analyze the versatile types of license in india and its prospects

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Analyze the Versatile Types of License in India and Its Prospects

License is a contract through which a licensor permits rights to a lawfully protected part of intellectual property to a licensee. Diverse licensable properties are generated from various sources.

At times the definitions of these varied property classifications are not specific and tend to overlay. Each licensing program is unique, assorted areas of licensing business have precise outlines in terms of how they are planned and how business is carried out.

The chart projects the distinct property groups of licensed commodities with their comparative shares of projected inclusive licensing industry revenues generated in 2012. The chart is followed by a brief description of key industry segments.

As per the LIMA (Licensing Industry Merchandisers' Association) report

Property TypeEst. Licensing Revenue (in


Art $134Character (Entertainment, TV, Movie)


Collegiate $206Fashion $755Music $122Non-profit (Museum, Charities) $36Sports (Leagues, Individuals) $685Trademarks/Brands $928Publishing $35Other $3

Character and entertainment licensing is one of the major sections of the licensing business, and is undoubtedly the part most predictable by the universal public. The major percentage of the entertainment and character licensing business is targeted at kids and youngsters through a broad range of products classifications such as figurines, clothing, publication, food and beverages, electronic game and electronics, among many others. Child-targeted amusement and character assets also often play a huge role in publicity licensing, but the group also features adult-targeted classic characters whose appeal is focused on a nostalgia factor, and even some child-oriented properties are promoted secondarily to adult audiences by producing a “cool” factor around them.

Character and Entertainment Licensing

The licensing of company names, logos, or brands mentioned to as commercial trademark/brand licensing is one of the increasing at rapid speed sections of the licensing business. Much of the development is stimulated by the element that licensing caters massive planned publicizing and producing profits to both licensor and licensee.The territory of brand licensing expanses from the rather ordinary of featuring a corporate logo on a t-shirt to much more refine incorporated promoting and merchandise expansion efforts in which a brand is sustained into new product areas in ways that are unified to customers.

Corporate trademark and brand licensing

Fashion licensing

The licensing of designer fashion names and brands into such categories as attire, style accessories, home goods and health & beauty support is one of the preeminently known aspects of the business.In some instances a fashion tag may occur only as a license – even the main “core” apparel categories are licensed to third parties for fabricating, promoting and dispersing. In most other cases, however, the designer or brand holder generates, markets and creates detailed core groups, and utilizes licensing as a way of expanding the brand into tangential regions such as other clothing areas (i.e. outerwear or intimate apparel), accessories (i.e. outerwear or intimate apparels, headwear, watches, luggage, belts and footwear), eau de toilette and beauty products, or home-based fashions.

Sports licensing has matured in possibility and superiority over more than the past decade, and is one of the top four revenue generators in the licensing world. Other significant licensing campaigns like major sports events such as the soccer’s World Cup and Olympics. Moreover more than 300 colleges and universities in the U.S. are engaged in collegiate licensing, publicizing their rights mainly to the clothing market with at times very reputable returns, based on the accomplishment of their sports teams and the intensity of the university or college.

Sports licensing

The art licensing segment is comparatively minor and crumbled associated to the other foremost classifications of licensed assets. Art licensing comprehends entirely from distinct entertainers who backing their artistic aims via licensing to deep-rooted businesses that fabricate art and design precisely to furnish a extensive array of merchandises, comprising home textiles, publishing, giftware, apparel, prints, home décor, housewares –absolutely any commodity whose application can be enriched via an eye-catching or suggestive pattern, design and image. Nowadays art licensing, because of its agelessness, the capability to aim explicit niches, throughout the year turnover probable and reasonable budgets, is a extremely significant section of the universal licensing industry.

Art licensing

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