amperometric enzyme electrode for organic peroxides determination

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  • 7/27/2019 Amperometric Enzyme Electrode for Organic Peroxides Determination


    Amperometric enzyme electrode for organic peroxides determinationprepared from horseradish peroxidase immobilized in

    poly(vinylferrocenium) film

    Mehtap Gundogan-Paul a, Serdar S. Celebi b, Haluk Ozyoruk c, Attila Yldz c,*a Ankara Nuclear Research and Training Center, 06100 Besevler, Ankara, Turkey

    b Department of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, 06532 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkeyc Department of Chemistry, Hacettepe University, 06532 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey

    Received 19 July 2001; received in revised form 28 March 2002; accepted 15 May 2002


    Organic peroxides, t-butyl hydroperoxide, 2-butanone peroxide, cumene hydroperoxide and t-butyl peracetate, were determined

    by an amperometric enzyme electrode. The enzyme electrode was prepared through electrostatic immobilization of horseradish

    peroxidase (HRP) in a polyvinylferrocenium (PVF) film. A PVF'ClO4( film was coated on a Pt foil at '/0.70 V by electrooxidation

    of polyvinylferrocene in methylene chloride with 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium perchlorate (TBAP). The enzyme modified electrode

    PVF'HRP( was prepared by anion-exchange in a solution of HRP( in 0.05 M phosphate buffer at pH 8.5. FTIR spectroscopy

    was used to identify PVF, PVF'ClO4(, and PVF'HRP(. The immobilized amount of the enzyme in the film was determined by

    UV spectroscopy. The effects of the polymeric film thickness, bulk enzyme concentration used in the immobilization treatment and

    the temperature on the performance of enzyme electrode were investigated. The inhibitory effect of oxygen was also examined.

    Linearities, lower detection limits, active life times and sensitivities of the electrode were determined for each peroxide. # 2002Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Amperometric enzyme electrode; Horseradish peroxidase; Organic peroxides; Poly(vinylferrocenium)

    1. Introduction

    Organic peroxides are increasingly used for bleaching

    in the textile and paper industries and for epoxidation,

    hydroxylation, oxidation, oxohalogenation and initia-

    tion in polymerization processes in other industrial

    sectors (Klenk et al., 1985). Monitoring peroxides in

    these processes and during ozonation of drinking water,ozonation processes in air, in ambient aerosols, and in

    clinical, food, pharmaceutical and environmental pur-

    poses is desirable (Mulchandani et al., 1995; Glaze,

    1987). This necessity has promoted work on biosensors

    for peroxides. Such biosensors commonly constitute

    peroxidases immobilized on conductive materials with

    high specific areas and adsorption sites suitable for the

    enzyme (Wang and Lin, 1989). High catalytic activity of

    peroxidase with a broad range of substrates, activators

    and inhibitors makes it attractive to use in amperometric

    biosensors. Peroxidase biosensors for organic peroxides,

    using both direct electron transfer and mediator-assisted

    electron transfer from horseradish peroxidase (HRP)

    have been reported in literature (Wollenberger et al.,

    1990, 1991; Gorton et al., 1992; Jonsson and Gorton,1989; Toniolo et al., 1996; Ruzgas et al., 1996; Serge,

    1999; Lin et al., 2000; Katja et al., 2000). Hexacyano-

    ferrate (II), o-phenylenediamine, quinone, ferrocene and

    its derivatives in dissolved forms have been used as

    mediators. In general, the sensitivity for detection was

    improved by a mediator compared with direct transfer

    routes. Peroxidase is also coupled to oxidase type

    enzymes to determine substrates such as glucose and

    choline (Tatsuma et al., 1989; Garguilo et al., 1993).

    We have recently developed an amperometric perox-

    idase electrode for the determination of hydrogen

    peroxide (Gundogan-Paul et al., 2001). The immobiliza-

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: '/90-312-297-7964; fax: '/90-312-


    E-mail address: (A. Yldz).

    Biosensors and Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 875/881

    0956-5663/02/$ - see front matter# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    PII: S 0 9 5 6 - 5 6 6 3 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 7 2 - 6
  • 7/27/2019 Amperometric Enzyme Electrode for Organic Peroxides Determination


    tion of the enzyme was accomplished in a redox

    polymer, polyvinylferrocenium (PVF') matrix. In this

    polymer ferrocene centers are covalently bound to the

    insoluble polymer skeleton. This way the leaching of the

    sensor does not present a complication. The polymer

    was deposited by the electrooxidation of the reduced

    form polyvinylferrocene (PVF). The thickness of thepolymeric film can be controlled by the electrical charge

    passed during electropolymerization. All of these unique

    properties make this redox polymer ideal for the

    construction of mediated amperometric biosensor.

