an analysis of positive and negative politeness in …

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“Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of

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Batam, 30 Juli 2020

Nommariati Purba

NPM 151210070



I, Nommariati Purba

Hereby declare that the term paper entitled




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Batam, July 30th 2020

Nommariati Purba







Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of

Sarjana Sastra


Nommariati Purba


This thesis has been approved to be examined on the date as indicated


Batam, July 30th 2020

Ambalegin, S.Pd., M.Pd.




“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best


(H. Jackson Brown, Jr)

Thanks to:

Thanks to God who makes everything divine and possible

I dedicated this thesis to:

My beloved parents: B. Purba & M. Sigalingging My lovely sister and brother:

Rinda Purba Norayati Purba Herniati Purba

Delima Purba Melfanalia Purba Asrul Purba

My beloved boyfriend: Saor Mula Marpaung

My dearest friends all over the worlds



Penelitian ini membahas strategi kesopanan positif dan negatif dalam film The

Fast and Furious 8 oleh Chris Morgan. Peneliti memilih percakapan percakapan

dalam film The Fast and Furious untuk dianalisis pada penelitian ini karena

kesopanan dapat ditemukan dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Analisis ini umumnya

bertujuan untuk menemukan startegi-strategi kesopanan positif dan negatif, dan

faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi karakter dalam mengaplikasikan strategi

kesopanan positif dan negatif. Teori yang digunakan dalam analisis ini diambil

dari buku yang berjudul "Politeness Some Universals in Language Usage" yang

ditemukan oleh Penelope Brown dan Stephen C Levinson (1987) untuk

mengetahui strategi dan faktor yang mempengaruhi. Peneliti menggunakan teori-

teori yang relevan dengan topik diskusi dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini adalah

penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode

observasi dengan teknik non-partisipan. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti

menggunakan metode padan. Selain itu, hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakter-

karakter dalam film The Fast and Furious menerapkan strategi memberi

perhatian, minat/simpati yang berlebihan, mengintensifkan minat pendengar,

menggunakan panggilan identitas, mencari kesepakatan, menghindari

ketidaksetujuan, menegaskan persamaan, membuat lelucon, menyatakan

pengetahuan pembicara, memberikan janji, optimis, sertakan pembicara dan

pendengar dalam kegiatan, menanyakan alasan, timbal balik, dan memberikan

sesuatu kepada pendengar. Dengan demikian, strategi kesopanan negatif

ditemukan; secara tidak langsung konvensional, menggunakan pertanyaan,

pesimis, meminimalkan pengenaan, memberikan penghormatan, meminta maaf,

pembicara dan pendengar yang dipersonalisasi, dinominasikan, menimbulkan

hutang. Terakhir, faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi karakter menerapkan

kesopanan positif dan negatif adalah faktor imbalan, kekuatan relatif, jarak

sosial, dan budaya. Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk memberikan penjelasan

mendalam tentang kesopanan positif dan negatif, dan faktor yang memengaruhi

karakter dalam menerapkan strategi kesopanan.

Kata Kunci:kesopanan negatif, kesopanan positif, pragmatik, strategi kesopanan



This research discussed the positive and negative politeness strategies in The Fast

and Furious 8 movie by Chris Morgan. The researcher chose utterances in The

Fast and Furious movie to analyze this research because the politeness can be

found in the conversation. This research was mainly aimed to find out the

strategies of positive and negative politeness, and factors influencing the

characters applied the strategies of positive and negative politeness. The theory

applied in this research was taken from the book entitled “Politeness Some

Universals in Language Usage” proposed by Penelope Brown and Stephen C

Levinson (1987). This research was the descriptive qualitative research. Method

of collecting the data used observational method by non-participatory technique.

In analyzing the data, the researcher used the pragmatic identity method and the

competence in equalizing technique. Moreover, the research result showed the

characters in The Fast and Furious movie applied the positive strategy in term of

the notice/attend to the hearer, exaggeration interest/symphaty, intensify hearer’s

interest, use the identity mark, seek an agreement, avoid disagreement, asserting

the common ground, making a joke, assert/presupposed speaker’s knowledge,

giving a promise, be optimistic, include both the speaker and the hearer in the

activity, ask for reason, assume reciprocity, and give gifts to the hearer. Thus, the

negative politeness strategies were found be conventionally indirect, using

question, be pessimistic, minimized the imposition, give deference, apologize,

impersonalized speaker and hearer, nominalize, incurring a debt. Last, the factors

of influencing the characters applied the positive and negative politeness were

found the factor of the payoff, relative power, social distance, and culture. Finally,

this research directed to give explanation deeply of positive and negative

politeness, and the factor influencing the characters in applying the strategy of


Keywords : negative politeness, politenes strategy, positive politeness, pragmatic



All the praise to God of merciful and compassionate who has blessed the

researcher in completing this thesis with the title An Analysis of Positive and

Negative Politeness in “Fast And Furious 8” Movie By Chris Morgan:

Pragmatics Approach. The researcher would like to say thanks to her father B.

Purba and her mother M. Sigalingging for their love and inspiration given to her

endlessly in taking this undergraduate program. The researcher wishes to express

her gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Ambalegin, S.Pd., M.Pd as her advisor who

has contributed his idea, opinion, and time in arranging this thesis.

Furthermore, the researcher would like to express her sincere gratitude to

all people who involve both directly and indirectly especially to:

1. Dr.Nur Elfi Husada, S.Kom., M.Si, Rector of Putera Batam University

2. Rizki Tri Anugrah Bhakti., SH., MH, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences

and Humanities

3. Afriana, S.S., M.Pd., as Head of English Department of Putera Batam


4. All lecturers of English Department, for their knowledge, motivation, and

suggestions during her study at Putera Batam University.

