anaesthesia fern white & hamish auld. define sedation. allows patients to tolerate unpleasant...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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  • Anaesthesia Fern White & Hamish Auld
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  • Define sedation. Allows patients to tolerate unpleasant diagnostic or surgical procedures and to relieve anxiety and discomfort. Verbal contact can be maintained. Define coma. A state of extreme unresponsiveness, in which an individual exhibits no voluntary movement or behaviour. Define anaesthesia. If GA then drug induced and predictably reversible coma.
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  • What is anaesthesia? Analgesia Amnesia Muscle relaxation Amnesia induced by intra-venous anaesthetic agents and then maintained by using inhalational anaesthetic agents. Analgesia provided by various analgesic drugs or by regional/peripheral nerve blocks. Muscle relaxation not required in all patients or surgical procedures. Muscle relaxants are used to facilitate tracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation or surgical procedure. 1.General 2.Regional (e.g. spinal, brachial plexus block, femoral nerve block) 3.Local
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  • GA: Inhalational vs. IV? Volatile Intravenous Onset Offset Specific Drugs Metabolism Principle side effects Notes Slow Alveolar gas exchange Rapid Dependent on Cardiac Output One arm-brain circulation time Alveolar gas exchangeRedistribution/metabolism Nitrous Oxide Isoflurane Sevoflurane Thiopentone Propofol Ketamine Almost noneLiver Cardiac suppression Respiratory depression Cardiac suppression Respiratory Depression Malignant Hyperpyrexia (ethers) Bone marrow suppression (N2O) Anaphylaxis (any)
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  • GA Scoring systems What is the difference between general anaesthesia and moderate sedation? (American Society of anaesthesiologists) General anaesthesia: Unrousable even with painful stimulus. Moderate sedation: Purposeful response to verbal/tactile stimulation. (usually referred to as conscious sedation) RAMSAY RICHMOND AGITATION SCALE
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  • To understand muscle relaxants, we need to understand the neuromuscular junction. Order these steps at the NMJ Action potential arrives at motor nerve terminal Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open allowing Ca2+ influx Increase in intracellular [Ca2+] causes fusion of presynaptic vesicles to cell membrane and release of Acetylcholine by exocytosis Ach diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to nAChR on postsynaptic membrane. nAChR is a Na+/K+ channel it opens and there is Na+ influx Na+ influx generates action potential in the motor endplate called an endplate potential (EPP) Upon reaching threshold an AP occurs in the muscle Acetylchloinesterase hydrolyses Ach to choline and acetate, which are recycled General anaesthesia: muscle relaxation
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  • 1. Action potential arrives at motor nerve terminal 2. Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open allowing Ca2+ influx 3. Increase in intracellular [Ca2+] causes fusion of presynaptic vesicles to cell membrane and release of ACh by exocytosis 4. ACh diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to nAChR on postsynaptic membrane. nAChR is a Na+/K+ channel. It opens and there is Na+ influx 5. Na+ influx generates action potential in the motor endplate called an endplate potential (EPP) 6. Upon reaching threshold an AP occurs in the muscle 7. Acetylchloinesterase hydrolyses ACh to choline and acetate, which are recycled General anaesthesia: muscle relaxation
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  • When would you need to give drugs for muscle relaxation? Intubation (insertion of tube into trachea) Surgery requires muscles relaxed e.g. abdominal surgery How does a depolarising muscle relaxant work? Similar structure to Ach so binds to nAChR at NMJ Example? Side-effects Fasciculations K+ efflux can lead to hyperkalemia Suxamethonium Important points about suxamethonium: Cannot be reversed wait for it to wear off in 3-5mins Wears off as broken down by pseudocholinesterase. People deficient in this enzyme get suxamethonium apnoea and stop breathing for up to 2hrs What are the TWO categories of muscle relaxant? Depolarising Non-depolarising General anaesthesia: muscle relaxation
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  • THREE examples? How does a non-depolarising muscle relaxant work? Competes with ACh and blocks nAChR Atracurium Rocuronium Vecuronium Hoffman degradation not dependent on liver/kidneys pH and temperature dependent. Why might you need to reverse muscle relaxation? End of operation to allow patient to breathe on their own Failed intubation wake patient up, let them breathe on their own Reversal agents: Atracurium: anticholinesterases e.g. neostigmine and pyridostigmine. Inhibit acetylecholinesterase which breaksdown Ach, thus more Ach available to compete with muscle relaxant Rocuronium and vecuronium: drug called sugammadex (expensive) General anaesthesia: muscle relaxation
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  • How do local anaesthetics work? Block Na channels Examples? Lidocaine (still pronounced lig-no-caine) Bupivicaine slower onset, longer lasting Why can local anaesthetics give a mobile block (loss of sensation, motor function retained)? Larger diameter, myelinated motor fibres less sensitive to anaesthetic than sensory fibres Local anaesthetics Diffusion gradient Fibre size Myelination What 3 factors can determine the effect of LA?
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  • How can local anaesthetic toxicity occur? Intravascular injection Signs and symptoms? Paraesthesia of tongue and lips CNS Drowsiness Seizures Muscle twitching CVS Hypotension Bradycardia Cardiac arrest Related to Na channel blocking action Local anaesthetics Remember! Local anaesthetic is less effective in acidic tissues (becomes ionised), so will not be used for certain procedures, such as abcess I&D.
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  • Thank-you! Any questions:

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