anatomy i, chapter 13, peripheral nervous system · pdf file1 anatomy i, chapter 13,...

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    Anatomy I, Chapter 13, Peripheral Nervous System Notes 2 Peripheral Nervous System ________the ______ with our internal and external __________ Includes: sensory ________, ________nerves, their associated ________ and ________ ________ endings ________: ______ -like organ, a ________ of peripheral ________ Theres ______ and ________nerves but, most are ________ (carry both efferent/________ and afferent/________ axons) 3 Nerve structure- - ___________: Delicate, loose ________ that ________ the ______ and its ________ ________ - ________: a ________ of ______/________ bundled ________ by a coarser connective tissue called the ___________ - __________: Sheath that bundles the__________ together to form the ______ 4 Figure: 13.3; page: 492 5 ________ Nerves- Nerves that carry ________ directly t________________ the ________ and _________ the ________________ There are ___, all with names and associated ________ numerals, ________ Numbered from ________ to ________ ______ come from the ________ while________ come from the ________ They all service the ________________ except for the ________ (X) that goes into the ___________

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    6 I ____________, - function: ____________ II ____________, function: ____________ III ____________, function: ____________ ____________ IV ____________, function: ____________ movement V ____________, function: ____________, ________________ VI ____________, function: movement of ____________ VII _________, function: ________________________, tears, saliva, ______ VIII _______________ (acoustic), function: ____________, ____________ (balance) IX________________ function: saliva, ____________ X _________, function: ________________________, secretion of digestive _________, ___________ from viscera 7 XI _________________, function: ____________ movement of head XII ____________, function: ____________movement, swallowing On old Olympus terraced top a Finn and German vaulted a hedge. On occasion our thirsty truck acts funny. Very good vehicle some how 8 Figure: 12.15; page: 446 9 Cranial nerve illustration addendum A 10 Cranial Nerve Exam addendum B

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    11 Spinal Nerves Spinal nerves ____________ at the ventral and dorsal _________ of the spinal gray matter as nerve ____________, these merge to form ventral & dorsal_________ _________ The ventral & dorsal nerve roots merge to form _________ _________ 12 Figure: 12.33b; page: 469 13 _________ _________ _________ of nerves (all mixed) that supply the _________ _________ except for the head and parts of the neck (cranial) Named according to the__________vertebrae they come out _________ C1-C8, Ti-T12, L1-L5, S1-S5, C1 14 Figure: 13.6: page: 502 15 The spinal nerves are quite _______ as they quickly split into _ ________ called _________/_________

    1. _________ ramus __________________ into intervertebral foramen and services the ___________ of the spinal cord

    2. __________ ramus Innervates the __________________ in an _________ manner w/ narrow band of control along the posterior trunk

    3. _________ramus- Also _________ in the _________ region However, the _________and _________ ramus quickly merge and form _________ _________ 16 Figure 13.7b; page: 503

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    17 Except for _________ all the other ventral rami _______one another and form _________ _________nerve networks called _________ _________ The ventral _______join and form _________, the trunks bifurcate and form _________, the divisions merge and form _________ the cords bifurcate and form the major terminal _________ or _________ So, each actual nerve ends up being a complicated _________ of _________ spinal nerves 18 Figure: 13.9; page: 506 19 There are ______ major _________ - _________, _________ and the _________ and _________ plexuses often combined as the l _________ plexus _________plexus- Spinal nerves _________ - under the ______________ muscle services the _____, ______ & anterior _________ _________ nerve that innervates the _________ 20 Figure 13.8 & table 13.3; page: 504 21 table 13.3; page: pg. 504 22 _________ Plexus _________ - lies in _______ and ________ Eventually form nerves: ____________ _________ _________, _________and _________ nerves 23 Fig. 13.9 a pg; 506 brachial plexus 24 Fig 13.9 c pg 506 major nerves

