amg 411 ibrqw khau kaun isau mn ki ] - fileamg 411 page 411 siqgur prswid ] one...

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AMg 411 Page 411

<> siqgur pRswid ] One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwgu Awsw mhlw 9 ] Raag Aasaa, Ninth Mehl:

ibrQw khau kaun isau mn kI ] Who should I tell the condition of the mind?

loiB gRisE ds hU ids Dwvq Awsw lwigE Dn kI ]1] rhwau ] Engrossed in greed, running around in the ten directions, you hold to your hopes of wealth.

suK kY hyiq bhuqu duKu pwvq syv krq jn jn kI ] For the sake of pleasure, you suffer such great pain, and you have to serve each and every person.

duAwrih duAwir suAwn ijau folq nh suD rwm Bjn kI ]1] You wander from door to door like a dog, unconscious of the Lord's meditation. ||1||

mwns jnm AkwrQ Kovq lwj n lok hsn kI ] You lose this human life in vain, and You are not even ashamed when others laugh at you.

nwnk hir jsu ikau nhI gwvq kumiq ibnwsY qn kI ]2]1]233] O Nanak, why not sing the Lord's Praises, so that you may be rid of the body's evil disposition?


AMg 795 Page 795

<> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred.

Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace:

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 1 caupdy Gru 1 ] Raag Bilaaval, First Mehl, Chau-Padas, First House:

qU sulqwnu khw hau mIAw qyrI kvn vfweI ] You are the Emperor, and I call You a chief - how does this add to Your greatness?

jo qU dyih su khw suAwmI mY mUrK khxu n jweI ]1] As You permit me, I praise You, O Lord and Master; I am ignorant, and I cannot chant Your Praises.

qyry gux gwvw dyih buJweI ] Please bless me with such understanding, that I may sing Your Glorious Praises.

jYsy sc mih rhau rjweI ]1] rhwau ] May I dwell in Truth, according to Your Will. ||1||Pause||

jo ikCu hoAw sBu ikCu quJ qy qyrI sB AsnweI ] Whatever has happened, has all come from You. You are All-knowing.

qyrw AMqu n jwxw myry swihb mY AMDuly ikAw cqurweI ]2] Your limits cannot be known, O my Lord and Master; I am blind - what wisdom do I have? ||2||

ikAw hau kQI kQy kiQ dyKw mY AkQu n kQnw jweI ] What should I say? While talking, I talk of seeing, but I cannot describe the indescribable.

jo quDu BwvY soeI AwKw iqlu qyrI vifAweI ]3] As it pleases Your Will, I speak; it is just the tiniest bit of Your greatness. ||3||

eyqy kUkr hau bygwnw Baukw iesu qn qweI ] Among so many dogs, I am an outcast; I bark for my body's belly.

Bgiq hIxu nwnku jy hoiegw qw KsmY nwau n jweI ]4]1] Without devotional worship, O Nanak, even so, still, my Master's Name does not leave me. ||4||1||

AMg 970 Page 970

kvn kwj isrjy jg BIqir jnim kvn Plu pwieAw ] For what purpose were you created and brought into the world? What rewards have you received in

this life?

Bv iniD qrn qwrn icMqwmin iek inmK n iehu mnu lwieAw ]1] God is the boat to carry you across the terrifying world-ocean; He is the Fulfiller of the mind's

desires. You have not centered your mind on Him, even for an instant. ||1||

goibMd hm AYsy AprwDI ] O Lord of the Universe, I am such a sinner!

ijin pRiB jIau ipMfu Qw dIAw iqs kI Bwau Bgiq nhI swDI ]1] rhwau ] God gave me body and soul, but I have not practiced loving devotional worship to Him. ||1||Pause||

pr Dn pr qn pr qI inMdw pr Apbwdu n CUtY ] Others' wealth, others' bodies, others' wives, others' slander and others' fights - I have not given

them up.

Awvw gvnu hoqu hY Puin Puin iehu prsMgu n qUtY ]2] For the sake of these, coming and going in reincarnation happens over and over again, and this

story never ends. ||2||

ijh Gir kQw hoq hir sMqn iek inmK n kIn@o mY Pyrw ] That house, in which the Saints speak of the Lord - I have not visited it, even for an instant.

lμpt cor dUq mqvwry iqn sMig sdw bsyrw ]3] Drunkards, thieves, and evil-doers - I constantly dwell with them. ||3||

kwm k®oD mwieAw md mqsr ey sMpY mo mwhI ] Sexual desire, anger, the wine of Maya, and envy - these are what I collect within myself.

dieAw Drmu Aru gur kI syvw ey supnμqir nwhI ]4] Compassion, righteousness, and service to the Guru - these do not visit me, even in my dreams.


dIn dieAwl ik®pwl dmodr Bgiq bCl BY hwrI ] He is merciful to the meek, compassionate and benevolent, the Lover of His devotees, the Destroyer

of fear.

khq kbIr BIr jn rwKhu hir syvw krau qum@wrI ]5]8] Says Kabeer, please protect Your humble servant from disaster; O Lord, I serve only You. ||5||8||

AMg 638 Page 638

soriT mhlw 3 duqukI ] Sorat'h, Third Mehl, Du-Tukas:

inguixAw no Awpy bKis ley BweI siqgur kI syvw lwie ] He Himself forgives the worthless, O Siblings of Destiny; He commits them to the service of the

True Guru.

siqgur kI syvw aUqm hY BweI rwm nwim icqu lwie ]1] Service to the True Guru is sublime, O Siblings of Destiny; through it, one's consciousness is

attached to the Lord's Name. ||1||

hir jIau Awpy bKis imlwie ] The Dear Lord forgives, and unites with Himself.

guxhIx hm AprwDI BweI pUrY siqguir ley rlwie ] rhwau ] I am a sinner, totally without virtue, O Siblings of Destiny; the Perfect True Guru has blended me.

kaux kaux AprwDI bKisAnu ipAwry swcY sbid vIcwir ] So many, so many sinners have been forgiven, O beloved one, by contemplating the True Word of

the Shabad.

