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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 124214060










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 124214060












What Goes Around

Comes Around



This page is dedicated to my first love,

Hieronimus Agung Suripto

I wish I could tell you in person, dad




First of all, I would like to give my thankfulness to Jesus Christ for His

blessing upon me. I am very thankful for His grace and love which are given to

me through people around me.

Secondly, I would like to express my sincere thanks my thesis advisor,

Arina Isti’anah, S.Pd., M.Hum., for guiding me to write this thesis from the

beginning until the end of the process. I am also very thankful because of her

support and patience in handling such a lazy girl like me so that I could have my

motivation to finish this thesis. Thirdly, I also give my thanks to my co-advisor

Anna Fitriati, S.Pd., M.Hum., who gave me suggestions that make my thesis


Fourthly, my deepest thanks go to my lovely mom who also takes the role

as my father and always has good answers when people and relatives ask about

my educational thing. Next, I would like to say thanks to my boyfriend, my sister,

Romo Suby, and Bovis as my unofficial grammar advisor. I also thank my other

close friends Lea, Sony, Q’4S, Unisi Radio, Sego Bandeng and OMK Gereja

Kampus for the experience and memory we have shared these past years. Finally,

I would like to thank all of my friends in English Letters Department for the

support and togetherness.

Agatha Ayu Lisa Widawati




TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL PAGE ....................................................................................... iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ................................................................................. iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .............................................................. v


ILMIAH ............................................................................................................ vi

MOTTO PAGE .............................................................................................. vii

DEDICATION PAGE ................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. x

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... xiii

ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................... xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study ..................................................................... 1

B. Problem Formulation ........................................................................... 3

C. Objectives of the Study ........................................................................ 3

D. Definition of Terms .............................................................................. 3

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................................. 6

A. Review of Related Studies ................................................................... 6

B. Review of Related Theories ................................................................. 9

1. Phonology.......................................................................................... 9

2. Phonological Process ........................................................................ 16

3. Phonological Deviation..................................................................... 17

C. Theoretical Framework ........................................................................ 20

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ............................................................. 21

A. Object of the Study .............................................................................. 21

B. Approach of the Study ......................................................................... 21

C. Method of the Study ............................................................................ 22

1. Data Collection ................................................................................ 22

2. Data Analysis .................................................................................. 22




A. Phonological Deviation in Cardi B’s Songs ........................................ 25

1. Conventional Licences of Verse Composition................................. 27

2. Special Pronunciation for The Convience of Rhyming..................... 31

B. Phonological Processes in Cardi B’s Songs Deviations......................... 36

1. Dissimilation ......……….................................................................. 36

2. Deletion ………………………........................................................ 37

3. Insertion ………………………....................................................... 39

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ..................................................................... 40

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 43

APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 45

Appendix 1….............................................................................................. 45

Appendix 2…............................................................................................. 47

Appendix 3….………………………………...………………………… 49




Table 1. English Consonant ........................................................................... 15

Table 2. IPA Vowel Chart .......................................……….......................... 16

Table 3. The Table of The Analysis ……...................................................... 23

Table 4. The Table of Percentage as Conclusion........................................... 23

Table 5. The Cardi B’s Phonological Deviation in Percentages..................... 26

Table 6. Phoneme Aphesis .............................................................................. 27

Table 7. Syllable Aphesis ................................................................................ 28

Table 8. One Phoneme Apocope...................................................................... 30

Table 9. More Than One Phoneme ................................................................ 30

Table 10. Syllable Apocope ........................................................................... 30

Table 11. Substandard Pronunciation ............................................................ 32

Table 12. Feature Changing Sound ................................................................ 33

Table 13. Sound Insertion .............................................................................. 36

Table 14. Dissimilation .................................................................................. 36

Table 15. One Phoneme Deletion .................................................................. 38

Table 16. More Than One Phoneme Deletion .............................................. 38

Table 17. Syllable Deletion ............................................................................ 38

Table 18. Insertion ......................................................................................... 39




Widawati, Agatha Ayu Lisa. (2019). Phonological Deviation in Cardi B’s

Songs. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas

Sanata Dharma.

Language is called as a system which is understood by a community and

used as a form of communication. How language is used and then attempts to

describe the facts in order to analyze and explain the way language is used can be

analyzed using a scientific study called linguistics. However, some literary works

decide to break the rule in order to achieve some purposes. The irregularity of rule

is called deviation.There are many kinds of language deviations, one of them is

phonological deviation. Phonological deviation is considered as irregularities of

pronunciation which many people often do, including Cardi B. Cardi B is an

American female rapper who is recently popular because of her unfiltered attitude,

not only in the way she talks, but also the way she sings.

The focus of this research is on the irregularity of Cardi B’s pronunciation

in her three songs, “Be Careful”, “Bodak Yellow” and “Ring”. There were two

objectives in this research. First, the writer presented the phonological deviation

in Cardi B’s songs. Second, the writer found the phonological processes that occur

in the deviation.

Phonology is the most applicable approach in this research. Some steps are

used in the data analysis. First, the writer read Cardi B’s song lyrics while

listening to the songs. After that the writer observed the words with different

sounds when compared to the American standard pronunciation. The writer then

collected the words and put it into suitable phonological deviation types. Lastly

the writer decided the phonological process that occur in the deviations.

Based on the analysis, the writer found 99 phonological deviations which

can be categorized into three types of phonological deviation: conventional

licences of verse composition, substandard pronunciation and subtitution of

sound. The writer found that subtitution of sound is the most dominant in the

deviation with precentage 39.4%. The phonological processes that found in the

deviation are dissimilation, deletion and insertion.

Keywords : phonology, deviation, songs




Widawati, Agatha Ayu Lisa. (2019). Phonological Deviation in Cardi B’s

Songs. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas

Sanata Dharma.

Bahasa bisa disebut juga sebagai sebuah sistem yang dipahami oleh

sebuah kelompok dan digunakan sebagai bentuk komunikasi. Bagaimana bahasa

digunakan dan menjelaskan cara penggunaan suatu bahasa dapat dianalisis

menggunakan ilmu yang disebut linguistik. Namun, beberapa karya sastra tidak

mengikuti aturan yang sudah ada dengan tujuan mencapai suatu hal.

Ketidakteraturan yang terjadi disebut juga penyimpangan. Ada banyak jenis

penyimpangan dalam bahasa, salah satunya adalah penyimpangan fonologi.

Penyimpangan fonologi diartikan sebagai ketidakteraturan pengucapan yang

sering dilakukan banyak orang termasuk Cardi B. Cardi B adalah seorang

penyanyi rap asal Amerika yang sedang populer dan dikenal karena bisa menjaga

sikap, tidak hanya saat berbicara tetapi juga saat bernyanyi.

Penelitian ini berfokus pada penyimpangan yang dilakukan oleh Cardi B

di ketiga lagunya yang berjudul “Be Careful”, “Bodak Yellow” dan “Ring”.

Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan. Pertama adalah untuk menunjukkan

penyimpangan fonologi yang terjadi di ketiga lagu Cardi B. Kedua adalah

menemukan proses perubahan apa yang terjadi dalam penyimpangan tersebut.

Fonologi adalah ilmu paling tepat untuk membantu menyelesaikan

masalah yang penulis rumuskan dalam penelitian ini. Analisis data pada penelitian

ini melalui beberapa tahap. Pertama, penulis membaca lirik lagu dari Cardi B

bersamaan dengan mendengarkan lagunya. Tahap selanjutnya adalah observasi

yang dilakukan oleh penulis terhadap kata-kata yang mengalami perubahan

pengucapan yang dibandingkan dengan standar pengucapan Amerika. Selanjutnya

penulis melakukan pengumpulan data dan memasukkan ke dalam tipe

penyimpangan fonologi yang sesuai dengan fenomena perubahannya. Tahap

terakhir, penulis menentukan proses perubahan fonologi yang sesuai dengan

penyimpangan yang terjadi.

