an attitude of attitude of gratitude if there is a theme for the month of november, i...

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Volume 15 Issue 11

Novmeber 2015


















The people of St. Andrew have been called by God to embrace, equip and encourage persons

of all ages to live as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. e3

words from Pastor John

An Attitude of Gratitude

If there is a theme for the month of November, I think it has to be that of “Gratitude.” The Thanksgiving celebration is just around the corner, and we will be gathering with loved ones and family in special ways. The children will be busily warming up their scissors in the classrooms, cutting Pilgrim’s hats and turkeys out of construction paper. They will hear once again the stories of that first Thanksgiving.

Without question, today’s Thanksgiving celebrations would be unrecognizable to those who attended that first meal. We’ve made quite an event out of our modern day Thanksgiving gatherings. According to a report issued by the Calorie Control Council, the average American may consume more than 4,500 calories and some 229 grams of fat during a typical holiday gathering from snacking and eating a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. One thing that hasn’t changed over years is that Thanksgiving continues to be a day for Americans to come together around the table – even with some

updates to the pilgrim’s original menu. We will find our place once again around the table to remember, to be present with, to celebrate, and to give thanks.

For me, the moment I treasure most is being together with family and loved ones around the table. Reflecting on an “attitude of gratitude,” the scriptures are filled with examples. Here are two that I just love: “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” (Psalm 126:3) And …”in

everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

It is a bit of a process to first recognize the blessings in our lives and then respond with praise and thanksgiving to God. Everything that we are

and everything that we have comes from God “The Lord has done great things for us.” I look forward to joining with you, especially in this season for worship, for our response to God--giving our praise, our worship, and giving God all the glory for the work that he has done in our lives. May our hearts overflow, may our worship be pure, and may God be always present in our midst.

May God Bless you and your household in this season.

May God watch over you and keep you safe as you travel.

Pastor John

OCTOBER ~Wednesday 28 Harvest Party/Trunk or Treat NOVEMBER ~Wednesday 4 Meals From the Heart ~Saturday 14 Bazaar ~Sunday 22 Stewardship Sunday Thanksgiving Luncheon Advent Decorating ~Thursday 26 Thanksgiving, Office Closed ~Friday 27 Office Closed

DECEMBER ~Sunday 6 UMW Christmas Program ~Thursday 10 “No Promises” a cappella group concert ~Sunday 13 Music Sunday, Combined Service Caroling ~Thursday 25 Christmas Eve, Services 7 & 9 Office Closed ~Friday 25 Christmas Day Office Closed ~Sunday 27 Combined Service JANUARY ~Wednesday 6 Meals From the Heart ~Sunday 18 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—Office Closed

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Phone: 937-426-6491 Fax: 937-426-6746



Office Hours:

9:00—3:00pm Monday—Thursday

9:00—Noon Friday

Sunday Worship Times

8:15am, 9:30am & 11:00am

9:30am Sunday School

Child Care at Sunday Services

St. Andrew UMC is a Safe Sanctuary Congregation

Staff of St. Andrew

Rev. John Schlicher - Senior Pastor

Debbie Caudill - Director of Spiritual


Ed Baker- Organist

Donna Kirk - Administrative Assistant

Childcare: - Chelsea Welch

The Personal Touch - Custodians

Congregation - Ministers of St. Andrew

Looking Ahead

If your birthday is in November & is not here, please let Donna know

Happy November Birthday!

