anarchism definitions marshall s shatz

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  • 8/8/2019 Anarchism Definitions Marshall s Shatz



    Anarchism :Definitions

    Anarchism by Marshall S. Shatz

  • 8/8/2019 Anarchism Definitions Marshall s Shatz



    Anarchism is an ideology that regards abolition of government as the

    necessary precondition for a free and just society. The term itself

    comes from the Greek words meaning "without a ruler." Anarchism

    rejects all forms of hierarchical authority, social and economic as wellas political. What distinguishes it from other ideologies, however, is

    the central importance it attaches to the state. To anarchists, the state

    is a wholly artificial and illegitimate institution, the bastion of

    privilege and exploitation in the modern world.

    Anarchist Thought

    Although the roots of anarchist thought can be traced at least as farback as the 18th-century English writer William GODWIN, anarchism

    as a revolutionary movement arose in the late 19th and early 20th

    centuries. Its immediate objective was annihilation of the state and of

    all authority imposed "from above downward." Once liberated from

    political oppression, society would spontaneously rebuild itself "from

    below upward." A multitude of grass-roots organizations would spring

    up to produce and distribute economic goods and to satisfy other

    social needs. Where necessary, these primary associations would formregional and even nation-wide federations. The state, with its

    impersonal laws and coercive bureaucracies, would be supplanted by a

    dense web of self-governing associations and free federations.

    Like other radical ideologies of its time, anarchism intended to

    complete the "unfinished business" of the French Revolution. It placed

    special emphasis on the third of the values expressed in the rallying

    cry "liberty, equality, and fraternity." Anarchists had an enduring faith

    in the natural solidarity and social harmony of human beings. They

    believed that the creation of the future society should be entrusted to

    the free play of popular instincts, and any attempt by anarchists

    themselves to offer more than technical assistance would impose a

    new form of authority. They tended to concentrate, therefore, on the

    task of demolishing the existing state order rather than on social

    blueprints of the future.

    While battling the established order, anarchists also battled thealternatives proposed by liberalism and socialism. Like Marxism,

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    anarchism was anticapitalist and scorned liberalism's dedication to

    political liberty on the grounds that only the propertied classes could

    afford to enjoy it. They rejected with equal vehemence, however, the

    Marxist "dictatorship of the proletariat," the idea of capturing and

    using the capitalist state to achieve a classless society. Politicalinstitutions were seen as inherently corrupting, and even the most

    selfless revolutionaries would inevitably succumb to the joys of power

    and privilege. Instead of the state "withering away," as the Marxists

    anticipated, it would simply perpetuate a new bureaucratic elite. This

    disagreement led to a bitter conflict between Marx and the Russian

    anarchist Michael BAKUNIN in the early 1870s, after which Marxism

    and anarchism went their separate ways.

    Anarchism in Practice

    Anarchism attracted a following mainly in the countries of eastern and

    southern Europe, where the state's repressiveness was especially

    pronounced and communal traditions remained strong. There were

    some exceptions: the ideas of the French anarchist Pierre-Joseph

    PROUDHON left a permanent mark on the French industrial labor

    movement, and Bakunin's views found adherents among thewatchmakers of Switzerland's Jura region. Anarchism had its greatest

    impact in Russia, where numerous anarchist groups participated in the

    revolutionary movement both before and during 1917. The two

    outstanding anarchist theorists also were Russians: Bakunin, whose

    advocacy of popular revolution had considerable influence, and Prince

    Peter KROPOTKIN, whose writing spelled out some of the

    constructive sides of the anarchist social vision. Spain and Italy also

    had vigorous anarchist movements. In only two instances didanarchists have a real opportunity to put their social ideals into

    practice. During the Russian civil war of 1917-21, (see RUSSIAN

    REVOLUTIONS OF 1917), the peasant partisan movement led by

    Nestor Makhno in the Ukraine tried to implement anarchist principles,

    and in the SPANISH CIVIL WAR of 1936-39 anarchism was a

    significant force in the regions of Catalonia and Andalusia. The results

    of these experiments were limited and inconclusive. In the United

    States, anarchism's influence was confined largely to some of the

    European immigrant communities, but it did produce a striking

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    representative of American radicalism in the person of Emma


    Because anarchism regarded doctrinal and organizational discipline as

    contradictions of its principles, it gave rise to a wide variety ofinterpretations. Anarchist-communists shared many of the collectivist

    principles of socialism but sought to realize them in autonomous local

    communities. Anarcho-SYNDICALISM was an adaptation of

    anarchist ideas to modern industrial conditions. It advocated the

    running of factories by the workers themselves rather than by owners

    or managers, with trade unions (in French, syndicats) forming the

    building blocks of a regenerated society. The novelist Leo Tolstoi

    formulated a kind of Christian anarchism that rejected the state onreligious grounds, and there were anarchist-individualists who

    proclaimed the sovereignty of the individual personality.

    Contrary to widespread belief, terrorism was never an integral part of

    anarchist theory or practice. Some anarchists, however, did engage in

    what they called "propaganda by the deed," acts of terror and

    assassination against state officials and property owners.

    Except in Spain, anarchism as an organized movement virtually

    ceased to exist after the Russian Revolutions. Anarchist ideas,

    however, have had a longer life. In the 1960s and 1970s, currents of

    the New left rediscovered anarchist theory, particularly the writings of

    Kropotkin, and drew from it inspiration for some of their

    communitarian and antibureaucratic impulses. They also found new

    merit in the anarchist critique of Marxian socialism. At least some

    elements of the outlook proved to have a surprising vitality and

    contemporary relevance.

    Bibliography: Avrich, Paul, Anarchist Portraits (1988) and The

    Russian Anarchists (1967; repr. 1980); Guillet de Monthoux, Pierre,

    Action and Existence (1983); Joll, James, the Anarchists (1964);

    Shatz, Marshall S., ed., The Essential Works of Anarchism (1971);

    Woodcock, George, Anarchism (1962).


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    Copyright 1995 by Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc.

    Libertarian Socialism

    (Please also see this web site: Anarchists Against Nationalism andNational Socialism)

    Libertarian Socialism is a term essentially synonymous with the word

    "Anarchism". Anarchy, strictly meaning "without rulers", leads one to

    wonder what sort of system would exist in place of one without state

    or capitalist masters... the answer being a radically democratic society

    while preserving the maximal amount of individual liberty and

    freedom possible.

    Libertarian Socialism recognizes that the concept of "property"

    (specifically, the means of production, factories, land used for profit,

    rented space) is theft and that in a truly libertarian society, the

    individual would be free of exploitation caused by the concentration

    of all means of wealth-making into the hands of an elite minority of


    Why "Libertarian"?

    It is recognized that there are authoritarian systems and behavior,

    distinct from libertarian, or non-authoritarian ones. Since capitalism's

    early beginnings in Europe, and it's authoritarian trend of wage-

    slavery for the majority of people (working class) by a smaller, elite

    group (a ruling, or, capitalist class) who own the "means of

    production": machines, land, factories, there was a liberatory

    movement in response to capitalism known as "Socialism". In almostevery case, the socialist movement has been divided along

    authoritarian, and libertarian lines. The anarchists on the libertarian

    side, and the Jacobins, Marxists, Leninists, Stalinists, and reformist

    state-socialists on the authoritarian side. (And liberals more or less

    split down the middle.)

    There was also a movement called "Propaganda by deed", around the

    late 1800's to early 1900's, in which some anarchists (Such as the

    Italian Anarchist Luigi Galleani (1861-1931)), believed that violence

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    was the best strategy for opposing the state. This proved a disaster,

    alienating anarchists from the general population and exposing them

    to negative characterizations by the press... the "bomb-toting

    anarchist" is for the most part a creation of the corporate media-

    before this stigma anarchism was recognized as an anti-authoritariansocialist movement.

    Many anarchist groups and publications used the word "libertarian"

    instead of "anarchist" to avoid state repression and the negative

    association of the former term. Libertarian Socialism differentiates

    itself from "Anarchy" as a movement only in that it specifically

    focuses on working class organisation and education in order to

    achieve human emancipation from the fetters of capitalism.

    Why "Socialism"?

    Socialism, in it's traditional and true definition, means "the workers

    democratic ownership and/or control of the means of production".