Berdasarkan analisis tersebut, penulis menemukan 99 penyimpangan

fonologi yang sesuai dengan tiga penyimpangan fonologi yaitu conventional

licences of verse composition, substandard pronunciation dan subtitution of

sound. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa subtitution of sound menjadi penyimpangan

yang dominan dengan persentase 39,4%. Proses fonologi yang terjadi di

penyimpangan pun juga ditemukan tiga macam, yaitu disimilasi, pelesapan dan


Keywords : phonology, deviation, songs





A. Background of the Study

Language is called as a system which is understood by a community and

used as a form of communication. In addition to its function as a tool for

communication, language is also mostly used for expressing ideas and thoughts.

Language and its structure can be analyzed using a scientific study called


According to Finegan, linguistics is the systematic inquiry into human

language which includes both language structure and language use (2012, p.25).

As a scientific study of language, linguistics studies how language is used and

then attempts to describe the facts in order to analyze and explain the way

language is used. The branches of linguistics are divided into syntax, morphology,

phonetics, semantics, and phonology. Each branch has different focus in the part

of language. The rule of the sound systems, the structure of the phrase or sentence

and the meaning of the language can be analysed by using the suitable branches of

linguistics. However, some literary works decide to break the rule in order to

achieve some purposes. Cook perceives a case of non-conformity to the norms

and regularities of discourse structure as deviation (1989, p.74).

As a term of language structure which does not conform to the norm,

deviation can also be found in every field of language parts. Linguistic deviation

can be seen as a creative use of language as it differs the language from the norms



of literary convention or everyday speech. Such deviation creates elements of

interest and surprise (Leech, 1969,p.57). Leech adds that there are some different

types of deviation, such as phonological deviation, graphological deviation,

lexical deviation, grammatical deviation, and semantic deviation. The deviation in

literary work is often used in order to find the typical style of the author’s writing.

According to Wale (2003, p.18), style is also known as the variation in

language literary or nonliterary use. The use of style helps the literary work’s

author to create the characteristics of the literary works, to give readers an

unexpected surprise, and to attract readers’ attention to read the works.

This research aims to analyze the deviation in one of the literary works

which often applies deviation for creating the individual style, song lyric. The

writer chooses Cardi B as the object of the research because she is one of female

American rappers who is recently popular due to her unfiltered attitude, not only

in the way she talks, but also the way she sings. Her official website,, mentions that her singing is easily recognized by the

listeners because they would be able to hear her controversial dictions in her

songs. That makes her songs very distinctive.

The writer chooses to analyze the phonological deviation of Cardi B

because the writer assumes by listening Cardi B’s pronounciations for the first

time listeners would hear some strange pronunciations but still catch the words

that the singer pronounced. The writer focuses on the phonological deviation

because Cardi B is an American rapper who has a different way of singing than

the other American singers. The writer would like to analyze the phonological



deviations found in Cardi B’s songs and the phonological processes that influence

the deviation.

B. Problem Formulation

In order to analyze the phonological deviation in Cardi B’s songs, this

study aims to answer some research questions. The research questions are

formulated as follows:

1. What types of phonological deviation are found in the Cardi B’s songs?

2. What phonological processes which occur in the deviation?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the above mentioned problems, there are two objectives to be

achieved in this research. The first objective is to find the phonological deviation

in Cardi B’s songs. The data will be taken from three songs by Cardi B entitled

“Bodak Yellow”, “Ring” and “Be Careful”. Meanwhile, the second objective of

this research is to find out what phonological processes are found the in deviation

of Cardi B’s songs.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding of some terms, it is important for the

writer to define some terms that are used in this thesis. The terms are presented as




Crystal defines phonology as the study of how speech sounds form

patterns (2008, p. 365). Phonology tells us what pattern of sounds found in a

language, how those sounds can form and can combine into words. This discipline

also explains why certain phonetic features are important in identifying a word.

While, some speakers experience the irregularities of pronunciation in English

literary works that Leech considers it as the phonological deviation (1969, p.47).

Phonological deviation is the deviation in sound or pronunciation which is

done deliberately in order to create a style of speaking. For example, the verb

“wind” can be pronounced as the noun “wind” to create similar pattern of rhyme

to follow the previous sound. The phonological deviation in a literary work can be

influenced by some phonological processes. Wolfram and Johnson state that

phonological process is a dynamic system in which units change as they come

into contact with other units in the system: assimilation, dissimilation,

neutralization, deletion, ephenthesis, and metathesis (1982, p.88).





This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part covers reviews of

several related studies with similar topic, methodology, or approach. The second

part contains reviews of related theories about the theories employed to help

answering or solving the research questions. The last part is theoretical

framework. In this part, the readers would be able to learn how the reviews and

the theories would help the writer answer the questions of this research.

A. Review of Related Studies

The first review is the research written by Asmara (2018) entitled

“Phonological Features in Robert Frost’s “Fire and Ice” and “Nothing Gold Can

Stay” Poem”. Using stylistic approach, the research focuses in analyzing the

phonological feature which is found in the poem.

Based on his research, Asmara (2018) found that “Fire and Ice” had

ABAABCBCB end rhyme pattern and found the sounds which dominate the

rhyme. As one of the conclusions, Asmara concludes that Robert Frost used

phonological features in making the poem. The information of phonological

features in Asmara’s research helps the present study to find the phonological

features in Cardi B’s songs. In the Asmara’s research the information of

phonological feature is applied in the poem, while in the present study, the

information will be applied in the songs of Cardi B.



The second review is the research conducted by Wisung (2016) entitled

“The Phonological Study in Colombian Speaker’s Pronunciation as Seen in

Character Gloria on “Modern Family” TV Series”. In her study, Wisung analyzed

the mispronounced words which were uttered by one of the characters in “Modern

Family” TV series named Gloria. English is Gloria’s second language and she

lived in America after marrying an American guy, which means she had to speak

english as her daily language.

Based on her research, Wisung (2016) found that there is one phonological

process mostly occurs in Gloria’s mispronunciation, which is subtitution. This

process can only be found when Gloria pronunced vowels. Gloria subtitutes

unrounded vowels into rounded vowels, middle vowels to high vowels, some

tense vowels into lax vowels and the central vowels into back vowels. The

subtitution of these vowels occurs in some environtment which has already been

explained in Wisung’s research.

In comparison to Wisung’s research which focuses on the vowel changing,

the main focus of this present research is the phonological deviation caused by

some of Cardi B’s mispronounciations. Wisung’s research helps the writer to find

the phonological processes that occur in the deviation by applying the same

approach, phonological approach.

The last review in this study is an undergraduate thesis by Almadita (2019)

entitled “The Purposes of Using Phonological Deviation in Nicki Minaj’s Songs”.

Almadita in her undergraduate thesis answers two problems. First problem is

finding the phonological deviation that occur in the Nicki Minaj’s songs, while



the second problem is to find the purpose why Nicki Minaj does the phonological


The result of Almadita’s discussion is there are 176 phonological

deviations found in the songs which consist of 77 words. The types of

phonological deviation found are substitution of sounds, elision, and substandard

pronunciation. The most dominant type is substitution of sounds with 54 %. The

less ones are elision with 33% and substandard pronunciation with 13%. The

purposes made by the deviation are to make certain rhyme patterns, metrical

patterns, and repetition of consonant sounds in the lines.

Almadita’s undergraduate thesis helps the writer to make the step of the

analysis. The object of her undergraduate thesis is Nicki Minaj’s songs. Nicki

Minaj is a female rapper who are well-known in America. It has very similar

object with the analysis which is also an American female rapper named Cardi B.

The differences is the origin of the singer. It is mentioned by Almadita that Nicki

Minaj is an African-American who was born in Spain but raised in America. The

present study try to find the phonological deviation which occur in the songs of an

American female rapper named Cardi B who was born and raised in America.

They may have different accent and way to pronounce words

B. Review of Related Theories

In this part, the theories that employed in analyzing the phonological

deviation in Cardi B’s songs will be presented in the following discussion.



1. Phonology

Phonology is a part of linguistic study which particularly analysed the

spoken language. According to Crystal (2008, p. 365) phonology is a branch of

linguistics which studies the sound systems of languages. In other words,

phonology is the study of how speech sounds form patterns.