Baujlu pwir auqwirAnu BweI siqgur byVY cwiV ]2] They got on board the boat of the True Guru, who carried them across the terrifying world-ocean, O

Siblings of Destiny. ||2||

mnUrY qy kMcn Bey BweI guru pwrsu myil imlwie ] I have been transformed from rusty iron into gold, O Siblings of Destiny, united in Union with the

Guru, the Philosopher's Stone.

Awpu Coif nwau min visAw BweI joqI joiq imlwie ]3] Eliminating my self-conceit, the Name has come to dwell within my mind, O Siblings of Destiny; my

light has merged in the Light. ||3||

hau vwrI hau vwrxY BweI siqgur kau sd bilhwrY jwau ] I am a sacrifice, I am a sacrifice, O Siblings of Destiny, I am forever a sacrifice to my True Guru.

nwmu inDwnu ijin idqw BweI gurmiq shij smwau ]4] He has given me the treasure of the Naam; O Siblings of Destiny, through the Guru's Teachings, I

am absorbed in celestial bliss. ||4||

gur ibnu shju n aUpjY BweI pUChu igAwnIAw jwie ] Without the Guru, celestial peace is not produced, O Siblings of Destiny; go and ask the spiritual

teachers about this.

siqgur kI syvw sdw kir BweI ivchu Awpu gvwie ]5] Serve the True Guru forever, O Siblings of Destiny, and eradicate self-conceit from within. ||5||

gurmqI Bau aUpjY BweI Bau krxI scu swru ] Under Guru's Instruction, the Fear of God is produced, O Siblings of Destiny; true and excellent are

the deeds done in the Fear of God.

pRym pdwrQu pweIAY BweI scu nwmu AwDwru ]6] Then, one is blessed with the treasure of the Lord's Love, O Siblings of Destiny, and the Support of

the True Name. ||6||

jo siqguru syvih Awpxw BweI iqn kY hau lwgau pwie ] I fall at the feet of those who serve their True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny.

jnmu svwrI Awpxw BweI kulu BI leI bKswie ]7] I have fulfilled my life, O Siblings of Destiny, and my family has been saved as well. ||7||

scu bwxI scu sbdu hY BweI gur ikrpw qy hoie ] The True Word of the Guru's Bani, and the True Word of the Shabad, O Siblings of Destiny, are

obtained only by Guru's Grace.

nwnk nwmu hir min vsY BweI iqsu ibGnu n lwgY koie ]8]2] O Nanak, with the Name of the Lord abiding in one's mind, no obstacles stand in one's way, O

Siblings of Destiny. ||8||2||

AMg 574 ang 574 Page 574

vfhMsu mhlw 4 ] Wadahans, Fourth Mehl:

hir ikrpw hir ikrpw kir siqguru myil suKdwqw rwm ] O Lord, show Your Mercy, show Your Mercy, and let me meet the True Guru, the Giver of peace.

hm pUCh hm pUCh siqgur pwis hir bwqw rwm ] I go and ask, I go and ask from the True Guru, about the sermon of the Lord.

siqgur pwis hir bwq pUCh ijin nwmu pdwrQu pwieAw ] I ask about the sermon of the Lord from the True Guru, who has obtained the treasure of the Naam.

pwie lgh inq krh ibnμqI guir siqguir pMQu bqwieAw ] I bow at His Feet constantly, and pray to Him; the Guru, the True Guru, has shown me the Way.

soeI Bgqu duKu suKu smqu kir jwxY hir hir nwim hir rwqw ] He alone is a devotee, who looks alike upon pleasure and pain; he is imbued with the Name of the

Lord, Har, Har.

hir ikrpw hir ikrpw kir guru siqguru myil suKdwqw ]1] O Lord, show Your Mercy, show Your Mercy, and let me meet the True Guru, the Giver of peace.

suix gurmuiK suix gurmuiK nwim siB ibnsy hMaumY pwpw rwm ] Listen as Gurmukh, listen as Gurmukh, to the Naam, the Name of the Lord; all egotism and sins are


jip hir hir jip hir hir nwmu liQAVy jig qwpw rwm ] Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, the troubles of

the world vanish.

hir hir nwmu ijnI AwrwiDAw iqn ky duK pwp invwry ] Those who contemplate the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, are rid of their suffering and sins.

siqguir igAwn KVgu hiQ dInw jmkMkr mwir ibdwry ] The True Guru has placed the sword of spiritual wisdom in my hands; I have overcome and slain the

Messenger of Death.

