amenability and weak amenability of banach …

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A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Mathematics University of Manitoba

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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A ThesidPracticnm sabmitted to the Facdty of Graduate Studies of The University

of Manitoba in partial m e n t of the reqoirements of the degree


Doctor of Philosophy

Yong Zhang01999

Permission bas been granted to the Lîbrary of The University of Manitoba to lend or seIl copies of this theWpracticum, to the Nationai Libmry of Canada to microfilm this thesis and to lend or seil copies of the film, and to Dissertatioar Abstracts International to pubhh an abstract of this thesis/practicnm.

The author reserves other publication rights, and neither this thesidpracticnm nor extensive extracts from it may be printed or otherwise reprodaced without the author's written permission.

1 would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor

F. Ghahramani, who was always there for me - with his guidance, caring,

support and encouragement. His extensive mathematical knowledge and

research insight benefited me greatly.

1 wish to thank Professors W. G. Bade, H. G. Dales, N. Gronbaek and

G. Willis for their interest in my work and for their inspiration.

I would also like to thank Professors P. McClure and J. Williams for

carefùlly reading the thesis and for their valuable advice.

My special thanks go to my dear wife Hong Wang. Her understanding

confirmed in me my decision to pursue Mathematics.

My special thanks also go to my daughter Hannah Zhang, whose smiles

always brought me out of iny fiutration and exhaustion.

Finally, I would like to extend my thanks to the University of Manitoba

and the Department of Mathematics for their generous financial support.

We start with the investigation of (2m)-th conjugate algebras of Banach algebras (equipped with Arens products) and related higher order dual Banach modules. In the process we explore important properties of the higher order dual operators of module morphisms and of derivations. Afier this basic investigation we consider various problems in or related to the theory of amenability and weak amenability ofBanach algebras. The work is described by the following three themes:

Theme 1. Weak Amenability of Banach Algebras

We flrst discuss the conditions under which n-weak amenability implies (n+2)-weak amenability for n>O, and the conditions for theunitization of a Banach algebra to be n-weakly amenable. Afier an extensive study of module extensions of Banach algebras, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for a Banach algebra of this kind to be n-weakly amenable, separately for odd numbers n and even numbers n. Then we discuss several concrete cases, especially those related to operator algebras. These finally offer us a way to constmct a counter-example to the open question of whether weak amenability irnplies 3-weak arnenability.

Theme 2. Structure of Contractible Banach Algebras and Amenable Banach Algebras with the Underlying Spaces Refiexive

By exploiting properties of minimal idempotents we show that a Banach algebra of this kind is finite dimensional if every maximal ideal of it is contained in a maximal left ideal which is complemented as a subspace. This result improves several h o w n results concerning the subject.

Theme3. Nilpotent Ideals in a Class of Banach Algebras

We introduce the concept of approximately complemented subspaces in a Banach space. Then we discuss the relation between this notion and some well-known ones like approximation property and weakcomplementability. The category of this notion includes many interesting cases. Tensor products of subspaces of this kind have some natural properties. We prove that in a class of Banach algebras called approximately biprojective Banach algebras, nilpotent ideals, if any, lack certain geometric properties such as being approximately complemented.


Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. Preliminaries

1.2. Outline of the content

Chapter 2. Dual Modules

2.1. Arens products

2.2. Bimodule actions of on x ( * ~ )

Chapter 3. The n-Weak Amenability of Banach Algebras

3.1. (n + 2)-Weak amenability and n-weak amenability

3.2- The n-weak amenability of a*

Chapter 4. The n-Weak Amenability of Module Extensions of Banach

Algebras 28

4.1. Lifting derivations 30

4.2. On n-weak amenability of U @ X 40

4.3. The algebra 24 @ % 52

4.4. The algebra U @ X o 61

Chapter 5. Weak Amenability does not imply 3-Weak Amenability 69

5.1. Weak amenability of the algebra 11 8 (XI+&) 1


5.2. Weak amenability is not 3-weak amenability

Chapter 6 . Contractible and Reflexive Amenable Banach Algebras

6.1. Approximation property and contractible Banach algebras

6.2. Maximal ideals and dimensions

Chapter 7. Approximate Complementability and Nilpotent Ideals

7.1. Approximately Complemented Subspaces

7.2. Approximately Biprojective Banach Algebras

7.3. Nilpotent ideals



Al1 Banach spaces and algebras we deal with in this thesis are assumed

to be over C, the complex field. Suppose that P is a Banach algebra. A

Banach space X is said to be a Banach left %-module if a bilinear mapping:

(a, x) H ax (called the left module multiplication) of Ill x X into X is defined

which satisfies, for some number k > 0, the following axioms.

Banach right %-modules are defined similarly. X is said to be a Banach

0-bimodule if it is both a Banach left U-module and a Banach right %-module

and the module multiplications are related by

(iii) a(xb) = (ax )b , a, b E M, x E X;

Sometimes ive use a x instead of as to denote the module multiplication to

avoid any possible confusion with other products involved. For any Banach

algebra U, U itself is a Banach a-bimodule with the product of '2 giving the

module multiplications. If X is a Banach left (right) U-module, then X*,

the conjugate space of X, is a Banach right (resp. left) %-module with the



natural module multiplications defined by

for f E X', a E U and x E X. We cal1 this module the dual right (resp.

left) module of X. Here and throughout this thesis, for x E X and f E X*,

(x, f ) denotes the value f (x). If X is a Banach 5%-bimodule, then multipli-

cations given by Equation(l.1) make X* into a Banach Il-birnodule, called

the dual module of X. The dual (left, right) module of X' is called the

second dual (resp. le&, right) module of X. In this thesis we use o(X*, X)

to denote the weak* topology on the conjugate space X*. A lirnit under this

topology is called weak* limit, briefly, wk*-lim. Suppose that q5 E X", Then

by a theorem of Goldstine [23, Theorem V.4.51, there exists a net (x,) c X

such that wk*-Iimx, = 4. Then for each a E U it is easy to see that

The nth dual (left, right) module of X can be defined by induction; it will

always be denoted by ~ ( " 1 .

Suppose that X is a Banach left (right) <?L-module. A net (ei) c O is

called a left (resp. right) approxirnate identity for X if limeix = x (resp.

limzei = x) in norrn for al1 x E X. If in addition, (ei) is also a bounded

net, then (ei) is a le& (resp. right) bounded approximate identity, briefly

denoted by left (resp. right) b.a.i.. If X is a Banach U-bimodule and (ei)

is both a left and a right (bounded) approximate identity for X, then (ei)


is called a (bounded) approzimate identity fcr X . When X = U, a (left,

right, bounded) approximate identity for X will be called a (resp. left, right,

bounded) approximate identity of U.

The following factorization theorem due to P. J. Cohen (see (4, Theo-

rein 11-10] or [43. Theorern 32-22]) will be often used:

THEOREM 1.1. Suppose that X is a Banach lej? %-module and 2i has a

left b.a . i . for X. Then for any x E X and 6 > O there exist a E II, and

y E X such that x = a y and [lx - y11 5 6.

A special kind of operator which plays an important role in this thesis is

a derivat ion, defined below:

DEFINITION 1.2. Suppose that 2l is a Banach algebra and X is a Banach

Il-bimodule. A (continuous) derivation from % into X is a (continuous)

linear mapping D: U -t X which satisfies

For any x E X, the mapping 6,: U -t X given by

&(a) = a x - xa, (a E I()

is a continuous derivation, called an inner derivation. Denote by Z1(U7 X)

the space of all continuous derivations from % into X and by p ( U , X) the

space of al1 inner derivations from fU into X. Then P(2€, X) is a subspace


of Z1(24 X) . The quotient space R1(21, X) = 2' (Il, X)/W (ll, X) is called

the first cohomology g ~ o u p of 2i with coefficients in X. Al1 the amenability

theories are concerned with the question of whether %'(a, X ) = {O} for

specifically chosen classes of Banach %-modules.

A Banach algebra II is said to be contractible if %'(a, X ) = {O} for

al1 Banach Il-b-birnodules X, amenable if U1(U, X*) = {O) for al1 Banach

U-bimodules X, and weakly aamenable if 3C1 (Z, a*) = {O). A contractible

Banach algebra has an identity and an amenable Banach algebra has a b.a.i.

((161 and [49]).

A contractible Banach algebra is finite dimensional if it has the bounded

approximation property [67] or if it is commutative [16]. We do not know

that a contractible Banach algebra is always finite dimensional or not. We

refer to [39, VI1 5 1.4-1-51 as well as [67] and [65] for properties of con-


Amenability theory of Banach algebras was originated by B. E. Johnson

in [49], where he proved that a locally compact group G is amenable in the

classical sense (see [19] and [27]) if and only if the Banach algebra L1(G)

with the convolution product is amenable. Other approaches to this concept

have been discussed in (471 and [39, Chapter VII]. For second dual algebras

of group algebras we know that L1(G)** is amenable if and only if G is a

finite group [26]. Another remarkable result is that a C*-algebra is amenable


if and only if it is nuclear, proved by U- Haagerup and A. Connes in [36]

and [12].

Suppose that M is a subset of a Banach space X. We denote by M L the

annihilator of M in X*, i.e.

M~ = {f E X*; f l M = 0)

We will use the following result in this thesis.

THEOREM 1.3 ([16],Theorem 3.7). Suppose that 'U is an arnenable Ba-

nach algebra. Let J # O be a closed left, right or two-sided ideal i n %. Then

J has a right, left, or two-sided b.a.i . if and only if JL i s complemented

in II' (Le., J is wealily complemented: see page 96 for the definition of weak

complementabilit y.).

It has been conjectured that every reflexive, amenable Banach algebra

is finite dimensional. In 1992 J. E. Gale, T. J. Ransford and M. C. White

proved that this is true if irreducible representations of U are finite dimen-

sional [25]. This resuIt was much improved in [44] by Johnson, who showed

that this is the case if each maximal left ideal of U is complemented. In 1996

F. Ghahramani, R. J. Loy and G. A. Willis proved that this is true if the

underlying space of is a Hilbert space [26]. Although this result is covered

by Johnson's preceding result, the method is totally different and is of special

interest. Recently, V. Runde [61] proved a new result: if each maximal ideal


of U is finite codimensional then the conjecture is true. In Chapter 6, we

will prove a theorem which improves both Johnson's and Runde's results.

W. G. Bade, P. C. Curtis and H. G. Dales first introduced the concept

of weak amenability in [2] for commutative Banach algebras. The origi-

nal definition used there is that a commutative Banach algebra 2.t is weak?y

amenable if ?il(%, X) = {O) for aLl symmetric Banach Il-bimodules X. They

proved that this is actually equivalent to R1(ll, Il*) = (O). Using this equiva-

lence, Johnson called a Banach algebra (not necessarily commutative) weakly

amenable if 3t1(%, a') = {O) [46].

In the rest of this section, we will mention several Banach algebras of

concrete types. Their definitions can be found in the mentioned references.

Since t hey are not the objects of this thesis, we will not give formal definitions

for thern.

It is known that the list of weakly amenable Banach algebras includes

L1(G) [45] [20], Cc-algebras [36], the tensor algebra E&E* of any Banach

space E [l?], and some Lipschitz algebras [2]. By using a result of [9]

Ghahramani, Loy and Wülis proved in [26] that both M ( G ) and L1(G)** fail

to be weakly amenable for al1 infinite, nondiscrete abelian locally compact

groups G. Other related results can be found in [52]. Many interesting

properties of weak arnenability have also been investigated by N. Gronbæk

in (301-[33].


In [17], Dales, Ghahramani and Grgnbæk introduced the concept of n-

weak amenability as stated below.

DEFINITION 1.4. A Banach algebra 2l is n-weakly amenable, n 2 O, if

( ) = {O), and is permanently weakly amenable if it is n-weakly

amenable for al1 n > 1.

It is pointed out in [17] that (n + 2)-weak amenability implies n-weak

amenability for n 2 1, and if U is an ideal in %** then weak amenability of U

implies (272 + 1)-weak amenability. A variety of concrete algebras have been

investigated there: L1(G) is (2n + 1)-weakly amenable for al1 n (later John-

son proved that ZL(F2) is permanently weakly amenable [48]); C*- algebras

are permanently weakly amenable; for each infinite compact metric space

K, lipaK is permanently weakly amenable if a < 112, and is 2m-weakly

amenable if O < a < 1, but lip,ïï is not weakly amenable for a > 112;

N(E), the algebra of nuclear operators on E with E a reflexive Banach

space having the approximation property, is (2n + 1)-weakly amenable but

not Pn-weakly amenable. An open question raised there is as follows.

QUESTION 1.5. Does weak amenability imply bweak amenability?

After an extensive study of the Banach algebra U X in Chapter 4, we

will answer this question in Chapter 5; the answer i s negative.

Since there exists a permanently weakly amenable Banach algebra of the

form 2l b X (see Remark 4-36), a permanently weakly amenable Banach


algebra may have a nilpotent ideal that is complemented. This is not the

case in amenable Banach algebras. In fact, from Theorem 1.3 one can see

that non-zero nilpotent ideals in amenable Banach algebras, if any, can not

be weakly complemented. It is known that there do exist amenable Ba-

nach algebras that contain non-zero nilpotent ideals [68]. Loy and Willis

in [54] proved that for biprojective Banach algebras with a central approxi-

mate identity any non-zero nilpotent ideal can not have the approximation

property. Here a Banach algebra II is biprojective if the continuous bimod-

ule morphism n: ~ 6 % + a, specified by *(a 8 b) = ab , has a continuous

bimodule morphism right inverse T: U , i e n 0 T = la, the iden-

tity operator on II, where %&.4 denotes the projective tensor product. One

can see [64] for further properties of biprojective Banach algebras. A con-

tractible Banach algebra is in fact a biprojective Banach algebra with an

identity ([39, VI1 51.41). We will introduce the concept of approximate com-

plementability for subspaces of Banach spaces in Chapter 7 and improve

Loy's and Willisl above result by showing that non-zero nilpotent ideals in a

biprojective Banach algebra with both left and right approximate identities

can not be approximately cornplemented.

1.2. Outline of the content

In Chapter 2, we construct, for any Banach algebra !2l and 2-bimodule

X, the %(2m)-bimodule actions on x (*~) for m > 1, assuming 11 (~~) being

the 2mth dual algebra of II equipped with the Awns first product. This


discussion sets a cornerstone for the three Chapters following it, especially

Chapter 4 and 5. Chapter 3 concerns the general theory about n-weak

amenability of Banach algebras. We will improve or extend some crucial

results of [17]. In Chapter 4 we discuss the module extensions of Banach

algebras, give a necessary and sufficient condition for them to be n-weakly

amenable, and consider several important special cases. Concrete exam-

ples will also be discussed there illustrating the relations between the weak

amenability of different orders. In the chapter following it we are construct-

ing an example of a weakly amenable Banach algebra which is not 3-weakly

amenable, answering the open question mentioned in the preceding section.

