analysis of vibe magazine

Post on 21-Apr-2015






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Analysis of Vibe MagazineFront Cover

The large serif font used for the title is bold and eye-catching. It instantly stands out from the blue background and black&white image. This draws the audiences attention as its such a large title centred at the top of the page. It also makes the magazine recognisable as the title is themed like this across all of their magazines.

The small section of text is unusual for a magazine as its all packed into one space. The bold then normal pieces of text separates the text individually to show they are different stories in the magazine. This is effective as its unusual and draws the attention of he reader to read each part. Its also neat and looks very effective and professional.

The bright blue background is very striking and eye catching. It is also unusual as magazine usually have plain backgrounds. It makes every other item like the photo and text stand out from the page. It also looks funky and original to reflect the type of music its portraying.

The bold black writing used for the main headlines emphasises the story and is instantly recognisable to the public as they are very famous names. The black font stands out from the blue and white features. the layout of the text is very professional and contrasts to the small writing at the top right emphasising it’s the main headlines

The sub line for the main headline is a pun as it is a lyric as well as relating to the story. By being blue it contrasts to the black text and stands out.

The main image is very eye catching although its in black and white. It contrasts to the bright blue background and black and white text, this makes it stand out. The effect on the image makes her seem flawless and illuminated. The close up of her very famous face is attractive to the audience making them read it.

Analysis of Vibe MagazineContents page

The title for the contents page is very interesting and original. The obscure letter arrangement looks funky and appeals to the young target audience as its staged out down the page; It emphasises the attitude of the magazine. Its in a black bold serif font which stands out on the page yet it simple and effective making it look smart and professional.

The small section of writing about the features of the magazine is laid out the left making it seem not as important as the celebrity image or the title. However it corresponds with the smart title.

This small piece of text writes about the photographer and the celebrity ‘Kanye West’

The trademark logo ‘V’ that makes the page recognisable as vibe. Although it is placed behind the image it still stands out as it is large and a dark colour that contrasts to the cream background

This mid shot image is the main feature of the contents page. It has a sepia effect to correspond with the colour scheme. He is dressed in a tweed suit and shirt making him look smart and serious in his facial expression. The bright red heart being snatched away by a women's yearning arms could emphasis that he is ‘heartless’, this is most liking to be a way of promotion for his single ‘heartless’.

The cream and beige colour scheme make the page look neutral and calm

Analysis of Vibe MagazineDouble Page Spread

The main image which take up a whole page is very striking. It portrays Usher as calm and relaxed as he exerts smoke in a sophisticated, sexual and seductive way. His clothing steers away from the smart professional look and makes him look casual and laid back. However the large watch, cigar and ring still indicates his wealth and power. His facial expression makes him look powerful and influential, he also makes the idea of smoking a cigar sexy.

The quote stands out from the background and makes the reader want to read the rest of the interview.

The other page of the spread is much more simpler and almost boring. The large sections of text make it daunting to read and look at. The small section are headed with bold subtitle making it slightly more organised and broken up. This page contrasts to the large image as it looks busy compared to the laid back picture.

The lighting illuminates his face emphasising his celebrity status.

Front CoverAnalysis of The Source Magazine

The title font they have used is bold and in 3D making it immediately identifiable to the audience. The red font is very dominant and loud, attractive readers. The microphone within the ‘O’ make it recognisable as a music hip hop magazine.

The selected words in read make them look important as they are the same colour as the title and instantly make the reader read them.

The image of the bb pin shows that the magazine is up to date and modernised with the times. It also appeals to the target audience as its something most young people have. It is also a way of promoting and publishing their magazine.

The main central image is a medium close up of very famous hip hop artist Chris Brown. He is dressed in a bowtie and stylish suit making him look sharp and smart. The gold headphones portray wealth along with the suit. The lighting illuminates his face making him look flawless and important.

The colour scheme of this magazine is gold red and black that features all over the magazine as well as a stylish border.

The positioning of the name being vertical is unusual and attracting to read compared to the horizontal text.

Analysis of The Source MagazineContents page The font used is San serif

showing its an informal magazine that write about hip hop in an informal way so they include all the explicit gossip and news.

There is not a title for the contents page although the title of the magazine ‘The Source’ is placed at the bottom of the page trade marking the page. You instantly know it’s the contents page as it writes about the features inside the magazine. This a twist on a normal contents page as it is original and modern.

