amerigo vespucci

Post on 19-Jan-2015






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By Abby Smith


I am Abby Smith and I think Amerigo Vespucci deserves to be Explorer of the Year! I have plenty reasons, and after this, you will too!

About Amerigo• Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian explorer. • He was born on March 9th, 1454, and he died on February 22nd,

1512.• He was born in Florence, Italy. • His father was Nastagio Vespucci. • His entire family was friendly with the Medici rulers of Florence.• He was well educated by his uncle. • He was a business man and a very skilled navigator.

Where did he explore?

Amerigo Vespucci explored “The New World,” today know as America.

He was led on this expedition by Christopher Columbus.

What was he looking for?

Amerigo, along with Columbus and the others were looking for new routes and land. What they did not know was that what big of a thing they would discover.

What did they find?

Columbus, Amerigo, and the other explorers found America. They called it the New World.

They found wilderness, freedom, Native Americans, and other wonders and treasures.

What are some reasons that he was so important?

Well, everyone with Columbus was pretty important. It wasn’t just Columbus.

And, if you think all this stuff about Amerigo is cool, well, check this one out. Martin Wardseemuller was inspired to name the new world after him! He named it America, which is very close to Amerigo. Isn’t that cool?!

More Important Stuff

Amerigo is said to be the one to conclude that America was another continent, not the eastern part of Asia, as Columbus had believed.

He was (is) known as whom the Americas were named after.

Cool Stuff about Amerigo, Huh?

Well, Now it’s time to see who paid attention.


1. Who was inspired to name the Americas after Amerigo Vespucci?

Martin Wardseemuller


2. What was his fathers first name?



3. Was he a Italian, Spanish, English, or French explorer?



5. What is he said to have concluded?

That America was a new continent.


6.What day was he born on AND what day did he die on?

Birth Day: March 9, 1454

Death Day: February 22, 1512

Great Job!

Now Do You See?

Amerigo was amazing! If it wasn’t for him and the others, we might not be here! Well, I dought that, but you get my point. He was REALLY important. I think he deserves explorer of the year. I also wish he was still alive and I could have gotten to meet him. That would be cool.


Thanks for tuning in! Have a wonderful day, and never forget: Amerigo Vespucci TOTALLY deserves to be the ultimate explorer of the year!!! BYE!!!

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