Chapter 6 deals with reflexive amenable Banach algebras. We will prove a

theorem which improves Johnson's theorem in [44] and Runde's theorem in

[61]. In the last Chapter, Chapter 7, we consider nilpotent ideals. We will

give the concept of approximate complementability and discuss the relations

between it and other well-known concepts such as weak complementability

and the approximation property. Then we wilI consider approximately bipro-

jective Banach algebras, showing that this kind of algebra can not have a

non-trivial nilpotent ideal that is approximately complemented.


Dual Modules

2.1. Arens products

Suppose that % is a Banach algebra. In [l] Arens defùied two Banach

algebra products on II", the second conjugate space of 2, each extending

the product of II as canonically embedded in a**. The first (or left) Arens

product (a, Q) i+ W?: U** x %** + U** is given by

f = f ) (f E II*)

where @ f E IU' is defined by

The second (or right) Arens product @ - !P on %** is given by

where f - E U* is defined by

These products can be different for some Z. If <PP = B . %P for all

@, XV E II**, then 24 is called Arens regular. L1 (G) is Arens regular only


2.2. BIMODULE ACTIONS OF ON x ( ~ ~ ) I l

when G is a finite group [70], while a C*-algebra is always Arens regular

[Il]. See the survey article [22] for hirther properties of Arens products.

Viewing u ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ) a s the second dual of ~ ( ~ " 1 , m 2 O, we can define Arens

products in for each n 2 1 inductively. In this thesis we always take

the first Arens product for al1 the 2nth dual algebras Z(2n). If p, v E

such that p = wk*- lima,, u = wkr- limup for nets (u,), ( v ~ ) C ~ ( ~ " 1 , then

we have the following:

pu = wk*- lim lim u,u~. Q B

2.2. Bimodule actions of on x ( ~ )

Suppose that II is a Banach algebra, and X is a Banach Il-bimodule.

Then according to [17, pp. 27-28], X*' is a Banach Il**-bimodule. The

module actions are successively defined as follows:

First, for x E X, f E X*, 4 E X** and u E W* define $f; fx E 21* and

uf E X* by

(x E X).

Shen for 4 E X*', u E U*', define u4, $IL E X** by

They give the bimodule actions of a** on X**. Nso the definition for u f

with u E %** and f E X* gives a left Banach module action of a** on X*.

2.2. BIMODULE ACTIONS OF !Zt2") ON .X(lrn) 12

When u = a E 8, these module actions agree with the module actions of 2l

on the corresponding dual modules X* and X".

Viewing as a new II and X(2m) as a new X, the preceding procedure

will successively define X(2m+2) to be a Banach ~ ( * ~ ~ * ) - b i m o d u l e for m > 0.

So ~ ( ~ " 1 is naturally a Banach ~ ( ~ ~ ) - b i m o d u l e for al1 non-negative integers

m. Since some relations arising from this procedure are important for later

use, we now give the definition in detail as follows.

Suppose that the bimodule actions of on x ( ~ ~ ) have been de-

fined, where rn 3 O. Then in a natural way, x ( ~ ~ + ~ ) , k 2 l, i~ a Banach

~ ( ~ ~ ) - b i m o d u l e with the following module actions:

For A E X(2mf k, and u E z ( ~ ~ ) , U A , Au E x ( ~ ~ ~ k, are defined by

If u = a E a: these module actions agree with ?L-bimodule actions on

~ ( 2 m f k )

Then define, for F E x(*"+') and ip E x ( ~ ~ + ~ ) , F q , @F E u ( ~ ~ + ' ) by

(u , F a ) = (F , Gu) (= (uF, @))


(u, Q F ) = (FU, @) (= ( F , uQ)), (u E u ( ~ ~ ) ) .


Throughout this thesis, for any Banach space Y and an element y E Y, ij

always denotes the canonical image of y in Y** (but to avoid unnecessary

complicated notations, we often use the same notation y to represent its

canonical image in any 2mth dual space When F E x ( ~ ~ + ' ) and

# E x ( ~ ~ ) , we denote F$ by Fq$ and $8' by 43'. It is easy to check that

(2-1) (u7 Fq5) = (&, F ) , (u; 4 F ) = (u4, F ) f o r u € ~ ~ ( ' ~ ) .

By using the canonical image of F or 9 in the appropriate 21th dual space,

we can then signi@ a meaning to F<P and <PF for any F E x ( ~ ~ + ' ) and

@ E ~ ( ~ " 1 . They are elements of Z(~"C, where k = max{m, n - 1).

Now for p E 5X(2mf 2, and F E x(*~+'), define pF E x(~"+') by

This actually defines a left Banach ~ ( ~ " ~ ~ j - r n o d u l e action on x (~~+ ' ) .

Finally, for /I E and E x ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ) , define p9 , @ p E by

( F ) = ( F , p), ( F ) = ( F ) (F E x ( ~ " + ~ ) ) .

They give the ZL(2m+2)-bimodule actions on x ( ~ ~ + ~ ) and complete our defi-

nit ion.

If lim u, = p in ~ ( I u ( ~ ~ + ~ ) , !$2m+1) ) and lim 4o = in a (~(2m+2) , x ( ~ ~ + ' ) ) ,

where (u,) c z(~") and (#f l ) c ~ ( ~ ~ 1 , then

2.2. BIMODULE ACTIONS OF a('") ON x(~")

For p E 21(2mC2) and 4 E ~ ( ~ " 1 , since pQ = p6, 4p = &L we have

One can also easily check the following relations:

where f E x ( ~ ~ - ~ ) , # E x ( ~ ~ - ~ ) , Q E x ( ~ ~ ) and u E (m 2 1).

Therefore each product agrees with those previously defined.

Concerning dual module rnorphisms we have the following.

PROPOSITION 2.1. Suppose that X and Y are Banach U-bimodules. Then

for each integer m 2 1 and each continuous U-bimodule morphism T : X + Y ,

r(2m) : x ( ~ ~ ) + Y(2m), the 2mth dual operator of T , is an 2L(2m)-bimodde


PROOF. It suffices to prove the proposition in the case rn = 1. Suppose

that @ E X**, u E U**, and

2.3. BIMODULE ACTIONS OF !IlZL('*) ON x ( ~ ~ )

where (a,) c II, (xg) c X. Since T** is weak* continuous, we have

T" (@a) = T** (wk*- lirn lim 5Pâ,) = wk*- lirn lirn T** (Zpâa) P Q P Q

= wk*- lim lim T ( x ~ , ) ^ = wk*- lim lim T ( x P ) ^ ~ ~ B Q B a

= wk*- lirn lim T** (ZB)âa = T** (@)u. B Q

Similar calculations show the identity for the Ieft action. Cl

Concerning derivations we have the following proposition which is an

extension of [17, Proposition 1.71.

PROPOSITION 2.2. Suppose that 2t is a Banach algebra and X is a Ba-

nach %-bimodule. If D: % + X is a continuous derivation, then for n > O

D(*"): 21(2n) + x(*~), the 2nth dual operator of D , is a h a continuous


PROOF. For n = 1, the proof is similar to the proof of the preceding

proposition, and by induction on n the proof can be easily cornpleted. O


The n-Weak Amenability of Banach Algebras

The theory of n-weak amenability of Banach algebras was established

by H. G. Dales, F. Ghahramani and N. Gr~nbæk in [17]. It extends the

theory of weak amenability. In Chapter 1 we already gave the definition and

narrated the backgroud of this concept.

3.1. (n + 2)-Weak amenability and n-weak amenability

In this thesis We use the notation + for the direct sum of Banach spaces,

or the direct sum of modules, while we Save the notation @ for module

extentions of Banach algebras.

Suppose that D: U + U(") is a continuous derivation, n 3 1. Since

is an U-bimodule decomposition, D can be viewed as a continuous derivation

from fU into a("+ 2 ) . If SL is (n i 2)-weakly anienable then D is inner in SL("+*)-

By considering the U-bimodule projection from u("+~) onto a(") it foliows

that D is imer in a("), showing that P is n-weakly amenable. This was

observed by Dales, Ghahramani and Granbaek. So we have:

3.1. (n + 2)-WEAK AND n-WEAK 17

PROPOSITION 3.1 ([l?], Proposition 1.2). Suppose that 24 is a n (n + 2)-weakly

amenable Banach algebra, n >_ 1. Then U is n-weakly amenable.

From this proposition any (2m + 1)-weakly arnenable Banach algebra

must be weakly amenable. It is of course interesting to know if the converse

is also true. This question was raised and left open in [17]. We will give

a negative answer to it in Chapter 5. Here we are interested in conditions

that can guarantee the converse. Before this discussion we give an important

property of weak amenability, which is taken from [17] (see also [32] for the

commutative algebra version). We include the proof for completeness.

PROPOSITION 3.2 ([17], Proposition 1.3). Svppose that % is a w e a h amenable

Banach algebra. Then 11* = span{ab; a, b E Q) is dense in II.

PROOF. Let X E 24' satisfy Xlaz = O. Let D: Q -t II* be the bounded

operator given by

Then D is a derivation and hence is imer. There is an f E 8' such that

Taking b = a, we have (a, A)* = O for al1 a E Q. So X must be O, which

implies that IU2 is dense in 2i by the Hahn-Banach Theorem. O

3.1. (n + 2)-W3AK AND n-WEAK 18

LEMMA 3.3. Suppose that 2l 2s a lefi (right) ideal in a". Then it 2s also

a lef t (resp. right) ideal in for al1 rn 2 1.

PROOF. We show that if !Z is a left (right) ideal of rn 2 1, then it

is a left (resp. right) ideal of 21(2m+2). Then by using induction we will have

the conclusion.

In fact ,


as I21-bimodules. For any F E 21(2mf '1, write F = fi i A, where fi E and

f2 E T. If 2l is a left (right) ideal of M(~""), then a fi = O (resp. fia = 0) for

a E U. So

aF =af2 = @fi)^ (resp. Fa = f2a = (fi a)*) .

For any E %(2m+2), let = 4 + fi, where # E (W)I and u E W* . Then

(F , @a) = ((ah); 6) = (F, ( ~ 4 ~ )

(resp. (F, a@) = (F, (au)^)).

So <Pa = @a)'% a (resp. a@ = (au)^€ a) for a E %. Thus is a left (resp.

right) ideal of 21(2m+2). The proof is complete. O

3.1. (n + 2)-WEAK AND n-WEAK 19

Remark 3.4. Suppose that b is a Banach algebra and U = W*. If

23 is an ideal in B**, then the natural way to make b an IU-bimodule is

using the Arens product to give the module actions; but, when we go to

higher duals, the distinction between algebra products and module actions

makes superficial sense. For instance, since 23 is an ?L-birnodule, B** is an

a"-bimodule; for b E B c 113" and î~ E %**, the module actions u - b, b - u

make sense and give elements of B". Since 23 C B** c B(*), ub, bu also

make sense and are elements in B(*) thanks to the Arens product in ~ ( ~ 1 .

But from the above lemma, ub,bu E 23 c b**. It is routine to check that

as elements in B**, u b = ub and b . u = bu. This fact will be used later in

Chapter 5.

THEOREM 3.5 ([17], Proposition 1.13). Suppose that 24 is a weakly amenable

Banach algebra and zs an ideal in %**. Then 'U is (2m + 1)-weakly amenable

for al1 m 2 1.

PROOF. Since (u, a F ) = (ua, F ) and (u, Fa) = (au, F ) for u E %Z2"),

a E 2l and F E %(2mf1), from Lemma 3.3, aF = Fa = O for al1 a E U and

F E nL n Suppose that D: a+ is a continuous derivation

and P: + UL is the U-module projection with the kernel 8' (see

equation (3.2)). Then

3.1. (n -t 2)-WE.U AND n-WEM 20

This shows that P O D = O from Proposition 3.2. Therefore D is in fact a

derivation from 5X into U*. So D is inner from the assurnption. It follows

that fU is (2772 + 1)-weakly amenable.


LEMMA 3.6. Suppose that 2i is a Banach algebra vith a left (right) b.a.i. .

Suppose that X is a Banach 8-bimodule and Y is a weak* closed submodzrle

O/ the dval module X*. If the lep (resp. right) 2i-module action on Y is

trivial, then R1(ll, Y ) = {O).

PROOF. We prove the result only in the case 'U has a left b.a.i.. The

proof for the other case is similar. Suppose that D: II + Y is a continuous

derivation. Let (ei) be a left b.a.i. of II, and f E Y be a weak* cluster point

of (D(ei)). Since %Y = {O), we have

D(a )= l imD(e ia )= f a = f a - a f , ~ € 2 4 -

Hence D is inner, showing that ?il(%, Y) = {O).

When Y = X* and the right (left) U-module action on X is trivial, the

above lemma gives the following result due to Johnson (we indicate that

in Johnson's origional result the condition of the exsistence of a b.a.i. is

unnecessary and can be replaced by an appropriate one-sided b.a.i.).

3.2. T m n-WBAK AMENABLITY OF 21d 21

COROLLARY 3.7 ([49], Proposition 1.5). Suppose that P is a Banach al-

gebm with a left (right) b.a.i. and X is a Banach Il-bzmodule with the right

(resp. lejt) module action trivial. Then 'ftL (a, X*) = {O).

With Lemma 3.6, we can pruve another partial converse result to Propo-

sition 3.1 as follows.

THEOREM 3.8. Suppose that U is a weakly amenable Banach algebra. I j

II has a left (right) b.a.i. and is a left (resp. right) ideal in U", then 2 is

(2m + 1)-weakly amenable for rn 2 1.

PROOF. We prove the result only in the case that II has a left b.a.i. and

is a left ideal in II". From the It-bimodule decomposition (3.2) we have the

cohomoIogy group decomposition

If 2 is weakly amenable, we have 711(<U, II*) = {O). 21L is clearly weak*

closed submodule of Since IZI is a left ideal in 8", it is a left ideal

in u ( ~ ~ ) from Lemma 3.3. It follows that the left U-module action on UL is

trivial. Then Lernma 3.6 leads to that ?L'(a, a'-) = {O). As a consequence

we have X1(U, 11(2mCi)) = {O) and su U is (2772 + 1)-weakly amenable. O

3.2. The n-weak amenability of IId

Suppose that II is a Banach algebra. Let '@ be the unitization of U, the

Banach algebra formed by adjoining an identity e to fU, so that UV = %+Ce


with the product given by

Here we use + instead of @ to denote the direct sum, because the latter

will have special meaning in this thesis. In this section we are interested

in finding the relations between the weak amenability of I( and II" If U

is commutative, then 2 L g is n-weakly amenable if and only if II is n-weakly

amenable ([17]). In the general case things seem complicated. It is known

that if 2l is (Zn + 1)-weakly amenable then so is Q< and if 2@ is Zn-weakly

amenable then so is 2l ([17]). The converses remain open [28].

