altoona christian church the welcome news · 2014. 9. 8. · 26 trent neff 27 kalli peebler 27...

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    Altoona Christian Church

    The Welcome News “Touched by Christ to Care and Serve”

    The Rev. Tim Diebel Interim Pastor September 2014

    VBS Sunday August 10th

    Meals from the Heartland Saturday, August 30th

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    Faye and Jerry Harding; Mike Harding; Cheri’s

    dad, Bob Haessler; Jim Ludington’s mom, Fern and

    sister, Liz; Jamie Horton’s sister, Janell Schutt;

    Carol Genovese’s sister, Georgia Kost; Sharon

    Hunt’s brother, Jim Mallory & her friend, Brent

    McGrean; Durene Oakes; Irv, June, and Gretchen

    Barron; Ray & Wendy Miles; Sadie Hernandez and

    her son, Lee; Charles Cooper’s sister-in-law, Alice

    Stanchik; Jackson Dupps; Jay and Becky Rosenber-

    ger’s grandson, Nicholas Cecchi; Linda Shaw; Skip

    and Sue Hills; Kristen Patchin’s friend, Amy;

    Jacque Beyer at FCC Davenport; Paul and June

    Gregory; Ginny Boothroy; Nick Hood’s friends,

    Connor and his sister; Jan Hendrickson; Paul and

    Denise Jackson; Denny Hulen; Bob Kirby; Mike

    and Carol Nieter’s great-granddaughter, Alisa and

    her family; Tami and Dave Zumach; Joni and Greg

    Champion with the passing of Joni’s grandma,

    Gladys Marie Gulling; Susan Rixe’s co-worker,

    Joni’s sister, Brandy Lawr. We continue to pray for David Miers and all men and women serving our country .

    Much needed items: Beef stew, tomato, pizza, and

    spaghetti sauce, pizza crust mix, and egg noodles,

    pancake mix, syrup, PB and crackers, Mac and

    Cheese dinners, spaghetti/sauce, soups, canned

    veggies, tuna or salmon, canned fruits, juices, veg-

    gies, cookies, instant oatmeal, pasta noodles, soap,

    shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, diapers, and sani-

    tary napkins. Don’t forget the plastic grocery



    Please bring your donations of non-perishable food items for the

    Food Pantry On or before

    September 21st

    September Birthdays 1 Danielle Champion

    3 Erik Eriksen

    3 Tami Zumach

    3 Joey Procyk

    5 Tommy Willey

    5 Kaitlin Zaugg

    5 Katelyn Hamilton

    6 Sharon Hunt

    6 Madline Cahhal

    9 Ken Pickering

    12 James Kerr

    12 Mike Tenckinck

    16 Jennifer Beckett

    16 Ann Kirby

    17 Josh McLean

    19 Judy Willey

    19 Courtney Hood

    19 Lisa Freesemann

    20 Robert Stuart

    20 Leslie Stahowick

    21 Durene Oakes

    22 Jaiton Molayal

    23 Rebecca Kerr

    24 Jim Pruismann

    25 Dee Bliss

    25 Margaret Briggs

    26 Trent Neff

    27 Kalli Peebler

    27 Joseph Cecchi

    29 Chris Wilkins

    29 Brooklyn Deaton

    29 Randy Heinrich

    29 Scott Seeliger

    September Anniversaries

    2 John & Paulette Craggs

    2 Tony and April Glass

    3 Charles & Kristina Steffes-Clayton

    5 Jeff and Kristen Patchin

    6 Roland & Carol Brown

    10 Bob and Suzanne Schafer

    20 Robert & June Stuart

    24 Mike & Jodi Nelson

    25 Scott & Jami Hamilton

    27 Scott and Jean Anne Seeliger

    & Prayers& Prayers& Prayers In Our ThoughtsIn Our ThoughtsIn Our Thoughts

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    A Brief Introduction to Timothy Cap Diebel

