms, conference centers.
Surse i Sisteme Optice Sistem optic cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare T5; Fabricat din aluminiu anodizat de calitate 99,9%, pentru control total \n plan longitudinal i vertical; Luminan]a este mai mic` de 200 cd/m2 sub un unghi de 60°; Performan]a sistemului optic este de 72%.
Light Sources and Louvers Direct light system with T5 linear fluorescent sources; Made of 99.9% quality aluminium for total control in both plans, transversal and longitudinal; Luminace is less than 200 cd/m2 under a 60° angle; The optical performance of this louver is 72%.
G5 – 14W, 28W
13004 2x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 296x596x55 3.2 13005 2x28W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 296x1196x55 4.4 13006 3x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x55 4.7 13007 4x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x55 4.9
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
13000 2x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 296x596x55 2.8 13001 2x28W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 296x1196x55 4 13002 3x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x55 4.3 13003 4x14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x55 4.5
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
13008 2x14W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 296x596x55 2.8 13009 2x28W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 296x1196x55 4 13010 3x14W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x55 4.3 13011 4x14W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x55 4.5
Exigen]ele sistemelor de iluminat impuse la amenajarea cldirilor cu destinaie medical (spitale, clinici, centre de asiten medical i reparatorie) sunt complet soluionate de corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Ivory Night. Fabricarea integral din tabl de oel, construcia de tip modular, echivalena dimensiunii laturilor (596 x 596 mm), ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreinere i detaare, iar fixarea prin încastrare diminueaz timpul de montaj i reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) i costul total de exploatare. Corpurile de iluminat ale acestei serii se potrivesc tuturor tipurilor de plafoane suspendate, cu structura ascuns` sau la vedere, gips-carton sau grile.
Avantaje: • cre[terea eficienei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice; • reducerea consumului i cre[terea nivelului calitativ al luminii prin dotarea cu tuburi fluorescente liniare de tip T5; • m`rirea rezistenei la radiaii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester; • prelungirea perioadei de exploatare; • performane ridicate garantate de sistemul optic parabolic tri-dimensional din aluminiu anodizat anti-iridescent.
The demandigs of medical areas (hospitals, clinics, ambulance centers) regarding artificial lighting systems are totally solved by the Ivory Night luminaires.
Manufactured entirely from steel sheets, the modular struc- ture with the equivalence of side dimensions (596 x 596 mm) provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the assembling through embedding, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost. These luminaires are suitable for any kind of false ceiling, with open sight or hidden supporting structure, gypsum board or grills.
Avantages: • increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts; • reducing consumption and increasing the quality of the light by using T5 linear fluorescent lamps; • increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders; • increasing the lifespan of the product; • higher performances guaranteed by the tri-dimensional louver, made of anti-iridescent aluminium.
Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical Specifications Prin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic i unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de via` a surselor se atinge i datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor). Performanele superioare ale l`mpilor T5 conduc la o durat` de via` mai mare, un consum mai mic i un iluminat superior calitativ datorit` fluxului luminos mai mare decat al l`mpilor T8. Cea de-a cincea lamp` dispune de un dispersor din policarbonat albastru, pentru asigurarea nivelului minim de iluminat nocturn pentru spitale. Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21. Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatic: culoare alb`. Zone de utilizare: unitai medicale, clinici private, spitale, centre de asisten` medical`, recuperare i tratament.
By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The lifespan of the lamps has been increased for 3 times due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). The high performances of T5 lamps result in a longer lifespan, lower energy consumption and a higher quality lighting due to the higher light flood than T8 lamps. The fifth lamp has a blue polycarbonate dispenser for a minimum night lighting in hospitals.
Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21. Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp.
Colours: white.