It is easy to see that

where n 2 0, and e* E %O* satisfies e*lm = O and (e, e*) = 1. The first Arens

product on is given by

and the module operations of 2Lfl(2n) on ~ g ( ~ ~ + ~ ) for m 2 n 2 O are given by

(U + a e ) ( F + Be*) = (uF + O F ) + ((u, F ) + a&*,

( F + Be*) (u + a e ) = ( F u + aF) + ( ( 7 4 F ) + @)e*,


for u E F E z (~~+' ) , and a, P E C. Especially the nu-bimodule actions

on ~ f l ( ~ ~ + ' ) are given by the formulas:

(3-3) (a + a e ) ( F + Be') = (aF + aF) + ( (a , F ) + aO)e*,

(3 -4) ( F + Be*) (a + a e ) = (Fa + aF) + ( (a , F ) + @)e*,

for a E U, F E 21(2mf1)1 and crlP E @.

PROPOSITION 3.9. For rn 2 O , 2@ is (277-2 + 1)-weakly amenable if and

only i f 'LLZ 2s dense in II and every bounded derivation D: U t with

the condition that there zs a T E W such that

i s inner. If this is the case, then T = 0.

PROOF. For necessity, assume 24* is (2m + 1)-weakly amenable. Let

f E 8' be such that f 1 % ~ = 0, and let A: %fl + 21d(2mf '1 be defined by

A(a + a e ) = (a , f )e* (a E %,ci. E c).

Then A is a continuous derivation. So A is inner. A simple calculation by

using formulas (3.3) and (3.4) shows that f = O. Therefore Q12 is dense in

- Suppose that D: 2l + '1 is a bounded derivation satisfying (3.5).

Then D: Ufl + 1("2m+1) defined by


is a continuous derivation. In fact ,

- D((a + ae) (b + Be) ) = D (ab + a b + Ba) + (ab + a b + Da, T)e*

= (D(a) + (a, T) e*) - (b + pe) + (a + cre) (D (b) + (b, T) e*)

- = D ( a + ae) ( b +De) + (a+ ae) -D(b+pe) .

So D is inner. It then follows that D is imer and T = 0.

For the sufficiency, let A: ?LI be a continuous derivation.

Since A(e) = O we can assume

where D: 2l + -t(2m+1) is a bounded operator and T E a'. We have from

formulas (3.3) and (3.4)

= aD(b) + D(a)b+ ( (a ,D(b)) + (b, D(a)))e* (a, b E a).

This shows that D is a derivation from U into IZL(~~+ ' ) and T satisfies (3.5).

Thus D is inner, which in turn implies that (ab, T) = O for al1 a, b E U. So

T = O. It follows that A is inner. So Uu is (2m + 1)-weakly amenable. The

proof is complete. O

COROLLARY 3.10. Suppose that II has a b.a.i.. Then for rn 2 O the

algebra IlD is (2m + 1)-weakly amenable if and only if M is (2m + 1)-wea&



PROOF. Let (ei) be a b.a.i. of ll, and let E E b e a weak* cluster

point of (ei). For any continuous derivation D: 2l+ N- ' m f '1, define T E a*

(a, T) = (D(a) , E ) , a E Il.

Therefore Equation (3.5) holds for any continuous derivation D: Il+ l).

The rest is clear.

Remark 3.11. For rn = O Corollary 3.10 was obtained by Gronbæk in


COROLLARY 3.12. Suppose tha t 2t is a dweakly amenable Banach algebra.

Then is (2m + 1)-weakly amenable if and only if Il is (2m + 1)-weaklg


PROOF. We only need to prove the necessity. Suppose tha t D: II-+

is a continuous derivation. Let P: Il(*"+') + U* be the projection with the

kernel a". Then P O D: U + U' is an inner derivation. On the other hand,

the bounded derivation (1 - P) 0 D: 2l -t II1 satisfies Equation (3.5) with

T = O. From Proposition 3.9, (1 - P) O D is inner. This shows that D is

inner. So II is (2m + 1)-weakly amenable. 0


It was shown in [17, Proposition 1.41 that if QD is 2m-weakly amenable,

m 2 O, then U is Sm-weakly arnenable. For the converse we have the follow-


PROPOSITION 3.13. Suppose that U is 2m-weakly amenable, m > 0 , and

212 is dense in U. Then II$ is am-weakly arnenable.

PROOF. Let A: Uf' + 2lU2") be a continuous derivation. Then there is

f E !W and a bounded operator O: U -t 11(2m) such that

A ( a + cue) = D(a) + (a , f)e, a E a, a E C.

Routine calculations lead to the bllowing equalities:

D(ab) = aD(b) + D(a)b + (b, f ) a + (a, f )b7

(ab, f ) = O, a, b E U.

The 1 s t equality shows that f = O since U2 is dense in a. It follows that D

is a derivation and hence it is inner, and so there is 4 E U(2m) such that

Thus A is inner and consequently QI is 2m-weakly amenable. O

From Cohen factorization theorem (Theorem 1.1) and using the above

proposition, we have immediately the following.

COROLLARY 3.14. If has a b.a.i . , then Ut is 2m-weakly amenable if

and only if U is 2m-weakly arnenable.


From Proposition 3.2, Proposition 3.13 and [l?, Proposition 1.41 we ob-

tain also the following:

COROLLARY 3.15. Suppose that II is weakly amenable. Then 2Lfl zs 2m-weakly

amenable i f and only i f % is Sm-weakly amenable.

To end this Chapter we combine corolaries 3.10, 3.12, 3.14 and 3.15 to

a theorem as follows.

THEOREM 3.16. Suppose that 2i is a Banach algebra tuhich is either

weakly amenable or has a b.a.i. . Then for each n 2 O , i s n-weakly

amenable if and only i f 2l is n-weakly amertable.


The n-Weak Amenability of Module Extensions of

Banach Algebras

Suppose that II is a Banach algebra and X is a Banach a-bimodule. The

module extension algebra @ X is the Il-direct sum of 'LL and X, with the

algebra product defined as follows:

(a, X) . (b, y) = (ab, ay + xb), (a, b E II, x, y E X).

It is a Banach algebra. Some properties of this kind of algebra have been

discussed in [3] and [17]. In this chapter we study the n-weak amenability

of this kind of Banach algebra. Since X is a complemented nilpotent ideal of

U $ X, according to Sheorem 1.3, U @ X can never be an amenable Banach

algebra unless X = O. If 24@X has both left and right approximate identities

(for instance, when 2l has both left and right approximate identities and

they are also, respectively, left and right approximate identities for X) , then

24 @ X can not be pointwise approximately biprojective (see Definition 7.10

and Theorem 7.14). But U Q X can be weakly amenable. It may even

be permanently weakly amenable. In section 4.4 we will see that if 24 is a

weakly amenable commutative Banach algebra with a b.a.i., then fil@ A. is



perrnanently weakly amenable, where A. is identical to 24 as a left ILI-module

while the right module action on A. is trivial.

This chapter is organized as follows: In Section 4.1 we first discuss the

(P @ X)-module (TU @ x)("), giving the formulas for the module actions.

Then we d l discuss various techniques for lifting derïvations. In Section 4.2

we prove two theorems which give the necessary and suficient conditions

for (3 @ X) to be n-weakly amenable. Sections 4.3 and 4.4 deal with the

special cases of X = U and X = Xo, where Xo denotes a Banach U-bimodule

with the right module action trivial. We will encounter severai interesting

examples there. This chapter is also a foundation for Chapter 5, where

we construct a counter-example to answer question 1.5 in Chapter 1 in the


Sometimes we regard IU @ X as an Il-bimodule with the natural module

actions: b - (a, x) = (ba, bx) and ( a , x) . b = (ab, xb) for b E a, ( a , x) E X.

Since the dual module (M @ X)* is identical with ( o + X ) ~ + ( U + O ) ~ , where

the sum is 2,-sum, and (0+X)'- (resp. (%+O)-'-) is isometrically isomorphic

to IU* (resp. X*) as SI-bimodules, for convenience in this thesis we just write

(ne X)' = W+X*.

Similarly we will identify the n th dual (I( @ x)(") with %(") /x(*), where

the sum is 1,-sum when n is odd, and is Il-sum when n is even. For the


moment this identity is in the sense of rU-bimodules. We will study the

(II @ X)-bimodule actions in the next section.

4.1. Lifting derivat ions

In this section we give several lemmas concerning lifting derivations (resp.

module morphisms) from II (resp. X) into the modules u(") or x(") to

derivations from @ X into ('U @ x)(~). We first discuss the (24@ X)-module

actions on the nth dual module (II @ x)("). Recall that, when n is an odd

number, the notations XX(") and x(")x have been defined in Chapter 2 on

page 12 for x E X.

LEMMA 4.1. Szppose that X is a Banach %-bimodule. Then the (0 @ X ) -bimodule

actions on (II @ x)(") are given by the following jormulas

PROOF. We use induction to give the proof. For n = O the equalities are

just the definition of the algebra multiplications for 2l@ X. Assume that


they are true for n = 2m1 m 2 O. Then for (a(2m), x ( ~ " ) ) E (Z û3 X)(2B) ,

(a(2m+l) 2(2m+l)) E (a ~ ) ( 2 m + l )


These show that the equalities hold for n = 2.m f 1.


Now assume that they are true for n = 2m - 1, rn 2 1. Then for

(a(2m-l) , x(2m-l) ) E (a @ x)(~~- ' ) and (a(2m), x ( * ~ ) ) E (a @ x ) ( ~ ~ ) ,


So the equalities hold also for n = 2m.

By induction, we see that the equalities (4.1) and (4.2) hold for any

integer n 2 O. 0

We have known that for each integer rn, x ( ~ ~ ) is a Banach 11(2m)-bimodule.

So the module extension Banach aigebra 11(2m)@~(2m) makes sense. Also the

2mth dual algebra has the same underlying space as @ x ( ~ ~ ) .


The distinction between these two algebras is in fact superficial as stated in

the following remark.

Remark 4.2. The algebra @ x(*~) is isometrically isomorphic to

(a EI x) (2m) .

PROOF. 30th have the underlying space ~ ( ' ~ 1 +x(*~) . Using induction,

One sees easily that the algebra products defined on them are also the same.


Now we can give Our lifting results.

LEMMA 4.3. Suppose that m 2 O and Dr 2 l - t N(*~") i s a (continuous)

derivation. Then D: U @ X + (24 03 x ) ( ~ ~ + ' ) defined by

i s also a (continuous) derivation. D is inner i f and only i;fD is inner.

PROOF. It is routine to check that D is a (continuous) derivation if D is


If D is inner, then there is u E 11(2mfl) such that D(a) = au - ua. This

leads to

- D((a7 4) = (a, 4 . - (u, O) - (a, 4,

and so is inner.


If D is inner, then there is (u, F) E @ x ( ~ ~ + ' ) , such that

and so D ( a ) = a u - ua, for al1 a E P. This shows that D is inner. O

LEMMA 4.4. Suppose that D: 2.i + x ( * ~ ) is a (continuous) derivation.

Then D: II @ X + ( I I @ x)('~) defined by

is also a (continuous) derivation. D is inner if and only i f D is.

PROOF. The proof is similar to that of Lemma 4.3. O

LEMMA 4.5. Suppose thaf n 2 O and D: + x(") is a (continuous)

derivation. T h e n D*: x(*+') + a*, the dual operator of D , satisfies

for a E U and F E x(~").

PROOF. For any b E U,

(b , D * ( a F ) ) = (D(b)a , F ) = (D(ba) - b D ( a ) , F )

= (b , a D * ( F ) - D(a)F) ,


and so D*(aF) = aD*(F) - (D(a) F) 1%. A similar argument will give the

second equality. O

LEMMA 4.6. Suppose that k > O is an znteger and D: 2i + X(") is a

- (continuozls) derivation. Then for m > 0 , D(~"+'): x ( ~ + ~ ~ ~ ' ) + '21(2m+L),

the (2m + 1)th dual operator of D, satisfies

for a E Z l and F E

PROOF. First, for m = O, Lemma 4.5 gives the result. For m > O, from

[17, Proposition 1.71, ~ ( ~ ~ 1 : -t X(ef2m) is a (continuous) derivation.

Then from Lemma 4.5,

s at isfies


for u E 11(2m), F E In particular when u = a E a, these give the

formulas of the lemma. a


LEMMA 4.7. For any integer 2m + 1 > O , suppose that D: II + x ( ~ ~ + ' )

is a (continuous) derivation. Then Dr 2i @ X + (a @ x ) ( ~ ~ + ' ) defined by

is a (continuow) derivation. Moreover,

1. ifD is inner, then so is D;

2. if D is inner, then a (continuous) derivation 5: II @ X +- (24 x ) ( ~ ~ + ' )

can be set so that D( (a , O ) ) = O for a E a, and D - D is inner.

PROOF. For a, b E Q and x , y E X , from Lemma 4.6 we have

- D((a ,x) - (b, y ) ) = B ( ( a b , ay + xb)) = ( - ~ ( ~ ~ + ' ) ( a y + xb), ab))

= ( - [ , ~ P m + l ) ( Y ) - (D(a)~) la(2- ) f D (2m") (z) b - ( x D (b) ) Imc lm, ] , D ( a ) b + a D (b ) )

- - (-[a ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ' 1 ( y ) - D (a ) y + D ( ~ ~ + ' ) ( x ) b - z D ( b ) ] , D ( a ) b + a D (b) )

= (-,@m+') ( y ) + xD(b) , aD(b)) + ( - D ( ~ ~ + ' ) ( X ) ~ + D(a)y , ~ ( a ) b )

= (a, 2) - (- D(~"+') ( y ) 7 D ( b ) ) + (- D ( ~ ~ ~ '1 (z) , ~ ( a ) ) (b , .y)

= (a, x) - m, Y ) ) + m a , 4) . (b, Y )

Therefore D is a (continuous) derivation.

If D is inner, then for some u E Q Pm+l) F E ~ ( 2 m + l ) ,

- (O, D ( a ) ) = D((a, O)) = (a, 0) (21, F ) - (u, F ) - (a, 0)

= (au - ua, a F - Fa) .

So D(a) = aF - Fa for all a E Il. Thus D is inner.

Conversely, if D is inner, then t here is F E x('"+ '1 such that D (a) = aF - Fa

for a E Ill. Let T: X -t 1((2m+1) be defined by

T(x) = - D ( * ~ + (x) - (xF - FI) (x E X)

and T: M @ X + (II @ X ) ( ~ ~ + I ) be defined by

( D - T ) ( (a , 5)) = (2F - F z , aF - F a )

for (a , x) E U X. Therefore D - T is an inner derivation. This in turn

irnplies that T is a (continuous) derivation. So D = T will satisS. al1 the

requirements. The proof is complete. Cl

LEMMA 4.8. Suppose that r: X -t z(*~+') is a continuous Il-bimodule

morphism. Then D: 2t CEI X + (3 x ) ( ~ ~ + ' ) defined b y


is a continuous derivation. D is inner i f and only i f there is F E X(2m+L)

such that aF - F a = O for a E I I , and î(x) = XF - Fx.