    Tim is, in every sense of the word, a child of the church. Reared in West

    Texas as the younger son of a Disciple minister and his Christian educator

    wife, he grew up quite literally among the pews. After graduating from

    high school in Abilene, TX, Tim earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree

    from Texas Christian University, a Master of Divinity degree from Brite

    Divinity School, and later a Doctor of Ministry degree from Austin Presby-

    terian Theological Seminary. Formative work relationships have included

    ministry with congregations in Stephenville, Fort Worth, Corpus Christi and

    Waco, TX as student internships, and full-time ministry in Houston, Athens

    and Lufkin, TX, and since 1993 Des Moines, Iowa. Tim’s wife Lori retired

    this summer from her work as an educator in the West Des Moines Commu-

    nity School District, having earned her PhD from Iowa State University in

    Educational Leadership. Son Christopher lives and works in Des Moines, while daughter Merryl lives in

    Dallas with her Husband and is attending dental hygiene school. Tim and Lori are certified instructors in

    Couple Communication, and have conducted “Romance” and communication workshops in Iowa, Missouri,

    Kentucky and Texas integrating what one participant described as “a broad and somewhat disturbing musical


    Tim has served as President of the Board of the Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center and as Moderator of

    the Christian Church in the Upper Midwest. Denominationally Tim has served on the General Board of the

    Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), on the Administrative Committee of the General Board, and currently

    is Vice Chair of the Board of Trustee at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, TX. Music and reading are fa-

    vorite threads woven through Tim’s life, as are creating new experiences, learning stories, writing, and learn-

    ing about sustainable farming. In 2011 Tim completed a 19-year ministry at First Christian Church in Des

    Moines and moved with Lori to an acreage outside of Norwalk where he tends a large garden and gathers

    eggs from 11 chickens. Since retiring he has served as Interim Minister at Osceola Christian Church and

    Norwalk Christian Church.

    Pastor Brad’s Last Day

    August 17th was Pastor Brad’s last day with Altoona Christian Church.

    The Outreach Team served a luncheon after second service honoring his time

    with us.

    Thank you for being our Pastor.

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    Thank you to my family and friends at Altoona Christian Church for supporting me as I grew up

    and for continuing to pray for me while I am away

    at college.

    Kiki Waddell

    Outreach served a Simple Supper to approximately

    90 people at Adventure Life Church on Monday,

    July 28th. Supper consisted of beef burgers, baked

    beans, chips, cookies and lemonade.

    As always, we continue to collect books for the

    youth who visit the Polk County Jail, as well as

    Pop Tabs for Ronald McDonald House. There is

    also plenty of yarn in the basket for all the ladies

    who knit beautiful hats, scarves, mittens, and

    prayer shawls.

    Between VBS participants and the Altoona

    Christian Church Congregation 170 pounds of food

    was donated to the Caring Hands Food Pantry in

    the month of August.

    Just a reminder, we will again be collecting sham-

    poo, toothbrushes and toothpaste, deodorant and

    feminine napkins for our 5th Sunday Donations on

    Sunday, August 31st and will be donating this

    month’s collections to the Central Iowa Shelter.

    Meals from the Heartland times have been estab-

    lished, and we have a sign-up sheet for 2 groups

    (both 10:30 to 12:30) on Saturday, August 30,


    Thanks again for all your donations and support of

    our Outreach program at Altoona Christian Church.

    Have a Blessed Week!

    Carol Nieters/Outreach Chairperson

    A special thank you to everyone who made this year of Vacation Bible School 2014 a success!!!

    Thank you to those volunteers behind the scenes-

    decorating and planning for the event & supplying

    all the items and food donations needed for VBS,

    to Linda and Judy for beginning each night with

    opening our eyes to new adventures, and following

    up the night’s events at the Tail End, to the ALL

    crew leaders and helpers- who led the youth to

    each a station and guided them throughout the night

    in their hope of learning more about Jesus, to the

    ALL Station volunteers- thank you for being here

    each night to teach God’s ways and being a role

    model for our children, to Kristina and Atlas for

    taking almost 500 pictures of our memorable event!