One of the most important facts in phonology is that changing one sound

can affect the meaning of the word, for example the pair of words sin /sɪn/ - son

/sʌn/. Based on the examples that have been mentioned, we can see that only by

changing one sound, the meaning of the above mentioned example would be

totally different. The meaning of sin is ‘a violation of God’s will’ while the

meaning of son is ‘a male child’. Sounds are defined as distinctive feature called

phoneme. Mees and Collins state that phoneme is a contrastive unit of sounds

which are phonologically significant in a given language (2003, p. 12). There are

two members of phoneme, thay are consonants and vowels.

a. English Consonants

Fromkin et al. (2003, p.242) mentione that consonants are produced with

some restriction or closure in the vocal tract that impedes the flow of air from the

lungs. There are 24 English consonants, which are classified into two groups

based on their place of articulation and manner of articulation.

1) Place of Articulation

Place of articulation refers to where the speech sounds are produced as

Fromkin states, “We classify consonants according to where in the vocal tract the

airflow restriction occurs, called the place of articulation” (2003, p.242). There are



eight classifications of consonants according to the vocal tract’s airflow


i. Bilabials

Bilabial sounds are produced by bringing both lips together (Fromkin et

al., 2011, p.196). Bilabial sounds can be found in the word bumpy /bʌmpi/

because the members of bilabial sounds are [p], [b], [m].

ii. Labiodentals

Labiodental sounds are produced by moving the bottom lip up to the top

front of teeth (Hyman, 1975, p. 31). [f] and [v] are included as labiodental sounds.

This type of sound can be found in the word fever /fivə/.

iii. Interdentals

[ð] and [θ]are classified as interdental sounds produced by inserting the tip

of the tongue between the teeth (Fromkin et al., 2011, p.196). They can be found

in the words they /ðeɪ/ and thin /θɪn/.

iv. Alveolars

Alveolar sounds are pronounced by moving the tip of the tongue up

towards the alveolar ridge (Hyman, 1975, p.32). The members of alveolar sounds

are [t], [d], [n], [s], [z], [l], [r]. The examples of each sounds are time /taɪm/, day

/deɪ/, no /noʊ/, see /si/, zoo /zu/, like /laɪk/, and raw /rɑ/.

v. Palatals

Palatals are produced by raising the front part of the tongue to the palate.

(Fromkin, 2011, p.197). [ʃ] [ʒ] [tʃ] [dʒ] [j] are included as palatal sounds. It can be



seen in some words, such as she /ʃi/, pleasure /plɛʒər/, teach /tiʧ/, bridge /brɪʤ/,

and you /ju/.

vi. Velars

To pronounce velar sounds, the back of the tongue is raised to the soft

palate or velum. The velar sounds are [k], [g], and [ŋ] (Fromkin et al., 2011,

p.197). The example are cow /kaʊ/, geek / gik/, and sing /sɪŋ/.

vii. Uvulars

Uvular sound, [r], is produced by raising the back of the tongue to the

uvula. However, this sound does not ordinarily occur in English (Fromkin et al.,

2011, p.197). The word butter /bətər/ is one of the example of word which

contains of uvular sound.

viii. Glottal

There are two types of glottal sounds, [h] and [ʔ]. [h] is produced from the

airflow through the open glottis, while [ʔ] occurs when the air is stopped

completely at the glottis by tightly closed vocal cords. Consequently, [ʔ] is called

as glottal stop (Fromkin et al., 2011, p.197).

2) Manner of Articulation

In distinguishing consonants, linguists do not only use the place of

articulation, but also manner of articulation. The manner of articulation refers to

the variation of airstream flows. The airstream flows from the lungs up and out of

the mouth and nose which may be blocked or partially blocked; the vocal cords



may be vibrate or not vibrate (Fromkin et al., 2011, p.198). There are five kinds of

sounds which distinguished by the variation of airstream flows.

i. Voiced and Voiceless Sounds

Voiced consonants occur when the vocal cords are together so that the

airstream forces its way through and makes them vibrate. On the contrary, when

the vocal cords are apart, the air flows are passing freely. Such sounds are

voiceless. By knowing this manner of articulation, the sounds from the same place

of articulation such as alveolars [t] and [d] can be distinguished. Sound [t] is

classified as voiceless sound, while [d] is voiced sound (Fromkin et al., 2011,


ii. Nasal and Oral Sounds

Nasal sounds are produced when the velum is not in its raised position,

then air escapes through both the nose and the mouth. Unlike nasal sounds, when

the velum is blocking the air from escaping through the nose, the oral sounds are

produced. This manner of articulation is appropriate to distinguish alveolars [z]

and [n]. Both sounds are voiced alveolar sounds. However, [z] is identified as an

oral sound and [n] is a nasal sound (Fromkin et al., 2011, p.199).

iii. Stops

Akmajian et al state that stops are sounds produced when the airflow is

completely obstructed during the speech. The sounds [p], [b], [m], [t], [d], [n], [k],

[g], [ŋ], [dʒ], [tʃ], [ʔ] are included as stops (2001, p.73).



iv. Fricatives

When friction occurs because the airflow is obstructed, the sounds are

called fricatives. The sounds consist of [f], [v], [ð], [θ], [ʃ], [ʒ],[s], [z], [h]

(Akmajian et al., 2001, p.73).

v. Affricates

Affricate sounds consist of [dʒ] and [tʃ]. Fromkin et al. (2011, p.202) state

that the sounds are produced by a stop closure followed immediately by a gradual

release of the closure that produces an affect characteristic of a fricative.

vi. Liquids

There are some obstruction of the airstream in the mouth in producing

liquid sounds [l] and [r]. However, the obstruction does not cause constriction or


v. Glides

The glide sounds, [j] and [w], are produced with little obstruction of the

airstream in the mouth.

The classification of English consonants is shown in the table of English

consonant by Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, and Nina Hyams.



Table 1. English Consonants

manner of


place of



bilabial labio








velar glottal


Voiceless p t k ʔ

Voiced b d g


Voiceless tʃ

Voiced dʒ


Voiceless f θ s ʃ h

Voiced v ð z ʒ

Nasal m n ŋ


Lateral l


retroflex r

semivowels w y

(Source: Fromkin, et al., 2011, p.205)

b. English Vowels

Vowels have very important role in a word. Vowels have [+syllabic]

feature which make vowels determine in separating the word syllable. “Vowels

always have a function that can be described as ‘syllabic’: they constitute the

obligatory nucleus of a syllable” (Brinton and Brinton, 2000, p. 42). There are

two kinds of vowel: lax vowel and tense vowel. Brinton and Brinton (2000, p.41)

state Tense vowels are longer, higher, and more marginal, while lax vowels are

shorter, lower, and slightly more centralized.

Phonemes in sequence form syllable. Syllable in English is divided into

two kinds; strong syllable and weak syllable. Syllable strength depends on several



things, one of them is what vowels have. The example is the presence of most

common unstressed vowel or schwa /ə/. If in a syllable countain of schwa /ə/, it is

a weak syllable, while strong syllable usually contains tense vowel or diphthong.

The vowel chart of English can be seen in the table below.

Table 2. IPA Vowel Chart

(Source: Fromkin, et al., 2011, p.208)

In America, people are familiar with term General American English and

African-American English. General American can be seen as the Standard English

of North America. While, African-Americans have their own English called

African-American Vernacular English or AAVE. “African-American Vernacular

English (AAVE) is the dialect spoken by the majority of African Americans in

America” (Lewis, 2008, p. 157). Furthermore, their English is different from

Standard English. However, according to Green (2002) in Lewis, AAVE still has

some similar features with the Standard English (2008, p. 159). It can be found in

all linguistic levels.



