ancient christian commentary - genesis 1-2

Post on 03-Oct-2015






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    GENESIS I-ll

    EDITED Ill"



    1 ....... \.nitr P..-IJo..-nenG"", . l1linoo.

  • "-, .... , .... " ~O' ... ,_""-.G-.!c .. "',..,. "lI,, .... ,,;~_ . ..,... .... _

    c:lOOI.,' .. ' .. of o. .. "c.o.._s. ...... ,(rca;;. n-..c.oo.. ................. .... ...,..' ......... ,"' .... of ....... - .. ..,....., ~-,j..wo--~...--_ .. ",,,'.""" ,_,""' .... ....... ,.w, ... "I ...... _of'""",C'O"" __ .....,,lI$,\ " __ .. _ .. .. '"1" ......... of _ ..... ~ ........... ~.-................ ~' of ~-... , ..... ----of .............. " ...... of .... ""'"" ........ , ........ - ... _ ..... .... "t--' ........ , ..... ,....... ..... _.Doy.:' ' '' ..... I>ow" .. o/c.."'_ ........ of ... "" .... e-'of ... a-. ... ofO"' ... u.s ....... ,..,.,,.., __

    ,. ,,,_ ...... .,0..,_ ,_ ,,,, .. s..'P""" , ,,, ..... .....,..,..,..





    Chriuoph .... A. Hill


    JHlEIo .. My













    BIBL I OGRAPHY ' 193


    SUB1EC T INDEX ' 201

    SCRIPT U RE INDEX' 20..;:

  • GENESIS 1 -11


    Ov .. ,v w, God e .... ul heav"n and UTlh h..,,,ghtl .. Word.,inc~"in.h.bc:ginning"u .h. WOTd' (AOOUST' .... ). God mad. h .. ven .ndurthinlh.beginn,ng.notinlhcbc:gin ningof time bUIin Chrill {O .. lGaN.CHaYsoJI . yo,.. AoousT'Na}. Godcrcl",dheavenond unh.lh i . h.monerof.hehuvcn nd th.m.nerof.h.urth. whichcame.obc IIOIhing (Su, .. N~"ssll1S OF EMuA). Th. bi h oflhc wo,ld ,,a' p .. ,.d.d by 0 con dilionof,hing,.uitabl.forth.cxerci of upcma,u"']po ... en. Thcm .. ningof cr ... ion " ... n from d""ne r.vcl .. ;on {BAS'L). To Mo .... God. r

  • maker. 0 .. THB L'TlR.U I"TUP~BTAT'O" OF G"NES 'S;.,O.'

    GO t> C~.ATED T H B MATTE~ A .. t> T H E FO~M oF Huv""'SA .. n EARTH.Bu' "THB GnAT: [The Maniduun. a .. ut .ha.) th. formoftheworldi.du.tothewi.domofthe . uprem. Art ificer; man.r the Cre atorfrom without; and thu. , h. world ... ul .. f.oma double origin. It h .... c.ived from ouuid. in m .,u and ill .... ncc and from God in fcrm and figu.e. Th.) thus ,cm. to d. ny that th mighty God ha. p.u ided otthe fcrmationofth. univ ..... ndprct.nd that h.h .. cniyb.ough,.crowningconltibution '0 a CCmmon work . rha, he h only con"ib u .. dsom m.11 po"ion to the g.neli. of . Th.) ... incapabl.from'hed.b ... -mentof,h.irreucningc(ui , ing , htir glance. to th. h.ight of truth. belo'" aru .... ub"'1u.nttom .. rer-introduced , ,heindisp.n bl.ncedof,h.m. Wcol .. i ... d before weaving mad. itlupply cneofnatu impe,fe"ion . Wood .. i ... d .. c p.nt .. ingtco~pouu.ionofi,and tr.nsform.dit.achd.yto.upplyn.wwanu and mad. u .... all th dvanrag .. d.riv.d from it. giving th. oar to th. uilot. the win nowingfan to ,h. laborer.the lanc. '0 th. $oldi ... But God. befo .. all ,he .. ,hing.that now.""ct our nc,ice ui.ted fte, caSting .bon,inhi.mind.ndde .. rminingtobring in'o being ,ime which had no imas in.d the wc.ld . uch .. i,cught to b nd cr. ... d matter in harmony with th. form that h.wi.h.dtogivei'.H .... ign.dtoth. h.av . n.thtn.tu .. adaptedforth.heav.n,.nd pv."'th arth.n ....,dance " irhi"form.H.form.d . sh, ,, ... a .. . nd ... ... r . ndg.v.toeachth ..... nce ,i""h.o;'jec,ofiuui ... nce re'luir.d

    Finally,h.w.ld.dallth.div .... parucfth. univnse by li nk. ofindi oluble attachm.n. andest.blish.db.twccnth.m.opcrf.". f.llow.hip and harmcny.har ,he mo .. dis t.n'.in . pi .. of,heirdi .. ance . pp .... d unitcd in one unive .. al Iympathy. Lct.ho .. menth .. dc .. renounc. ,h.irf.bulousimag_ inuion ...... . pitcofthew.akn of ... ndtom u ... power incompreh.n.ibl.tomans .. aoon .. i,i. m.n. voic . Godc ..... dth. heav.n. and theearrh. bu. no. onl)' half- h. cre",edall.he h .. vens and all the .,h.cre . .. ncewithth.form.HIl;u., M" .. ON ~'~'J .'

    GOO C".ATln T H,,...GS OuT Of NOT H,,...G. NBMHStUSOFEM ESA:Ev.nifirisgr.n .. d .ha. the God ofall.hingl followed an order [inth." tion J. hei howntob.God.nd Creatorandtoh. v.brough,allthing,in.o bcingou, of nothing. ON THiI NATUU Of MA .. ~6.

