an object-oriented approach to programming logic and design chapter 3 using methods and parameters

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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An Object-Oriented Approach to An Object-Oriented Approach to

Programming Logic and DesignProgramming Logic and Design

Chapter 3Using Methods and Parameters

An Object-Oriented Approach to Programming Logic and Design 2


• Create methods with and without arguments• Create instance methods in a class• Explore the rationale behind data hiding• Organize classes

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Objectives (continued)Objectives (continued)

• Understand the role of the this reference• Begin to understand how to use constructors

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Creating Methods With and Without Creating Methods With and Without ArgumentsArguments

• Method – a program module containing statements that carry out a task

• Invoking, or calling, a method causes it to execute

• A method may require that data items (called arguments or parameters) be provided to it

• A method may or may not send back data (called a return value)

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Creating Methods With and Without Creating Methods With and Without Arguments (continued)Arguments (continued)

Example: a class with no arguments and no return value

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Creating Methods With and Without Creating Methods With and Without Arguments (continued)Arguments (continued)

• Method declaration (header) contains:– Optional access modifiers (public, private, or


– Return type

– Method name

– Optional list of arguments, separated by commas

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Creating Methods With No ArgumentsCreating Methods With No Arguments

• Creating methods with no arguments:– Place the method within the class that will use it,

but not within any other method

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Creating Methods With No Arguments Creating Methods With No Arguments (continued)(continued)

Invoking a method with no arguments

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Creating Methods With No Arguments Creating Methods With No Arguments (continued)(continued)

Program flow in a method call

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Creating Methods With No Arguments Creating Methods With No Arguments (continued)(continued)

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Creating Methods With No Arguments Creating Methods With No Arguments (continued)(continued)

• Full name of a method:

<class name>.<method name>



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Creating Methods With One ArgumentCreating Methods With One Argument

• Requires the following in the method header:– The type of the argument

– A local name for the argument

• Argument receives a value that is passed in when the method is invoked

• Any method that does not return a value is declared with type void

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Creating Methods With One Argument Creating Methods With One Argument (continued)(continued)

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Creating Methods With One Argument Creating Methods With One Argument (continued)(continued)

• When calling a method with arguments, you can pass – Values

– Variables

– Constants

• Each time a method is called, it is reinitialized to use the new values for arguments that are passed in the call

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Creating Methods With One Argument Creating Methods With One Argument (continued)(continued)

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Creating Methods With One Argument Creating Methods With One Argument (continued)(continued)

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Creating Methods With Multiple Creating Methods With Multiple ArgumentsArguments

• Creating methods with multiple arguments:– Argument list is separated by commas

– Each argument’s type is specified with the argument name, even if two or more arguments are the same type

– Argument type is placed before the argument name

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Creating Methods With Multiple Creating Methods With Multiple Arguments (continued)Arguments (continued)

Method with two arguments

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Creating Methods With Multiple Creating Methods With Multiple ArgumentsArguments (continued)(continued)

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Creating Methods With Multiple Creating Methods With Multiple Arguments (continued)Arguments (continued)

• Arguments passed to a method must match the method’s declaration in: – Number of arguments

– Type of each argument

– Order of each argument in the list

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Creating Methods that Return ValuesCreating Methods that Return Values

• Return type can be any type• If no value is to be returned, the type is void• Return type is placed in the header before the

method name

Example:public static numeric predictRaise(numeric money)

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Creating Methods that Return Values Creating Methods that Return Values (continued)(continued)

• Method can only return at most one value• Return value can be assigned to a variable by

using the method call as a variable


myNewSalary = predictRaise(mySalary)

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Creating Methods that Return Values Creating Methods that Return Values (continued)(continued)

• Return value of a method can be used as a variable

Example:print “New salary is”, predictRaise(mySalary)

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Creating Instance Methods in a ClassCreating Instance Methods in a Class

• Every object that is an instance of a class is assumed to possess the same methods as the class

• Static methods: methods for which no object needs to exist

• Non-static methods: methods that exist to be used with an object created from a class

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Creating Instance Methods in a Class Creating Instance Methods in a Class (continued)(continued)

• Mutator methods: methods which set values• Accessor methods: methods which retrieve values

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Creating Instance Methods in a Class Creating Instance Methods in a Class (continued)(continued)

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Creating Instance Methods in a Class Creating Instance Methods in a Class (continued)(continued)

• A class does not create an object; an object must be instantiated from the class

• Once instantiated, a class’s methods can be invoked by name


<object identifier>.<method name>

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Creating Instance Methods in a Class Creating Instance Methods in a Class (continued)(continued)

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Creating Instance Methods in a Class Creating Instance Methods in a Class (continued)(continued)

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Exploring the Rationale Exploring the Rationale Behind Data HidingBehind Data Hiding

• Accessing data only through public methods of a class guarantees that the data will only be manipulated in an approved way

• Methods can be written to ensure that the data conforms to required standards

• Example: ensuring that all phone numbers have area codes

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Organizing ClassesOrganizing Classes

• Data fields: – No special order required, but key data items

(used as database look-up values) placed first

– Common practice to declare all data items first, before any methods

• Methods:– Common practice to order them alphabetically

by name, or to put them in get/set pairs

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Organizing Classes (continued)Organizing Classes (continued)

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Understanding the Role Understanding the Role of the of the thisthis Reference Reference

• Just one copy of a class’s methods are stored in memory, and all objects instantiated from that class use the same stored method

• Each object has its own set of data• The this reference (or pointer variable) allows

the programmer to specify the use of the particular object instance

• The this reference is implicitly used when the object’s code is running

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Understanding the Role Understanding the Role of the of the thisthis Reference (continued) Reference (continued)

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An Introduction to Using ConstructorsAn Introduction to Using Constructors

• Constructor method establishes the object when it is instantiated

• Default constructor requires no arguments, and is created automatically by the compiler for every class you write

• Constructor class has the same name as the class name in some languages

• Constructors are usually declared as public so that other classes can instantiate objects of this class

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An Introduction to Using ConstructorsAn Introduction to Using Constructors(continued)(continued)

• Constructor is a method; it can contain any valid program statements

• Constructor is usually placed as the first method in the class

• Constructor may have arguments that have to be supplied when creating a new object from the class

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An Introduction to Using ConstructorsAn Introduction to Using Constructors(continued)(continued)

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• Method is a procedure that contains a series of statements to accomplish a task

• Methods may contain one or more arguments defining data that must be supplied when calling the method

• Method may return a value of a specific type, or may be void

• An instantiated object possesses the methods and attributes of the class from which it was created

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Summary (continued)Summary (continued)

• Data hiding using encapsulation guarantees that the data may only be manipulated by the methods of a class

• Most data items are declared as private to support data hiding

• this reference is a pointer to the instantiated object whose code is currently running

• Constructor methods are created automatically for each class, and are executed when the object is created from the class

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