    Such a definition implies that rather than a government bureaucracy

    for managing such means, there is a focus on highly democratic

    organisation, education and awareness, and every individual is

    encouraged to become an active, rather than passive participant in that

    which effect their lives. Only the workers themselves bear the

    knowledge of what their own freedom and liberty means, and only

    they know what is best for themselves, ultimately. Advocates of the

    state, be they on the left, or the right, have repeatedly defined the

    meaning of "socialism" to mean arbitrary rule by a set of "leaders", or

    a political con-game in which socialism is no more than capitalism

    with a few token adjustments for bearability.

    I've heard of "national socialism"... does that have anything to dowith "libertarian socialism"?

    Definatly not. The National Socialist, or NAZI party controlled by

    Adolf Hitler in Germany in the 1930's used the word "socialist" in

    their party name because of the strong awareness workers there had of

    class divisions and socialist theory at the time. The National Socialist

    Party was actually a right-wing fascist movement that sought to winover working class people from the left. Workers were basically

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    tricked into believing that the NAZI party would solve their countries

    economic problems by eliminating Jews and other minorities, and

    expanding the country. The end result was mass murder of millions of

    people and a totalitarian dictatorship. Some modern NAZIs and

    "national anarchists" or "national libertarians" have claimed that therewas a "good" version of national socialism associated with Otto &

    Gregor Strasser... but this national socialism was still racist and

    exclusionary, and ultimatly led to a madman like Hitler taking power.

    Now days there are people who call themselves "national socialists"

    who attempt the same tactics of fooling people... hopefully they will

    never succeed again. If a national socialist party ever came into power

    it would be bitterly and ferociously opposed by libertarian socialists

    all over the world.

    What about the American "Libertarian Party"? Don't theyalready use the word "libertarian"?

    The word "libertarian" has been widely used in conjunction with the

    word "anarchist" and anti-authoritarian strands of socialist

    organisations, groups, and individuals since the turn of the century.

    For example, in the US, Sam Dolgoff started the still-runninganarcho-syndicalist publication "Libertarian Labor Review" in the

    late 1980's, and Noam Chomsky has repeatedly spoken about alibertarian socialist solution to the oppression of workers worldwide.

    In France (Paris, Nanterre, and Bretagne), Italy, Lebanon & Belgium

    there are separate anarchist publications and/or groups all currently

    using the name "Libertarian Alternative". In London, England the

    Soliderity group published a series of periodicals since 1960, one of

    the most recent entitled "Soliderity: A Journal of LibertarianSocialism", and George Woodcock wrote "Anarchism: A History of

    Libertarian Ideas and Movements" in 1962 (some 9 years before the

    creation of the US Libertarian Party.) In Cuba in 1959 there existed an

    anti-capitalist, anti-state organisation called the "Libertarian

    Association of Cuba". In the 1950's George Fontenis published

    "The Manifesto of Libertarian Communism". In New York City,

    July 1954 Russell Blackwell, Esther and Sam Dolgoff formed the

    Libertarian League, of which for a short time Murray Bookchin

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    was a member. Erlier, in 1949, Gregory P. Maximoff initiated the

    Libertarian Book Club just before he died in 1950.

    During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) a coalition group called the

    United Libertarian Organisations (ULO) was created with theintent of spreading truthful information about the revolutionary

    anarchist activities in Spain. The organisation consisted of groups

    publishing Cultura Proletaria (Spanish), Il Martello (Italian), Delo

    Truda (Russian anarchist),Il Proletario (Italian IWW), Freie Arbeiter

    Stimme (Jewish Anarchist Federation), the American anarchist

    publication, Vangaurd, as well as the Marine Transport Workers

    Industrial Union and General Recruiting Union of the IWW, and the

    Spanish Labor Press Bureau (administered by the CNT-FAIrepresentative in the United States and Canada, the Chicago anarchist

    Maximilian Olay). The official organ of the ULO was called Spanish

    Revolution (now available in facsimile from Greenwood Publishing

    Corporation). Examples of articles are: Rural Collectives in Graus and

    Imposta; Peasants Build a New Economy; Statistics on Industrial

    Socialization in Catalonia; Organising the Textile Industry; Industrial

    Democracy; Running a Department Store; Telephone System Run by

    Workers; Peasant Communes in Aragon; etc. Anyone interested inconstructive economic and social achievements of the CNT-FAI in

    revolutionary Spain should consult the pages ofSpanish Revolution.

    In Spain in 1932 Issac Puente wrote the pamphlet "LibertarianCommunism", and the CNT adopted libertarian communism as its

    goal at the 1936 Saragossa conference on the eve of the Spanish

    Revolution. In France in 1926 the Dielo Trouda group of anarchists

    who had fled Russia wrote the hotly debated "OrganisationalPlatform of the Libertarian Communists".

    "Sebastien Faure, who founded Le Libertaire in 1895, is often

    credited with having invented the word 'libertarian' as a convenient

    synonym for 'anarchist.' However, Joseph Dejacque's use of the word

    as early as 1858 suggests that it may have had a long currency before

    Faure adopted it."

    [George Woodcock,Anarchism, p. 281 (footnote)]

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    The term "libertarian" goes back at least to the 17th and 18th century

    religious debates regarding free-will versus pre-destination, and was

    used at that time to refer to persons who believed that individuals had

    full liberty to act as they saw fit.

    According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first known usage of

    "libertarian" was in 1789 as part of "Belsham's Essays", in which he

    appears to use the term in opposition to "necessitarian". It's hard to say

    whether there was a direct connection with other uses of the term.

    An early socialistic libertarian movement (in deeds if not in name) had

    it's roots as far back as the French Revolution of 1789 in the poor serfs

    who saw through the authoritarianism of the Jacobins (and thebourgeoisie in general) who had used these serfs to overthrow the

    monarchy. [Further information is available from Peter Kropotkin'sThe Great French Revolution, 1789-1793 (pub: 1909)]

    An earlier movement of "libertarian revolutionaries" were a

    movement from the mid-1600's called "The Levellers". Though they

    did not use the term "libertarian", they clearly had a libertarian

    orientation. They had a socialistic and individualistic aspect like the

    mutualists (mentioned below), and there was an even more socialistic

    movement called "The Diggers" or "The True Levellers". (There was

    also a group in San Francisco in the 1960's called The Diggers.)

    It should be noted that there were two branches of libertarian socialists

    in the nineteenth century... the communist libertarians, and the

    mutualist libertarians. Both accepted the Labor Theory of Value, and

    the worker's right to the wealth which he or she produces... but they

    supported different means of achieving the goal of universal equalityand freedom for mankind. The mutualists included people such as

    Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Benjamin Tucker, and the like. There was

    even a mutualist libertarian organisation (which came along still later

    than the French and Spanish socialist's use of the term "libertarian")

    called the Libertarian League in the 1920's. These people wereclearly "Social Revolutionaries" in that the interests of the "working

    man" were of prime importance to them, though the more

    communistic libertarians might have called the mutualists"gradualist", they were still, at heart, socialist.

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    There is ample proof from writings from the mid-1800s that indicate

    that before the capitalists borrowed the term "libertarian", it was

    already in use in a political context that one could loosely describe as

    "pro-socialist". It was not until the 1950's that the capitalistic use of

    the term came into vogue.

    While a number of pro-capitalist "Libertarian" organisations and

    publications tend to have recently appeared in the United States and a

    few other countries, these entities serve the interests of small business

    owners, landlords, investors and some upwardly-mobile professionals.

    Essentially secular neo-conservative organisations, with strong

    inspiration from the writings of the ultra-capitalist Ayn Rand,

    economist Murray Rothbard, and science-fiction writer RobertHeinlein. Typical of these advocates of the sacredcy of private

    property is a distortion of the theories of the moral individualist

    philosophers of the 19th century (Benjamin Tucker, Lysander

    Spooner, Josiah Warren, Henry David Thoreau, etc.) who respected

    the rights of the individual but were highly critical of the

    concentrations of wealth and power which led to capitalism and

    economic oppression since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Due

    to the elite privilege for the few over the many inherent in a 'pure'capitalist system, "libertarian" capitalism is un-democratic and anti-

    libertarian. For more information see the essay "Libertarianism:

    Bogus Anarchy", by Peter Sabatini, and a TV interview with Noam


    The Libertarian or sometimes-called "anarcho-" capitalist movement

    was a reaction from the political right-wing against US president

    FDR's sweeping social democratic laws passed as a response to apowerful labor movement in the 1930's. The libertarian left had little

    interest in nationalizations or state-social-programs, arguing that they

    placed power into the hands of elite managers and not the workers

    themselves. The destruction of the original libertarian movement in

    the United States, (by mass deportations and imprisonment), as well as

    in Europe (The Fascist victories in Spain, Italy and Germany) left a

    vacuum in which was possible for one Dean Russell of the capitalist

    "Foundation for Economic Education" to write an article in the FEE

    publication, " Ideas on Liberty" of May, 1955 entitled "Who is a

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    Libertarian?" which advocated that the right should "trademark and

    reserve for our own use the good and honorable word 'libertarian.'" In

    other cases, conservative Science Fiction writers such as Robert

    Heinlein and Poul Anderson used the term in their writing to depict

    fictionally virtuous forms of capitalism. It should be noted that thesewriters and others like them (Ann MaCaffrey, Daniel F. Galouye,

    Keith Laumer, etc.) supported the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam

    War. For more information see the article "Starship Stormtroopers" by

    Micheal Moorcock.

