alto recorders by bressan: bore profiles

Post on 31-Dec-2016






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Fomrhi Comm: 1929 Jan Bouterse

Alto recorders by Bressan: bore profiles

This is the fourth article in a series about the alto recorders of Peter Bressan, thefamous woodwind maker who worked 300 years ago in London. In this article I givenot only information about the bore profiles of Bressan’s alto recorders, but alsosome tips about making and adjusting bores and about the use of reamers.The first article in this series (in Q. No. 113, comm. 1880) was an introduction, con-cerning the difficulty of measuring windways, the second article (Q. No. 115, comm.1898), about the windway design of five alto recorders by Bressan. In Q. No. 116,comm. 1910, I wrote about the pitch and sound of these instruments, and about thedifficulties to measure and describe these qualities in words. One of the conclusions in Comm. 1898 was that the quality of finishing of the wind-ways (and block, and labia) was probably more important for the quality of therecorders by Bressan than their design (shape, dimensions). I could not discover de-tails or aspects which were special or typical for Bressan. The question is: which in-formation can we get from the bore profiles of the instruments? The bores of thejoints were made with one of more reamers, resulting in profiles with the same shapeas these reamers. These profiles give us a characteristic signature of a woodwindmaker (or of his tools), much more than for instance the exterior details of the record-ers, which are the result of free-hand turning. As a woodwind maker and researcher,I want to know the relation between the bore profiles and the sound and other play-ing characteristics of the instruments. It is also interesting to see where Bressanmight have made variations in the design of his instruments; I can already discloseone aspect, i.e. the variation in length and bore profiles of the feet of the altos.

Some remarks about bore profiles and the acoustical properties of a recorderThe quality of the sound of a recorder depends on several things. The sound ismade by blowing air through the windway against the sharp edge of the labium (or,more correctly: most of the air is blown just over that edge). The design and finishingof the windway, window and upper and lower side of the labium are indeed very im-portant for the quality of the sound and other playing characteristics of the recorder.But the sound begins earlier, in the lungs (supported by the diaphragma) or evenlower - some players say - in your toes: it is all about support and control, relaxingthe airways and making our body cavities free and able to resonate the sound of theinstrument. I have heard some professionally educated musicians who produced adisastrous noise on well made recorders, whereas other players - who were muchmore able to listen to the instrument - produced a heavenly sound.At the other side of the window and labium lies the cavity of the recorder itself, that iswhat we call the bore of the instrument. The profile of this bore determines - togetherwith the position, size and shape of the fingerholes - the position of the nodes andantinodes of the vibrations of the tones. And that is all important for the pitch andsound (harmonics) of these tones. The profile of that bore is in baroque recorders irregular: slightly narrowing or evencylindrical in diameter in the head, narrowing in the middle joint (more strongly in thelower section, and often most strongly after fingerhole 5 or 6), narrowing further inthe bore of the foot (and sometimes cylindrical or even widening over a short distan-ce at the lower end). We find this type of profile with small variations in all baroquerecorders. The generally narrowing shape of the bore makes that the fingerholes can

be drilled in positions which are in easy reach for the player and that they are smaller- and easier to cover - than on instruments with a cylindrical or much less taperingbore. The bore profile has also effect on the sound levels: on baroque recorders isthe sound generally more refined and less loud than on renaissance types with theirless tapered bores. For a given bore profile and wall thickness, the position and thesize of most of the fingerholes is fixed. Tuning a recorder means that you must drilland undercut the holes to their right position and size, but sometimes also that youmust make some small corrections to the bore profile. And don’t forget: the tuninghas some influence on the voicing: widening the fingerholes causes also a change inthe sound quality of the tones.

Measuring bore profilesMeasuring bore diameters is generally easier than assessing the windways. Thereare two combined data which must be obtained: the diameter at a point in the bore,and the distance of that point to a reference point (which can be the top or lower endof the instrument section). There are two options to present the results: giving thediameters at preset length positions, or giving the lengths at preset diameters. Forinstance: Fred Morgan gave on most of his drawings bore diameters (accurate to 0.1mm) at length intervals of 10 mm (or smaller). Other people measure the lengths(accurate to 1 mm) at diameter intervals of 0.1 or 0.2 mm. There are some complications in case of crooked recorder parts, and/or where thebore is warped in cross section. That’s why I like to know how the measurements areobtained. Despite the importance to measure as accurate as possible, we must notforget to put the results in perspective, not making them too absolute!