5. All of her friends who are studying at Putera Batam University,especially

to Meliana Sijabat for all of her book, attention, and motivation, my

boyfriend Saor Mula Marpaung for the support, Nelli Yostesia Sembiring,

Ilham Rizki,Wulan Angelia Sembiring, Julio Agsa, which have given

spirit and friendship to the researcher.

May God give mercy, peace, and love for them. Amin.

Batam, July 30th 2020

Nommariati Purba






SURAT PERNYATAAN ORISINALITAS ..................................................... iii

DECLARATION OF THE THESIS ORIGINALITY ................................... iiv

APPROVAL SHEET.............................................................................................v

MOTTO AND DEDICATION ........................................................................ ivi

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.x

TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………………x

LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................ xi


1.1Background of the Research ............................................................................ 1

1.3Limitation of the Problems .............................................................................. 9

1.4Formulation of Problem .................................................................................. 9

1.5Object of the Research .................................................................................. 10

1.6Significance of the Research ......................................................................... 10

1.7Definition of the Key Terms .......................................................................... 11




2.1 Pragmatic Approach ..................................................................................... 12

2.1.1 Politeness Strategy…………………………………………………………13

A.Positive Politeness……………………………………………………………..13

B.Negative Politeness……………………………………………………………19

2.1.2 Factors Influencing the Use of Politeness Strategy………………………..23

2.1 Previous Research ........................................................................................ 27

2.3 Theoritical Framework ................................................................................. 29



3.1 Research Design........................................................................................... 32


3.2 Object of the Research ................................................................................. 32

3.3 Method of Collecting Data ........................................................................... 33

3.4 Method of Analyzing Data ........................................................................... 33

3.5 Method of Presenting Research Result ......................................................... 34



4.1 Research Analysis ........................................................................................ 35

4.1.1 The Strategies of Positive Politeness………………………………………35

4.2 Research Findings…………………………………………………………...58



5.1Conclusion .................................................................................................... 61

5.2 Suggestion ................................................................................................... 62







Figure 2.1 Theoritical framework………………………………………………..29




1.1 Background of the Research

In human interactions, everyone tries to understand the intended meaning of

the speech and relates it with context situation. The misunderstanding was

common happen because the addressee set to be free in comprehension the

utterances. Then, it might get the risk of occurring the misunderstanding among

the participants of speech. Another way to avoid the misunderstanding is showing

the politeness.(Yule, 1996) defined, “politeness in an interaction, can be defined

as the means employed to show awareness for another person’s face”.

Nowadays, communication occurs through in any communication devices.

The variation of application services makes easy for users to connecting with the

other people, as an example such as video recorded, video call, text message and

voice note. Besides, people also can express their feeling opinion through

application services. Users set to be free in their expressing through the comments

box dialog. Therefore, the users could comment and share something about a

phenomenon as their point of view.

It was found impoliteness return on Sidney Morning Herald issued by James

on June 19, 2020. It was reported that Indonesia could be the hotspot or the source

of Covid-19 in the world because the Indonesian government`s corona virus

response has been dreadful and the Covid-19 test level in Indonesia was very low,


causing high mortality rates. There was a face threatening act by Australia against

the Indonesian government while the statement was not true. This could be known

on by Muhaimin on Monday, June 22, 2020 stated government

was not comfortable with Australia's statement criticizing the Indonesian

government's performance in handling Covid-19. Thus, the Indonesian

government claimed the Sidney Morning Herald refer to the allegations of many

residents infected with Covid-19 but not detected. With the accusations and

criticisms from Australia, Indonesia got a face threatening act from Australia

because it justified information that was not in accordance with the facts that

occur in Indonesia. Therefore, due to this FTA, the Indonesian government's

relationship with Australia was less comfortable.

Knowing this condition results some expression of type feelings to the

public. Indonesia is surrender trends As Frustration Mounts over Physical

Distancing Violations, Govt Policies.” This image was the feeling representation

of a nurse and doctor after looking lot of people went shopping to the mall in

Jakarta, Indonesia. The picture showed the nurse wrote the sentences “Indonesia

Is Surrender, Liked You as You Are, Now We Have Been Home”, was return by a

nurse on Jakarta pos. This statement was post on instagram. The statement flushed

many commentaries. Three commentaries show the negative comments. It

concluded they did not understanding of the nurse`s statement. The three

responses precisely blamed the nurse. The nurse misunderstanding that makes

they comment impolite by saying nurse did not make any complain and just did

the work. Finally, many of people did not understand about this topic, the point of


the nurse was that people did not see and appreciate how difficult the health

parties to handle the corona virus, while many people felt free to go shopping to

the mall without giving attention to the social distance role by government.

The impoliteness phenomenon was found on TV Show Britain’s Got Talent

(2019). Simon Cowell, Amanda, Alesha Dixon and David Williams were the four

judges in that audition. The impoliteness happened when Amanda gave the

impolite commentary as below.

Simon : “He is not the bloody moose”.

Alesha : “The only reason I didn’t pass earlier because he spend the

dancing, he was amazing”.

Simon : “But Alesha you have got to believe the animal must real”.

Amanda :“Simon, you must be saying the most important thing

about Britain’s Got Talent is listening to the audience”.

The audition, Simon really did not agree about the contestants were talented.

His argument was opposite with others judges. Thus Amanda said “Simon, you

must be saying the most important thing about Britain’s Got Talent is listening to

the audience”. The mark commentary pointed out and Simon’s being attacked. It

was clearly Simons felt not be valued as the judge. Therefore, it was clearly

shown after getting the attack of his image, Simon left the audition.

The misunderstanding politeness and impoliteness often happen in society.

The lack of implied meaning caused of impoliteness. In Social background meant

as relative power in social group, social distance, and the situational of culture.

