amendments chapter 4 section 2. the 1 st amendment protects our five basic freedoms freedom of...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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AmendmentsChapter 4 section 2

The 1st Amendment

• Protects our five basic freedoms• Freedom of religion• Freedom of speech• Freedom of press• Freedom of assembly• Freedom of petition

The 2nd amendment

• The right to bear arms• Guarantees the right of individual

citizens to “keep and bear arms’ without the interference of the government.

The 3rd Amendment

• Quartering act• Says that, in

peacetime, soldiers may not move into private homes without the consent of the homeowner

4th Amendment

• Unreasonable search and seizures

• No soldier, government agent, or police officer can search your home or take your property without good cause

5th Amendment

• Protects the rights of people accused of crimes• Can not be put on trial with out an

indictment• Indictment is a formal charge by a grand jury

• Innocent until proven guilty• Protects from double jeopardy• Right to remain silent• Can not be denied life, liberty or property

with out due process of law.

6th Amendment

• Additional due process rights• Must be told the exact

nature of the charges against you

• Can have a jury trial, that is speedy

7th Amendment

• Civil cases• The 7th amendment guarantees the

right to a jury trial in civil cases if the amount of money involved if more than $20

8th Amendment

• Forbids excessive bail• No Cruel & Unusual Punishment• Bail is a sum of money used as a

security deposit. If the accused person comes to court for the trail. The bail is returned if the person fails to appear, the bail is forfeited.

9th Amendment

• Makes it clear that citizens have other rights beyond those listed in the constitution

• Such as privacy in our homes, confidentiality in our medical and financial records, and freedom from government interference in our personal choices regarding friends, families, and careers

10th Amendment

• Any powers the constitution does not specifically give to the national government are reserved to the states or to the people.

• Such as the power for Mr. Ball’s class has to crush Mr. Jackson’s class on each and every test!!!!

• Mrs. Marcum stop complaining about my typos

13th Amendment

• Abolished slavery and authorized congress to pass legislation implementing it abolition

15th Amendment

• Guaranteed voting rights to African Americans by outlawing denial of the right to vote on the basis of race, color, or previous condition of servitude

18th Amendment

• Authorized Congress to prohibit the manufacture, sale, and transportation of liquor.

19th Amendment

• Guaranteed the right to vote to women.

21st Amendment

• Repealed the Eighteenth Amendment and empowered congress to regulate the liquor industry

22nd Amendment

• Limited presidents to two full terms in office

24th Amendment

• Forbade requiring the payment of a poll tax to vote in federal elections

26th Amendment

• Guaranteed the right to vote to 18 year olds

28th Amendment

• It is against the law to criticize Mr. Ball for something as trivial as typos. He is amazing at so many things that this one small peccadillo should be disregarded.

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