Sound and soul of Bressan’s recorderI mentioned in the previous articles a major problem: we must nowadays use existingdata of original recorders, because of the restrictions in most collections of measu-ring and playing these instruments. But how must we get closer to the ‘soul’ of therecorders, and about the ideas of Bressan? What was his way of playing, what was -or is - the typical Bressan sound? I have managed to find some recordings on original Bressan instruments, such as byFrans Brüggen, but found it difficult to combine the information of listening to theserecorderings with my memories of playing the same or other Bressan recorders (un-fortunately a long time ago, and each instrument only for a very short time). I haverecently also played several copies of recorders by Bressan and the Stanesby’s, builtby various makers and factories. But the information of these playing sessions wasalso rather confusing and didn’t bring me much nearer the secrets of Bressan. What remains in order to get more insight is making one or more copies of his re-corders. That is what I did in the past months, stimulated by Ben Nieuwhof, one ofmy fellow members of the ‘Bouwerskontakt’, who has made a set of reamers basedon the Bressan alto recorder in Berlin. On my firsty copy I put the lowest reamer forthe middle joint not far enough, resulting in a bore which became some tenths of amillimeter too narrow in that section. Because I made my first copy in Indian palis-sander (Dalbergia latifolia), which wood appeared to be ‘very quick in reacting’ to mytools, I removed a little bit too much wood when I turned it. The result was that thefingerholes of the middle joint had to be made a bit smaller than on the example fromBerlin (see table 4). That happened not to be a problem: tuning was easy, thesmaller size of the holes had an advantage for some of the fingerings. But I came ofcourse further away from the idea of an exact copy of a Bressan recorder.

Bressan alto recorders: length and bore measurements of head joints

More information about the descriptions and measurements of the altos a- to e- in Comm. 1898 and

1910 (FoMRHI-Q 115 and 116).

All measurements in millimeters; in italics: measurements after repair of (this part of) the recorder

L = length; SL = ‘sounding length’ (head: SL = L from lower end to block line; middle joint: SL = L

between tenons, foot: L = SL)

Table 1 alto-a alto b- alto c- alto d- alto e-

Bate Coll, ex-Hunt Ueno Gakuen Brüggen-XI Brüggen-X Berlin

Oxford Tokyo Amsterdam Amsterdam


L-total 194.2 194.1 193.2 192.5 191.55

SL 133.3 133.3 132.9 131.0 132.55

L windway 60.9 60.8 60.3 61.5 59.0

Middle joint

L-total 252.9 252.95 254.9 251.9 254.35

L upper tenon 27.8 28.0 28.2 26.7 27.85

SL middle section 209.3 209.0 210.8 209.2 210.5

L lower tenon 15.8 25.95 15.9 16.0 16.0

SL head + middle j. 342.6 342.3 343.7 340.2 343.05


L/SL-total 102.1 101.95 106.5 110.3 102.7

Thomas Lerch gives in his dissertation ‘Vergleichende Untersuchung von Bohrungsprofilen historischer

Blockflöten des Barock’ (Berlin, 1996; see my review of this book in FoMRHI-Q No. 87) the measure-

ments of some other Bressan-recorders.

SL head - middle joint - foot; SL head + middle joint:

TL-01 - Bressan-Paris 131.4 - 209.0 - 110.7 340.4

TL-02 - Bressan-London-Horniman 132.4 - 208.0 - 101.0 340.4

TL-03 - Bressan- private collection MB 132.3 - 209.5 - 110.0 341.8

TL-08 - Bressan-Chester (507) 132.2 - 208.0 - 106.2 340.2

A first conclusion is that there is not much difference in the (sounding) lengths of theheads and middle joints: added up we see the biggest difference in the two altos inthe Brüggen collection: only 3.5 mm. Some of these differences can be caused byshrinking of the wood, or by rounding off. But there is much more difference in footlength. The shorter feet are 101 to 102 mm, the longest about 110 mm, two haveintermediate lengths of about 106 mm. Why varied Bressan so much the feet of hisalto recorders?

