ananse reach concept …we started as a small group of little children who were just interested in...

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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Ananse Reach Concept

…we started as a small group of little Children who were just interested in

making poor children happy. Now we have grown big and very soon, the whole world will be us, that is why we are committed to

building the future today!!!

The Logo of Selflessness

Why our beautiful name “Ananse”

Ananse, a local Ghanaian name for a spider represents a prominent and wise figure in folklore and as such a favourite for children. (we the members of Ananse Reach Concept consider ourselves to be wise and capable group of problem solvers. We are constantly reminded as every Ananse story depicts that, it is always good to behave well to avoid punishment or humiliation)

Why our beautiful name “Ananse”

Have seen a spider weaving its web before? Just take your time and study a spider’s web and see for yourself the good and hard work done. The way a spider weaves it web depicts its ability to network. We seek to invite and network children and the youth from all over the world to become one and together we shall seek the development of the young generation and our future).

Why our beautiful name “Ananse”

The web of the spider is capable of trapping insects far away from its physical location. (together, we aim at reaching out to vulnerable children who may be far away from us. Look at our Logo and you may find that the spider’s legs reach out to all parts of the Globe).

Are you ready to hear our story?As mentioned earlier, Ananse Stories are a collection of carefully thought-through and carefully packaged folklore used by our forefathers to teach us how to grow up to become good and disciplined adults. It basically sought to educate us on the reward for doing good and bad. You may think Ananse is known to be a trickster so why should we use its name. If you observe well, Ananse was not created a trickster but a very wise creature. The Ananse Stories show us how he is punished for using his God-given wisdom to do bad things and how he is rewarded for doing good. It is good we are constantly reminded as a growing generation that, God has given us so much wisdom and if we use it well, the world will be a better place for all of us to live in. If you are ready to hear the only true Ananse Story, click next…

My name is Anansewaa Nana Adwoa and this is my kid brother Ananse Lawrence. We live in Accra, the capital

city of Ghana. We founded Ananse Reach Concept

Once upon a time in 1996, there lived a handsome little boy called Mahamadu. He was Six years old

Mahamadu had been blind since birth

Mahamadu lived in a poor community with no school, no clinic, no electricity and no playground.

Mahamadu could not be taken to hospital because of poverty and was left to remain blind.

This is where Mahamadu lives

The true Ananse Story

One day whiles travelling to the Northern part of Ghana on holidays, we saw Mahamadu in a small village. We were told Mahamadu’s mother had abandoned him and the father was too poor to send him to hospital for operation. He was taken care of by a very nice woman in the village…

We were very much sorry for Mahamadu. He looked very unhappy and we wondered how he felt not seeing anything. I took a lot of pictures and videos of him.

The True Ananse Story contd.

After failing to raise then 3 million Ghana Cedis required for Mahamadu’s surgery, I told my Daddy that I would not need any birthday present that year and that he should use the money intended for it to register Mahamadu’s family under the National Health Insurance Scheme. Daddy readily agreed to this and the money was sent to Mahamadu’s father for the insurance. Lawrence also packed some of his nice clothes and they were sent as well. We had to wait for some time for the insurance to mature for Mahamadu to undergo surgery.

The True Ananse Story contd.

At that moment when it was difficult raising the money, the idea of talking to our friends to help us came up. The idea of coming together as a group to help needy children was conceived. We discussed it with Daddy and he also thought it was a good idea. He however advised that it would be better to come together as a recognised body and he was going to start wok on it immediately.

The True Ananse Story contd.

Immediately after the Insurance matured, Mahamadu was sent to the hospital for surgery. I begged Daddy who worked with the hospitals to get me pictures and if possible videos of everything since I was in school and could not be there to witness the surgery. Actually I did not believe Mahamadu could see again. Click on and see the pictures I received from Daddy.

Mahamadu at the theatre

Mahamadu at the theatre

Mahamadu at the theatre

Mahamadu recovering after surgery

The surgery went well says the doctor.

I compared my old pictures with the new ones

The Mahamadu I knew

The picture I received

I compared my old pictures with the new ones

The Mahamadu I knew

The picture I received

We could not wait to see Mahamadu personally. We were so anxious for the next vacation which was Christmas to come but

wait… we thought of another idea...

“Daddy, could you please reserve the money you intend to use to buy us any Christmas presents and for our Christmas party to be used to organize a party in

Mahamadu’s village for Mahamadu and all the Children in the village?” The response was positive.

Vacation finally came!

Daddy was very busy so the only day we could travel to Mahamadu’s village was on Christmas Day. We travelled with three friends Suhini, Razak and Hafiz who were very interested in our idea of helping needy children.

We quickly jumped into action as we got into the village. I began by gathering and teaching all the children in the village how to make Christmas decorations. I took some paper, glue and crayons along.

We also asked the older children and the adults to help us build a Christmas hut with local materials. We set up our generator sound system and Christmas lighting system

I was very happy to see Mahamadu drawing and colouring all by himself.

We worked and worked and worked…

Work went on well and I was happy with the setup and the participation of the children in the village

Everything was set; the hut, decorations, music and lightsWe had a great party, we bought some soft drinks, biscuits and toys and we had so much fun. Most of the children for the first time in their lives drank, ate and danced on a Christmas day.

The True Ananse Story contd.

After the party, we distributed the toys to the children in the community and we were really surprised at the smiles on their faces. This is because the toys were simple and cheap plastic watches, dolls, whistles and water pistols.

The True Ananse Story contd.

Throughout our trips, we came across so many poor people and needy children that we wanted to help but we did not have enough. Looking back, I asked myself and later Lawrence; “if the two of us have been able to help Mahamadu regain his sight and we have been able to make all the children in his village happy, what will happen if all of our friends came together to help other needy children as we have done?”. This is the question that gave birth to Ananse Reach Concept.

The True Ananse Story contd.

We started talking to our friends and showed them the photographs we took during our trips. Some of our friends also became interested and the organisation started growing.

I wrote down all the experiences we had during our trips and the discussions we had towards the birth of Ananse Reach Concept in a book and named it “My Memoire”. I showed the book to some friends and they were happy with it. I then gave it to Daddy to refine it and publish it for me which he gladly did. I could not print for a lot of children because of financial constraints.

We tried to build humanitarian spirit among our age group in basic and Junior High Schools; the response was encouraging but it was tiring.

We tried to get authority to recognize Ananse Reach Concept’s willingness to contribute to the reduction of vulnerabilities among children.

We were captured by some newspapers and radio stations. Some media men were not kind to us but some were very good.

We advocated for recognition of children in national activities

Our friends organized durbars for us to make presentations

It was touching to see our friends enacting how Ananse was founded. It was funny listening to our friends acting like us.

…and more children became interested and joined


•We will help eradicate poverty•We will help eradicate hunger•We will support education for needy children•We will promote health for all children•We will help ensure global peace•Always remember that, as we do this, we build ourselves as good individuals for the future.

Because we are children, nobody sees what we do,

nobody listens to us but we will continue to build

ourselves for the future because the future is ours. With your membership, one

day, we will surely be regarded as human beings to

be heard and listened to.

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