    Thank you to Bev and Lois for being here every

    night to welcome our youth, and to Kim and Barb

    for handing out the t-shirts on the first night of cra-

    ziness, to JC for running the sound board and the

    video screen every night so the youth could learn

    each song and all their “moves”, to Nurse Carol B.

    who kissed the little one’s boo-boos, to Lacasta and

    Susan for being there “just in case” of a little one

    needing some down time in the nursery, to the

    Floaters who helped out anywhere there was a

    need, and a very grateful thank you to Jamie

    Horton, that without her, this event couldn’t have

    taken place!!!


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    Disciple's Leadership Conference On August 23rd, Linda Lighthall, Graham Steffes-Clayton, Scott Seeliger, Judi

    Webb and I had the opportunity to participate in this conference at West Des

    Moines Christian Church.

    The theme was from 1 Corinthians 12:13 "For in one Spirit we are all baptized

    into One Body."

    We were encouraged to "think outside the box."--to take risks. What do we be-

    lieve about being "Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)"? If we are the

    church of the table, how welcoming are we to people of all ages, races, and dif-

    ferent views from our own?

    A teen presenter asked the question "Why aren't teens participating in the church?" His premise was that they

    are "put in a box". They aren't invited to participate fully. They push at the boundaries and might make the

    adults uncomfortable.

    Presenters from New Disciples in Cedar Rapids talked about thinking outside of the church. They have started

    a community garden which has brought out volunteers from the church and beyond who had never considered

    helping in other opportunities. They are the church that was the result of two Disciples churches combining into

    one, but not in either of the existing buildings. They are meeting in a building in a shopping center which has

    exposed the members to an entirely different neighborhood. The result was the development of the garden.

    There was a challenge to know who are our neighbors and what are their interests? What are their ages? Maybe

    "Mom's Morning Out", "How to be A Great Dad", "Bibles and Brew"(coffee), "Movies"." Interfaith Meetings

    ", "Sponsor a School" were some ideas.

    For the last session, we were given a small box to takes home with six questions in it to think about at our home

    churches. 1. "What ministry is our church known for?" 2."What personally limits us from trying new minis-

    tries?" 3."What type of limitations do we put on new dreams and ideas?" 4."Without considering limitations

    what dream ministries would we have for our church?" 5."What could any of us do to initiate a new ministry In

    our church?" 6. "Where do we think God is calling our church next?"

    It was a great day and we returned to Altoona Christian Church renewed.

    Georgia Woodward

    World Café Sunday

    On August 24th, Altoona Christian

    Church had their World Café worship

    service. It was a wonderful time of

    fellowship and worship to help the

    Search Committee find the right full

    time Pastor for our congregation.

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    The Deadline for The Welcome News

    is the 20th of the month. Please put articles in the Newsletter box at church or email to

    Board Meeting Minutes 25 August, 2014

    The meeting was called to order by Vice Moderator Tim McLean

    at 7:03 PM

    1. Opening prayer: Kristina Steffes- Clayton

    2. Roll call: Tim McLean, Tom Newell, Kristin Patchin, Scott

    Seeliger, Kristina Steffes-Clayton, Chris Wilkins.

    Congregation: Len Shaw, Russ Wilkins (substitute secretary)

    3. Pastor Report: none

    4. Len Shaw reported on interest in modernizing the Church’s sign

    and is looking in to design and cost and was looking for board

    approval. The board would like some more information and pic-

    tures. Thinks it might be a good PR tool.

    5. Board Reports:

    At large member: Scott Seeliger reported that he and several others

    participated in the Leadership Conference and came away ex-

    cited, thought it was very good and got lots of ideas.

    Elder: Kristina Steffes-Clayton reported on the Elder meeting of 17

    Aug. 2014, that Christian Nurture will be meeting soon, the after-

    noon shift of Meals from the Heartland was canceled for lack of

    interest, the Christmas Children’s shoe box program may have

    some changes this year. We need more prayer shawls. Due to

    concerns of Diaconate position staffing on a monthly bases, It

    was suggested a weekly bases to give more flexibility and that

    one person would be in charge per week or month.