    T H. CO"D'T ' O ~' B~FO". THil I.h u H 0. TKEWORLO.BAS'LTHiGRIlAt:lr ' ppears, indced,that.v.n bcfore.hi,world.norderof thing.exi ... d ofwhich our mind c.n form an id bu.of whichw.canu)"no,hing.btcausr i. i,tcolofr)" a'llbject for men who are but beginne .. and ... "illbab inknowl.dge The birth of the world wuprcced.d by. con-

    di,ionofthing," u;ubl.forthee~erci .. or . upern.tu .. 1 pow .... outltripping th. hmiu oftim tern.l.ndinfinit . Th.C .... or.nd D.miutg.ofth. uni v .... pcrf.c .. d hi. work. in it.spiri.u.aJligiuforme "appin ... ofall ... ho 10 .... ,h. Lord. in .. U.ctual.nd ",vi.ibl<

  • naru aUth.o.d.rlyar.ang.m.ntofpur. whoanbeyondth.r.achofou. mind and of ...nom we canno. n.n diacover the name . They fill th. _"". of .hi. invi,i. ble world.uP.ul.u(huu,.-Forbyhimwer. .. ,.dtha' .r.;nh .... n.nd .ha' ... innrth.~ilibl.and;n~ilibl . Ih.y .... thronuordomin'on.o.p.indpaliti orpow ..... or ... digni ....,lu. i. w ntce""
  • chccru,h,wilhinguthcydo,oal.lignncry chclTown",uoningandlackingchc . uh:a';onchacni.hcyondlhccapadlyof hu mannacurc.oplumbGod'.crc .. ion, H oM-'uu 01< GINU'S a.s."

    HUV.I< .. NOE .... TH _C NU50STO .. :\\!hr I d .... "p.()(c.d,fi .. ,huv.nth1 of chnique. God i. thcc,ea.o nd mUlerICchnkianofnaturc.and.rl.and .v.rylhingmad.orimagin.d.SB .... ONI.)."


    ' TIot t"'IIo "'''$ "';lboWf/~nft nd ~1I;d,' "nd darlcnru ..... , Wpll ~ [11'.141'. OJl' l'" dftp;' "ndrbrSpiril ' ojGlld ..... , "'o~ingllvCT [lbf/"'tofl ' rbr ..... rtr$. '

    ~ Or_ -I..a __ ... --" .1..a_ .. -.o...I ..... 'ux..,.. 'I..a_ (...,-)

    Ovn.v,g,,: Th arth .ha, God mad. "'u ,nvl. ibltand ... "hou,fo,mhcfor.God ofallchinglbyordcring andd,,"ng .. ,.hingth.m (AOGlIST'I

  • noweu, and wha ,ucr,hingl,pJ>Uud on .arth . li roebterby , hccomm.ndofGod ,o .dorn lhe;r mother.S ,nceao yet th . r. wu nothingofthii,lhes.:riptu re realonably

    .pokcof;,ao in~ompl .. e.Wemigh,uythe umc al ... about the hu ... n.; . ha, the y were noryc,broughtloperfnoonthemuJ .... nor had they rec.ivd lhelr proper adornment , IIncc , h.y wcrenolyetl;ghledaro" ndbr lhe moon nor Ih lln. nOfcrown.d by th. choifl of.hellan.Forthuelh,ngoh.dnolyelb n made. Therefore you ... ilI nOt err from Ihe tru.hifyou ... ythatthe huveni al ... wn. ,ncomplete. H lll ...... I O", :.,.'

    C . ... TI NG P .. I C. OB' O.oa. ,NG, A .. .. on The good archi,ecr IaYI the fo " nda,ion fi ... and.f.crwan:l , when.hefounda.ionh" bun la,d.plou.hevaflOU'p .,. of .hebu;ld,ng, one aftef the oth.r. and ,hen add. to 11 th. o'n.ment .. ion .. s.:"plurepo ... '" ourthar ,h,ngl werefi .. ,crca,ed . nd.ftcf,,'udpul,n ord.,leltirbcluppo"ed,hltlherwcrcnor a"u.II), crc .. cd and Ihar th. y had no begin n'ng,Ju .... if .he n .. u'eof ,hingsbadbcen. uil wtrC. gcnef ..!lnn,ngand d,dnolappearlobc ... mcthmgadd.dafte. .... rd.HBX .. R .. eao ... '.;.'

    GOD D"'IILT n .. SUP N"l L' Gon S .,o,u C .... TI ... G" D,.' IINT P .. TIIC .. lL,OHT. IIUOU JTINt: Andd knUI ... uovcrlhe abr ... Th. M. n;chaunl fi nd fa ,,11 ... ilh Ih" nd ). W .. Godth.n ... darkn . ... bcforch. mad. the ligh" Thcy th.moel .. cs are "uly In .h. darknc .. of 'gno .. ncc. and for.h .. rea ..... i"=J'do norundcrlundthehgh"n ... hlCh Go.d .. .. bcfor.h.m.dc lh,,/igh,.Fo. lher


    the fluh.A nd therefore they wonluplh,,"un ,ha'vcry~rea,urclcu.Butltul llndc ... and that thorci dirrercn, lightinwhichGo.d dweU . Two Bool(5 ON GaNlSlS AC;,,'NU TliEM"N'CH""'''Sl.j.6.'

    TH' D", IN.n .... 0 TH' D A TH ' M I AIUNCI OF L,G" T. AUOUJT, ... a: Onc who diligently conliden whal darknu. 11 rcally find. on]y Ihe ab.enc~of light. Thus 11 id,darkn ., w over thc .by.,; .. iflour. Ther. WaI no hgh' ov.r Ihe . b)'lO. Hence, this maller d'lll and d,mngullhed

    bythenutwofkof God llcaned lhe'n~isibl e and .. nf",m.dcarlh.nd.hcdecp ,ha,il lack ingligh . whafw ... bovecollcdhc ... cn . ndcarth . lik h.,eedof he.ven.nd .... h. ON THR L'TR.,u INTE . .. UTATmN Of Gm ... . "54.11.'

    1:2c T Io_ Spirit W~. Mo.';"! ~v_r 110. F~c. "j th.Wat.r.

    C .... T.O . T THIi S . .. IT. A ..... OSR: The Spiri,fimngly movcdovc. th ... nh.dcsrincd .obcar f .. ",bccaulcb)" hc.,dofth.Spi ... " hdd Ihe ICed. of nc,, b,.,h which wue'O gef' min .... ccordi ng.oth.wordl oflh.prophet: Sendforthlhy Spiril.ndthey . h.llbccr. u.d.nd.holl l h.1trcn ..... h. facr of .h. u.,h." H u ,.. . .. nON ,.5:

    W .. T b BUlLT M""". L. Foa" Lu~ M .. TTI . A .. (;UST' ... ~: The mUter "fiut called by th. nam.of th .un;vc .... th., i of hca .. en.nd .. "h.rO'lh ... koof ,..hi'hit .. .. made from .bs.ol",c1r no,b,n,.Sccond.iu

