"america: found in translation" project (10-11 graders) - ii prize (oleg davydov)

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 "America: Found in Translation" Project (10-11 graders) - II Prize (Oleg Davydov)


    America: Found in Translation Project

    Translation of an episode from TV series One-Storied America

    II prize (10-11 graders)

    Oleg Davydov (Lyceum of Mathematics and Information Technology)

    The spirit of America its not only the spirit of money, but the spirit of freedom,

    promises and wishes fulfillment. And all these things together are called American dream.

    A lot of people all over the world strive for getting to America to make their American

    dream come true.

    V. Pozner: Here, the ships sailed into this channel

    I. Urgant: Yes

    V. Pozner: the ships passed by the Statue of Liberty. It faces

    I. Urgant: It faces

    V. Pozner: absolutely all ships.

    -I recall vividly how I told it farewell when I was a 15 years old boy and was leaving

    America. I remember that oppressive feeling in my heart. Of course, I couldnt imagine that Iwouldnt see New York again for so many years but some feeling of parting was in my heart

    when we were sailing by it.

    Ilf and Petrov, as anybody who has been coming to America by ship for the last 100

    years, were welcomed by Miss Liberty whose official name is Liberty Enlightening the

    World. She was created by the sculptor Frederic Bartholdi and was installed on the Liberty

    Island (which was formerly called Deadloes Island) on October 28, 1886.

    V. Pozner: The pedestal is installed on the foundation which has the form of the eleven-

    pointed star

    I. Urgant: Eleven-pointed star?

    V. Pozner: And this foundation has the same form as a fort which was formerly on this


    There is also another island close to Liberty Island which is maybe even more famous

    than the Liberty Island Ellis Island. It opened its doors to immigrants on January 1, 1892.

    These doors were closed in 1954. 12 million of future Americans avid for the spirit of

    freedom passed through the filtration post on the Island of tears (as Ellis Island was often

    called) in these 62 years.

  • 7/31/2019 "America: Found in Translation" Project (10-11 graders) - II Prize (Oleg Davydov)


    V. Pozner: Imagine - a man came and for instance he had the last name Shostakovich.

    I. Urgant: Yes, for example.

    V. Pozner: And it was absolutely incomprehensible for a policeman. The policeman

    asked: What?! The man replied: Shostakovich. Then the policeman said: OK, then your

    last name will be Covige.

    I. Urgant: Covige?

    V. Pozner: Yes, Covige. The man tried to argue and said: But Im not Covige! The

    policeman asked: Do you want to pass? The man replied: Yes, I do. The policeman said:

    Then your last name is Covige. And so a lot of last names were changed.

    I. Urgant: Really?

    V. Pozner: Yes. If the last names were too complicated to pronounce they were just


    The people who were exhausted after a long journey had to spend a lot of agonizing

    hours in endless queues, had to pass the conveyor of the humiliating medical inspection and

    documents inspection. They also had to answer endless questions which were rather difficult

    to understand such as: Arent you an anarchist? or Arent you going to engage inprostitution? or Do you have money? Several hours of fear to get at last the long-expected

    permission or rejection.

    V. Pozner: To leave a long-occupied place and to go to foreign lands without any

    knowledge of language or culture, just look at these faces!

    Characters differ: the Germans, the French, the Irish, the English, the Jews and the

    Russians every nation has its own character. And just imagine that all these characters

    plunged into one pot and then appeared the new one which is called American character.

    What is it? It is a mixture which includes generosity and avidity, adventurism and persistence,

    faith in victory and diligence but maybe the most important feature is optimism.

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