    PVF'E( modified electrodes were used for glucose

    and sucrose determination (Gulce et al., 1995a,b). The

    interaction between the negatively charged enzyme

    species and the polymer matrix, which ensures that the

    enzyme is immobilized in the polymeric matrix, is as


    PVF'ClO(4 'E(0 PVF'E('ClO(4 (1)

    The IR peaks in the spectrum of PVF'ClO4( that

    appear at about 620 and 1100 cm(1 are due to the

    ClO4( in the structure. When the polymer film immersed

    in solution containing phosphate buffer, these peaks

    decrease in intensity as a result of the uptake of

    phosphate ions. The presence of phosphate ions, which

    are held more strongly than perchlorate ions, also causes

    the disapperance of the electroreduction/electrooxida-

    tion peaks of ferrocenium/ferrocene centers (Gulce et

    al., 1995c). This was interpreted as a result of the low

    mobility of phosphate ions in comparison with that of

    perchlorate ions.PVF' centers act as catalytic sites for H2O2 oxidation

    according to the following reactions, giving rise to high

    sensitivity of the electrode:

    2PVF''H2O20 O2'2PVF'2H' (2)

    PVF 0 PVF''e(

    As found in earlier works (Gulce et al., 1995a), the

    current values obtained with the PVF'ClO4( coated

    electrodes for H2O2 oxidation were much higher than

    those obtained with the uncoated Pt surface.

    The colour of the PVF'ClO4( film is green and that

    of the PVF film is yellow (Gulce et al., 1994). The greenfilm is soluble in dimethylformamide (DMF) and

    insoluble in methylene chloride, whereas the yellow

    film is soluble in methylene chloride and insoluble in

    DMF. Immersion of the PVF'ClO4( film in an aqueous

    solution containing 30 mM H2O2 for several hours

    causes the colour of the film change from green to

    yellow with concurrent gas evolution. The resulting film

    is insoluble in DMF and soluble in methylene chloride.

    This result provided independent evidence for the

    involvement of H2O2 and for the mediation of H2O2oxidation by the ferrocene redox sites in the polymeric


    It is the aim of this study to use PVF' immobilized

    peroxidase electrode to determine the organic peroxides.

    2. Experimental

    PVF was prepared by the chemical polymerization ofvinylferrocene (Alfa Products) (Aso et al., 1969). The

    oxidized form of the polymer (PVF'ClO4() was elec-

    troprecipitated on a Pt electrode by electrooxidizing the

    polymer (PVF), at '/0.70 V versus AgjAgCl, in meth-ylene chloride 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium perchlorate

    (TBAP). Electrochemical preparation of PVF'ClO4(

    was performed in a dry oxygen-free nitrogen (BOS)

    atmosphere. The electrical charge passed during the

    electroprecipitation was measured to prepare polymer-

    coated electrodes with varying thicknesses. For example,

    0.0275 C and 0.96 cm2 electrode area corresponded to

    about 2.97)/10(7

    mol cm(2

    of PVF'


    . The drythickness of this film corresponded to approximately

    72.5 mm or 7.24)/104 layers (Peerce and Bard, 1980).

    Methylene chloride (BDH) was purified according to

    previously published routines (Perrin and Armarego,

    1980). TBAP was prepared by reacting tetrabutylam-

    monium hydroxide (40% aqueous solution, Merck) with

    HClO4 (BDH) and was recrystallized from a 9:1 mixture

    of ethyl alcohol and water several times. It was kept

    under a nitrogen atmosphere after vacuum drying at

    120 8C.

    HRP (E.C., 250 U mg(1, Sigma) was used as

    received. All solutions were prepared from analytical-

    grade chemicals and deionized water. t-Butyl hydroper-oxide, cumene hydroperoxide, t-butyl peracetate were

    obtained from Merck and 2-butanone peroxide was

    obtained from Aldrich. Stock t-butyl hydroperoxide

    solutions were freshly diluted with 0.05 M phosphate

    buffer at pH 8.5, 2-butanon peroxide and cumene

    hydroperoxide solutions were freshly diluted with ethyl

    alcohol, while tert-butyl peracetate solutions were

    freshly diluted with acetone daily. The buffer solutions

    were prepared by using Na2HPO4 and NaH2PO4(Merck). The enzyme electrode was prepared by immer-

