an analysis of figurative meaning in internet

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MEDAN 2013







REG. NO. 090705047


Dr. Drs. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S Rahmadsyah Rangkuti MA.Ph.D

NIP. 19541117 198003 1 002 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from

Department of English





MEDAN 2013

Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of

Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S Dr.Dra. Nurlela, M.Hum

NIP. 19541117 198003 1 002 NIP. 19590419 198102 2 001


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the

degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural

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The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara on October 26, 2013.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

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Board of Examiners

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS

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Dr. Ridwan Hanafiah, SH.MA

Dr.Hj.Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA.Ph.D



Alhamdulilah, in the name Allah SWT, the writer would like to thank God, the

powerful and the merciful, for giving the power, the patience and the ability to finish

writing this thesis and also for giving the chance to dedicate this work to my parents and

my best of prayers be on the prophet Muhammad SAW. Aamiin.

First of all, the writer would like to thank to Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS as my

supervisor, and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA.Ph.D as my co-supervisor for their

supervision and guidance in accomplishing this thesis.

Next, the writer would like to express to bang Am as the staff of department of

English Literature for helping in academic and administrative matters.

The writer would like to say that this thesis is dedicated especially for my beloved

parents, Ayahanda ‘Rizal M Ya’kub’ and Ibunda “Misni’, for giving a never ended pray

and best support. Beloved sister and brother who have given a great support in finishing

the study and particularly for their endless love and care.

My great thanks also go to my best friend in IMSI, Bayu, Izal, Yuda, Dinda, Aii,

Rini, and Ade, thanks for the years of joyfulness, sweet memories and all the moments in

our academic year, hope our friendship will remain forever. Aamiin. And to all my 09

friends who helped me. And then to my best friend from senior high school, Aang, Erik,

Rizky, Angga, Dwik, Osa, Tary for a giving memories that i ever had.


Finally, the writer has to admit that this thesis is far from being perfect. Thus, any

comments, suggestions, and criticism will be humbly accpeted.

Hope Allah the Almighty will always bless us in everything we do. Aaminn.

Thank you.

Medan, October 2013

The writer

Arief Moenandar

Reg. NO 090705047



I, ARIEF MOENANDAR, declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. Except where

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Signed :

Date : ... October 2013



Name : Arief Moenandar

Title of the Thesis : An analysis of Figurative meaning in internet advertisement

Qualification : S-1/ Sarjana Sastra

Department : English

I am willing that my thesis should be available for the reproduction at the direction of the

Librarian of English Department, Faculty of Letter, University of North Sumatera on the

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Signed :

Date ... October 2013





Membahas tentang makna figurative yang mencakup ironi, hiperbola, metapor,

metonimi, litotes dan personifikasi yang terdapat pada iklan di internet. Tujuan dari

penulisan skripsi ini adalah menganalisis penggunaan makna figuratif yang terdapat di

dalam iklan di internetberdasarkan teori semantik dari beberapa ahli seperti Geoffrey

Leech (1981) dan F.R Palmer (1976). Metode yang dipakai dalam penulisan skripsi ini

adalah metode kualitatif dengan cara memecahkan masalah penelitian dengan

memaparkan keadaan yang sedang diselidiki dengan menggunakan formula yang telah


Hasil analisis makna figuratif yang diperoleh dari iklan di internet adalah

sebanyak 20 kasus, yang terdiri dari 8 hiperbole (40%), 1 metapor (5%), 2 metonimi

(10%), 1 simile (5%), 1 ironi (5%), 7 personifikasi (35%), sedangkan makna figuratif dari

litotes tidak ditemukan dalam iklan di internet. Hiperbola muncul sebagai makna figuratif

yang paling dominan dan mengimplikasikan bahwa dalam sebuah iklan makna hiperbola

sangat diperlukan untuk menarik minat konsumen untuk membeli barang tersebut. Secara

teoritis hiperbola merupakan gaya bahasa yang berupa ungkapan yang melebih-lebihkan

apa yang sebenarnya dimaksudkan.

Besar harapan penulis agar skripsi ini bermanfaat bagi pembacanya, untuk

mengadakan analisis selanjutnya yang berhubungan denagn makna figuratif dengan objek

yang berbeda.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................. i

AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ......................................................................... ii

COPYRIGHT DECLARATION .................................................................... iv

ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. vi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ....................................................................... 1

1.2 Problems of the Study ............................................................................ 5

1.3 Objectives of the Study .......................................................................... 5

1.4 Scope of the Study .................................................................................. 6

1.5 Significance of the Study ....................................................................... 6


2.1 Semantic Theory .................................................................................... 7

2.2 Scope of Semantic .................................................................................. 9

2.3 Goals of Semantic ................................................................................... 10

2.4 Sense and Reference .............................................................................. 11

2.5 Meaning .................................................................................................. 12

2.6 Linguistic and Speaker’s Meaning ....................................................... 13

2.6.1 Literal Meaning ....................................................................... 15

2.6.2 Non Literal Meaning............................................................... 16

2.7 Figurative Meaning ................................................................................ 18

2.8 Kinds of Figurative Meaning ................................................................ 19

2.8.1 Irony ......................................................................................... 20

2.8.2 Hyperbole................................................................................. 20


2.8.3 Metaphor ................................................................................. 21

2.8.4 Metonymy ................................................................................ 22

2.8.5 Litotes ....................................................................................... 22

2.8.6 Simile ........................................................................................ 23

2.8.7 Personification ......................................................................... 24

2.9 Advertisement and Internet .................................................................. 25

2.9.1 Advertisement ......................................................................... 25

2.9.2 Internet..................................................................................... 30

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODLOGY .................................... 32

3.1 Method of the Study............................................................................... 32

3.2 Population and Sample .......................................................................... 32

3.3 Data Analysis Method ........................................................................... 33

3.4 Data Analysis Procedures...................................................................... 34

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING .......................................... 35

4.1 Analysis ................................................................................................... 35

4.2 Finding .................................................................................................... 35

4.2.1 Irony ......................................................................................... 35

4.2.3 Hyperbole................................................................................. 36

4.2.4 Metaphor ................................................................................. 40

4.2.5 Metonymy ................................................................................ 40

4.2.6 Litotes ....................................................................................... 41

4.2.7 Simile ........................................................................................ 42

4.2.8 Personification ......................................................................... 42

4.3 The Frequency ........................................................................................ 45

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .......................... 46

5.1 Conclusion and Suggestion................................................................................ 46






1.1 Background of the Study

As human being, language used to communicate to each other. Language is the tool to

give an information, idea, say something or give a message. Language is important in

social relationship because in this process we try to persuade people or make people

understand what we are saying about, and on the contrary the people are too. Sapir

(1921:8). “Language is a purely human and non instinctive method communicating ideas,

emotions and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbol”. Based on

this statement, language here means as a tool in conveying ideas, emotions which are

produced by speech organs.

Language has rules which involve word structure (morphology), grammar and

sentence structure (syntax), word meaning (semantics) appropriateness (pragmatics). It is

a field that analyzes language as part of social property. Ridwan (1997:15) states,

“bahasaadalahisyarat – isyaratvokal yang arbitrer yang digunakanolehanggotamasyarakat

(kelompoksosial) yang bermanfaatbagikerjasama, salingmemahami, demikian pula

untukmengenaldanmemahamipribadi – pribadi, keperluan, harapan, keinginandancita –

cita.” (language is the arbitrary vocal symbols, which are used by the members of the

society (social groups) to have the benefit of coorperation, mutual understanding, as well

as identifying the person and their needs, wishes, and desires).

Semantic is the study of the meaning of words, phrases, or sentences in the

language or semantics is the study of meaning in language, or simply semantic is the


study of linguistic meaning. Palmer (1976: 1) states, “semantics is the technical term used

to refer to the study of meaning”. Meaning is regarded as one of the most ambiguous and

controversial terms in the theory of language. The meaning of word is determined by the

words arrangements in sentences or in other words.