Sermon Topics and Scriptures

Lessons for November 2015

November 1

Communion Sunday

"Love & Justice "

Mark 12:28-34

Rev. John Schlicher

November 8

" The Inclusiveness

of God's Grace "

Ruth 3:1-5

Rev. John Schlicher

November 15

"God Fills Us"

1 Samuel 1:4-20

Rev. John Schlicher

November 22

Combined Service 10:30

"What is Truth"

John 18:33-37

Rev. John Schlicher

November 29

First Sunday of Advent

"Our Coming Savior - Elizabeth &


Malachi 3:1

Rev. John Schlicher

Russ Hackett 11/01

Kim Loesch 11/01

Nathan LaMothe 11/03

Wil Tucker 11/03

Noel Ashbaugh 11/06

Brycon Baxter 11/06

Sue VerStreate 11/07

Ryan Smith 11/09

Amy Fenning 11/10

Betty Darst 11/11

Alice Bennett 11/16

Gracelynne Baxter 11/18

Macy Miller 11/19

Mark Sledge 11/19

Dan LaMothe 11/21

Jane Henry 11/22

Laura MacPherson 11/22

Austin Cheney 11/24

Sarah Doebereiner 11/26

Benjamin Micheals 11/26

Joanne Miller 11/26

Donna Bales 11/28

Michelle Schlicher 11/28

Saul Boroff 11/29

Morris Miller 11/29


Please pray for these people who have been in the hospital, ill, or recuperating in the past month or are simply in need of our prayers and support.

Ann Shelton Julie and Stan Erk Diane Hutton Edith Leonard Betty Bracken Jack Darst Kara Sandberg Marjorie Craver Nancy Schlicher Morris Miller Alex Reed, grandson of Art & Kathy Bauer

Vera Kercher Alia Powell

The St. Andrew prayer chain is always available to pray for you. Contact Jan Garrett 426-0320. Prayer requests can be made at the Atrium prayer box, or by contacting the church office. Every week, a group of people pray for the needs of our members, our church, our community, our country and world.

—remember “where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them” - Matthew 18:20

Care and Prayer

Our sympathy goes out to Ernie Muller on the passing of his mother, and Dee Baxter on the passing of his father. Please keep these fami-lies in your prayers.

Thanks so much for all those who helped with the September St. Paul meal. We served approx. 140 guests. Special thanks to Margaret Erin, Don Hill, Jerry Sedlacek and Bonnie Neidhart for preparing and serving. Thanks a lot to Donna Kirk for the pulled pork sandwiches and all those who provided cookies. At this time I can no longer serve as the co-ordinator for the St. Paul meal. We have an opportu-nity to serve again in September 2016. If God is call-ing you to step up and serve in this way, I will be happy to give you the support needed. Jane Henry

On October 6th a service-berry tree was planted behind the playground in memory of Bob Henry, who passed away in early January of this year. It is a native tree that bears white blossoms in the spring and has white berries in the fall, a favorite of our song-birds. A heartfelt thanks to all who contributed to Bob’s memorial fund. Jane Henry

We are celebrating All Saints Day on Sunday, November 1.

If you have a loved one who passed away within the last year and would like them to be remembered dur-ing the service, through a candle on the altar, please contact Donna in the office by Sunday, October 25th.

The sign-up for next year’s altar flowers is posted next to the bulletin board by the office. If you would like to purchase the flowers for a Sunday, please enter your name and special reason, if any, by the date. The flowers will cost $25. Please return the vase when you are done with it.

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The Game of Life

The board game "Life" was created in 1860 by Milton Bradley as The Checkered Game of Life. It simulates a person's trav-els through his or her life, from college to retirement, with jobs, marriage, and possible children along the way. Once a player reached the Day of Reckoning, they had to choose be-tween moving on to Mil-lionaire Acres (if they had a lot of money), or try to become a Million-aire Tycoon (if they had little or no money) with the risk of being sent to the "Poor Farm". The 1963 version had Art Linkletter as the spokesman and included his likeness on the $100,000 bills.

In the "real" game of life we all have simi-lar choices and those of faith have God on their side for direction at the crossroads. Like the board game, the choices we make have consequences that not only affect us but our families and our extended church family as well.

Stewardship is one of those choices. Eve-ryone has to decide how best to share their time, talent and assets with family, friends and church. God gives us direc-tions so we don't make a wrong turn, but we have to take the time to listen to him.