    sing the PVF'ClO4( coated Pt foil electrode in a

    peroxidase solution (7.5 mg ml(1

    ). The polymer-coatedelectrodes were kept in the enzyme solution for 30 min

    with stirring. The pH of the solution was kept at 8.5

    which was above the isoelectric point (7.2) of the

    enzyme. The enzyme exists an anion (E() under these

    conditions, facilitating its interaction with the oxidized

    polymer (PVF'). The amount of enzyme incorporated

    in the modified electrode was determined by following

    the decrease of the absorbance of the enzyme in solution

    at 270 nm during the immobilization treatment. The

    enzyme-attached electrode was rinsed with 0.05 M

    phosphate buffer (pH 8.5) for 5 min to remove any

    enzyme that was retained non-electrostatically on the

    M. Gundogan-Paul et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 875/881876

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    polymer surface. The amount of enzyme adsorbed onto

    the glass surface that was lost by washing was measured

    spectrophotometrically and found to be negligible.

    For the determination of the steady-state background

    current, a potential of'/0.70 V versus SCE was applied

    to the enzyme electrode in the buffer solution. After the

    steady-state background current was reached, knownamount of peroxide was added to the cell from fresh

    stock peroxide solution and the solution was stirred for

    5 s. The peroxide response of the electrode was

    measured as the steady state current value obtained on

    applying a constant potential of'/0.70 V versus SCE.

    The enzyme electrode was kept in 0.05 M phosphate

    buffer solution at pH 8.5 and '/4.0 8C when not in use.

    Each point measured for each graph in this work was

    repeated 3 times and no significant deviations have been

    found. Tables 2 and 3 are produced by taking into

    account these replicated experimental values. Further-

    more, in some cases the measurements had to berepeated by another electrode fabricated at different

    times and gave almost the same response under the same


    Electrochemical measurements were carried out in a

    three-electrode cell. SCE was used as a reference

    electrode for the analysis of organic peroxides. A Pt

    foil electrode (area: 0.96 cm2) was used as a working

    electrode. A Pt spiral electrode was used as a counter

    electrode in all electrochemical measurements. The

    reference electrode was AgAgCl during the polymer

    oxidation in 0.1 M TBAP-methylene chloride system.

    The electrochemical instrumentation was a PAR model

    273 potentiostat/galvanostat. Current/time curves wererecorded on a Cole-Palmer 60648 X-t recorder. Cur-

    rent/voltage curves were recorded on a BBC Goertz

    Metrawatt SE 790 X-Y recorder. A Unicam Mattson

    1000 FTIR spectrometer was used to obtain the IR

    spectra. UV measurements were performed with a

    Unicam UV/VIS spectrophotometer. Temperature of

    the cell was kept constant by the recirculation of water

    from the bath with a Grant LTD 66 Instrument.

    3. Results and discussion

    Organic peroxides for which the response of the

    peroxidase electrode was measured are listed in Table

    1. Only t-butyl hydroperoxide was found to be soluble in

    0.05 M phosphate buffer solution at pH 8.5. For this

    reason, the electrode responses for the other peroxides

    were investigated in various mixtures of 0.05 M phos-

    phate buffer solution of pH 8.5 and ethyl alcohol,

    methyl alcohol and acetone. The media in which the

    highest current response were obtained for each perox-

    ide are given in Table 1.

    The amount of the enzyme immobilized in the

    polymeric matrix was determined using UV spectro-

    photometric measurements at 270 nm and found to be

    0.44 mg protein. The enzyme held was desorbed in a

    0.025 M phosphate buffer solution at pH 4.0 which was

    found to be the best medium for enzyme desorption.

    This pH value is below the isoelectric point (7.2) of the

    enzyme. The enzyme is positively charged and could bereleased from the polymeric matrix at this pH.

    It was also found that the desorption process was

    complete in 75 min in this medium. The optimum

    immersion time during enzyme immobilization was

    also determined spectrophotometrically. The length

    time of immersion of the PVF'ClO4( coated electrode

    into the 0.05 M phosphate buffer solution at pH 8.5 was

    varied. The electrode was then transfered to the 0.025 M

    phosphate buffer solution at pH 4.0, kept in this

    solution for 75 min for the completion of the desorption

    and the absorbance values at 270 nm in this solution was

    measured. The optimum length of time of immersion forthe enzyme immobilization was determined to be 30


    3.1. The effect of the thickness of polymeric film

    When the t-butyl hydroperoxide concentration was

    kept constant at 0.5 mM the peak current values

    increased with the polymer thickness up to a value

    corresponding to the passage of a charge of 0.0275 C

    during the electroprecipitation of the polymer, after

    which it remained constant as seen in Fig. 1. This

    behavior could be explained by the limited diffusion rateof t-butyl hydroperoxide from the bulk solution into the

    inner regions of the polymer especially in thick films.