hir pRiB ik®pw DwrI suKdwqy duK lwQy pwp sMqwpw ] The Lord God, the Giver of peace, has granted His Grace, and I am rid of pain, sin and disease.

suix gurmuiK suix gurmuiK nwmu siB ibnsy hMaumY pwpw ]2] Listen as Gurmukh, listen as Gurmukh, to the Naam, the Name of the Lord; all egotism and sins are

eradicated. ||2||

jip hir hir jip hir hir nwmu myrY min BwieAw rwm ]

Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is so pleasing to my mind.

muiK gurmuiK muiK gurmuiK jip siB rog gvwieAw rwm ] Speaking as Gurmukh, speaking as Gurmukh, chanting the Naam, all disease is eradicated.

gurmuiK jip siB rog gvwieAw Arogq Bey srIrw ] As Gurmukh, chanting the Naam, all disease is eradicated, and the body becomes free of disease.

Anidnu shj smwiD hir lwgI hir jipAw gihr gMBIrw ] Night and day, one remains absorbed in the Perfect Poise of Samaadhi; meditate on the Name of

the Lord, the inaccessible and unfathomable Lord.

jwiq Ajwiq nwmu ijn iDAwieAw iqn prm pdwrQu pwieAw ] Whether of high or low social status, one who meditates on the Naam obtains the supreme treasure.

jip hir hir jip hir hir nwmu myrY min BwieAw ]3] Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is pleasing to

my mind. ||3||

hir Dwrhu hir Dwrhu ikrpw kir ikrpw lyhu aubwry rwm ] Grant Your Grace, grant Your Grace, O Lord, and save me.

hm pwpI hm pwpI inrgux dIn qum@wry rwm ] I am a sinner, I am a worthless sinner, I am meek, but I am Yours, O Lord.

hm pwpI inrgux dIn qum@wry hir dYAwl srxwieAw ] I am a worthless sinner, and I am meek, but I am Yours; I seek Your Sanctuary, O Merciful Lord.

qU duK BMjnu srb suKdwqw hm pwQr qry qrwieAw ] You are the Destroyer of pain, the Giver of absolute peace; I am a stone - carry me across and save


siqgur Byit rwm rsu pwieAw jn nwnk nwim auDwry ] Meeting the True Guru, servant Nanak has obtained the subtle essence of the Lord; through the

Naam, the Name of the Lord, he is saved.

hir Dwrhu hir Dwrhu ikrpw kir ikrpw lyhu aubwry rwm ]4]4] Grant Your Grace, grant Your Grace, Lord, and save me. ||4||4||

AMg 636 Page 636

soriT mhlw 1 pihlw duqukI ] Sorat'h, First Mehl, Du-Tukas:

qU guxdwqO inrmlo BweI inrmlu nw mnu hoie ] You are the Giver of virtue, O Immaculate Lord, but my mind is not immaculate, O Siblings of


hm AprwDI inrguxy BweI quJ hI qy guxu soie ]1] I am a worthless sinner, O Siblings of Destiny; virtue is obtained from You alone, Lord. ||1||

myry pRIqmw qU krqw kir vyKu ] O my Beloved Creator Lord, You create, and You behold.

hau pwpI pwKMfIAw BweI min qin nwm ivsyKu ] rhwau ] I am a hypocritical sinner, O Siblings of Destiny. Bless my mind and body with Your Name, O Lord.


ibKu mwieAw icqu moihAw BweI cqurweI piq Koie ] The poisonous Maya has enticed the consciousness, O Siblings of Destiny; through clever tricks, one

loses his honor.

icq mih Twkuru sic vsY BweI jy gur igAwnu smoie ]2] The True Lord and Master abides in the consciousness, O Siblings of Destiny, if the Guru's spiritual

wisdom permeates it. ||2||

rUVO rUVO AwKIAY BweI rUVO lwl clUlu ] Beautiful, beautiful, the Lord is called, O Siblings of Destiny; beautiful, like the deep crimson color

of the poppy.

jy mnu hir isau bYrwgIAY BweI dir Gir swcu ABUlu ]3] If man loves the Lord with detachment, O Siblings of Destiny, he is judged to be true and infallible

in the Lord's court and home. ||3||

pwqwlI Awkwis qU BweI Gir Gir qU gux igAwnu ] You are pervading the realms of the underworld and the heavenly skies; Your wisdom and glories

are in each and every heart.

gur imilAY suKu pwieAw BweI cUkw mnhu gumwnu ]4] Meeting with the Guru, one finds peace, O Siblings of Destiny, and pride is dispelled from the mind.

jil mil kwieAw mwjIAY BweI BI mYlw qnu hoie ] Scrubbing with water, the body can be cleaned, O Siblings of Destiny, but the body becomes dirty


igAwin mhw ris nweIAY BweI mnu qnu inrmlu hoie ]5] Bathing in the supreme essence of spiritual wisdom, O Siblings of Destiny, the mind and body

become pure. ||5||

dyvI dyvw pUjIAY BweI ikAw mwgau ikAw dyih ] Why worship gods and goddesses, O Siblings of Destiny? What can we ask of them? What can they

give us?

pwhxu nIir pKwlIAY BweI jl mih bUfih qyih ]6] The stone gods are washed with water, O Siblings of Destiny, but they just sink in the water. ||6||

gur ibnu AlKu n lKIAY BweI jgu bUfY piq Koie ] Without the Guru, the unseen Lord cannot be seen, O Siblings of Destiny; the world is drowning,

having lost its honor.