  • formlcuncu i, eonveycdby the mention of hcunformedcanhandrhelby ... becau .. Imong III ,he demenlt earth i, more formic .. and Icubrigh.thal1 the re. . Third. by the namc_ .... ,heTt I.$"gni6.dml.""th.t.,i. ubJCct to.h .... orlr.of,h. M .... e fo ...... et can be movcd "'''Tt euil)' Ih.n urth. And ,hu. "naccounroftheulincubywhichite.n bcwo,kedandmoyed.,hema"erlubject.o the Maker.houldbecllled rl
  • .. ndbeforehimagood.hath. had no. known (AUGUST''''). God i. ,h. aUlhoroflighl (A .. non). Ligh,iniup.i . mordtalfotmdidnorcom.ftomch un, which had no, y ..... d (EPHU"). GodcaUcd,hcligh,day,and ,hcd.arkncu h. called n'gh,-mcanl ,ha, God mad. a dis';nc ,ion bet .... n Iigh. and dackn ... (S .. sn. EPHIUIII.AUGulT,,...).The fi ... da)'and nigh, ..... no. rul.d ye,byaobrmotron (B,u'L). Theconccp,of l-day"il no.,ob.allegoria.d (EPHIUIII ). Th.'nvi.ihl.lpiri.ual ..... ,ldilcr. a .. dbefor h'phy"icaJ ... orld (A ... ROSa.

    E~HR .. , ). C ... ';onout o(no'hingi.di .. in . g .. ish.dfcomth ..... hichilc' u dou.of wha,ulI d b.fore (EPHIUIII ).

    l:3 Ltt T1:mrBr Lifbt

    T HI AUT HOJ; 0' L' GHT.A". lI.oSl:God i. h ulhor o(ligh., and th. andcauoe of darkn ... i h.wo,ld.SII,th'goodAu.hor utlcred ,h. word lip, loo th h. might .. ~cal thcwo.ld by infuliog hngh.ncu ,h .. cin and .htU m.kci .... p ' buu.ifuI.S ... dd.n1r,h.n, th. air bccam. bright and d.arknulmrank in fC,rorftomthcbril\ianccofth.noYclbrigh, n.II.Hn .. u,uoN,.g.'

    IN ...... LIlCo ...... Nn.AuGUST'I'I~:W. ought tound ..... nd th.t Goddid not oay"Lct th .. cb.ligh."byaloundbcoughtforlhfrom th. lungl or bj,hc .onguc and I .. th. Such thoughta ... ,hooeofp.rton.phy,icallyprc occup,.d.Tobcwiocin.ccord w ithth.f1 ..... IId. llh.-Lclth ... bchght- wa"pokcn,nef-fabl). O ... THILrn ...... LINT~RPRITA.TIO .. OF

    G~ .. U1S;.>g.'

    TH~ L'CHT SO""'ROMGooD"TlI'I'

    AUGUST .... , AI Ih ... ordllh.mselyu ...... k. l uffici.ntly clut, w.a .. 'old ,h.t th"light was m.d .", from God i, on hing;chcligh hat God made .. ano.h . Th. ligh' born f,om God i. the ~cr)' Wlldom of God.bu h.ligh.madcbyGodiloomethmg mu.abl . whcthc orpnrulorinco.porcal ON THI LrTIR" ~ I NT~R~~.T"T'ON Of G~N I' "Isao.'

    T HE L' OHT D IU NOT CO",. PlO", TU,SUN. EPHU ... TH.Sn ... ":n..hght ...... rcl .... d lo.har11 migh'"preadov.,.verylh,ng"'IIh_ ou, beingfutcn.d down. It di'pe rHd th.

    d.arknUllhll"u(W.'.~crythingalthough,, did nOt mOv'. It wa.only wh.n (th. )ight ] wen ".~y ~nd wh.n it cam. that it moved. forwh.n (.h.light] went ... .yth.rul.,,u giv.ntothcnigh,.and.,[th.ligh,'. ) commg th ... wouldbean.nd,o !,h"night',]rol . M.ct,h.cbrigh.n ... [of th.ligh. ] rcnde .. dll u,"hruday ... ,hc lunw .. inth. firmam.n, in o,d.,.o ripen whucvcr had .ptou d "nd., ,h 6'11 liGh,.Co ..... Nnu 0"GIl .. IlS ,s, .8.);g.;.'

    1 ,4 TIt. Ligl!! Wa. Good

    S .......... T' o" o .L, .. HT P.O .. O ... O:I'I.U. S .. S'LTHEG.uT:Ev.ninj;,thcn.i.acom monboundary lin . of d.)" Ind nigh" and ,im, larlymorninj;i h.partofnigh,bord

  • which wa) 0pPO"~d.o (h~ day was nam~d nigh,. Hu ....... o .. ".8.'

    GOD App~oy .. HIS Wo .. ,. AUGUS'-.M.: W~ . hould "nd .. ,.ana .h., .hisl~n(~nc~ docs nOt "gnifr joy;u ifovcr.n "n ... pec.~dgood b".an appro""lofth~ wo.k.For ... ha.".a,d mon fittingly ofGod-,nsofa." It Can b< humanlruid_thanwhcnScrip,,,,,pu,"it .hilwt:h',pokc: and "wu mad.:it plu..,d h,m: ThuI...., und.round in'he lpolt.h ........... 'gn.y.'n"wumad.hll powandin,tpluudhimh"goodnu . Thcl"incff"able thingl had to be uid in thi. wayh)'am.n.orn.n ..... h hcymigh.p .... fi. alL.O .. ,-HEL,T.U~I .. T ..... IT .. TtoNO.


    AUGUST'NI:God",,,h.,.h.ligh.w .. good: and thclc worda do nO. rnun dtu God foundbf,h. ur,hwh.n,hclun,. hiddcn,Y,,;,wlSno.a: rhattim.acco.dlftg.o .... Larmotlon, w .. wh.nthl.firo reatcdligh.w .. diffu,,,dand aglin drawn in Icco.ding.o the m ... UT<,hltdarclm(lnd n igh, l ucu .. d.d. Ex.GITtC Ho."u8l~.a."

