american idioms

Post on 19-Nov-2015






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American idiomatic expressions that illustrate American values and beliefs


American Idioms

Keeping up with the Joneses

a popular catchphrase - Striving to achieve or own as much as the people around you.

God helps those who help themselves

Prov. You cannot depend solely on divine help, but must work to get what you want.

Go from rags to riches

to start your life very poor and then later in life become very rich Not bad for a poor kid from Munich.

Pull yourself up by the bootstraps

Fig. to improve or become a success by one's own efforts

Time is money

(My) time is valuable, so don't waste it; if we don't use our working time to earn money, we are in effect losing money.

When the going gets tough the tough get going Prov. When things are difficult, strong people take action and do not despair.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again When you fail, try until you get it right!

The buck stops here something that you say in order to tell someone that you will take responsibility for a situation or problem

A penny saved is a penny earned

something that you say which means it is wise to save money

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