analyze performance - starts & turns reference guide · flight – common challenges root...

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Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

BACKSTROKE STARTS – Descriptions & Metaphors

Preparation - Descriptions Metaphors

On whistle, enter water, grab blocks, arms relaxed, eyes look at wall On ‘take your marks” flex arms and move hips up to relaxed sitting 90 degree angle

Hanging off a tree Coil up

Reaction – Descriptions Metaphors

Movement sequence at signal is torso, arms, legs

Snap, crackle, pop

Acceleration – Descriptions Metaphors

Hands push block away Throw head and torso back Throw arms out and around, meet for streamline

Rip Explode or spring back, Victory arm pump Slice & stack hands like a pancake

Flight – Descriptions Metaphors

Body arches up an out into the air Arms swing round or slightly overhead to get into streamline Rigid core Legs press against wall, toes point and kick upward

Make a rainbow Swing & stick Body as a spear Jump off wall, both feet kick a soccer ball, kick air

Entry – Descriptions Metaphors

Entry sequence: Fingertips, head, hips, toes Head is back, hips are high Toes pointed & give a kick upward to ceiling Hands ‘steer’ streamlined body

Backwards streamline down a rabbit hole Sliding down backwards on a slide Laser toes attacking the block then the ceiling Thumb lock hands are your steering wheel

Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

BACKSTROKE STARTS – Challenges, Root Causes & Fixes

Preparation – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Difficulty reaching bar

Swimmer too small for size of block

Swimmer may grab pool edge or move feet higher

Reaction – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Feet slipping down wall Body drops back down, instead of up & back

Feet not placed well on wall Legs not activated to keep hips up

Have swimmers ‘spread toes’ to grip, or stagger feet

Acceleration – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Letting go of block with no power in arms

No flexion/tension to create power

Eyes continue to look at block, head not tilted back

Break down start to just the pull up (reaction) and then just ‘jump’ up to see if they can activate arms Practice on dryland first

Flight – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Hips drag through water, body is not straight

Swimmer hasn’t pushed hips high or had enough power in legs

As above but to a ‘sit jump’ then progress to back starts with a noodle they have to go over

Entry – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Head is up, hands are apart and feet may drag through the water

Can’t see where they are going so ‘sit’ more in the dive

Watch their hands go back into entry to fix head and hold hand over water to provide visual cue of where feet are to ‘kick’ at the end

Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

TRACK STARTS – Descriptions & Metaphors

Preparation – Descriptions Metaphors

One foot forward at front edge of block, other behind Front leg relaxed, back leg bent-balancing on ball of foot Arms hanging down and gripping front edge of block Head down, eyes look down

Like sprint runners, front toes like fingers ‘holding’ block Same line as wall Watching hands

Reaction – Descriptions Metaphors

Movement sequence: Hips, head, legs & arms Back & neck extend forward, head aimed to water Push back on block with hands simultaneously with rear foot drive

Pop, move out Power out

Acceleration – Descriptions Metaphors

Arms thrown forward, under and out Explode with rear leg, then drive with front leg

Reach. Throw your arms to the other end of the pool. Explode, power

Flight – Descriptions Metaphors

Body parallel then angled to water surface to entry Head & spine in line, moving forward Arms align head & torso – rigid core

Out and down Like a plane Like a spear, in streamline position

Entry – Descriptions Metaphors

Sequence of entry, arms, head, torso, hips, legs Head in neutral position, locked in arms at entry Feet together, toes pointed Hands ‘steer’ streamlined body

Like a hand going into a glove Straight as an arrow Like a rudder of a boat, hands will lead the way.

Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

TRACK START – Challenges, Root Causes & Fixes

Preparation – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Unbalanced on block Eyes looking forward

Feet might not be placed far enough apart or may have straight knees

Progression from side to blocks Proper placement of feet with bent knees

Reaction – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Have initiated movement upwards instead of forward

Have let go of the block and lifted head upwards

Keep eyes directed downward (cue look at big toe) and direct swimmer to push against the block with hands to being forward movement

Acceleration – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Arms do not reach full extension

May not have pushed hard enough with the legs to generate enough force and fallen in too soon

Provide a visual cue on the bottom of pool to help ‘point’ their hands/arms in the right direction

Flight – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Knees bent and legs not higher than hips or one leg stays higher than other, not together

Not enough force generated from the legs, or one leg pushes harder than the other leg

Various jumping exercises on land & side of pool first Then try holding a soft noodle for them to dive over as a guide

Entry – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Body not on proper angle (too flat) Head up and hands may be apart

Not enough force off block (legs) Looking up not down, hands not in locked streamline position

Provide visual cue of where you want the swimmers entry point to be and remind of locked hand position

Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

GRAB STARTS – Descriptions & Metaphors

Preparation – Descriptions Metaphors

Both feet forward with toes curled over edge of block, shoulder width apart Fingers grasp block between toes Head down and eyes looking back Knees slightly bent

Snap. Grip the block with toes like an eagle grabbing the branch of a tree. Fold down. Head down, butt up. Look between your legs.