myry Twkur hwiQ vfweIAw BweI jY BwvY qY dyie ]7]

Greatness is in the hands of my Lord and Master, O Siblings of Destiny; as He is pleased, He gives. ||7||

beIAir bolY mITulI BweI swcu khY ipr Bwie ] That soul-bride, who talks sweetly and speaks the Truth, O Siblings of Destiny, becomes pleasing to

her Husband Lord.

ibrhY byDI sic vsI BweI AiDk rhI hir nwie ]8] Pierced by His Love, she abides in Truth, O Siblings of Destiny, deeply imbued with the Lord's

Name. ||8||

sBu ko AwKY Awpxw BweI gur qy buJY sujwnu ] Everyone calls God his own, O Siblings of Destiny, but the all-knowing Lord is known only through

the Guru.

jo bIDy sy aUbry BweI sbdu scw nIswnu ]9] Those who are pierced by His Love are saved, O Siblings of Destiny; they bear the Insignia of the

True Word of the Shabad. ||9||

eIDnu AiDk skylIAY BweI pwvku rMck pwie ] A large pile of firewood, O Siblings of Destiny, will burn if a small fire is applied.

iKnu plu nwmu irdY vsY BweI nwnk imlxu suBwie ]10]4] In the same way, if the Naam, the Name of the Lord, dwells in the heart for a moment, even for an

instant, O Siblings of Destiny, then one meets the Lord with ease, O Nanak. ||10||4||

AMg 809 Page 809

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

rwKhu ApnI srix pRB moih ikrpw Dwry ] Keep me under Your Protection, God; shower me with Your Mercy.

syvw kCU n jwnaU nIcu mUrKwry ]1] I do not know how to serve You; I am just a low-life fool. ||1||

mwnu krau quDu aUpry myry pRIqm ipAwry ] I take pride in You, O my Darling Beloved.

hm AprwDI sd BUlqy qum@ bKsnhwry ]1] rhwau ] I am a sinner, continuously making mistakes; You are the Forgiving Lord. ||1||Pause||

hm Avgn krh AsMK nIiq qum@ inrgun dwqwry ] I make mistakes each and every day. You are the Great Giver;

dwsI sMgiq pRBU iqAwig ey krm hmwry ]2] I am worthless. I associate with Maya, your hand-maiden, and I renounce You, God; such are my

actions. ||2||

qum@ dyvhu sBu ikCu dieAw Dwir hm AikrqGnwry ] You bless me with everything, showering me with Mercy; And I am such an ungrateful wretch!

lwig pry qyry dwn isau nh iciq Ksmwry ]3] I am attached to Your gifts, but I do not even think of You, O my Lord and Master. ||3||

quJ qy bwhir ikCu nhI Bv kwtnhwry ] There is none other than You, O Lord, Destroyer of fear.

khu nwnk srix dieAwl gur lyhu mugD auDwry ]4]4]34] Says Nanak, I have come to Your Sanctuary, O Merciful Guru; I am so foolish - please, save me!


AMg 969 Page 969

sMqw mwnau dUqw fwnau ieh kutvwrI myrI ] I honor and obey the Saints, and punish the wicked; this is my duty as God's police officer.

idvs rYin qyry pwau plosau kys cvr kir PyrI ]1] Day and night, I wash Your feet, Lord; I wave my hair as the chauree, to brush away the flies. ||1||

hm kUkr qyry drbwir ] I am a dog at Your Court, Lord.

Baukih AwgY bdnu pswir ]1] rhwau ] I open my snout and bark before it. ||1||Pause||

pUrb jnm hm qum@ry syvk Ab qau imitAw n jweI ] In my past life, I was Your servant; now, I cannot leave You.

qyry duAwrY Duin shj kI mwQY myry dgweI ]2] The celestial sound current resounds at Your Door. Your insignia is stamped upon my forehead.

dwgy hoih su rn mih jUJih ibnu dwgy Big jweI ] Those who are branded with Your brand fight bravely in battle; those without Your brand run away.

swDU hoie su Bgiq pCwnY hir ley KjwnY pweI ]3] One who becomes a Holy person, appreciates the value of devotional worship to the Lord. The Lord

places him in His treasury. ||3||

koTry mih koTrI prm koTI bIcwir ] In the fortress is the chamber; by contemplative meditation it becomes the supreme chamber.

guir dInI bsqu kbIr kau lyvhu bsqu sm@wir ]4] The Guru has blessed Kabeer with the commodity, saying, ""Take this commodity; cherish it and

keep it secure.""||4||

kbIir dIeI sMswr kau lInI ijsu msqik Bwgu ] Kabeer gives it to the world, but he alone receives it, upon whose forehead such destiny is


AMimRq rsu ijin pwieAw iQru qw kw sohwgu ]5]4] Permanent is the marriage, of one who receives this ambrosial essence. ||5||4||

AMg 1048 Page 1048

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Third Mehl:

scu swlwhI gihr gMBIrY ] I praise the true, profound and unfathomable Lord.

sBu jgu hY iqs hI kY cIrY ] All the world is in His power.

siB Gt BogvY sdw idnu rwqI Awpy sUK invwsI hy ]1] He enjoys all hearts forever, day and night; He Himself dwells in peace. ||1||

scw swihbu scI nweI ] True is the Lord and Master, and True is His Name.

gur prswdI mMin vsweI ] By Guru's Grace, I enshrine Him in my mind.