    O'.n .. ou .... , .. G C~ n oM OUT o. NOT .. , .. G ' .OM ALL Eu. C ...... '-"U O UT o. W .... T E:n I TID 8 .. ot~, E.HUM '-HO SU. ' .. N: Heav.n, earth, fire, ... ,nd and ... aICe wne ctea.ed frorn no'h,ns 11 Scnrture beau w,' , n .... wh .. u . th.ltght.wh,ehc.m.tobeon .h u,ofthcthingl ,h.t c.m ob

  • .0mething .... Thecefo,..,tho.efivecrea
  • OvnVI.w, God formed the.tablelubltance of the firnum.n, by ,,"nJformins ,he naru-rally nuid WaI'" (C ... .ILOf' JlRUUIDI). Tbe firmam. nt oeparatedthecorporealmltterof ,,;'ibl.thing.f.-omthc,nCorprcal mattcrof ,nv;l;bl. Ih,ngJ (AUIH/srn;. ). Tb. wot." Ihal u. abov. and und.r Ih. firnum.nt do not Iymbohu lp""ual,;ncorporwpo"." (B"s'L). Tb.firmamen,i.,h.corporul hUYen. whICh God mad. af"r era"'ng ,h. h.a".nl(O .. ,.., .... ).H.eall.d,h.firm.m.n' h.a".nbecl,,,.,,divid .. ,,,enJy nullcr from Ih. p .. "hlbl. nu" .. (Aoousn .... ).

    1:6 A Fi,I,,,u,,. lI li,,d,. W"fc'S

    N .. T" .. I Of T II . FrU ......... T.CU'L or JnUIALi .. : Forwhll faul,h.v.theytofind w"h ,he v .. , e ... atlon ofGod,whoou\o(,h. fluidnaru ... oflhe,,It.nform~th.ltabl. ubstanc. of the hu".nll ForGod ... ,d,"Le-! ,h .... beafirmam.n';nlh.m,dllofth.,.,a .... .. God lpokeonccforall,and 11 ltands f .. t, ..... u fail,nG' Cn.cHnlc .. L L~CTUazS 9.S. '

    BUILTHEG n:Andl"rely",endno, beli.v.,becauu[th.firmam.n, ).ocml to ha". had itfo"gin,.cco.d'ng 10 th. s.ncraJ und.rlland,ng, from " .. cr, that it i.lil:. "hcrfrounw .. croroom uchmatcrialthll ul: .. ".ons,nf.-omrhepercollnono(moil' tu .. ,.uchal ill cry.'ailin ock.Hu ... .. ,ao,,;.I.'

    T .. EF, ............ rD,v' onVu" .Li ..... " l",'",.u TH,,"CI. Auc"n, ... ~ Tb ....... " .... rcd,vid.doo,h.toom.w e .bo".,hefi. mam.n' and oth." belo ... Ihe S,ncc ....... ,d,h.rmattcr,,-alcaU.d,,at.' 1


    belicv.thatth.firmam.nrofhuv.nlCp" ra'edth.eorporc.lma .... ofvjsible.h,ng, from.h.inc0'J'O

  • T Ma FLO'" OP W,lTa. DOWNW O. B.u'~ T HI Gn.T: Som"'ru! mar_a!< .hi,: Why does ,he Scripoure ,educe to a commlnd oftheC..., Ofortha,.cndencrtoflowdownwudwhich bdongJ nOfu, .. lIy ,ow .. terl ... If water ha. ,h il tendency by nuu
  • forml'S$ mat'4. '

    T HH LO"D N .... n n"l EU'UWTS. CHaY. sosToM:H,vrou ... n.d rbrother,ho\\" God. in a n ..... ripp.d,h arth, wh ich "' ... invi.ibl.andforml .... and,, .. coveredbrh. w ..... asifth.yw .. eveil . face, after he had impo.ed anappropriatt n.meonita.well'Andthegathering.ofth. wa .. ", ,heir nam . In fact .... an excell.n., whos.uou"omaktwi,h hi. art a cerr.;n ,a. e,d.,."nO. gi"e it a namt lln,il ht has com plet.d it, so tn . good lord do-e. nO. impo on ,he elements until ne ha. put them in their pl"Oper place according to hi. com mand.Thereforeafterth ... rthhadreceiv.d itlnam.andhadreach.di"propcrform.the ga'hered watt" we .. callcd with ,heit own name. HO"'LIU ON GEN~S" $.'0.'

  • Su ous,. O. THI S ....... NO THI DU L .... O.O .. 'GIN:l.cfUllabof,rhcreforc, to guherrh.waterrha,isunderhel ... nand ,asti,fromulrha,'thedryland:whi,hilou, de.d. done in ,h. nub. migh, appear. When ,h,.hubc:endone,m.n .. cingourgood worlu may glorify OUr Father who il in h ... .,en."' For if wc ha ... no''''pua,cd fromUJ ,hOleW.lCn ,hll.rcundc,heav.n.,hllil, ,he.iru and""Clofourbody.ou.drylan.d will no. bc:abl.,oappcarnor h.". ,he eourag< ,,o.h.logh, .. Th .dryl.nd.aft.' ,he ",al.r WII rcmo ... .d from i . did no,con "nucfunh.,u"d'ylan.dbu,,,unamc.d .... hbyGood i if,hils'pa .. ,ionftom,hcmtakupl.c., will no longerrcmain"dry lan.d:The), ",ill. on meconrrary. N,aJI.d" .. rth"bccall..,th.y,an no .. ' NarfrllnforGod.Ho"'LlHso .. GE" ~' 5,5 ,.~.'

    Ho .. ' 0 10 GOD C~~"Tlt GUGo~r OF Nrss..:Asforlhequcnionofprecilcl),ho,,

    G ... Ul5"U',

    b.ani .... italtogcth.rfromourdiscUJIion.E~cn in m. cue of m,ngs which are quite ""mm the grupofollrunderll .. ndingand ofwhich wchavc..,nliblcpcrccpt;on.i,wouldbc: impouiblcforlhc&pcculuivcrcuon,ogr;lIp of.hcp.od"Clionofthcphcnome non.1tI mIlChIO,ha,ucn inlpi,cd and o.indy mcnhavcdccmcdlllchqllu"on.,nltllllbl . Fo,in,"ncc.thc .. pootlcuyl,Throughf.nh wcundCf$landlh .. ,th.wo,ld.wCfefram.d by,h .... ordofGo

  • vegetuion"beume a law of nuu .. and .. main.d in th.urth {B ... SIL).Th.carth did nolofit.clfp
  • F. " .. T H. E ... 1l C ...... T Ha G ..... , .. . GIlIlGOU Of Nus ... , In ,h~ beginning. we .u. it was nOI .n ur
  • an daborat~ .y.t~m which brought to p
  • 1:14-15 Liglm ill Ib,Fir"""lIf ll!