    The Elders are starting to look at filling leadership positions in the

    church for next year.

    Financial Secretary: Chris Wilkins, no report.

    Memorial Fund: Scott Hamilton, not present.

    Personnel: Kristen Patchen reported that personnel evaluation

    forms are in the process of being redone to be more accurate.

    Treasure: Tom Newell passed out treasures reports. The youth

    checking account paper work is completed and all of the

    churches funds will be in one bank soon.

    Ministry Team Report: Tim McLean reported that the Pastor Parish

    has no update at this time. Out reach did not meet in August.

    Jenny Moats is checking into the shoebox program. Outreach

    hosted a luncheon for Pastor Brad Thornton on Aug17th. Mem-

    bership & Growth hosted a VBS reception on Aug 10. There was

    discussion on what teams would host and how often potlucks

    would be held.

    Stewardship and Finance: had no update. Christian Nurture had no

    update. Property had no update.

    6. Old Business:

    a. Fellowship hall procedures and rent are in the process of be-

    ing looked at and if necessary revised

    b. Conference Training Church Leaders: see 5a above.

    7. New Business:

    a. Roof: A new contractor has been located and has looked at our

    roof. He will be sending Russ Wilkins an estimate and suggest-

    ing a couple of things we can do to help keep from additional


    b. World Café: Went very well and think we should have one

    more often, maybe 2 or 3 times a year.

    c. Sound board volunteers: We need more, at least one.

    d. The Scouts do not have a project with the Church yet. The

    property team will work with the scouts to get a project going.

    Others: None

    Closing Prayer: Was by Kristina Steffes- Clayton

    Meeting adjourned about 9:30- 9:45

    Respectfully submitted by Russ Wilkins (substitute secretary)

    Christian Women’s Fellowship (CWF)

    Tues. Sept. 23rd


    Luncheon @ Perkins- Altoona

    All ACC women are invited to attend every

    4th Tuesday of each month for fellowship,

    food, and devotions. Please plan to attend on

    Sept. 23rd so we can discuss upcoming pot-

    lucks, out-to-lunch dates, and events out and

    about for the upcoming 2014 – 2015 year.

    Diaconates Needed

    for each Sunday in September &

    November please sign up on the bulletin board in the


    VOLUNTEER HELP NEEDED Volunteers to assist with carrying out groceries

    at Caring Hands Food Pantry. Choice of hours

    available? 3:45-6:00 PM on Monday and

    Wednesday or 8:45-11:00 AM on 1st and 3rd

    Saturday of each month. Please consider

    helping a couple times a month.

    Contact: Larry O'Connor 515-967-5534

    Caring Hands Food Pantry

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    "Dear ACC Friends, We are finally in Kansas and getting settled

    into our new adventure. We have

    appreciated your many thoughts and prayers

    along our journey.

    Our new address is:

    505 S. Jefferson Ave

    Wellington KS 67152.

    Our prayers continue for you as you journey

    together. Peace to you,

    Natalie, Greg & Garner!

    Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering

    The 2014 Reconciliation Offering will be received

    in by our congregation on Sunday September

    28th and October 5th. The Special Offering is

    used to fund our Church’s mission priority to be-

    come a pro-reconciling/ anti-racist church through

    experiential education, inclusive worship and inten-

    tional dialogue across racial/ethnic difference.

    Funds from this offering are providing for leader-

    ship development in our camps, our communities

    and our congregations as well as providing re-

    sources to promote small group study and commu-

    nity-action. Your giving is changing lives and

    building hope for realm of God for our children and

    for Christ's Church!