This problem could overcome if the understanding of usethe proper words

correctly by politeness strategy. Agreed by Lakoff and Ide (2005, p. 5) “politeness

is the quality achieved by education or polish in the social arts, it goes beyond the

bare minimum required to keep a society cohesive, and is seen as an adornment to


a person’s behavior.”Therefore, the positive value in particular culture could help

the smooth interaction.

Basically, politenessis covered by pragmatic. Pragmatic itself is the

knowledge how to understanding the meaning of communication. Agreed by Yule

(1996, p. 3), “pragmatic is the study of meaning as communicating by a speaker (

writer) and interpreted by a listener (reader)”. Thus, politeness related with

pragmatic to analyzing and understanding about what speaker meant with their

utterances. In conveying the message, there is also important thing to be

understood by the speaker. The speaker should learn not only the context but also

the meaning of language to avoid the misunderstanding to the hearer. Besides, the

speaker should pay attention about the background social values in society

because it could affect the meaning of a conversation. Is clearly that politeness is a

part of pragmatic.

Politeness is the way to arrange the utterances better and avoid the

misunderstanding. Yule (1996, p. 60), stated, “politeness, in an interaction, can

then be defined as the means employed to show awareness of another person’s

face”. It agreed by (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 101),“positive politeness is

redress directed to the addressee’s positive face, his perennial desire that his wants

(or the actions/acquisitions/values resulting from them) should be thought of as

desirable”. In contrast, in the negative politeness, Brown & Levinson (1987, p.

129) said, “Negative politeness is redressive action addressed to the addressee’s

negative face: his want to have his freedom of action unhindered and his attention


unimpeded”. Therefore, a simple term, positive politeness is connected and

negative politeness is independent.

In notice of politeness, it revealed in the movie through of the utterances of

politeness. Movie was also known as film, it was a type of visual communication

which uses moving pictures and sound to tell stories or teach people

something. Movie’s characters showed the actions representative of the real life of

past or present times portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity. Thus, behind

the storyline, the readers should find the results of the character’s background, for

example, history of culture, social, and life. The Fast and Furious 8 by Chris

Morgan reflected the negative and positive politeness phenomenon.

Fast and Furious 8 was a film by Chris Morgan in 2017. Especially, the

utterance by character in the movie is object to be analyzed in this research. This

movie told the relationship between main characters, the family, and friends. The

utterances in the movie contained of politeness strategy.

The problem began when Fernando get trouble in an island. He could not

pay the car to Adios because he did not have the money. Then, Adios took back

the car without any tolerance.

Fernando: “Please don't do this, understand my problem.

You know I can't make living without my car.”

Adios : “It isn't my problem bro.” (00:02:53-00:02:55)

The utterances above considered negative politeness utterances by Adios. It was

the impersonalize speaker and the hearer strategy, Fernando impersonalize Adios.

“It isn't my problem bro” performed the way to hiding the speaker was, or hearer


was to make the sound polite, even the meaning of the utterances was a pressure.

Brown & Levinson, (1987, p. 65-67) stated, “there are some actions that might

threat either positive face or negative face of somebody else”. Those kinds of

actions are called face threatening act (FTA). The factor influencing the character

applied this strategy was relative power, Adios as the owner of the island, and

Fernando as the guest. As the result, Adios had the power to hold back the car as

his command.

The next phenomenon was positive politeness appeared in the Fast and

Furious 8 movie. In fact, people tended the positive politenes to saving face. In

this case, saving face meant to develop the well self-image. People made the

positive face to have solidarity with others growing well. The following was the

one of utterances quoted from the utterances in the Fast and Furious 8 movie.

Toretto had win the racing match against Adios, but Toretto did not take the

Adios’s car as the gift to keep his respect. By Toretto’s act, Adios feel guilty and

respectful. Then, Toretto smiled because he can doing something as the strength

men share the kindness to others.

Toretto : Sorry 'bout your car, Your's was too slow for a Torreto

anyway.Your Impala

Adios : are you serious?

Letty : “Look at that smile. I love it when you smile. Make me happy.”


The utterances above “I love it when you smile, make me happy” was the

positive politeness in intensify interest to the hearer strategy. Brown & Levinson

(1987, p. 61) stated,“Positive face was the positive consistent self-image or


‘personality’(crucially including the desire that this self-image be appreciated and

approved of) claimed by interactants”. It was clearly “I love it when you smile,

make me happy”the self-image and value of a listener deserved to be positively.

The factor influencing of character was social distance, because the speaker and

the hearer was a girlfriend and boyfriend. Finally, by the positive strategy obvious

established the good connection between the speaker and the listener.

Wang and Taylor (2019) found out the similarities in the pragmatic

processes across two languages/cultures, more specifically, the shared

developments in the conventionalization of apparently polite forms for impolite

functions used in British and Chinese forum communities within the last decade

or so. The case studies which have been selected for analysis are 'hehe' in Chinese

and 'HTH' (hope that helps) in British English. In both cases, these items had

previously been identified as potentially mock polite through their presence in

meta-discussions of im/politeness within the forums themselves. Finally, The

differentiation between the expected behaviors in different areas of the forms

(collaborative or combative) and correlation with the mock polite usage also helps

explain how it is that users orient towards the conventionalized meaning even

when it is still relatively low frequency compared to polite usage.

Suryani (2019) examined the impolite response under the title “Impolite

Response to Donald Trump's on Instagram”. The researcher described the

impoliteness strategies given to Donald Trump's posts on Instagram. The source

of data is all responses/comments on Donald Trump's. Furthermore, the results of

data analysis were explained by using informal method. From the results of the


analysis, it showed that among five strategies, only four strategies used to respond

to Donald Trump's post on Instagram. Finally, the research findings indicated that

positive impoliteness was the most frequently used strategy.