Table 2 Head joint bores (Ø-max in mm)

at blockline - at L 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160 mm from upper end

alto a- 19.7 19.6 19.5 19.4 19.4 19.6 (min.19.2)*

alto b- 19.8 19.8 19.7 19.5 19.5 19.5 (min. 19.1)*

alto c- 19.8 19.75 19.7 19.6 19.6 19.45

alto d- 19.8 19.65 19.6 19.65 19.6 19.55 (min. 19.4)*

alto e- 19.7 19.45 19.5 19.55 19.7 19.54 (min. 19.37)*

TL-01** 19.8 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.6 19.6

TL-02 19.8 19.4 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.6

TL-03 20.0 19.9 19.7 19.7 19.7 19.6

TL-08*** 20.0 19.7 20.0 19.9

* these are minimum values caused by ovally warping of the bore

** in his book, Lerch presents the diameters in relation to the distance from the lower

end of the instrument

*** it is difficult to interpret the bore measurements of this head

Shrinking of the wood has more influence on the diameters than on the length of theinstrument parts. In the table of the head joint bores, the maximum values are given.The minimum values can be 0.2 to 0.4 mm smaller (narrower), resulting in oval-shaped cross sections. In my research into historical recorders, I saw the strongestwarping close to the window and labium, but I have never examined myself one ofthe Bressan recorders thouroughly, and don’t know how stable his boxwood was.

Fred Morgan didn’t give the minimum bore diameters for the Bressan recorders inthe Brüggen collection, nor did Beaudin for the alto in Berlin. That makes it morecomplicated to assess the bore measurements with those of the playing sessions:narrower bores result generally in higher pitches of most of the tones. A new copy,based on the wider bore dimensions, will sound flatter than the examplary instrumentwith its oval bore. Regarding these facts, I can say that the bores of the head joints of the Bressanrecorders in the table on the previous page are rather wide (19.4 as miminum value)or even very wide (19.7 mm), compared with other baroque alto recorders of more orless the same pitch. But I must admit that I have no good overview of the instrumentsof other European makers (except those who worked in Holland). And again: for auseful comparison it is best to have the recorders measured in the same way (andpreferably all research done in the same place, together).Most head joints of the Bressan altos have a bore profile which is conically in the topsection (in which the block can be fitted tightly), becoming cylindrical or almost cylin-drical up to the socket. Alto e- in Berlin has a head bore which is narrowest in themiddle, and from there widening towards the socket. There is always the suspicionthat this might be the result of a later bore correction (by Bressan himself, or bysomebody else), just because the other instruments do not show this bore profile.

When I make a copy, I ream the bore in the upper section of the head with a conicalreamer, diameter between 20.5 and 21.0 mm at the upper end of the head (the beakhas not been cut out in that stage), to about 19.8 at the window and going to about19.2 mm just 20 mm after the labium edge. The rest of the bore I preferably do withan adjustable metal reamer. This tool makes a cylindrical bore, and I can very exact-ly make a bore with smooth walls with a diameter of 19.4, 19.6 mm, etc, just what Iwant to have. And I have not to be afraid that my labium edge will be damaged,because on that point is the bore with about 19.8 already wider. Of course you canchange these figures, for instance making the bore 20.0 mm wide at the window, andgoing to 19.7 in the lower section of the head. But it is always good to have thisconical section in the top (see graph 1 below).

Graph 1

Adjustable metal reamer; this tool has 5 or 6 blades which can be moved in grooves aroundthe corpus. The grooves are deeper at one side, the surface of the blades is parallel to theaxis of the reamer. One of the blades is taken out, showing its shape. By turning the nuts, the blades move up- or downwards in these grooves. Because of thesloping grooves, the effective diameter which the reamer makes, can be adjusted veryaccurately. These adjustable reamers can be used in a lathe (preferably in a metal lathe, ata slow speed), or by hand and give in most woods smooth surfaces. The reamer on thephoto can be adjusted from 15.5 to about 18 mm. A conical bore profile can be realized by reaming a set of cylindrical sections (for instancewith diameter steps of 0.2 mm). By grinding the ends of the blades over a few millimetersslightly, there will be smooth and hardly visible steps between the reamed sections.

