american studies the progressive era. problems created by the industrial revolution working...

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The Progressive Era

Problems created by the Industrial Revolution

Working conditions: Long hours, low wages, unsafe conditions, and child labor

Laissez Faire: No regulations on big business Companies could treat workers how they wanted,

could make products how they wanted, etc.Living conditions: Dirty, crowded, unsanitary,

no help for the poorAfrican Americans: Racism and segregationWomen: Sexism and discrimination

The Progressive Movement

Reformers: Urban middle class Well-educated people who wanted to fix the problems

created by the Industrial Revolution Reduce govt corruption and social inequalities Promote true democracy where all are protected and

representedNot an organized political party/movement,

but change in public opinion or mindset Reform = change

Progress toward being a better society

Practice Question

What problem arising from U.S. industrialization did the progressive reformers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries want the federal government to address?

A. use of child labor in the workplace B. unfair taxes on the wealthy C. restrictions on the use of natural resources D. lack of capital for railroad expansion

What Progressives Fight For

Progressives fight to reduce the increasing gap between rich and poor Against child labor More women enter workforce: stand up for worker’s

rights, health and safety Help for the poor Conservation: Save the environment Equal treatment for all classes, races, and genders

Views on Laissez-Faire and Big Business

Conservative View: Keep Laissez-Faire; economy should not be regulated by the govt Business should be free to compete in any way Ignore problems of Industrialization because there are

more benefits for business Social Darwinism: The rich deserve their money 14th Amendment: Regulations deprive people of “life, liberty,

and property”Progressive View: End Laissez-faire; economy

should be regulated by the govt Want laws to regulate business’s unfair practices to protect

consumers and promote fair treatment for all Need to solve problems of Industrialization and end


Newspaper’s Role in Progressive Movement

Mass Circulation of Newspapers Newspaper and magazine industry grows with

advances in technologyPlay a key role in spreading awareness about

social and economic issues Sold for a penny

Yellow Journalism: publish shocking stories of sensation, corruption and scandal to get more readers Do we have journalists like this today?

Joseph Pulitzer: New York World

William Randolph Hearst: New York Journal

Newspaper Rivals


Muckrakers: Investigative journalists who uncover corruption and abuses in society In newspapers, magazines, novels, etc.

“Rake up the muck” in society to expose dirty truth below the surface of business and politics

Monthly women’s magazine have long articles on horrible factory conditions and corrupt city officials

Ida Tarbell

One of the first women in investigative reporting McClure Magazine

1904: Exposes monopolistic methods used by Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company

Contributes to US Supreme Court Case that breaks up the monopoly in 1911

Lincoln Steffens

1904: Published a collection of McClure articles into the book The Shame of the Cities

Uncovers political corruption in the city governments Taking bribes, embezzling taxes, using force to

remove other candidatesPhotographer Jacob Riis:

Book “How the Other Half Lives” Shows the hard life of immigrants in the US

Upton Sinclair

Wrote novel The Jungle: exposes the horrors of the Chicago meatpacking industry No rules/regulations about how to handle meat, sanitation,

what can go in the sausage, etc. Public outcry leads to new laws:The Meat Inspection Act (1906): Gave US officials

the power to check the quality and healthfulness of meats shipped in interstate commerce

Pure Food and Drug Act: FDA: Food and Drug Administration established to inspect

and approve quality food


Practice Question

What was the Muckrakers role during the Progressive movement?

A. They were able to work white collar jobs.B. They uncovered and spread the problems

created during the Industrial Revolution.C. They used papers to spread the news that

the rich should control the government.D. They managed the poor at work .

Social Settlement Movement

Terrible living conditions for immigrants in the city Exposed by photographer Jacob Riis

Encourage efforts to reduce overcrowding and unsanitary conditions in tenements Many women become experts on problems of urban

poverty Use their knowledge to persuade legislators to enact

new laws to protect poor and children

Settlement House

Building where women and children could go for help adjusting to life in the US Hull House run by Jane Addams in Chicago Women offered classes in English, art, literature and

music Better supervision to keep kids safe and out of work

Women’s Rights

Suffrage: the right to voteSeneca Falls Convention in NY (1848): Women’s

suffrage movement begins First victories for equal rights are on the western frontier

states Men believe women are too emotional, have their husband’s

to represent them, shouldn’t have a voice in the govt Women want their constitutional rights as a citizen in a

democracyLeaders: Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone and

Susan B. AnthonyCivil Disobedience: Break a law to protest it

because it is unjust

Practice Question

In 1872, as part of a state by state campaign for women’s suffrage, Susan B. Anthony knowingly and deliberately violated New York state law by casting a ballot in the presidential election. She was tried, found guilty, and ordered to pay a fine. What was the purpose of Susan B. Anthony’s act of civil disobedience?