Another research to be discussed belongs to Izadi (2016) under the title

Over-politeness in Persian Professional Interactions. This paper examined the

ways over-politeness was interactional achieved in two types of academic

professional discourses. Analyses revealed the instances that participants in the

professional interactions afford their evaluation so over-politeness to the social

practices that are conventionally subject to evaluations of politeness. Moreover, it

is demonstrated that the context of professional interaction is co-created by the

participants’ evaluative practices, including over-politeness, along with their joint

accomplishment of meaning and action.

The researcher was interested in conducting and developing the research.

This research discussed deeply the strategies of positive and negative politeness

and the factors influencing the characters applying the strategies in the Fast and

Furious 8 movie by Chris Morgan under the title “An Analysis Of Positive and

Negative Politeness in “Fast And Furious 8” Movie By Chris Morgan: Pragmatics


1.2 Identification of Problems

Based on the background of the research, next the identification of the

problems identified several problems in the following:

1. The factors Indonesians obtain the misunderstanding implied meaning in

communication devices.


2. The appearances of Indonesians influenced the positive and negative


3. The effect of Indonesians stated the positive and negative responses in

social media.

4. The.strategies.of positive.and negative.politeness applied in Fast and

Furious 8 movie by Chris Morgan.

5. The factors are influencing the characters applied the

positive.and.negative.politeness.strategies in Fast and Furious 8 movie

by Chris Morgan.

1.3 Limitation of the Problems

The limitation of the problem obtain the specific result and to limit the

problems to be analyzed. The problems of the research was identified from

identification of the problems. The researcher were interested in researching

analysis of positive and negative politeness in Fast and Furious 8 movie because

in the Fast and Furious 8 movie was found many politeness strategies that

reflected in daily activity. The researcher analyzed the parts of politeness

strategies and the factors influencing from the utterances of characters. Therefore,

the researcher had already observed in the target for conducting the analysis.

1.4 Formulation of Problem

In analyzing the description of the positive and negative politeness strategy

in the Fast and Furious 8 movie, there are two problems that were discussed in

this research:


1. What are the strategies of positive and negative politeness applied in

Fast and Furious 8 movie by Chris Morgan?

2. What factors are influencing the characters applied the positive and

negative strategies in Fast and Furious 8 movie by Chris Morgan?

1.5 Object of the Research

Based on the formulation, the object of this research expected to be reached

are stated following:

1. To find out the strategies of positive and negative politeness applied in

the Fast and Furious 8 movie by Chris Morgan.

2. To find out the factors influencing the positive and negative politeness

strategies applied bycharacters in Fast and Furious 8 movie by Chris


1.6 Significance of the Research

The result of this research was expected to get the advantages, such as:

1. Theoretical Significance

This researchwas expected to make the learners and readers to enjoyable in

conducting and analyzing the topic of this research. Thus, learners could learn this

research as the reference for another research.

2. Practical Significance

This research was expected researcher and readers to realize the importance

and the advantage of politeness strategies for the good for the good

communication in communicating in daily activity.


1.7 Definition of the Key Terms

Pragmatic : According to Yule, (1996, p. 4), “Pragmatics is the

study of the relationshipsbetween linguistic forms and

the users of those forms”. It means that this subject

isrelated to human being and context situation.

Politeness strategy : Politeness is in an interaction, can then be defined as

the means employed to show awareness of another

person’s face (Yule, 1996).

Positive Politeness : Positive politeness is redress directed to the

addressee’s positive face, his perennial desire that his

wants (or the actions/acquisitions/values resulting

from them) should be thought of as desirable (Brown

& Levinson, 1987)

Negative Politeness : Redressive action addressed to the addressee’s

negative face: his want to have his freedom of action

unhindered and his attention unimpeded(Brown &

Levinson, 1987)





2.1 Pragmatic Approach

Knowing pragmatic was considered to be important in social interactions. It

might be because closely related to the human language. Agreed by Griffiths,

(2006, p. 132)“pragmatic as the study of how senders and addressees, in acts of

communication, rely on context to elaborate on literal meaning”. It means

pragmatic demonstrates the literal interpretation by the understanding of an

utterance from the senders. In addition, pragmatic covers the politeness

strategy.Politeness strategy interprets the various strategies to help the speech

parties in conducting the utterances in interactions. Therefore, politeness strategy

is developed in creating the speech strategy between sender and addressee.

Politeness strategy is the best expression as the practical application of good

manners. Thus, politeness strategy is the one way of showing appreciation from

one person to another. Politeness may be figured out as language choice that made

people easy to convey the language. There are strategies used in order to maintain

the meaningful conversation between the speaker and hearer. Therefore, one of

the strategies is called politeness strategy.


2.1.1 Politeness Strategy

Politeness is a concept of polite social behavior in a good social

interaction. People tend to be polite or good manner to develop the better self-

image. Further, by doing politeness, people could arrange the utterances well. The

concept of politeness strategy is expanded by Brown and Levinson entitled

Politeness Some Universals in Language Use (1987). In their book, politeness

strategy is divided into two outlines.

A. Positive Politeness

1. Strategy 1: Notice or attend to the hearer

This strategy tends to paid attention to the addressee about his interest, wants,

needs, and goods. The speaker should listen and think carefully about the hearer’s

interest, wants, needs, and goods. For example is as follows.

A : “Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are wonderful.”

B : “The film is wonderfully directed by Robert Zemeckis, the film is his

opus and is acted by a great cast on alllevels.”(Mu, 2015, p.4)

In movie dialogue reviews,notice or attend showed in “the film is wonderfully

directed by Robert Zemeckis” utterance. The utterance shows that the speaker

and hearer notice to the performance or interest of the movie.