Remember 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17, 19 God "Richly provides us with everything for

our enjoyment" (v.17). God wants us to be happy! To "Take hold of the life that really is life" (v.19) is to experience abun-dance as a gift to be shared: it is no pri-vate possession and beyond anything we can earn or deserve. Not being rich or

having money, but "the love of money" is" a root of all kinds of evil" (v.10).

This Stewardship Season St. Andrew is asking you to turn inward and reflect on all the blessings of life you have received and to use this time to renew your time, talent and monies to fully thank God for these

many blessings. Look for your 2016 pledge card Sunday November 15th to turn in Sunday November 22nd. Each card will reflect your 2015 gift and encourage an increase determined by committee budget requests.

Remember Galatians 5:22-23a "that Abun-dance is the truth about life made known in the spirit or disposition of Jesus, the driving force of the church.” So Paul says in these verses that generosity is part of the fruit of the spirit. It is impossible to turn on the lights of greater giving when the power is off or low. Morale, or what the church call Spirit, is "the power that turns on the lights," and the number one stewardship challenge!

With Many Blessings,

Finance and Stewardship

An Extra-Special Sunday

To celebrate Consecration Sunday and Thanksgiving, we all will worship at 10:30 and then share in a Celebration Dinner in the fellowship hall. Meat will be provided, please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

November 22

Afterward, we will join together to decorate the church inside and out for Advent and Christmas.

Please highlight Nov. 22 on your calendars!

Investing in the Wesley Center Neighborhood

What an inspiring place it was to be – Wesley Community Center...October 10.. with 24 neighborhood mothers-to-be and some of their partners, mothers, friends and children! Adding in Wesley staff members, 4 Unitarian and 3 United Methodist lay people created a cross-cultural, interdenominational, intergenerational event with benefits for eve-ryone. Speakers from Nurse Partnership, Chil-dren's Medical Center and the Wesley Center spoke about infant mortality, safe sleep for babies during their first year, and a support group that meets monthly at the Wesley Cen-ter.

When we ate lunch, I sat across from Jonelle who is due in January and had come alone. As we talked and she showed me pictures of her two other children, and several others joined

in. I enjoyed hearing them talk about good schools they had found and doctors that had been helpful. I also heard Jonelle say that she hasn't gotten monetary aid for her son be-cause she doesn't want him to use it as a crutch as he grows up. We made a good con-nection, and I wished her well when she left the party. She will be in my prayers.

We thank you for your generous donations of money and items for the laundry baskets filled with clothing and other items the moth-ers will need. You played an important part in letting them know they are loved and helping them be ready to give their babies a healthy start in life. Please keep them in your prayers, and stand with us as these outreach/mission opportunities arise. Marcy Lauersdorf Jane Henry Marge Sedlacek

Maggie Bright By Tracy Groot

Reviewed by Pat Reynolds

So much has been written about World War II, yet there remains much we may not know. This proves to be true for me personally in Maggie Bright written by Tracy Groot. This historical fiction book parallels the lives of Clare and Jamie—one, the inheritor of the “Maggie Bright” yacht and the other, a young British soldier assigned to an impossible task. The story takes place during the days leading up to the Battle of Dunkirk between England

and the German “Blitzkrieg”. The boat harbors secrets which may shed light on Hitler’s darkest schemes, while across the channel, the entire British army is in retreat with little hope for rescue along the shallow beaches of Dunkirk. King George calls for an unheard of national endeavor to pray as a uni-fied nation while Churchill recruits civilians and their watercraft to save the stranded British Ex-peditionary Force on the shores of Dunkirk. When only the prayers of a nation can save the BEF, Maggie Bright proves to be both a holder of secrets and a savior of men.


Dear Friends, It's time to start thinking about our annual Thanksgiving food donation for Wesley Center. This year, Greg and Do-rie Williams will be heading up our giving effort. They will hand out brown paper bags on Sunday, November 15. Please fill your bag with non-perishable food items and return it to church on Sunday, November 22. Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!

