analyising music magazines

Post on 07-Aug-2015



Economy & Finance



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  1. 1. Magazine analysis
  2. 2. The colour cohesion: This magazine cover consist of white grey and pink. The pink text on the grey background create a bolder effect, drawing in the readers attention. Having a white mast head, shows that its a clean and classic magazine. I think having the different shades of grey shows the different layers and views of this magazine. The foreground image consist of a white banner matching the white text The mast head: is behind lilys head only revealing the bil-rd, however due to the success of the magazine you can still identify the billboard brand mainly by the green inside the D, the layering of the mast head being behind the fore ground image shows the viewer that the iconography is the most important part of this issue of billboard magazine. The main call out on this magazine cover is Lily Allen this is done by a capital letter font drawing in the future viewer. Everything else is in smaller font suggesting that its not as important. Buzz: one Buzz is chart heat attracting the younger audience. There are no puffs for this magazine cover, representing the simplicity that the magazine has to its potential audience. Foreground image: the iconography is lily Allen, appealing to the younger audience as she is an icon of the younger generation. She has a white top on matching the a white headband, this contrasts with her black hair up sand eye make up, this black and white is a original look therefore shows the original information and genre of there magazine. I think that the iconography of the music magazine has a natural glow wearing little make up, I think that this is iconic and it sets a good reputation for the magazine and sets a good example to the younger audience. Camera angle: the angle of the foreground image is up- close head shot, which is centre of the magazine. Showing the viewer that the iconography is the most important piece of the front cover and the magazine itself.
  3. 3. These puffs and call outs on this column advertise what is in the magazine. The fact that they are advertising 4 icons and more can show whether or not it will appeal to the reader. I like the way there is a contrast of colour scheme by having the orange and yellow, making it more eye catching to the reader with the colours being brighter than the black and white, appealing to a fun contrasting wide range you audience. There is a Call out at the bottom of the magazine to appeal to the reader. The word plus draws the reader in by telling them that there is information that isnt options to be on the front but probably will influence and interest them. Encouraging them to buy the magazine. The puffs along the bottom with star symbols, are all different white and grey, these colours complement each other therefore make them stand out to their audience. Font is italic to make it stand out, relating it to the word you Showing the audience that they can get involved in the magazine. The foreground image consist of the mid shot of each band member from a different distance, implying the importance that each member has in the Medias eye. The lead singer, who is the main subject for this music cover is slightly off centre and is leaning forward whilst looking at the camera. The iconography of this cover relates to the genre of music that the magazine is trying to portray. We know this immediately by the colour cohesion of the outfits that the band is wearing along with their make up being black and white, this also therefore compliments the mast head, making the magazine look professional. The mast head is quite a bold font therefore stands out the colour cohesion of the black and white shows how the magazine is simply, plain but effective. The word Karrang itself is an onomatepia sounding like something crashing into something else therefore represent the music that the magazine includes being quite loud. The fact that the mast head font has cuts through it and looks like smashed glass, showing the audience that its quite an edgy magazine. Therefore I think the mast head itself targets the younger audience due to the bold and quirky qualitys it includes. The barcode is important to the reader as it shows the general information for the magazine, educating the audience.
  4. 4. The iconography of this magazine cover is Florence her self, her make of the blue eye shadow I think symbolises her uniqueness. her hair also cover the whole front cover of the magazine, meaning there is no background, this is different to each magazine. Mast Head: is in the corner in- front of the main image however not blocking any over part of the magazine. The colour of the white font with a red background is quite an iconic brand therefore will grab the audiences attention. Puffs: there is only one puff and is a contrast to the colour cohesion of the red and white. This grabs the readers eye. The fact that there is only one stresses that the magazine is consistent and simple. Buzz word gig grabs the readers attention by the large and bold font. This also attracts younger audience as they refer to concerts and festivals as gigs. The main call out is Florence in a large bold font. This is the main text on the front cover, it has been positioned at the top of the page so that when a possible viewer passes by they see this as the mast head, drawing in their attention and stating her importance in this issue of the magazine. Colour cohesion is mainly shades of red and white, I think that these colours are quite bold representing the boldness of the magazine. However there are aspects of a light blue in her make up puff and icons, the blue is a light colour, representing that the magazine is light hearted, which is great for the reader and escapism is one of the reasons for good media. Criticism: this magazine has a strong fore ground image and font to grab the readers attention, however does not consist of many puffs to gain the readers attention to buy the magazine, if some one did not like Zayn Low then they have no reason to buy the magazine.
  5. 5. Mast head: the fore ground image of slashs hat is covering the oll part of the rolling stones title, however due to this magazine being successful, it doesnt effect the viewer, this layering technique suggest that the subject in this image is more important then the magazine Mise-en-scene: Slash seems to be holding a guitar, this represents him to the reader as being a rock star musician, the gold the colour of the guitar also links to the colour of the mast head suggesting to a older audience due to the colour cold suggesting classic and established stars. The hat and glasses that he is wearing is an iconic look, showing the magazine to be classic and established. There is a puff of Bruce which stands out by a golden box, making it stand out to the reader, the fact that its a golden box suggests that its the number one thing to focus on. Camera angle: the iconography is slightly off centre, using the rule of thirds technique, the editor has chosen to include an mid long shot image. There is no text on the subject image and follows the shape of his body due to the amount of text, emphasising to the viewer the iconography of the magazine. Call outs: the main call out is how to be a rock star attracts an audience who enjoy this genre of music. Font: the style is consistent however due all buzz words consist of a larger size then the context as the bigger size will catch the viewers eye. Most of the font is black however on the left hand side of the magazine the font alternates to black and gold, I feel this makes the black stand out more to grab the viewers attention