Table 3: fingerhole positions

position from centre of fingerhole to upper shoulder

hole 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

alto a- 20.0 35.0 63.8 98.5 138.3 169.5 199.5

alto b- 19.85 34.7 63.55 98.75 137.9 169.15 199.15

alto c-* 22.4 37.45 65 100.5 139.7 171.5 200.5

alto d- 21.2 36.0 64.2 99.4 138.5 170.3 199.6

alto e- 21.5 36 65 100.5 139.5 172 201

TL-03 20.5 35.0 64.5 99.5 139 170 201

TL-08** 20.0 34.8 62.8 97 137 168 198/199

copy** 21.5 36.0 65.5 100.5 138.5 172 201/201.5*: after repair **: hole 6 double

Table 4: finger hole dimensions and wall thickness

size of hole (min/max) - Ø of wall hole 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

alto a- 6.4/6.4 - c. 28.0 5.4/5.7-27.8 6.1/6.2-26.7 6.1/6.1-25.7 5.8/5.9-25.4 5.6/5.7-25.0 5.2/5.3-24.9alto b- 6.2/6.6-27.8 5.6/5.7-26.9 6.1/6.3-25.9 6.1/6.2-25.1 5.6/5.8-24.6 5.5/5.7-24.5 5.2/5.3-24.9 alto c- 6.5/6.5-27.6 5.7/5.9-27.4 6.2/6.3-26.5 6.2/6.3-25.5 5.8/5.8-25.3 5.6/5.8-25.0 5.2/5.2-24.9alto d- c. 6.4 - c. 28.2 5.9/6.1-27.9 6.2/6.4-27.3 6.1/6.3-26.5 5.7/5.9-26.0 6.4/6.4-25.5 5.2/5.5-25.0alto e- 6.3/6.4 - 28.1 5.7/5.8-27.6 6.3/6.3-26.6 6.4/6.5-25.8 5.8/5.8-25.5 5.7/5.8-25.4 5.1/5.2-25.3TL-03 6.5/6.5 5.6/5.9 6.2/6.4 6.0/6.4 5.8/5.8 5.5/5.7 4.9/4.9 TL-08** 6.3/6.7 5.8/6.0 6.5/6.6 6.2/6.9 5.9/6.1 5.9/6.1 4.2/4.5 - 3.8/3.9 copy** 6.1/6.3-27.1 5.4/5.5-26.8 5.9/6.2-26.3 5.8/5.8-25.6 4.9/5.1-24.7 5.3/5.3-24.3 3.8/3.9 -3.6/3.7

**: hole 6 double

The middle joints - how to compare measurementsTable 1 shows us that the lengths of the middle joints are very much the same: diffe-rences up to 1.0 mm are negligible. Ask 10 people to measure the length of one par-ticular middle joint of an alto recorder, and compare the results. I should not be sur-prised when the outcomes vary more than 1.0 mm. Are the bore profiles identical in the same degree? The best way is to make graphsof the bore profiles on graph paper with millimeter grid. I prefer to use for the graph arelation of 10 to 1 for diameter to length. This gives us a good visual picture of thebore profile. Using graph paper, it is possible to compare bore profiles by putting twosheets of paper on each other and holding against a lamp. Then you can immediate-ly see if these bores are identical, or if sections are identical or parallel: in case themaker put one reamer further in a joint than in another. Using this method, I discove-red that some Dutch makers used the same reamers for bore sections of their (so-prano) recorders as well - in opposite direction! - as their oboes. It is far more compli-cated to do the same comparisons working with mathematical formulas and statis-tics! A problem: it is difficult to reproduce graphs on millimeter paper. Therefore I havemade some graphs with a computer program (see some pages further), but theseare less detailed and only usable for a quick survey.