G5 – 14W
14001 4x14W+14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x55 4.4
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
14000 4x14W+14W G5 DKL16 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x55 4
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ 14002 4x14W+14W G5 DKL16 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x55 4
Surse i Sisteme Optice Sistem optic cu iluminat direct ce utilizeaz` surse fluores- cente liniare T5; Fabricat din aluminiu anodizat de calitate 99,9%, pentru control total \n plan longitudinal i vertical; Luminan]a este mai mic` de 200 cd/m2 sub un unghi de 60°; Performan]a sistemului optic este de 72%; Dispersor din policarbonat albastru pentru cea de-a cincea lamp`.
Light Sources and Louvers Direct light system with T5 linear fluorescent sources; Made of 99.9% quality aluminium for total control in both plans, transversal and longitudinal; Luminace is less than 200 cd/m2 under a 60° angle; The optical performance of this louver is 72%; Blue polycarbonate dispenser for the fifth lamp.
Corpurile de iluminat din cadrul seriei Grey sunt proiectate special, astfel \ncât prin funcionare la parametri normali se obine o distribu]ie uniform`, coerent` i larg` a fluxului luminos, caracteristic` iluminatului de tip indirect, mixt i direct (protec]ie din folie de plastic opal). Lipsa suprafeei de luminan mare a corpurilor de iluminat din câmpul vizual al utilizatorului conduce la diminuarea la minim a disconfortului, ceea ce presupune realizarea unui mediu luminos optim. Aceste sisteme de iluminat corespund cerinelor actuale, impuse amenajrilor de interior, atât din punct de vedere funcional, economic, cât i estetic. Pentru evitarea supradimensionrii sau subdimensionrii iluminrii artificiale, se recomand` o dimensionare corect a sistemelor de iluminat, în funcie de destinaia încperii i activitatea desfurat.
Fabricarea integral din tabl de oel vopsit`, construcia de tip modular, echivalena dimensiunii laturilor (596 x 596 mm), ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreinere i detaare, iar fixarea prin încastrare, diminueaz timpul de montaj i reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) i costul total de exploatare. Corpurile de iluminat ale acestei serii se potrivesc plafoanelor din carton-gips, plafoanelor suspendate de tip modular (grosimi 10-40 mm) cu structura portant` la vedere sau ascuns`.
The Grey Series luminaires are specially designed to function at normal parameters, to provide a coherent, uniform light distribution, as a feature of indirect, mixed and direct lighting (opal plastic protection). The lack of a high luminance surface of the luminaires from the user's visual field leads to a minimum visual discomfort and an optimum lighting. These lighting fixtures meet the requirements, imposed nowadays to interior arrangements in terms of economic, functional and esthetic design. To avoid over or under-sizing of artificial lighting, it is recommended to dimension correctly the lighting systems, according to the activities and use of the space.
Manufactured entirely from steel sheets, the modular struc- ture with the equivalence of side dimensions (596 x 596 mm) provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the assembling through embedding, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost. This luminaires are suitable for gypsum board false ceilings and for modular false ceilings (thickness 10-40 mm), with open sight or hidden supporting structure.
Avantaje: • cre[terea eficienei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice; • m`rirea rezistenei la radia]ii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester; • facilitarea montajului \n panouri modulare (grosime \ntre 10-40 mm) prin dotarea cu sistem special de fixare; • alegerea stilului de iluminat: direct (datorit` protec]iilor din folie de plastic opal), indirect i mixt, \n func]ie de necesit`]i.
Advantages: • increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts; • increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders; • easy installation in modular panels (thickness 10-40 mm) using a special fixing system; • flexible choice of lighting: direct (opal plastic protection), indirect and mixed, according to the necessities.
Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical Specifications Prin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic [i unul electonic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de funcionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de via` a surselor se atinge i datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor). Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21. Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatic: culoare alb`. Zone de utilizare: spaii deschise de lucru, birouri, \nc`peri comune, holuri, s`li cu activitate intelectual sau destinate odihnei, divertismentului, încperi deosebite din punct de vedere arhitectural (cldiri monument de arhitectur, muzee, hoteluri de lux etc.), zone care necesit` un iluminat de tip difuz, caracterizat printr-o concentra]ie redus` de energie \n regiunea central` a spectrului, cu un contrast confortabil \ntre lumin` i umbr`.