    Family Camp Cost $25 per person

    or $100 per family

    Sept. 5th-7th

    Or Sept. 19th-21st

    The best part of family camp exists somewhere

    between the fun activities for our children and the

    adult sharing groups that give encouragement and

    support to all of us. A flexible schedule allows

    many individual families to blend into one Body of

    Christ gathered on Holy Ground. Family camp is a

    great time to just relax and be a family. Slow down,

    swim in the pool, take long naps, and join together

    in family friendly worship in the evening. This

    camp provides opportunities for parents to talk to

    other parents while you have fun together and

    develop friendships. If your family is like most and

    could use a little more time together then I

    encourage you to attend family camp this summer.

    If you plan to stay in the lodge rooms there is an

    additional charge of $40.

    Oct 5th is World Communion Sunday.

    On this day we gather with Christians

    across the globe in celebrating the gifts of

    the Feast Table. We come aware of our dif-

    ferences, yet seeking unity in the love of-

    fered to us by Jesus. We hope you’ll come

    and be part of this special service.

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    Date Time Event

    Sept. 17th 7pm Bell Choir

    Sept. 18th 6:15pm Mixed Blessings Quartet

    6:30pm Cub Scouts

    7pm Choir practice

    Sept. 21st 8:15 &


    Sunday Morning Worship


    Food Pantry Sunday

    9:15am Sunday School Classes

    5-7pm Youth Group

    Sept.22nd 6:30pm Boy Scouts

    6:30pm Cub Scouts

    7pm Board meeting

    Sept. 23rd 9-11am T.O.P.S. meeting

    11:30am CWF at Perkins Altoona

    Sept. 24th 7pm Bell Choir

    Sept. 25th 6:15pm Mixed Blessings Quartet

    6:30pm Cub Scouts

    7pm Choir practice

    Sept. 28th 8:15 &


    Sunday Morning Worship


    9:15am Sunday School Classes

    5-7pm Youth Group

    Sept. 29th 6:30pm Cub Scouts

    Sept. 30th 9-11am T.O.P.S. meeting

    6:30pm Cub Scouts

    Date Time Event

    Sept. 1st Labor Day- Church Closed

    Sept. 2nd 9-11am T.O.P.S. meeting

    6:30pm Cub Scouts

    Sept. 3rd 7pm Bell Choir

    Sept. 4th 6:15pm Mixed Blessings Quartet

    7pm Choir practice

    Sept. 7th 8:15 &


    Sunday Morning Worship


    9:15am Sunday School Kick-Off

    5-7pm Youth Group Kick-Off

    Sept. 8th 6:30pm Cub Scouts Pack meeting

    7pm Worship Team meeting

    Sept. 9th 9-11am T.O.P.S. meeting

    4-7pm Sheltered Reality practice

    6pm Outreach meeting

    6:30pm Cub Scouts

    Sept. 10th 10am Alt. Nursing Home Service

    7pm Bell Choir

    Sept. 11th 6:15pm Mixed Blessings Quartet

    7pm Choir practice

    Sept. 14th 8:15 &


    Sunday Morning Worship


    9:15am Sunday School Classes

    5-7pm Youth Group

    Sept. 15th 6:30pm Boy Scouts

    6:30pm Cub Scouts

    Sept. 16th 9-11am T.O.P.S. meeting

    SeptemberSeptember Calendar of EventsCalendar of Events

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    3rd Grade Bible Sunday

    Sept. 21st

    Please let Cheri know if your child will be a

    3rd grader this school year and is or is not able

    to attend on this Sunday.

    Youth Group Dinners Youth Group leaders and youth are look-

    ing for members and friends of the congregation

    to supply and/or prepare dinner for our Sunday

    evenings here at ACC. If you would like more

    information about times, ideas and dates, please

    sign up in the Narthex, contact Susan Rixe or

    Stephanie Hosier, or call 967-4382. Any help

    would greatly be appreciated!

    Pop Cans and Bottles

    Please bring to church your

    refundable, rinsed-out beverage containers to

    church and deposit them in the containers at the

    entrance of the church so they can be recycled

    and the funds go to support the Youth Group!