    N ... TUI. 0' THa H .... v ... u Boo . JOH" OF D ........ scul: Fir. i. on. of th. four eJ."Ylbutforord ... ngth.d.y". Fo,d.) .ndn'ghl earli.rlh.nlh.g.n ... ,ionoflh.luminari . ' Thi.,hcp .. lm dcd uto ul wh.n"o.yo: "H.pla .. dth un '0 rul . ,h. d'r. Ih. moon and ..... ' 0 rul. ,h. night:' Ho ... . ,h.n.d"". ,h unrul.,h.dr! Bec.u ... ... h.n"".' ,h un.nrrying,h. I'gh, aroundw,lhil . riIClab.w.ourhOTl:on.;, pu ... n.ndlothcdarknu. andbrongoulrh. d.). Th.ufouon .... ouldno'.nifh ...... uld d.fincrh.d.) u .... logh,.db),th un.oru ,h. m ... ul"fc of Um. in ... hich ,h. oun .. "iu ,nth.h.m"phc .. abov.lh.urth.Butlh. . un.ndth.moonw .... I.o.ppoinl.d,ob. for Ih. yea ... The mOOn. whcn it h .. corn pl.diucou .. c,wcl ... ,im m ... urel a year.urcp"harirfr.'1u.ndrnccd ninl.r cala'lmonthforth ccurlt.d.,crm,n.,ion of,h cuon,.u,h.H.brc .... . nd,h.moit anCICntGr.ckaformc.lrm.uurcd,h.ycar, ThcJOlaryca,"lh.rc,urnoflheJunfrom. corta,n"gn,o,hltum."gn;n,utcgular

    U .. oIUllon. HUAI .... ON 6.'"

    Wu~OIDn.aD MovaM ... T5. CU'll o~ J ... uuuM:Menough, loh ...,b.,.nal 'on i.h.d and amaud DOl onlr at the arTang.ment of .hc.un.nd mOOn but aboat ,h.wdl. o.dendmo ... men of.h ...... "ndrhci unfuluedc""f .. cb "frh.m;ho .. .om." .. lign.of . umm.r. (I.h ... "f ... intcr:h"w lomeindical.lh."mt fo o ... ing, olhe ... h imn"f navig""on.

    C"TlcH.Tlc ~Ll!cTU"U98.'

    W""TV .. aca"B" THBSuo;. A"'''OII:look fl .. ton,h.firmam.n,ofh ..... n.wh"h ..... madcbcf .... thelun.lookfin' wh,chbcg.n,obcY;I;bl nd,,al .lr.adr formed bcf ... c,h un PUt in 'u appc ... nce. I..ookat .hcplanuoflh.urth.wh.chpr uded In \lm. rh. Ioghl Oflh.lun. Th. bum . blcpt.ced.dth un.Thcbladcofguu .. old.r,hanthcm.on.Th.rcfore.donol believc tha, obJecl '0 bc a god 1o which.h. gifllofGod ... ..,.n'obcp .. r .... d.Thr .. dayl hav.p . ... d.No"n . mcanwhilc . h .. looItedfo,thc,un.yc, .h.brilliance ofl'ght,dcnuntrywhuc.Fo.rh.da)" 100h&$,ul'ght.wh"hiollSclf 'hcprccurJOr of rhc Sun. Hn .. IMuoo;"" ,

    T HE 0 . " .. OF C." .. T I O ... C HUIOSTOM: For.h., rca'(In ,h. ble".d M"ns. ,nsp".d b)' .h.d,v,n.Sp"".,uche.usw"hgrurprcc,. sion.I .. , .... fa!1vlC,iml(1,h" .. me,hing'" ,hey.;nltud "fbcingablc .o knowdear!r b( andh",, cachlh,ngwucr."cd. You.., if God,nh"

  • GDlU""""l

    can for 0 ... J,llvl.ion had nOl diruud m. longue of ,he hibl ical autho. in thia way. i. would hlvcbccn auffic;cn, ,oaay ,ha, God m.d.hea ... n.ndur.h" h uandli .'ng ,hing,.andno dd,h.ord.rof.hdlya nor wha. wu cr. u .d fin nd what latu. HOMI-lIUO",G. NUI57. IO.'

    E ... CT M ..... 'NGO. "S' G ... ."Auo ... n",.: W ... gnauaom.-.h,ngo.h.,.h.n"mu.ForS"ip .... ,ci,now .puldngof.he .. "me.thuby.hc,rd""nc< inltrvlbconv.y .o .. , .h u.rni'yrcml'ru; ,mmutabl bo .. e ,hem 10 .hl. rim. migh, appcaru ign,.hat i.,aa I vu.igfc of nn). Likewi .. , wh.n; d.u,".nd ford.ya.nd foryu .. ;n.hoWJ ofwh .. t'mesi.i"pc.k ,ng.Thucdar.comeabo",hy ,h. rcvol .. t'on of,h.find ..... ,.ndfTomthi.;tbccom.a o!>Violl. wh.nth un compl., ,ultlrry '0", .. ,n ap." i, .. I.ry .... ONTHI L'TI ..... L INTHPUT .. T'ONoFGBNU,",).)a.'

    l: 1618 C,ca.c, ""d Lcuct Lifbt,

    T .. . On. BlPo ....... D A~T T ... C .. I .. T' O .. OF T .. . S" ...... DT .. . Moo ... Auc ... -TlNI:Th.Mlnich.earuukha ... "cauldhe .hatth.h .. hodi . hati th .... nlnd th.moonand.he .. ar.,,,,.,,,m.dc on.h. fall"hday.Howcouldth.thr prcvio",day. ... dwithautth un! ...... hatadayp ..... .... ith th. ".ing.nd .. ttingaf .h .... n .... hil.nigh,cames.alU'nth .... n. "h .. nc .... h.n"r .... rns.o.u.from.h.oth.r ",.,er,h.m , ha,rh. p .... iou. th ... d.y.caulduchh .... h .. nca!. cul"'~dbl .. g' .. priadoftim.u.h., .hroughwhicb.b runin.h ..... un.ili. r ..,h~ ........ Th, . would he Our "ru;WU if...., _t.

