an investigation into public library outreach to the homeless

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Presentation at SINTO Members' Day 2011


  • 1.
    An investigation into Yorkshire public library outreach projects aimed at homeless people
  • 2. A justification
    • Social inclusion one of public libraries key roles?
    • Why homeless people?
    • What can libraries offer to homeless people?
  • 3.
    • "Customers are not all equal in their life experiences and chances; so we should not treat all of our customers equally, but in a way that meets their individual needs"
    • Pateman, 2005: 1
  • 4. A justification
    • Social inclusion one of public libraries key roles?
    • Why homeless people?
    • What can libraries offer to homeless people?
  • 5. The aim
    • To create a set of recommendations for outreach aimed at homeless people
    • By discovering what outreach is already happening
    • By finding the barriers, problems, solutions and tips
  • 6. Methodology (I)
    • Thematic analysis of four case studies of previous relevant projects
    • Aim to discover common themes (tips, advice, problems, barriers, etc.)
    • Several limitations
  • 7. Case studies used
    • Friends at Christmas, Sally Middleton, 2003
    • Your choice books, Wendy Molyneux, 2004
    • The play and learning project, Tameside, 2006
    • Outside story, Fiona Heffernan, 2009
  • 8. Methodology (II)
    • Six face-to-face semi-structured interviews
      • Librarians
      • South and West Yorkshire
      • Role includes inclusion/outreach
    • Transcribed and analysed thematically
  • 9. Results (I)
    • When planning the outreach:
      • Make objectives both abstract and measurable
      • Consider specific needs
      • Consult, in a variety of ways
    • During the outreach:
      • Join partnerships
      • Organised implementation strategy for large scale projects
      • Gain trust and offer incentives
      • Potential problems:
        • negative staff attitudes; negative self-perceptions; funding; ID requirements
      • Solutions?:
        • Staff training; development of trust; development of sustainability; removal of ID requirements
  • 10. Results (I)
    • When evaluating the outreach:
      • Combine quantitative and qualitative measurements
      • Consider stakeholder targets, etc.
      • Do so formally
      • Consider improvements and adaptions
  • 11. Results (II)
    • Share ideas and success
    • Trial large projects
    • Potential barriers:
      • Low participation
      • Limited resources
      • The risk of losing stock
      • The heterogeneity of homelessness
    • Solutions?:
      • Use partnership
      • Remove or reduce the ID barriers
  • 12. Conclusions and recommendations
    • Develop partnerships
    • Remove ID requirements
    • Share ideas, reports and good practice
    • Develop sustainable outreach through low cost projects
      • Book deposits
      • Mobile library stops
  • 13. Conclusions and recommendations
    • Train staff
    • Build up trust through dependability and regularity
    • Adapt to particular needs through:
      • Trialing, evaluating, refining
    • Combine evaluative techniques
  • 14. References
    • Crisis. (2002). Critical Condition : Homeless People's Access to GPs [Online]. London: Crisis. [Accessed 28 June 2010].
    • Crisis and the New Policy Institute. (2003). How Many and How Much: Single Homelessness and the Question Of Numbers and Cost [Online]. London: Crisis. [Accessed 13 May 2010].
    • Heffernan, F. (2009). "Outside Story: welcoming the homeless". Public Library Journal , 24 (3), 6-7.
  • 15. References
    • Middleton, S. (2003). "Friends at Christmas?". Public Library Journal , 18 (1), 5-6.
    • Molyneux, W. (2004). "Your choice books". Library and Information Research News , 28 (90), 15-23.
    • Outside Story project. (2009). Outside Story [Online]. London: Outside Story project. [Accessed 07 July 2010].
    • St Mungo's. (2005). SOS: Sick of Suffering Briefing [Online]. London: St Mungo's. [Accessed 02 July 2010].
  • 16. References
    • Pateman, J. (2005). Tackling Exclusion in Libraries: Keynote Address at the Vancouver Public Library Staff Conference, May 12 2005 [Online]. [Accessed 03 May 2010].
    • Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council. (2006). Getting Closer to Homeless Families Through the Play And Learning Project: Case Study [Online]. Tameside: Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council. [Accessed 21 June 2010].

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