2. Phonological Process

Walt Wolfram and Robert Johnson (1974, p.88) state phonology is not a

static system in which an established unit will be constantly unchanged in all

environment or occurrences. Instead, it is a dynamic system in which units change

as they come into contact with other units in the system. Such change is referred

as phonological process. There are four types of phonological processes. They are

assimilation, dissimilation, deletion, and insertion.

i. Assimilation

Fromkin et al. (2003, p. 301) describe assimilation as a process that

makes neighboring segments more similar by copying or spreading a phonetic

property from one segment to the other. For example, if the word ‘handbag’

transcribed into IPA become /hænbæg/ but it is often pronounced as /hæmbæg/

because [m] and [b] sounds are in the same place of articulation.

ii. Dissimilation

Dissimilation is a process in which a segment becomes less similar to

another segment. For example, the words ‘fifth’ /fɪfƟ/ come to be pronounced as

if they were spelled fift /fɪft/ (Fromkin et al., 2003, p.306).

iii. Deletion

It is a process by which a sound present in the phonemic form is removed

from the phonetic form in certain environment. It can be seen in the word

government which the [n] sound is deleted, and it is pronounced as /gʌvəmənt/.



iv. Insertion

Phonological process may also insert consonants or vowels, which are

called epenthesis. It occurs less frequently than segment deletion. The example of

deletion can be found in the word hamster /hæmstər/, some people pronouce it by

adding voiceless bilabial stop /p/ become /hæmpstər/.

3. Phonological Deviation

Short (1996, p.57) stresses that because the sound dimension of a language

belongs to speech and most of the literature is written, there is relatively little

scope for phonological deviation. Leech states that phonological deviation is

devided into two types. They are conventional licences of verse composition and

special pronunciation for the convenience of rhyming (1969, p.47).

a. Conventional Licences of Verse Composition

Leech divides conventional licences of verse composition into three types

of shorthening, namely aphesis, syncope, and apocope (1969, p.18).

i. Aphesis

The definition of aphesis is the ommision of an initial part of a word or

phrase (Leech, 1969, p.18). The example of aphesis is the word “about” /əbaʊt/

which some people pronounced it as /baʊt/, the initial sound /ə/ is being omitted.



ii. Syncope

Syncope defined as the omission of word or phrase’s medial part (Leech,

1969, p.18). The word “never” /nɛvər/ is usually being omitted in the medial part,

and pronounced as /nɛ.ər/.

iii. Apocope

The omission of word or phrase can also occur in the final part (Leech,

1969, p.18). It occurs in the word “often” /ɑftən/ when some people pronounce it

as /ɑft/.

b. Special Pronunciation for The Convenience of Rhyming

Leech (1969, p.47) gives the example of special pronunciation for the

convenience of rhyming in the word “wind”. There are two ways to pronounce

“wind”, as a noun /wɪnd/ and as a verb /wʌɪnd/. The special pronounciation for the

convenience of rhyming occurs when the noun “wind” is pronounced like the verb

“wind”. Budiharto (2016, p. 716) suggests special pronunciation for the

convenience of rhyming is devided into two types, they are the substandard

pronunciation and the substitution of sounds. They deal with the different

pronunciation of words from the rule.

1) Substandard Pronunciation

The existence of the word “ain’t” is the example of incorrect

pronunciation, and Akmajian et al (2001) in Budiharto (2016, p. 715) defines

incorrect pronunciation as substandard pronunciation. The word “aren’t” or



“isn’t” is usually pronounced as “ain’t”. It means the pronunciation is not

following the English pronunciation rule.

2) Substitution of Sounds

By subtituting the sounds, it switches the sound in the same syllables or

even in the same word. Sadoon and Al-Aassam (2011, p. 23) state substitution of

sounds is the defect of sounds because it has irregular pronunciation but consists

of the same phoneme or the same phonological phoneme feature. There are three

types of sound’s subtitution, namely feature changing sound, insertion and


a) Feature Changing Sound

Feature changing sound is one of kind of phonological deviation because

the produced sound experiencing the different pronunciation compare to the

standard pronunciation. “In some cases a feature already present is changed”

(Fromkin, Rodman, & Hyams, 2011, p. 249). It happens in the word “for”. It has

to be pronounced as /fɔ:/ but it is also pronounced as /fe:/.

b) Sound Insertion

Fromkin et al. (2011, p. 250) state that the process of inserting a consonant

or vowel is called epenthesis. For example is the word “film”, the standard

pronunciation is /fɪlm/ but some people pronounce it by inserting the schwa /ə/, so

it is pronounced as /fɪləm/.



c) Metathesis

Crystal (2008, p. 303) defines methatesis as the alteration of elements in

the standard sequence in syllables, words, and so on. It means that one sound

experienced the exchanging place of sound to the other within words or syllables.

The example is the words “introduce” which has to be pronounced as /ɪntrədjus/,

but some people reorder the place of /r/ and the /ə/, then pronounced it as


C. Theoretical Framework

This study applies phonology as the approach to analyze the data. Theory

of Phonology helps the writer to provide the correct and regular form of English

pronounciation, so it can be compared to the pronounciation of Cardi B. Since

Cardi B is an American female rapper, the writer use standard American

pronunciation as the comparation to Cardi B’s pronunciation. The theory of

English consonants and vowels helps the writer to convert the autography of the

lyric to IPA version then analyze the differences.

The theory of phonological deviation is used in categorizing the type of the

changes. While the theory of phonological rule helps the writer to find out the

pattern of the changes. The last part to do is deciding the phonological deviation

and the phonological proess by applying the theory of phonological process and

phonological deviation.





This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part is about the objects

that were used in this analysis. The second part contains the approach that helped

the writer answers or solves the problem of this research. The last part is the

method that writer did, from how the data were collected and how they were


A. Object of the Study

In this research, the writer would analyze the phonological deviations which

occur in three songs by Cardi B entitled “Ring”, “Bodak Yellow” and “Be

Careful”. The lyrics of the songs were taken from website The

writer collected the phonetic transcriptions based on the writer’s listening. As the

comparison of the standard American pronunciation, the writer used the phonetic

transcription of the words based on Oxford Pronunciation Dictionary.

B. Approach of the Study

In analyzing the deviation in Cardi B’s songs, the writer used phonological

approach. The writer decided to use phonological approach because phonology is

a branch of linguistics which studies the sound systems of languages (Crystal,

2008, p. 365). By using the phonological approach, the writer would like to find

out the pattern of the pronounciation deviation based on the phonological theories.



C. Method of the Study

This part discusses about how the data were collected and how they were

analyzed by the writer.

1. Data Collection

In collecting the data, the writer listened to the songs and read the lyrics to

ensure that the lyrics were correct. This research used three songs by Cardi B as

its data. Those songs were chosen by the writer’s consideration about the

existence of phoneme change in the songs. The writer used as

the source in reading the lyrics because the website has been accessed by many


The data were divided into three categories. The first category contained the

words that experience deviation. The second part is the phonetic transcriptions

based on the standard American pronunciation. The third part contained the

phonetic transcription of the three Cardi B’s songs based on the writer’s listening.

2. Data Analysis

There were two research questions to answer in this research, namely the

type of the phonological deviation in Cardi B’s songs and what phonological

processes that occur in the deviation. In answering the research, the writer used

some steps.

Firstly, the writer enlisted the words which experienced deviation based on

the writer’s listening. The writer proved the validity of Cardi B’s pronunciations

by listening to the songs seventh times and make sure by asking the opinion of

English Literature Department’s student of another university. There would be



three columns for each song. The first column contained autography version of

the words which experienced the changes. The second column contained phonetic

transcription of the words based on Oxford Pronunciation Dictionary. The last

column contained phonetic transcription of the words based on the writer listening

to Cardi B. Secondly, the writer compared the phonetic transcriptions based on

Oxford Pronunciation Dictionary and based on the writer’s listening. The writer

then put the words into the group based on the same case in order to know the


Table 3. The Table of The Analysis

The Word Experiencing




Cardi B’s





Finally, the writer concluded the changes of Cardi B’s songs by analyzing

all of the data collected by determining the phonological feature base on the place

of articulation or manner of articulation. After that, the writer would decide which

part of the song that experienced deviation and chose the type of the deviation.

The writer made the conclusion in the form of percentage by calculating the

amount of words on each type of deviation.

The second problem was answered by employing the theory of phonological

processes to the data. By analyzing the pattern, the writer found the environment

which influenced the change, then decided which phonological processes that suit

to each change.





