alphabetical index of the laws of botswana

Post on 12-Sep-2015






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  • Copyright Government of Botswana




    Abolition of Marital Power 29:07

    Accountants 61:05

    Acquisition of Francistown 40:05

    Acquisition of Property 32:10

    Administration of Estates 31:01

    Administrative Districts 03:02

    Adoption of Children 28:01

    Affiliation Proceedings 28:02

    African Development Bank and Fund 39:08

    Agricultural Charges 35:01

    Agricultural Management Associations 35:08

    Agricultural Resources Conservation 35:06

    Agrochemicals 35:09

    Air Botswana 74:07

    Air Botswana (Transition) 74:09

    Antenuptial Contracts 29:02

    Anthropological Research 59:02

    Appeal Tribunal (Supplementary Provisions) 26:02

    Applied Laws (Continuation) 14:05

    Apportionment of Damages 12:03

    Aquatic Weeds (Control) 34:04

    Arbitration 06:01

    Arms and Ammunition 24:01

  • Copyright Government of Botswana

    Atmospheric Pollution (Prevention) 65:03

    Auction Dues 51:03

    Authentication of Documents 14:02

    Aviation Security 71:02


    Bamangwato Land Grant 32:07

    Bamangwato Tribal Membership 41:02

    Bank of Botswana 55:01

    Banking 46:04

    Bills of Exchange 46:02

    Births and Deaths Registration 30:01

    Bogosi 41:01

    Bonemeal, Bloodmeal and Carcassmeal (Export Duty) 51:02

    Boreholes 34:02

    Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board 74:06

    Botswana Boundaries 03:01

    Botswana College of Agriculture 57:02

    Botswana College of Distance and Open Learning 57:03

    Botswana Defence Force 21:05

    Botswana Emblems 03:04

    Botswana Examinations Council 58:03

    Botswana Export Development and Investment Authority 74:08

    Botswana Health Professions 61:02

    Botswana Honours 03:06

    Botswana Housing Corporation 74:03

  • Copyright Government of Botswana

    Botswana International University of Science and Technology 57:05

    Botswana Meat Commission 74:04

    Botswana National Productivity Centre 47:05

    Botswana National Sports Council 60:01

    Botswana Postal Services 72:01

    Botswana Power Corporation 74:01

    Botswana Railways 70:01

    Botswana Savings Bank 56:03

    Botswana Stock Exchange 56:08

    Botswana Telecommunications Corporation (Transition) 72:02

    Botswana Tourism Board 42:10

    Botswana Unified Revenue Service 53:03

    Branding of Cattle 36:02

    British South Africa Company Land 32:06

    Broadcasting 72:04

    Building Control 65:02

    Building Societies 42:03


    Capital Transfer Tax 53:02

    Casino 19:01

    Cattle Export and Slaughter Levy 51:01

    Census 17:02

    Change of Name 15:02

    Chieftainship 41:01

    Children's 28:04

  • Copyright Government of Botswana

    Cinematograph 60:02

    Circumcision and Initiation Rites 20:02

    Citizenship 01:01

    Civil Aviation 71:01

    Civil Aviation Regulation (Reform) 71:03

    Civil Aviation Authority 71:04

    Civil Procedure (Actions by or against Government or Public Officers): SeeState Proceedings (Civil Actions by or against Government or Public Officers)

    Collective Investment Undertakings 56:09

    Commissions of Inquiry 05:02

    Commissioners of Oaths 05:03

    Commonwealth and Foreign Law Ascertainment 11:01

    Companies 42:01

    Compulsion of Witnesses 14:01

    Constitution of Botswana -

    Consular Conventions 39:02

    Consumer Protection 42:07

    Control of Goods, Prices and Other Charges 43:08

    Control of Livestock Industry 36:01

    Control of Maize Milling 43:05

    Control of Security Guard Services 21:07

    Control of Smoking 65:04

    Conveyance of Dead Bodies 65:01

    Co-operative Societies 42:04

    Copyright and Neighbouring Rights 68:02

    Corruption and Economic Crime 08:05

    Court of Appeal 04:01

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    Criminal Procedure and Evidence 08:02