Reaction – Descriptions Metaphors

Arm/back muscle flexion & draw hips forward Legs flex and contribute to drive moving centre of mass forward Movement sequence: Torso, arms, legs

Crackle Move out

Acceleration – Descriptions Metaphors

Throw arms forward after tension & flexion Streamline with head hidden by arms Arms and head in line with body to direct all forces in linear direction

Pop, explode Squeeze

Flight - Descriptions Metaphors

Body parallel then angled to water surface to entry Head and spine in line, moving forward Arms align head & torso – rigid core

Jump Like a plane Like a spear

Entry - Descriptions Metaphors

Sequence of entry, arms, head, torso, hips, legs Head in neutral position, locked in arms at entry Feet together, toes pointed Hands direct streamline

Dive into hole Poke a hole in the water with fingertips then slide body through Straight as an arrow Like a rudder of a boat, hands will lead the way.

Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

GRAB START – Challenges, Root Causes & Fixes

Preparation – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Unbalanced on block Eyes looking forward

Feet might not be placed far enough apart or may have locked knees/straight legs

Proper placement of feet with bent knees No slip grip, cuing of foot placement at shoulder width apart Progress from side of pool to starting block

Reaction – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Have initiated movement upwards instead of forward

Have let go of the block and lifted head upwards

Keep eyes directed downward and direct swimmer to push against the block with hands to being forward movement

Acceleration – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Arms do not reach full extension

May not have pushed hard enough with the legs to generate enough force and fallen in too soon

Provide a visual cue on the bottom of pool to help ‘point’ their hands/arms in the right direction

Flight – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Knees bent and legs not higher than hips

Not enough force generated from the legs

Various jumping exercises on land & side of pool first Then try holding a soft noodle for them to dive over as a guide

Entry – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Body not on proper angle (too flat) Head up and hands may be apart

Not enough force off block (legs) Looking up not down, hands not in locked streamline position

Provide visual cue of where you want the swimmers entry point to be and remind of locked hand position

Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

BUTTERFLY TURNS – Descriptions & Metaphors

Approach - Descriptions Metaphors

Stretched out, straight arms, not locked Eyes down Hips at surface Simultaneous two-hand touch

Long, tall Hide your head Bum up! “T T” Touch together!

Turn - Descriptions Metaphors

Knees & feet slide under stomach as one hand leaves wall, elbow pulls straight back underwater As feet plant on wall, 2nd hand brushes past head with elbow pointing to surface Hands meet overhead ready to streamline Goal: have heels, hips, head & hands in same line

Slide along a shallow imaginary glass bottom Starting a lawn mower Elbow someone, then shoot (all in fun mind you!) Fashion model, brush your hair with hand comb Cover eyes from bright sun! Catch, slap or glue hands Lying down on the floor

Push Off - Descriptions Metaphors

Hand over hand with top thumb wrapping around bottom hand for tight arm streamlined push-off Eyes directed to bottom, head locked in arms Push-off slightly on side over to stomach at full extension when feet leave the wall

Lock hands Squeeze ears/head Look for pennies! Log roll, torpedo, blast

Glide – Descriptions Metaphors

Streamlined Feet together for dolphin kicking

Long strong dolphin! Whale tail

Transition - Descriptions Metaphors

Hands start first swimming stroke as head breaks surface of water

Metaphor Blast out! Break out! Fly out!

Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

BUTTERFLY TURNS – Challenges, Root Causes & Fixes

Approach – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Misjudged timing into wall Hips and feet too low One-handed touches

Lack of experience of timing touch Fatigue (swimmer not ready for a 50 fly) Lack of up-kick on stroke, tired Wanting to turn too quickly

Use the T on bottom or ‘flag area’ to count strokes to help to shorten/lengthen strokes prior to touch 4H – High head, hips, heels as you touch! Eyes directed to wall in order to see hands touch

Turn – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Swivelling like a spinning top, vs. a car tire Feet planted too low on wall

Both hands leaving wall at the same time and swing together to same side Legs too low in the approach and a lack of tuck during turning action

On deck practice ‘karate’ move (arm back), break it down to parts while standing in shallow water Practice going from front float (mid-pool) and pull arms/legs in at same time, to feel backspin

Push Off – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Hands slide apart as they push-off Arms bent (‘ploughing’ on push-off) Eyes looking forward, lifting head up Pushing off at the surface, lack of depth

Hands stacked too lightly Loose streamline Inefficient streamline Feet planted too low on wall or perhaps not enough air taken in during turn

Show strength of the thumb lock on deck or standing in shallow water, will also help straighten arms Place visual cues along bottom to keep head down Pulling knees into body for tight tuck, helps feet get higher on the wall –aim feet for ‘T’ mark

Glide – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Hands apart and/or arms bent Feet not kicking together, flutter kicks Gliding at the surface, vs. underwater glide, which shortens distance glide is held

Hands not locked for streamline Feet too far apart, used to flutter kick Feet placement on wall (lack of tuck) & no slight chest press to hold glide

Thumb lock as above Remind kids to touch big toes before they start kick Practice just push-offs, outside of a set so fatigue doesn’t affect distance for glide

Transition – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Keeping enough speed up into first stroke Body position too vertical – difficult to get arms out of the water

May be too deep or trying to do too many kicks off wall May be looking forward & lifting head or pushed off too deep

Limit number of kicks off wall & try to do first stroke with no breath, to keep a low profile into first stroke Work on push-off angle and glide outside of a set to help concentrate on this first breakout stroke

Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

BACKSTROKE TURNS – Descriptions & Metaphors

Approach - Descriptions Metaphors

Correct strokes counted so that last recovery arm crosses over body onto stomach for free pull into turn as the last back pull is taken below surface Free pulling arm must continues to pull under body (as chin tucks) ready for turn

#, #, # over-pull Hide your head/bury your head “Just keep pulling” (... if they‟ve seen Finding Nemo!)

Turn - Descriptions Metaphors

One dolphin kick allowed as thighs coil into body Toes point as they leave water and go towards wall The last pulling arm continues down & pull back, until it meets the trailing arm, ready for streamline Turn is oval shaped somersault. Feet plant on wall below the surface, at least 20-30 cm down the wall Goal: have heels, hips, head & hands in same line

Make a ball…fast! Fast feet (pointing toes helps do this) “Just keep pulling!” Bum at 12 o‟clock, head at 6 o‟clock Iron arms, catch, slap or glue hands (not bending to the sides, but straight back towards other wall) Feet at or above T, knees bent at 90 degrees Feel like lying down on the floor

Push Off – Descriptions Metaphors

Hand over hand with bottom thumb wrapped around top hand for tight streamlined push-off Eyes directed to ceiling, head locked in arms Push-off on back, legs at full extension when feet leave the wall

Lock hands Squeeze ears/head Log roll, torpedo, blast

Glide – Descriptions Metaphors

Streamlined Feet together for dolphin kicking (3-4 kicks)

Long strong dolphin!

Transition – Descriptions Metaphors

Shift to flutter kick and slightly roll to the side for first arm pull just as head is reaching surface Press first arm down into first pull and power into first stroke

Blast out! Break out! Start the motor! Tilt „n kick!

Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

BACKSTROKE TURNS – Challenges, Root Causes & Fixes

Approach – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Turn too early & either glides to wall or adds an extra free stroke (illegal!) Turn too close to wall-lose speed for rotation Looks for wall – excessive head movements

Not knowing stroke count to wall or being afraid of hitting the wall As above As above

Coach to put board over incoming swimmer (either on deck or in water) to cue when last stroke should be initiated, swimmers to count strokes Suggest they look for other cues on ceiling to know when they will be approaching flags

Turn – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Difficulties rotating straight over Arms flail/scull out to the side Feet planting too high or too low on wall

Uncomfortable being upside down or dropping one shoulder lower Arms trying to maintain the speed of rotation Not knowing position of body in rotation

Practice handstands, somersaults in mid pool and then on to wall Have partner/coach behind them holding arms in proper position as they do their turns Break it down-place feet on wall and swimmer to sink down until torso is parallel to bottom

Push Off – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Hands slide apart as they push-off Arms bent (‘plowing’ on push-off) Eyes looking to toes, head not in streamline Pushing off at the surface, lack of depth