    What these people did not know or chose to ignore was that at least

    two US libertarian socialist organisations already existed, one formed

    in July 1954 called the Libertarian League, started by RussellBlackwell, and the other formed in 1949 and called the LibertarianBook Club, an idea initiated by Gregory P. Maximoff, and formerly

    established by a number of anarchists, including: Bill & Sarah Taback,

    Joseph & Hannah Spivack, Joseph Aaronstam, Ida Pilot (a

    professional translator) and her companion Valerio Isca, and Esther

    and Sam Dolgoff. The Libertarian League of the 1920' was a

    simmilarly socialistic organization, but no longer existed. The

    Libertarian Book Club is based in New York City, and is still activetoday.

    (This information is from the book "Fragments: A Memoir", by Sam

    Dolgoff, Pub. 1986 Refract Publications, Cambridge, England)

    In Webster's New International Dictionary, the definition of

    'Libertarian' is stated to be: "One who holds to the principle of free

    will; also, one who upholds the principles of liberty, esp. individual

    liberty of thought and action." Clearly, in comparison to the

    authoritarian Soviet Union and Red China of the 1940's and 50's,

    liberal capitalism could be made to appear more "libertarian" than

    socialism if one were to accept that China and the USSR were the

    definitive examples of "socialism". But, if one were to have listened to

    the original socialistic libertarians (the anarchists) all along, it would

    have been clear that both the "socialism" of so-called "Communist"

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    countries, and the idea of a "libertarian (or anarcho-) capitalism" were

    a farce.

    Finaly, it should be noted that most of the modern pro-capitalist

    "libertarian" writing suffers from a severe defect: they overlook thefact that capitalism in every form ever tried throughout history is

    inherently authoritarian (i.e the boss/worker relationship), and thus

    incompatible with libertarianism in any form. However, if you ignore

    and skip over those portions that talk about capitalist ideas, there are

    some really eloquent arguments for individual rights, liberties, and

    responsibilities in these writings.

    Unlike right-wing Libertarians, Liberals and Social Democrats,libertarian socialists reject participation in the mainstream

    representative voting process. Libertarian socialism is, in effect, a

    revolutionary theory and approach to political life. Libertarian

    Socialism's anti-state stance might even give it the label "Laissez-fair

    socialism"- if a politician (or capitalist) were to approach some

    anarchist workers in France and ask them what it was he could do for

    them, they would reply, "Laissez-nous faire."- essentially, "leave us

    alone". Libertarian socialists understand that it is the workers whocreate and maintain everything in the world, and they do not need

    leaders to direct them in the affairs of their lives. What is the least a

    government could do for workers? Keep the Government and

    capitalists off their back-- but it is far better to avoid the need for

    "politricksters" and capitalist rulers in the first place.

    What about individual liberty?

    Libertarian Socialism is an anti-authoritarian form of socialism andthe main principles are liberty, freedom, the right for workers to

    fraternize and organise democratically, the absence of illegitimate

    authority and the resistance against force. Libertarian Socialists hold

    that the people can make the best judgments for themselves when

    given enough information and therefore stress education rather than

    regulation. In current society, the individual worker is separated from

    her or his fellow workers and not permitted to organise against his or

    her own exploitation... the state is the force which permits this lack offreedom to continue.

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    Libertarian Socialists see humankind divided in a struggle between

    different social classes: the property-owning class, and the working

    class. Libertarian socialists are against all forms of coercion, state and

    capitalist, and do not seek to regulate human behaviors by way of the

    state, including such issues as possession of firearms, drugs, sexualconduct between consenting individuals, and related issues.

    Libertarian Socialists see such things as gun control, "speech codes",

    drug, alcohol, pornography and prostitution prohibition as a waste of

    time, and an unnecessary violation of individual choice. Most of

    humanities woes arise from the inherently coercive, undemocratic and

    un-libertine capitalist and state systems which human society is

    currently forced to follow. The answer is not regulation or limitation,but organisation and education with a working-class emphasis.

    Libertarian Socialists reject the "social democratic" solution of

    keeping the state & military apparatus around but raising taxes to

    support social programs. These are merely "band-aids" for problems

    which under capitalism will never go away, and always threaten to get

    worse. World problems will not be solved by "professionals", free-

    market entrepreneurs, the ruling capitalist class, politicians or stateist

    bureaucrats. Only the people, organised and educated, can solve theirown problems.

    Libertarian socialists believe in a form of the free market - but a truly

    free "market" (of ideas and aspirations, not money and wealth), not the

    capitalist construct that exists today which is based on a minority

    controlling the world's resources and the rest forced to work for them

    or pay them rent. A free market where workers are free to organise

    unions without fear of repression, and where exploitation of workersthrough profits does not exist. People who run their own individual

    businesses (or trades) without exploiting anyone would be left alone..

    but large projects would be based on mutual free associations, which

    would last for the duration of the project - where each member

    affected would have an equal say in how the project is carried out and

    what wages are paid. Instead of huge government or corporate

    structures, individuals would truly have control over their lives when

    working together, or alone. In a true free market, production facilities

    would be owned and controlled by the workers themselves, not

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    capitalist bosses or government bureaucrats. Libertarian communists

    specificly wish to abolish money, the basis for the concentration of

    power (wealth).

    What do Libertarian Socialists feel about Racism, Sexism, andHomophobia?

    It has always been impossible for workers to challenge capitalism

    effectively so long as divisions of people based on gender, skin color,

    or sexual orientation have continued. Racism in particular has been

    used from the start as a way of dividing workers along an arbitrary

    basis and weakening any chances for solid organisation. So long as

    there is always someone being looked down upon, someone forced toaccept lower wages because of their low status in society, wages in a

    competitive system can always be pushed to what the lowest and most

    desperate will accept. It should also go without saying that there is no

    scientific proof of the existence of separate human "races" which are

    truly incapable of getting along, nor is there scientific proof that

    women are inherently physically weaker or less intellectually capable

    than men. The issue of "hate speech" and pornography must always

    take into account the importance of artistic freedom and the necessityto criticize what one disagrees with. When it is clear that a conscious

    effort is being made to denigrate or divide a group of people from

    another, with some economic or political goal as it's motivation,

    libertarian socialists would resist such actions on the basis that they

    would divide and weaken any chance for eventual liberation from

    capitalism. Finally, so long as any group is prejudiced against,

    humanity will wage war against itself for irrational reasons, using

    such divisions as a means to an end when seen fit. If peopleunderstand that they too can be discriminated against, based on

    ANYTHING about them, it should be obvious that such

    discrimination, like any other human activity, has potential to be self-

    destructive in it's consequences.

    What libertarian socialist organisations exist?

    Currently the most prominent organisations along

    libertarian socialist lines are the International ofAnarchist Federations (IFA), and the syndicalist union

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    known as the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), the anarcho-

    syndicalist International Workers Association (IWA), and various

    anarchist organisations & groups world-wide.

    Are there any major libertarian socialist theorists?

    Aside from the significant number of anarchist theorists such as

    Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Mikhail Bakunin, Peter Kropotkin and

    Alexander Berkman, some important contributors to libertarian

    socialist theory and philosophy would be Noam Chomsky, Daniel

    Guerin, and Murray Bookchin.

    Defining Anarchism

    Written by Jason Justice



    Anarchism has been defined many ways by many different sources.