Assessing bore profiles from the graphs means: see where there are irregularities,such as tenon contractions (often at the upper tenon of the middle joint). Or where isfor instance a section where the graph is suddenly steeper or just flat: such changesin the angle of the graph are an indication of successive reamers which were usedby the woodwind maker. Longer flat sections indicate the (widest) diameter of areamer or drill, and might therefore more often occur, and are then characteristic forthe instruments of that woodwind maker. We see often parabolic shapes in a bore profile, that is where the graph becomesgradually steeper, often found in the lower section of the middle joint (for instance inaltos a- and e-). These parabolic sections are also characteristic and are useful asreference when we compare bore profiles using the method with two sheets put to-gether. In the recorder feet we find sometimes ‘hyperbolic’ sections, where the taper-ing diameter of the bore is just decreasing (altos a- and b-), sometimes becomingcylindrical or almost cylindrical. I do not know if Bressan (or any other woodwindmaker) used his reamer like ‘stirring in the soup’ (that is with a lateral movement,what you can do over a short distance, for instance in a foot where the wood is thickenough to resist the forces of the reamer), which can result of course in bore profileswith all kinds of shapes.

Table 5: bore measurements of the middle joints and feet

middle joints

L alto a- alto b- alto c- alto d- alto e- TL03 TL08 copy

0 Ø 18.6 18.5 20.3 19.4 19.2 19.4 19.5 19.5

10 18.7 18.6 20.2 19.3 19.1 19.3 19.3 19.3

20 19.0 18.8 20.0 19.2 19.1 19.1 19.1 19.1

30 19.2 18.9 19.2 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0

40 19.0 19.0 18.6 19.0 18.9 18.9 18.8 18.8

50 18.8 18.7 18.4 18.8 18.7 18.8 18.7 18.5

60 18.4 18.4 18.3 18.5 18.4 18.6 18.6 18.2

70 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.1 18.2 18.4 18.4 18.0

80 18.1 18.2 18.2 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.2 17.6

90 17.9 18.1 17.9 17.8 17.9 18.0 18.0 17.5

100 17.8 18.0 17.7 17.6 17.7 17.8 17.8 17.4

110 17.7 17.9 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.8 17.7 17.4

120 17.6 17.8 17.6 17.6 17.5 17.8 17.7 17.4

130 17.6 17.8 17.6 17.5 17.4 17.8 17.7 17.4

140 17.5 17.6 17.5 17.5 17.4 17.7 17.6 17.3

150 17.3 17.5 17.4 17.3 17.4 17.4 17.4 17.2

160 17.2 17.3 17.2 17.0 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.1

170 17.0 17.2 17.0 16.9 16.9 17.0 17.0 16.8

180 16.8 16.9 16.9 16.5 16.7 16.7 16.9 16.6

190 16.7 16.8 16.7 16.2 16.5 16.4 16.6 16.3

200 16.4 16.5 16.4 16.1 16.1 16.2 16.2 15.9

210 16.1 16.3 16.1 15.8 15.9 16.0 15.8 15.5

220 15.9 16.0 15.7 15.4 15.6 15.7 15.4 15.2

230 15.7 15.7 15.0 15.0 15.2 15.2 15.2 14.7

240 15.1 15.1 14.5 14.6 14.6 14.8 14.7 14.0

250 14.3 14.3 14.2 14.3 14.0 14.5 14.5 13.6

end 14.2 14.1 14.1 14.2 13.9 14.4 14.4 13.4

all data are extrapolated and rounded off from other tables and graphs, deviations of