There are two main parts which will be discussed in this chapter. In order

to answer the first problem, the first part discusses the phonological deviations

found in Cardi B’s songs. Meanwhile, the second part discusses the phonological

processes which occur in the deviation. This part will answer the second problem


A. Phonological Deviation in Cardi B’s Songs

There are three Cardi B’s songs to be analyzed for this study, namely ‘Be

Careful’, ‘Bodak Yellow’, and a song that Cardi B collaborated with Kehlani

entitled ‘Ring’. The first song to be analyzed entitled “Be Careful” by Cardi B

which is released on March 29, 2018. The writer chose this song as one of the

objects because the song received a nomination for the Best Rap Performance at

the 61st Annual Grammy Awards.

The second songs is “Bodak Yellow” by Cardi B without any contribution

of other singers. It was released on June 16, 2017, and claimed as the lead single

from Cardi B’s debut studio album “Invasion of Privacy’ in 2018. It topped the

US Billboard Hot 100 chart for three weeks and make Cardi B the fifth female

rapper to ever lead the chart.

While, the last song entitled “Ring” is the only song that involved other

singer, in this case is American singer named Kehlani. The writer decided to add



one more of Cardi B’s song which she performs with another American singer

because the writer aims to find whether or not Cardi B has different pronunciation

when performing solo or in a duet. The writer chose “Ring” to represent that type

of song because this song is being Cardi B’s the most played song in YouTube

within five months among other songs in the album “Invansion of Privacy”.

Based on the data collected, the writer broke down the deviation in the

form of tables. The table is classified into the three types of phonological

deviation. They are conventional licenses of verse composition, substandard

pronunciation, and substitution of sounds. There are three categories of

conventional licenses of verse composition : aphesis, syncope, and apocope.

Substitution of sounds consists of feature changing sound, insertion, and word

order. The phonological deviation of Cardi B is shown in the table below.

Table 5. The Cardi B’s Phonological Deviation in Percentages

Types of Phonological

Deviation Frequency Percentage

Substitution of Sounds 39 39.4%

Conventional Licences of Verse

Composition 36 36.4%

Substandard Pronunciation 24 24.2%

Total 99 100%

From the table above, there are 99 phonological deviations found in three

Cardi B’s songs. They are divided into three types. The first one is also the most

dominant deviation in this analysis is subtitution of sound with 39.4% percentage

where there are 39 deviations out of 99. While, the second is conventional licenses



of verse composition with 36.4% percentage, in which there are 36 deviations out

of 99. Meanwhile, the third one is substandard pronunciation with 24 deviations

out of 99, and 24.2% percentage. The discussion and explanation of each type is

shown below.

a) Conventional Licenses of Verse Composition

This phonological deviation type is also divided into three types, namely

aphesis, syncope and apocope. In this research, the writer only found two types of

conventional licenses of verse composition: aphesis and apocope.

i. Aphesis

Aphesis is the omission of the initial part of the word or phrase. The writer

found two kinds of aphesis in the analysis. The first one is the phoneme omission

and the second one is the syllabel omission. The list of the word will be provided

into two table. Here is the list of the words from all three songs by Cardi B which

experience aphesis.

Table 6. Phoneme Aphesis

The Word Experiencing




Cardi B’s


1 don’t /dəʊnt/ /əʊnt/

2 about /əbaʊt/ /baʊt/

3 them /ðəm/ /əm/

In accordance with its definition, the aphesis makes the words lost their

initial sounds. In the case of word “don’t”, it lost its voiced stop alveolar sound

/d/, while the word “about” lost the schwa /ə/. The word “them” pronounced as

/əm/ because the initial voiced interdental sound /ð/ was omitted.



There are only three words of phoneme aphesis deviation, but each word

has been mentioned by Cardi B several times with the same pronunciation. The

example can be seen from the song “Ring” on the first verse which is Cardi B’s

part and contains of twelve lines.

Acting like you don't know what number to dial (line 6)

/æktɪn laɪk juː əʊnt noʊ hwʌt nʌmbər tuː daɪəl/

You don't want this gun smoke (line 9)

/ju əʊnt wɑnt ðɪs gʌn smoʊk/

I don't care if we get into it and I stall on your ass (line 11)

/aɪ əʊnt ker ɪf wi get ɪntu ɪt ænd aɪ stɔːl ɑːn jʊr æs/

The other example can be seen in the post-chorus part in the song “Bodak

Yellow” which contains of four lines.

I don't dance now, I make money moves

/aɪ əʊnt dæns naʊ aɪ meɪk ˈmʌniː muːvz/ (line 1)

Say I don't going to dance, I make money move

/seɪ aɪ əʊnt ˈgoʊɪŋ tuː dæns aɪ meɪk ˈmʌniː muːv/

If I see you and I don't speak, that means (line 3)

I don't fuck with you

/ɪf aɪ siː juː ænd aɪ əʊnt spiːk ðæt miːnz

aɪ əʊnt fʌk wɪð juː/

The above examples did not only experience phoneme aphesis, but also

syllable aphesis. In the syllable aphesis, the writer found only one word. It is the

word “because”.

Table 7. Syllable Aphesis

The Word Experiencing




Cardi B’s


1 because /bɪkɔz/ /kɔz/



The compulsory part of the syllable is the nucleus, then it is supported by

the presence of onset and the coda. The writer proves that the word “because”

experiencing syllable aphesis by breaking it down into the universal syllable

template accepted by most phonologists.


/bɪ/ /kɔz/

/b/ /ɪ/

onset nucleus rhyme

/k/ /ɔ/ /z/

onset nucleus coda

Based on the tree diagram above, the word “because” /bɪkɔz/ lost its first

onset and nucleus. It proves that “because” experienced syllable aphesis, since the

requirement of a syllable is the presence of onset and nucleus. The word

“because” can be found in the line 8 of first verse in “Ring”

because a nigga only going to do what you allow (line 8)

/kɔz ə nigga oʊnli goʊɪŋ tu du wʌt ju əlaʊ/

ii. Apocope

Apocope is the omission of the final part of the word or phrase. Here is the

list of the words from all three songs by Cardi B which experience aphesis. The

table below displays the apocope deviations found in the songs. The writer

devided the apocopes into phoneme apocope and syllable apocope. There are two

types of phoneme apocope, the first one is known as one phonome apocope



because it only has one final phoneme omission. Meanwhile, the second one is

known as more than one phoneme apocope, where there are two or more final

phoneme omissions.

Table 8. One Phoneme Apocope

The Word Experiencing




Cardi B’s


1. relate /rɪleɪt/ /rɪleɪ/

Based on the table above, there are only one word which experience

phoneme apocope. The word is “relate” /rɪleɪt/. It lost its final voiceless alveolar

sound /t/ and Cardi B pronounced it as /rɪleɪ/. It can be seen in the verse 2 part of

“Bodak Yellow” song.

I go to dinner and steak, only the real can relate (line 10)

/aɪ goʊ tu dɪnər ænd steɪk, oʊnli ðə riəl kæn rɪleɪ/

The word “relate” is the only word experiencing one phoneme apocope,

while the next table displays the words of more than one phoneme apocope


Table 9. More Than One Phoneme Apocope

The Word Experiencing




Cardi B’s


1. decide /dɪsʌɪd/ /dɪsʌ/

2. pride /prʌɪd/ /prʌ/

The two words above experience the same changes. They are “decide” and

“pride”. Both of them experienced the omission of two final phoneme, front high

lax vowel /ɪ/ and stop voiced alveolar /d/.



The first line in the first verse of Cardi B’s song entitled “Be Careful” is

the example of the more than one phoneme apocope for word “decide”. While, the

second word is “pride” which can be seen in the second line of the same verse and

same song.

Should I call first? I can't decide (line 1)

/ʃʊd aɪ kɔl fɜrst aɪ kænt dɪsʌ/

I want to, but a bitch got pride (line 2)

/aɪ wɑnt tu, bʌt ə bɪʧ gɑt prʌ/

Meanwhile, there is one word which experience syllable apocope, it is the

word “towel”.

Table 10. Syllable Apocope

The Word Experiencing




Cardi B’s


1. towel /taʊəl/ /ta/

The word “towel” /taʊəl/ can be approved experiencing the syllable

apocope by drawing the tree diagram.