    Cruelty to Animals 37:02

    Currency (Commemorative Coinage) 55:02

    Customary Courts 04:05

    Customary Law 16:01

    Customs and Excise Duty 50:01

    Cybercrime and Computer Related Crimes 08:06


    Debt: See Prescribed Rate of Interest

    Deeds Registry 33:02

    Deserted Wives and Children Protection 28:03

    Development Loan (Botswana Registered Bonds) 56:04

    Diamond Cutting 66:04

    Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges 39:01

    Diseases of Animals 37:01

    Dissolution of Marriages of Persons subject to Customary Law (Disposalof Property) 29:05

    Domestic Violence 28:05

    Drugs and Related Substances 63:04


    Education 58:01

    Electoral 02:09

    Electricity Supply 73:01

    Emergency Powers 22:04

    Employment 47:01

  • Copyright Government of Botswana

    Employment of Non-Citizens 47:02

    Engineers Registration 61:06

    Environmental Impact Assessment 65:07

    Essential Supplies and Services 22:05

    Evidence (Commonwealth and Foreign Acts of State and Judgments) 10:03

    Evidence (Commonwealth Statutes) 11:02

    Evidence in Civil Proceedings 10:02

    Exchange Control 55:03

    Explosives 24:02

    Export Credit Re-Insurance 42:06

    Extradition 09:03


    Factories 44:01

    Fencing 33:03

    Finance and Audit 54:01

    Fire Service 40:04

    Fish Protection 38:04

    Food Control 65:05

    Foreign Documents Evidence 14:03

    Foreign Enlistment 21:06

    Foreign Tribunals Evidence 11:03

    Forest 38:03


    Games of Chance: See Lotteries and Betting

  • Copyright Government of Botswana

    General Law (Cape Statutes) Revision 14:04

    General Loan and Stock 56:01

    Geneva Conventions 39:03

    Geneva General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 39:04

    Government Securities 56:02

    Government Security Service 21:08


    Herbage Preservation (Prevention of Fires) 38:02

    Hides and Skins Export 49:01

    High Court 04:02

    Hire Purchase 46:03

    Hypothecation 46:05


    Immigration 25:02

    Immovable Property (Removal of Restrictions) 32:08

    Importation of Bees 49:02

    Income Tax 52:01

    Industrial Development 43:01

    Industrial Property 68:03

    Inquests 07:01

    Insolvency 42:02

    Insurance Industry 46:01

    Intelligence and Security Service 23:02

    International Financial Organizations 39:05

  • Copyright Government of Botswana

    International Insurance 46:07

    Interpretation 01:04


    Judges (Miscellaneous Provisions) 04:03

    Judges (Retiring Age) 04:06

    Judges' Pensions 04:07

    Judgment Debt: See Prescribed Rate of Interest

    Judgments (International Enforcement) 11:04

    Justices of the Peace 05:01


    Land Control 32:11

    Land Measure: See Land Survey

    Land Survey 33:01

    Law of Inheritance 31:02

    Legal Practitioners 61:01

    Liquor 43:11

    Livestock and Meat Industries 36:03

    Local Authorities Procurement and Asset Disposal 42:11

    Local Authority (Proceedings) 10:04

    Local Councils Elections 40:03

    Local Government (District Councils) 40:01

    Local Police 21:04

    Locusts 35:03

    Lotteries and Betting 19:02

  • Copyright Government of Botswana


    Magistrates' Courts 04:04

    Maintenance Orders Enforcement 29:04

    Marriage 29:01

    Married Persons' Property 29:03

    Matimela 36:06

    Matrimonial Causes 29:06

    Media Practitioners 61:09

    Mental Disorders 63:02

    Mercantile Law (Miscellaneous) Amendment 12:02

    Military Pensions Special Fund 27:02

    Mineral Rights in Tribal Territories 66:02

    Mineral Rights Tax 52:02

    Mines and Minerals 66:01

    Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery 44:02

    Ministerial Offices (Maximum Number) 02:02

    Ministers and National Assembly Gratuities and Pensions 02:04

    Monuments and Relics 59:03

    Motor Vehicle Accident Fund 69:02

    Motor Vehicle Theft 09:04

    Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters 08:04


    National Archives and Records Services 59:04

    National Assembly (Powers and Privileges) 02:05

  • Copyright Government of Botswana

    National Assembly (Salaries and Allowances) 02:06

    National Clearance and Settlement Systems 46:06

    National Development Bank 74:05