+/- 0.1 mm are possible


L alto a- alto b- alto c- alto d- alto e- TL03 TL08 copy

16 Ø 14.3 14.4 13.9 14.2 13.5 14.2 14.5 13.6

25 13.8 13.8 13.5 14.0 13.1 14.0 14.2 13.3

35 13.2 13.3 13.2 13.5 12.9 13.6 13.6 13.0

45 12.8 13.0 12.7 13.0 12.7 13.4 13.0 12.2

55 12.5 12.6 12.3 12.7 12.3 13.1 12.3 12.0

65 12.3 12.6 12.1 12.4 12.2 12.5 12.1 11.8

75 12.2 12.5 11.9 12.4 12.1 12.1 12.0 11.8

85 12.0 12.5 11.7 12.4 11.8 12.0 11.9 11.7 min

95 11.9 12.4 11.35 12.4 11.7 12.0 12.0 12.0

100 11.9 12.5 11.5 12.4 11.5 12.0 12.9 12.2

end 12.2 12.6 11.8 12.5 11.6 12.1 13.2 12.5

L 102 102 106.5 111 102.7 110 106.2 104.5

hole 7

Ø min/max 5.3/5.5 5.3/5.4 4.9/5.2 5.0/5.5 5.3/5.4 4.9/4.9 4.3/4.5 4.1/4.2

3.7/3.8 3.5/3.6

Ø wall 31.8 32.2 32.3 32.0 32.2 - - 31.1

Three other middle joints, of alto-d (Brüggen), TL-03 (private collection) and TL-08(Chester) have even more identical bore profiles, and different from those of thealtos a- and b. Only between fingerholes is a short section where TL-08 is slightlywider than alto d-. And the bore of TL-03 is over the whole length from hole 0 to thelower end about 0.2 mm wider. That can be caused by difference in shrinking of thewood, or by using other measuring techniques. Another interesting aspect of the middle joints of these three altos is that they haveboth a flat bore section with a length of about 40 mm around hole 3. The diameterof the bore is here 17.5 mm (alto d-) and about 17.6 in TL-08. We see almost identi-cal flat sections in altos c-, e- and (with 17.7 mm slightly wider) in TL-03.

Bore profiles of four feet of Bressan recorders

Left: my copy (in Pauferro, or Santospalissander withmounts of artifi-cial ivory) of theBressan alto inBerlin, with threemiddle joints, ina-392, 405 and440 Hz.

Right:Bressan copy ina-415 Hz in rockmaple with thestamp of HansCoolsma (Aafab,Utrecht).This copy has acomplete differ-ence design, ithas (apart fromthe shorter foot)about the samelength as mycopy with the a-405 joint, but thedistance fromhole 1 to 6 (andthe size of mostof the holes) ismuch larger.This copy mustbe played withDolmetsch-finge-rings; hole 5 isplaced muchcloser to hole 6than to hole 4,not so pleasantfor players whoare used forholes which aremore evenlyspread.

Interpretation of the dataIt is not easy to interpret the avalanche of data I have given on the previous pages:and these are only a summarized selection of what I have found in several sources.Some observations and conclusions: 1- There is a remarkable consistency in the length of the middle joints, and also inthe position and size of the fingerholes. Alto b- has thinner walls, but not smallerholes, nor a narrower bore. Alto c- was shortened at the upper end of the middlejoint, some time in the 20th century, to play the instrument in a higher pitch (but Idon’t think that the tuning was very goood after that operation). Coolsma restored thejoint to about its former length (gave it maybe 1 mm too much), but gave it a borewhich was about 1 mm too wide over the first 20 mm. For the other instruments I suspect that there were no shortenings. 2- The bore profiles of the middle joints vary more than their lengths. That might becaused by differences in shrinkage of the wood (which has a greater effect on thewood in tangential than in radial direction): the middle joint of TL-03 is very similar toalto d- but is over a greater part of the length 0.2 mm wider. That can be caused byless shrinkage of TL-03 (or by other rounding off of measurings tools, or by measu-ring at higher temperatures, etc.), or maybe that Bressan has polished the bore ofthis middle joint heavily, causing some widening. I should do some tests with my owninstruments: measuring the bore before and after polishing (which is by the way sel-dom necessary in boxwood). Another possibility is that alto d- is much jounger thanTL-03, and that Bressan has resharpened his reamers so often that they hasbecome thinner. Whatever is true here, the copy maker must be aware what he isdoing: copying a recorder in its present or original state. And it is not so easy toreconstruct that original state; therefore you must compare more instruments of thesame maker - and that is just what this article is about. 3- Comparing the altos a- (Oxford) and b- (Tokyo), we see immediately that thebores of their middle joints are very much identical, with only minor differences. Both joints suffer from a contraction at the upper end (over 30 to 35 mm): this is acommon problem, caused by the forces over the centuries on the thin section ofwood of the tenon. On the lower tenon is this contraction much rarer, or more difficultto see because the profile of the bore is here much stronger tapering. When makinga middle joint, I often ream the bore from the upper rim to about hole 0 (thumb hole)not completely, leaving it a bit too narrow. This section of the bore is important for thetuning the octave intervals of a1-a2 to d2-d3: reaming the bore too much, makesthese intervals too wide, which is a much greater problem to solve than intervalswhich are too narrow. 4- From L 180 to the lower end (Ø 17.0 tot 14.0) of altos a- and b- Bressan usedthe same reamer and put it exactly at the same length in both joints. He used an-other reamer for the section of the middle joint between Ø 18.3 and 17.0, but put thistool in alto b- about 10 mm further: also from L 70 to L 180 in alto b-, and from L 60to L 170 in alto a-. The bore profile of the upper sections of both middle joints is un-clear, partly because of the aforementioned tenon contractions. Interesting is thatBressan placed the fingerholes on alto a- about 3 to 5 mm lower on the joint. Why hedid that, I don’t know; and 3 to 5 mm is rather much, I should expect that that givestuning problems (such as too wide octave intervals) if you don’t make necessary boreadjustments. 5- The bore profiles of the feet of the alto recorders by Bressan show a surprisinggreat variation in length and bore profiles. The feet of alto d- and TL-03 are withabout 110 mm the longest, there are three with short feet (altos a-, b- and e-); two