2. Strategy 2: Exaggerate the interest

In this strategy, the speaker uttered the exaggerate utterances to show his/her

interesting to the hearer.For example is as follows.

A : “It is at a time like this I wish I could expand my vocabulary to better

articulate the virtues and qualities of such a fine film.”


B : “But from the beginning to the end, for full 2 hours, you can cut the

tension with a knife.” (Mu, 2015, p.4)

The dialogue above, the expression such as “expand my vocabulary”, and “cut

the tension with a knife” are very powerful, and this exaggeration adds a positive

effect to the reviews.

3. Strategy 3: Intensify interest to the hearer

This strategy is the way how to communicate by sharing the desire to intensify

the interest of the speaker. The desire to intensify the interest should make good

story.For example is as follows:

You always do the dishes! I will do them this time. (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p.


The statement above, “you always do the dishes” showed the desire to

intensify the hearer. Therefore, the speaker uttered the good story about the hearer

to fulfill his/her desire.

4. Strategy 4: Use in group identity markers.

In this strategy, identity markers used the address form. The function by using

identity is to change the value of the relationship between both speaker and the

hearer to be closer. For example is as follows:

Come here, honey. (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 108)

From the statement above, the word “honey” is the one of identity markers. It

can strengthen the relation between both of speaker and the hearer.

5. Strategy 5: Seek an agreement to the hearer


This strategy usually involved the repetition. The function of this strategy is to

satisfy listener’s desire. For example is as follows:

James : Tolson’s, isn’t he?

Samantha : He sure is. (Rosari, 2016, p. 27)

From the dialogue above, James sought agreement by using repetition to make

sure his question and the Samantha’s thought. The answer is about the topic to

fullfill the hearer’s opinion.

6. Strategy 6: Avoid disagreement to the hearer

Avoid disagreement is the kind of positive politeness strategy. The speaker

could avoid disagreement to emphasize agreement.For example is as follows:

A: You hate your mom and dad.

B: Oh, sometimes. (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 114)

From the dialogue above, the word “sometimes” is the agreement from the

speaker. The speaker did not directly show the disagreement to the hearer.

7. Strategy 7: Presuppose, raising, and asserting the common ground

This strategy raised the unrelated topic for a while in the conversation with the

hearer. This way could be mutual interest or opinion.For example is as follows:

A: Oh this cut hurts awfully, Mum.

B: Yes dear, it hurts terribly, I know. (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 119)

The dialog above, the word “this cut hurts awfully” was the personal issue.

The speaker expressed his feeling to the hearer. This strategy showed giving

emphaty by the hearer.

8. Strategy 8: Making a joke to the hearer


A joke may be used to show positive politeness. The speaker made a joke to

hearer as the way to claim common ground within a specific narrative to make

people laugh and it is not to make seriously.For example is as follows.

Ok, if I tackle those cookies now? (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 124)

From the statement above, the speaker tended about the cookies as the

problem. He used the verb “tackle” as the action to solve that cookies. In fact, the

hearer knew that the speaker was hungry, he just wanted to eat it. Therefore, it

sounded humour.

9. Strategy 9: Assert or presupposed speaker’s knowledge and concern

to hearer’s wants

This strategy, the speaker asserted his/her understanding to the hearer’s

wants.For example is as follows:

I know you love roses but the florist did not have any more, so I brought you

geraniums instead. (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 125)

From the statement above, the speaker tended about roses as the favourite

flower of the hearer. After that, the speaker offered the another flower because he

did not want to make the hearer disappointed.

10. Strategy 10: Giving an offering and promises

To be polite or to redress the threat of some face threatening acts, the speaker

could offer or promise as an object to show a valuable thing. For example is as


I will drop by sometime next week. (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 125)


From the statement above, the words “will” is the one of future word to tend

the promise. The speaker promises he will do the action in another time.

11. Strategy 11: Be optimistic to the hearer

Be optimistic is the one of positive politeness strategy because the speaker

uttered the possible thing to the hearer. Thus, the hearer also will be confident to

the speaker.For example is as follows.

Look, I am sure you won’t mind if I borrow your typewriter.(Brown & Levinson,

1987, p. 126)

From the statement above, the word “I am sure” showed the speaker confident

and optimistic about his/her action. It could help the speaker to ensure the hearer

believe to her/him.It showed speaker giving the intention that he is really optimist.

12. Strategy 12: Including both the speaker and listener in the activity

This strategy included both the speaker and the listener in the activity.

Including the speaker and the listener could use word “we”. For example is as


a) Let’s have a cookie, then…

b) Let’s get on with dinner, eh?

c) Let’s stop for a bite.

d) Give us a break. (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 125)

From the dialogue above, the speaker intended to have cooperation to the

listener by using word “we” and “us”. Therefore, it shows the hearer should

participate in the activity to interact together.


13. Strategy 13: Give or ask for reasons

In this strategy, the speaker delivers indirect question or suggestion. In other

words, giving reason is a way of implying “I can help you” or “you can help me”.

The function appears the cooperation both of the speaker and the listener. For

example is as follows:

Why don’t we go to the seashore? (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 128)

From the statement above, the speaker tended the question “why” to knowing

the reason from the hearer. Therefore, the speaker would know the aim by answer

of the hearer.

14. Strategy 14: Assume or assert reciprocity

In this strategy,told about the connection between speaker and hearer. It is

about the cooperation between speaker and the hearer. For example is as follows.

I will do X for you, if you do Y for me.(Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 29)

From the statement above, the speaker asked the hearer to “do” something for

him, and he also “will do” something for the hearer. Therefore, the reciprocity is a

one way to know the response from the hearer.