PROOF. It is easy to check that D is a continuous derivation. If D is

inner, then there is (u, F) E 8 x(*~+'), such that

(r(x): 0) = D((O1x)) = (O, X) - (a, F ) - (a, F ) ( 0 , ~ )

= (xF - Fx, O).

This shows that r ( x ) = XF - Fx for x E X. Also

(0, 0) = D((a, O) ) = (a1 O) - (u, F ) - ( 7 4 F ) - (a1 O)

= (au - ua, aF - Fa).

We have aF - Fa = O for a E U.

Conversely, if there is F E such that aF - Fa = O for a E II,

and r(x) = I F - Fx, then

D((a, x)) = (r(x), 0) = (xF - Fx, a F - Fa)

= (a, 4 (O1 F ) - (O. F ) . (a, 4,

showing that D is inner.

LEMMA 4.9. Suppose that T : X + ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ' 1 i s a continuous fll-bimodule

morphisrn, satisfying x T ( y ) + T ( x ) y = O for al[ x, y E X . Then


defined by

is a continuous derivation. D is inner i f and only i f T = 0.

PROOF. The first statement is easy to check. If D is inner, then for some

F ) E ~ ( ? m + l ) @ ~ ( 2 m + l )

( O , T ( x ) ) = D((0, x)) = (0, X) (u, F ) - (u7 F ) ( 0 , ~ )

= ( x F - Fr, O ) , x E X.

Therefore T = O. The converse is trivial. O

LEMMA 4.10. Suppose that T : X -t I U ( ~ ~ ) is a (continuous) Il-bimodule

rnorphism, satisfying xT(y) + T(x)y = O in x ( ~ ~ ) for x , y E X . Then

- T : II @ X -t (a@ x)(~") defined by

is a (continuous) derivation. T is inner i f and only if T = 0.

PROOF. The proof is similar to that of Lemma 4.9. Cl

LEMMA 4.11. Suppose that T : X + x ( * ~ ) is a (continuous) li-bimodule

rnorphism. Then T: 2l@ X -t (a @ x ) ( ~ ~ ) defined by

4.2. ON n-WEM AMENABILITY OF 2i @ X 40

is a continuous derivation. T is inner if and only zf there zs some u E z( *~)

such that ua = au for a E I I , and T ( x ) = xu - ux for al1 x E X.

PROOF. The first statement is obviously true. If S is inner, then for

some (u, 4) E z ( ~ ~ ) @ x ( * ~ ) ,

= (O, xu - ux)


(0,O) = T((a, O)) = (a, 0) (74 4) - (u, 4) ( a , 0)

= (au - ua, a4 - 4a)-

Therefore, T(x) = su - u s and au - ua = 0.

For the converse, suppose that, for some u E satisfying az~ - ua = O

for al1 a E a, T ( x ) = xu - ux for x E X, then

- T((a, z)) = (O, T(x)) = (au - ua, s u - ux)

= (a,x) - (u,O) -(a$) (a ,x) .

So T is inner.

4.2. O n n-weak amenability of U X

Suppose that is a Banach algebra and X is a Banach 2Lbimodule. In

this section we are concerned with the conditions for the n-weak amenability

4.2. ON n-WEAK AMENABILZR OF !2l û3 X 4 1

of the module extension Banach algebra TU @ X. The discussion naturally

splits into two cases of odd integers n and even integers n. For odd n we

have the following main result .

THEOREM 4.12. For m 2 O , II @ X is (2m + 1)-rueakly amenable i f and

only i f the following conditions hold:

1. B is (2m + 1) -weakly amenable;

2. N1(U, x(~*+')) = { O ) ;

3. For any continuous Il-bimodule morphism r: X + I Z L ( ~ ~ + ' ) there is

F E x(*~+') such that aF - Fa = O for a E .2l and r(z) = XF - F x

for x E X ;

4. For any continuous 2l-bimodule morphisrn Tc X -t x ( ~ ~ + ' ) , if

i n U(2mt1) for all x, y E X, then T = 0.

PROOF. Denote by Al the projection from (II @ x ) ( ~ ~ + ' ) onto Il(2mf ' 1 ;

the kemel of Al is x ( ~ ~ + ' ) - Let A2 = 1-Al, the projection from (a @ x ) (*~+ ')

ont0 ~ ( ~ ~ + l ) . Both Ai and A2 are obviously a-bimodule morphisms. Let

TI: % + II @ X be the inclusion rnapping (i.e. .r1(a) = (a, O ) ) . It is easy to

see that T, is an algebra homomorphism.

We first prove the sufficiency. Suppose that conditions 1-4 hold. Sup-

pose that D: 2l@ X + (a @ x ) ( ~ ~ + ' ) is a continuous derivation. Shen


Dor1: % + (a@ X) (2m+L) is a continuous derivation. In fact,

Then Al O D O rl: U + 11(*~+') and A, 0 D 0 TI: 2L + x(*"+ ') are continuous

derivations. By conditions 1 and 2, they are inner. This implies that D 0 TI

is inner. From lemmas 4.3 and 4.7,

is a continuous derivation and there is a derivation D: II @ X -+ (a CEI x)(~~+ ' ) ,

satisfying D((a, O)) = O for a E SL, such that D o 7, - D is inner. Also

Let 5 = D - + We have that 8 is a continuous derivation from

X into (Ba x) (~~+ ' ) satisfying D((a, O)) = O for a E II . On the other




Denote by T . : X + 2l d3 X the inclusion mapping given by r2 (x) = (0, x) ,

(x E X). Then 5 o 72: X + (Q @ x) (~~+' ) is a continuous <Il-bimodule

morphism. From condition 3 there is F E x ( ~ ~ ~ '1 such that

A, o D o ~ ~ ( x ) =IF - F z , and aF - F a = O

for x E X and a E 2L. Since

we have

( ~ ~ o D o r ~ ( z ) ) ~ + x ( ~ ~ o D o . r ~ ( ~ ) ) = O

for x, y E X. Frorn condition 4, A2 0 5 0 72 = O. SO


This shows that 5 is inner. Then D = 8 -f- (0 O TI - 5) is inner. This

proves that @ X is (2m + 1)-weakly amenable.

Necessity: Suppose that 2leX is (2m + 1)-weakly amenable, and suppose

that D: Q + I(('~+') is a continuous derivation. Shen, frorn Lemma 4.3,

D is inner. This shows that ?Y1(%, '1) = {O). Similarly Lemma 4.7

implies that X L ( Q , x ( ~ ~ + ' ) ) = { O ) . Therefore conditions 1 and 2 hold.

Since any continuous derivation D: % @ X + (a @ x)('~+') is inner,

Lemma 4.8 gives condition 3, and Lemma 4.9 shows that condition 4 holds.

The proof is complete. 0

For even integers n we have the following theorern.

THEOREM 4.13. For rn 3 O , 8 @ X is 2rn-vealily amenable if and only

i f the following conditions hold:

1. For any continuous derivation D: 2L + a('*), i f there is a continu-

ous operator T : X -+ x(?") such that T ( a x ) = D(a)x + a T ( x ) and

T ( x a ) = xD(a) + T ( x ) a , for a E SL and x E X, then D is inner;

2. R1(12L, x(*~) ) = {O);

3. Any continzlous Q-birnodule rnorphism r: X + u ( ~ ~ ) satisfying

in ~ ( ~ ~ 1 , for x , y E X , is trivial;


4. For any continuous Il-bimodule rnorphisrn Tc X -t x ( ~ ~ ) , there exists

u E u(*"), such that au = ua for a E I I , and T ( x ) = xu - ux for

x E X.

PROOF. Denote by TI and 7 2 the natural inclusion mappings from, re-

spectively, % and X into 9.L @ X, and by Ai and A2 the natural projections

from (8 @ x ) ( ~ ~ ) ont0 2L(**) and x ( ~ ~ ) , respectively. These are a- bimodule


We first prove the sufficiency. Suppose that the conditions 1-4 in Theo-

rem 4.13 hold. Let D: (a@ X) -+ (a @ x ) ( ~ ~ ) be a continuous derivation.

Then clearly Al O D O TI: U -+ 1((*") and A2 0 D 0 T I : U -t x ( ~ ~ ) are

continuous derivat ions.

Claim 1: O D O T - : x i z U ~ ~ ) is trivial.

Let l? = Al O D O 75. To prove Claim 1, by condition 3 it suffices to show

that r is an U-bimodule morphism sa t i skng xI'(y) + r ( x ) y = O in ~ ( ' ~ 1 for

x, 3 X. In fact,


Therefore xI'(y) + r ( x ) y = O. On the other hand

Similarly, l ' (sa) = I'(x)a and so I' is an 2Lbimodule morphism. This verifies

Claim 1.

Now let T = a 2 0 D o ~ 2 : x + x ( * ~ ) , and Dl = A ~ D O T ~ :

Claim 2: T ( a x ) = Dl(a)x + aT(x) and T ( x a ) = xDl(a) + T ( x ) a for

a E U , x E X -

In fact, from Claim 1

Similarly, (O, T ( x a ) ) = ( O , xDl(a) + T(x )a ) , for a E a, x E X . So Claim 2 is


Therefore by condition 1, Dl = Al O D o TI is inner. Suppose that

u E u ( ~ ~ ) satisfies Dl (a) = au - ua for a E U. Take Tl: X -t x ( ~ ~ ) specified

by T l ( x ) = x u - u x for x E X. Then T - Ti: X + x ( ~ ~ ) is a continuous


U-bimodule morphism. In fact, from Claim 2, for a E Z and x E X,

(T - Tl)(ax) = T(ax) - Tl(ax) = (Dl(a)x + aT(x)) - (axu - uax)

= (au - ua)x + aT(x) - (axu - uax)

= a(ux - XU) + aT(x) = a(T - c ) ( x ) .

Similarly, T - Tl is a right %-module morphism.

From condition 4; there is a v E %(2m) such that av = va for a E X, and

(T - T l ) ( x ) = xv - vx for x E X. From Lemma 4.11

is an inner derivation.

Since A2 O D O rl: O i x(**) is a continuous derivation, it is inner by

condition 2. From Lemma 4.4

is also inner. From al1 the discussion above combined, we have

is inner.

Hence as a sum of three inner derivations, D is inner. This shows that

under conditions 1-4 of Theorem 4.13, U @ X is 2m-weakly amenable. So

the sufficiency is true.

Now we prove the necessity. Suppose that %@X is 2m-weakly amenable.

Let D: 24 + u ( ~ ~ ) be a derivation with the property given in condition 1.

Shen D: U @ X -+ (a @ x ) ( ~ ~ ) defined by

is a derivation. Therefore, there are u E and 4 E X(2m) such that

= (au - ua,ad - c$a+ (xu -ux)).

This implies that D(a) = au -ua for a E IU. Hence D is inner. So condition 1

holds. Also lemmas 4.4, 4.10 and 4.11 show, respectively, that conditions 2-4

hold. The proof is complete. O


Condition 4 in Theorem 4.13 seems to be a very tough condition, if

we note that the inclusion mapping from X into X(2m) is an 2bbimodule

morphism. So there are not many 2m-weakly amenable Banach algebras of

the form a@ X. In the rest of the section we make some comments on the

conditions in Theorem 4.12.

Remark 4.14. When m = O, condition 3 in Theorem 4.12 is equivalent


3'. There is no non-zero continuous a-birnodule morphism r: X i WU'.

PROOF. If 3O holds, then choose F = O E X*. We see that condition 3

holds for m = O. Conversely suppose that condition 3 holds for rn = O and

r: X + a' is a continuous 24-bimodule morphism. Then there is an F E X'

with aF - Fa = O, such that r(x) = XF - Fx for z E X. So

(a, r(x)) = (a, x F - Fx) = (x, Fa - a F ) = O, a E 53, z. E X.

Therefore, r(x) = O for x E X. This shows that r = 0.

For the general case, condition 3 in Theorem 4.12 is equivalent to:

3? For any continuous %bimodule morphism r: X + U(2m+1), the range

r (X) is contained in 21L and there is G E U and r(x) = XG - Gx for

a: € X.

PROOF. It suffices to prove that 3 implies 3m. Suppose that 3 holds, i-e.

for some F E x ( ~ ~ + ' ) sat isFng a F - Fa = 0, r ( x ) = xF - Fx (x E X).


Then clearly r(x) E 21L. Let F = f + G, where f E X*, G E XL. Since

aG - Ga E XI, we have af - fa E r (X*) n XL, where L ( X * ) denotes the

image of X* in x (~~+ ' ) under the canonical mapping. This implies that

a f - fa = O. Then aG - Ga = O in x(*~+'). From the preceding remark

the operator ri: X -t SL* defined by r,(x) = xf - fi is trivial. Therefore,

Here we hzve used the fact that xf = (z f )^and fi = (f x)^ (see page 14). O

PROPOSITION 4.15. If condition 4 of Theorem 4.12 holds, then

PROOF. Assume conversely that cl(%X + XI1) # X. Take a non-zero

element F E X* fi (UX + X%lL, and let T: X + X* be defined by

T (x) = F (x) F.

Since FIaxcxm = O, it is easy to see that T is a non-zero continuous

a-bimodule morphism and UT(X) = T(X)U = {O). Also for x, y E X,

- O in a* since T(X) c ( n X ) I n (X2l)l. This shows that xT(Y) = T ( ~ Y -

condition 4 of Theorem 4.12 does not hold for m = O. So it does not hold

for any m >_ 0. O

Remark 4.16. For m = O, condition 4 in Theorem 4.12 is equivalent to

the following-


4'. cl(2lX + XU) = X and there is no non-zero 2Lbimodule morphism

T: X + X* s a t i s b n g ( x ' T ( y ) ) + (y , T ( x ) ) = 0, for x, y E X.

PROOF. If condition 4 in Theorem 4.12 holds, the previous proposition

implies that cl(llX + X U ) = X . If an a-bimodule rnorphism T: X + X'


then for any a E U,

This shows that xT(y) + T ( x ) y = O for x, y E X . Therefore T = O and so 4O


Conversely, if 4O holds, and T: X + X* is a continuous IU-bimodule

rnorphism satisking x T ( y ) + T(x)y = O in W, then for any x E Q X + X B ,

x = axl + x2b, and y E X , we have

Since cl(llX + Xll) = X, this implies that (x, T(y)) + (y, T(x)) = O for

al1 x, y E X. ~ e n c e T = O and so condition 4 of Thsorem 4.12 holds for

m=o. a

4.3. THE ALGEBRA !X Ci3 2i

4.3. The algebra !Z @ I1

In this and the following sections we will investigate several concrete

situations. This section is concerned rnainly with the two cases X = 2l and

X = Il* as Banach U-bimodules.

First we note that if B is not amenable, then there is a Banach Il-bimodule

X, such that U1(2I7X*) # { O ) . From Theorem 4.12, for this X : U @ X is

not weakly amenable. In fact, if X = II*, I1@ X is never weakly amenable

as stated in the following proposition.