A. to gain support for a particular candidateB. to use propaganda to influence public opinionC. to call attention to a perceived injusticeD. to show that unjust laws could not be enforced

Iron Jawed Angels

Part 1: 3: 8: 9: 10: 11:


They present the amendment to Congress every year for 40 years, but men shoot it down

Progressive Movement supports women’s rights New Leaders: Alice Paul and Carrie Chapman Catt

Protest using marches and picketing, writing editorials, serving jail time and going on hunger strike

Passed in Congress in 1919, then must be ratified by the states

1920: 19th Amendment gives women the right to vote

Practice Question

Fight for Birth Control

Many women suffer and risk their health living in poverty with frequent pregnancies

Margaret Sanger: Nurse who believed women should have info on ways to prevent pregnancy

1914: Published magazine and opened first clinic in Brooklyn, NY

Launched movement for planned parenthood that gained support in later decades

Temperance Movement

Many progressives (mostly women) wanted to fight alcohol abuse Increases poverty and crime rates

Reformers: Carrie Nation would walk into a saloon and destroy alcohol bottles with an axe

Prohibition:18th Amendment passed in 1919 prohibits sale and manufacture of alcohol (until 1933)

Practice Question

Prohibition was a political attempt to regulate

A. Destruction of families caused by alcohol.B. Low wages due to monopolies and big

business.C. Injuries caused by organized crime.D. Poverty caused by illegal drugs.

The Black Movement

Plessey vs. Ferguson: Segregation is legal Allows Jim Crow Laws in the South to segregate and

discriminateProgressive Black leaders challenge laws and

try to win support from white reformersMany blacks in the south being lynched by

mobs of whites Lynched: To be hung in public to make a statement Ida B. Wells: Muckraker who writes about racial

injustice and lynching

Practice Question

What was the effect of the passage of Jim Crow laws in the United States in the late 19th century?

A. Racial segregation was required by law in southern states.

B. Native Americans were moved onto reservations.

C. Restrictions were placed on business monopolies.

D. Women were denied the right to vote in national elections.

Booker T. Washington (1856-1915)

Former slave turned Progressive pacifistMany white leaders agree with him about

education and training blacks for skilled jobs Advisor to Teddy Roosevelt

Accepts white supremacy and segregationWants economic and educational

opportunities, and fair treatment in court

W.E.B. Dubois (1868-1963)

African American scholar and activistChief leader: Organizes Niagara Movement to

focus on publicizing and protesting acts of injustice against African Americans

Criticizes Booker T. and does not accept inferiority; wants total equality Conservative view vs. Radical view

Extreme Radical: Marcus Garvey leads “back to Africa” movement for black independence


1909: Dubois’ movement helps found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Jane Addams was also one of the founders Fights for civil rights: Raise awareness through

media, fight against laws in court 1915-1917: Supreme Court:

Desegregates housing Allows blacks on juries Run for office in party primaries

Practice Question

What was one perspective of African-Americans that was reflected in the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)?

A. the hope of encouraging widespread emigration to Africa

B. the belief that racial segregation was justified in all circumstances

C. the goal of forming a new political party to represent African-Americans

D. the desire to bring about legal and social equality for African-Americans

Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)

President after the death of McKinley at World’s fairSquare Deal: Teddy’s campaign promises fair

treatment for all groups in the US Poor and rich, laborers and big business, etc. Works for reform of Laissez-faire system The Presidents:

Before Roosevelt

Laissez Faire: Govt keeps their hands off the economy and big business

Stewardship Theory: New idea that presidents had an obligation to guide the nation’s economic and political affairs to create better conditions for the majority Previous presidents had intervened on the behalf of big

business instead of the people Teddy wants regulation to help the people Brought 44 anti-trust cases to court

Teddy Trust Buster

Practice Question

As a result of industrialization in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, progressive reformers sought government regulation of business in order to

A. control economic cycles of inflation and recession.

B. provide money for public services such as schools and libraries.

C. restore competition by limiting the power of monopolies and trusts.

D. prevent companies from moving their factories to other countries.

Reform Local Government

Progressives focus on issues in urban areasProblems: Cities controlled by corrupt bosses

and political machines Only provide aid to the poor who will vote for them Take bribes and charge high taxes