Hands stacked too lightly Not locking elbows on streamline May not blowing air out through nose Not knowing position of body in rotation

Review thumb lock Standing vertically, lock arms, hold & push-off Breath control drills, various upside down positions Breaking it down – as above (Turn-last point)

Glide – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Not parallel to surface of water - either too shallow or too deep Unable to stay underwater on back (at all or only briefly)

Incorrect feet placement on wall Not enough air taken in on turn or unable to blow air out of nose properly when on back

Work only on push-off/glide segment to help swimmer self discover best position Uncomfortable being on back underwater-add breathing drills to improve this

Transition – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Breakout into first stoke on too much of an incline Still underwater upon taking first ‘stroke’

Not parallel to bottom of pool on glide or too deep and trying to get up for air Being too deep on push-off / glide

Work on push & glides to help them feel/see when the surface is approaching Ensure proper feet placement on push-off

Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

BREASTSTROKE TURNS – Descriptions & Metaphors

Approach – Descriptions Metaphors

Stretched out Eyes down Hips at surface Simultaneous two-hand touch

Long, tall Hide your head Bum up! “T T” = Touch together!

Turn – Descriptions Metaphors

Knees & feet point as they slide under stomach One hand leaves wall, elbow pulls straight back underwater, then hand shoots out to far wall As feet plant on wall, 2nd hand brushes past head with elbow pointing to surface Hands meet overhead ready to streamline Goal: have heels, hips, head & hands in same line

Slide along a shallow imaginary glass bottom Starting a lawn mower Elbow someone, then shoot (all in fun mind you!) Fashion model, brush your hair with hand comb Cover eyes from bright sun! Catch, slap or glue hands

Push Off – Descriptions Metaphors

Hand over hand with top thumb wrapping around bottom hand for tight arm streamlined push-off Eyes directed to bottom, head locked in arms Push-off slightly on side over to stomach at full extension

Lock hands Squeeze ears/head Look for pennies! Log roll, torpedo, blast

Glide – Descriptions Metaphors

Streamlined - feet together and still, eyes down and glide in a slightly downhill position (press on chest to get depth) for 2-3 seconds Out-sweep of arms initiated prior to dolphin kick Pullout: scull outward, then with elbows high arms hold 90o bend, fingers angled to bottom, pull around until elbows „hit‟ body, push hard back towards feet–dolphin kick added during pull Glide for 2-3 seconds after pull, bring hands under body as heels coil back to body, then kick back as the arms shoot forward into a streamline

Long & strong Slide down hill “Glide – 2 – 3 – Pull – 2 – 3” Around & down Pull out of a hole and push out! Sneaky hands Snake „em up! Thumbs unlock chin/head to look up during kick Explode (the kick) Shoot out of cannon Drive, power, missile shot

Transition – Descriptions Metaphors

Hands start first swimming stroke as head breaks surface of water

Pop out of water Explode, power, Up „n out!

Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

BREASTSTROKE TURNS – Challenges, Root Causes & Fixes

Approach – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Misjudged timing into wall Hips and feet too low One-handed touches

Lack of experience on timing touch –Use 1500 counters at 2 – to help remind swimmers as they approach the wall!

Use the T on bottom or ‘flag area’ to count strokes to help to shorten/lengthen strokes prior to touch 4H – High head, hips, heels as you touch! Eyes directed to wall in order to see hands touch

Turn – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Swivelling like a spinning top, vs. a car tire Feet planted too low on wall

Both hands leaving wall at the same time and swing together to same side Legs too low in the approach and a lack of tuck during turning action

On deck practice ‘karate’ move (arm back), break it down to parts while standing in shallow water Practice going from front float (mid-pool) and pull arms/legs in at same time, to feel backspin

Push Off – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Hands slide apart as they push-off Arms bent (ploughing’ on push-off) Eyes looking forward, lifting head up Pushing off at the surface, lack of depth Feet apart / Feet flutter kicking

Hands stacked too lightly Loose streamline Inefficient streamline Feet planted too low on wall Accustomed to flutter kick off wall

Review thumb & elbow lock from above Place visual cues along bottom to keep head down Pulling knees into body for tight tuck, helps feet get higher on the wall – aim feet for ‘T’ mark Remind to touch big toes together

Glide – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Going through pullout too quickly Hands recovering back to front too deeply – slows down glide Pulling knees up into stomach to start

Afraid of losing air or lack of knowing timing of each part Straight arm pullout and leaving arms too straight Think big kick to get to surface

