an overview of music education in the ancient world

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Music Education in the Ancient World

Ancient GreeceGreeks arrived to the Mediterranean area around 1000 B.C.

From this culture emerged a musical system including other arts such as poetry and dance.

Greek music was influenced by music from other cultures as well.

Hymns and Songs

Unlike Sculpture and Architecture, not much Ancient Greek music has survivedSome songs and Hymns have survived on paintings, Sculpture, vases, buildings, tombs and other artifacts.Hymns were songs of praise to Gods such as Apollo and Dionysus.

Fragments of Ancient Greek song

Greek Music Theory

Greek music theory, including ideas about pitch, became the basis for Western music theory.Almost entirely improvisedMelody and Rhythm were linked to the sound and meter of Greek poetry.Disciplines of harmonics and pitch , and concepts of notes, intervals and scales were defined and explained by Greek writers.

PythagorasMathematician who found numerical relationships between pitches.Acoustical observations.OctavesScientific aspects of music

Musical Empires

SpartaWarrior city

Physical training was most important.Musical capitol of Ancient Greece in the seventh and sixth Centuries.Musical competitions reached a high artistic level.Music not used for Aesthetic value, but as accompaniment to war activities.Music helped to develop loyalty to the State.

Two Schools

Beginning of seventh century.

Vocal and instrumental solos

End of seventh century and beginning of sixth century.

Choral lyrics

Well known poets and musicians

Ancient Greek Lyre

Made of turtle shell and strings

Similar to guitar sound

Accompaniment to choirs and soloists

The Aulos

AthensDominated in the end of sixth and beginning of fifth centuries.Less violent, more civilized lifestyle.“Music” came to mean “fine arts” including art, poetry, sculpture and dance.Choral singingReligious ceremonies

Consequences of Competitions

Excellence in performance was key

Competitions were emphasized

Choirs began hiring professionalsCaused decline of amateur musicians

Decline of Music Education in Greek Schooling

Decline of Ancient Music Education

Competitions and Festivals created a growth in virtuosity

Music became more complex and difficult

Aristotle warned against too much training in general music.

• Created a reaction against technical virtuosity and musical complexity.

By the early Christian era, Greek music was much simplified

Music in Greek Education

Aristotle and Plato

Aristotle and Plato believed that an education system that stressed gymnastics to discipline the body and music to discipline the mind could create the “right kind of person”.

Aristotle vs. Plato Music affects behaviorImitation

Music that imitates a certain passion arouses that passion in a person.The right kind of music made you the right kind of person.Only certain modes

Music could purge one of emotions through Catharsis.

Development of Body and Mind should be balanced.

Plato“Education in music is most sovereign, because more than anything else rhythm and harmony find their way to the innermost soul and take strongest hold upon it, bringing with them and imparting grace…”


“…our fathers admitted music into education not on the ground either of its necessity or utility…[but] for intellectual enjoyment in leisure…”


The Roman Empire

Music Education in Ancient Rome

Romans conquered the Greeks and absorbed much of their culture including their education system.

Romans were not innovative in music.

Music was produced by professionalsMost were slaves from other countries.

Not respected by educators

Roman Attitude towards Music

Music was not considered appropriate activity for boysGirls were hardly ever allowed to participate in musical activities.Music Education was not strongly included in the curriculum.Music Education was not highly thought of by Educators.

Secondary Education in Ancient Rome

Only sons of Aristocrats had access to secondary education.

Mathematic and Science students who were gifted were allowed to study music to enhance their scientific studies.

Who were the Musicians?

Not Aristocrats!


ProfessionalsSlaves; allowed to study music in order to fulfill their duties.


Music was studied by the sons of the Aristocracy as part of science education.

Quintilian recommended the study of music to learn effective declamation and movement.

Ancient Roman Instruments

More Roman Instruments

Tympanum, Dronepipe, Double Aulos Roman Cornu

Other Roman Instruments

Transition to the Early Christian Era

Decline of Roman EmpireWith the decline of the Roman Empire, the musical heritage of Ancient Greece was transmitted to the West through the Early Christian Church. Some concepts of Ancient Greek Music Theory were not understood, and therefore were not transmitted in full.Some concepts were lost completely, until rediscovered by scholars in the 15th and 16th Centuries.Simplification of Music

St. Augustine -354-430 A.D.

St. Augustine’s InfluenceRelated Classical Greek thought to music for the early Church.

Studied music’s ability to affect people’s emotions.also valued music for it’s scientific qualities.Reason vs. Emotion

Boethius- 475-525 A.D.

Musicians should approach music not through the senses but through the reasoning mind and science.

Quadrivial discipline

The Fundamentals of Music

On the highest level music communicates truth=reason

On the lowest level music communicates emotion

Trivium vs. Quadrivium

Three pathsGrammar



*used arts in utilitarian manner-for practical use in daily life.

Four pathsGeometry




*spiritual applications

QuizWhy study Ancient Music Education?In Sparta, music was used to help develop loyalty to the State. How is this done today?Why would music education in Ancient Greek schooling be affected by professionalism and virtuosity?Who were the musicians in Ancient Rome?How was Ancient Music Education transmitted to the West after the Roman Empire fell?

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