    National Library Service 58:02

    National Museum and Art Gallery 59:01

    National Registration 01:02

    National Security 23:01

    Non-Bank Financial Regulatory Authority 46:08

    Noxious Weeds 35:04

    Ntlo ya Dikgosi (Designated Regions) Boundaries 03:09

    Ntlo ya Dikgosi (Powers and Privileges) 02:07

    Ntlo ya Dikgosi (Salaries and Allowances) 02:08

    Nurses and Midwives 61:03


    Ombudsman 02:12


    Penal Code 08:01

    Pension and Provident Funds 27:03

    Pensions 27:01

    Petroleum (Exploration and Production) 67:01

    Plant Diseases and Pests 35:02

    Police 21:01

    Police Canteens 45:01

    Police Rifle Association 21:02

  • Copyright Government of Botswana

    Pounds 36:05

    Powers of Attorney 15:01

    Precious and Semi-Precious Stones (Protection) 66:03

    Prescribed Rate of Interest 11:05

    Prescriptions 13:01

    Presidential Elections (Supplementary Provisions) 02:01

    Presidents (Pensions and Retirement Benefits) 02:03

    Printed Publications 20:01

    Prisons 21:03

    Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes 63:05

    Proceeds of Serious Crime 08:03

    Promissory Oaths 26:03

    Protected Names 03:05

    Protected Places and Areas 22:01

    Public Authorities (Functions) 02:11

    Public Health 63:01

    Public Holidays 03:07

    Public Order 22:02

    Public Procurement and Asset Disposal 42:08

    Public Roads 69:04

    Public Safety 22:03

    Public Seal 03:03

    Public Service 26:01

    Purchase of Agricultural Produce 35:05


    Radiation Protection 24:03

  • Copyright Government of Botswana

    Radiation Protection 24:03

    Railway (Accident Inquiry) 70:02

    Railway (Compensation for Livestock) 70:03

    Railway Land 32:04

    Real Estate Professionals 61:07

    Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards 06:02

    Red Cross Society of Botswana 64:01

    Referendum 02:10

    Refugees (Recognition and Control) 25:01

    Registered Bonds 56:06

    Registrar of Government Securities 56:05

    Registration of Business Names 42:05

    Registration of Livestock 36:04

    Removal of Reservations of Trading Rights (Tati Company Limited) 32:12

    Rent Control 43:09

    Revision of the Laws 01:03

    Road Traffic 69:01

    Road Transport (Permits) 69:03

  • Copyright Government of Botswana


    Sectional Titles 33:04

    Security Guards Services, Control of (see Control of Security GuardServices)

    Seeds Certification 35:07

    Settlement of Investment Disputes (Convention) 39:06

    Shop and Restaurant Hours 43:04

    Sleeping Sickness 63:03

    Small Business 43:10

    Small Lotteries: See Lotteries and Betting

    Societies 18:01

    Specified Offices (Salaries and Allowances) 26:04

    Spelling of Place Names 03:08

    Standards 43:07

    State Land 32:01

    State Proceedings (Civil Action by or against Government or PublicOfficers)


    Statistics 17:01

    Statutory Instruments 01:05

    Stock, Bonds and Treasury Bills 56:07

    Stock Theft 09:01

    Succession (Rights of Surviving Spouse and Inheritance FamilyProvisions)


    Suretyship: See Mercantile Law (Miscellaneous) Amendment


    Tacit Hypothecs 12:01

  • Copyright Government of Botswana

    Tati Concessions Land 32:05

    Teaching Service 62:01

    Telecommunications 72:03

    Tertiary Education 57:04

    Totalizator: See Lotteries and Betting

    Tourism 42:09

    Town and Country Planning 32:09

    Townships 40:02

    Trade 43:02

    Trade Disputes 48:02

    Trade Returns 43:03

    Trade Unions and Employers' Organizations 48:01

    Trading: See Trade Act and Liquor Act

    Transfer Duty 53:01

    Tribal Land 32:02

    Tribal Territories 32:03


    Unified Local Government Service 40:06

    Universal Postal Convention 39:07

    University of Botswana 57:01

    Unwrought Precious Metals 20:03


    Value Added Tax 50:03

    Veterinary Surgeons 61:04

  • Copyright Government of Botswana

    Vocational Training 47:04


    Waste Management 65:06

    Water 34:01

    Water Utilities Corporation 74:02

    Waterworks 34:03

    Weights and Measures 43:06

    Wildlife Conservation and National Parks 38:01

    Wills 31:04

    Witchcraft 09:02

    Worker's Compensation 47:03

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