Awpy Awie visAw Gt AMqir qUtI jm kI PwsI hy ]2] He Himself has come to dwell deep within the nucleus of my heart; the noose of death has been

snapped. ||2||

iksu syvI qY iksu swlwhI ] Whom should I serve, and whom should I praise?

siqguru syvI sbid swlwhI ] I serve the True Guru, and praise the Word of the Shabad.

scY sbid sdw miq aUqm AMqir kmlu pRgwsI hy ]3] Through the True Shabad, the intellect is exalted and ennobled forever, and the lotus deep within

blossoms forth. ||3||

dyhI kwcI kwgd imkdwrw ] The body is frail and perishable, like paper.

bUMd pvY ibnsY Fhq n lwgY bwrw ] When the drop of water falls upon it, it crumbles and dissolves instantaneously.

kMcn kwieAw gurmuiK bUJY ijsu AMqir nwmu invwsI hy ]4] But the body of the Gurmukh, who understands, is like gold; the Naam, the Name of the Lord,

dwells deep within. ||4||

scw caukw suriq kI kwrw ] Pure is that kitchen, which is enclosed by spiritual awareness.

hir nwmu Bojnu scu AwDwrw ]

The Lord's Name is my food, and Truth is my support.

sdw iqRpiq pivqRü hY pwvnu ijqu Git hir nwmu invwsI hy ]5] Forever satisfied, sanctified and pure is that person, within whose heart the Lord's Name abides.


hau iqn bilhwrI jo swcY lwgy ] I am a sacrifice to those who are attached to the Truth.

hir gux gwvih Anidnu jwgy ] They sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and remain awake and aware night and day.

swcw sUKu sdw iqn AMqir rsnw hir ris rwsI hy ]6] True peace fills them forever, and their tongues savor the sublime essence of the Lord. ||6||

hir nwmu cyqw Avru n pUjw ] I remember the Lord's Name, and no other at all.

eyko syvI Avru n dUjw ] I serve the One Lord, and no other at all.

pUrY guir sBu scu idKwieAw scY nwim invwsI hy ]7] The Perfect Guru has revealed the whole Truth to me; I dwell in the True Name. ||7||

BRim BRim jonI iPir iPir AwieAw ] Wandering, wandering in reincarnation, again and again, he comes into the world.

Awip BUlw jw Ksim BulwieAw ] He is deluded and confused, when the Lord and Master confuses him.

hir jIau imlY qw gurmuiK bUJY cInY sbdu AibnwsI hy ]8] He meets with the Dear Lord, when, as Gurmukh, he understands; he remembers the Shabad, the

Word of the immortal, eternal Lord God. ||8||

kwim k®oiD Bry hm AprwDI ] I am a sinner, overflowing with sexual desire and anger.

ikAw muhu lY bolh nw hm gux n syvw swDI ] With what mouth should I speak? I have no virtue, and I have rendered no service.

fubdy pwQr myil lYhu qum Awpy swcu nwmu AibnwsI hy ]9] I am a sinking stone; please, Lord, unite me with Yourself. Your Name is eternal and imperishable.


nw koeI kry n krxY jogw ] No one does anything; no one is able to do anything.

Awpy krih krwvih su hoiegw ] That alone happens, which the Lord Himself does, and causes to be done.

Awpy bKis lYih suKu pwey sd hI nwim invwsI hy ]10] Those whom He Himself forgives, find peace; they dwell forever in the Naam, the Name of the Lord.


iehu qnu DrqI sbdu bIij Apwrw ] This body is the earth, and the infinite Shabad is the seed.

hir swcy syqI vxju vwpwrw ] Deal and trade with the True Name alone.

scu Dnu jMimAw qoit n AwvY AMqir nwmu invwsI hy ]11] The True wealth increases; it is never exhausted, when the Naam dwells deep within. ||11||

hir jIau AvgixAwry no guxu kIjY ] O Dear Lord, please bless me, the worthless sinner, with virtue.

Awpy bKis lYih nwmu dIjY ] Forgive me, and bless me with Your Name.

gurmuiK hovY so piq pwey iekqu nwim invwsI hy ]12] One who becomes Gurmukh, is honored; he dwells in the Name of the One Lord alone. ||12||

AMqir hir Dnu smJ n hoeI ] The wealth of the Lord is deep within one's inner being, but he does not realize it.

gur prswdI bUJY koeI ] By Guru's Grace, one comes to understand.

gurmuiK hovY so Dnu pwey sd hI nwim invwsI hy ]13] One who becomes Gurmukh is blessed with this wealth; he lives forever in the Naam. ||13||

Anl vwau Brim BulweI ] Fire and wind lead him into delusions of doubt.

mwieAw moih suiD n kweI ] In love and attachment to Maya, he has no understanding at all.

mnmuK AMDy ikCU n sUJY gurmiq nwmu pRgwsI hy ]14] The blind, self-willed manmukh sees nothing; through the Guru's Teachings, the Naam is gloriously

revealed. ||14||

mnmuK haumY mwieAw sUqy ] The manmukhs are asleep in egotism and Maya.