    Children’s Church Leaders Needed The Christian Nurture Team needs at least 4

    more volunteers for Children's Church, begin-

    ning in Sept. and ending in May. This way lead-

    ing Children’s Church would be one Sunday

    every other month. If we don't get any more vol-

    unteers, we're either going to have to hold Chil-

    dren's Church less often or not do it at all.

    Please consider offering your time to our chil-

    dren, as many of them really enjoy this fun op-

    portunity. So what is Children's Church? After

    Children's Moment, during 2nd service, you‘ll

    gather with the kids (4yrs old. thru 2nd grade).

    It's really your choice what you do with them.

    Some leaders enjoy doing crafts that relate to a

    bible lesson. Others like to come up with games

    to play with the kids. Whether it's a science ex-

    periment, a Veggie Tales bible story or a lesson

    that you've prepared, the kids really enjoy being

    able to meet together on their level to learn

    about God. If we have enough people who vol-

    unteer, you may only have to commit to one

    Sunday a month, or even less. Please consider

    this opportunity. If you’re interested or have

    any questions, email Jamie Horton,, or call at 515-689-0841.

    Bible Quiz! According to Luke, how many disciples did Je-

    sus send out two by two ahead of him to the

    various towns he planned to visit?

    A. 12

    B. 70 or 72 (ancient manuscripts vary)

    C. 490 (70 times 7)

    D. 144 (12 times 12)

    Youth NewsNews

    Sunday School Teachers Needed For 6-12th grades in Sept. Nov. , Feb. &

    April. A teacher also is needed for the

    3rd-5th graders & the 6th-12th graders in

    the months of Oct. Jan. March, and May.

    Youth Group Kick-Off- Sept 7th. 5-7pm.

    All youth in 3rd -12th grade are welcome.

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    Bible Quiz Answer: B (See Luke 10:1.)

    Kid’s Activity Page

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    VBS 2014

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    Church Staff and Volunteers Interim Pastor ....................................................... Tim Diebel

    Office Coordinator ............................................ Cheri Waddell

    Choir Director ....................................................... Barb Hulen

    Volunteer Bell & Chime Choir Director ... Paulette Craggs

    Electronic Keyboardist/Organist ............... Ron Rieckmann

    Volunteer Children’s Choir Director ......... Paulette Craggs

    Wedding Coordinator ................................. Stephanie Hosier

    Custodians .......................................... Dave and Kristy Leinen

    Volunteer Newsletter Editor ......... Kristina Steffes-Clayton

    Nursery Attendant…………………………………....Becca Kerr

    2890 1st Ave S

    P.O. Box 428

    Altoona, IA 50009

    Church Contact Information:

    Phone: 515-967-4382

    Fax: 515-967-5112



    Pastor Tim Diebel


    Phone: 515-201-8503

    2014 Elder Contact Information Kristina Steffes-Clayton .................................. 515-720-8625

    Greg Champion .................................................. 515-979-6288

    John Champion .................................................. 515-480-6952

    Denise Green ....................................................... 515-999-9017

    Mary Heinrich .................................................... 515-238-0451

    Judi Webb ............................................................ 515-360-5083

    Carol Nieters ....................................................... 515-779-9851

    Cindy Thomas ..................................................... 515-201-9126

    Altoona Christian Church

    Mission Statement: We believe Christ has touched our hearts and

    spirits with God’s love. Therefore, we seek to care for and love each

    other, serving in Christ’s name that God’s Spirit

    may touch others through us.

    Goal for Ministry: The goal for ministry of the

    Altoona Christian Church

    through the year is:

    To seek people for Christ,

    especially children,

    youth and older adults

    through encouraging

    belief and service.

    $25 Early-Bird Registration. 17 & Under no fee.

    Registration begins at 2:30pm at the Caring

    Hands Outreach Center 201 9th Street NE Al-

    toona. Walk/Run starts at 3 pm. Proceeds will be

    divided between the Caring Hands Food Pantry

    and Feeding America.

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