amukah 5769

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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40 consecutive days of tefillah at the tziyun of the holy tana Rabbi Yonason ben Uziel in Amuka


Praying for contributors to Kupat Ha

Praying for contributors to Kupat Ha''irir

At the holy tziyun in Amuka on the Yahrtzeit , (26 Sivan)

At the holy tziyun in Amuka on the Yahrtzeit , (26 Sivan) 57685768 כ“ו סיון

Maran Hagaon Harav Yaakov Edelstein, shlit

Maran Hagaon Harav Yaakov Edelstein, shlit""aa

Rabbi Yonason ben Uziel zzyy””aa

In Amuka

When A Younger When A Younger Brother Goes FirstBrother Goes First"Listen to suggestions for Moishy, too," Yosef Chaim says to his parents at least once a week. His shiur has long ago emptied of bachurim; the shiur beneath his is nearly empty; and many, many bachurim in the shiur below that one are already engaged.

"You'll be the first to get engaged," his friends had predicted glowingly. When was that? Just three or four years ago… three years that felt like eternity. Three years during which suggestions

came and went, first in a serious flood and then slowing to a trickle. Three

years during which no one

could explain how it was that Yosef Chaim Cohen, one of the best bachurim in the shiur, was not getting engaged. He was a nice person and a pleasant conversationalist; he was talented and broadminded. What was holding him back? No one knew the answer.

But when his parents accepted his suggestion and began "listening" for Moishy, Yosef Chaim thought his heart would burst with pain. He imagined his brother's engagement celebration, where all the relatives would come shake his hand and wish him - the nebach of an older brother who still hadn't met his bashert – mazel tov. The mental image broke his heart.

Still he did not retract his offer. Moishy had to get engaged. Otherwise they would be two older bachurim and that would make matters far more complicated. Moishy was also approaching

the age where shidduchim would be that much harder.

Compromise?Compromise?"You've got to compromise," an uncle told him. "You've got no choice. Settle for a less

Wh D

An Older Bachur F

glamorous shidduch rather than stay alone your entire life." Yosef Chaim listened politely though he felt his heart was being ripped to shreds.

"Someone must have given you an ayin hara," the elderly woman who lived on the first floor said to him every time he passed by. At first he was alarmed; now he just smiled. If you don't believe in ayin hara, he knew, it couldn't harm you. That's what they said. He neither believed nor wanted to believe.

When Moishy got engaged and then married, Yosef Chaim withstood the nisayon staunchly. He smiled at everyone and tried his best to ease his parents' distress so they could more fully enjoy Moishy's simchah. But when Dovid, his "baby" brother, began listening to shidduch suggestions, his heart shattered once more.

A Small NoticeA Small NoticeOne day, he was flipping through the paper. He felt listless; nothing really held his interest. Dovid was in middle of a very serious shidduch that would likely result in a simchah very soon. Yosef Chaim was trying his best to prepare for

the festive celebrations and the physical feeling of suffocation he knew would surely come. A small ad from Kupat Ha'ir caught his eye: Kupat Ha'ir was organizing a special prayer at the tomb of Rabbi Yonasan ben Uziel in Amuka on his yahrtzeit. Messengers of Kupat Ha'ir, headed by Maran Hagaon Harav Yaakov Edelstein, shlit"a, would recite all of Tehillim and Harav Edelstein would personally pray for all contributors that they merit a zivug hagun, a worthy spouse, in the near future. Yosef Chaim carefully clipped the ad and stuck it in his pocket.

In the evening, he looked at it again. He'd been to Amuka on more than one occasion. Was there any point in trying again?

The Tefillah The Tefillah of Maran, Shlitof Maran, Shlit""aaThe following day, he found himself touching his pocket and withdrawing the ad. The words called to him, spoke to him, held him fast. Maybe it was the despair that had already begun worming its way into his heart, or maybe it was the faint

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the festive celebrations and the physical feeling of suffocation he knew would surely come. A

t H 'ir caught his eye: Kupat


Feel Like

All the Advantages

feeling of hope that kept raring its head. Maybe there was no rational explanation. He picked up the phone and called Kupat Ha'ir. He made a contribution and requested that his name be included on the list of contributors to be prayed for at Amuka by Harav Edelstein, shlit"a. His voice trembled as he gave the secretary his name and that of his mother.

I mustn't pin my hopes on this, he told himself over and over again. I'll just be setting myself up for disappointment and in my situation, that's dangerous.

But he waited anxiously. Two weeks later, a suggestion was made. Just a suggestion, like many others over the years. The beginning was always the same: asking information, giving the shadchan an answer, waiting – and …either you suffered the disappointment right away or you waited a bit until it finally came.

This time, things proceeded very quickly.

"They're eager to continue," his father told him, his eyes sparkling. "Finally, someone appreciates you the way you deserve," his mother said, her shoulders straightening.

"You're letting yourselves get carried away,"

he said, trying to be realistic. "This suggestion is going to fall through in the end, too."

But they broke a plate a short while later and the sound of it shattering was the sweetest in the world. Yosef Chaim was a chassan. He saved the ad. Crumpled, faded and tearstained, it radiated an incomparable light nonetheless.

Now he sees the same ad in the paper again. An ad like all others, telling people about the segulah.

""You canYou can''t imagine what t imagine what kind of koach this segulah kind of koach this segulah has,has,"" he says, a lump he says, a lump forming in his throat. forming in his throat. ""You You cancan''t understand it until t understand it until you experience it yourself. you experience it yourself. The suffering is incredible. The suffering is incredible. DonDon''t just turn the page. Do t just turn the page. Do something. Respond. Help something. Respond. Help your loved ones find their your loved ones find their partner in life!partner in life!""