    The word anarchism is taken from the word anarchy which is drawnfrom dual sources in the Greek language. It is made up of the Greek

    words av (meaning: absence of [and pronounced "an"] and apxn

    (meaning: authority or government [and pronounced "arkhe"]). Today,

    dictionary definitions still define anarchism as the absence of

    government. These modern dictionary definitions of anarchism are

    based on the writings and actions of anarchists of history and present.

    Anarchists understand, as do historians of anarchism and good

    dictionaries and encyclopedias, that the word anarchism represents apositive theory. Exterior sources, however, such as the media, will

    frequently misuse the word anarchism and, thus, breed


    A leading modern dictionary, Webster's Third International

    Dictionary, defines anarchism briefly but accurately as, "a political

    theory opposed to all forms of government and governmental restraint

    and advocating voluntary cooperation and free association ofindividuals and groups in order to satisfy their needs." Other

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    dictionaries describe anarchism with similar definitions. The

    Britannica-Webster dictionary defines the word anarchism as, "a

    political theory that holds all government authority to be unnecessary

    and undesirable and advocates a society based on voluntary

    cooperation of individuals and groups." Shorter dictionaries, such astheNew Webster Handy College Dictionary, define anarchism as, "the

    political doctrine that all governments should be abolished."

    These similar dictionary definitions of anarchism reflect the evolution

    of the theory of anarchism made possible by anarchist intellectuals

    and movements. As a result, dictionary definitions, although fair, only

    reflect watered down definitions of the word anarchism. Professor

    Noam Chomsky, in fact, has refuted the definition, as written in the New American Webster Handy College Dictionary, describing

    anarchism as a "political doctrine." According to Chomsky,

    "...anarchism isn't a doctrine. It's at most a historical tendency, a

    tendency of thought and action, which has many different ways of

    developing and progressing and which, I would think, will continue as

    a permanent strand of human history." Other modern definitions of

    anarchism are thoroughly explained, not as a word, but as a history of

    movements, people and ideas. TheEncyclopedia of the American Left,in fact, gives a three page history of anarchism, yet does not once

    define the word.

    Prior to the existence of the word anarchism people used the term"Libertarian Socialism," which meant the same thing as anarchism.Libertarian socialism was used largely by Mexican radicals in the

    early eighteenth century [This is not true. The term "libertarian

    socialism" was not used until the 20th century. The use of the term"libertarian" as a substitute for "anarchist" started in France in the late

    1800's. -Ed.].

    William Godwin was the first proclaimed anarchist in history and thefirst to write about anarchism. He was born in 1756 in Weisbech, the

    capital of North Cambridgeshire. He later married feminist Mary

    Wollstonecraft and had a daughter, Mary Shelley - author ofFrankenstein. Godwin published a book called Political Justice in

    1793 which first introduced his ideas about anarchism, Godwin was

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    forgotten about, however, and after his death Pierre Joseph

    Proudhon became a leading anarchist figure in the world. His bookWhat is Property? incorporated greater meaning to the word

    anarchism; anarchism became not only a rejection of established

    authority but a theory opposing ownership of land and property aswell.

    Anarchism fully blossomed as a defined theory when Russian

    anarchists Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876) and Peter Kropotkin

    (1842-1921) started to write and speak. Bakunin had a major influence

    in the world and introduced anarchism to many people. Kropotkin was

    one of the many people inspired by Bakunin. Kropotkin wrote many

    books on anarchism, including Muitual Aid, Fields Factories andWorkshops, and The Conquest of Bread, and greatly aided in the

    evolution of the theory of anarchism. Kropotkin wrote the first adept

    encyclopedia definition of anarchism in the eleventh edition of the

    Encyclopedia Britannica in 1910. His definition was fifteen pages

    long. He started the definition by introducing the word anarchism as:

    the name given to a principle of theory of life and conduct under

    which society is conceived without government - harmony in such asociety being obtained, not by submission to law, or by obedience to

    any authority, but by free agreements concluded between various

    groups, territorial and professional, freely constituted for the sake of

    production and consumption, as also for the satisfaction of the infinite

    variety of the needs and aspirations of a civilized being, In a society

    developed on these lines, the voluntary associations which already

    now begin to cover all fields of human activity would take a still

    greater extension so as to substitute themselves for the state of itsfunctions.

    Following Kropotkin, Leo Tolstoy furthered the ideas which make up

    the meaning of the word anarchism. Tolstoy introduced Christian

    anarchism (rejecting church authority but believing in God) and

    broadened anarchism's meaning. Tolstoy, in favor of the growth of

    anarchism, wrote "The anarchists are right in the assertion that,

    without Authority, there could not be worse violence than that of

    Authority under existing conditions."

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    As the 20th century emerged anarchism began to peak and the

    definition of anarchism became concrete with the growth of new

    anarchist writers and movements. The execution and imprisonment of

    eight anarchists in Chicago in 1886 sparked anarchism's growth in the

    United States. The "Haymarket Eight" flourished anarchists such asVoltairine de Cleyre and Lucy Parsons. Parsons was born intoslavery and later became an anarchist and an ardent speaker and

    working class rebel; the Chicago police labled Parsons, "...more

    dangerous than a thousand rioters." Emma Goldman also became apart of the anarchist movement due to the Chicago Martyrs.

    Described as a "damn bitch of an anarchist," Goldman also broadened

    the meaning of anarchism and introduced the greatest and most

    important ideas of anarchist feminism in history which prevail, as aresult of Goldman, to this day.

    Emma Goldman's life long comrade, Alexander Berkman, played amajor part in helping to define the word anarchism. He wrote a book

    calledABC of Anarchism which defined and describes anarchism and

    is still read today. Berkman wrote, "Anarchism means you should be

    free; that no one should enslave you, boss you, rob you, or impose

    upon you. It means you should be free to do the things you want to do;and that you should not be compelled to do what you do not want to


    Anarchism was put into action by giant movements throughout history

    which proved its definition was more than theoretical. The communal

    efforts of anarchism were seen in the Paris Commune in the early

    19th century, the revolutionary organizing of Mexican working class

    rebels was proven possible by anarchists such as Ricardo FloresMagon and revolutionaries like Emiliano Zapata, and the Spanish

    Revolution of 1936-39 proved anarchists' capability of creatinganarchism within small sectors of the world. Certainly today we can

    see anarchism in action in places like Mondragon, Spain, where

    anarchists are working in collectives and trying to live free of


    Although the word anarchism is understood by many in its classic

    sense (that defined by dictionaries and by anarchists of history), the

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    word is often misused and misunderstood. Anarchism, because of the

    threat it imposes upon established authority, has been historically, and

    is still, misused by power holders as violence and chaos. As anarchist

    historian George Woodcock put it, "Of the more frivolous is the idea

    that the anarchist is a man who throws bombs and wishes to wreaksociety by violence and terror. That this charge should be brought

    against anarchists now, at a time when they are the few people who

    are not throwing bombs or assisting bomb throwers, shows a curious

    purblindness among its champions." The claim that anarchism is chaos

    was refuted long ago by Alexander Berkman when he wrote:

    I must tell you, first of all, what anarchism is not. It is not bombs,

    disorder, or chaos. It is notrobbery or murder. It is nota war of eachagainst all. It is not a return to barbarianism or to the wild state of

    man.Anarchism is the very opposite of all that.

    These refutations of stereotypes associated with anarchism are

    sometimes trampled by the popular misuse of the word anarchism. It

    is not uncommon for a Middle Eastern nation in the midst of U.S.-

    imposed turmoil to be labeled by the media as "complete anarchy," a

    phrase which undermines the true definition of the word anarchismand all those who toiled, and who do toil, to make the word anarchism

    mean what it does today.

    Modern anarchists still work hard to help anarchism maintain itsvalidity and history. Anarchism today is being used to find solutions

    to the problems of power; not just state power, but corporate power

    and all immediate forms of domination among individuals and

    organizations. Anarchists such as L. Susan Brown have introduced

    ideas such as existential individualism, while other anarchists remainloyal to anarcho-syndicalism and class struggle. Anarchism has alsobeen spread around the world through music and bands such as Crass,

    introducing anarchism and anti-speciesism and urging self-sufficiency

    among workers and community members. Other anarchists such as

    Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin, an ex-Black Panther, are introducing new

    means of organizing and directly challenging racism. Furthermore,

    anarchism has become integrated into ecological issues thanks in part

    to eco-anarchist ideas and freethinking organizations such as Earth

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    First! Also, we see anarchists working to keep anarchism, in theory

    and practice, alive and well around the world with anarchist

    newspapers such as Love and Rage in Mexico and the United States,

    anarchist book publishers such as AK Press in the U.S. and the U.K.,

    and political prisoner support groups such as the Anarchist BlackCross.