By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The lifespan of the lamps has been increased for 3 times due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21. Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: white. Applications: open working areas, offices, commonplaces, halls, entertainment rooms, architectural buildings (museums, hotels etc.), rooms that require a diffuse lighting with a small concentration of the energy in the center of the lighting spectrum and a comfortable contrast between lights and shadows.
2G11 – 36W, 55W
15000 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x145 10
15003 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 10.4 15004 2x55W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 9.4
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
15001 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 9.1 15002 2x55W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 9.1
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
15005 2x36W 2G11 - 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x145 9.1 15006 2x55W 2G11 - 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x145 9.1
Surse i Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct-indirect utilizeaz` surse fluorescente compacte (2x36W, 2x55W – TC-L); Sistemul optic este dispus lateral i este fabricat din tabl` de o]el vopsit` cu pulberi epoxy-poliester cu protecie UV.
Light Sources and Louvers The direct-indirect light system uses compact fluorescent sources (2x36W, 2x55W – TC-L); The lateral louver is made of UV-stablished epoxy-polyester steel-sheet.
T5 – 14W, 24W
2G11 – 36W, 55W
16000 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 596x596x145 10
16006 2x24W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x90 7.4 16007 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 10.4 16008 2x55W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 9.4
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
16002 2x24W G5 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x90 7 16003 2x36W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 9.1 16004 2x55W 2G11 - 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 9.1
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
16010 2x24W G5 - 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x90 7 16011 2x36W 2G11 - 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x145 9.1 16012 2x55W 2G11 - 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x145 9.1
Surse i Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct-indirect utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (14W, 24W - T5), precum i fluorescente compacte (2x36, 2x55W – TC-L); Sistemul optic este dispus lateral i este fabricat din tabl` de o]el vopsit` cu pulberi epoxy-poliester cu protecie UV.
Light Sources and Louvers The direct-indirect light system uses both linear (14W, 24W - T5) and compact fluorescent sources (2x36, 2x55W – TC-L); The lateral louver is made of UV-stablished epoxy-polyester steel-sheet.
G5 – 14W, 24W
2G11 – 55W
46 47
17003 1x55W 2G11 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 10.9 17005 2x24W G5 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x90 7.4
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
17000 1x55W 2G11 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x145 10.5 17002 2x24W G5 DKE 20 ELECTRONIC 596x596x90 7
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
17006 1x55W 2G11 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x145 10.5 17007 2x24W G5 DKE 20 DIMMABLE 596x596x90 7
Surse i Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct-indirect utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (14W, 24W - T5), precum i fluorescente compacte (55W – TC-L); Sistemul optic este dispus lateral i este fabricat din tabl` de o]el vopsit` cu pulberi epoxy-poliester cu protecie UV i dispersor dublu-parabolic dark-light 60°.
Light Sources and Louvers The direct-indirect light system uses both linear (14W, 24W - T5) and compact fluorescent sources (55W – TC-L); The lateral louver is made of UV-stablished epoxy- polyester steel-sheet and double-parabolic dark-light 60° specular aluminium.
Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Brown, proiectate i fabricate special pentru a corespunde iluminatului direct asimetric, se caracterizeaz prin realizarea unor niveluri de iluminare diferite, pe zone în care se desfoar activiti diverse. Aceste surse de iluminare artificial` asigur` un nivel ridicat de confort vizual prin dirijarea ctre emisfera superioar` a fluxului luminos i obinerea reflexiei acestuia pe planul util. Lipsa suprafeei de luminan mare a corpurilor de iluminat din câmpul vizual al utilizatorului conduce la diminuarea la minim a disconfortului optic.
Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Brown, potrivite tuturor tipurilor de plafoane suspendate (cu structur` ascuns` sau la vedere, gips-carton, grile), ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreinere i detaare, deoarece montajul prin încastrare, diminueaz timpul de instalare i reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) i costul total de exploatare.