According to Leech (1891:7) “meaning is described in Wordnet browser as (1)

The message that is intended or expresses or signified, and (2) The idea that is intended.

the term meaning is simply derived from the word mean. In the same browser this word

may be used to mean:

1. Mean or intend to express or convey

2. Have as logical consequence

3. Denote or connote

4. Have in mind as a purpose

5. Have a specified degree of importance

6. Think of, have in mind, mean

7. Destine or designate for a certain purpose.

Semantic meaning is divided into two, they are linguistic meaning and speaker

meaning. In general, “the linguistic meaning of an expression is simply the meaning or

meanings of that expression in some from of language. Speaker meaning is what a

speaker means in producing an utterance” (Leech, 1981:8). In the using the language, a

speaker may sometimes use a word to mean something different from what it means


Speaker meaning is also divided into two, they are literal meaning and non literal

meaning. “if we are speaking non literally, then we will mean something different from


what our words mean. if we are speaking literally, then we mean what our words mean”

(Leech, 1981:10).

If a speaker always speaks literally and means what his words mean, there will be

no important difference between the linguistic meaning and the speaker meaning.

However, a speaker sometimes speaks literally, therefore, means what the words mean,

and sometimes speaks nonliterally, therefore, means something different from what the

words mean. in this case of nonliteral meaning, there are a number of different ways one

can speak nonliterally. Nonliteral use of language are traditionally called figurative


Leech (1981:10) states, figurative language is described by a large set of

rethorical terms. Here are some kinds of figurative language, such as irony, hyperbole,

metaphor, metonymy, litotes, simile, personification, oxymora (Leech, 1981:11).

(Gray:1984:108)“irony is a manner of speaking or writing that is dispered through

all kinds of literature”.(Leech,1981:11) “hyperbole is a large exaggeration. Metaphor is a

mapping between two domains. Metonymy is a part of single domain stands for entire

domain. Litotes is saying less than is actually the case. Simile is a comparison between

two objects using like or as. Personification is giving an inhuman thing human qualities.

Oxymora is fusing together two contradictory ideas/concepts”.

The language we speak, especially the words often reflect the interest. Thus, it

depends on how we choose the right words in order to get people’s interest. In order to

make our intention clear, we should choose the appropriate words so we can influence

other people by the words we produce.


Nowadays, advertisement plays great role in business, it can be one of the best

tools in getting the attention of the consumers. No wonder if we can find lot of

advertisement of any product everywhere. A big company will spend much in

advertising. The better an advertisement can get the consumer’s intention, the higher

profit they will get.

Burnet and Moriarty (2000:6) state, “advertising is paid non personal

communication from an identified sponsor using mass media to persuade or influence an

audience.” Function of advertising itself are :

1. Provide product and brand information, although many advertisements are devoid of

information, providing the consumer with relevant information that will aid decision

making is still the main function of advertising.

2. Provide incentives to take action, in most instances, consumers are reluctant to

change established behavior. Even if they are somewhat dissatisfied with the current

product or service, a habit has been established and learning about a new product is

deemed difficult.

3. Provide reminders and reinforcement, it’s amazing how much advertising is directed

at current customers. Advertising must remind the consumer constantly about the

name of brand.

After we know the function of advertisements. We can assume that there are many

advertisements in internet also in the other media. So it is easier to find and choose the

advertisements which have figurative meaning.

Here example of figurative meaning that we can find in internet advertisement.

1. Personification


Sony has expanded your creative options by meeting the challenge of

camera shake with advanced technology.(

Figurative meaning used in advertisement is “personification”. It is shown with the word

“sony”. Literally, Sony is the name of camera’s product. Sony is a non-human subject. So

if we look back, Sony can’t back do everything that related to human activities.

Figuratively, the advertisers use Sony to giving an inhuman thing human qualities, and to

make this advertisement more attractive and interested to be read.

With many cases of figurative meaning that using in internet advertisement makes the

writer interested to analyze it. The usage of figurative meaning in internet advertisements

will be chosen as the object of this analysis because some figurative meaning are found

and it is assumed that there are many figurative languages existed in internet

advertisements which are interesting to be analyzed semantically.

1.2Problem of the study

1. What kinds of figurative meaning are found in internet advertisement?

2. What is the dominant figurative meanings are found in internet advertisement?

3. What is the meaning of each figurative meaning in the internet advertisement?

1.3 Objective of the Study

1. To express the idea, those advertisement usually use the figurative meaning as

personification, simile, metaphor, metonymy and hyperbole. This analysis also to

find the figurative language as the expression used in the advertisement.

2. To find out the most dominant type of figurative meaning in internet advertisement.


3. In analyzing data of advertisement in internet, we try to find what word choice or

diction used to show information, ideas of the product. We know that there are two

kinds of meaning, denotative and connotative meaning. So in this analysis the focus

is to find meaning of advertisement in internet.

1.4 Scope of the Analysis

This thesis focused on figurative meaning that used in internet advertisement,

especially in technology advertisement. As we know technology as a needs of human in

the world nowadays. So it can be interested to analyze it. The writer restrict the analysis

merely on those concern with meaning and the figurative meaning found in internet

advertisement. There are some figurative meaning used in advertisement, such as

personification, hyperbole, simile, metonymy and metaphor. This analysis is to find the

key words in determining the figurative meaning of each expression.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Theoretically, this study learn and understand figurative meanings in advertisement.

Those objectives are expected to give some significance to the reader especially for the

teenager who interested with advertisement nowadays. So they can know what the offer

given by the product in advertisement. And hopefully, this thesis will be useful for the

readers and help them in translating and interpreting the text to understand the real

meaning. The significance practically are :

1. This thesis will give an information about figurative meaning in internet



2. The readers will know about figurative meaning applied in advertisement.

3. The readers will be able to learning figurative meaning in advertisement in the other

media like megazine, radio, and television.




2.1 Semantic Theory

Semantics is the technical term used to refer to the study of meaning.

Unfortunately, ‘meaning’ covers a variety of aspects of language, and there is no very

general agreement either about what meaning is or about the way in which it should be

described. As stated by Leech (1981:2), “semantics is the study of the meaning of words,

phrases, or sentences in the language or semantics is the study of linguistic meaning.”

Semantics has long been an object of study within the philosophy. It is said that

the term semantics itself was introduced into English at the end of the 19th century.

Before the introduction of the term in 1894, the word semantick was once used in the

phrase semantick philosophyto mean ‘divination’, of which meaning, of course, has

nothing to do with ‘meaning’. The use of this term in English, perhaps can be traced back

to the use of the French term semantiquewhich was coined from the Greek in the

previous year. In fact, the term semantics (or semantique in French) was not simply to

refer to meaning but its development. Such as a concept of semantics has been even in

use until the 20th century as can be evident from ‘The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of

Current English’. Published in 1972, which defines of words.

Moreover Leech (1981:3) explain that semantics relating to meaning in language,

branch of philology concerned with (changes in) the meanings of words. The words

means is by no means ad hopelessly vague and confusing as some philosophers, linguistic

and literary critics have sough to show.


The subject of semantics by a method of elimination informally paraphrased as

follow :

1. The aim of linguistics is to give an account of a person’s mastery of his native tongue,

2. Semantics has to account for those aspect of this mastery not accounted for its grammar,

3. The following skills fall into the category that is mentioned in the second point and are

therefore the concern of semantics.

There are several other terms have been used to refer to the study of meaning.

They include significs, semasiology, semology, semiotics, sememics and semics.

However, scholars have often used some of these terms to suit their own interests and

orientation, i,e. in both wider and narrower senses than the definition given at the

beginning of this section. Often the use of these terms includes other things beyond

semantic proper, in which one or some other ways, they represent how the study of

meaning has at best a very marginal place.