15. Strategy 15: Give gifts to the hearer (goods)

In this strategy, it discussed about the speaker gave to the listener’s want to be

fulfilled. This part, the speaker had action of gift giving. For example is as


Tip: Nobody is perfect. My mom says your mistakes are what make you human.


Oh: That is not makes you Boov. Gratuity Tucci..before we came...

Tip: (give the key) Call me Tip(Pradnyani, Budiarsa, & Sudana, 2017, p. 204)

The dialogue above, the speaker wanted to satisfy the hearer. Tip considered

that Oh is her friend. Tip gave Oh the car key and said “call me Tip” to show the

interest to the Oh. Tip as a speaker gave the positive face to the Oh.

B. Negative Politeness

Brown & Levinson(1987: 129)stated “negative politeness is redressive

action addressed to the addresee’s negative face, the speaker want to have his

freedom of action unhindered and his attention unimpeded”. By employing the

negative politeness, it could to avoid or reduce the risk of face threat from the

hearer. The negative politeness, there were ten strategies in the following.

1. Strategy 1: Be conventionally indirect

In this strategy, the speaker is indirect and on record as a device indirectness.

The speaker could avoid imposing the hearer by not being direct. For example is

as follows

Can you please pass the salt? (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 133)

The statement above explained the speaker avoid being direct, and he uses the

phrase “can you please” as a tool of indirectness. Therefore, the speaker avoided

the impressive the hearer.

2. Strategy 2: Using question and hedge


In this strategy, the speaker did not want to presume and force the listener. It

dealt with question to modify the membership that is true only in certain respect.

For example is as follows:

Charlie : You like purple, right?

Bella : Purple is cool, thanks.

Charlie : Okay (Setiawan, Artawa, & Widiastuti, 2016, p. 62)

From the dialogue above, the speaker minimalized the hearer using the word

“right”; the hearer could accept the speaker’s choiceto the hearer. In this case, the

speaker didnot know what favorite color of his hearer. Therefore, this strategy is

possibly used to make the minimal assumption from the hearer.

3. Strategy 3: Be pessimistic

In using the negative form, the speaker could be polite by being pessimistic

one. Be pessimistic could by doing indirect requests or statement. This condition

had the probability of the hearer’s capability. For example was following.

a. Could you do X?

b. Would you do X?

c. Might you do X? (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 173)

From the dialogue above, it could be seen that the speaker used “could,

would, might” for asking to the hearer. In this strategy, the speaker assumed the

hearer probably will not do X to the speaker. Therefore, the speaker could be

polite by being pessimistic.

4. Strategy 4: Minimize the Imposition


In this strategy, the speaker could impose the hearer by doing something.

The speaker should be aware about the seriousness of imposition. For example is

as follows

I just want to ask you if I can borrow a tiny bit of paper.

(Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 177)

From the statement above, shows the word “just” conveys the literal

meaning such as “exactly”, and “only”. Therefore, the speaker taked note of the

hearer’s negative face and avoided the force to the hearer.

5. Strategy 5: Give deference

This strategy created the hearer as the superior. The speaker gave the greater

honor to the hearer as a sign the hearer is someone worthy of respect. For example

is as follow.

“We look forward very much to dining with you”.(Brown & Levinson, 1987, p.


From the statement above, the word “dining” as referent honorific that may

give deference from the hearer. Therefore, it made his self as a better person.

6. Strategy 6: Apologize

Apology could be used to omit the fault between the speaker and the hearer.

It could be use to repair social norm and maintain the relationship. For example is

as follows

I am sorry to bother you... (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 189)


From the statement above,the word “sorry” means apologizing done by

speaker to the hearer to indicate his reluctance of the impinge of hearer’s negative


7. Strategy 7: Impersonalize speaker and hearer

In this strategy, it is a way of avoiding the pronouns I and You. It is hiding

who the speaker, hearer makes it to be polite. For example is as follows:

a. It is so.

b. Do this for me. (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 190)

From the statement above, the speaker avoided “I” and “You” pronouns to

impersonalize the speaker and the hearer. By hiding the “I” and “You” pronouns,

it could a polite way.

8. Strategy 8: State.the.face theatrening rule

In this strategies, face threatening act states as a general social rule that

applies to the addressee. The face theatrening act is the acts which in some way

threaten the “face” of the hearer. For example is as follows

a. Passenger will please refrain from flusing toilets on the train.

b. You.will.please.refrain.from flusing toilets.on the.train.

(Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 206)

From the statement above, the sentence “a” changes from the sentence “b”.

By using the word “passenger” can avoid the pronoun “you”, the speaker states

the face theatrening act as general rule.

9. Strategy 9: .Nominalize


In this strategy, nominalize is a way to show formality. The speakers

nominalize the expression to make the speaker’s utterance in the form of phrase

that shows the negative politeness.For example is as follows

a. I am surprised that you failed to reply.

b. I am surprised at your failure to reply. (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 208)

The statement above is different. The sentences a, it shows the straight

forward words and possibly to threat the listener. Next, the sentence b used “your”

as nominalized the face threatening. It made the conversation more formal using

this strategy.

10. Strategy 10: Go on record as incurring a debt, or as not indebting


In this strategy, indebtedness could be claimed by the speaker to the hearer

as the way to redress the face threatening act. Another word, the speaker makes a

request or offers to the hearer about something. For example is in the following.

a. I’d be eternally grateful if you would…

b. I’ll never be able to repay you if you… (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 210)

The dialogue above shows the speaker disclaimed indebtedness of hearer by

requests. The speaker stated that he/she is willing for the hearer as not indebting

and avoid the face threatening act.

2.1.2 Factors Influencing the Use of Politeness Strategy

Politeness strategy is influenced by several factors. The factors influencing

in using Brown and Levinson (1987). There are


priori consideration; the payoff and the circumstances; the relative of power,

social distance, and imposition.