    As documented, the word anarchism has a long history. Although the

    word is simply derived from Greek tongue, the philosophy and actions

    of anarchists in history and present give the word anarchism proper

    definition. Dictionary definitions, as quoted, are sometimes fair to

    anarchism, but far from complete. The misuse of the word anarchism

    is unfortunate and has been a problem anarchists have had to deal withfor the last century. Because of the misuse of anarchism, the simple

    dictionary definitions of anarchism, and the different interpretations of

    anarchism the word can take on many meanings, but the truly accurate

    meaning of the word anarchism can be found in anarchist history,

    anarchist writings and anarchist practice.


    Written by Jason Justice



    (This talk discussed the main principles of constructive anarchism.)

    Anarchism Is Not Absolute Anti-social Individualism

    Anarchism does not connote absolute, irresponsible, anti-social

    individual freedom which violates the rights of others and rejects

    every form of organization and self-discipline. Absolute individual

    freedom can be attained only in isolation- if at all: "What really takesaway liberty and makes initiative impossible is the isolation which

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    renders one powerless." ( Errico Malatesta, Life and Ideas, Freedom

    Press, p. 87)

    Anarchism is synonymous with the term "free socialism" or "social

    anarchism." As the term "social" itself implies, anarchism is the freeassociation of people living together and cooperating in free

    communities. The abolition of capitalism and the state; workers' self-

    management of industry; distribution according to needs; free

    association; are principles which, for all socialist tendencies,

    constitute the essence of socialism. To distinguish themselves from

    fundamental differences about how and when these aims will be

    realized, as well as from the anti-social individualists, Peter Kropotkin

    and the other anarchist thinkers defined anarchism as the "left wing ofthe socialist movement." The Russian anarchist Alexei Borovoi

    declared that the proper basis for anarchism in a free society is the

    equality of all members in a free organization. Social anarchism could

    be defined as the equal right to be different.

    Anarchism Is Not Unlimited Liberty Nor the Negation ofResponsibility

    In social relations between people certain voluntary social norms will

    have to be accepted, namely, the obligation to fulfill a freely accepted

    agreement. Anarchism is not no government. Anarchism is self-

    government(or its equivalent, self-administration). Self-government

    means self-discipline. The alternative to self-discipline is enforced

    obedience imposed by rulers over their subjects. To avoid this, the

    members of every association freely make the rules of their

    association and agree to abide by the rules they themselves make.

    Those who refuse to live up to their responsibility to honor a voluntary

    agreement shall be deprived of its benefits.

    The Right to Secede

    Punishment for violation of agreements is balanced by the inalienable

    right to secede. The right of groups and individuals to choose their

    own forms of association is, according to Bakunin, the most important

    of all political rights. The abrogation of this right leads to thereintroduction of tyranny. You cannot secede from a jail. Secession

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    will not paralyze the association. People with strong, overriding

    common interests will cooperate. Those who stand more to lose by

    seceding will compromise their differences. Those who have little or

    nothing in common with the collectivity will not hurt the association

    by seceding, but will, on the contrary, eliminate a source of friction,thereby promoting general harmony.

    Essential Difference Between Anarchism and the State

    The vast difference between the anarchist concept of freely accepted

    authority in the exchange of services which is the administration of

    things, differs fundamentally from the authority of the state, which is

    the rule over its subjects, the people. For example, repairing mytelevision: the authority of the expert mechanic ends when the repairs

    are made. The same applies when I agree to paint the mechanic's

    room. The reciprocal exchange of goods and services is a limited, not

    a personal, cooperative relationship which automatically excludes

    dictatorship. But the state, on the contrary, is an all-pervading

    apparatus governing every aspect of my life from conception to death,

    whose every decree I am compelled to obey or suffer harrassment,

    abrogation of rights, imprisonment and even death.

    People can freely secede from a group or association, even organize

    one of their own. But they cannot escape the jurisdiction of the state.

    If they finally do succeed in escaping from one state to another they

    are immediately subjected to the jurisdiction of the new state.

    Replacing the State

    Anarchist concepts are not artificially concocted by anarchists. Theyare derived from tendencies already at work. Kropotkin, who

    formulated the sociology of anarchism, insisted that the anarchist

    conception of the free society is based on "those data which are

    already supplied by the observation of life at the present time." The

    anarchist theoreticians limited themselves to suggest the utilization of

    all the useful organisms in the old society in order to construct a new

    one. That the "elements of the new society are already developing in

    the collapsing bourgeois society" (Marx) is a fundamental principleshared by all tendencies in the socialist movement. The anarchist

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    writer, Colin Ward, sums up this point admirably: "If you want to

    build the new society, all the materials are already at hand."

    Anarchists seek to replace the state, not with chaos, but with the

    natural, spontaneous forms of organization that emerged wherevermutual aid and common interests through coordination and self-

    government became necessary. It springs from the ineluctable

    interdependence of mankind and the will to harmony. This form of

    organization is federalism. Society without order (as the term

    "society" implies) is inconceivable. But the organization of order is

    not the exclusive monopoly of the state. Federalism is a form of order

    which preceded the usurpation of society by the state and will survive


    There is barely a single form of organization which, before it was

    usurped by the state, was not originally federalist in character. To this

    day only the listing of the vast network of local, provincial, national

    and international federations and confederations embracing the totality

    of social life would easily fill volumes. The federated form of

    organization makes it practical for all groups and federations to reap

    the benefits of unity and coordination while exercising autonomywithin their own spheres, thus expanding the range of their own

    freedom. Federalism - synonym for free agreement - is the

    organization of freedom. As Proudhon put it, "He who says freedom

    without saying federalism, says nothing."

    After the Revolution

    Society is a vast interlocking network of cooperative labor, and all the

    deeply rooted institutions now usefully functioning will in some formcontinue to function for the simple reason that the very existence of

    mankind depends upon this inner cohesion. This has never been

    questioned by anyone. What Is needed is emancipation from

    authoritarian institutions over society and authoritarianism within the

    organizations themselves. Above all, they must be infused with

    revolutionary spirit and confidence in the creative capacity of the

    people. Kropotkin, in working out the sociology of anarchism, has

    opened an area of fruitful research which had been largely neglectedby social scientists busily mapping out new areas for state control.

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    The anarchists were primarily concerned with the immediate problems

    of social transformation that will have to be faced in any country after

    a revolution. It was for this reason that the anarchists tried to work out

    measures to meet the pressing problems most likely to emerge during

    what the anarchist writer-revolutionary Errico Malatesta called "theperiod of reorganization and transition." A summary of Malatesta's

    discussion of some of the more important questions follows.

    Crucial problems cannot be avoided by postponing them to the distant

    future - perhaps a century or more - when anarchism will have been

    fully realized and the masses will have finally become convinced and

    dedicated anarcho-communists. We anarchists must have our own

    solution if we are not to play the role of "useless and impotentgrumblers," while the more realistic and unscrupulous authoritarians

    seize power. Anarchy or no anarchy, the people must eat and be

    provided with the necessities of life. The cities must be provisioned

    and vital services cannot be disrupted. Even if poorly served the

    people in their own interests would not allow anyone to disrupt these

    services unless and until they are reorganized in a better way, and this

    cannot be achieved in a day.