Apxw Gru n smwlih AMiq ivgUqy ] They do not watch over their own homes, and are ruined in the end.

pr inMdw krih bhu icMqw jwlY duKy duiK invwsI hy ]15] They slander others, and burn in great anxiety; they dwell in pain and suffering. ||15||

Awpy krqY kwr krweI ] The Creator Himself has created the creation.

Awpy gurmuiK dyie buJweI ] He blesses the Gurmukh with understanding.

nwnk nwim rqy mnu inrmlu nwmy nwim invwsI hy ]16]5] O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Naam - their minds become immaculate; they dwell in the

Naam, and only the Naam. ||16||5||

AMg 610 Page 610

soriT mhlw 5 ] Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:

qnu sMqn kw Dnu sMqn kw mnu sMqn kw kIAw ] My body belongs to the Saints, my wealth belongs to the Saints, and my mind belongs to the


sMq pRswid hir nwmu iDAwieAw srb kusl qb QIAw ]1] By the Grace of the Saints, I meditate on the Lord's Name, and then, all comforts come to me. ||1||

sMqn ibnu Avru n dwqw bIAw ] Without the Saints, there are no other givers.

jo jo srix prY swDU kI so pwrgrwmI kIAw ] rhwau ] Whoever takes to the Sanctuary of the Holy Saints, is carried across. ||Pause||

koit prwD imtih jn syvw hir kIrqnu ris gweIAY ] Millions of sins are erased by serving the humble Saints, and singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord

with love.

eIhw suKu AwgY muK aUjl jn kw sMgu vfBwgI pweIAY ]2] One finds peace in this world, and one's face is radiant in the next world, by associating with the

humble Saints, through great good fortune. ||2||

rsnw eyk Anyk gux pUrn jn kI kyqk aupmw khIAY ] I have only one tongue, and the Lord's humble servant is filled with countless virtues; how can I

sing his praises?

Agm Agocr sd AibnwsI srix sMqn kI lhIAY ]3] The inaccessible, unapproachable and eternally unchanging Lord is obtained in the Sanctuary of the

Saints. ||3||

inrgun nIc AnwQ AprwDI Et sMqn kI AwhI ] I am worthless, lowly, without friends or support, and full of sins; I long for the Shelter of the


bUfq moh igRh AMD kUp mih nwnk lyhu inbwhI ]4]7] I am drowning in the deep, dark pit of household attachments - please save me, Lord! ||4||7||

AMg 1013 Page 1013

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, First Mehl:

mwq ipqw sMjoig aupwey rkqu ibMdu imil ipMfu kry ] Through the union of mother and father, the fetus is formed. The egg and sperm join together to

make the body.

AMqir grB auriD ilv lwgI so pRBu swry dwiq kry ]1] Upside-down within the womb, it lovingly dwells on the Lord; God provides for it, and gives it

nourishment there. ||1||

sMswru Bvjlu ikau qrY ] How can he cross over the terrifying world-ocean?

gurmuiK nwmu inrMjnu pweIAY APirE Bwru APwru trY ]1] rhwau ] The Gurmukh obtains the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord; the unbearable load of sins is

removed. ||1||Pause||

qy gux ivsir gey AprwDI mY baurw ikAw krau hry ] I have forgotten Your Virtues, Lord; I am insane - what can I do now?

qU dwqw dieAwlu sBY isir Aihinis dwiq smwir kry ]2] You are the Merciful Giver, above the heads of all. Day and night, You give gifts, and take care of

all. ||2||

cwir pdwrQ lY jig jnimAw isv skqI Gir vwsu Dry ] One is born to achieve the four great objectives of life. The spirit has taken up its home in the

material world.

lwgI BUK mwieAw mgu johY mukiq pdwrQu moih Kry ]3] Driven by hunger, it sees the path of Maya's riches; this emotional attachment takes away the

treasure of liberation. ||3||

krx plwv kry nhI pwvY ieq auq FUFq Qwik pry ] Weeping and wailing, he does not receive them; he searches here and there, and grows weary.

kwim k®oiD AhMkwir ivAwpy kUV kutMb isau pRIiq kry ]4] Engrossed in sexual desire, anger and egotism, he falls in love with his false relatives. ||4||

KwvY BogY suix suix dyKY pihir idKwvY kwl Gry ] He eats and enjoys, listens and watches, and dresses up to show off in this house of death.

ibnu gur sbd n Awpu pCwxY ibnu hir nwm n kwlu try ]5] Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he does not undersand himself. Without the Lord's Name,

death cannot be avoided. ||5||

jyqw mohu haumY kir BUly myrI myrI krqy CIin Kry ]

The more attachment and egotism delude and confuse him, the more he cries out, ""Mine, mine!"", and the more he loses out.

qnu Dnu ibnsY shsY shsw iPir pCuqwvY muiK DUir pry ]6] His body and wealth pass away, and he is torn by skepticism and cynicism; in the end, he regrets

and repents, when the dust falls on his face. ||6||

ibriD BieAw jobnu qnu iKisAw kPu kMTu ibrUDo nYnhu nIru Fry ] He grows old, his body and youth waste away, and his throat is plugged with mucous; water flows

from his eyes.

