analyze the political and religious causes of the english civil war analyze the mistakes of charles...

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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• Analyze the political and religious causes of the English Civil War

• Analyze the mistakes of Charles I that spark the war

• Identify the enemies in the English Civil War

• Analyze the political and religious effects of the end of the Civil War

• We now know of France’s path.

• We will now see England’s path.

• Any guesses?

• His Tudor blood line would die out

• England would endure another Civil War

1. 1603-1688…– 1642-1660…– 1688-1689…

2. War of Religion– Who are the

enemies? – What is the

struggle? (spectrum)• How Calvinist or

Catholic the Anglican Church will look

• __________ Kings vs. __________ Parliament

• 5 Kings (Rulers) to know• Sandwich is easy to remember

• Queen Elizabeth I dies without heir

• ________Dynasty ends

• Stuart Dynasty begins

• Henry and Elizabeth


relationship with


• Allowed Parliament

to have certain

powers– Power to tax

• From Scotland

• Sons of Mary Queen of Scots

• Hard act to follow (Eliz I)

• Religion?

• What will Parliament (nobles) want?– the King to consult them when making

decisions• What will James I and Charles I want?

– As much total power as possible…– “Divine Right” Absolute Monarchs

• James and Charles will clash with Parliament and dissolve (disband) it when they disagree (Obama)

• The future of the Anglican


• What do Puritans want?– Simplify it.

– Make it democratic…(?)

– Clean out unnecessary rituals

of Catholicism that are still


• Both James I & Charles I

want…– Keep their POWER as head

of the Anglican Church

– Make it look Catholic

The Story Begins

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