According to Palmer (1976:5), “Semantics is a component or level of linguistics

of the same kind as phonetics or grammar. Moreover, nearly all linguistics have,

explicitly or implicitly, accepted a linguistic mode in which semantics is at one ‘end’ and

phonetics at the other, with grammar somewhere in the middle (though not necessarily

that there are just these three levels). And also, Palmer explains that if semantics is part

linguistics it too must be no less scientific. Precisely, what ‘scientific’ or ‘empirical’

means is a matter of some debate, but one essential requirement of a scientific study is

that statements made within it must, in principle at least, be verifiable by observation. It

is easy enough to apply this to phonetics, for we can observe what is happening, we can

listen to a person speaking. We can moreover describe the operations of the vocal organs,

or with the aid of scientific instruments can measure precisely the physical characteristic


of the sounds that are emitted. But there is, unfortunately, no similar, simple, way of

dealing with semantics.

The point is clear enough in phonetics. The phonetician is not primarily

concerned with the particular sounds that are made at a particular time by a particular

person. He may well study the pronunciation of e.g book, but in order to do so he will

listen to a number of individual utterances of this word and will make a generalized

statement on the basis of these. Indeed, it is possible to day, with the help computer to

produce an ‘average’ utterance, computed by the computer and produced by equipment

that can reproduce human speech sounds. What happens at each time a person speaks is

not usually of interest in it self, it is rather part of the evidence for the generalizations.

The same must be true of semantics. We shall not normally be concerned with the

meaning any individual wishes to place on his words.

2.2 Scope of Semantics

Semantics is the study of linguistics meaning. It is not very general agreement

either about the nature of meaning or about the way in which meaning in language is

studied, each of which if often very influential in determining which facts of meaning are

relevant for semantics. The first is the linguistic approach. The students of language or

linguist have long been interested in the way in which meaning in a language is

structured. There have been studies of the meanings of words and the semantics structure

of the sentences. Some of them also have distinguished between different types of

meaning in the language. The second is philosophical approach. Philosophers have


investigated the relation between linguistic expressions, such as the words of language,

and persons, things, and events in the world to which these words refer.

Although there may be different approaches to semantics, three basic terms seem

to be widely mentioned in each of these approaches, i,e meaning, sense, and reference. In

addition, there is an agreement between the competing approaches that semantic

description is an attempt to reflect a speaker’s semantic knowledge.

According to Alwashilah (1993:156-157), the main study of semantics is the

relationship between object and linguistic symbols. In linguistic context, symbols are

made up of sounds and characters. Humans are capable in creating symbols. And the

symbols that have been created by humans will be used in the process of communication

if all the symbols and the referent of the symbols have been approved by the people who

are involved in the process of communication itself.

2.3 Goals of Semantics

According to Leech (1981:20-21) there are two questions which must be

answered concerning with the goals of semantics theory, what should a semantics theory

do and how should it do it.

A semantics theory should attribute to each expression in the language which the

semantics properties and relations.

The answer to the second question is that a semantics theory should have at least

two kinds of constraints:

a. Semantics theory of natural language should be finite, people are capable of storing only

a finite amount of information but they nevertheless learn the semantics of natural



b. Semantics theory of natural language should reflect the fact, except for idioms,

expression are compositional. This means that their meaning is determined by the

meaning of its constituents and their grammatical relations.

2.4 Sense and Reference

Sense is closely related to reference. Palmer (1976:30) defined reference and

sense as follows, “Reference deals with the relationship between the linguistic elements,

words, sentences, etc and the non – linguistic world of experience. Sense relates to the

complex system of relationship that hold between the linguistic elements themselves

(mostly the words) it is concerned only with intra – linguistic relations.”

Words other than proper names both have meaning and can be used to refers

objects. The Germany philosoper and mathematician Gonlob Frege proposed a

distinction between the reference of a word and the sense of a word. The reference of a

word is the object designated by that word. For example the reference of the word chair is

the object designated by it, of which picture look an upside down number four.

Meanwhile, according to Frege the sense of the word is the additional meaning attached

to the word. When people speak of the meaning of word, they are usually speaking about

one of its senses; usually what they believe is the primary or the central sense. It is not

always obvious, however, how many different senses should be discriminated for a word.

For example, consider whether “Ask” has different sense when used with a human

subject from the sense when used with inhuman subject as follow:

1. My mother asks me to go to school.

2. The tiger asks me to go to school.


Of course the two sentences above have a very different sense, because the second

sentence actually does not make sense, for the word ask is always used for human.

F.R Falmer (1976) has defined the reference and the sense as follows ;

“Reference deals with the relationship between the linguistic elements, words,

sentences, etc, and the non-linguistic world of experience. Sense refers to the

complex system of relationship that holds between the linguistics elements

themselves (mostly the words); it is concerned only with the intralinguistics

relation”. (Palmer 1976:30)

Phrases, like words, normaly both have sense and can be used to refer. Thus the

phrase “The man who is my father” refers to a certain individual and has a certain sense

which could be different from that of “The man who married my mother”, altough both

expression usually have the same reference.

2.5 Meaning

The term meaning is simply derived from the word mean. the word ‘meaning’ has

a number of definitions as suggested by semanticist, for instance, Leech (1981:23) notes

three points of meaning. They are as follows:

1. Meaning involves the speaker’s intention to convey a certain meaning that may or may

not be evident from the message itself.

2. Consequently, interpretation by the hearer is likely to depend on the context.

3. Meaning in the sense is something, which is performed rather than something that exists

is static way. It involves action (the speaker produces and effects on the hearer) and the

interaction (the meaning being negotiated between the speaker and the hearer on the basis

of their mutual language).


Three are some opinions about meaning according to semanticist:

1 Lyons (1977:2) says, “the meaning can be distinguished by the technique of substituting other

words in the same context and enquiry whether the resulting sentences are equivalent.”

2 Crystal (1980:222) states, “this basic nation in linguistics both as datum and as a criterion of

analysis: linguistic study meaning, and also use meaning as a criterion for studying other

aspects of language (especially through such nations as contrastivity and distinctiveness).”

3 Bloomfield (1933:139) cities, “meaning of a linguistics form as a situation in which the

speakers utter it and response which it calls forth in the hearer.”

By the definitions above, so semantics meaning depends on the grammatical structure of

the sentence. The meaning that the speakers say have to express their ideas, minds and


2.6 Linguistic and Speaker’s Meaning

We can visualize two kinds of meaning: Linguistic meaning and speaker’s

meaning (Siregar:1992)

Linguistic meaning, generally known as the meaning of expression in some form

of language. One can understand linguistic meaning provided if he or she possesses

adequate knowledge about grammatical rules and vocabularies of a language. The

linguistic meaning is determined by the meaning of its constituents and their grammatical


1. I like to run

2. The engines run well

3. They run a mail – order house

4. He scored a run in the third inning.


In those examples, the word of run has more than one the linguistics meaning

base on the context of the sentence or dictionary.

Speaker’s meaning is what speaker means when pragmatically producing his or

her utterance. Although words can not be used to mean something what they do not

mean, there is a tendency of a speaker to use a word to mean something different from

what his or her words mean literally.

Everyone knows that language can be used to express meaning, but it is not easy

to define meaning. One problem is that there are several dimensions of meaning. Imagine

that I ask you, “can you give me an apple?”, while looking at a bowl of apples on the

table beside you. What I literally asked is whether you have the ability to give me an

apple, this is the semantic meaning of what I said. Sometimes people will make an

annoying joke by responding only to the semantic meaning of such a question: they’ll just

answer, “Yes, I can. But what I almost certainly want is for you to know that this is what

I want. This speaker’s meaning is what I intend to communicate, and it goes beyond the


On the other hand, speaker meaning is what speaker means in producing an

utterance, in saying, you are clever the speaker may mean ‘you are bright’ (intelligent).