    noth.ldbackbrth.wot.uandev.n,"gQm~ andmorningnm., .. fa.w .... th .. thi.c.n . no, naw ,ak. placo ,.,i,haut th~ mo ... mcn. of th "n. Hcncc wc lcnwiththcin,e,p t. .ionth.t in,b"p"riadof ,ime chcdivi.iona hetw .. nth .... orluw ... call.dc .. ~ning heca .... of thccompletionofthcworkth.t "''aldan ndmomingbccau .. oftheheg,n ningoflh .,orlo:.ocom . Scripturcuy h .. aftct.helihne .. ofhumanworka. I1nce,h.y gen ... llyheg,n,n,hemorn;ngand.ndlt ucning .... {Then Scrop.u "rs. "And God , ctthem ; rm. mcntof.hch.,.vcna tO giv.ligh,uponth "h . arul.o rthcday I ndov.rlhcnigh . and.odividc.helight from the da,kn . .. :j Ag',n ther aak,"Ho ... did Godp .. yio",ly d,v; darknclI" ifh. mad. ,b. h .... nlr hod,es on ,bi. ,herourtbda)!'Thc .. fo hesewo.d" ",odi. ; ... ; m,"n ",odivid mong.h.m.clvc be logh. and ,b. d .. kn .... lOthlt ,h. d.)' n ,o.h un .nd,h.nigh.,o.h.moonand.h.o,h.r ltau."Th.d,) r hen di."ngulJh.d" but nOt yct in relanon to.h. h .... nly bod,es. Two BooKS 0 .. G ..... IS AGA INJTTHIM .... ,C .. AUNS'.14.10-~J."

    T HISTA Do NOT FOR.C .... T THM F"TUR', AUGUST' NE: Evcryonc undcratandl tb.,tb.r.; grutdiff.renccbctw n.nro-log,c.lp .. d,'"on.ndoo ...... ingth , ... u nalu .. lph.nom ...... , in,h ...... y th.: farm ... anduilo .. do , eithcr.ov.,ifyg.",raph".!


    . ..... ar'o .... r,hircourse ... m.wh.r.,u piloll of.h,p' do. and Itavel ... , mlking.bClt ....)'.h,ougb,h ... ndrwa .... of,n..lOu.h

    'Fc,._, PGSl'os.'fC..,Ln-_ ...... L~t .... I'LI. "'C1 c.-I .... S. ''etc.-L .... S. "Fe_ ...

  • wnh nolu",;or touplaon OOmt poi1lf of doctrin.bymcn.ioningoomcoflh.luraua uscfulmu"ruion.AII ... id . herc lIlg",a, diff.rcncc be,ween,h"'pra

    :Ill A"d God loid. "Ltl lb. ",oftrs &"i"gforlb ,,,,Orml of livi"g (rtOlwrel ... "d [It! Ioirdl fl,)"

    ~ra,c from bod)' to bod)' (GUGOaY Of Nrss.. ).,nstolifcofalccdanerbc,ngi>u".d m.hcground .... prcfigura"onof,h .... u. rec"on (A .. BIIOS&.Gucou Oof NY&SA).


  • 8"SlCTHI"l..olbirdl fir above Ih~ unh "non Ih~ firmamenl of

    Iheheavenl" Whrdidh~g,v .... ' ru.el lllolhciro.iginf.omlhewarefl! Beclule lhe flyinganimabhaveace,, "in .clltion. hip. u i, were. wilh Ihole Ih., Iwim. FO' Julf II Ih. fi.h "",h. wa'e gOing for wlrdwilh,hemo,ionof,helrfin l .ndguid Ing,he"'urnl andforw .. dmo~menllbr .he ,h.ngeof ,hei,nib .... . J ... 'n Ihe caJ~of b"d lh~rcanbelunculUng.ndmo"lng Ihrough ... onw, .h.,.mc manncr. H UA . .... o!, caU vaPOfl of


    the.UlO fhali,canluppo.lfh.fligh,o( birds. ThUI on calm nigh .. i'pftlQueu dew. andd, op" of,h,.dc,, e fo und On Ih. g 1J in .h. morning. Two f!.oou 0'" G . .. . .,s ... " .. ' .. ST TH8 MA .. 'C .. AIIA"'S

    S ..... OLl . .. O. TH BSW ..... ' .. " ..... oFLTl N .. C,. ... TI1 tlS.OIIlGI":Acco.diogto Ih., le" . ... lw'mmingcr.atur~I" .nd"bi .do are bftlugh. fo"h by .ht,,a,en at 'he comma nd of God . ndw. rccogni2tbr whomlh ... Ihingl that w '" h.n hen made. lIuIle, u .. ., how a!,o lhu . ... m. thingleom ob. in ou, firm .. m.n, ofhu ... n. rhar i in ,h . fi,m. nelJ of Our mind or h."r,. I ,hink . hat ifou. mindhllbc.oenlightenedbyCh.ill, ou. l un . i.,.ord.redafte ...... forthfrom ,hue "'".n chat are in i'lw;mminl erU '" . nd"b"do ch.,fl,:,hat, . ob"ngou , in.o . h.optn go-odornil .h"ugb u ,h."herc m;gh,bc l di"inctionof.hego-od ,hough .. from rhe uil. wh icb

  • rheyaro1ikchllgemollnrainJ. !nde.d,lhey r"''1".ndylooJclikeiolan.u wh.nthcy.w,m Ilponth.llI.faceofrh.wa ... SII~ha .. th.",uedfo,oll,fu, .ndconote'nltion .... Andthu h.Cru.o. .hlt.rhroughhopconGod,youmighrU(apc .h. harm .ha. cornu f .... m th.m. Hu .. l MUON?6.'

    O.ITS 0 ... 0; K, ND. S"SI~ THI G ..... T' The,. u norh,ng

  • .uchuac.d~$ign.dlrbcllghtabolltbctwcc~ animaboftwodiffcdy frm


  • Pu .... ou Of THti BUUINC. AIJCU5TINB: ble .. ing pre.erv. rheir kind by giving binh. God wan,.d rhe ble .. ing'o hav.the power of ON TH ! LITBllAlINTBRP~ITAT ' ON O~G"N~. fecundi,y. which is r.v I.d in rh. Jucce .. ion 515'5.50." ofoffJpring.Thus.thoughth.animal,wer. ---- -----made weak and mona!. th.r might by that


    Z'A nd God said. "Ltr rb t tartb bring fortb lli~i ng crealuresj" according 10 rbtir kind, ,alt!' and crttping thing' and br4IfI 0flbttarthauordinglO tbdrkind,. " A nd;rw4'so l' And God mad. the b."m aflb artb according 10 their kind, and th. ",uI. "ccording 10 Ih t;r bnd" and t~uy.hing .bar crup' wpon .bt grownd M,ording to il l kind. And God ,aW Iba l ir walgood. ux."-l .... (IOoI)'L.U,.......,..