A. The Priori Consideration: The Payoff

The payoff is the factor that uses by the speaker that he or she may get the

advantage. Below is the advantage by applying the positive politeness:

1) The speaker could minimize the face threatening act from the hearer.

2) The speaker redressed the positive face to the hearer.

3) The speaker could avoid the implication, such as requesting and offering.

For example is as follows:

c. “Let‘s get on the dinner” (The use of word “us” from the request as

benefitors). (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 72)

In the quotation above, the speaker got the advantage. The speaker actually

wanted to have dinner and to fulfill the hearer’s want.

In applying the negative politeness, the speaker could benefit by several ways.

The benefits isin the following.

a. The speaker could pay respect and deference.

b. The speaker avoid the creating of debt in the future.

c. The speaker could maintain social distance.

d. Avoiding threatrening by increasing closeness with hearer.

A. The Circumstances: The Sociological Variables

There are the social distance, the relative power, and imposition in the

sociological variables.


1) Relative of Power

Power is greater level of someone that has the authority than others. It is

agreed by Foucault(as cited in Wong 2015, p. 4) stated, power is everywhere not

because it embraces everything, but because it comes from everywhere. Thus,

power relates to the relationship between the speaker and listener. For example is

as follows

Mark : “But, you.gotta.come.back.

Somewhere.around the.end.of.November/earlyDecember..Peter

party.when.we.hit.a.million.member, it is gonna be out of control.

You’ve gotta come back for it.”

Eduardo : “A million members.”

Mark : “Yeah.” (Mustiari, Tika, & Widiastuti, 2017, p. 272)

The dialogue above, Mark as the speaker command in the form of

positive.politeness, it is strategy 11, be optimistic. Mark was the CEO of

Facebook which meant that he was Eduardo’s superior. Therefore, the factor that

influnced Mark in using this strategy is relative power.

2) Social Distance

Social distance is the combination factors of psychologically factors (status,

age, sex, degree of intimacy) that show the respectfullness and closeness in

communication.For example is as follows :

Tyler : “Start another project? Like we’re making a diorama for the

science fair?”

Summers : “And if you have a problem with that, Mr. Winklevoss.”

Cameron : “We’ve never asked for special treatment.”

Summers : “The courts are always at your disposal.”(pointing his hand to


door) Is there anything else I can do for you?”

Cameron : “Thank you very much for your time sir.”


(Mustiari, Tika, & Widiastuti, 2017, p. 273)

The dialogue above is between President Harvard Larry Summers delivered

a declarative indirectcommand to Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss. He implicitly

commanded the twins bysaying “the courts are always at your disposal” while

pointing his hand to the door. The form of command used by Mr. Summers to

deliver his command is hints.He used negative politeness; Strategy 1: Be

conventionally indirect. There is a social distance between Mr. Summers as

president of Harvard and Winklevoss twinsas the students of Harvard.

3) Imposition

Imposition is requesting or asking something to the hearer to do something as

culturally or situational, and the speaker could get the positive or negative face

from the hearer. For example is as follows :

“Look, I’am terribly sorry to bother you but would there be any chance of your

lending me just enough money to get a railway ticket to get home? I must have

dropped my purse and I just dont want what to do”.(Brown & Levinson, 1987, p.


The speaker in the example above used apologizing (negative politeness) as a

highly standard politeness in the utterances as the way of speaker to borrow one

hundred dollars. It is obvious, the factor influencing the speaker applying this

strategy because the imposition of situation. The speaker asked for borrowing

money, so the speaker used the apologize strategy to get the positive face from the



2.1 Previous Research

Kamlasi (2017) investigated the politeness in the students conversation by

using Brown and Levinson’s theory (1987). The method applied descriptive

qualitative. The result of the research showed that the address terms of positive

politenessin conversation were greetings, thanking, praising, apology,

congratulating,intimacy, obedience, question, request, suggestion, rejection,

chastisement,and disagreement.

Mustiari, Tika, & Widiastuti (2017) discussed humans took actions that

threatened a person's self-image. Thus, humans need a politeness strategy to

convey orders. The journal used Brown and Levinson’s theory (1987). The

method applied descriptive qualitative. Strategy politeness used by the characters

to convey commands at the film there were three types of The Social Network

films, including bald on record, positive politeness, and negative politeness. The

results of this study were the type of bald on record used a case of non-

minimizationof the face threat.

Selfia & Marlina (2016) examined the types of politeness strategies and

dominant politeness strategies used by Deddy Corbuzier in interviewing

especially in asking guest stars. The theory used Brown and Levinson theory

(1987). The method applied in this research was descriptive qualitative. This

result finding showed that the host of Black and White talk show used four types

of politeness strategies with different presentations. The most dominant politeness

srategy was positive politeness with 58%. Another dominant politeness strategy

was bald on record (18%), Negative politeness (15 %), and off record (9%).


Izadi (2016) examined the ways over-politeness interactionally achieved in

two types of academic professional discourses by using Brown and Levinson’s

theory (1987).The method applied in this research was descriptive qualitative.

This analysis revealed the instances that participants in the professional

interactions afford their evaluation so over-politeness to the social practices that

are conventionally subject to evaluations of politeness. The result was

demonstrated that the context of professional interaction was co-created by the

participants’ evaluative practices, including over-politeness, along with their joint

accomplishment of meaning and action.

Rosari (2016) discussed Politeness Strategies Applied by the Characters of

the “The Great Debaters movie”. The data were from 166 pages of The Great

Debaters movie transcription.The analysis was based on Brown and Levinson‘s

politeness strategies (1987) and Spolsky’s factors affecting someone’s politeness

in speaking. The research results showed that the characters in The Great Debaters

movie applied the types of politeness strategies, namely off-record, bald on-

record, positive politeness, and negative politeness. Finally, the characters

revealed the factors affecting the characters’ politeness in speaking, namely

language style, register and domain, and slang and solidarity.