Ensure breath is taken at turn & review timing of exhalation (hold breath on glide, exhale on pullout) & put visual cues on bottom to guide through pullout Keep hands close to body, (i.e. doing up a zipper) Encourage smaller kicks, and heels up to kick 1st

Transition – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Too shallow & feet kick air as they head into first swimming stroke Too deep to start first swimming stroke (head must clear surface on the out-sweep)

Straight arm pullout created lift, head was up in streamline or feet low on wall Feet placement too high on wall, or swimmer aiming to go deep

Review pullout arm pattern, look for proper feet placement & provide visual cues on bottom of pool Work only on push-off/glide segment to help swimmer sense when they near the surface

Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

FREESTYLE TURNS – Descriptions & Metaphors

Approach – Descriptions Metaphors

Last breath taken prior to last stroke into wall Last free pull initiated far enough from wall to allow legs room to come over and plant

Slide into “T” Hide your head/bury your head

Turn – Descriptions Metaphors

One dolphin kick allowed as thighs coil into body Toes point as they leave water and go towards wall The last pulling arm continues to pull back, until it meets the trailing arm, ready for streamline Feet plant on wall below the surface at least 20cm or more down the wall Goal: have heels, hips, head & hands in same line

Make a ball…fast! Fast feet (pointing toes helps do this) “Just keep pulling!” Iron arms, catch, slap or glue hands (not bending to the sides, but straight back towards other wall) Feet meet T Lying down on the floor

Push Off – Descriptions Metaphors

Hand over hand with bottom thumb wrapped around top hand for tight streamlined push-off Eyes directed to ceiling, head locked in arms Push-off slightly on back and roll over to side while feet are still on wall As the feet leave the wall continue roll over to front

Make a ball…fast! Fast feet (pointing toes helps do this) “Just keep pulling!” Iron arms, catch, slap or glue hands (not bending to the sides, but straight back towards other wall) Feet meet T Feels like lying down on the floor, back parallel to bottom

Glide – Descriptions Metaphors

Streamlined Feet together for dolphin kicking (3-4 kicks)

Lock hands, turtle shell Squeeze ears/head Look for pennies! Log roll, torpedo, blast

Transition – Descriptions Metaphors

Shift to flutter kick and slightly roll to the side for first arm pull just as head is reaching surface Press first arm down into first pull and power into first stroke Aim to do 1 stroke before first breath

Start the motor! Blast out! Break out! SS = streamline + stroke before first breath

Analyze Performance - Starts & Turns Reference Guide


© 2010 Swimming Canada – NCCP Swimming Info –

FREESTYLE TURNS – Challenges, Root Causes & Fixes

Approach – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Turn too early – and either glides to wall or misses it completely Breathes at the last second, just prior to rotation Turn too close to wall-lose speed for rotation

Misjudgement of distance to wall Afraid they won’t get enough air

Provide a visual cue on the bottom of pool to help them know when to start rotation As above, they have to ensure they get their breath before they reach the visual cue on bottom Repetition for all turns

Turn – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Running out of air, or not knowing how to exhale to keep water out of their nose Difficulties rotating straight over Arms flail/scull out to the side Feet planting too high or too low on wall

Feeling of being disorientated Cannot keep water out of nose Dropping one shoulder lower Arms trying to maintain the speed of rotation Insufficient speed of rotation

Practice handstands, somersaults in mid pool and then on to wall, may require more breathing drills Have partner/coach behind them holding arms in proper position as they do their turns Break it down-place feet on wall and swimmer to sink down until torso is parallel to bottom

Push Off – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Hands slide apart as they push-off Arms bent (‘plowing’ on push-off) Eyes looking forward, head not in streamline Pushing off at the surface, lack of depth

Hands stacked too lightly, Not locking elbows on streamline Trying to see where they are going Not knowing position of body in rotation

Review thumb lock Standing vertically, lock arms, hold & push-off Provide visual cues on bottom to encourage eyes down & where they should be in late Breaking it down – as above (Turn last point)

Glide – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Not parallel to surface of water – either too shallow or too deep

Feet placement on wall incorrect on push-off

Work only on push-off/glide segment to help swimmer self discover best position

Transition – Common Challenges Root Causes Fixes

Breakout into first stoke on too much of an incline Underwater when trying to take first ‘stroke’

Not parallel to bottom of pool on glide or too deep and trying to get up for air Being too deep on push-off / glide

Work on push & glides to help them feel/see when the surface is approaching Ensure proper feet placement on push-off

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