Because the word clever means ‘bright mentally’, ‘have intelligence’ in English or he

may mean the opposite of what the words mean, i,e ‘you are stupid’. In other words, we

can not change the meaning of the words into the one that they do not belong to. If we

wish to redefine the meaning of each word as we use it we are free to do so, but this

would be an artificial, clumsy use of language, and most people would not wait around


very long to talk to us. A new word may be created, but it enters the language with its

sound – meaning relationship already determined.

In fact, non literal meaning is a part of speaker meaning. The following figure can show

how meaning can have several distinctions: (J.J. Katz, 1963:479)


Linguistic meaning Speaker meaning

Language Idiolect Literal Non-Literal

Meaning meaning meaning

Dialect meaning

Regional Social

2.6.1 Literal Meaning

After the explanation above, it may state that speaker meaning consist of literal

meaning and non-literal meaning. A speaker sometimes speaks literally means what the

words mean. When hearing someone is speaking or reading a book, a hearer or reader

sometimes finds it either very easy or hard to understand the sentence meaning. One can

easily understand it, if he has language mastery and great deal of vocabularies. If the


speaker uses his sentences without having hidden-meaning, it is called as literal meaning.

For examples:

1. You didn’t play games this morning.

2. You stayed in the boarding for about five or six years.

3. Who is she?

4. I call her to go downtown tonight.

5. We are college students.

All of those sentences are literal meaning as long as the speaker means them as what they

really mean lexically. They are understandable and of course the hearer will find it easy

to grasp the meaning and purpose of the sentence.

2.6.2 Non Literal Meaning

When someone speaks something which implies the different meaning from its real

meaning means he speaks non-literally. In other words, non-literal meaning occurs when the

speaker means different from what the words or sentences really means. In addition, the speaker

gives utterances which are not literal in meaning. The sentences or words have hidden meaning

besides the lexical meaning.

A communication occurs when there has speaker and hearer. A communicative

conversation happen when the speaker gives his conversation intentional meaning and, in

the same situation, the speaker accepts the intention, respond the sense by executing

words or sentences. The speaker and hearer shall have coherence in conversation so that

make a good communication. If there comes no such things, the conversation may not

continue any longer and automatically there is no communication at all. When one is


communicating by using non-literal utterances, the communicant will find it rather

sentences atmosphere being expressed.

Non-literal meaning is ways to express an idea in abstract or imaginative way.

Non-literal meaning is a way of expressing an idea in a special for which seems very nice

and soft to human’s ear but it can also make the hearer gets angry or disappointed when

he finds the difficulties in processing to get the idea of the speaker’s utterance.

Non-literal meaning is also the words use in some other ways rather in their literal

meaning. It forces the hearer to attend an association or suggestion in addition to the

ordinary. Non literal meaning requires much imagination and needs the hearer’s ability

to catch the meaning message. Non-literal meaning have a certain purpose behind the

lexical meaning or the dictionary meaning.

The hearer sometimes overlooks non-literal meanings and interprets them literally

so that the expression meaning become odd and clumsy. Therefore, it is better to

recognize and understand the non-literal meaning to make success in communication.

Although we are supposed not to make words mean what they do not mean, we

sometimes mean something different from what our words mean (linguistically). In other

words, we sometimes speak non literally. Another common way of speaking non literally

is through the use of figurative meaning. Such as hyperbole, metonymy, etc. There are so

many terms of figurative meaning, such as figure of speech, figurative expression, and

figurative language. And the term ‘figurative meaning’ will be used in this thesis.

Moreover, figurative meaning is subject matter of this thesis, it will be covered more

detail in the following explanations.

2.7 Figurative Meaning


Figurative meaning is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is

different from the literal interpretation”, when a writer uses literal language, he or she is

simply stating the facts as they are. Figurative meaning, is comparison, uses

exaggerations or alterations to make a particular linguistic point. “figurative language

seeks to clarify and accentuate meaning by referencing a word or phrase in terms of

something familiar to the audience, usually to achieve special meaning.

As stated by Crystal (1999:116), “figure of Speech is an expressive use of language

where words are used in a non literal way to suggest illuminating comparisons and


Figurative meaning uses “figures of speech” a way of saying something other than

the literal meaning of the words. Any language that goes beyond the literal meaning of

words in order to furnish new effects or fresh insights into an idea or a subject.

Figurative meaning and vocabulary have a great relationship that is reciprocal

relationship. Figurative meaning and semantic is also have a great relationship because

without the knowledge of the meaning of the word, even connotative meaning, it is

difficult to understand figurative meaning, sometimes the people read the newspaper or

the megazines, overlooked non – literal expressions and read them literally. Of course,

the meaning of the expression becomes odd or not understandable. Therefore, figurative

meaning become essential in the learning of vocabularies support the learning of

semantics (Tarigan, 1995:113).

There are two purposes of using figurative meaning namely pragmatic purpose and

referential purpose. The referential purpose of using figurative meaning is to describe

mental process or state, a concept, a person, an object, a quality or an action more


comprehensively and concisely. While, the pragmatic purpose of using figurative

meaning is to appeal the sense or interest, to clarify, to please, to delight and to surprise.

And the most common of figurative meaning will be explained detail in the kinds of

figurative meaning.Leech (1981), says that semantics is generally defined as the study of

meaning. This book dealt with many issues about semantics, like the literal meaning and

non-literal meaning. Non – literal uses language are traditionally called figurative

language. They are describe the exaggerations or alterations to make a particular

linguistic point including irony (i.e facetious, sarcastical way of speaking), metaphors,

metonymy, litotes, simile, personification, and oxymora.

Miranda (2003) in her thesis “an analysis of the diction used in the internet

advertisement” found that 20 advertisement in the internet. They are cases for

personification, 1 case for metonymy, 6 cases for hyperbole, 2 cases for simile. And the

most dominant is the figurative language of personification.

Saleh (2008) in his thesis “A Semantic Analysis of Figurative Expressions in Ernest

Hemingway’s The Old Man and The Sea” found that 67data from the old man and the sea

novel by Ernest Hemingway. They are metaphor with 8 cases, simile with 27 cases,

personification with 20 cases, hyperbole with 4 cases, synecdoche with 7 cases, and

oxymora with 1 case.

2.8 Kinds of Figurative Meaning

There are many kinds of figurative meaning. Leech (1981:11) has classified

figurative meaning into eight. In this case.Irony, Hyperbole, Metaphor, Litotes, simile,

and personification. They are:


a. Irony

Irony is factious, sarcastical way of speaking. Keraf (1980:240) states, “irony

adalah gaya bahasa yang menyatakan makna yang bertentangan dengan maksud berolok

– olok. Irony is a figure of speech when an expression used is the opposite of the thought

in the speaker’s means, thus conveying a meaning. Etymologically, the word ‘irony’

derived from the Greek word ‘eironeia’ meaning ‘deception’ or ‘trick’.

Gray says (1984:108), irony is a manner of speaking or writing that is dispered

through all kinds of literature. Irony consists of saying one thing while it means other.

There is some argument about what qualifies as ironic, but all senses of irony

revolve around the perceived notion of an incongruity between what is said and what is

meant, or between an understanding or expectation of a reality and what actually


Example: “your room is clean”

The expression above can be considered as irony when the expression above is uttered to

the person who has the dirty room.

b. Hyperbole

Hyperbole is a figurative for exaggeration. It tells more than the truth about the

size, number, or degree of something without intending to deceive. Etymologically, the

word ‘hyperbole’ derived from the Greek word. It is from two words : ‘hyper’ means

‘over’ and ‘ballein’ means ‘to throw’. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create

a strong impression, but is rarely meant to be taken literally.


Webster’s dictionary (1971:112) defined that hyperbole is an extravagant

exaggeration that represents something as much greater or less, better or worse or more

intense that it really is depict the impossible as actual.