Reform/Solutions: Remove politicians associated with political machines Reduce cost of govt, lower taxes, end corruption Provide better city services like transportation, police,

etc. Cleveland and Toledo had very Progressive leaders

State Government Reform

Problems: The people have very little say in the govt Big business has too much power

Solutions: The secret ballot voting system Direct Primary: Voters nominate candidates by direct

popular election Not chosen by political party officials (17th amendment)

Initiative: People can sign a petition to force state legislature to consider a proposed law

Referendum: Proposed law could be submitted directly to the people to be voted on

Recall: People could vote on whether to remove an elected official from office

Social Welfare Reform

Problems: Child labor Unsanitary and unsafe streets Poor quality housing Lack of education of the poor

Solutions: Regulation of child labor Urban planning for better sanitation and police force Construction of safer housing Mandatory public education requirements

Economic/Business Reform

Roosevelt is the first president to make a serious effort to break up the trusts

Problems: Monopolies cause high prices, less choice, and low quality goods


Elkins Act: Punishes railroads for giving rebates Hepburn Act: Interstate Commerce Commission can

fix rates charged by railroads and limits discounts Enforce the Sherman Antitrust Act: Prosecute and

break up trusts/monopolies

Teddy Roosevelt: Trust Buster

Environmental Reform

Problems: Industrialization causes… Factory pollution in cities Lumber and mining companies destroy land out West

Solutions: Conservation to manage use of land and protect wilderness areas Conservationist = Environmentalist The Newlands Reclamation Act (1902): Provided

money from sale of desert lands to be used to finance irrigation projects

The Inland Waterways Act (1907): Appoints a commission to study use of nation’s rivers

TR establishes 149 national forests/parks

National Parks

Gifford Pinchot: Forces lumbering companies to replant trees

John Muir: Supports laws to create national parks like Yosemite and the Grand Canyon

Practice Question

The 1890 U.S. Census led some people to conclude that there was no longer a frontier line in the West. Early in the 20th century, President Theodore Roosevelt advocated the conservation of the nation’s natural resources. These events signaled a change in how people perceived

A. farmland.B. urban areas.C. wilderness areas.D. centers of industry and technology.

William H. Taft (1909-1913)

Progressives like: Takes over 90 trusts to court to break up monopolies A former member of Teddy’s cabinet who would carry

on his Progressive beliefsProgressives dislike: Helps business with

high tariffs but doesn’t help the environment Payne-Aldrich Tariff (1909): Raises prices on imports

instead of lowering them like Progressives wanted Taft fires Gifford Pinchot and focuses more on

business than the environment The Presidents:

Child Labor Legislation under Taft

Taft establishes Children’s Bureau to investigate “welfare of children in all classes”

Keating-Owen Act (1916): Forbids transport of goods made by factories that employ children 1918: Supreme Court declares it unconstitutional Tried taxing them extra and passing amendment

against it but failed 1938: Fair Labor Standards Act outlaws child labor

and sets and minimum wage

Election of 1912

Republican Taft runs for re-election Conservative reformer, moderate Progressive Breaks up monopolies but still helps big business

Teddy runs as Progressive “Bull-Moose” party Independent 3rd party candidate, anti-big business

Democrats nominate Woodrow Wilson Progressive, anti-big business

Election of 1912

Socialist Party: 4th candidate Eugene Debs Fights for unions and wants govt ownership of all

companiesWilson wins landslide victory: Republican

party was too dividedAll candidates were reformersWilson promises New Freedom:

Lower tariffs, regulation of big business, and reform of the banking system

Reform under Woodrow Wilson

Underwood Tariff Law (1913): Lowers tariffs, which lowers prices of consumer goods No more discounts for big business

Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914): Strengthens Sherman Act Businesses must allow competition to exist Lists specific monopolist practices that are illegal Same people can’t sit on Board of Directors for several

companies (no interlocking dictatorships)Federal Trade Commission (FTC) 1914: Govt has

power to investigate and punish unfair business practices Issue orders for monopolies to “cease and desist” anti-

competitive practices

Federal Reserve System

Before Wilson there was no system in control of increasing/decreasing nation’s supply of currency

Organized system of central banksTwo functions: Promote banking stability1. Control money supply according to

changing needs of business/economy2. Provide private banks with reserve money

in case to many people withdrawal money, they can still stay open


Rise in general price of goods and servicesMoney has less purchasing powerFederal Reserve Bank must adjust interest

rate to avoid recession


Practice Question

What was a key reason for the creation of the Federal Reserve System?

A. to encourage exportsB. to increase tax revenuesC. to reduce budget deficitsD. to promote banking stability

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