  6. 6. Use of numbers stand out due to the red colour, its important for these are viewable next to the content so the reader can find all of the information. Call out: there are three call outs of band names, white and bold font standing out to the reader that these are the main feature of the magazine. There are 4 images on this contents page, the main iconography of the magazine is Motely Crue, due to this being the largest image. Buzz word: the main buzz word is Features. This is in a large font representing that its the most important. A large amount of layering, from this image to the main foreground image with a white border around it, making it stand to to the reader. Contents is written at the top, creating the title of the page. The text is the largest font and boldest font this is slightly different from the title font as it is grammatically correct. Criticisms: The page has been spilt into sectors rather then clear columns this can suggest that its hard to follow and for the reader to access all page numbers. Colour cohesion: the main colour scheme on this cover is red white and black, however this mainly on the text. The images have been edited to gain parts of the colour cohesion however still consist of blue and brown shades. Puff layered above the image, a black background with a white font, this made it stand out above the image.
  7. 7. The title contents is the largest and boldest piece of text. The font is very different to the rest of the page, by having gaps in each letter, showing how articles are split in this magazine by can be combined easy. Colour cohesion: Blue white and shades of black are the main colours used. This links into the theme of the magazine to be quite calm and pleasant. Rule of thirds have been used to keep the iconography of the magazine off centre, there are three main sections of this contents page, this is Clearly marked out by the bold blue line. Unlike the rock magazine, everything is neatly in line by the use of columns this shows the simplistic of the magazine Clear use of numbers for each content, the most importan useful
  8. 8. The gold colour could represent that it is the most important and interesting part of the magazine. The fact it is such an iconic colour will draw the readers attention to this, encouraging them to buy the magazine. The red background is quite bold there for contrast with the white text making it stand out. The words Every Month shows the audience that it is a consistent established brand giving them confidence. The layout is all in the rule of three columns with the subject (the oasis foreground image) being slightly off centre. Having this contents page all in columns and different sections make it more organized and relaxed. This represented to the audience that this magazine is relaxing and will create a form of escapism. Appealing to a younger audience as it shows that they can switch their brains off and enjoy without having to do any thinking. Q contents is the mast head therefore makes it more memorable however it is quite small and simple showing that this is not the most important piece of information to consume from this page. I feel this also shows that it is quite a simple magazine. There is a contrast between the background colour/ heading on the mast head with the red and black. I think that this colour scheme targets the younger audience as it shows they like to be different, which is a new trend in society. Similar font used throughout the contents page just different sizing show the consistence in their information that is contained into the music magazine A call out, which is a personal quote, giving the audience an insight to what they are reading. I think that this helps appeal the magazine to a younger audience as It shows that they are talking about the oasis which is a band appealing to the younger audience The colour cohesion is red black grey and white. These colours consist in the text and the foreground image (the outfits and sky.) I feel that this makes each important aspect stand out to the least important aspect. I think that the red colour red represents hot, therefore Q are playing on this colour to help them appeal to a younger audience by showing that the magazines is hot fresh and current.
  9. 9. The colour cohesion of these two pages is shades of black and white with a stroke of her iconic red hair, I think that this is supposed to help advertise Qs logo. The font of this magazine is quite consistent, representing the quality of Q magazine delivering consistence of their facts and figures. They use larger size of fonts for the articles that they think the audience will be more interested in. The foreground image for this music magazine double page spread is Lana del Rey. The image is supposed to be very seductive, with the use of hand gestures stroking her neck and her eyes are closed which could also suggested she is in deep thought. This therefore appeals to the male audience. Half of her face appears to be cover by the edited blurred lights and another side is shadowed away by her hair. Suggesting that the article could be about her shining away from her fame life. This image is very large taking up half of the double spread suggesting that the iconography of this image is the main focus for the article. Subtitle heading of the subjects name, emphasising the article to the audience. Having the Q brand in the comer advertises that this Is not just a magazine yet is a brand, encouraging the reader to look online for Q Having a bold black large font of a single letter, shows the boldness of the subject and magazine itself.
  10. 10. Colour cohesion being red white and black. The stick ton this throughout the double page spread by having all the foreground image in black and white. I think that the red is used top complement all of the white text to make it stand out as these are the most important parts to gain the readers attention due to them being the main buzz words and call outs e.g NEW MCR Font is quite similar to the Karrang mast head on the front cover, as it is bold but got quite an edgy effect of it being worn away, which attracts a younger audience to the magazine as it shows that a lot about the music the band is releasing and giving them a sense of assurance that nobody perfect, not karrang not even my chemical romance. Buzz, showing that they have an opportunity that their magazine is better due to the fact they have this article persuading people to buy it. Images of the band members performing, none of which making eye contact with the camera. All images take over one and a half pages of the double page spread, showing that they are the most important part of the page. Call out showing grabbing the audiences eye making them stop and look at the page. The shape behind the word news has a white out line and a black square. This contrast with the red font, making it stand out more.
  11. 11. The font of bold & black of a single letter, shows the boldness of the subject and magazine itself. Colour cohesion of black white pink and grey is quite different to what is expected of a rock magazine showing that the push boundaries

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