PROPOSITION 4.17. For any Banach algebra <U, U@X* is never n-weakly

amenable fo r any n 3 0.

PROOF. From Proposition 3.1, it suffices to prove the proposition for the

cases of n = 1 and n = 2772, where rn 2 O. Notice that Condition 3' does not

hold, because the identity mapping from X (which is 2' in this case) onto

2P is a non-zero continuous 24-bimodule morphism. So from Remark 4.14

the statement is true for n = 1.

Suppose that n = 2m. Let T: X + x ( ~ ~ ) be a continuous Il-bimodule

morphism characterized in Condition 4 of Theorem 4.13 with X = a*, then

T ( f ) E UL for f E X. In fact, for a E a,

( a , T ( f ) ) = (a, f - u - u . f ) = (af -fa, u)

= (f, u a - a u ) = 0.

4.3. THE ALGEBFL4 2i @ B 53

But when viewed as a subspace of x ( ~ ~ ) , X does not annihilate II, where the

latter is viewed as a subspace of x (~~- ' ) . This shows that, as an Il-bimodule

morphism, the inclusion mapping from X into does not satisfy Con-

dition 4 of Theorem 4.13. Therefore %@ IC* is not Sm-weakly amenable. O

Now we consider the case X = fU. To avoid any confusion, from now on

when we regard X as an a-b-bimodde, we will use the notation A instead of

fU. Sirnilarly, we use the notation A(") to denote the Il-bimodule a("). in

this case, since condition 4 in Theorem 4.13 never holds for any integer m

(the canonical embedding is a non-zero morphism), we have that 2l @ A is

never Sm-weakly amenable for any m > O. If U is commutative, the same

reason yields a little bit more extended result. Recal that an 2-bimodule

X is symmetric if ax = xa, for a E U, x f X.

PROPOSITION 4.15. Suppose that 2l is a commutative Banach algebra.

Shen for any non-zero syrnmetric 2-birnodule X , M @ X is not 2m-weakly


PROOF. If X is symmetric, then we will have xu = us for u E 21(2m) and

x E X. Since the inclusion mapping is a non-trivial U-bimodule morphisme

Condition 4 in Theorem 4.13 does not hold. CI

But irl A can be weakly amenable. Before giving an example for this

let us discuss some relations concerning corresponding elements of A(") and

TU("). Suppose that Q E A(n). We denote the same element in by 4.

4.3. THE ALGEBRA 2i 03 2î 54

LEMMA 4.19. Suppose that II is a Banach algeb~a and let m 2 O . Then

for 4, $ E and F E A(2mC'),

PROOF. It is easy to check that these equalities hold for rn = O. Assume

that they hold for m = k. Then for m = k + 1, letting 4, $ E A(?~+*) and

f E we have

This shows that $ f = 4 f. So

Hence (&b)" = $4, 4,1C, E A ( ~ ~ + ~ ) . Sirnilady $4 = (44)". These in turn

verify the following equalities.

4.3. TETE ALGEBRA 2i @ 11

where #, T) E A ( * ~ + ~ ) , F E il(2ki3)- SO #F = @? Also

Hence ($FI- = @. So we have proved q5F = (4~)" = 6F for the case

rn = k + 1. A similar proof d l $ve F 4 = ( ~ 4 ) " = &. This cornpletes the

proof. O

A special case of Lemma 4.19 is the following group of equalities which

we will use in the proof of the next theorem.

- zF = (ZF)" = ZF, Fx = (F5)" = Fz,

for a E 2l, x E A, E A ( ~ ~ ) and F E A ( ~ ~ + ' ) . From these equalities, we

also see that for X = A and m 2 O the conditions 3 and 4 in Theorem 4.12

hold if and only if there is no non-zero U-bimodule morphism T from A

into A ( ~ ~ + ~ ) . Also we note that in the case X = A conditions 1 and 2 of

Theorem 4.12 are the same.

THEOREM 4.20. Szppose that 2i is a Banach algebra.

1. if span{ab - ba; a , b E M) is not dense in O, then 2iB A is not weakly


2. if span{ab-bu; a, b E II} zs dense in U, then %@A is weakly amenable,

provided U is weakly amenable and has a b.a.i..


PROOF. By condition 1 of Theorern 4.12 without loss of generality we

can assume 2l is weakly amenable for both cases. If span{ab - bu; a, b E a}

is not dense in a, then there is f E II* such that f # O and (ab - ba, f) = O

for a, b E II. So a f = fa for a E U. Then T: A + a' defined by

is an U-bimodule morphism. According to Proposition 3.2, 2l2, the linear

span of all product elements ab, a , b E U, is dense in a. So there are a , b E II

such that (ab, f ) # O . This implies that T # O. Therefore in this case ZL@ A

is not weakly amenable due to

If span{ab - ba; a, b E U} is dense in II, and II has a b.a.i., Say (ei),

then for any given continuous U-bimoduie morphisrn T: A + U*, we have

T ( a ) = a f = fa , where f is a weak* cluster point of (T (e i ) ) . Therefore

f (ab - bu) = O for al1 a , b E Zi. This shows that f = O and hence T = O. So

conditions 3 and 4 in Theorem 4.12 hold for rn = O. The other two conditions

hold automatically for m = O. So by using Theorem 4.12 we see that the

second statement of the theorem is true. El

From the first statement of Theorem 4.20 we have the following corollary

immediately :

COROLLARY 4.21. For any commutative Banach algebra Zi, @ A is

never weakly amenable.

4.3. THE ALGEBRA 3L €9 5 7

Let 3t be an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. According to a classical

result due to Halmos, every element in B('?f) can be written as a sum of two

commutators (Theorem 8 of [37]; for furtheï results about commutators in

C*-algebras we refer to [5]-[8], [38] and [59]). Together with the fact that

B ( X ) has an identity and as a C*-algebra is weakly amenable ([36]), from

Theorem 4.20 we see that B(U) @ B ( X ) is weakly amenable. Later in this

section we will see that it is actually (2mf 1)-weakly amenabie for al1 m 2 0.

PROPOSITION 4.22. In condition 2 of Theorem 4.20 i f we fvrther assume


V = span{au - ua; ZL E W*, a E Z)

is not dense in ZîM** +%**a (ifII has an identity this is equivalent to saying

that V is not dense in a**), then A is not 3-zueakly amenable.

PROOF. In fact, in this case %**a cl (V) , since otherwise it would follow

that both W* and %**a are in cl(V) and then cl(V) > %a** +W*II, which

is a contradiction to the assumption that V is not dense in W** + U**U.

Hence from the Hahn-Banach Theorem, there is F f W**, such that

FIV = O but F # O on %**Z. This implies that aF = Fa for al1 a E 2 and

aF # O for some a E U. Then define T: A -t 24"' by

T ( x ) = IF (= F I ) .

4.3. THE ALGEBRA 2l % 58

T is a non-zero continuous 2Lbimodule morphism from A into an**. There-

fore condition 3 in Theorem 4.12 does not hold for m = 1. Thus 31 @ A is

not 3-weakly amenable. O

Concerning question 1.5 in Chapter 1, Theorem 4.20 and Proposition 4.22

suggest that we might be able to find a counter-example in the Banach

algebras of the form 12L @ A. Unfortunately, B ( X ) can not be a candidate.

We will see this after the next two lemmas. The following lemma is basically

in [37, Theorem 81, but we have highlighted some of its features which are

important for our purposes.

LEMMA 4.23. Suppose that U is an infinite dimensional Hilbert space.

There are two elements Qo and So in B(X) such that for euch B E B(3L)

there exist PB E B ( X ) and RB E B(31) such thut ( (PB(( 5 IIBII, l lR~(l I 11B11


PROOF. First for an infinite dimensional Hilbert space 2, there exists

an isometry 1): 31 + CEP=, +xi, where C& + denotes the l2 direct sum, and

each Ri is a copy of 3C.

4.3- THE ALGEBRA 2f @ Zl 5 9

Let Q: 3t -t CEl +Xi and S: C& +Ri + xzl +?Li be the bounded

operators given by the infinite matrices

and S =

0 0 0

I O 0


0 0 1

* .

: : O

Let Qo = 8-1 O Q, So = q-l O S O q. Shen Qo, So E B(3L). For any element

B E B(31), let P: CE, +xi -t 3L and R: Cim_,-& -+ CZl +xi be the

bounded operators aven by the infinite matrices

P = ( B O O --) and R =

The following result on the 2nth d u d of B ( X ) seems not to be previously



LEMMA 4.24. For any znteger n > 0,

B(%)(~") = span{au - ua; a E B (X), u E 8 (31)!*")) -

PROOF. By taking weak* limits and using induction, irnmediately the

result follows from the preceding lemma. O

PROPOSITION 4.25. For any m 3 0, B(31) @ B(Z) is (2m + 1)-weakly

amenable but is not 2m-weakly amenable.

PROOF. First as a C*-algebra B(U) is permanently weakly amenable. So

conditions 1 and 2 of Theorem 4.12 hold for X = U = B(R) and m 2 O. To

show that conditions 3 and 4 also hold it suffices to prove that any continuous

B(31)-bimodule morphism T from B(3t) into B(Z)("+') is trivial.

In fact, letting e be the identity of B(U) and F = T ( e ) , we have

T ( a ) = aF = F a for any a E B(3t). Therefore for any u E B ( X ) ( ~ ~ ) ,

(au - ua , Fj = O. From Lemma 4.24, this implies that F = O. Hence T = 0.

The above proves that B ( N ) @ B(R) is (2m + 1)-weakly amenable for

m 2 O.

Now we prove that condition 4 of Theorem 4.13 does not hold for m 3 O.

From Lemma 4.19, when X = B(Z), any B(7-l)-bimodule morphism T: X -t x ( ~ ~ )

satisfying condition 4 of Theorem 4.13 must be trivial. But the inclusion

mapping from X into x(~*) is a non-trivial B(3L)- bimodule morphism. This

shows that condition 4 of Theorem 4.13 does not hold. So B(31) 8 B(U) is

not 2m-weakly amenable for any m 2 O. The proof is complete. O

4.4. THE ALGEBItA S1@ Xo 6 1

Remark 4.26. Denote by K(3L) the compact operators on R. Using

Theorem 1 of [59] one can also prove that K ( X ) 8 K(R) and B(X) @ K(U)

are (2m + 1)( but not 2m)-weakly amenable. With this list: it is interesting

to recall Proposition 4.15 to see that K(31) 8 B(X) is not weakly amenable.

4.4. The algebra U @ Xo

In this section we consider the case that one sided (precisely, right) mod-

ule action on X is trivial. We denote this kind of 2l-bimodules specifically by

Xo. First we observe that when X = Xo conditions 3 and 4 in Theorem 4.12

are reduced, respectiveIy, to

3;. For any continuous Il-bimodule morphism r: Xo + there is

(2mf') such that Fa = O for a E II and r(z) = sF for z E Xo; F E Xo

4;. IIXo is dense in Xo.

PROOF. The equivalence of 3 and 3; in this case is clear. If 4 holds for

X = Xo, then Proposition 4.15 says that 21Xo (= %Xo + Xo%) is dense in

Xo. So 4; holds. Converseiy, if 4; holds, then any U-bimodule morphism

T: Xo + Xo (2m") is trivial, since the left %module action on X, (2m+1) iS

trivial. Therefore 4 holds. O

Also conditions 1, 3 and 4 in Theorem 4.13 are reduced, respectively, to

1; . For any continuous derivation D: +- if there is a continuous

operator T: Xo -t such that T(ax) = D(a)z + aT(z) for a E II

and x E Xo, then D is inner;


3; . Any continuous Z-bimodule morphism r: Xo + satisGing

r(z)y = O in xi2*) is trivial;

4: . For any continuous Il-bimodule morphisrn T: & + xizrn), there

exists u E such that aa = ua for a E U and T ( x ) = ux for

Suppose now that 'U has a b.a.i., then fiom C o r o l l q 3.7, condition 2 in

Theorem 4.12 always holds for X = Xo. This verifies the following theorem.

THEOREM 4.27. Suppose that 2l is a (2m + 1)-weakly amenable Banach

algebra with a b. a.i.. Then Q Xo zs (2712 + 1) -weakly amenable if and only

if conditions 3; and 4; hold.

COROLLARY 4.28. Under the assumptions of Theorem 4.27, if in addi-

t ion = Il(2m), then % @ Xo is (2772 + 1) -weakly amenable if and only

if rUXo zs dense in Xo.

P ROOF. 1f = 21(2m), then there is no non-zero continuous Il-bimodule

morphism T: Xo -t since

(au, T ( z ) ) = (u, T ( m ) ) = O (a E U,u E

So condition 3; holds automatically.

Especially for rn = 0, the above corollary gives:

4.4. THE ALGEBRA % @ -Yo 63

COROLLARY 4.29. Suppose that B is a weakly amenable Banach algebra

with a b. ai . . Then % @ Xo is weakly amenable if and only if UXo Zs dense

in Xo.

A dual result to Corollary 4.29 is as follows.

COROLLARY 4.30. Suppose that 2l Zs a wealily amenable Banach algebra

with a b.a.i., and fl zs a Banach Z-birnodule with the left module action

trivial. Then II @ fi is weakly arnenable i f and only if JZi zs dense in J.

The next theorem concerns the question: when weak arnenability implies

(2772 + 1)-weak arnenability?

THEOREM 4.31. Suppose that B is a n ideal of Y. Then the following

staternents are equiualent.

1. II @ Xo is (am + 1) -wea& amenable (rn 2 1);

2. II @ Xo is weakly amenable and ?L'(Il, = {O).

PROOF. It suffices to prove that 2 implies 1. If II@& is weakly amenable,

then Il is weakly amenable and 3O as well as 4; hold. From Theorem 3.5, U

is (2772 + 1)-weakly amenable.

Let r: Xo -t be a continuous 2Lbimodule morphism. Notice that

2f(*"+') = %*+IIL as 2bbimodules. Let P: + !ZL be the projection

with the kernel a*. Then P is an U-bimodule morphism. P O î = O since


far as E UXO and u E

Here we have used the condition that 24 is an ideal of U'* and Lemma 3.3. So

I' is actually an a-bimodule morphism from Xo into II* and hence is O due to

Remark 4.14. This shows that 3; holds for al1 m. Hence from Theorem 4.12,

U @ Xo is (2m + 1)-weakly amenable if Yi1(%, xfrnf')) = {O). O

Remark 4.32. Theorem 4.31 can be viewed as an extension of Theo-

rem 3.5 in the sense that Theorem 3.5 deals with the case Xo = {O).

From Corollary 3.7, Theorem 4.31 yields immediately the following.

COROLLARY 4.33. Let lm 2 1 and suppose that U is a n ideal of II** and

has a b.a.i.. Then % @ Xo is (2m + 1)-weakly amenable if and only if it is

weakly amenable.

View U as a left %-module and then impose a trivial right 24-module

action on it. This results in a Banach U-bimodule. We denote it by Ao.