The Brown Series luminaires are specially designed and manufactured to match direct asymetric lighting and are characterized by the realization of different levels of illumination, in areas for various activities. The artificial light sources provide a high level of visual comfort, through leading to the upper hemisphere the light flood of light and reflecting it into effective plan. The lack of high luminance surface of the Brown Series luminaires in the visual field of the user provides a minimum visual discomfort.
The Brown luminaires, suitable for any kind of false ceilings (sight or hidden supporting structure, gypsum board, grills), offer benefits in term of installation, maintenance, removal, and the assembling through embedding decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.
Avantaje: • cre[terea eficienei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice; • m`rirea rezistenei la radiaii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester; • majorarea perioadei de exploatare, prin dotarea cu tuburi liniare fluorescente de tip T8; • modelele 18000, 1883, 18006, 18009 includ cleme de fixare reglabile i pot fi instalate f`r` supori.
Advantages: • increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts; • increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders; • increasing lifespan of the luminaires, by using T8 tubular fluorescent lamps; • the 18000, 1883, 18006, 18009 models include adjustable fixing clips and can be installed without bracket supports.
Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical Specifications Prin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic i unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de via` a surselor se atinge i datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor). Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21. Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatic: culoare alb`. Zone de utilizare: spa]ii comerciale, birouri, zone de lucru colectiv, zone de circulaie, zone de depozitare \n care se necesit` un iluminat de tip indirect i confortabil.
By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The lifespan of the lamps has been increased for 3 times due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21. Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: white. Applications: commercial areas, offices, collective working areas, corridors, storage areas, where a direct, comfortable lighting is needed.
G13 – 36W, 56W
Surse i Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct asimetric utilizeaz` surse liniare fluorescente (36W, 58W – T8); Sistemul optic este fabricat din tabl` de o]el vopsit` cu pulberi epoxy-poliester cu protecie UV.
Light Sources and Louvers The direct asymetric light system uses T8 linear fluorescent sources (36W, 58W – T8); The louver is made of UV-stablished epoxy-polyester steel- sheet.
50 51
Electromagnetic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
18000 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6 18001 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x1295x92 6 18002 1x58W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x1595x92 9
18006 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x1192x92 6.4 18007 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x1295x92 6.4 18008 1x58W G13 - 20 ELECTROMAGNETIC 325x1595x92 9.4
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
18003 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTRONIC 292x1192x92 5.6 18004 1x36W G13 - 20 ELECTRONIC 325x1295x92 5.6 18005 1x58W G13 - 20 ELECTRONIC 325x1595x92 8.3
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
18009 1x36W G13 - 20 DIMMABLE 292x1192x92 5.6 18010 1x36W G13 - 20 DIMMABLE 325x1295x92 5.6 18011 1x58W G13 - 20 DIMMABLE 325x1595x92 8.3
Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Green sunt proiectate i fabricate astfel \ncât prin gradul ridicat al indicelui de protecie împotriva ptrunderii elementelor solide i lichide (IP55), s` corespund` exigenelor impuse \n ambiente sau zone cu destinaii speciale. Iluminatul de tip direct al acestor sisteme se caracterizeaz printr-o proporie mare de flux luminos dirijat în emisfera inferioar i o proporie mic de flux emis în emisfera superioar, astfel \ncât confortul vizual este maxim \n direcia planului util, iar corpurile sunt cele mai eficiente din punct de vedere energetic.
Fabricarea integral din tabl de oel, construcia de tip modular, echivalena dimensiunii laturilor (596 x 596 mm), ofer` beneficii în materie de instalare, întreinere i detaare, iar fixarea prin procedeul de încastrare, diminueaz timpul de montaj i reduce necesarul de materiale (accesorii, unelte speciale) i costul total de exploatare.
|n funcie de tipologia plafoanelor, corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Green sunt disponibile \n urmatoarele trei versiuni: • Green Board, potrivite tuturor plafoanelor suspendate, cu excepia celor cu structura la vedere; • Green Sight, destinat plafoanelor realizate din panouri modulare cu structura la vedere, 24 mm; • Green Hide, recomandate plafoanelor realizate din panouri modulare cu structura ascuns`.
