alpha connection notes nako

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Do the usual preparation, turn the phone off, etc. and sit down.By the way, you should sit in a chair that allows you to sit straight up, with your thighs parallel to the floor and your feet flat on the floor.You will take three deep breaths, the rest of the time just breath normally.

Once you are comfortable, look upwards about 15 degrees and close your eyes.Take a deep breath and, as you breath out, visualise the number 3, three times.Allow all your muscles to relax. Do a quick scan of your body starting with your scalp, face, neck, shoulders, and so on, down to your feet, letting all your muscles relax. If you need to, do this two or three times.Then, take another deep breath and, as you breathe out, visualise the number 2, three times.Visualise your self in a peaceful place of natural beauty for example, it might be by a waterfall, or in a meadow, or in a forest, or in the mountains, or on a beach. It can be a place you know or completely imaginary. See your surroundings in detail all the colours, the movement of the trees and clouds in the breeze, hear the sounds, feel the breeze on your skin and the warmth of the sun.Then take another deep breath and, as you breath out, visualise the number 1, three times.You are now in Alpha. Go deeper by counting down from 5 to1.Do your visualising in your usual way.Count yourself up from 1 to 5 telling yourself you will be fully alert and feeling better than ever. When you reach 5 open your eyes.

That's it. With practice you can get into Alpha within a couple of minutes. But, for now, don't rush it. It's not a competition!Peace and love,Edge.

1. sit comfortably.2. Take 3 deep breath3. Once comfortable look 15 degrees and close your eyes4. Relax. Do a quick scan from scalp,face,neck,shoulders and so on down to your feet letting all your muscles relax (can do this 3 times)5. Then take another deep breath and as you breath our, visualize the number 2, three times.6. Visualize that your are in a peaceful place of natural beauty. (waterfalls,beach etc) all details.7. Take another deep breath and as you breath out visualize the number 1 , three times.8. You are now in Alpha. 9. Go deeper by counting down from 5 to 1.10. Start visualizing.11. To end, count up from 1 to 5 and be fully alert. When you reach 5 open your eyes.

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