The Outreach team is excited to announce:

An A Cappella Christmas with NO PROMISES A CAPPELLA

Thursday, December 10, 7:00pm at St. Andrew UMC

Coffee, punch and cookies will be available during the music program. Warm your holiday spirits with soaring vocal arrangements of popular and sacred holiday favorites, alongside hits by the Jackson 5, Stevie Wonder and Ambrosia. A family-friendly, one-hour concert featuring the incomparable voices of NO PROMISES A CAPPELLA.

Our friend and former St. Andrew Music Director John Slate sings bass, and our praise band support, Adam Wheeler, sings lead and harmony in NO PROMISES, a new professional a cappella ensemble bringing exhilarating vocals and breathtaking harmonization to popular favorites of jazz, Motown, classical and adult contemporary music.

Nursery childcare will be provided.

Invite family, friends, and neighbors to join us for a wonderful evening! Free admission---Free-will offerings accepted.

Christmas Adopt-A-Family Jerry Sedlacek Our Christmas tree with gift ornaments for children and adults in our Adopt-A-Family program will be up in the Atrium the Sunday before Thanksgiving, November 22. This year we will gather Christmas gifts and food for families from the Wesley Center and Fairbrook Elementary School. Cash donations designated for our Adopt-A-Family program will be used to complete the gift and food packages we assemble for each family. Gift, food, and cash donations should be returned to the church by Sunday, December 13, so our gift packages can be completed and sent to the Wesley Center and Fairbrook Elementary School in time for Christmas. More details on our families and the donation time line will be in the November and December Sunday bulletins.

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To help prepare us for the Advent season, we are of-fering a 4 week study on the music of Advent. Music is such an important part of Advent and Christmas. Can you imagine Advent without "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"? How about Christmas without carols like "O Little Town of Bethlehem," "Silent Night," and "Joy

to the World"?

It pleases the Lord Jesus when we sing of his coming with carols we know by heart. It pleases him even more when we think about the words we are singing.

In 24 reflections on well-known carols and Christmas songs, James Howell explores the birth of Jesus. He ponders the meaning of cer-tain phrases from these songs and relates them to our daily lives.

Join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:30: November 4, November 18, December 2, and December 9.

Contact Debbie Caudill or Donna Kirk in the office to sign up for the class.


Need a little help … On Sunday, August 30th in preparation for the New Hope Dinner, a large Cuisinart pan with handles was left in the church kitchen. We have been unable to find the pan and suspect that it may have inadvertently been placed somewhere else or may have been mixed with

pans belonging to someone else. Please contact Donna Shoup if you have any clues as to its possible location. Thanks in advance for your detective work.

Needed: Able-bodied helpers with vehicles to assist with moving donations for Attic Treasures from Chris Watters' garage (near Lantz Rd.) during the week be-fore the Bazaar. If you can help, call Bonnie Neidhart (937-879-4698 or 937-475-5981) or Greg Williams (937-429-2829 or 937-689-4808).

UPDATE: Friends! With the leaves changing color, I

know it is getting close to our annual Ba-zaar. Join us for a day of serving, fellow-

ship and fun. Many servant hands and

feet make for a successful day of meeting

our neighbors and raising funds for mis-

sional needs. Please sign up to help set up

the week before the Bazaar, as well as to serve on the day of the Bazaar. There are

plenty of slots to be filled!

The Sweet Shoppe would like all donations

in by Thursday, November 12th. The Bake

Shop needs their goods delivered to the church by Friday, November 13th. Please

bring in donations of soda and water by

Sunday, November 8th! Homemade pies

are still needed for the kitchen, as well.

Thank you for all of your help and contin-

ued support. Susan Gilbert

This meal is open to the entire church. We encourage you to invite friends and neighbors. Reservations are required. If you are disabled and unable to come to church, you can make a reservation as well, and a plate of hot, delicious food will be delivered to you! If you do not drive at night, we will have volunteers to drive you to and from church. In addition to food and fellowship, there are op-portunities to grow in Christlikeness by offer-ing to help serve, clean up, provide rides, or take meals to those who cannot participate. You can register by calling or emailing the church office or signing up on the sheet provided in the Atrium.