The Green Series luminaires are specially designed and manu- factured as their protection degree (IP55) against solids and liquids penetration solves all the demands of special space’s design. The direct lighting type of these systems is characterized by a large proportion of the light flood aiming to the lower hemisphere and a small proportion of the light flood to the upper hemisphere, therefore assuring a maximum visual comfort.
Manufactured entirely from steel sheets, the modular struc- ture with the equivalence of side dimensions (596 x 596 mm) provides benefits in terms of installation, maintenance and removal, and, in the same time, the assembling through embedding, decreases the installation time, reduces the necessary materials (accessories, special tools) and, therefore, the total operating cost.
Depending on the types of false ceilings, the Green Series luminaires are available in three versions: • Green Board, suitable for any kind of false ceiling, sight supporting structure excluded; • Green Sight, designed for modular false ceilings with sight supporting structure, 24 mm; • Green Hide, recommended for modular false ceilings with hidden supporting structure.
Specifica]ii Tehnice Technical Specifications Prin folosirea balasturilor electronice se asigur` o mai bun` performan]` a l`mpilor, iar diferen]a de pre] dintre un balast clasic i unul electronic se amortizeaz` \n maxim 8 luni de func]ionare. Prelungirea cu aproape 3 ori a duratei de via` a surselor se atinge i datorit` aprinderii instantanee (se elimin` efectul de flicker al starterelor). Cablare standard: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21. Versiuni disponibile: pentru orice tip de produs exist` modele cu sistem de emergen]` pentru o lamp`. Paleta cromatic: culoare alb`.
Zone de utilizare: unit`i hoteliere, restaurante, spaii din sectorul alimentaiei publice, camere de baie, centre de înfrumuseare i tratament corporal, Spa-uri, ambiente care necesit` protecie special` \mpotriva penetr`rii prafului i a apei.
By using electronic ballasts, a better performance of the lamp is ensured, and the price difference between a classic ballast and the electronic one pays off within 8 months of operation. The lifespan of the lamps has been increased for 3 times due to immediate switching on (the flickering effect is eliminated). Standard Wiring: IEC 598-1 EN 60598-1 CEI 34-21. Available versions: for any type of product there are models with emerging system for one lamp. Colours: white. Applications: hotels, restaurants, kitchens, food-service units, bathrooms, beauty saloons and body treatment, Spa centers, areas that need special protection against dust and water penetration.
Avantaje: • cre[terea eficienei energetice prin echiparea cu balasturi electronice; • m`rirea rezistenei la radiaii de tip UV, prin vopsirea tablei de o]el cu pulberi din epoxy polyester; • majorarea perioadei de exploatare, prin dotarea cu tuburi liniare fluorescente de tip T8; • diversitatea sistemelor optice cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat (metacrilat multilenticular sau opal) induce versatilitatea gamei.
Advantages: • increasing energy efficiency, by using electronic ballasts; • increasing the resistance against UV radiations, by coating the steel sheet with epoxy polyester powders; • increasing lifespan of the luminaires, by using T8 tubular fluorescent lamps; • the diversity of louvers with extruded aluminum frame (multilenticular methacrylate or opal) induces versatility to the series.
G13 – 18W, 36W
54 55
Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Green Board sunt destinate iluminrii spaiilor în care este necesar un grad de protecie IP55 i care sunt amenajate cu plafoane de tip lamelar, gril`, cu structura ascuns` sau din gips-carton. Aceste corpuri de iluminat nu sunt recomandate \n cazul plafoanelor suspendate cu structura la vedere. Diversitatea sistemelor optice cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat (metacrilat multilenticular sau opal), confer` o mare versatilitate seriei Green Board.