    3.2. The effect of enzyme concentration

    The effect of the enzyme concentration used in the

    bulk solution during the immobilization of the enzyme

    on the response of the electrode was also determined.

    Using the optimum film thickness, the response of the

    enzyme electrode that was prepared with bulk enzyme

    concentration between 4.5 and 9.5 mg protein ml(1 to t-

    butyl hydroperoxide (0.5 mM) is plotted in Fig. 2. As is

    Table 1

    Organic peroxides and the suitable media in which the measurements

    were carried out

    Peroxide Medium

    t-butyl hydroperox-


    0.05 M phosphate buffer of pH 8.5

    t-butyl peracetate 0.05 M phosphate buffer of pH 8.5

    (60%)'acetone (40%)

    2-butanone peroxide 0.05 M phosphate buffer of pH 8.5 (60%)'ethyl

    alcohol (40%)

    Cumene hydroper-


    0.05 M phosphate buffer of pH 8.5 (60%)'ethyl

    alcohol (40%)

    M. Gundogan-Paul et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 875/881 877

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    evident from the data, a substantial amount of current

    values are measurable even when very low amounts of

    enzyme used in solution during the immobilization

    process. The optimum bulk enzyme concentration used

    in immobilization process was found to be 7.5 mg

    protein ml(1.

    3.3. The effect of temperature

    The response of the enzyme electrode was measured

    at different temperatures varying from 15 to 25 8C for

    organic peroxides. As seen in Fig. 3, the current valuesincreased up to a temperature of 20 8C for t-butyl

    hydroperoxide. A decrease in the current value was

    obtained after this temperature because of the possible

    degradation of the peroxide in the medium used. The

    maximum response of the enzyme electrode was also

    measured at 20 8C for other three peroxides. The

    calculated activation energies for the immobilized en-

    zyme reaction systems are listed in Table 2.

    3.4. The effect of oxygen

    Fig. 4 shows the effect of dissolved oxygen on the

    response of the enzyme electrode for t-butyl hydroper-

    oxide. As was previously observed for hydrogen perox-

    ide, the dissolved molecular oxygen has an inhibitory

    effect on the response of this modified enzyme electrode

    (Gundogan-Paul et al., 2001). When dissolved oxygenwas removed from the solution the activity of the

    electrode increased substantially. The measured current

    is due to the electrooxidative regeneration of PVF to

    PVF'. Oxygen acts apparently as a chemical oxidant

    for the conversion of some portion of PVF to PVF'

    resulting in the lower measured currents. No current

    response was detected when the amount of the dissolved

    oxygen was increased to its saturation value.

    3.5. The response of the electrode to substrate


    Fig. 5 shows the current values measured for different

    t-butyl hydroperoxide concentrations. The electrode

    Fig. 1. The effect of film thickness on the current measured for the

    solution of 0.5 mM t-butyl hydroperoxide in 0.05 M phosphate buffer

    at pH 8.5 (the film thicknesses are expressed as the amount of charge

    passed during the electroprecipitation of the polymer).

    Fig. 2. The current response for the 0.5 mM t-butyl hydroperoxide

    solution to the bulk enzyme concentration in pH 8.5, 0.05 M

    phosphate buffer.

    Fig. 3. The effect of temperature on the current measured for the 0.5

    mM t-butyl hydroperoxide solution in pH 8.5, 0.05 M phosphate


    Table 2

    Activation energies and apparent Michaelis/Menten constants with

    corresponding regression coefficients for the organic peroxides studied

    Peroxide Ea (kcal mol(1) KM (mM)

    t-butyl hydroperoxide 17.8 (r00.968) 337 (r00.997)

    t-butyl peracetate 19.8 (r00.985) 555 (r00.979)

    2-butanone peroxide 14.5 (r00.999) 196 (r00.997)

    Cumene hydroperoxide 15.2 (r00.999) 317 (r00.999)

    M. Gundogan-Paul et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 875/881878

  • 7/27/2019 Amperometric Enzyme Electrode for Organic Peroxides Determination


    response varied linearly within a definite range of

    substrate concentration. Table 3 lists the linear concen-

    tration ranges determined for the four peroxides studied.

    If the current values are compared to those in other

    studies, it is seen that higher values are obtained. Theapparent KM values calculated using these data are listed

    in Table 2. These are much smaller than the reported

    values in literature (Popescu et al., 1996; Guo and Dong,

    1997), indicating less structural changes of the enzyme in

    immobilized state.