Similar to Lemma 4.19, one can check that the following equalities hold

- F# = O, u F = O, (Fu)" = Fu,

(2m+l) where u E u ( ' ~ ) , 4 E A!~), F E A. (m 1 0)-

4.4- THE ALGEBRA 2î @ Xo 65

PROPOSITION 4.34. Let m 2 O and suppose that 2i zs a (2m + 1)-weakly

amenable Banach algebra urith a o.ami.. Then II @ A. is (2m + 1)-weakly


PROOF. Condition 4; holds automatically. R o m Theorem 4.27, it suf-

fices to show that condition 3; holds. In fact, let (x,) c A. such that (5,)

is a b a i . for U. Then for any x E Ao, we have x = IimZx,. Let F be a

(2m+Z) weak* cluster point of (I'(x,)), where F E A. , then

On the other hand

So condition 3; is fulfilled. The proof is complete.

Concerning 2m-weak amenability, we have the following.

PROPOSITION 4.35. Let m 3 I and suppose that U is a commutative

2m-weakly amenable Banach algebra with a b.a.i.. Then <2L @ A. is also

2m-weakly amenable.

PROOF. It suffices to prove that conditions 3; and 4: hold. Suppose

that an a-birnodule morphism r: A. -t satisfies r ( x ) y = O in AP), x, y E do. Then

4.4. THE ALGEBRA % @ Xo 66

This implies that r ( a ~ ) = O for a E Il, x E Ao, and so î(x) = O for al1

x E A. (notice that UAo = Ao). Therefore l? = O. Condition 3: holds.

For checking condition 4:, assume that T: A. + A O ~ ) is a continuous

Il-bimodule morphism. Let v be a weak* cluster point of ( T ( x i ) ) , where (3Fi)

is a b.a.i. for 2, and Iet u = S. Then

Hence T ( x ) = ux. On the other hand, ua = au since 24 is commutative. The

proof is complete. CI

Remark 4.36. In the preceding proposition, if 24 does not have an iden-

tity, then U @ A. is not O-weakly amenable. In fact, in this case 4; does not

hold for m = O, because for the identity mapping z: A. + Ao, the existence

of u E TU such that au = ua for a E U and z(x) = ux for x E A. means that li

has an identity u. So if B is a commutative weakly amenable Banach algebra

with a b.a.i. but with no identity, then % @ A. is a permanently weakly

amenable Banach algebra without being O-weakly amenable. Another known

example with this property is L1(G) with G an infinite, compact, non-abelian

group (see [17]).

4.4. THE ALGEBRA II @ Xo 67

Although we already have an example of a Banach algebra which is

(2m + 1)-weakly amenable but no t 2m-weakly amenable (Proposition 4.25;

another known example is the nuclear algebra N(E) with E a reflexive Ba-

nach space having the approximation property [17, Corollary 5-41), we end

this section by giving one more example of a weakly amenable Banach alge-

bra which is not 2-weakly amenable.

Suppose that U is a weakly amenable Banach algebra with a b.a.i. and

satisfying that U1(' # %*a (an example is Q = L1(G) with G a non-SIN

locally compact group; see (581 and [55] for the reference of SIN groups, and

[43, Theorem 32.441 as well as [56] for the property we need). Without loss

of generality assume UD* i a*%.

EXAMPLE 4.37. For the aboue Banach algebra Q, %@Ao is weaQ amenable

but is not 2-weakly amenable.

PROOF. From Proposition 4.34, A. is weakly amenable. We show

that condition 3; does not hold for m = 1. Take 4 E II*' sa t i seng #Imm. = O

but #lava # O (notice that, from Theorem 1.1, UU* is closed in a*). Then

$a = O for al1 a E B and ad # O for some a E 2.l. Let T: A. + a** be

defined by

4.4. THE ALGEBRA I11@ Xa 68

It is easily verified that T is a continuous U-bimodule morphism and T # 0.


we have T ( x ) y = O for al1 x, y E Ao. But T # 0, and so condition 38 is not

satisfied for m = 1. Consequently S1 is not 2-weakly amenable. Cl


Weak Amenability does not imply 3-Weak Amenability

In this chapter we answer the open question: Does weak amenability

imply bweak amenability? We first investigate the conditions of the weak

amenability for Banach algebras of the form II 8 (Xl+x2). Then we give

an example of a weakly amenable Banach algebra of this form which is not

3-weakly amenable.

5.1. Weak amenability of the algebra 3 @ (Xl+X2)

Suppose that X1 and X2 are two Banach Il-bimodules. We denote by

Xl+X2 the direct module surn of XI and X2, i.e. the l1 direct sum of Xl

and X2 with the module actions given by

For this module it is not hard to check the following equality:

In this section we study the weak amenability of the module extension

Banach algebra


PROPOSITION 5.1. Suppose that %@Xi and U@X2 are weakly amenable.

Then the following are equiualent.

(i) 2i @ (X1+X2) is weakly amenable;

(ii) there is no non-zero contznuous Il-bimodule morphisrn y: XI + X;;

(iii) there is no non-zero continuous Il-bimodule morphism q: X2 + X;.

PROOF. We first prove that (i) implies (ii). Assume that (Xl+X2)

is weakly amenable. Suppose that y: Xl + X; is a continuous Il-bimodule

morphism. Let T: xl+X2 i (XI+X2)* be the continuous U-bimodule

morphism forrnulated by

Then for (XI, xz) , (yl, y2) E Xl+X2, and a E a,

So (XI, x2) T((yl, y2)) + T((xl, x2)) (y1, y2) = O. Then from condition 4 of

Theorem 4.12, T = O. Thus y = O, showing that (ii) holds.

To prove that (ii) implies (iii), suppose that q: X2 + X; is a continu-

ous %-bimodule morphism. Then y: Xl + X; defined by y = q*lxi is a


continuous a-bimodule morphism. Therefore y = O, leading to that 7' = O

since q* is wk*-wk* continuous and Xi is weak* dense in X;'. Thus 7 = 0,

showing that (iii) holds. Similarly, one c m prove that (iii) implies (ii).

Finally, we prove that (ii) + (iii) implies (i) . Because B @ Xl and Ic e &

are weakly amenable, condition 1-3 of Theorem 4.12 hold automatically for

X = X1+X2 and m = O. So we only need to show that condition 4 also

holds. Suppose that T: X -+ X* is a continuous Il-bimodule morphism


Let Pi: X* -+ Xi' be the natural projections and 5: Xi -t X be the natural

embeddings, i = 1,2. Shen, by taking x2 = y2 = O and xl = yl = O

separately, we have

for al1 Xi, yi E Xi, i = 1,2. So we have Pi O T 0 ri = O, by applying con-

dition 4 of Theorem 4.12 to the weakly amenable Banach algebras II @ Xi,

i = 1,2. Furthemore, (ii) and (iii) imply that f i o T O r2: X2 + X; and

P2 O T 0 ri: Xi + X; are trivial. These show that T = O, i.e. condition 4 of

Theorem 4.12 holds. Consequently (i) is true. This completes the proof- Ci


COROLLARY 5.2. U @ (X1+X2) is weakly amenable if and only if both

2i @ -XI and U @ X2 are weakly amenable and one of the conditions (ii) and

(iei) in Proposition 5.1 holds.

PROOF. If IL @ (&+x2) is w d d j amenable, then conditions 1-4 of

Theorem 4.12 hold for this algebra. It folIows that these conditions also

hold for the aigebras Xi and X2. SO they are also weakly amenable.

The rest is clear from Proposition 5.1. O

5.2. Weak amenability is not 3-weak amenability

Now we can construct an example of a weakly amenable Banach alge-

bra which is not 3-weakly amenable. In this section 3.1 denotes an infinite

dimensional separable Hilbert space. B(3L) denotes the Banach algebra of

all the bounded operators on X and K ( X ) the ideal of all the compact op-

erators on 2. It is well known that with Arens product as multiplication,

K(7Y)" = B(3F) ( see [57, pp. 1031 for details).

LEMMA 5.3. There is an element a0 E B(31) svch that a0 $ K(3C) , a0 is

not right invertible in B(U) and aoK(U) is dense in K(31).

PROOF. Let (e i )za=, be an orthonormal basis of 3t, and let a0 E B(R) be

defined by

(ei if i is odd.


Clearly a. @ K('H). Also a. is neither right nor left invertible because any

one-sided inverse of a0 must satisfy

ici if i is even; ai1[ei = (

ei if i is odd,

which can not be a bounded operator.

For any n 1 1, denote by Vn the subspace of 31 generated by {el, e?, . . . en),

and let Pn be the orthogonal projection from 3t to I;,. Then from Corol-

lary 11.4.5 of [14], for any k E K ( R ) and E 2 O, there is n = n(k, E ) , such


For this n = n ( k , E ) , let bn E B(31) be defined by

iei if i 5 n and i is even;

ei if i < n and i is odd;

O for i 2 n.

Then a00 bn = P, and a0 obno P, = P: = Pn. Let kn =brio Pno k. Shen

kn E K ( X ) , and a. O kn = Pn 0 li. A~SO

Since k E K(7f ) and E 3 O are arbitrarily given, this shows that aoK('fl) is

dense in K(31). The proof is complete. Cl


For the elernent a. in the above lemma, aoB(3C) is a proper right ideal of

B(31) since the identity 1 $ aoB('H). The closure of a. B ( R ) is also a proper

right ideal of B(R) ([4, pp. 461). So there is F E B(X)* such that F # O

but Fao = O. Then FB(31) # {O) is a right B(X)-submodule of B(31)'.


Then we have the following example.

EXAMPLE 5.4. B(X) @ (Xo+a ) is weakly amenable but not 3-weakly

amena ble.

PROOF. Clearly we have B(3C) Xo = Xo and f l B ( X ) = & By corol-

laries 4.29 and 4.30 each of the Banach algebras B(X) 3 Xo and B(X) @ $

is weakly amenable.

Suppose that T: a + X,' is a continuous B(7-L)-bimodule morphism.

We prove that T is trivial. Let f = T ( F ) . Then

and so

Therefore f = O since aoK(X) is dense in K(3t). This shows that T ( F ) = O

and hence T ( F B ( X ) ) = (O). Thus T = O. From Corollary 5.2, B ( X ) (Xo+ fi)


is weakly amenable. Next we show that B(31) @ (Xo+ a) fails condition 4

of Theorem 4.12 for rn = 1. Since

we see that there exists a non-zero B(H)-bimodule morphism from a into

(XG)*** ( e g . the inclusion mapping). Let T : $! -+ (Xo)*** be such a mor-

phism, and let A: (Xo)*** -t (Xo)* be the projection with the kernel X:.

By taking T = A o r : OY -t Xi, and using the result of the preceding para-

graph, we have that T = O. So we have

Now let r: x0+ 8 -+ (Xo+ $)"* be the continuous B(X)-bimodule mor-

phism defined by

Here we used the fact u . xl = uxl E Xo (see Remark 3.4). So


for aL1 ( 2 1 , YI), (zz, M) E Xo+& But I' # O, showing that condition 4 of

Theorem 4.12 does not hold for m = 1. Consequently, B(3t) @ (&+a) is

not 3-weakly amenable. O


Contractible and Reflexive Amenable Banach Algebras

It is a simple fact that any finite dimensional semi-simple Banach algebra

is contractible and, of course, (reflexive) amenable (see Assertion 1-3-68 and

Theorem VII.1.74 in 1391; for the definition of semi-simple Banach algebra

see Definition 6.8 on page 83). The converse is a challenging open problem.

We have mentioned the related references and made a brief comment on the

known results concerning this problem in Chapter 1. This chapter includes

two parts. In Section 1 we explore Taylor's method developed in [67]. In

Section 2 we treat the above problem from the viewpoint of some properties

of maximal ideals.

6.1. Approximation property and contractible Banach algebras

Let us first recall some basic concepts of functional analysis.

DEFINITION 6.1. A Banach space X is said to have the (compact) ap-

proximat ion property, AP (resp. CAP) in short, if for each compact sot

K E X and each E > O there is a finite rank (resp. compact) continuous

operator T on X so that IITx - 211 < E for al1 x E K. If T can be chosen so

that IlTl1 5 M for some constant M > O independent of K and E , then X 77


is said to have the bounded (compact) approximation property, BAP (resp.

BCAP) in short.

Briefly speaking, X has the AP if the identity operator on it can be

uniformly approximated on every compact subset by h i t e rank continuous

operators, and it has the CAP if can be uniformly approximated on every

compact subset by compact operators. If the n o m of the operators can be

chosen to be bounded by a fixed positive nurnber, then X has the BAP (resp.

BCAP). In Chapter 7 we will discuss more aspects of the approximation

property. Here we just point out that al1 Banach spaces with a basis enjoy

the BA? and the only naturally occuring Banach space known to lack this

property is B(N) with 3t an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. We refer to

[53] and [57] for more details about these concepts.

It is not hard to see that X has the BAP (BCAP) if and only if there exists

a number M > O and a net ((ox) of finite rank (resp. compact) operators on

X such that llpA 11 < M for a11 X and <px (x) + x for al1 x E X.

Suppose that X and Y are Banach spaces. We denote the projective

tensor product of X and Y by X h Y , and denote the elementary tensor of

x E X and y E X by x@ y; nre refer to [63] for the details about this kind of

product space. Suppose that 2l is a Banach algebra. Then UhU is naturally

a Banach Z-bimodule with the module multiplications specified by


We use T to denote the bounded U-bimodule morphism from 118% into U

specified by a(a @ b) = ab, a , b E U.

DEFINITION 6.2. An element m E 0&2t is a diagonal for 5X if for al1

a E U, a rn = m - a , and a(m) is an identity of P. A bounded net (ma) of

Uh'U is an approximate diagonal for U if am, - m,a + O and ~ ( r n , ) a + a

in norm for al1 a E U.

It is a well-known fact that U is contractible if and only if there is a

diagonal for it [39, Assertion VII.1.721, and U is amenable if and only if

there is an approximate diagonal for it [47, Theorem 1-31. From these results

we notice that a contractible Banach algebra has dn identity, which will be

denoted by 1, and an amenable Banach algebra has a b.a.i..

Taylor proved in [67] that a contractible Banach algebra with the BAP

is finite dimensional. His method can actually yield more as shown in the

fol1owing theorem.

THEOREM 6.3. Suppose that 9i i s a contractible Banach algebra. If

has the BCAP, then it is finite dimensional.

PROOF. Suppose that u = CE, ai@bi is a diagonal for 2, where ail bi E U

satis& Cgl Ilaillllbill < m. Suppose that {(pA): X E A} is a net of compact

operators on TU such that Ilvxll < M, A E A, for some M > 0, and ipx(x) + x


for all x E X. For each X E A, define Qx: U + U by

Then <Px is a bounded operator on B. Denote by 4x,n the nth partial sum of

the series in (6.1); i-e.