The Green Board Series luminaires are suitable for lighting areas that require an IP55 degree of protection and which are furnished with lamellar, grill, false ceilings with hidden supporting structure or gypsum board ceilings. These lighting fixtures are not recommended for false ceilings with open sight supporting structure. The diversity of louvers with extruded aluminum frame (multilenticular methacrylate or opal), induces versatility to the Green Board Series.
Electromagnetic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
19000 1x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 4.5 19001 1x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 4.5 19002 1x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 6.2 19003 1x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 6.2
19008 1x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 4.8 19009 1x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 4.8 19010 1x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 6.6 19011 1x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 6.6
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
19004 1x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 225x705x105 4.1 19005 1x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 225x705x105 4.1 19006 1x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 225x1315x105 4.2 19007 1x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 225x1315x105 4.2
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
19012 1x18W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 225x705x105 4.1 19013 1x18W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 225x705x105 4.1 19014 1x36W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 225x1315x105 4.2 19015 1x36W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 225x1315x105 4.2
Surse i Sisteme Optice Sistemul optic direct utilizeaz` surse fluorescente liniare (18W, 36W – T8); Sistemul optic este fabricat din metacrilat multilenticular sau opal cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat, IP55.
Light Sources and Louvers The direct light system uses T8 linear fluorescent lamps (18W, 36W – T8); The louver is made of multilenticular or opal matacrylate with extrudated aluminium frame IP55.
Electromagnetic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
19032 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x105 8.5 19033 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x105 8.5
19036 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x105 8.9 19037 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 625x625x105 8.9
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
19034 4x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 625x625x105 7.6 19035 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 625x625x105 7.6
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
19038 4x18W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 625x625x105 7.6 19039 4x18W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 625x625x105 7.6
56 57
19016 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 4.6 19017 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 4.6 19018 2x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 7.2 19019 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 7.2
19024 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 5 19025 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x705x105 5 19026 2x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 7.6 19027 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 225x1315x105 7.6
Electronic warm-start Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
19020 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 225x705x105 4.1 19021 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 225x705x105 4.1 19022 2x36W G13 LT5 55 ELECTRONIC 225x1315x105 6.2 19023 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTRONIC 225x1315x105 6.2
Dimmable 1-10V Electronic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
19028 2x18W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 225x705x105 4 19029 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 225x705x105 4 19030 2x36W G13 LT5 55 DIMMABLE 225x1315x105 6.2 19031 2x36W G13 LT5O 55 DIMMABLE 225x1315x105 6.2
G13 – 18W, 36W
58 59
Corpurile de iluminat ale seriei Green Sight sunt destinate iluminrii spaiilor în care este necesar un grad de protecie IP55 i care sunt amenajate cu plafoane din panouri modulare cu structura la vedere (24 mm). Aceste corpuri de iluminat nu sunt recomandate \n cazul plafoanelor de tip lamelar, gril`, cu structur` ascuns` sau din carton-gips. Sistemele optice cu ram` din aluminiu extrudat (metacrilat multilenticular sau opal) confer` o mare versatilitate seriei Green Sight.
The Green Sight Series luminaires are suitable for lighting areas that require an IP55 degree of protection and which are furnished with modular false ceiling and sight supporting structure (24 mm). These lighting fixtures are not recommended for lamellar, grill, false ceilings with hidden supporting structure or gypsum board ceilings. The louvers with extruded aluminum frame (multilenticular methacrylate or opal), induce versatility to the Green Sight Series.
Electromagnetic Ballast Luminaires CODE TYPE LAMP-HOLDER LOUVER IP BALLAST DIMENSIONS lxLxh ¥mmµ WEIGHT ¥kgµ
20000 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x292x105 6 20001 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x292x105 6
20008 2x18W G13 LT5 55 ELECTROMAGNETIC 292x292x105 6.4 20009 2x18W G13 LT5O 55 ELECTROMAGNETI

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