1. I’m doing over 9000 things right now.

2. These books weigh a ton.

in the first expression consists of the exaggeration, because the phrase ‘doing over 9000

things’ means she or he is busy.

And in the second expression, the phrase ‘weigh a ton’ indicates an exaggeration.

Through the phrase, the speaker wants to emphasize those books are heavy.

c. Metaphor

Metaphor is a kind of figurative meaning which is an implicit comparison in

which two unlike objects are compared by identifying or substituting one with other.

Etymologically, the word ‘metaphor’ derived from Greek word metaphor meaning

‘transfer’ or ‘carry over’. It is derivation from ‘meta’ meaning ‘over across and pherein’

meaning ‘to carry’.

Barnhart (1995:118) says, “A metaphor is figure of speech in which a word or

phrase is taken out of its usual setting and placed with another word to suggest a

likeness”. It is made more vivid by transferring to it the name or attributes of some other


Example: ‘He is a strong tower’


The expression above, he is like a strong tower. Figuratively, he is a strong man. The

word ‘tower’ describes that man is strong like a tower. Another example is ‘the sunshine

of her smile’. Sunshine here is non-literally meant as very nice, something that makes

someone happy. This meaning has similar quality to the literal meaning of sunshine,

strong sun light, that indicate a nice day. Other examples of speaking metaphorically are

when one is saying that someone has cherry lips and gold hair, normally would not

commit one to meaning that this person was some sort of in organic monstrosity, rather

one would be taken (an intend to be taken) as speaking metaphorically.

d. Metonymy

Metonymy is a figurative meaning in which the name of one object or idea is

substituted for that of another closely associated with it. Metonymy is derived from

Greek word ‘meta’ means ‘to change’ and only means ‘name’. metonymy is a change of

name, the use of the one word for another, the use of an idea by means of terms involving

association. Metonymy is figure of speech which uses name of thing, person, and the

other to represents them.


‘the students are happy when they read S.T Alisyahbana’.

The expression above consist of metonymy. Shown with the word ‘S.T. Alisyahbana’.

Literally, S.T. Alisyahbana is a famous novelist. Figuratively, the students are happy,

when they read novel from S.T Alisyahbana, not happy when they read S.T Alisyahbana



e. Litotes

In rhetoric, litotes is a figure of speech in which, rather than making a certain

statement directly, a speaker expresses it even more effectively, or achieves emphasis, by

denying its opposite.

By its nature, litotes is a form of understatement, always deliberate and with the

intention of subtle emphasis. However, the interpretation of litotes can depend on

context, including cultural context. In speech, it may also depend on intonation and


The use of litotes appeals specifically to certain cultures including the northern

Europeans and is popular with the British. It is a feature of Old English poetry and of the

Icelandic sagas and is a means of much stoical restraint.

Example :

1. I’m not unwell.

2. Not bad

In the first expression consist of ‘litotes’, because the form above expresses

understatement in which an affirmative is expresses by negating its opposite. I’m not

unwell’, it’s mean ‘I am fine’.

And the second expression also consists of ‘litotes’, ‘Not bad’ is negative expressions. It

is consists of opposite meaning, ‘Not bad’ means ‘good’.

f. Simile

Simile is a kind of figurative meaning comparing two essentially unlike things.

Simile expresses a direct comparison between things, which have one or more points in


common and be recognized by the use of the word ‘like’ and ‘as’. The word simile comes

from the same Latin word ‘simile’, which mean ‘like’.

Barnhart (1995:118) says, “A simile is figurative of speech in which two quite

different things are compared because they appear to be similar in at least one

characteristic”. Simile is also used to add clarify to the language or make it more careful.

Example : ‘her smile was like the sun’

In the expression above consist of simile. Simile and sun is comparing as a subject.

Because the girl was very happy at that time, like the sun shine in the morning, ‘sunny’.It

comparison of things that have pints of likeness.

g. Personification

Personification consists of giving human characteristic to an object.

Personification originally come from Latin word ‘persona’ meaning ‘person’, ‘actor’ or

‘mask’ used in the teather and ‘fic’ means to make. Shaw (1972:283) says, “A

personification is figure of speech in which abstraction, animals, ideas and inanimate

objects are having human form, character, traits or sensibilities.

Example :

1. Earth. Receive an honoured guest.

2. The stars are envious of your eyes.

In the first expression, ‘earth’ as the inanimate object is depicted as human. Literally, it

implies that the earth can greet someone with reception. It is absolutely impossible.

Figuratively, it express that the earth become the nice place because it receive someone to



In the second expression, the word ‘stars’ is the inanimate object is depicted as human.

Stars are envious of your eyes, because her eyes are more beautiful than the stars which

shine in every night.

2.9 Advertisement and Internet

2.9.1 Advertisement

a. Defining advertisement

In the old times, advertising had been used for trade in selling goods, services, etc.

advertising today is a worldwide phenomenon. It is important to recognize that many

advertisers use advertisement for many purposes with many different possible effects.

Advertisement are most commonly associated, radio, and now internet.

Advertising is so familiar to modern readers that it may seem odd to ask word

‘advertisement’ is the Latin verb ‘advetere’ meaning ‘to turn towards’. While it is

undoubtly true that adverts are texts that do their best to get attention, to make is turn

toward them, we would not want to say that everything we pay attention to is an advert.

Therefore, advertising can be viewed as the bridge between the business and its potential

customers. It serves, as a means of letting people know about the business and its

products and services. Advertising seeks to persuade people to do something, call, look,

buy, use, or take other type of action.

Advertising is a paid form of communication. Although some forms of

advertising, such as a public service announcements, use donated space and time. Not

only is the message paid for, but the sponsor is identified. The most advertising to


persuade or influence the consumer to do something, although in some cases the point of

the message is simply to make consumers aware of the product or company.

The message is conveyed through many different kinds of mass media reaching a

large audience of potential consumers. And then, because advertising is a form of mass

communication, it also non personal.

Moriarty and Burnett (2000:6) state, “advertising is paid non – personal

communication from an identified sponsor using mass media to persuade or influence an

audience”. Advertisement is also an important aspect of the business operation.

Generally, the purpose is to stimulate consumer’s interest and lead to the sale of the

merchandise. Carefully prepared advertisement can help the business become successful.

Samson (1967:23) states, “the following elements are found in every good


1. Attention – getting headline

2. Concise, readable body copy

3. Effective illustration

4. Distinctive store logotype

Thus , a good advertisement can fulfill our need that are interest to read, look, and

even to buy it. In an idea world every manufacturer would be able to talk one – on – one

with every consumers about the product or service being offered for sale.

Although advertising delivered through interactive technology might be

considered personal rather than mass communication, it is still a far cry from personal

selling. Advertisers can provide more customization through interactive media such as

the World Wide Web, but it is not the same as meeting with every customer individually


to discuss a product or service. The key point is that interactive advertising reaches a

large audience, just like traditional advertising.

There are so many books about advertising, such as the language ofAdvertising

which written by Angela Goddard (1998). Here she explains about the root of the

word ‘advertisement’. Another book is How to Write a Good Advertisement by

Victor. O. Schwab (1962:1). He explains about the five fundamentals in writing a

good advertisement. (1) Get attention, (2) show people an advantage, (3) Prove it, (4)

Persuade people to grasp this advantage, (5) Asks for action.

An advertisement cannot stimulate sales if it is not read, it cannot be read if it not

seen, it will not be seen unless it can get attention. The reader has bought the

publication for news, entertainment, or instruction, which is of helpful personal value

and many others.

There is no exact definition of about internet. Internet simply defines as the

connections with computer network. Other people say that internet is a system of

global communication network.

b. Types of advertisement

Advertising is complex because so many different advertisers try to reach so

many different types of audiences. This, the nine major types of advertising will be


1. Brand advertising


The most visible type of advertising is national consumer advertising. Another name

for this is brand advertising. Which focuses on the development of a long – term

brand identity and image. It tries to develop a distinctive brand image fro a product.