crx rhy kr kMpx lwgy swkq rwmu n irdY hry ]7] He feet fail him, and his hands shake and tremble; the faithless cynic does not enshrine the Lord in

his heart. ||7||

suriq geI kwlI hU Dauly iksY n BwvY riKE Gry ] His intellect fails him, his black hair turns white, and no one wants to keep him in their home.

ibsrq nwm AYsy doK lwgih jmu mwir smwry nrik Kry ]8] Forgetting the Naam, these are the stigmas which stick to him; the Messenger of Death beats him,

and drags him to hell. ||8||

pUrb jnm ko lyKu n imteI jnim mrY kw kau dosu Dry ] The record of one's past actions cannot be erased; who else is to blame for one's birth and death?

ibnu gur bwid jIvxu horu mrxw ibnu gur sbdY jnmu jry ]9] Without the Guru, life and death are pointless; without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, life just

burns away. ||9||

KusI KuAwr Bey rs Bogx Pokt krm ivkwr kry ] The pleasures enjoyed in happiness bring ruin; acting in corruption is useless indulgence.

nwmu ibswir loiB mUlu KoieE isir Drm rwie kw fMfu pry ]10] Forgetting the Naam, and caught by greed, he betrays his own source; the club of the Righteous

Judge of Dharma will strike him over the head. ||10||

gurmuiK rwm nwm gux gwvih jw kau hir pRBu ndir kry ] The Gurmukhs sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord's Name; the Lord God blesses them with His

Glance of Grace.

qy inrml purK AprMpr pUry qy jg mih gur goivMd hry ]11] Those beings are pure, perfect unlimited and infinite; in this world, they are the embodiment of the

Guru, the Lord of the Universe. ||11||

hir ismrhu gur bcn smwrhu sMgiq hir jn Bwau kry ] Meditate in remembrance on the Lord; meditate and contemplate the Guru's Word, and love to

associate with the humble servants of the Lord.

hir jn guru prDwnu duAwrY nwnk iqn jn kI ryxu hry ]12]8] The Lord's humble servants are the embodiment of the Guru; they are supreme and respected in

the Court of the Lord. Nanak seeks the dust of the feet of those humble servants of the Lord. ||12||8||

Ang 1142, Guru Arjan Dev Ji, Raag Bhairao Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: inrvYr purK siqgur pRB dwqy ] The True Guru, the Primal Being, is free of revenge and hate; He is God, the Great Giver. hm AprwDI qum@ bKswqy ] I am a sinner; You are my Forgiver. ijsu pwpI kau imlY n FoeI ] That sinner, who finds no protection anywhere srix AwvY qW inrmlu hoeI ]1] - if he comes seeking Your Sanctuary, then he becomes immaculate and pure. ||1|| suKu pwieAw siqgurU mnwie ] Pleasing the True Guru, I have found peace. sB Pl pwey gurU iDAwie ]1] rhwau ] Meditating on the Guru, I have obtained all fruits and rewards. ||1||Pause|| pwrbRhm siqgur Awdysu ] I humbly bow to the Supreme Lord God, the True Guru. mnu qnu qyrw sBu qyrw dysu ] My mind and body are Yours; all the world is Yours. cUkw pVdw qW ndrI AwieAw ] When the veil of illusion is removed, then I come to see You. Ksmu qUhY sBnw ky rwieAw ]2] You are my Lord and Master; You are the King of all. ||2|| iqsu Bwxw sUky kwst hirAw ] When it pleases Him, even dry wood becomes green. iqsu Bwxw qW Ql isir sirAw ] When it pleases Him, rivers flow across the desert sands. iqsu Bwxw qW siB Pl pwey ] When it pleases Him, all fruits and rewards are obtained.

icMq geI lig siqgur pwey ]3] Grasping hold of the Guru's feet, my anxiety is dispelled. ||3|| hrwmKor inrgux kau qUTw ] I am unworthy and ungrateful, but He has been merciful to me. mnu qnu sIqlu min AMimRqu vUTw ] My mind and body have been cooled and soothed; the Ambrosial Nectar rains down in my mind.

pwrbRhm gur Bey dieAwlw ] The Supreme Lord God, the Guru, has become kind and compassionate to me.

nwnk dws dyiK Bey inhwlw ]4]10]23] Slave Nanak beholds the Lord, enraptured. ||4||10||23||

Ang 345, Bhagat Ravi Daas Ji, Raag Gauree

rwgu gauVI rivdws jI ky pdy gauVI guAwryrI Raag Gauree, Padas Of Ravi Daas Jee, Gauree Gwaarayree:

<> siqnwmu krqw purKu gurpRswid ] One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. By Guru's Grace:

myrI sMgiq poc soc idnu rwqI ] The company I keep is wretched and low, and I am anxious day and night;

myrw krmu kuitlqw jnmu kuBWqI ]1] my actions are crooked, and I am of lowly birth. ||1||

rwm guseIAw jIA ky jIvnw ] O Lord, Master of the earth, Life of the soul,

moih n ibswrhu mY jnu qyrw ]1] rhwau ] please do not forget me! I am Your humble servant. ||1||Pause||

myrI hrhu ibpiq jn krhu suBweI ] Take away my pains, and bless Your humble servant with Your Sublime Love.

