an application for transport from airport to station

Post on 08-Oct-2015






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Pakistan related. It is an application to an OPF official in Pakistan. It is of no use to any one else. I just uploaded it to get my download. TY.


On his last day in the OPF office, the ex-MD apparently launched a new transport service for the ease of the overseas Pakistanis who came to Pakistan.The function of this transport service is to carry the overseas Pakistanis from the airport in a 12-seater van to the Cantt. Station so that they could get on a train easily and go to their desired location. However, in the light of certain facts and reasons, it has now become clear that there were ulterior motives of the ex-MD behind launching this service. The reasons as to why this service is bogus and unnecessary are systematically listed below.First of all, all of the Ops who come to Pakistan do not resort to train as their medium of transport due to the current volatile law and order situation. So, there is no practicality in a van service that carries them to cantt. Station.Secondly, the vehicle that is supposed to transport the Ops to cantt. Station is a 12-seater van without a luggage rack on its roof. Through common sense we know that there is now way the van could carry more than two people because on an average a passenger has about four bags with him, hence there would be no space to carry a third passenger. This ultimately makes the van service a waste of OPFs precious resources.Furthermore, a monitoring cell to oversee OPF airport staff has been established in Islamabad which works 24/7. However, it is completely useless because of the impracticality of its way of overseeing; which is just to call and ask a staff member if he is on duty or not. The staff member may lie his way out by falsely stating that he is on duty while in reality he is not. All this is reason enough to consider the monitoring cells existence a waste of time, energy and resources. In addition, it is worthwhile to note that the majority of the OPF staff of Karachi Airport is near retirement and often ill (diabetes, HBP etc.) and therefore, it is advised that they be given relief by posting them somewhere other than the airport while young and energetic staff should be appointed in their place. This would not only give those loyal and old staff members relief but also significantly improve the operation of the OPF office in Karachi airport. In the light of above allusions and facts certain constructive measures are suggested which would not only benefit OPF but also significantly help out the ops.Firstly, the utterly unnecessary transport service mentioned before should be immediately decommissioned and in its place a free service photocopying machine should be installed in the departure lounge. The reason for this suggestion is the fact that daily overseas Pakistanis have to pay Rs. 100 (official rate is Rs. 10 but due to monopolistic exploitation Ops are charged Rs.100) per page to photocopy official documents which is very tiresome and costly for them. This would not only cost minutely to the OPF but also significantly benefit the ops and ease the processes for them.In addition, millions of rupees are spent on yearly eye camps held by OPF in interior areas of the country. It is suggested that instead of holding yearly eye camps OPF should build dedicated eye/ general hospitals in every one of its district or at least divisional headquarters. The reason for this suggestion is the fact that millions of rupees are wasted on structurally weak eye camps which do not yield any considerable result. Permanent and dedicated hospitals, on the other hand, would fix this misuse of resources and ensure that the countrymen get quality health facilities. Apart from this, if OPF builds schools/ technical institutions in rural areas, it would not only benefit the people but also eliminate the lack of man power for OPF in the long run.Moreover, OPF, being a prosperous institution, could initiate housing schemes for the overseas Pakistanis in the district headquarters of Sindh and Baluchistan. This would not only help ops considerably in settling but also improve the image and standing of OPF. Finally, instead of focusing so much on other less important things OPF should focus on the refinement and support of The services section (special initiative section) which is the most central and important section of the OPF and can work for the great betterment of the overseas Pakistanis. The services section is responsible for handling: Family matters/ disputes Legal matters of overseas Pakistanis Property disputes Compensating overseas Pakistanis for their services abroad Cases of dead bodies Financial aid matters etc.


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