2. Retail or Local Advertising

Retail advertising is local and focuses on the store where a variety of products can be

purchased or where a service offered. The message announces products that are

available locally, stimulates store traffic, and tries to create a distinctive image for the

store. Retail advertising emphasize price, availability, location, and hours or


3. Political Advertising

Politicians use political advertising to persuade people to vote for them, so it is an

important part of the political process in the United State and other countries that

permit candidate advertising. Although it is an important source of communication

for voters, critics are concerned that political advertising tends to focus more on

image than on issues.

4. Directory Advertising

Another type of advertising is called directory because people refer to it to find out

how to buy a product or service.

5. Direct – Response Advertising

Direct – Response Advertising can use any advertising medium, including direct

mail, but the message is different from that of national and retail advertising in that it

tries to stimulate a sale directly. The consumers can respond by telephone or mail,

and the product is delivered directly to the consumer by mail or some other carrier.

6. Bussiness – to – Bussiness Advertising


Bussiness – to – Bussiness Advertising includes message directed at retailers.

Wholesalers, and distributors, as well as industrial purchasers and professionals such

as lawyers and physicians. Advertisers place most business advertising in business

publications or professional journals.

7. Institutional Advertising

Institutional advertising is also called corporate advertising. These messages focus on

establishing a corporate identity or winning the public to the organization’s point or


8. Public Service Advertising

Public service advertising (PSA) communicates a message on behalf of some good

cause, such as stooping drunk driving (Mother Against Drunk Driving) or preventing

child abuse. These advertisements are usually created for free by advertising

professionals and the media often donate the space and time.

9. Interactive Advertising

Interactive advertising is delivered to individual consumers who have access to a

computer and the internet. Advertisements are delivered via web pages, banner ads,

and so forth. In this instance, the consumers can respond to the ad, modify it, expand

it, or ignore it.

We can see there isn’t just one kind of advertising. In fact, advertising is a large and

varied industry. All types of advertising demand creative, original messages that are

strategically sound well executed.


c. Roles of Advertising

Advertising also can be explained in terms of the four roles it plays in business

and in society.

The marketing role, is the process a business uses to satisfy consumer needs and wants

through goods and services. The particular consumers at whom the company directs its

marketing effort constitute the target market. Marketing communication consist of

several related communication techniques, including advertising, sales promotion, public

relations, and personal selling.

The communication Role, is a form of mass communication. It transmits different types

of market information to match buyers and sellers in the market place. Advertising both

informs and transform the product by creating an image that goes beyond straightforward


The Economic Role, the other approach, based on the economics of information theory,

assumes that price elasticity is a function of consumer awareness and qualitative

knowledge about the close brand substitute. The basic premise in this advertising as

information model is that advertising provides information about alternatives and

increases price elasticity so that a small change in price creates a large change in product


The social Role, advertising also has a number of special roles. It informs us about new

and improved products and teaches us how to use these innovation. It helps us compares

products and features and make informed consumer decisions.


2.9.2 Internet

Internet is the largest computer network in the world. More than 275 million

people worldwide use the internet to access information, exchange electronic mail (e-

mail), participate in discussion groups, shop online, and more. In the early 1990s,

companies began to offer internet access to home users and the internet eventually grew

to include organizations and individuals around the worlds.

The internet consist of thousand of connected networks around the world. So

many people access the internet everyday and the opportunity to sell the products in

internet is greater than before. Internet is merely not computer network or service

information, but also is a dynamic view that people can communicate and socialize


Sidharta (1996:xviii) states, “untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah manusia dalam

jumlah tak terbatas dapat berkomunikasi secara tepat dan mudah.” There is a real

characteristic of human being, they being, they are communicative, helpful, and

curiousty. That is internet. Therefore, internet, people can communicate each other, can

help other people, and there is so many information that we can get from internet.

Internet is a great library with much complete information. Even internet can be

defined as a great shopping center in the world. That is why businessmen tend to

advertise their product in internet. As a global communication networks, internet can

make its user easy to communicate or to change the information. Therefore, we can get

many benefits from internet and so are the businessmen




3.1 Method of the study

In writing this thesis, the writer using descriptive qualitative methods. Dooley

(1984:267) states, “the term qualitative research will refer here to social research based

on non quantitative observation made in the field and analyze in non statistical ways.”

Therefore, this analysis is in non-statistical form. Thus, qualitative research can help the

businessmen in developing their product, which is going to be launched.

Nawawi (1992:208) states, “penelitian kualitatif dapat diartikan sebagai rangkaian

kegiatan atau proses menjaring informasi, dari kondisi sewajarnya dalam kehidupan

suatu object, dihubungkan dengan pemecahan suatu masalah, baik dari sudut pandang

teoritis maupun praktis.” (Qualitative research means as a series of activity or a process

in embracing information from the properly condition to an object’s life, related to the

problem solving, both from theoretical or practical point of view.

3.2 Population and Sample

Population (Arikunto,1987 : 9) is a group of individuals or items to be analyzed.

The population of a research can be people social phenomenon, language or other things

that are relevant to the analysis on this occasion, the population of the research in this

thesis are all advertisements in Internet.

However, in term of sample, purposive sampling is conducted to determine the

sample in this thesis. As Arikunto (2006:139):


“sampel bertujuan atau purposive sample dilakukan dengan cara mengambil

subjek bukan didasarkan atas strata, random atau daerah tetapi didasarkan atas adanya

tujuan tertentu. Teknik ini biasanya dilakukan karena beberapa pertimbangan, misalnya

alasan keterbatasan waktu, tenaga, dan dana sehingga tidak dapat mengambil sample

yang besar dan jauh”.

(purposive sampling is done by taking the subject, not based on strata, random or the

place otherwise based on specific purpose. Usually this technique is done because of

some considerations, for instance the reason of limited time, energy, and fund so that is

doesn’t take a big and far samples).

The sample of the research is all the advertisements that have figurative meaning

that exist in internet.

3.3 Data Analysis Method

Descriptive qualitative methods will be used in analyzing the data. As stated by

Nawawi (1993:27), “Metode deskriptif adalah prosedur atau cara memecahkan masalah

penelitian dengan memaparkan keadaan objek yang sedang diselidiki sebagaimana

adanya berdasarkan fakta – fakta yang actual pada saat sekarang. (Descriptive method

is a procedure or manner in solving the problem by explaining the object which is being

investigated towards the factual facts.

Descriptive qualitative method is applied by giving a description of figurative

meaning and quantitative means a research which uses formula to count the data which

means here count the categories of figurative meaning in the internet advertisement.


In counting the percentage of data, the writer applies Nawawi’s social analysis method to

find the most dominant type of figurative meaning and the way it is performed in the

internet. The following formula is:


𝑌 X 100% = N

X : Number of the subcategories of figurative meaning

Y : Number all of data

N : Percentage of the subcategories of figurative meaning

3.4 Data Analysis Procedures

In analyzing the data, the applied procedures are:

1. Reading the data.

2. Identifying the data which belong to figurative meaning by underlining them.

3. Analyzing the data which belong to figurative meaning.

4. Making the percentage of figurative meaning.

5. Determining the most frequent to the least.




4.1 Analysis

The writer takes the data from the advertisement. The function of the

advertisement can be viewed in two basic ways, as a toll of marketing and as a means

of communication. As a tool of marketing means that businessman tend to advertise

their product by advertising. Advertisement also means a communication between the

businessman and the consumers in conveying the purpose of the businessman, which

is to buy the product.

One of the available media to advertise the product is in internet. It means that

anybody can access it anytime and anywhere. Besides, advertisement in internet

always changes time by time. It will not make us get bored to read and see it. Most of

the advertisement in internet use figurative language such as hyperbole, simile,

personification, metonymy etc.