/ta/ /ʊəl/

/t/ /a/ /ʊə/ /l/

onset nucleus nucleus coda

The word “towel” consists of two syllable. It can be seen from the

presence of double nuclues in the word. In this case, the omission in the word



“towel” by Cardi B occur after second nucleus. It means “towel” lost its second


b) Special Pronunciation for the Convenience of Rhyming

There are two categories of this phonological deviation’s type, they are

substandard pronounciation and subtitution of sounds.

i. Substandard Pronunciation

There are three phonological deviations of substandard pronunciation

which occur in only two songs. Eventhough it only consists of three words, they

are repeated for several times in both of the songs. In this type, the writer

analyzed by comparing the Cardi B’s version with the standard pronunciation and

spelling using Oxford Dictionary. The deviations are displayed in the table below.

Table 11. Substandard Pronunciation

The Word Experiencing




Cardi B’s


1 going to /goʊɪŋ tə/ /gɑn/

2 are not /ɑːr nɑːt/ /eɪnt/

3 trying to /traɪŋ tə/ /traɪnə/

4 want to /wɑnt tʊ/ /wɑnə/

5 got to /gɑt tʊ/ /gɑtə/

Based on the table above, there are five words experiencing deviation.

Both words actually consist of two words, but Cardi B pronounced them as one

word. The word “going to” which has to be pronounced as /goʊɪŋ tə/ changed into

/gɑn/ and this word dominates the substandard pronunciation by existing nine



times in all three songs. The writer shows some examples of the used of word

“going to” in all three songs. In the verse 2 part of song “Ring”, the first line of

verse 1 in song “Bodak Yellow”, and the seventh line in chorus part of the song

“Be Careful”.

You going to be sick to your stomach (line 5)

/juː gɑn biː sɪk tuː jʊr stʌmək/

Now she say she going to do what to who? Let's find out and see (line 1)

/naʊ ʃiː seɪ ʃiː gɑn duː hwʌt tuː huː lets faɪnd aʊt ænd siː/

You going to gain the whole world (line 7)

/juː gɑn geɪn ðə hoʊl wɜːrld/

Meanwhile, the word “are not” which Cardi B pronounced as /eɪnt/ was

actually pronounced as /ɑːr nɑːt/. Cardi B also pronounced the word “trying to” as

one word, /traɪnə/, instead of /traɪŋ tə/.

ii. Substitution of Sounds

Subtitution of sounds is the most dominant deviation that occur in the

three Cardi B Songs. Its precentage is 39.4% out of 100% in the three songs. In

this type, there are two kinds of subtitution of sounds found in the songs, they are

feature changing sounds and insertion.

1) Feature Changing Sound

Feature changing sound is a type of phonological deviation where the

produced sound experience different pronunciations when compared to the

standard pronunciation. The deviation is displayed in the table below, and the

feature changing also will be explained.



There are 16 words that displayed as the word which experience feature

changing. In fact, there are more than 16 words which also included in this type. It

is dominated by some words which experience one sound changing.

Table 12. V-ing Feature Changing Sound

The Word

Experiencing Changes



Cardi B’s


1. doing /dʊɪŋ/ /dʊɪn/

2. hurting /hətɪŋ/ /hətɪn/

3. bruising /bruzɪŋ/ /bruzɪn/

4. losing /luzɪŋ/ /luzɪn/

5. warning /wɔnɪŋ/ /wɔnɪn/

6. acting /aktɪŋ/ /aktɪn/

7. tripping /trɪppɪŋ/ /trɪppɪn/

8. looking /lʊkɪŋ/ /lʊkɪn/

9. switcing /swɪʧɪŋ/ /swɪʧɪn/

10. feeling /filɪŋ/ /filɪn/

11. loving /lʌvɪŋ/ /lʌvɪŋ/

The writer found one pattern which occur almost in the same environment,

espesially the V-ing words. The nasal velar sound /ŋ/ changes into nasal alveolar

sound /n/.

/ŋ/ [n] / ɪ ___#

The V-ing words presences 31 times out of 39 substandard pronunciation.

There are some lines in the song which have more than one V-ing words. The

examples can be seen in the verse 1 part in the song “Bodak Yellow”.



About liking pictures, not returning texts (line 6)

/baʊt laɪkɪn pɪkʧərz nɑːt rɪtɜːrnɪn teksts/

Said that you was working, but you're out here chasing culo (line 11)

/sed ðæt juː wʌz wɜːrkɪn bʌt jʊr aʊt hiːr ʧeɪsɪn kʊlo/

And putas, chilling poolside, living two lives (line 12)

/ænd pʊts ʧɪlɪn pulsaɪd lɪvɪn tuː laɪvz/

The other words, like the word “though” which ought to be

pronounced as /ðəʊ/ in fact is pronounced as /dɔ/ by Cardi B. The writer finds out

there are feature changing in both sounds. The first sound is the change of voiced

interdental sound /ð/ to voiced stop alveolar sound /d/.

Table 13. Feature Changing Sound

The Word

Experiencing Changes



Cardi B’s


1. though /ðəʊ/ /dɔ/

2. slide /slʌɪd/ /slad/

3. look /lʊk/ /lɔk/

4. now /naʊ/ /nah/

5. do /du/ /tu/

Meanwhile, the next sound is the change of diphtong /əʊ/ to round vowel

/ɔ/. According to its standard pronounciation, the word number two in the table is

“slide” which should be pronounced as /slʌɪd/, but Cardi B changes the middle

sound from diphtong /ʌɪ/ sound into tense low back vowel /a/ sound. This also

happens in the word “while”. It should be pronounced as /wʌɪl/ but Cardi B

changes the /ʌɪ/ sound into tense low back vowel /a/ sound.



The next feature changing occurs in the word “look”. She pronounces it as

/lɔk/ while the standard pronunciation is /lʊk/. It can be seen in the post chorus

part of the song “Be Careful”.

Boy, you better treat me carefully, carefully, look (line 3)

/bɔɪ, ju ˈbɛtər trit mi ˈkɛrfəli, ˈkɛrfəli, lɔk/

The last two words, “now” and “do”, experience different case of feature

changing. The word “now” experienced feature changing in the last sound, where

the vowel /ʊ/ changed into the semi vowel sound /h/. Meanwhile the word “do”

experienced the initial sound feature changing. It occur in the chorus part of song

“Be Careful”.

Be careful with me, do you know what you doing (line 5)

/bi ˈkɛrfəl wɪð mi, tu ju noʊ wʌt ju ˈduɪn/

It should be pronounced as “du” but the initial sound experience devoicing

process, which change the stop voiced alveolar sound /d/ into stop voiceless

alveolar sound /t/

2) Sound Insertion

In this phonological deviation type, the writer only found two sounds

which experienced the process of inserting a consonant or vowel.

Table 14. Sound Insertion

The Word Experiencing




Cardi B’s


1. honestly /ɑnɪsli/ /hɔnəslɪ/

2. I’m /aɪm/ /aɪmə/



The sound insertion of the word “honestly” occurs in the initial sound. The

glottal sound /h/ ought to be silent according to the standard pronunciation, but

Cardi B pronounces the /h/ sound very clearly.

Honestly, don't give a fuck about who in front of me (line 5)

/hɔnəslɪ, əʊnt gɪv ə fʌk əˈbaʊt hu ɪn frʌnt ʌv mi/

In opposite, the second word, “I’m” which has to be pronounced as /aɪm/

is being inserted schwa sound /ə/ in the last of the sound and prnounced as /aɪmə/

as we can see in the verse 1 line 4 in the song “Ring”.

I'm feeling you but you hard to get in touch with (line 4)

/aɪmə filɪŋ ju bʌt ju hɑrd tu gɛt ɪn tʌʧ wɪð/

B. Phonological Process in Cardi B’s Songs Phonological Deviations

There are four categories in phonological process, but the writer only

found three categories of phonological processes in the Cardi B’ phonological

deviations. They are dissimilation, deletion, and insertion.

a) Dissimilation

A phoneme can become less similar to another segment, either change the

place of articulation or the manner of articulation. It is called dissimilation.