    O ....... ,B":Th nimal.ofth .... th ar. no! cr.lled by the earth bu,by God on ,h. earth throughrh.divin.Word.Godscommandto .h.unhremains.andthe .. rthcontinu o brlngfonhanimals (BASll). The sencral descriprioninGen i.l:24Z;mightn':ferto th . .. di$linctda .... of . ni. malo: reptil pr.darors and h.rd. (Au(;us TtNB). EachJpecie. of.nimaJruemblesvari ou.human characri"ic,(CYIIJlOFJ ERUU lEM ). Theanimaliofrb ... nh.ymbolize,h. ,mpul , of rh. outer . arthlr person (0., GEN). Th ..,ul.ofbeaoudidno,exi"b.fore nution(BAStl).ThcglorrofGodi.revealcd Inthcbeaut)andwcalthofnc.tedbeing$ (CHRYSOSTOM ).

    1:24 25 Crta .io" of BtulS oflht E4rtb



  • bring fon h: it did not produce whu W>5 .tored up in;,. but h. who gave ,he command also butowed upon it th e power to bring for
  • Ih.l.rmcr ping,hings:Wilhlhi.invie .. h.didno,say .implycrecpinglhing. bu, ra,h .. alIcr


  • theblu.inginctea and multiplya1lo .... ed human beings to reprodua through the union of mal . and female (O'UGBH ).

    Humandigni.y i. honored by the unique triunecon.ulurion prior.o the creation of Adam. as revealed in Scripture (B"stt.. CHRY -SOSTO .. ). The image of God is . compreh.n .in phr ... (Gu GORYQFNyss,,)_ lt is given; thelikene$$ i,tol>efreelychooen(B"s'L).The twofoldnatureofhumanityi ... eninth. '.rm.i"'agr.ndlihw"' . nd ..... and .... "' (G"!GORY o. Nnu). Th. fall prec.d.d

  • intO hl/nHlf c~cry angle form o{lif'.. born mal of planu and tha. wh,cb 1.1 Hen 1ft b ..... u.Hi.

    nounoJlIncn,ondgn>W.hhcdtr;"elf'romY~. hle1ifc;foreYenin~cgetabluluchprocusc< .r obcHcn whcna!imcn, i. being drawn in byth.irrou .. ndgiyenoffinfrui.andl~Yu H .. Hn,i.n.organi;anonhcdcriycl f'romth. b .... fCcr~"on.61l,hi.fa(ultyofthough.and rcuoniloncommunieablc.andapccul ... rgihin ourn .. urc .... I ... notpouibl. for m .. rcason ,ng faculty to.I'"m the lif.tof'he bodywl

  • GIUr

    'nou.'mag ndlihn . .. :.lLltlelu ... h,,"' . "OfpN4.'5CSM."FC4~ evcr.It i. saidAnd God mod. m.n in ,h.

  • imag~wouldno,havebeen.pokenhut - inm)' image: Nor would he ha~e said-le' U5 mah" bu'"lshallmake:lfinr'Calityin'hose'hru porcal anduncompo dand.impl.could bcapprchcndcdhythccycorsci%cdh)"hc mind.CONF6U,.CalO.,,~j-"

    SPATIA~ ANO VI 'UA~ MUAPHOBS PH' CB,"lIo IH THII Pow .. ; Of THB M,ND AMBROSE:Bu,letu , definemo .. arC llratcl r ,he meaningof,h.phr ... to the imagc of

  • God."billrll.lhlllh.fluhi,mad. "corh. ,mag.ofGod"llnchafcaoe ... fh ...,canh,n God. &i nc. fl ....... of urtM b God rhari "Ia) ..... al::andlubj." t"th.pu.i"nIIP.rh"pilh.hud may"ecm ro you r" ~ made in rh. like ne" of God ~cautc

    ".cand.aloft.orcheercl~ca ... cthey ob! lh.qlleollonofh.,ght.u ..... 'ocon,id.rollr. ,clv .. to~uUJu.tbtcau _.owC

  • H U,.. .... ,Tr R.CBIVn L , B ..... I To GOD IT 8 . co .. " .G" L,V I NG S .. C; CI.S .. HDQ .... : The.t ar h. v,,'u" .hat man "ct"iru by conoicluinganclcontroUinghi.own .enoeo. H. take. off .ht old man. who w.a corrup.ecl In rbcconvolutions of hi I cno.:"""ancl wuro .h.newunc.whoi.r
  • richu of gOdllUJ mad~ kllowII. Now .he CreatorWord. determining 10 uhibi' this and lOproduc. allngle1i~ingbcingout of bo,h {.hein"i,ibleand ,he "iliblccr ... ,ion. I mun) fashions man, and .alting a body from alrudy uittingm .. ,.t. and pllcingin i br.ath u.k.n himulf {which the Word kn .... 10 bc an ,ntelhg
  • 1", .. "~"'''DLlltBN RSS.JOHNOf D .. MASCtlS Sine. ,his ;, ,0. God c.ut. d man ou, ofvi.i bl nd inv;.ibl. natu,"" wi,h hi. OWn hand. 3Ccording.o the imag. and liken.u, forming th.bolFlI_'

  • EV~W.lS ,I< A D ...... T TH~ Mo"'NT D. H u C"UT' D'" EPH ..... TH~ SY .. ' .. N: Th~n Mm", id. "Male and f.mol. h. cru,~d

    Ih~m; '0 make known that EY~ wu aJ...,adr ' Adom. in th. rib that was drown DU' from him. AI'hough Ih. wu not in hi. mind I h.w .. inhi.bodJ'.and.h~w .. no.onlyin h, ... in ... uJand'piri. wothh,m.fOTGododdedno.h,ng,o.ha,rib th .. ht,oo!

  • inu ... n. impbntinginmankind,'nltwoflhe angd'C maje,ty of naru.c . thal ammal and I.radonal mod. oy which they now , ... ,uN onc anolh . 0.. TH~ CRUTION Of MM" ,6.'-9; 11-4."