other altos (c- and TL-08) have feet of a medium length (about 106 mm). About thequestion of short foot and long foot recorders I have written in my dissertation (Dutchwoodwind instruments and their makers, 1660-1760; Utrecht 2005), in chapter 7.8.5under c-. It is a complicated story. I don’t know which are the older instruments:those with a short, or those with a long foot. And as far as I can see, there are not somany makers who made both types of feet. Bressan is here the exception. The length of the foot is important for the pitch of the fundamental (f1 on an alto), buthas also a great influence on the tones of the third and higher registers (e-flat3, e3,f3, g3) - and: good to know for copy makers - hardly on the pitch of the tones of thesecond register (a2 - d3). If you make the foot longer, you have to make also thebore wider (and/or less tapering). And that is indeed what we can see in Bressan’salto feet: the longest feet have generally the widest bores. And of course, there is theexception here, and that is alto b- with its widely reamed short foot. It is not possibleto find a relation with the pitch of the tones of that recorder, because you can’t play itso good because of the bad condition of its head. There is no foot bore profile on the Bressan altos completely identical. The angles ofthe lines in the graphs vary (see the graphs with the bore profiels of alto e- and TL-08), the shape of the graphs vary (from ‘hyperbolical’ to a combination of straightconical and cylindrical, or even almost straight conical over the whole length, as onalto c-). Bressan must have used several reamers, or he has used the aforemention-ed ‘stirring techniqe’. For a copy maker is it good to know not to worry too much about foot bores: it is agood place to do some experiments. I have made the foot of my Bressan copy a fewmillimeters longer, because the tones of the third register were initially too sharp (justas on the alto e- in Berlin, on which my copy was based). I have then made the borein the lower section of the foot some tenths of a millimeter wider, also some contrareaming (at the lower end) was needed to get everything in good balance. But BenNieuwhof made his copy of the alto in Berlin without changing its dimensions, andhad no tuning problems.

Conclusion and a surpriseDid I discover the ‘secrets of Bressan’? No, really I didn’t. But I came a bit closer tohis way of making recorders and more familiar with their design. As a result of con-centrating me on his instruments, I succeeded in making a few very fine recorders,with a sound which was different from my other altos - and that was one of the goalsof my project. One of the reasons for that other sound is the low pitch (a1=405 to 408 Hz) of theoriginal instruments. I have than made an extra middle joint, a bit shorter (202 mmbetween the shoulders) for a combination in a1=415 Hz which has very much thesame character. But the surprise came when I made a longer middle joint (227 mm)for playing in a1=392 Hz, the French baroque pitch. That combination is even better,both full and sweet in sound, everthing well balanced, a great joy to play. It is good to realize what is going on here: with a longer middle joint, the relationbetween the (average) bore diameter and length (in German: the Mensur) changes,becoming smaller. The question is: must I make the bore of my alto recorders inmodern pitch (a1=440 Hz, and about which I am on the moment not so satisfied),also narrower, to come closer to that so lovely low-pitch sound?

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