The red silhouette down half of the page represents passion and love for the music and is very intense with the facial expression of the celebrity.

The image is very powerful and striking as it is a close-up that covers the whole page. His staring focused eyes look directly at the reader show his seriousness for his life of music. The lighting makes him look powerful and frightening as it creates dark shadows. His clothing being just a hood that is over his head shows he is secretive.

The contents page is a 'Master Plan' as quoted in the magazine. It is laid out well and includes relevant information to the magazine. the colours suit the black mans personality and the contents page elements link very well together.

Analysis of The Source MagazineThis is an unusual double page spread and usually used to introduce and interview after a photo shoot. The main image being the most important feature of the spread is very large and covers over the two pages. The lighting on the artist makes him look radiated and highlighted. This gives him almost a holy effect making him look important and wise. He is also a contrast to the completely black background highlighting him even more.

His clothing is very simple and different from the wealthy clothing that artists usually feature in. this makes the article seem very simple yet explicit, getting to the core of his music and emotions. His clothing also shows off his tattoos which represent hardship and triumph which relates to his life.

The quote is unusually large which makes it very important and a main quote taken from the interview. The quote summarises the interview and his feeling on Hip-Hop music.

Double Page Spread

The choice to have it staggered down the page makes more serious and abrupt as you read it. It also stands out from the white background as its in white. The change in colour represents a change in mood.

Analysis of XXL MagazineFront Cover

The large title is very striking as it is the powerful passionate colour red that is seen in a lot of RnB magazines. The logo makes the magazine instantly recognisable to the audience.

The medium two shot shows the close relationship between the two artists, their closeness is portrayed with her leaning in front of him. The look highlighted from the lighting to a contrast of the black background, a convention of a magazine. Drakes clothing is casual yet stylish with his collars up conveying he is laid back and living the high life. However he wears no large jewellery or signs of wealth which could represents his simple core feelings for his music.

Nicki Minaj’s Clothing is a contrast to his as she is featured in a seductive lace corset, just revealing her cleavage. Her leopard print shawl hanging of her portrays her as sexual and promiscuous. her clear showing of her tattoos shows her determination and assurance of herself showing she has a hard personality. This is also represented in her facial expression as she looks provocative and serious. She is also holding gold which drapes down her portraying wealth. The representation of the couple shows female dominance but with male support underlying the female dominance.

The main headline varies in thickness making it look interesting and prioritises the important words like ‘DOMINATION’. It is also in red which stands out from the white title.

The sub line makes the audience want to read on as it summarises the article.

The thin section of writing showing some of the articles makes it look professional whilst highlighting the main story of Nicki Minaj and Drake.

Analysis of XXL MagazineContents Page

The layout of the text and photo is slanted to the left giving the page an interesting edgy look.

The image of Dr.Dre himself is actually smaller than a usual image on a contents page however the low angled shot still makes him look powerful and intimidating as he stands in casual all black clothing emphasising the dark side to himself and his music.

The shadow of the artist reflects his status and power in the music industry. It detonates that although in his physical form he may be small and introvert his presence, superiority and dominance excels this.

The quotes simply states his passion for what he does, making records.

The issue date being on the contents page differentiates from usually being on the front page of a music magazine.

The headed contents list makes it look neat and professional and organises the pages. The brief descriptio0jns allows the reader to see which part of the magazine they would be interested in reading.

The title being in lower case letters shows in not a formal and educated magazine. The content is explicit and informal, the interviewees will most likely speak in restricted code.

Analysis of XXL MagazineDouble Page Spread

The main photo taking up a whole page it shows Soulja boy looking young mischievous and upfront as he stands in front of 50 Cent, he is also dressed in more colours and more casually. This contrast to 50 as he is portrayed as much more relaxed, serious and tougher almost like he is looking over he younger star Soulja Boy. This represent him to be more mature which is a reflection of his position in the music industry.

The white background makes them stand out, a common convention of a double page spread with a large photo.

The large quote draws the attention of the reader to carry on reading the article. The words with blocked out letters show that the interview is going to be explicit.

The large amount of blocked text is unusual for an interview layout but could have a negative affect on the audience as it looks daunting and boring to read.

The plain white background makes it look simple and calm and contrasts to the harsh sharp font of the black quote.

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