    The organization of the anarchist-communist society on a wide scale

    can only be achieved gradually as material conditions permit, and the

    masses convince themselves of the benefits to be gained and as they

    gradually become psychologically accustomed to radical alterations in

    their way of life. Since free and voluntary communism (Malatesta's

    synonym for anarchism) cannot be imposed, Malatesta stressed the

    necessity for the coexistence of various economic forms - collectivist,

    mutualist, individualist - on condition that there will be noexploitation of others. Malatesta was confident that the convincing

    example of successful libertarian collectives will

    attract others into the orbit of the collectivity . . . for my part, I do not

    believe that there is "one" solution to the social problem, but a

    thousand different and changing solutions, in the same way as social

    existence is different in time and space. [Errico Malatesta, Life and

    Ideas, edited by Vernon Richards, Freedom Press, London, pp. 36,

    100, 99, 103-4, 101, 151, 159]

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    "Pure" Anarchism Is a Utopia

    "Pure" anarchism is defined by the anarchist writer George Woodcock

    as "the loose and flexible affinity group which needs no formal

    organization and carries on anarchist propaganda through an invisiblenetwork of personal contacts and intellectual influences." Woodcock

    argues that "pure" anarchism is incompatible with mass movements

    like anarcho-syndicalism because they need

    stable organizations precisely because it moves in a world that is only

    partially governed by anarchist ideals . . . and make compromises with

    day-to-day situations . . . [anarcho-syndicalism] has to maintain the

    allegiance of masses of [workers] who are only remotely conscious of

    the final aim of anarchism. [Anarchism, pp. 273-4]If these statements are true, anarchism is a Utopia, because there will

    never be a time when everybody will be a "pure" anarchist and

    because humanity will forever have to make "compromises with the

    day-to-day situation." This is not to say that anarchism excludes

    "affinity groups." Indeed, it is precisely because the infinite variety of

    voluntary organizations which are formed, dissolved and

    reconstructed according to the fluctuating whims and fancies of

    individual adherents reflect individual preferences that they constitutethe indispensable condition for the free society.

    But the anarchists insist that production, distribution, communication

    exchange and the other indispensable which must be coordinated on a

    world-wide scale in our modern interdependent world must be

    supplied without fail by "stable" organizations and cannot be left to

    the fluctuating whims of individuals. They are social obligations

    which every able-bodied individual must fulfill if he or she expects toenjoy the benefits of collective labor. It should be axiomatic that such

    indispensable "stable" associations, anarchistically organized, are not

    a deviation. They constitute the essence of anarchism as a viable

    social order.

    Charting the Road to Freedom

    Anarchists are not so naive as to expect the installation of the perfect

    society composed of perfect individuals who would miraculously shedtheir ingrown prejudices and outworn habits on the "day after the

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    revolution." We are not concerned with guessing how society will

    look in the remote future when heaven on earth will at last be attained.

    But we are above everything else, concerned with the direction of

    human development. There is no "pure" anarchism. There is only the

    application of anarchist principles to the realities of social living. Theone and only aim of anarchism is to propel society in an anarchist


    Thus viewed, anarchism is a believable, practical guide to social

    organization. It is otherwise doomed to Utopian dreams, nor a living


    From "Fragments: A Memoir", by Sam Dolgoff (Refract Publications,



    from The Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1910.

    Written by Peter Kropotkin

    ANARCHISM, the name given to a principle or theory of life andconduct under which society is conceived without government -

    harmony in such a society being obtained, not by submission to law,

    or by obedience to any authority, but by free agreements concluded

    between the various groups, territorial and professional, freely

    constituted for the sake of production and consumption, as also for the

    satisfaction of the infinite variety of needs and aspirations of a

    civilized being. In a society developed on these lines, the voluntary

    associations which already now begin to cover all the fields of humanactivity would take a still greater extension so as to substitute

    themselves for the state in all its functions. They would represent an

    interwoven network, composed of an infinite variety of groups and

    federations of all sizes and degrees, local, regional, national and

    international temporary or more or less permanent - for all possible

    purposes: production, consumption and exchange, communications,

    sanitary arrangements, education, mutual protection, defence of the

    territory, and so on; and, on the other side, for the satisfaction of anever-increasing number of scientific, artistic, literary and sociable

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    needs. Moreover, such a society would represent nothing immutable.

    On the contrary - as is seen in organic life at large - harmony would (it

    is contended) result from an ever-changing adjustment and

    readjustment of equilibrium between the multitudes of forces and

    influences, and this adjustment would be the easier to obtain as noneof the forces would enjoy a special protection from the state.

    If, it is contended, society were organized on these principles, man

    would not be limited in the free exercise of his powers in productive

    work by a capitalist monopoly, maintained by the state; nor would he

    be limited in the exercise of his will by a fear of punishment, or by

    obedience towards individuals or metaphysical entities, which both

    lead to depression of initiative and servility of mind. He would beguided in his actions by his own understanding, which necessarily

    would bear the impression of a free action and reaction between his

    own self and the ethical conceptions of his surroundings. Man would

    thus be enabled to obtain the full development of all his faculties,

    intellectual, artistic and moral, without being hampered by overwork

    for the monopolists, or by the servility and inertia of mind of the great

    number. He would thus be able to reach full individualization, which

    is not possible either under the present system of individualism, orunder any system of state socialism in the so-called Volkstaat (popular


    The anarchist writers consider, moreover, that their conception is not a

    utopia, constructed on the a priori method, after a few desiderata have

    been taken as postulates. It is derived, they maintain, from an analysis

    of tendencies that are at work already, even though state socialism

    may find a temporary favour with the reformers. The progress ofmodern technics, which wonderfully simplifies the production of all

    the necessaries of life; the growing spirit of independence, and the

    rapid spread of &ee initiative and free understanding in all branches of

    activity - including those which formerly were considered as the

    proper attribution of church and state - are steadily reinforcing the no-

    government tendency.

    As to their economical conceptions, the anarchists, in common with

    all socialists, of whom they constitute the left wing, maintain that the

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    now prevailing system of private ownership in land, and our capitalist

    production for the sake of profits, represent a monopoly which runs

    against both the principles of justice and the dictates of utility. They

    are the main obstacle which prevents the successes of modern technics

    from being brought into the service of all, so as to produce generalwell-being. The anarchists consider the wage-system and capitalist

    production altogether as an obstacle to progress. But they point out

    also that the state was, and continues to be, the chief instrument for

    permitting the few to monopolize the land, and the capitalists to

    appropriate for themselves a quite disproportionate share of the yearly

    accumulated surplus of production. Consequently, while combating

    the present monopolization of land, and capitalism altogether, the

    anarchists combat with the same energy the state, as the main supportof that system. Not this or that special form, but the state altogether,

    whether it be a monarchy or even a republic governed by means of the


    The state organization, having always been, both in ancient and

    modern history (Macedonian Empire, Roman Empire, modern

    European states grown up on the ruins of the autonomous cities), the

    instrument for establishing monopolies in favour of the rulingminorities, cannot be made to work for the destruction of these

    monopolies. The anarchists consider, therefore, that to hand over to

    the state all the main sources of economical life - the land, the mines,

    the railways, banking, insurance, and so on - as also the management

    of all the main branches of industry, in addition to all the functions

    already accumulated in its hands (education, state-supported religions,

    defence of the territory, etc.), would mean to create a new instrument

    of tyranny. State capitalism would only increase the powers ofbureaucracy and capitalism. True progress lies in the direction of

    decentralization, both territorial and functional, in the development of

    the spirit of local and personal initiative, and of free federation from

    the simple to the compound, in lieu of the present hierarchy from the

    centre to the periphery.

    In common with most socialists, the anarchists recognize that, like all

    evolution in nature, the slow evolution of society is followed from

    time to time by periods of accelerated evolution which are called

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    revolutions; and they think that the era of revolutions is not yet closed.

    Periods of rapid changes will follow the periods of slow evolution,

    and these periods must be taken advantage of - not for increasing and

    widening the powers of the state, but for reducing them, through the

    organization in every township or commune of the local groups ofproducers and consumers, as also the regional, and eventually the

    international, federations of these groups.

    In virtue of the above principles the anarchists refuse to be party to the

    present state organization and to support it by infusing fresh blood

    into it. They do not seek to constitute, and invite the working men not

    to constitute, political parties in the parliaments. Accordingly, since

    the foundation of the International Working Men's Association in1864-1866, they have endeavoured to promote their ideas directly

    amongst the labour organizations and to induce those unions to a

    direct struggle against capital, without placing their faith in

    parliamentary legislation.

    The historical development of Anarchism

    The conception of society just sketched, and the tendency which is its

    dynamic expression, have always existed in mankind, in opposition to

    the governing hierarchic conception and tendency - now the one and

    now the other taking the upper hand at different periods of history. To

    the former tendency we owe the evolution, by the masses themselves,

    of those institutions - the clan, the village community, the guild, the

    free medieval city - by means of which the masses resisted the

    encroachments of the conquerors and the power-seeking minorities.

    The same tendency asserted itself with great energy in the great

    religious movements of medieval times, especially in the early

    movements of the reform and its forerunners. At the same time it

    evidently found its expression in the writings of some thinkers, since

    the times of Lao-tsze, although, owing to its non-scholastic and

    popular origin, it obviously found less sympathy among the scholars

    than the opposed tendency.

