an unorthodox way to generate content for your blog

Post on 10-May-2015






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DESCRIPTION Why don't you write a blog about how you overcame obstacles in your life?


An Unorthodox Way To Generate Content For Your Blog Resources….Freebies & Guides

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Sometimes, it can seem like hard work generating new, fresh content

for your blog

Writers block sets in and we agonise about what to write

Next time you feel stuck, try this exercise for some inspiration

You may even find you have enough material to launch a new business, or

niche website!

Ask yourself this question….

What is the most challenging thing you’ve ever overcome?

Dig deep

Think about all the obstacles you’ve overcome in your life

This is not easy to do and especially as we usually try to focus on the

positives in our lives, but bear with me for a moment

Have you overcome cancer, bullying, losing your hair, failing an exam, the end of a relationship, or had to live with dyslexia, Asperger's, abuse,

physical disability?

Pick the biggest obstacle on your list and think about how you’ve

overcome that challenge

What did you do to cope with it, heal it or resolve the problem?

The chances are you feel strongly and passionately about what you’ve


Can you write it down and share it with others?

Because, whatever you’ve overcome, other people are struggling with

They will be searching for information on how they too can overcome their challenges, and will welcome advice

and help from someone that understands their predicament

So, perhaps this is the time to start that blog, write that book (or e-book), or record some videos helping others overcome a challenge that you have

already succeeded with

Please leave a comment and let me know if this give you any “aha” moments and inspiration for new content, products or

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