    Amperometric responses of the PVF'E( coated,

    PVF'ClO4( coated, and uncoated Pt electrodes for t-

    butyl hydroperoxide are compared in Fig. 6. The current

    values measured with PVF'E( coated Pt electrodewere highest than those measured with PVF'ClO4


    coated, and uncoated Pt electrodes as expected. The

    PVF'ClO4( electrode gave also a higher response than

    uncoated Pt electrode.

    2-Butanon peroxide behaved similarly as t-butyl

    hydroperoxide on the three surfaces studied. No current

    response was measured for cumene hydroperoxide on

    uncoated Pt electrode. t-Butyl peracetate, on the other

    hand gave no current response on uncoated and

    PVF'ClO4( coated Pt surfaces.

    The behaviour of the enzyme electrode can be

    explained by the electrocatalytic effect of PVF'

    filmcoated on Pt surface. The natural oxidized form of the

    HRP is ferriperoxidase in which iron is at '/3 oxidation

    state. The reaction between the enzyme and the sub-

    strate generates the reduced form of the enzyme.

    peroxide'ferriperoxidase (Eox)0 O2'2H'

    'ferroperoxidase (Ered) (3)

    The mediator PVF' serves to regenerate the oxidized

    form of the enzyme (Gulce et al., 1995b).

    Fig. 4. The effect of oxygen on the current measured for the 0.5 mM t-

    butyl hydroperoxide solution (A) a deaerated solution; (B) an ambient

    condition, in pH 8.5, 0.05 M phosphate buffer, at 20 8C.

    Fig. 5. The current response of the enzyme electrode to the additions

    ofvarious amounts of substrate in pH 8.5, 0.05 M phosphate buffer, at

    20 8C.

    Table 3

    Linear working ranges with corresponding regression coefficients, sensitivities and active lifetimes of the enzyme electrode for different organic


    Peroxide Linear working range (mM) Sensitivity (A M(1 cm(2) Active lifetime (days)

    t-butyl hydroperoxide 100/600 (r00.977) 0.002 40

    2-butanone peroxide 25/400 (r00.999) 0.005 15

    Cumene hydroperoxide 100/600 (r00.997) 0.003 15

    t-butyl peracetate 100/400 (r00.993) 0.001 3

    Fig. 6. The current measurements on (A) PVF'E( coated, (B)

    PVF'ClO4( coated and (C) uncoated Pt electrodes with the different

    amounts of substrate additions in pH 8.5, 0.05 M phosphate buffer, at20 8C.

    M. Gundogan-Paul et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 875/881 879

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    PVF''ferroperoxidase (Ered)0 PVF

    'ferriperoxidase (Eox) (4)

    Since the potential of the enzyme electrode was kept

    constant at'/0.70 V versus SCE during the experiments

    chemically generated PVF is oxidized to PVF' at this

    potential.PVF 0 PVF''e (5)

    The amperometric response of the PVF'ClO4( elec-

    trode under nonenzymatic condition was also measur-

    able as seen in Fig. 6. The reduced form of the polymer

    is produced chemically;

    peroxide'2PVF'0 O2'2PVF'2H' (6)

    And the oxidized form of the polymer is regenerated

    electrochemically at the applied potential of'/0.70 V.

    PVF 0 PVF''e (7)

    3.6. Stability of the enzyme electrode

    The enzyme electrode which was prepared under

    optimum conditions was tested at 20 8C with respect

    to its stability for four peroxides. The lifetimes are

    tabulated in Table 3. There is a noticeable decrease in

    the response during the first 5 days for t-butyl hydro-

    peroxide, 2-butanone peroxide, cumene hydroperoxide

    owing to the desorption of the enzyme molecules, that

    are weakly held by the surface. The activity remains

    constant thereafter, indicating very good long-termstability of the electrode. The active life times were

    determined as the time period during which a steady-

    state response was obtained with the same electrode

    under the same experimental conditions after the initial

    desorption of the enzyme has been completed. The

    activity for tert-butyl peracetate was measured only for

    3 days, after which no current was measurable, indicat-

    ing poor stability of this electrode for this substrate.

    There are no literature stability studies for organic

    peroxides for comparison.

    4. Conclusions

    It can be concluded that the biosensor developed in

    this study responds to organic peroxides with a good

    linear response region. The currents measured at sub-

    strate concentration near saturated values were about

    mA level. Table 3 compares the linear concentration

    ranges and sensitivities obtained for four peroxides

    studied with the peroxidase electrode. The electrode

    tested for different organic peroxides appears to be

    simple, fairly stable, sensitive, fast responding and of

    low cost. The current responses and the Km values in this

    work are comparable to the other peroxide based

    electrode reported (Moore et al., 1996).


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