Table 15. Dissimilation

The Word Experiencing




Cardi B’s


1. Now /naʊ/ /nah/

In this type of phonological process, the writer finds one word

experiencing the dissimilation. The dissimilation occurs in the final sound. The



standard pronunciation of the word “now” ending with vowel /ʊ/ which has the

same place of articulation with the previous sound /a/, but Cardi B transform it

into glottal sound /h/ which has completely different place of articulation.

The changes of the last sound’s place of articulation do not occur in any

place of sentence. It only occurs when the word “now” is located near to the

similar pronunciation in the sentence. It is seen on the first line of the verse 2 part

in song “Ring”.

Nah, nigga now you going to be have to call me (line 1)

/nɑh niggə nah ju goʊɪn tu bi hæv tu kɔl mi/

because right now I'm out here tryna find someone (line 8)

/kɔz raɪt naʊ aɪm aʊt hir traɪnə faɪnd sʌmwʌn/

The two lines of the verse 2 part in song “Ring” above show the different

environments of the word “now” which influence Cardi B’s pronunciation. The

first line shows that Cardi B pronounces “now” as /nah/ because it is located in

the same line with the word “nah” which has similar phonemes.

/nɑh niggə nah ju goʊɪn tu bi hæv tu kɔl mi/

Meanwhile, in the line 8, the word “now” is pronounced as the way it is

because there is no word which has similar pronunciation.

b) Deletion

It is a process by which a sound presented in the phonemic form is

removed from the phonetic form in certain environment. There are six deletions

found in the two songs, “Bodak Yellow” and “Ring”. The writer devided the list



of the words which experiencing deletion the into three tables. They are one

phoneme deletion, more than one phoneme deletion and syllable deletion.

Table 16. One Phoneme Deletion

The Word Experiencing




Cardi B’s


1 don’t /dəʊnt/ /əʊnt/

2 about /əbaʊt/ /baʊt/

3 them /ðəm/ /em/

4 relate /rɪleɪt/ /rɪleɪ/

There are four words which experience the deletion on their phoneme,

either in the initial phoneme or final phoneme. The missing phonemes are typed in

bold. It is shown in the fourth line of the first verse in “Bodak Yellow”.

I be in and out them banks so much, I know they're tired of me (line 4)

/aɪ bi ɪn ænd aʊt ɛm bæŋks soʊ mʌʧ, aɪ noʊ ðɛr ˈtaɪərd ʌv mi/

The next table contains of the members of more than one phoneme

deletion words. In this case the two words have the same changes pattern.

Table 17. More Than One Phoneme Deletion

The Word Experiencing




Cardi B’s


1 decide /dɪsʌɪd/ /dɪsʌ/

2 pride /prʌɪd/ /prʌ/

Based on the table above, the two words lost two last phonemes. They are

front high lax vowel /ɪ/ and stop voiced alveolar /d/, and the pronunciation end in

the phoneme /ʌ/.



The last table consists of the words which are omitted in the form of

syllable. Those two words have different changes.

Table 18. Syllable Deletion

The Word Experiencing




Cardi B’s


1 because /bɪkɑz/ /kɑz/

2 towel /taʊəl/ /ta/

The last table consists of the words which are omitted in the form of

syllable. The omission of word “because” occurs in the first syllable, while in the

word “towel” occurs in the last syllable. The disscussion of the tree diagrams are

already mentioned in the syllable aphesis and syllable apocope part.

c) Insertion

Phonological processes may also insert consonants or vowels, which called

epenthesis. There are two words which experience insertion of this deviation.

They are “honestly” and “I’m”.

Table 19. Insertion

The Word Experiencing




Cardi B’s


1. honestly /ɑnɪsli/ /hɔnəslɪ/

2. I’m /aɪm/ /aɪmə/

In this type of phonological process, the glottal sound /h/ is added in the

word “honestly” in the beginning of the word pronunciation, so it is pronounced



as if they were spelled. While, the word “I’m” which has to be pronounced as

/aɪm/, Cardi B puts schwa sound /ə/ in the last sound and pronounced is as /aɪmə/.





This section aims to conclude the analysis. There are two problems in this

analysis that the writer tried to answer. The first problem attempts to find out the

types of phonological deviation which occur in three Cardi B’s songs entitled “Be

Carefu”, “Bodak Yellow”, and “Ring”. There are three types of phonological

deviations found in the three songs by Cardi B, namely the conventional licences

of verse composition, substandard pronunciation, and substitution of sounds.

Based on the analysis, the writer finds 99 deviations which occur in three

songs. It consists of 29 words where some of them occur for several times. The

first type is conventional licences of verse composition which is also divided into

three kinds: aphesis, syncope, and apocope. In this analysis, out of three kinds of

verse composition conventional licenses, the writer only finds two of them. The

aphesis, which consist of four words that lost their initial sounds and the writer

also finds four words which the final sounds omissions occur.

The second type is substandard pronunciation. The writer only finds three

words where substandard pronounciation occurs 24 times in two out of three

songs, they are “Bodak Yellow” and “Ring”. In this type, the pattern is formed by

combining two words which Cardi B pronounced as only one word. The words

are “going to” which she pronounced as /gɑn/, “are not” pronounced as /eɪnt/, and

/traɪnə/ for the word “trying to”.



The last one is subtitution of sounds. It is the most dominant type of the

phonological deviation which occur in the three Cardi B’s songs. There are 39

deviations with the percentage as much as 39.4%. This type is classified into three

categories, they are feature changing sound, insertion of sounds, and metathesis.

The writer only found two categories out of three, they are feature changing and

sound insertion. The most dominant category is feature changing sound with 36

deviations. The most dominant category of sound subtitution is feature changing.

The writer found one pattern in this category.

/ŋ/ [n] / ɪ ___#

The nasal velar sound /ŋ/ changes into nasal alveolar sound /n/ if it is

preceeded by phoneme /ɪ/ and occur in the end of the word. There are 28 nasal

velar sounds /ŋ/ which are changed into nasal alveolar sound /n/. Meanwhile, the

least dominant categories of substitution of sound is insertion of sounds. This type

only consists of one word and appears only one time in the song “Bodak Yellow”.

In order to answer the second problem, after analyzing and deciding the

type of phonological deviation, the writer then analzed the phonological process

which occur in the three Cardi B’s songs. Phonological process is divided into

four kinds: assimilation, dissimilation, deletion, and insertion. In this analysis, the

writer finds only three kinds which occur in the deviation.

The first kind is dissimilation. This rule makes a segment less similar to

another segment. The writer found one word experiencing dissimilation rule, it is

“now” which has to be ended with lax high back vowel /ʊ/ after the vowel, while

in the song it is pronounced as /naʊ/. The fact is Cardi B pronounces it as /nah/,



where the word ends with glottal sound /h/ which has different place of

articulation with the previous sound.

The next phonological rule is deletion which contains nine words and two

places of deletion. There are four words experiencing the initial sound omission

and there are five words which the omissions occur in the final sound.

The last phonological process which is found in the deviation is insertion.

It has the same amount of words with the insertion of sound in the previous

discussion. The word is “honestly”. In the American Standard Pronunciation,

when the glottal sound /h/ appears in the begining of the word “honestly”, it is

silent, but on the song, Cardi B pronounces the glottal sound clearly. In order to

have deeper discussion and result of the language deviation, the writer suggests

other writers to conduct different analysis from similar object. The writer also

suggest to conduct the theories to different object, so it can dig the deeper

understanding of the theories.

The writer suggests to develop the analysis with the same object but

employ different approach. It can be the stylistics approach or sociolinguistics

approach in order to know the reason why Cardi B did the deviations.




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Appendix 1: The Lyrics of “Be Careful”


Care for me, care for me, care for me, uh

Yeah, look

[Verse 1]

I wanna get married, like the Currys, Steph and Ayesha shit

But we more like Belly, Tommy and Keisha shit

Gave you TLC, you wanna creep and shit

Poured out my whole heart to a piece of shit

Man, I thought you would've learned your lesson

About liking pictures, not returning texts

I guess it's fine, man, I get the message

You still stutter after certain questions

You keep in contact with certain exes

Do you, though, trust me, nigga, it's cool, though

Said that you was working, but you're out here chasing culo

And putas, chilling poolside, living two lives

I could've did what you did to me to you a few times

But if I did decide to slide, find a nigga

Fuck him, suck his dick, you would've been pissed

But that's not my M.O., I'm not that type of bitch

And karma for you is going to be who you end up with

You make me sick, nigga


The only man, baby, I adore

I gave you everything, what's mine is yours

I want you to live your life of course

But I hope you get what you dyin' for

Be careful with me, do you know what you doin'?

