an architect and his muse

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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Asia Dreams Magazine, Feb/March 2013



Throughout history, artists including writers,

painters, filmmakers and sculptors often note

a specific muse to whom they owe creative

gratitude – Picasso had Marie-Therese, his

inspiration for ‘Nude, Green Leaves and Bust’, a painting

which recently sold for US $106.5-million.

Like art, many of the most brilliant architectural

projects can be attributed to a muse – the homeowner

who dreamed of a specific concept, finally finding the

right architect to realize her dream. Or the plot itself, a

sea-, mountain- or landscape that is so dramatic that a

building is created to blend in with the environment;

AN ARCHITECT AND HIS MUSEnever competing to overwhelm the perfection Mother

Nature has already created.

This is the concept behind the work of Lao native,

Sakpaseuth Phanrajsavong, an award-winning

architect who is often seen padding around his family’s

hotels in a modest t-shirt and shorts. Raised in and

around his father’s successful design and construction

business, Phanrajsavong decided at a young age

to pursue architecture in order to complement the

ambitious family tree. After graduating from top

universities in Australia and Thailand, he pursued an

independent career until his mother decided it was

time for the family to create their own awe-

inspiring buildings, something they had been

doing for everyone else for decades. A prime

plot of commercial land next to the city’s

largest park was purchased in downtown

Vientiane, the historic capital of Laos, and

the Green Park Hotel was thoughtfully

designed and built. Now one of the city’s

most popular luxury accommodations,

Phanrajsavong’s fusion of traditional Lao

design with modern amenities captures the

essence of an aristocratic Laotian residence.

Common areas are appointed with traditional

silver Kong tables and handcrafted cabinetry

showcasing Laotian antiquities. Sterling Hill

Tribe necklaces are carefully sourced and

beautifully framed; adorning the walls of the

common areas as well as each hotel suite.

“We had acquired a generous plot and

originally planned to build a large hotel,

similar to the big chain hotels in the city

– of course with a lot more style. At the

last minute, I had a change of heart,” he

reminisces. “My intuition told me to preserve

Lao culture as much as possible, so important

in the midst of all the rapid change we’re

seeing in the country today.”

With traditional culture as his muse, he

incorporated the small details that define

Laos’ architectural style, including semi-open

outdoor corridors that are very wide, roof

tiles that are still individually handmade from

brick, and custom wooden doors that include

two vertical wooden pieces positioned down

each door lengthwise. Green Park feels like

a well-organized personal estate instead of

a hotel, but with a modern day spa onsite,

as well as the stunning courtyard swimming

pool and contemporary, international dining

venues, all the comforts of a luxury hotel are

in place. Seven years after opening Vientiane,

the family fell in love with an awe-inspiring

riverfront parcel three hours north of the city.

In mythology, the muses were nIne goddesses who symbolIzed the arts and scIences. today, a muse can be defIned loosely as a person, place or thIng that serves as an artIst’s InspIratIon.

Referred to as a ‘backpacker’s paradise’ over

the last decade, Vang Vieng is not the sort of

place luxury hotel developers flocked to in

the past. Situated halfway along the nine-

hour drive between Vientiane and the former

royal capital of Luang Prabang, Phanrajsavong

and his family saw the opportunity to provide

upscale accommodations to well heeled

families who sought the adventure of driving

to Luang Prabang instead of flying.

“Up until now, there was no place to stay in

Vang Vieng, at least nowhere guests who

need a little comfort would stay,” he says.

“My friends said I was foolish, taking a risk by

building the area’s first luxury hotel. To our

surprise, just one year after opening, the new

hotel is seeing even better numbers than


‘Stunning’ is hardly bold enough to describe

the views from the Riverside Resort. At

an altitude of about 300-meters, and a

cooler climate that attracts city dwellers to

make their weekend escapes, Vang Vieng

capture the very best of Laos’ natural beauty.

Dynamic rock and limestone mountains soar

majestically over the clear waters of the lazy

Nam Song River – not an easy landscape with

which to compete.

“We decided to keep the design simple,

letting Mother Nature maintain her center

stage position. We utilized as many natural

materials as we could source, including

hardwoods and stone, and arranged the

buildings to capture the view whenever,

however possible,” he remembers. “I find

myself coming up with excuses to drive up

from Vientiane at least once a month – not

only to check in on the business details, but

to soak in the views for a couple of days

before heading back down to the city.”

Form follows function – that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union. - Frank Lloyd Wright


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