crx n Cwfau srIr kl jweI ]2] I shall not leave Your Feet, even though my body may perish. ||2||

khu rivdws prau qyrI swBw ] Says Ravi Daas, I seek the protection of Your Sanctuary;

byig imlhu jn kir n iblWbw ]3]1] please, meet Your humble servant - do not delay! ||3||1||

AMg 457 Page 457

CMq ] Chhant:

imlau sMqn kY sMig moih auDwir lyhu ] Let me join the Society of the Saints - save me, Lord!

ibnau krau kr joiV hir hir nwmu dyhu ] With my palms pressed together, I offer my prayer: give me Your Name, O Lord, Har, Har.

hir nwmu mwgau crx lwgau mwnu iqAwgau qum@ dieAw ] I beg for the Lord's Name, and fall at His feet; I renounce my self-conceit, by Your kindness.

kqhUM n Dwvau srix pwvau kruxw mY pRB kir mieAw ] I shall not wander anywhere else, but take to Your Sanctuary. O God, embodiment of mercy, have

mercy on me.

smrQ AgQ Apwr inrml suxhu suAwmI ibnau eyhu ] O all-powerful, indescribable, infinite and immaculate Lord Master, listen to this, my prayer.

kr joiV nwnk dwnu mwgY jnm mrx invwir lyhu ]1] With palms pressed together, Nanak begs for this blessing: O Lord, let my cycle of birth and death

come to an end. ||1||

AprwDI miqhInu inrgunu AnwQu nIcu ] I am a sinner, devoid of wisdom, worthless, destitute and vile.

sT kToru kulhInu ibAwpq moh kIcu ] I am deceitful, hard-hearted, lowly and entangled in the mud of emotional attachment.

ml Brm krm AhM mmqw mrxu cIiq n Awvey ] I am stuck in the filth of doubt and egotistical actions, and I try not to think of death.

binqw ibnod Anμd mwieAw AigAwnqw lptwvey ] In ignorance, I cling to the pleasures of woman and the joys of Maya.

iKsY jobnu bDY jrUAw idn inhwry sMig mIcu ] My youth is wasting away, old age is approaching, and Death, my companion, is counting my days.

ibnvMiq nwnk Aws qyrI srix swDU rwKu nIcu ]2] Prays Nanak, my hope is in You, Lord; please preserve me, the lowly one, in the Sanctuary of the

Holy. ||2||

Brmy jnm Anyk sMkt mhw jon ] I have wandered through countless incarnations, suffering terrible pain in these lives.

lpit rihE iqh sMig mITy Bog son ]

I am entangled in sweet pleasures and gold.

BRmq Bwr Agnq AwieE bhu pRdysh DwieE ] After wandering around with such great loads of sin, I have come, after wandering through so many

foreign lands.

Ab Et DwrI pRB murwrI srb suK hir nwieE ] Now, I have taken the protection of God, and I have found total peace in the Name of the Lord.

rwKnhwry pRB ipAwry muJ qy kCU n hoAw hon ] God, my Beloved, is my protector; nothing was done, or will ever be done, by myself alone.

sUK shj Awnμd nwnk ik®pw qyrI qrY Baun ]3] I have found peace, poise and bliss, O Nanak; by Your mercy, I swim across the world-ocean. ||3||

nwm DwrIk auDwry Bgqh sMsw kaun ] You saved those who only pretended to believe, so what doubts should Your true devotees have?

jyn kyn prkwry hir hir jsu sunhu sRvn ] By every means possible, listen to the Praises of the Lord with your ears.

suin sRvn bwnI purK igAwnI min inDwnw pwvhy ] Listen with your ears to the Word of the Lord's Bani, the hymns of spiritual wisdom; thus you shall

obtain the treasure in your mind.

hir rMig rwqy pRB ibDwqy rwm ky gux gwvhy ] Attuned to the Love of the Lord God, the Architect of Destiny, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

bsuD kwgd bnrwj klmw ilKx kau jy hoie pvn ] The earth is the paper, the forest is the pen and the wind is the writer,

byAMq AMqu n jwie pwieAw ghI nwnk crx srn ]4]5]8] but still, the end of the endless Lord cannot be found. O Nanak, I have taken to the Sanctuary of

His lotus feet. ||4||5||8||

AMg 827 Page 827

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

qum@ smrQw kwrn krn ] You are the all-powerful Cause of causes.

Fwkn Fwik goibd gur myry moih AprwDI srn crn ]1] rhwau ] Please cover my faults, Lord of the Universe, O my Guru; I am a sinner - I seek the Sanctuary of

Your Feet. ||1||Pause||

jo jo kIno so qum@ jwinE pyiKE Taur nwhI kCu FIT mukrn ] Whatever we do, You see and know; there is no way anyone can stubbornly deny this.

bf prqwpu suinE pRB qum@ro koit AGw qyro nwm hrn ]1] Your glorious radiance is great! So I have heard, O God. Millions of sins are destroyed by Your

Name. ||1||

hmro shwau sdw sd BUln qum@ro ibrdu piqq auDrn ] It is my nature to make mistakes, forever and ever; it is Your Natural Way to save sinners.

kruxw mY ikrpwl ik®pw iniD jIvn pd nwnk hir drsn ]2]2]118] You are the embodiment of kindness, and the treasure of compassion, O Merciful Lord; through the

Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, Nanak has found the state of redemption in life. ||2||2||118||

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