Whose feelings that you're hurtin' and bruisin'?

You going to gain the whole world

But is it worth the girl that you're losin'?

Be careful with me

Yeah, it's not a threat, it's a warnin'

Be careful with me

Yeah, my heart is like a package with a fragile label on it

Be careful with me




Care for me, care for me

Always said that you'd be there for me, there for me

Boy, you better treat me carefully, carefully, look

[Verse 2]

I was here before all of this

Guess you actin' out now, you got an audience

Tell me where your mind is, drop a pin, what's the coordinates?

You might have a fortune, but you lose me, you still going to be misfortunate,


Tell me, this lust got you this fucked up in the head

You want some random bitch up in your bed?

She don't even know your middle name, watch her 'cause she might steal your


You don't want someone who loves you instead? I guess not though

It's blatant disrespect, you nothin' like the nigga I met

Talk to me crazy and you quick to forget

You even got me trippin', you got me lookin' in the mirror different

Thinkin' I'm flawed because you inconsistent

Between a rock and a hard place, the mud and the dirt

It's going to hurt me to hate you, but lovin' you's worse

It all stops so abrupt, we started switchin' it up

Teach me to be like you so I can not give a fuck

Free to mess with someone else, I wish these feelings could melt

'Cause you don't care about a thing except your mothafuckin' self

You make me sick, nigga


The only man, baby, I adore

I gave you everything, what's mine is yours

I want you to live your life of course

But I hope you get what you dyin' for

Be careful with me, do you know what you doin'?

Whose feelings that you're hurtin' and bruisin'?

You going to gain the whole world

But is it worth the girl that you're losin'?

Be careful with me

Yeah, it's not a threat, it's a warnin'

Be careful with me

Yeah, my heart is like a package with a fragile label on it

Be careful with me



Appendix 2: The Lyrics of “Bodak Yellow”


Hah, it's Cardi, ayy

Said, "I'm the shit, they can't fuck with me if they wanted to"

"I don't gotta dance"


Said, "Lil bitch, you can't fuck with me if you wanted to" (ooh)

These expensive, these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes (ooh)

Hit the store, I can get 'em both, I don't wanna choose (bah)

And I'm quick, cut a nigga off, so don't get comfortable, look (ooh)


I don't dance now, I make money moves (wave, ayy)

Say I don't gotta dance, I make money move (ooh, ooh)

If I see you and I don't speak, that means I don't fuck with you (ah)

I'm a boss, you a worker, bitch, I make bloody moves (bags)

[Verse 1]

Now she say she going to do what to who? Let's find out and see

Cardi B, you know where I'm at, you know where I be

You in the club just to party, I'm there, I get paid a fee (bah)

I be in and out them banks so much, I know they're tired of me

Honestly, don't give a fuck about who in front of me

Dropped two mixtapes in six months, what bitch working as hard as me?

I don't bother with these hoes, don't let these hoes bother me

They see pictures, they say, "Goals," bitch, I'm who they tryna be

Look, I might just chill in some BAPE, I might just chill with your boo

I might just feel on your babe, my pussy feel like a lake

He wanna swim with his face, I'm like, "Okay"

I'll let him get what he want, he buy me Yves Saint Laurent

And the new whip, when I go fast as a horse, I got the trunk in the front

I'm the hottest in the street, know you prolly heard of me

Got a bag and fixed my teeth , hope you hoes know it ain't cheap

And I pay my mama bills, I ain't got no time to chill

Think these hoes be mad at me, their baby father run a bill


Said, "Lil bitch, you can't fuck with me if you wanted to"

These expensive, these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes

Hit the store, I can get 'em both, I don't wanna choose

And I'm quick, cut a nigga off, so don't get comfortable, look


I don't dance now, I make money moves



Say I don't gotta dance, I make money move \

If I see you and I don't speak, that means I don't fuck with you

I'm a boss, you a worker, bitch, I make bloody moves

[Verse 2]

If you a pussy, you get popped, you a goofy, you a opp

Don't you come around my way, you can't hang around my block (block, nope)

And I just checked my accounts, turns out, I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich (I'm rich)

I put my hand above my hip, I bet you dip, he dip, she dip (grrrah)

I say I get the money and go, this shit is hot like a stove (ooh)

My pussy glitter is gold, tell that lil bitch play her role (ah, ah)

I just a-rove in a Rolls (oh), I just came up in a Wraith (yeah)

I need to fill up the tank, no, I need to fill up the safe (ooh)

I need to let all these hoes know that none of their niggas is safe

I go to dinner and steak (blah, yeah), only the real can relate (yeah)

I used to live in the P's (ooh, ooh), now it's a crib with a gate (ah)

Rollie got charms, look like Frosted Flakes (bling)

Had to let these bitches know (yeah), just in case these hoes forgot (oh)

I just run and check the mail, another check from Mona Scott (oh)


Said, "Little bitch, you can't fuck with me if you wanted to" (ooh)

These expensive, these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes (ooh)

Hit the store, I can get 'em both, I don't wanna choose (bah)

And I'm quick, cut a nigga off, so don't get comfortable, look (ooh)


I don't dance now, I make money moves (wave, ayy)

Say I don't gotta dance, I make money move (ooh, ooh)

If I see you and I don't speak, that means I don't fuck with you (ah)

I'm a boss, you a worker, bitch, I make bloody moves (bags)



Appendix 3: The Lyrics of “Ring” Feat Kehlani

[Chorus by Kehlani]

Ooh, ooh

Ring, ring, ring, ring

You don't hit my line no more, oh, oh

You don't make it ring, ring, ring, ring

I can't keep this on the low

I want you to make it ring, ring, ring, ring

[Verse 1 by Cardi B]

Should I call first? I can't decide

I want to, but a bitch got pride

The switching up shit is what I can't fuck with

I'm feeling you but you hard to get in touch with

And you are not hit me up in a while

Acting like you don't know what number to dial

You quit, then that's it, I'm throw in the towel

Because a nigga only going to do what you allow

You don't want this gun smoke

Learn to text with your nose if your thumb broke

I don't care if we get' into it and I stall on your ass

Better still wake up to missed calls from your ass, nigga

[Chorus by Kehlani]

You don't hit my line no more, oh, oh

You don't make it ring, ring, ring, ring

I can't keep this on the low

I want you to make it ring, ring, ring, ring

[Verse 2 by Cardi B]

Nah, nigga now you going to be have to call me

Because I'm looking at these messages, they on me

Acting like they are not niggas that want me

Let another nigga in your spot, and you going to be hot, nigga, coffee

You going to be sick to your stomach

Hit me when you free, 1-800

It's emergency, call me 911

because right now I'm out here tryna find someone

the ring on my phone, ring on my finger

You acting like you are not trying to do either

Once a good girl? Watch me turn diva

Here goes my heart, I put it on speaker



[Chorus by Kehlani]

You don't hit my line no more, oh, oh

You don't make it ring, ring, ring, ring

I can't keep this on the low

I want you to make it ring, ring, ring, ring

[Verse 3 by Kehlani]

You used to be on my line

On my tick all the time, yeah

Love it when you make me feel

Like you don't mind when I ain't got time for you

And no it don't go to my head, I'm only arrogant in bed

I just love to know you wanna spend time with me instead

Now you all caught up, yeah

You all caught up and you done left me alone, yeah

You was all fed up

Ready for the next step, wanna be on your own

Said I just miss you, I just miss us, baby

All I know is

[Chorus by Kehlani]

You don't hit my line no more, oh, oh

You don't make it ring, ring, ring, ring (you don't make it ring, baby)

I can't keep this on the low (yeah, yeah, oh)

I want you to make it ring, ring, ring, ring


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