This Advent season, we will embark on the journey to the birth of Christ in a new way. The story is very familiar to us, but this year we will hear it through the eyes of the partici-pants.

Starting November 29th and continuing through Christmas Eve, join us as we hear the message anew.

On December 13th we will have a combined service at 10:30 am, where we will celebrate the good news through music.

Looking forward to journeying through Advent with you!

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Wed. November 4th & 18th

6:30-8:00 p.m.

St. Andrew Annual Bazaar Book Sale - Nov. 14th

Come help sell books and other media for the church ba-

zaar. Monies collected in the youth room will be used to

fund youth group activities! Come for the whole time or just

part. 9am-3pm.

Sunday Mornings 9:30—10:45

Youth Sunday School class. Start out in the 9:30 service, end up in the Youth

room for Bible study. Current Study: Echo the Story Youth Bible study using

storytelling, creative reflection, and dialogue to help discover meaning and

identity in the biblical narrative.

For more information

please contact our youth team at

or Ann & Dan LaMothe at


Memorial Garden

The Memorial Committee will continue to accept orders for memorial bricks until January 10, 2016. This will insure we will have them to set in the garden in late spring. If you would like to order either a 4” x 8” or 8” x 8” engraved brick for our garden, the forms are in the office, or the information shelf by the ramp entrance. If you have any questions, please see Karen Spencer or Diane Hutton.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


All Saints Sunday

Daylight Savings Ends

8:15, 9:30, 11:00


9:30 Sunday School-

All Ages

11:00 Adult Bible


6:30 Women’s Bible



7:00 Outreach CR

7:00 Boy Scouts FH

7:00 Why Weight105


9:30 Sew & Sow 121

6:00 Oak Tree Cor-

ner FH, EDU

7:00 Boy Scouts 116


10:00 Flower Group FH

12:00 Worship CR

1:30 Staff CR

6:00 Meals From the


6:30 Small Groups


7:00 Choir Practice



2:00 Girl Scouts FH

8:00 NA FH



8:15, 9:30, 11:00


9:30 Sunday School-

All Ages

11:00 Adult Bible


6:30 Women’s Bible



7:00 Boy Scouts FH


9:30 Sew & Sow 121

7:00 SPRC 116


Veterans Day

7:00 Choir Practice


7:00 Missions Team 116

13 14

Church Bazaar


Scout Game Night and



UM Student Day

8:15, 9:30, 11:00


9:30 Sunday School-

All Ages

11:00 Adult Bible


6:30 Women’s Bible



7:00 Boy Scouts FH,


7:00 Finance CR

7:00 Why Weight105


6:00 Oak Tree Cor-

ner FH, EDU


6:30 Small Groups


7:00 Choir Practice


10:30 Footprints



2:00 Girl Scouts FH

8:00 NA FH


9:00 Esther Circle


Stewardship Sunday

10:30 Combined


9:30 Adult Sunday




Advent Decorating

6:30 Women’s Bible



7:00 Boy Scouts FH

7:00 Why Weight105

24 25

No Evening Activi-




Office Closed


Office Closed

8:00 NA FH




8:15, 9:30, 11:00


9:30 Sunday School-

All Ages

11:00 Adult Bible



7:00 Why Weight105

November 2015

Bazaar set up

non profit organization

us postage paid

Xenia Ohio 45385

permit #13



350 N. Fairfield Rd. Beavercreek, OH 45430

St. Andrew UMC

Holiday Bazaar November 14

9:00 AM till 3:00 PM

Lunch will be served—Take out available

Antiques and Collectibles

Holiday Crafts

Unique Gifts

Bake Shoppe

Cookie Walk

Sweet Shoppe

Theme Basket

Silent Auction

Attic Treasures


Children’s Clothing

Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose Room

Used Toys

Used Books, Tapes,


Children’s Activities

top related