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    25 brachial plexus addendum c 26 Lumbar plexus _______ innervates _________ _____ and anterior _______ - femoral nerve in thigh, muscles of the _______ 27 Fig 13.10 pg 508 lumbar plexus 28 fig: 13.10b; pg: 508 major nerves brachial plexus 29 Table: 13.5; pg: 508 branches of lumbar plexus 30 ________ _______ - From spinal nerves _________ Innervates: _________, ___________, _________ ________ ________- _________& _________ nerve in body innervates ___________ _________ _______ along _________ of nerve _________ nerve- ________ leg Common _________l anteriolateral _________ leg Superior & inferior _________ nerve _________ muscles 31 Fig: 13.11 a pg: 509 branches of lumbar plexus 32 fig: 13.11 b nerves of sacral plexus 33 Fig: 13.6 branches of sacral plexus pg: 510 34 ___________ Each spinal nerve has a sensory cutaneous branch that is responsible for the sense of touch for a specific _________ _________ 35 Figure 13.12; page: 511 36 C6, L4 neurological exam addendum

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    Anatomy I, Chapter14, Autonomic Nervous System, notes 2 Our _________ _________constantly _________ from the optimum ______ so our systems need to be constantly functioning to bring these changes ______ to the _________ levels and maintain _________ _________ _______ systems contribute to this stability though it is _________ _________ on the _________ Nervous System Its a system of_________ neurons (no sensory) that innervates _________ and _________ muscle and _________. 3 It performs all of these tasks ___________ without any _________ thought __________ means _________ muscle 4 The ______ is divided into _________divisions: ___________ & ____________ Sympathetic- __________________ activates when we are _________ or in _________ or __________ situations _____________- _________ or _________ activities 5 Figure: 14.1; page 526 6 Review CNS/Spinal cord & peripheral nerves _________: mass of cell bodies in _________ _________: mass of cell bodies in _________ _________ _________ have _________ that are sensitive to a _________ _________ and create a nerve_________ The impulse continues along the bundled dendrites all the way back, _________, to the spinal cord, where they join the _________ _________ (ganglion)

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    The _________ passes through the cell _________ to the _________ that synapse with an____________ 7 Figure: 13.19; page:519 8 The ___________ are located totally within the _________ _________ of the ____________. They are _________, ___________, (decision/reasoning capabilities) The interneuorons _________ _______ of the _________ to ________up the spinal cord to the brain. _________ impulses will go to _________ of the motor _________ located in the _________ root of the spinal cord gray matter (nuclei?) 9 Figure:13.19;page:519 10 General Anatomy In the_________ system (voluntary effectors) there is only _________ motor unit (dendrites, body,axon) 11 Each motor unit in the______ consists of ___ motor neurons: 1. A_________ _________ with its cell body in the _________, its preganglionic axon synapses in an _________ _________ 2. A _________ _______ with its cell body in an ________ _________ with a postganglionic axon extending to the_________ 12 Figure: 14.2; page: 527 13 The arrangement of the _________ _________ and subsequently the ____________ are somewhat_________ between the parasympathetic and the sympathetic divisions Pararsympathetic (Craniosacral) Division - Rest and digest -_________ fibers (axons) come from the _________ nerves and the _________

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    -The preganglionic axons go to the _________ganglion that is located just _________ the effector or _________ the effector 14 Figure: 14.4; page: 529 15 Figure: 14.4; page: 529 16 Figure: 14.4; page: 529 17 ___________ (thoracolumbar) division - __________________t More_________ All _________ fibers (axons) arise from _________ _________ in spinal cord segments _________ The preganglion _________are in the __________________ of the spinal cord gray matter The _________ _______all go to a sympathetic __________________which are all i_________ and _________ up in _________ _________ along the side of the _________ 18 Fig. 12.31; pg. 469 ventral, dorsal, lateral 19Figure: 14.6; page: 533 20 Figure: 14.6; page: 533 21 Figure: 14.6; page: 533 22 More ___________ The preganglionic axons can do__________________ things when they reach the chain

    1. They can _________ w/ the chain ganglia at _______ _______ 2. The axon can _________ or _________ to another trunk

    _________ This is what holds the chain together 3. They can _______ _______ the _______ completely and

    ________ with a distant _________ _________

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    23 Figure: 14.4; page: 531 24 Figure: 14.4; page: 531 25 Figure: 14.4

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