analysis of three double page spreads

Post on 24-May-2015






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Analysis Of Three Double Page Spreads

Ryan Lovejoy

This double page spread uses a very large font size on the ‘title’ of the spread, in order to both make it look bright and stand out but also fill up a large space instead of just with solid text. The pull quote on the image ‘sometimes, this country is fucking insane’ is very suitable for the picture so it makes the text on one page and the image on the other make a lot of sense together and they match. The style gives the impression of pop music. The double page spread is about a very successful musician and so it’s a king of all action spread with big bold type faces, exclamation marks and also swear words to show maybe the recklessness of the superstar because of his success.

The image is very dark, and of a person leaving their band deciding to go solo but the main title of this double page spread is ‘Murder On The Dance Floor’ in a bright, white colour, contrasting with the photograph and also very bold and big. I like the way the editor has highlighted the person in the pictures’ name in red, almost as if he is in danger of some sort. However it also suits to be in red as it compliments the ‘Q’ magazine logo.

This double page spread, is fairly simple in terms of effects used, it has few contrasting colours and the image of the band members just has a blue gradient as a background. The type face used in the text is also very simple and it could be said that it looks a little bland. They have used a picture snapshot as a reference to the content of the text which would also make it a more interesting read. The only contrasting colours are the guitars (white) and their black clothes. The house style throughout the double page spread is continuous, even the colour of the type face just ‘goes’ with the picture. This spread gives out a very indie feel.

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