anatomy & physiology integumentary system disorder, scabies

Post on 20-Dec-2014






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This is Kwame (Ato) Eyiah's project on Scabies


ScabiesBy: Kwame(Ato)Eyiah

What is Scabies?

• Scabies is a type of parasite that goes inside the skin, this parasite will then live in inside and lay eggs in your skin.

• Crusted Scabies or Norwegian Scabies is a more severe type of scabies in which the skin crusts and this type of scabies occurs when the person immune system can not fight the parasite. Thus, leading to there rapid multiplication within the person, when a person has crusted scabies there are usually around 100’s to 1000’s of the mites in the skin.

• In the next slide you will see a picture of someone with crusted skin around the Axilla.

Crusted Scabies

Symptoms Of Scabies

• Frequent itching of the skin

• Skin will appear to have a rash on the surface, most of the time this will appear between the persons fingers.

• Sometimes the person may find thin lines on their skin, this shows where the parasite has been.

Popular Areas Of Infection

• For young children the parasite is often seen in these areas.

• The scalp

• The neck

• The soles of the feet

• The palms of their hand

Popular Areas Of Scabies

• For adults scabies might be found in these areas.

• In between the fingers.

• Around the waist.

• Around the patella.

• Around the axilla.

• Often times the parasite will stay in places where the person keeps jewelry, so they could be found under bracelets. Etc

Diagnosis Of Scabies

• A dermatologist can take a portion of the patients skin & examine it under a microscope. If eggs of the parasite are present or the parasite itself, the person has scabies.

Causes of Scabies

• Someone can obtain Scabies if he or she just has direct skin to skin contact with an infected person. Even something like a handshake or a hug from an infected can spread Scabies.

• This parasite can also spread by sharing items with an infected person, or sleeping on the same bed as an infected.

Epidemiology Of Scabies

• How Scabies spread has yet to be discovered, but it is clear that it has been around for a long period of time. There is archeological evidence that this parasite has been around since Egyptian times.

• Scabies has been infecting the human race for at least 2,500 years!

Treatment For Scabies

• Although there surefire way to cure Scabies, having good personal hygiene is an important factor in ensuring that Scabies does not spread. Taking showers regularly & washing clothes regularly etc., will help stop the spread of this parasite.

• If the person wishes to go to the doctor to get rid of this parasite, he may prescribe 5% permethrin cream. This cream will kill the parasite and its eggs, also this cream can be used for pregnant women & children, thus it is often used to treat Scabies


• Scabies can be cured fairly easily without much effort. If you are not sure if you have Scabies you can set up an appointment with a dermatologist & he or she will diagnosis you.

• Although this disease is not life threatening it is very irritating & can be cured fairly easily.


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