4.2 Finding

The following explanation are the description of the data:

4.2.1 Irony

If you’re still playing SEGA, NEC, or NINTENDO you’re nothing but a weenie. If you’re

playing the incredibly high powered NEO-GEO system you’re a real hot dog. (game

“neo geo).

As we know irony is facetious, sarcastical way of speaking, irony is a figure of speech

when an expression used is the opposite of the thought in the speaker’s mind, thus

conveying a meaning or in Indonesian we can called irony with “menyindir”. In


advertisement actually it’s hard to find it. For some cases like in advertisement above, the

advertisers explain how figurative meaning, that’s irony can be used to make the other

product seems not interesting for consumers. In can be seen clearly in the words “If

you’re still playing SEGA, NEC, or NINTENDO you’re nothing but a weenie” this

words has a strange meaning, it’s means when we still playing SEGA, NEC or

NINTENDO we are nothing and we are just a weenie, we can called weenie as a small

thing and only child can playing it. Looks the next words from this advertisement. “If

you’re playing the incredibly high powered NEO-GEO system you’re a real hot dog”,

this words clearly the opposite from the first words. In this words the advertisers explain

the main point of advertisement itself, their product high powered NEO-GEO. Literally

the advertisers want to tell the consumer to prefer playing NEO-GEO than SEGA, NEC

or NINTENDO because it can makes you like a child and it’s not cool. The advertisers

want to emphasize that the product is better than the other, has a good quality and more

interested. Surely the advertisers makes guarantee to the consumers that their product has

incredible thing system than the other product. In this case, actually irony usually being a

tool to make the other product it seems small and not interesting for the people. Than we

can called that with business advertisement. How the advertisers try to make their product

more and more than the other. And irony can be effective.

4.2.2 Hyperbole

1. The mustang is the new car from ford. It is stylish design and unstoppable power puts it way

ahead of the times at a sensible price it may be 1963 but it will feel like you are driving

straight into 21st century. (transportation “car”)

Figurative meaning used in advertisement above is “hyperbole”. Shown at the sentence…

“it is design and unstoppable power puts it way ahead of the times….”. this sentence


consist exaggeration, this advertisement introduced the product of MUSTANG as the one

of new car from ford. From the sentence design and unstoppable power we can look that

the car has a big power and unlimited speed. This is the only big statement to make this

product interesting. We know that unstoppable power has a implicit meaning, like when

we drive that car and we can’t stop it. There is a big meaning to make this advertisement

more attractive. The advertisers exaggerate the fact to persuade the consumers to get their


2. The fabulous voice system able to put your family together. Skype has the finest quality for you

and your relatives to communicate via internet. The healthiest, most economical and secure

way to keep vigorous family bonds miles away. It’s more than a telephone. It’s real audio-

visual miracle that will put you in contact with a brand new world. (media social “skype).

When we read this advertisement, we know that it uses figurative meaning. The

advertisers use ‘hyperbole’. The advertisement above consist of exaggeration. From the

first sentence “the fabulous voice system able to put your family together”. Literally

skype is the one of technology that has ability to communicate to each other by internet.

Skype can connecting family anywhere and anytime. The advertisers makesskype able to

put family together and keep family bonds miles away. It shown in third sentence ‘the

healthiest, most economical and secure way to keep vigorous family bonds miles away’.

It’s clearly how skype makes family bonds keep it.

3. Your films will last forever on youtube. The champion address on internet. Send and watch

splendid and captivating films, Sports, news, commercials and much more. The most

charming and magnificent way to entertain the whole family. (media social “youtube”).

From the sentence ‘last forever on youtube’ it’s clearly the advertisers using figurative

meaning in this advertisement, it is hyperbole too. The advertisers exaggerate the fact too

much because the words “last forever” it’s something that impossible. How can our films


will last forever on youtube?. Literally this sentence only explain how our films can be

seen by the people on youtube for a long time not forever. Watch sports, news,

commercials and much more on youtube. Figuratively, this advertisement just provides

entertain for the family. How we can watch everything that we want even our films also

in there. By the last sentence ‘the most charming and magnificent way to entertain the

whole family’, the advertisers just explain the product, youtube as the magnificent way to

watch it. The word ‘magnificent’ also exaggeration of the product to make this

advertisement interested to be read and the consumers access this product, that is

‘youtube’, the place where we can see our films will last forever.

4. Twitter the sublime, mighty community with just 140 letters (media social “twitter”)

The advertisement also consist of ‘hyperbole’. For instance, the word ‘sublime’ it has a

big meaning for something. ‘sublime’ means something that related for God and nobody

can be applied for this word even inhuman. But to make interested to be read the

advertisers uses this word to giving fact too much. Like ‘sublime’ the word ‘mighty’ also

related to the God. Literally God is a counselor for all people. God is something sacral for

us. The advertisers use this phrase in order to make this advertisement more interested.

Actually the words “with just 140 letters” the people can write anything and express

everything. In this case ‘just 140 letters’ also exaggerate of the product. How can with

140 letters makes big something like God did.

5. The future is bright. The future is sepia (electronic “nokia”)

When we read this advertisement, we know that is uses figurative meaning. The

advertisers use ‘hyperbole’. Actually there is no human can guarantee how our future can


be seen, in this case the advertisers exaggerate the fact to persuade the consumers. This

advertisement introduces the product, that’s Nokia. Only with the small thing, we can

make our future better and bright. It is not guaranteed that the product can do it. This in

only the big statement and to make this product interesting to be read. The advertisers

want to explain about the features of the product. Surely this product has a big and good

thing to make our future is bright and it can be seen if we use it.

6. Big game, Big screen, Big color (electronic “television”)

The figurative meaning used in this advertisement is hyperbole. Why it called hyperbole?

From the meaning of hyperbole is exaggeration so everything that related to make

something big it is hyperbole surely. From this advertisement above, television as the

product, the advertisers makes a big thing to their product. From the words, ‘big game’,

‘big screen’, and ‘big color’ it explain how their product has a big thing to the consumers.

The purpose of this advertisement is to make the consumers feel satisfied and finally buy

the product.

7. iPHONE 4 this changes everything. Again (electronic “Iphone4”)

The advertisement also consist of “hyperbole”. The use of figurative meaning can be

seen clearly the phrase ‘changes everything”. In this case the advertisers also exaggerate

the fact too much. Literally the phrase ‘changes everything’ means that the thing can

fulfill their needs with the facility and quality, the consumers can enjoy for the best

services from Iphone 4. the advertisers exaggerate the fact in order to influence the

consumer about their qualities which their product has a big thing to make everything is

changes and they can do everything with the product. Figuratively, the advertisement


means how the product can help their consumers to make everything is possible, we as

the consumers of this product feels satisfied with the qualities because this thing has a big

thing to changes everything that we want.

8. We’re hungier than IBM (electronic “computer”)

With the words “hungier than IBM” we knows that this product using figurative meaning,

that’s hyperbole. How we know that? The words ‘hungier than IBM’ shows how the

product has more greater thing than IBM. The advertisers want to emphasize that the

product, computer better than IBM with a good features. The word ‘hungier’ is too

exaggerate in fact. And makes this advertisement more attractive.

4.2.3 Metaphor

1. You are what you drive (transportation “car”)

The advertisement above using figurative meaning, the advertisers use ‘metaphor’. In the

sentence above the words “you are” is directly compared with “what you drive”. Literally

this advertisement going so far from the meaning even though the images clearly shows

car. “you are what you drive” has a strange meaning that we are like the cars we drive.