Mayer, Johnson, and Sandhu (2006) concluded students rated 16 tutorial

statements on negative politeness and positive politeness. The statements were

students rated directcommands and commands attributed to machines as lowest in

negative and positive politeness and consistent with an adaptation by Brown and

Levinson‘s politeness strategies (1987). Thus, students rated guarded


suggestionsand guarded questions as highest in negative politeness, and guarded

suggestions and statements expressing a common goal as highest in positive

politeness, and the pattern of results was stronger for students with low rather than

high computing experience. Therefore, the results had implications for designing

polite conversational agents in educational software.

Mu (2015) presented the differences on positive and negative politeness

strategies used between English and Chinese moviereviewers. This research

applied Brown and Levinson’s theory (1987). With the selected five famous

movies and ten corresponding movie reviews, including five Englishand five

Chinese reviews, the writer discusses the application of positive and negative

politeness strategies. The result was the difference on frequency of the application

of positive and negative politeness strategies within each group was not obvious,

the use of specific strategy was different between Chinese and English reviewers.

The seven previous study above was revealed as reference. Those

researchers had the difference and similarity with this analysis. The difference

was the source of data, there were from student’s conversation, movie,

talkshows, academic professional interactions, educational software, and movie

review. Similarly, the each previous study and present study used the same

theory proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987) to find out the strategies of

positiveandnegative politeness.

2.3 Theoritical Framework

This research firstly explained pragmatic. It analyzed the explanation of

politeness strategy based on the theory proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987).


The theory was divided into positive politeness, negative politeness, and factor

influencing the use of politeness.strategy. Positive politeness contained fifteen

strategies, the negative politenes contained ten strategies, the factor influencing in

using the politeness strategy was divided into two parts. These theories were

applied to analyze the politeness strategies in Fast and Furious 8 movie (2017).


Figure 2.1 Theoritical Framework


Politenes Strategy

Brown and Levinson (1987)

I. Positive Politeness II. Negative Politeness

4. Use identity


3. Intensify


2. Exaggaration/approval/ symphaty

1. Notice/at


5. Agreement 6. Avoid


7. Presuppose, raising, and asserting

8. Making

a joke

9. Assert


ed speaker’s


10. Giving an

offering and


11. Be


12. Including both the speaker and listener


Give or ask for




t reciprocity

15. Giving the


1. Be conventionally indirect

2. Using question and hedge

3. Be pessimistic

4. Minimize the imposition

5. Give deference

6. Apologize

7. Impersonalize 8. State the face theatrening act

9. Nominalize 10. Go on record as

incuring a dept, or as not

indebting hearer

The Factors Influencing in Use of Politeness Strategy

2. The Circumstances

a. Relative Power b. Social Distance

Fast and Furious 8 Movie (2017)by Chris Morgan

c. Imposition

1. Priori

Consideration; The





3.1 Research Design

The design of this research was the descriptive qualitative research. In this

research, the way to describe the data, analyze the data, describe the findings, and

to show the conclusion were applied in term of words, phrases, sentences, and

paragraphs (Creswell, 2009). Therefore, the qualitative method was the suitable

method in this research to figure out the positive and negative politeness, and

factors influencing the characters applied the strategies of politeness.

The researcher collected the data and analyzed the data based on the

formulation during the research period. This research result was presented in term

of paragraphs descriptively.As well as the qualitative method. The conclusion of

this research was the lining of the research objectives. The conclusion showed the

strategy and factor influencing of positive and negative politeness (Brown and

Levinson, 1978) on Fast And Furious 8” Movie By Chris Morgan (2017).

3.2 Object of the Research

The strategies of positive and negative politeness and factors influencing

the characters used the strategies theorized by Brown and Levinson (1987) were

the object of this research. Thus, the data source of this research was the

utterances that involved the positive and negative politeness taken from the “Fast

And Furious 8” Movie By Chris Morgan (2017).


3.3 Method of Collecting Data

While collecting the data, the activity of listening (the conversation),

seeing (the contex), and feeling (emotion) were involved to get the valid and

suitable data related the phenomena and to the theory. Thus, this research applied

the observational method to collect the data.

In this research, the researcher did not directly face the participants while

collecting the data, but the researcher observed the utterances and the context

through motion pictures (movie). This technique was called non-participatory

technique (Sudaryanto, 2015)

In the steps of collecting the data, firstly, the dialogue was converted from

oral toward written in the script form by listening and watching. Secondly, the

utterances were taken by adjusting phenomena (context) to the theory as the data

found in this research. Finally, the data found were identified and marked.

3.4 Method of Analyzing Data

This research analysis applied the pragmatic identity method (Sudaryanto,

2015). Pragmatic phenomena could not be separated while analyzing the data. In

this term, context was very important before or after the utterances. The meaning

of the utterances would be completed by the context. The technique while

analyzing the data was competence in equalizing technique. The researcher

identified the similiarity between data and theory. While analyzing, the data were

matched to the theory, then the data were classified into each strategy.


In steps of analyzing the data, there were two problems solved. The

utterances which contained of positive and negative politenesss (Brown and

Levinson, 1987) were equalyzed to each strategy (10 strategies of negative

politeness and 15 strategies of positive politeness). Next, the strategy found in the

utterances (data) were identified the reasons why the characters applied the

strategies to find out the factors.

3.5 Method of Presenting Research Result

The result of the research was delivered by written statements. Informally,

the finding and the conclusion were displayed in term of paragraphs. Thus, the

resesearch result was presented descriptively. This method of presenting research

result was known as informal method (Sudaryanto, 2015).

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