Then #A,, is a compact operator on U. For fixed X we have

in the uniform topology of operators. This shows that is compact. For

any a E St, we have

Here the first equality holds because the series converges uniformly. So GA

converges pointwise to 12, the identity mapping on Z. On the other hand

the bilinear mapping (a , b) H a<px(b) from 2l x IU into U defines a bounded

operator KPA: ~&?l -t Z satisfjing I A ( a 8 b) = apA(b). We have

Since a u = u . a we have for any a E U that


It follows that converges to Ia in the uniform norm of operators (notice

that <U has an identity). This shows that 1% is compact. Consequently 2i is

finite dimensional. O

The same method can also prove the following result. We omit the proof

to avoid redundance.

PROPOSITION 6.4. Suppose that is a contractible Banach algebra. If

II has a diagonal u which has a finite sum representation u = x:., ai @ bi,

then 2i is finite dimensional.

Remark 6.5. It is known that amenable C*-algebras have the BAP

([IO]). So contractible C*-algebras are finite dimensional ( [65 ] ) .

Remark 6.6. A Banach space having a basis has the BAP. So a con-

tractible Banach algebra with the underlying space having a basis is finite

dimensional. Esp ecially, a contract ible Banach algebra with the underlying

space isomorphic to P(S ) (p 3 1) with S a non-empty set is finite dimen-


6.2. Maximal ideals and dimensions

If the underlying Baiiacl; space of ac amenable Banach algebra is reflex-

ive, we cal1 it a refEexzve Banach algebra. We note that both contractible

and reflexive amenable Banach algebras have an identity. In this section an

identity will simply be denoted by 1. Suppose that X, Y, Z are left (right)


Banach %-modules and f: X -+ Y, g: Y + Z are continuous left (resp.

right) Il-module morphisrns. The short sequence

is exact if f is injective, g is surjective and I m ( f ) = Ker(g). The exact

sequence C is admissible if f has a continuous left inverse; and C splzts if

f has a continuous %-module morphism left inverse. We need the following

known result.

LEMMA 6.7 (Theorern 6.1 in [16]). Suppose that 2l is a contractible Ba-

nach algebra. Then every admissible short exact sequence of le0 or réght

Banach U-modules splifs.

We need also to recall some other general concepts. Suppose that B is

a Banach algebra. A proper left, right, or two-sided ideal of II is maximal

if there is no other proper left, right, or two-sided ideal of U containing it,

and is minimal if it contains no left, nght, or two-sided ideal of other than

{O) and itself. In a Banach algebra with an identity a maximal left, right,

or two-sided ideal is always closed.

For a E U, the limit

always exists [4, Proposition 2-81. r ( a ) is called the spectral radius of a. The

radical of an algebra is defined algebraically as the intersection of ail modular


maximal left ide& (when the algebra has an identity, it is the intersection

of al1 maximal left ideals). However for Banach algebras we can adopt

DEFINITION 6.8. The radical of a Banach algebra % is

rad(%) = { q E II; r(aq) = O for al1 a E a).

If rad(%) = {O), then !U is said to be semi-simple.

A Banach algebra is called semi-prime if {O) is the only ideal J of it with

JZ = {O). The following basic facts are known:

(i) Semi-simple Banach algebras are semi-prime [4, Proposition 30.51;

(ii) For a Banach algebra 8, rad(%) is a closed ideal of 2l;

(iii) %/rad (a) is always semi-simple.

A division algebra is an algebra with an identity in which any non-zero

element has an inverse. It is known that a normed division algebra is always

finite dimemsional (see [4, Section 141). A non-zero element e of a Banach

algebra !Z is a minimal idempotent if e is an idempotent (Le. e2 = e) and eUe

is a division algebra. A well-known fact concerning minimal idempotents is

that for any two minimal idempotents el and e2 in IL, the dimension of ei%e2

is either O or 1, provided 2l is semi-prime [4, Theorem 31.61. There is a link

between minimal idempotents and minimal left (right) ideals described in

the following lemma.


LEMMA 6.9 (Lemma 30.2 in [4]). Suppose that L is a minimal left (right)

ideal of <ZL such that L2 # { O ) . Then there exists an idempotent e E L such

that 2ie = L (resp. e<U = L); and each idempotent e vith Ue = L (resp.

e2l = L) is minimal.

For a subset E of M, the left annihilator and the right annilator of E are,

respectively, the following sets

l a n ( E ) = {a E I I ; a E = { O ) ) ,

r a n ( E ) = {a E I I ; Ea = { O ) ) .

For an element a E 2l, lan({a) ) and ran({a)) will be simply denoted by

lan(a) and ran(a) respectively. I t is easy to see the following.

LEMMA 6.10. Suppose that II is a Banach algebra having a n identity 1.

Then for any a E U,

(i) ran(U(1- a ) ) = ran(1 - a ) = {x E P; ax = x),

(ii) lan((1 - a)%) = lan(1 - a ) = {x E U; sa = x).

LEMMA 6.11. Suppose that 2l is a contractible or a refle2ive amenable

Banach algebra. Let L be a closed proper left (right) ideal of a. Ij L is

cornplemented in IU, then ran(L) (resp. lan(L)) contains an idempotent e

such that the following hold.

(i) ran(L) = e2i (resp. lan(L) = IIe);

(ii) L = P(1- e ) (resp. L = ( 1 - e ) a);


(iii) If in addition, L is a maximal left (resp. right) ideal, then e is a

minimal idempotent and 2Ie (resp. e2l) is a minimal lefi (resp. right)

PROOF. We prove the case when L is a left ideal. So prove (i) and (ii)

we can assume L # {O), for otherwise e = 1 satisfies the requirements. First

we show that L contains a right identity p. Shen it is clear that p is an

idempotent and L = Up.

If B is contractible, we consider the following exact short sequence of left


where z is the inclusion mapping and q is the quotient mapping. Since L is

complemented, C is admissible. From Lemma 6.7 C is a splitting sequence,

Le. there is a left U-module morphism 6: II -+ L, such that 6 o 2 = IL, the

identity operator on L. Then p = 6(1) is obviously a right identity of L.

If 24 is reflexive and amenable, then according to Theorem 1.3 L contains

a right b.a.i., Say (1,). Since 24 is reflexive, as a closed subspace of a, L is

also reflexive. Then a weak* cluster point p of (1,) in L is a right identity

of L.

Now let e = 1 - p. Then e E ran(L), e # O and e is also an idempotent.

Since L = 2lp = % ( L e ) , from Lemma 6.10, ran(L) = {x E a; ex = x) = eM

This proves the first two staternents of this lemma.


Now suppose that L is a maximal left ideal. Then since U is the direct

sum of II(1 - e ) and %e we have that %e is a minimal left ideal of II. By

Lemma 6.9, e is a minimal idempotent.

LEMMA 6.12. Suppose that U i s a contmctible or a reflexive amenable

Banach algebra. IJ %/rad(%) zs finite dimensional, then so is U and U is


PROOF. If TU/rad(ZL) is finite dimensional, then rad(%) is a comple-

mented closed ideal of %. From Lemma 6.11 rad(%) contains an idempotent

which is non-zero if rad(%) + {O). But rad(%) can never have a non-zero

idempotent from the definition. So rad(%) = { O ) . O

It is known that if a Banach algebra is contractible or amenable, then its

continuous algebra hornomorphic image is also contractible or amenable (see

[39, Proposition VII.1.711 and [49, Proposition 5-31). This leads to part of

the following Iemma.

LEMMA 6.13. Suppose that 2l i s a Banach algebra. Then the following

statements hold.

(i) If II is contractible, or repezi-ve and amenable, then so is %/rad(Q);

(ii) An ideal M c %/rad(%) is a maximal ideal if and only i f q - l ( M ) is a

maximal ideal in IU, where q: B -+ ILlrad(2l) i s the quotient mapping;


(iii) If L is a maximal lefi (right) ideal o f% containing rad(%), then q ( L ) is

a maximal left (resp. right) ideal of U/rad(%). if L is complemented

in U, so is q ( L ) in %/rad(%).

PROOF. The first statement is clear. Checking of the second one is also

routine. Suppose that L is a left (right) ideal of 2l and rad(%) c L. Then

it is easily verified that L = q-'(q(L)) . So q ( L ) is maximal in %/rad(%)

whenever L is maximal in U. If L is complemented in U, then there is a

closed complement, Say J, of L in 'ZL. The image q ( J ) is also closed and

If m E q ( L ) n q ( J ) . then for some j E J and 1 E L , m = q ( j ) = q(1)-

Hence j - 1 E rad(%) c L. So j E L. This shows that j = O and hence

rn = O. Therefore q ( J ) is a cornplement of q ( L ) in %/rad(%). Thus q ( L ) is

complemented in Ulrad(2 i ) . 0

THEOREM 6.14. Suppose that 2l zs a contractible or a rejlexive amenable

Banach algebra. If each maximal ideal o f% is contained in either a maximal

left ideal or a maximal right ideal of 2i which is complernented in U, then 2i

is finite dimensional.

PROOF. F'rom Lemmas 6.12 and 6.13 we can assume that U is semi-

simple. We can also assume that is not a division algebra. Then Z

contains at least one maximal ideal and hence has at least one maximal


left or maximal right ideal which is complemented in a. By Lemma 6.11,

II has at least one minimal idempotent. Let E be the set of al1 minimal

idempotents of Ur and let J be the ideal generated by E (called the socle of

a). We prove J = a.

If J # U, then there is a maximal ideal M containing J , since % has

an identity. Then by assumption, there is either a maximal left ideal or

a maximal right ideal of U which contains M and is complemented in II.

Assume the former is true and the corresponding left ideal is L. Then from

Lemma 6.11, ran(L) # {O) and contains a minimal idempotent e such that

L = U(l - e). So we would have Ee = {O) and e E E. This implies that

e = e2 = O, a contradiction.

Therefore J = U. Then the identity 1 of U can be expressed as

where ei, i = 1,2, ..., n, are minimal idempotents, and ai, bi E 2l. We then


Since each space eiIIej has a dimension of at most one, each subspace

ai(ei2kj)bj has a dimension of at most one. It follows that P is finite dimen-

sional. This completes the proof.


Recall that a simple algebra is an algebra which has no proper ideals

other than the zero ideal.

COROLLARY 6.15. Suppose that Z i is a contractible or a rejlexive amenable

Banach algebra. If % is also a simple algebra and has a maximal le/t or right

ideal which i s complemented in Q, then 2i has a finite dimension.

PROOF. In this case, (0) is the only maximal ideal and is contained in a

maximal left or right ideal which is complemented in U by the assumption.

COROLLARY 6.16. Suppose that 2i is a contractible or a refiexzve amenable

Banach algebra. If every maximal ideal in B is either a maxzmal left or a

maximal right ideal, then Z i has a finite dimension.

PROOF. For each maximal ideal M, Z / M is a simple Banach algebra.

Since M itself is a maximal left or maximal right ideal in U, U/M has either

no non-zero proper left ideals or no non-zero proper right ideals, meaning

that {O) is either a maximal left or a maximal right ideal in %/M which

is certainly complemented. From the preceding corollary, U / M is of finite

dimension. Then any subspace containing M is finite codirnensional and

hence complemented in U. This is true for every maximal ideal M and so,

from Theorem 6.14, U is finite dimensional. O

COROLLARY 6.17 (Johnson [44]). Suppose that Q is a refiexzve amenable

Banach algebra. If every maximal lefl ideul of U i s complemented in U, t hen


Qi is finite dimensional. In particdar, an amenable Banach algebra with the

underlying space a Hilbert space is finite dimensional (Ghahramani, Loy and

Willis [26]) .

PROOF. Since Q hm an identity, every maximal ideal of 2l is contained

in a maximal left ideal of P. Hence by Theorem 6.14, % is finite dimensional.


COROLLARY 6.18 (Runde [61]). Suppose that ZL is a repezive amenable

Banach algebra. If for euerg maximal ideal M , I(/M has a finfinite dimension,

then U has a finite dimension.

PROOF. As pointed out in the proof of the preceding corollary, each

maximal ideal M is contained i n a maximal left ideal N of II. Since UIM

has a finite dimension, N is finite codimensional and hence complemented

in U. From Theorem 6.14 we then have the result. O


Approximate Complementability and Nilpotent Ideals

An ideal ,v in a Banach algebra is called nilpotent if there is an integer m

such that Nm = {O), where Nm = (nlnz - - -nm; ni E N,z = 172 , - - ,m l .

It is known that non-zero nilpotent ideals in amenable Banach algebras, if

any, must be infinite dimensional [16], and there do exist amenable Banach

algebras which contain non-zero nilpotent ideals (see [54] and [68]) . These

properties lead to the following natural question: Can a contractible Banach

algebra contain a non-zero nilpotent ideal? We see that this is impossible

if U has the BCAP since for this case we have shown in Chapter 6 that

2l is a finite dimensional (amenable) algebra (Theorem 6.3). In [54] Loy

and Willis have proved that if a biprojective Banach algebra has a central

approximate identity, then no non-zero nilpotent ideal can have the AP. In

Section 7.1 of this chapter we introduce the concept of approximately corn-

plemented subspaces and then discuss the relationship between this concept

and the known ones such as weak complementabitity and the approximation

property. In Section 7.2 we introduce a new class of Banach algebras called

the approximately biprojective Banach algebras. Then in Section 7.3 we will

improve Loy7s and Willis' result above by showing that a non-zero nilpotent

ideal in an approximately biprojective Banach algebra with both left and


right approximate identities can not be approximately complemented. We

will use some of the techniques of [54].

7.1. Approximately Complemented Subspaces

We first introduce the following:

DEFINITION 7.1. Suppose that E is a subspace of a normed space X.

Then E is approximately complemented in X if for each compact subset K

of E and each E > O, there is a continuous operator P : X -t E such that

Ilx - P(x)ll < E , for a11 x E K.

The following examples explain the use of the terminology "approxi-

mately complemented". First, if a subspace E of X is such that for every

compact subset K of E there is a subspace N, complemented in X, such

that K c N c E, then E is approximately complemented. In particular,

every complemented subspace is approximately complemented. A subspace

with the AP is also an approximately cornplemented subspace because every

finite ranlc bounded operator on the subspace can be extended to the whole

of the space. Another interesting example is that when E is a right (left)

ideal of a Banach algebra and has a left (resp. right) b.a.i., then E is ap-

proximately complemented. In fact, suppose that (e,) is a left b.a.i. of the

right ideal E. Then for each compact K c E and E > O, there is an index a!

such that 11%-e,xll < E for a11 x E K. So P : X + E defined by P ( x ) = e,x

satisfies the requirement in Definition 1. For C'-algebras, it is well known


that every closed left ideal has a right b.a.i. (see [50, Proposition 4-2-12]).