    As has been pointed out by Prof. Adler in his Geschichte des

    Sozialismus und Kommunismus, Aristippus (b. c. 430 BC), one of thefounders of the Cyrenaic school, already taught that the wise must not

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    give up their liberty to the state, and in reply to a question by Socrates

    he said that he did not desire to belong either to the governing or the

    governed class. Such an attitude, however, seems to have been

    dictated merely by an Epicurean attitude towards the life of the


    The best exponent of anarchist philosophy in ancient Greece was Zeno

    (342-267 or 270 BC), from Crete, the founder of the Stoic philosophy,

    who distinctly opposed his conception of a free community without

    government to the state-utopia of Plato. He repudiated the

    omnipotence of the state, its intervention and regimentation, and

    proclaimed the sovereignty of the moral law of the individual -

    remarking already that, while the necessary instinct of self-preservation leads man to egotism, nature has supplied a corrective to

    it by providing man with another instinct - that of sociability. When

    men are reasonable enough to follow their natural instincts, they will

    unite across the frontiers and constitute the cosmos. They will have no

    need of law-courts or police, will have no temples and no public

    worship, and use no money - free gifts taking the place of the

    exchanges. Unfortunately, the writings of Zeno have not reached us

    and are only known through fragmentary quotations. However, thefact that his very wording is similar to the wording now in use, shows

    how deeply is laid the tendency of human nature of which he was the


    In medieval times we find the same views on the state expressed by

    the illustrious bishop of Alba, Marco Girolamo Vida, in his first

    dialogue De dignitate reipublicae (Ferd. Cavalli, in Mem. dell'Istituto

    Veneto, xiii.; Dr E. Nys, Researches in the History of Economics). Butit is especially in several early Christian movements, beginning with

    the ninth century in Armenia, and in the preachings of the early

    Hussites, particularly Chojecki, and the early Anabaptists, especially

    Hans Denk (cf. Keller, Ein Apostel der Wiedertaufer), that one finds

    the same ideas forcibly expressed - special stress being laid of course

    on their moral aspects.

    Rabelais and Fenelon, in their utopias, have also expressed similar

    ideas, and they were also current in the eighteenth century amongst

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    the French Encyclopaedists, as may be concluded from separate

    expressions occasionally met with in the writings of Rousseau, from

    Diderot's Preface to the Voyage of Bougainville, and so on. However,

    in all probability such ideas could not be developed then, owing to the

    rigorous censorship of the Roman Catholic Church.

    These ideas found their expression later during the great French

    Revolution. While the Jacobins did all in their power to centralize

    everything in the hands of the government, it appears now, from

    recently published documents, that the masses of the people, in their

    municipalities and 'sections', accomplished a considerable constructive

    work. They appropriated for themselves the election of the judges, the

    organization of supplies and equipment for the army, as also for thelarge cities, work for the unemployed, the management of charities,

    and so on. They even tried to establish a direct correspondence

    between the 36,000 communes of France through the intermediary of

    a special board, outside the National Assembly (cf. Sigismund

    Lacroix, Actes de la commune de Paris).

    It was Godwin, in his Enquiry concerning Political Justice (2 vols.,

    1793), who was the first to formulate the political and economicalconceptions of anarchism, even though he did not give that name to

    the ideas developed in his remarkable work. Laws, he wrote, are not a

    product of the wisdom of our ancestors: they are the product of their

    passions, their timidity, their jealousies and their ambition. The

    remedy they offer is worse than the evils they pretend to cure. If and

    only if all laws and courts were abolished, and the decisions in the

    arising contests were left to reasonable men chosen for that purpose,

    real justice would gradually be evolved. As to the state, Godwinfrankly claimed its abolition. A society, he wrote, can perfectly well

    exist without any government: only the communities should be small

    and perfectly autonomous. Speaking of property, he stated that the

    rights of every one 'to every substance capable of contributing to the

    benefit of a human being' must be regulated by justice alone: the

    substance must go 'to him who most wants it'. His conclusion was

    communism. Godwin, however, had not the courage to maintain his

    opinions. He entirely rewrote later on his chapter on property and

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    mitigated his communist views in the second edition of Political

    Justice (8vo, 1796).

    Proudhon was the first to use, in 1840 (Qu'est-ce que la propriete? first

    memoir), the name of anarchy with application to the no governmentstate of society. The name of 'anarchists' had been freely applied

    during the French Revolution by the Girondists to those

    revolutionaries who did not consider that the task of the Revolution

    was accomplished with the overthrow of Louis XVI, and insisted upon

    a series of economical measures being taken (the abolition of feudal

    rights without redemption, the return to the village communities of the

    communal lands enclosed since 1669, the limitation of landed

    property to 120 acres, progressive income-tax, the nationalorganization of exchanges on a just value basis, which already

    received a beginning of practical realization, and so on).

    Now Proudhon advocated a society without government, and used the

    word anarchy to describe it. Proudhon repudiated, as is known, all

    schemes of communism, according to which mankind would be driven

    into communistic monasteries or barracks, as also all the schemes of

    state or state-aided socialism which were advocated by Louis Blancand the collectivists. When he proclaimed in his first memoir on

    property that 'Property is theft', he meant only property in its present,

    Roman-law, sense of 'right of use and abuse'; in property-rights, on the

    other hand, understood in the limited sense of possession, he saw the

    best protection against the encroachments of the state. At the same

    time he did not want violently to dispossess the present owners of

    land, dwelling-houses, mines, factories and so on. He preferred to

    attain the same end by rendering capital incapable of earning interest;and this he proposed to obtain by means of a national bank, based on

    the mutual confidence of all those who are engaged in production,

    who would agree to exchange among themselves their produces at

    cost-value, by means of labour cheques representing the hours of

    labour required to produce every given commodity. Under such a

    system, which Proudhon described as 'Mutuellisme', all the exchanges

    of services would be strictly equivalent. Besides, such a bank would

    be enabled to lend money without interest, levying only something

    like I per cent, or even less, for covering the cost of administration.

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    Everyone being thus enabled to borrow the money that would be

    required to buy a house, nobody would agree to pay any more a yearly

    rent for the use of it. A general 'social liquidation' would thus be

    rendered easy, without violent expropriation. The same applied to

    mines, railways, factories and so on.

    In a society of this type the state would be useless. The chief relations

    between citizens would be based on free agreement and regulated by

    mere account keeping. The contests might be settled by arbitration. A

    penetrating criticism of the state and all possible forms of government,

    and a deep insight into all economic problems, were well-known

    characteristics of Proudhon's work.

    It is worth noticing that French mutualism had its precursor in

    England, in William Thompson, who began by mutualism before he

    became a communist, and in his followers John Gray (A Lecture on

    Human Happiness, 1825; The Social System, 1831) and J. F. Bray

    (Labour's Wrongs and Labour's Remedy, 1839). It had also its

    precursor in America. Josiah Warren, who was born in 1798 (cf. W.

    Bailie, Josiah Warren, the First American Anarchist, Boston, 1900),

    and belonged to Owen's 'New Harmony', considered that the failure ofthis enterprise was chiefly due to the suppression of individuality and

    the lack of initiative and responsibility. These defects, he taught, were

    inherent to every scheme based upon authority and the community of

    goods. He advocated, therefore, complete individual liberty. In 1827

    he opened in Cincinnati a little country store which was the first

    'equity store', and which the people called 'time store', because it was

    based on labour being exchanged hour for hour in all sorts of produce.

    'Cost - the limit of price', and consequently 'no interest', was the mottoof his store, and later on of his 'equity village', near New York, which

    was still in existence in 1865. Mr Keith's 'House of Equity' at Boston,

    founded in 1855, is also worthy of notice.

    While the economical, and especially the mutual-banking, ideas of

    Proudhon found supporters and even a practical application in the

    United States, his political conception of anarchy found but little echo

    in France, where the Christian socialism of Lamennais and the

    Fourierists, and the state socialism of Louis Blanc and the followers of

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    Saint-Simon, were dominating. These ideas found, however, some

    temporary support among the left-wing Hegelians in Germany, Moses

    Hess in 1843, and Karl Grun in 1845, who advocated anarchism.

    Besides, the authoritarian communism of Wilhelm Weitling having

    given origin to opposition amongst the Swiss working men, WilhelmMarr gave expression to it in the 1840S.