Figuratively the advertisers shows how yourself seems like the car that you had and you

choose. So if you want looks retro or modern you know what you do and you better get it


4.2.4 Metonymy

1. A is for apple. It’s the first thing you should know about personal computers (electronic



Literally, this advertisement has the strange meaning, without having known the context,

we don’t know what the A is. To make this product interested to be read, the advertisers

using A to replaces of that product or associated, that’s apple. The advertisers makes the

letter ‘A’ is known as the product of apple. So in society, the consumers will be known

what actually ‘A’. in this case the advertisers using metonymy as the figurative meaning.

And ‘A’ it’s mean Apple.

2. as leading producer of energy – efficient solutions, ABB helps deliver major power savings,

without compromising performance. Our lighting control systems can deliver power savings

of up to 50 percent, and out building automations up to 60 percent. While everyone else is

taking about energy prices, power shortages and climate change. ABB is doing something

about it, right here, right now. (energy)

Figurative meaning used in this advertisement is metonymy. Shown with the word

‘ABB”. Literally, ABB is the name of the product of energy efficiency. ABB is electric

energy generating, to help people solving problems in less energy. Figuratively, the

advertisers uses ABB to represent their product. In this case, ABB is as a leading

producer of energy, ABB is a efficient solutions, ABB can help deliver major power

savings and ABB can do better something in real life. Figurative meaning is clear,

because metonymy emphasize the name of one thing for that of another suggested by it or

associated with it.

4.2.5 Litotes

There is no case of litotes found in the internet advertisement. Litotes is a form of

understatement, always deliberate and with the intention of subtle emphasize. The

advertisers don’t want their advertisement use this form, because in writing the

advertisements the advertisers have to make the positive meaning of their advertisement


to make their product interesting, not negative meaning like in this form. Because in

litotes consist of negative expression to express the meaning or has opposite meaning.

4.2.6 Simile

1. If the world looked like this, and you wanted to buy a car that sticks out a little, you probably

wouldn’t buy a Scion xB. But in case you haven’t noticed, the world doesn’t look like this. So

if you’ve wanted to buy a car that sticks out a little, you know just what to do. (transportation


When we read this advertisement above, we know that this advertisement uses figurative

meaning, that is ‘simile’. In the first sentence ‘if the world looked like this’ the

advertisers explain what happened in the world nowadays, it’s not clearly what the sense

of this product and this advertisement not suggest to buy the product, that’s a Scion xB.

But looked the next sentence, this advertisement give a different view of what happened

nowadays and in this case the consumers suggested to buy the product. Literally the

advertisers want to give a information about what happened in the world today and

compare it if we buy scion xB or not. Actually this advertisement not giving a detail

information about ‘world like this’. In the first sentence when the advertisers said the

product it’s not needed because the other product also have same ability like scion xB

and the consumers can buy the others. But unfortunately we haven’t noticed and the

world doesn’t looked like this so this advertisement just said we know what to do because

scion xB has a great ability and not same like the others.

4.2.7 Personification

1. How video games benefit your children (game “playstation”)

The advertisement above use figurative meaning, that is ‘personification’. It’s clearly

from the word “benefit” as the verb of the subject “video games”. literally video games


it’s not human and can not do human act. The advertisers use the words “benefit” to

make this advertisement interested to be read what actually the benefit of the video games

especially for the children.

2. Gameboy advance SP provides fun all night long. (game “gameboy advance SP”)

Figurative meaning used in this advertisement is “personification” too. Literally the

words ‘gameboy advance SP provides’ is the kinds of the technology, it is game for the

children. It can not do such thing like human can do. From that words, the advertisers

makes gameboy advance SP has ability to make fun all night long

3. Vibrant Red, Green, and blue Brought to you by Yellow. (electronic Multimedia


In the advertisement above, the word ‘vibrant; indicates a ‘personification’ since it is

regarded as the living thing that has ability to bring you to something changing. Literally,

‘brought’ is the second form of the verb ‘bring’. Bring means come carrying something

or accompanying. Actually, the advertisers want to inform the product of ‘Multimedia

Projector PLC – XP 200 L by SANYO’. So figuratively, the advertisement above means

in the standard of Red, Green, and Blue LCD panels, SANYO has included a color

control device, which monitors the amount of Yellow light to help increase brightness

and color purity. And the last Yellow can make a great big difference.

4. Sony presents the next thing

In this advertisement, the human character is applied in the “sony”. It is said “sony

presents the next thing”, while we know that technology is a thing and also we know


sony is non-human that can’t do human action like “presents the next thing” .the word

‘present’ means giving a new thing in this sentence. Actually present also means a

moment or period between past and future but in this context present means “sony”

giving the next thing to the people. This advertisement is unique because we don’t know

what the thing is coming off. Maybe one of the product of the sony itself. The advertisers

makes “sony” want to giving surprise to the reader with present something.

5. Death Taxes Software Piracy, We can save you from of them (electronic “software”)

In the advertisement above, the sentence “we can save you from of them” indicates a

“personification”. But we have to know what the first sentence of this advertisement

“Death Taxes Software Piracy”. The advertisers makes this thing has ability to save you

from piracy. The word “save” that fills something which a quality, which done by human

being. Figuratively, the advertisers use software to giving an inhuman activity, and to

make this advertisement more attractive and interested to be read.

6. NOKIA connecting people (electronic “handphone”)

The advertisement above use figurative meaning, that is personification. The advertisers

use “Nokia” as verb of subject. From the sentence, the word “canon” can do activity like

human. It shows from what Nokia doing to the people, it’s connecting. Actually

connecting is an activity of human and Nokia can’t do that, but in this case, the

advertisers makes Nokia can inanimate of human activity.

7. Technology meets fashion with jewel like phones hitting the market. (electronic



In this advertisement, the human character is applied in the ‘technology’. It is said

‘technology meets fashion’, while we know that technology is a thing. And we also we

know technology is non-human that can’t do human action like ‘meets fashion’. The

word of ‘meet’ means come face to face with somebody and ‘ meet’ more suitable to

human action not non – human action. So the figurative meaning used in this

advertisement is ‘personification’. And, the writer also finds ‘simile’ in this

advertisement. ‘technology meets fashion with jewel like phones hitting the market’.

Literally, the sentence means that technology is the utilization of manufacturing and

industrial methods. Here the advertiser compares between technology and phone. Thus,

this comparison means to influence the consumers.


4.3 The Frequency

There are 20 figurative meanings selected in the internet advertisement based on

difference web. Bellow is the number and the percentage of each type of figurative

meaning. In counting the percentage of data, the writer applies Nawawi’s social analysis

method to find the most dominant type of figurative meaning and the way it is performed

in the internet. They are:

No Types of Figurative Meaning Number of Cases Percentage

1 Irony 1 5%

2 Hyperbole 8 40%

3 Metaphor 1 5%

4 Metonymy 2 10%

5 Litotes -

6 Simile 1 5%

7 Personification 7 35%

TOTAL 100%




5.1 Conclusion and Suggestion

After determining, identifying, classifying and analyzing all the data, it is

concluded that:

1. There are 20 cases of figurative meaning in the internet advertisement. They are 8 cases

of hyperbole, 1 case of irony, 1 case of metaphor, 2 case of metonymy, 1 case of simile,

and 7 cases of personification. While litotes are not found.

2. The most dominant type of figurative meanings in the internet advertisement based on the

different web is hyperbole which represents 40% whole cases, followed by

personification 35%, metonymy 10%, irony simile and metaphor 5% and litotes 5%.

From the data above, we know that hyperbole becomes the most dominant type of

figurative meaning in the internet advertisement meanwhile litotes is not found.

Hyperbole becomes the most dominant type of figurative meaning because in the

advertisement, the advertisers use this form to make more interested to be read and seen.

Theoretically, hyperbole is an exaggeration that represents something as much greater or

less, better or worse or more intense that it really depicts the impossible as actual. This

form actually give too much fact to the product but in the same case this form makes

product more attractive and more greater so it can increase income of the product.

Basically figurative meaning is interesting to study and to analyze, because we know how

language can influence many people in the world and use it.



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