All the All the AdvantagesAdvantagesEveryone knows about the power of tefillas rabbim. A minyan of Torah scholars is a formidable force. The power of forty consecutive days is well known, too. Moshe Rabbeinu davened for forty days and Hashem accepted his request.

The gates of heaven open wide on the yahrtzeit of a tzaddik. Many people visit the gravesides of tzaddikim on the anniversary of their passing in order to pour their hearts out in prayer.

And when all these come together…

Kupat Ha'ir has taken upon itself to arrange such a minyan at the tziyun of the holy tanna Rabbi Yonason ben Uziel, a site known to be a segulah for people having trouble finding their zivug – for forty consecutive days.

"You need to rend the very heavens," numerous

tearful parents have told us.

"My son keeps getting older; we can't bear his pain."

"Our daughter is the only one in her class still unmarried. She doesn't have a job or contact with a positive society. Things can't go on this way!"

It's heartrending to hear the same names over and over again.

"Do something, please." The desperate plea finally knocked at the right door. Kupat Ha'ir is trying to do something. Under the leadership of the Gedolei Hador, shlit"a, this special segulah is underway.

A minyan of talmidei chachamim will recite the entire Sefer Tehillim every day, a special segulah recommended by the Rachmastrivker Rebbe, shlit"a, for people having trouble finding a shidduch. They will recite it for forty consecutive

days at Amuka. It is impossible,

however, to stay there on Shabbos. The ruling r e c e i v e d s p e a k s e x p l i c i t l y

The advantages of Kupat Ha'ir's Historic Prayer at Amuka for 40 Consecutive Days according to the Gedolei Vetzadikei Hador


The minyan of 40 days stems from Moshe Rabbeinu, a"h, who prayed and was answered "Salachti kidvarecha" on the 40th day.

There is an inyan of 40" consecutive days." Its source is from the Gemara (Maran Hagaon Harav Edelstein, shlit"a).

The instructions of the Rachmastrivker Rebbe, shlit"a, that older singles recite Sefer Tehillim every day for 40 days will be fulfilled.

Harav Edelstein and the Nadvorner Rebbe have stated that when prayers are held at Amuka all day on Friday and thereafter on Motzoei Shabbos until chatzos, it is considered "consecutive." In fact, this method has the advantage that specific requests may be mentioned.

Every day, the minyan will recite Sefer Tehillim and thereafter specify out loud each individual name and request.

On the 40th day, a special tefillah will be held at Amuka under the leadership of the Gedolei and Tzaddikei Hador, shlit"a, overseeing this project.

The exact time of the tefillah will be publicized, iy"H, and the Gedolei and Tzaddikei Hador, shlit"a, will pray in their homes at the same time. The contributors, too, will be able to join in the prayers from wherever they are.

about Friday and motzoei Shabbos until chatzos. On motzoei Shabbos, as opposed to Shabbos, it is permissible to mention personal requests - and the consecutiveness of the forty days is not affected.

On the fortieth day, (26 Sivan) סיון ,כ“ו which is the tanna's yahrtzeit, many distinguished personalities will personally arrive at the site for a special mass tefillah. At the very same time the Gedolei Hador, shlit"a, will pray on behalf of the contributors from their homes. Anyone who would like can join the prayers from his own home.

The power of this prayer will, G-d willing, split the gates of Heaven.

Last year, Harav Edelstein, shlit"a, came to Amuka on the day of the yahrtzeit to lead the messengers of Kupat Ha'ir in prayer for those who contributed. He was given lists of contributors with various requests: parnassah, zera shel kayama, good health, etc. Some of the papers included the names of people looking for a

shidduch. The prayer was very intense. Everyone present was deeply affected by the scene.

Harav Edelstein lingered over a particular group of names. "These will get engaged within two months," he said, to everyone's amazement. Two months! Maran, shlit"a, sensed that this very special prayer had been accepted On High.

It is impossible to describe the intensity of the emotion and excitement at that occasion.

And this year – this year, this special prayer begins forty days earlier. Forty days of tefillah especially for people looking for a shidduch. Forty days of teshuvah and tefillah. The mitzvah of tzedakah will surely overcome all hindrances.

The exact time of the tefillah will be publicized, im yirtzeh Hashem, so that the individuals themselves and their relatives can daven simultaneously as well.

The brokenhearted singles on one hand and a minyan of talmidei chachamim at the holy tziyun in Amuka on the other, at the same time. Forty consecutive days and a mass tefillah led by tzaddikei hador…

It is surely superfluous to point out that the power this awesome prayer is effective for various requests

of a different nature as well!


Name and Mother’s Name:


Name and Mother’s Name:


Name and Mother’s Name:


Dear Maranan Verabanan Dear Maranan Verabanan Gedolei Vetzadikkei Hador, Shlit”a,Gedolei Vetzadikkei Hador, Shlit”a,

Please daven on my behalfPlease daven on my behalf

At the kever of the holy tanna Rabbi Yonason ben Uziel, zy”a, at Amukah

Please make checks payable to: American Friends of Kupat Ha'ir

How do I donate to Kupat Hair?

1-866-221-935224 Hour



Send your donation in the enclosed envelope.

Call the 24 Hour Tzeddakah Hotline (donation by credit card) at 1-866-221-9352Fax: 1888-633-2188Email:

Rush your donation to:Kupat Hair4415 14th AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11219

Send yourenvelope.

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$180 donation per request

Donations can be called in until Motzei Shabbos May 9 12:00 AM EST

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