    On the other side, individualist anarchism found, also in Germany, its

    fullest expression in Max Stirner (Kaspar Schmidt), whose remarkable

    works (Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum and articles contributed to the

    Rheinische Zeitung) remained quite overlooked until they were

    brought into prominence by John Henry Mackay.

    Prof. V. Basch, in a very able introduction to his interesting book,

    L'lndividualisme anarchiste: Max Stirner (1904), has shown how the

    development of the German philosophy from Kant to Hegel, and 'the

    absolute' of Schelling and the Geist of Hegel, necessarily provoked,

    when the anti-Hegelian revolt began, the preaching of the same

    'absolute' in the camp of the rebels. This was done by Stirner, who

    advocated, not only a complete revolt against the state and against the

    servitude which authoritarian communism would impose upon men,but also the full liberation of the individual from all social and moral

    bonds - the rehabilitation of the 'I', the supremacy of the individual,

    complete 'amoralism', and the 'association of the egotists'. The final

    conclusion of that sort of individual anarchism has been indicated by

    Prof. Basch. It maintains that the aim of all superior civilization is, not

    to permit all members of the community to develop in a normal way,

    but to permit certain better endowed individuals 'fully to develop',

    even at the cost of the happiness and the very existence of the mass ofmankind. It is thus a return towards the most common individual ism,

    advocated by all the would-be superior minorities, to which indeed

    man owes in his history precisely the state and the rest, which these

    individualists combat. Their individualism goes so far as to end in a

    negation of their own starting-point - to say nothing of the

    impossibility for the individual to attain a really full development in

    the conditions of oppression of the masses by the 'beautiful

    aristocracies'. His development would remain unilateral. This is why

    this direction of thought, notwithstanding its undoubtedly correct and

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    useful advocacy of the full development of each individuality, finds a

    hearing only in limited artistic and literary circles.

    Anarchism in the International Working Men's Association

    A general depression in the propaganda of all fractions of socialism

    followed, as is known, after the defeat of the uprising of the Paris

    working men in June 1848 and the fall of the Republic. All the

    socialist press was gagged during the reaction period, which lasted

    fully twenty years. Nevertheless, even anarchist thought began to

    make some progress, namely in the writings of Bellegarrique

    (Caeurderoy), and especially Joseph Dejacque (Les Lazareacute'ennes,

    L 'Humanisph=E8re, an anarchist-communist utopia, lately discoveredand reprinted). The socialist movement revived only after 1864, when

    some French working men, all 'mutualists', meeting in London during

    the Universal Exhibition with English followers of Robert Owen,

    founded the International Working Men's Association. This

    association developed very rapidly and adopted a policy of direct

    economical struggle against capitalism, without interfering in the

    political parliamentary agitation, and this policy was followed until

    1871. However, after the Franco-German War, when the Inter nationalAssociation was prohibited in France after the uprising of the

    Commune, the German working men, who had received man hood

    suffrage for elections to the newly constituted imperial parliament,

    insisted upon modifying the tactics of the International, and began to

    build up a Social Democratic political party. This soon led to a

    division in the Working Men's Association, and the Latin federations,

    Spanish, Italian, Belgian and Jurassic (France could not be

    represented), constituted among themselves a Federal union whichbroke entirely with the Marxist general council of the Inter national.

    Within these federations developed now what may be described as

    modern anarchism. After the names of 'Federalists' and 'Anti-

    authoritarians' had been used for some time by these federations the

    name of 'anarchists', which their adversaries insisted upon applying to

    them, prevailed, and finally it was revindicated.

    Bakunin (q.v.) soon became the leading spirit among these Latin

    federations for the development of the principles of anarchism, which

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    he did in a number of writings, pamphlets and letters. He demanded

    the complete abolition of the state, which - he wrote is a product of

    religion, belongs to a lower state of civilization, represents the

    negation of liberty, and spoils even that which it undertakes to do for

    the sake of general well-being. The state was an historically necessaryevil, but its complete extinction will be, sooner or later, equally

    necessary. Repudiating all legislation, even when issuing from

    universal suffrage, Bakunin claimed for each nation, each region and

    each commune, full autonomy, so long as it is not a menace to its

    neighbours, and full independence for the individual, adding that one

    becomes really free only when, and in proportion as, all others are

    free. Free federations of the communes would constitute free nations.

    As to his economical conceptions, Bakunin described himself, in

    common with his Federalist comrades of the International (Cesar De

    Paepe, James Guillaume, Schwitzguebel), a 'collectivist anarchist' -

    not in the sense of Vidal and Pecqueur in the 1840s, or of their

    modern Social Democratic followers, but to express a state of things

    in which all necessaries for production are owned in common by the

    labour groups and the free communes, while the ways of retribution of

    labour, communist or otherwise, would be settled by each group foritself. Social revolution, the near approach of which was foretold at

    that time by all socialists, would be the means of bringing into life the

    new conditions.

    The Jurassic, the Spanish and the Italian federations and sections of

    the International Working Men's Association, as also the French, the

    German and the American anarchist groups, were for the next years

    the chief centres of anarchist thought and propaganda. They refrainedfrom any participation in parliamentary politics, and always kept in

    close contact with the labour organizations. However, in the second

    half of the 'eighties and the early 'nineties of the nineteenth century,

    when the influence of the anarchists began to be felt in strikes, in the

    1st of May demonstrations, where they promoted the idea of a general

    strike for an eight hours' day, and in the anti-militarist propaganda in

    the army, violent prosecutions were directed against them, especially

    in the Latin countries (including physical torture in the Barcelona

    Castle) and the United States (the execution of five Chicago anarchists

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    in 1887). Against these prosecutions the anarchists retaliated by acts

    of violence which in their turn were followed by more executions

    from above, and new acts of revenge from below. This created in the

    general public the impression that violence is the substance of

    anarchism, a view repudiated by its supporters, who hold that inreality violence is resorted to by all parties in proportion as their open

    action is obstructed by repression, and exceptional laws render them

    outlaws. (Cf. Anarchism and Outrage, by C. M. Wilson, and Report of

    the Spanish Atrocities Committee, in 'Freedom Pamphlets'; A Concise

    History of the Great Trial of the Chicago Anarchists, by Dyer Lum

    (New York, 1886); The Chicago Martyrs: Speeches, etc.).

    Anarchism continued to develop, partly in the direction ofProudhonian 'mutuellisme', but chiefly as communist-anarchism, to

    which a third direction, Christian-anarchism, was added by Leo

    Tolstoy, and a fourth, which might be ascribed as literary-anarchism,

    began amongst some prominent modern writers.

    The ideas of Proudhon, especially as regards mutual banking,

    corresponding with those of Josiah Warren, found a considerable

    following in the United States, creating quite a school, of which themain writers are Stephen Pearl Andrews, William Grene, Lysander

    Spooner (who began to write in 1850, and whose unfinished work,

    Natural Law, was full of promise), and several others, whose names

    will be found in Dr Nettlau's Bibliographie de l'anarchie.

    A prominent position among the individualist anarchists in America

    has been occupied by Benjamin R. Tucker, whose journal Liberty was

    started in 1881 and whose conceptions are a combination of those of

    Proudhon with those of Herbert Spencer. Starting from the statement

    that anarchists are egotists, strictly speaking, and that every group of

    individuals, be it a secret league of a few persons, or the Congress of

    the United States, has the right to oppress all mankind, provided it has

    the power to do so, that equal liberty for all and absolute equality

    ought to be the law, and 'mind every one your own business' is the

    unique moral law of anarchism, Tucker goes on to prove that a general

    and thorough application of these principles would be beneficial and

    would offer no danger, because the powers of every individual would

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    be limited by the exercise of the equal rights of all others. He further

    indicated (following H. Spencer) the difference which exists between

    the encroachment on somebody's rights and resistance to such an

    encroachment; between domination and defence: the former being

    equally condemnable, whether it be encroachment of a criminal uponan individual, or the encroachment of one upon all others, or of all

    others upon one; while resistance to encroachment is defensible and

    necessary. For their self-defence, both the citizen and the group have

    the right to any violence, including capital punishment. Violence is

    also justified for enforcing the duty of keeping an agreement. Tucker

    thus follows Spencer, and, like him, opens (in the present writer's

    opinion) the way for reconstituting under the heading of 'defence' all

    the functions of the state. His criticism of the present state is verysearching, and his defence of the rights of the individual very

    powerful. As regards his economical views B. R. Tucker follows


    The individualist anar

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