This shows that closed left ideds of a C*-algebra are approximately comple-

mented. For every Banach space X, let B(X) be the Banach algebra of al1

bounded operators on X with the multiplication of the operator composi-

tion, and let K ( X ) be the ideal of al1 compact operators on X. R o m [57,

Theorem 5.1.12(d)], K ( X ) has a left b.a.i. if X has the BCAP. So K(X)

is approximately complemented in B ( X ) if X has this property. It is worth

mentioning that K (X) is not complemented in B(X) when X is an infinite

dimensional Hilbert space (see [13]). For the theory concerning the existence

of left (right) b.a.i. in ideals of B (X) we refer to [21] and [62]. Also we

refer to [34] for concepts related to the approximate cornplementability we

just defined.

Suppose that X and Y are normed spaces. Denote by X ~ Y (reçp. X G Y )

the projective (resp. injective) tensor product of X and Y. We will use I I * I l x , Y

to denote the projective tensor norm in case any confusion may occur.

Suppose that XI, X2, YI and Y2 are normed spaces, and Ti: Xi -t Y;.,

i = 1,2, are bounded operators. We denote by Tl 8 T2: X&X* + Yi6Y2

the linear operator specified by


are bounded operator sequences of normed spaces, then we have

LEMMA 7.2. Suppose tha t X is a n o m e d space and E zs an approxi-

rnately complernented subspace of X. Let z : E + X be the inclusion map-

ping. Then 2 8 IF : E ~ Y + X&Y zs injective for every norrned space Y ,

where Iy iS the identi ty rnapping on Y .

PROOF. Let u E E&Y satisSing z 8 &(u) = O in X ~ Y . We prove

u = O in E ~ Y , or equivalently, I I u I I ~ , ~ = O. Tt is elementary that for every

convergent series Cr==, x,, x, > O, there exists a sequence (h) such that

c, -t oo and CF=l C n x n converges. Thus, without loss of generality, we can

assume u = CF=P=, an 8 bn with a, E E and b, E Y, n = 1,2 , ..., satisfying

lirn,,, a, = O, CE1 11 bn 11 < 1. Given E > O, let P : X -t E be a continuous

operator satis&ing Ilan - P(a,)II < E for a11 n. Then P B I y : X ~ Y -t E 6 Y

is a continuous operator and hence


Since E was arbitrary, we have I I u I I ~ , ~ = O and hence z 8 Iy is injective. O


Remark 7.3. One can not expect that z 8 Iy will be injective for each

closed subspace E of X. In fact, if X is a Banach space with the approx-

imation property and E is a closed subspace of X without this property,

then there is a Banach space Y such that z 8 ly: E ~ Y + X ~ Y has a non-

trivial kernel. Because, (see [35, p.1561) if E does not have the approxima-

tion property, then there is a Banach space Y such that a non-zero element

u = CT=lan @ b, E E&Y exists with C;=!an @ b, = O in E 6 Y . Since

E6Y c X Q Y , xC1 an 8 bn = O in X6Y. This implies CCl a, 8 bn = O in

x ~ Y , since X has the approximation property. In other words z@Iy(u) = 0.

The problem of under whst condition z @ Iy is injective is still open.

COROLLARY 7.4. Suppose that Ti : Ai -+ Bi, i = 1,2, are topologically

isomorphic embeddzngs (injective and homeomorphic) of Banach spaces. If

Ti(Ai) is approximately complemented in Bi, i = 1,2, then the operator

Tl 8 T2 is injective.

PROOF. Let : Ai + T,(Ai) , i = 1,2, be the canonical isomorphisms

induced from z, and zi : z(Ai) -+ Bi, i = 1,2, be the inclusion mappings.


The operators IB1 @ T~ and pl @ la, are invertible. Frorn the condition and

the preceding lemma, IB, 8 z2 and 21 8 IA, are injective. Therefore, as a

composition of injective operators Tl 8 T2 is injective. Cl


For Banach spaces with the AP we have the following result.

THEOREM 7.5. Suppose that X is a Banach space having the AP. T h e n

a subspace E is app~oximately complernented in X if and only if E has the


PROOF. We only need to prove the necessity. Suppose that E is approx-

imateIy complemented in X. Suppose that K is a compact subset of E.

Then for each E > O, there is a bounded operator Pl: X + E, such that

I I Pt(k) - kll < ~ / 2 , 1; E K. Also there is a bounded finite-rank operator P2

on X such that IIP2(k) - kll < E / ( ~ ~ ! P ~ I I ) . Let P = (Pl O P2)IE. Then P is a

bounded finite-rank operator on E.

for k E K. This shows that E has the AP. O

It is known that many Banach spaces enjoying the AP contain subspaces

which lack the AP ([24], [18] and [66]). From the above theorem, such

subspaces are not approximately complemented .

A subspace E of a Banach space X is said to be weakly complemented in

X if the dual operator z* of the inclusion mapping z: E + X has a continuous

right inverse ([40, p.231). In Banach spaces literature, this concept was k s t

discussed in [51], where the terrninology local complementability was used

for it. An equivalent, but more simple, expression of this concept is that


EL = { f E X*; f (x) = O for x E E) is complemented in X* (see [16] and

[41]). In fact, one can see this equivalence easily by noting that k e ~ ( z * ) = EL.

In the following we are concerned with the relationship between approx-

imate complementability and weak complementability. First the following

example shows that the latter does not cover the former.

Recall that an infinite dimensional Banach space is prime if it is iso-

morphic to every infinite dimensional complemented subspace of it (see [53,

Definition 2.a.61).

EXAMPLE 7.6. Consider the Banach space L1[O, 11. It has a subspace iso-

morphic to l2 053, p.571). This subspace is approximately complemented in

L1[O, 11 since lî has the approximation property. W e proue that it zs not com-

plemented and hence frorn Corollary 7.8 below it is not weakly complernented

since it is a daal space.

PROOF. Suppose, towards a contradiction, that this subspace is comple-

mented. Then Lm [O, 11, the conjugate of L1[O, 11, would have a complemented

subspace isomorphic to 1 2 . Since Lm[O, 11 is isomorphic to 1, ( [53, p. l l l ] ) ,

1, would have a complemented subspace which is isomorphic to 12. But Zoo

is a prime space ([53, p.571). This would imply that 1, were isomorphic to

12, which is impossible. O

It is not known whether every weakly complemented subspace is approxi-

mately cornplemented. In amenable Banach algebras, if the subspace is a left


(right) ideal, then this is true because it d l have a right (resp. left) b.a.i.

in this case (see Theorem 1.3). For the general case, to discuss this problem

the following characterizing result for weak complementability seems to be


PROPOSITION 7.7. Suppose that M i s a closed subspace of a Banach

space X . T h e n M is weakly complernented in X if and only i f there is a

bounded operator P: X + Al**, such that, for each m E M , P o z(m) = f i ,

where z: M -t X is the inclusion mapping and m zs the image of rn in M**

under the canonical mapping.

PROOF. To prove the necessity we assume that M is weakly comple-

mented and p: M* + X* is a continuous right inverse of 2'. Then p*: X** + M**

is a bounded operator satisfying p* O z** = IM-. Let j : X + X** be the

canonical mapping and set P = p* O j . Then we have

For proving the sufficiency, suppose that P: X + M*' is a continuous

operator such that P 0 z(m) = m for rn E M. Then p = P'I,M-: M* + X*

sat isfies

(7% z* op(m*)) = (m*, P 0 z(m)) = (m*, iîl) = (m, m*),

for each m* E M* and m E M. So z* o p(m*) = m* for al1 m* E M*, i-e.

z* 0 p = I lM. . Therefore M is weakly complemented.


From the preceding proposition we have the following.

COROLLARY 7.8. Suppose that M is a veakly complemented subspace of

a Banach space X . If M is also a dual space, then M is complernented in

X .

PROOF. Since M is a dual space, there is a bounded operator 0: M** +

M, such that a ( h ) = m for m E M , where fh is the image of m in M** under

the canonical mapping. Let P: X M** and z: M + X be the bounded

operators described in Proposition 7.7, and let PM = Q o P: X + M. Then

PM(z(m)) = m for rn E M. So 2 O PM is a bounded projection from X onto

z (M) . Therefore z(M) (i-e. M) is complemented in X. O

COROLLARY 7.9. Suppose that M is a weakly complemented subspace of

a Banach space X . If M is approximately complemented in M**, t h e n it is

approxirnately complemented in X .

PROOF. If M is approximately complemented in M**, then for every

compact set K c M and every E > O there is a bounded operator T: W* +

M , such that IIT(~) - kll < a for k E K. Let P and z be the operators

described in Proposition 7.7. Then S = z o T o P: X + 2(M) will satis&

IlS(z(k)) - z(k)ll = IIT(&) - kll < a for k E K. This shows that 2(M) (Le.

M) is approximately complemented in X. Cf


7.2. Approximately Biprojective Banach Algebras

In this section we introduce the following notion.

DEFINITION 7.10. A Banach algebra TU is pointwise approximately bipro-

jective if for each a E II there is a net {Ta 1 a E A) of continuous bimodule

morphisms £rom U into such that a O T,(a) -t a in norm. If in addi-

tion, the net {Ta ( a E A) is independent of the element a E 2, then 5% is

approximately Oiprojective.

Of course every biprojective Banach algebra is approximately biprojec-

tive., if II has a central approxirnate diagonal (Le. a net {u,1 a E A)

in U&U such that au, = u,a, for al1 a E II and a E A, and a(au,) + a

in norm), then II is approximately biprojective. An example of such kind of

Banach algebra is as follows.

EXAMPLE 7.11. Let S be any non-empty set and consider t2(S) with the

pointwise multiplication. Let A be the collection of al1 finite svbsets of S

ordered by inclusion. Then {u , = Ci,, ei @ ei 1 a E A) fonns a central

approximate diagonal of 12(S), where ei is the element of 12(S) equal to 1

at i and O elsewhere. So t2(s) is approximately biprojective. W e prove that

t2 (S) is not biprojective whenever S is a n infinite set.

PROOF. Suppose conversely that T : t 2 ( S ) -t 12(s)&?(S) were a con-

tinuous bimodule morphism satisfying TOT = Ip(s). Since T(e i ) = eiT(ei)ei,


one sees easily that T(e i ) = ei @ ei for each i E S. SO if x = Cies aie; E 12(S),

then T ( x ) = Ces aiei@ei. Consider the identity operator z E BL(!~(S), e2(S)),

which can be viewed as an element of (P (S)&P (S))', when the latter is iden-

tified with BL(t2 (S), 12(S)) (cf. [4, 8301). We have

But it is clear that (ei 8 ei, 2) = 1 for each i E S, and so

Together with the preceding inequality, one is led to a contradiction that

Cies ai converges for each x = CiEs aiei E 12(S). O

Remark 7.12. The above example also shows that, for each commuta-

tive compact group G, L2(G) with convolution multiplication is approxi-

mately biprojective but is not biprojective unless G is finite, In fact, from

Plancherel's Theorem ([6O, Theorem 1.6-11) L2 (G) is isometrically isomor-

phic to f?(r); being the dual group of G and t 2 ( r ) having pointwise

multiplication. It is worth mentioning that, although L2(G) has a central

approximate diagonal as shown in the example, by Coroliary 6.17 it is not

amenable unless G is a finite group.

7.3. Nilpotent ideais

In the following for two subsets M and N of an algebra Z, MN always

denotes the set {mn 1 m E M , n E N ) .


LEMMA 7.13. Suppose that II is a pointwise approximately biprojective

Banach algebra, N i s an approximately complemented closed ideal of I I , and

E is a closed ideal of II satisfying E C N and EN = { O ) (NE = {O)).

- - Then for every subset M of 2i satisfying M E C EII (resp. E M C ZE), it

is true that M E = {O) (resp. E M = {O)).

PROOF. We prove the case EN = {O) and ME C m. Let z : N + 2l

be the inclusion operator, q : II + 2i /E be the quotient operator, la, 1 , ~

and lalE be the identity operators on Tn, N and 2lIE respectively, and

p : (%/E)&N + N be the operator specified by p((a + E ) 8 c ) = ac for each

a + E E %/E and c E N. The operator p is well defined because EN = { O ) .

All the operators above are obviously continuous.

Suppose towards a contradiction that ME # {O), and assume mc # O

for some rn E M,c E E. From the assumption rnc = limGa,, for some

sequences (ÇJ c E and (a,) c U. Since 2l is pointwise approximately

biprojective, there is a continuous bimodule morphism T : Q + 0 6 2 i such

that n o T(m) c # 0. For b E N, let Rb (L6) : II + N be the map of right

(resp. left) multiplication by b. We now consider the element d E ( 2 i / ~ ) & N

defined by


we have d f O. Now consider its image under laIE 8 2.

contradiction which shows that ME = {O).

THEOREM 7.14. Suppose that 2t is a pointwise approximately biprojec-

tive Banach algebra. If U has both left and right approximate identities,

then II possesses no non-zero nilpotent ideal whose closure is approximately

complernented in U.

PROOF. If there were a non-zero nilpotent ideal N whose closure is ap-

proximately complemented, then there would be a n integer n > 1 such

that N* # {O) and Nnfl = {O). Without loss of generality, asurne that

N is closed. Let E be the closure of the linear span of Nn. Then E


would be a non-zero closed ideal of satiswng E c N and EN = {O).

Since U h a a left approximate identity, E = I1E. Similarly E = E2l. So

- U E EU. Then 111E = O from Lemma 2, which leads to a contradiction

that E = U E = {O). O

Remark 7.15. The requirement of the existence of both left and right

approximate identities in the above theorem can not be reduced to the exis-

tence of just one one-sided approximate identity, as seen from the following

example of Helemskii. The Banach algebra of 2 x 2 matrices with zero first

column is biprojective. It has a right identity (X 1) but no left (approximate)

identity, and it does have a non-zero nilpotent ideal (which must be comple-

mented since the algebra is finite dimensional) containing al1 the matrices of

the forrn ( a 8 ) .

COROLLARY 7.16. A pointwise approximately biprojective Banach alge-

bra with both left and right approximate identities has no non-zero finite

dimensional nilpotent ideals.

PROOF. Any finite dimensional subspace is complemented.

COROLLARY 7.17. Suppose that 2l is a pointwise approximately biprojec-

tive Banach algebra whose underlying space is a Hilbert space. If 2l has both

left and right approxirnate identities, then possesses no non-zero nilpotent

ideals. If in addition, 2l is commutativet then it has no nontrivial nilpotent



PROOF. Every closed subspace of a Hilbert space is complemented. If in

addition, U is commutative, then the ideal generated by a nilpotent element

is nilpotent. Cl

Since contractible Banach algebras are biprojective and have identities,

we can deduce immediately the following result.

COROLLARY 7.18. Suppose that 2i is a contractible Banach algebra. Then

a possesses no non- zero ndpotent ideah which are approximately comple-


Similar results can be obtained for Banach algebras with central approx-

imate diagonals. For example we have:

COROLLARY 7.19. Suppose that II is a Banach algebra with a central

approxzmate diagonal. Then 2l possesses no non-zero nilpotent ideal which

is approximately complemented.


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