an organisational esperanto

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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A hitchhickers guide to an organizational esperanto


A Common Language!

But many don’t possess a passport for this journey as

a 2005 Ofsted research into the relevance of education for the workplace found that only 12% strongly agreed that education had –

“enabled them to understand risk, challenge ideas or be creative.”

We have a general idea in which direction the island of sustainability lies but we need to know our position so we know that

We are not going to founder on known dangers, and that

We are not going round in ever decreasing circles but in an expanding and virtuous circle of discovery.

‘We have a longitude problem’

Our ship has a crew from many lands, the verdant island of environment, the dangerous land of H & S and the improbable CSR

They have few words in common, only loss –process – improvement plus a few others

and the Captain knows the success and ‘quality’ of the journey depends on another common word –’Teamwork’

Genichi Taguchi said “a loss to society is created by less than perfect quality”

so any process with less than perfect quality is unsustainable – be it a machine or an eco-system.

and continual improvement in “quality” moves the process in the direction of sustainability.

Appraisal Arise because of compliance with external signals,

regulation or internal process inspection

Internal Failures Arise from failures within the business boundaries

and hidden from stakeholders, but paid for by them

External Failures Are there for all to see with possible catastrophic


Reduces appraisal costs and the risks and costs of internal and external failure

Prevention costs are continually reduced as we work ‘continuously' round a virtuous circle to liberate ingenuity and reduce losses , driving the process in the direction of sustainability.

Like Harrison’s Clocks – Process stability can only be maintained by “in process control” – quality assurance.

not post-process inspection – quality control

Ingenuity is the only thing that can drive “process learning” in the direction of sustainability.

and it can only be “liberated” to useful effect by a synergy of our stakeholder knowledge and skills.

In any organisation, ingenuity is a limited resource – to be nurtured and not squandered chasing inappropriate external signals

Economic Environmental

Social© D Deighton 2005

Travelling the virtuous circle will ensure we do the “right thing, right” – be effective in what we do

and do it “right every time “ – be efficient in all we do”



Determine and never ignore the possible downside of your decisions and actions

Is that which maximises the value added to society by working to continually reduce the risks and losses resulting from its construction, use and deconstruction.

Construction sustainability is the journey we are on, not the destination.

A forward look at Building Regulations - DCLG

Continually reducing the losses in your business processes will make the ‘sustainability journey affordable’

Your business is unique and no “tool” or “external agent” can liberate the necessary ingenuity to make this happen, just facilitate it – only you and your stakeholders can.

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