    T,,. FA .... PUle.oBD COHA.'TAT'ON. CHU. 10iTO .. , Conoid .. when ,hil haPJH'ned. Aner ,he .. dl ... .. ,he irlo"of th.Jar den.,hcn i,wu ,ha, ,h. p.u,iuofin'u

    (o"'lCh.d"o beglnning. rou oee.~fo .. , d,oobed,ence .hey followed a life like dll'of .hcang.b. and.h .. e ,,unomen,ionofin'e, counc. Ho,, could ,here oc when ,hcy w"'c

    no"ubject to the need. of the body~ So a. the oU'H,.ndffOmtht~ginning'he prac'ic.of virginity wuinforcc.bu .... hen,hroughtheir indilf",.nccd"obcdicncccamconthc Kcnc and.hc wcrcopcncd.vorginity .ookiuluvcfo. ,h ...,hcy had proved unworthy of.uch a degr.cofgood thingl,andinluplacc,hcpraniofon,cr eourae,ooltoyc,fo,thcfuturc.Ho .. ,UI.50N GINu,s,l.n."


    ll"nd God /tlcurd 11,.,,,. and God loid II' 11..,,, . "Sc / ruil/>l1 a"d m>lllip l" And flU Ihr rarth andJ>l.bdwr il;andha"cdomi,,;on ovcr th rjiJh o/lhr .. a and.wcrlh. /ti.d. o/thr" .. anJ

    Q~r' r~.r, lIving Ihing ILal movu upon ILt .",,1.."

    OVU.VIIIW: The ,n,reue of .he hum.n race poftdproblcml fo. ,heFatheu.Gclleully the), .ffi,medtha,thecmnu.ndto in"eau

    andmul"plrrdcrr~d..hcp""odb.freth. fall. when human rcprodu Cfion would ha ... ,akcnplu.bysomemeanoothertha n th,ugbluualintcreu,n(AUGIISTII

  • GP.Hu,s ':J.I

    natu r~ (G ... GO"V Of !'

  • naOJI'fc'nromalcandkmalc .... hichhum .. n n.OJrc'nno ..... yneedcdfor8cn~ .. tion.u oom~hold,andwithoulwhichit ... ouldper hap. h .... Men pOSlil>1e. Boo~ o~ DI~.'CUl TIU4'!

    AD ........ 0 EVil .. SIIJ: U .. l COU~LI B olIlI THIF .. LL.Au(lUST, ... olfonelhouldllk ... hy It WU nccu ..... r th .. t .. helper l>c made for man h ... nl .... cr.h ..... elnlmoltprol>.l>I.i. .h.tlt .. .. for.hcpn>y .. irtu.ofrhi.l>leOling rh .. ,hc .. rrh is nowfill.d with humlnl>e;ng. ..... olul>duci . Althoughit ....... f ... , ... upllllion of the m .. n and wom.n from par ... dl ......... thcyc .. m og hcrin.ulI .. lintcr rou" ndMgotchild .. n, .. ccordingto SC"ptur . nncrthc!e ... ldonor .......... . could h ..... prohil>it.d them from h.onor .. l>Ic nup" .. Junionand"thel>cdundcfil.d"' .v.nin p .... di.c.God could h.v.granted them lhi. if thcyhadlivcdin.fai,hflllandjuumanncrin obcdicnlandholY,"T'V'cctohim . o.h .. , wlt"ou,,"etumultuOIlI.rdorofp.uion .. nd wllhou, .. nylal>o ... ndpainof c .. lldl>i .. h.of{. .prlng ... ouldl>cl>ornfromthcir.d. ln'''i. cI.$C.thcpurpo.cwould noll>cloh.vcchil. dr.nlucucdingparcnuwhod,.. R .. lhcr tho" ,,hoh.d t.cgo,tenchildren "'ould rcmlin ln.heprimcoflife . ndwouldmlin. u,nth.orphy&icaJur.ngthfromth.t eof Ilfcthuh .. dl>c .. npl .. n.cdinparadl".Thol"

    ... howouldl>cl>orn would devtlop,(>theum.

    .. a .. and ewenll1 .. 11,. w".n ,h. dctcrmlncd numl>cr ... ouldMcompICle,ifaIlHwejll"and ol>.di.n,liwU,thu .. wouldl>c.rran.(orm .. ,ion.ThIl.wi.houtanrdu,hrheirnatllr .. l I>odi wouldrcc.iv ... n ...... he)' obcycdcnrycornmandofthe,plritthatrulcd th .. rn.Wi,hth ... pi.i."loneivifying .... rn, wi.hou ... nyhclpfromrorpor ... lnouruh mcnt,.hcywouldl>cc"n.dlp",ru .. lho,h ... Thu could hu.l>ccn if.h. ,,"nlgn.IIDn of God.comm.ndhadnotm.rit.d th'pun,,", mcn,ofdu,h.O"THaL'TfiRAL IHTUPUTA TIQNO.G1NU'S9+S6.'

    T H. NUPT''' L BUUU"G RII .. "' ... " AFTU. S IN A .... .. 1I.0.AuGusTl .. ~: F ... l>c " ,hen from .... tol>cli~c.ha. thecouple.h wcr. p]uNlnp .. r.d, .. wouldhuer,.lfincd throughthi.luSl .which,hlmcd,h.mln,o covering.ho.eorg.n.,th . ... ord. pronounccd l>y GocI in hi. l>1.uing:"lncrc .. " and mulripl l Indfill,hcurth:Fori. waoonl)'.ftcrman .inncd.luthi. JuJlarole;i.wuaircrman linn.dlhathi.n .. rurall>cing. ...... 'nlngth. len .. oflh .. mcl>u.losing'h .. tdomln .. nc~lo which.hl>ody"u.,,l>jcctlncvcrypart , fe!: ..ndno.iccd ..... nl>huhcdll and conc ... l.d thltlult .The nupti .. ll>lc int;.howeve., whercb, .hepait,join.dinmarriagt, w.rcto incrclle .. ndmultiplr .. ndfillth .... rth . rcm .. in.d m force ev.n ... he" .hc), SInned, ~' .. ir .. ... g'ycnl>cforc .... cy."'nec!., forlupur . po ........ om .. kci.d ... r.ha'thepn>

  • G .. " .... O DO .. , .. ,O .. OV TH' 8 .... TS W'THIN. GUGOn OF Nnu: "You will .ul. ovu uvag. hus .. : How ,hough. you may uk "IC"I h ... ea bu" ... i,h,n!AcruaIJy. Ih .. eau.myriad . countlusnumbuof beuts wilhinyou.You.houldno,, off.n inlh ... wo.d . Ragei,a.m.lJbeul. y" ... h.n;'~rowil;nlh.hurli nydoll morc.nag.! I. nO'lhetrucherollllollJ like f.c.h h ...... k.d in fron, of. be .... d.n! !s nOI.hchypocri .. abcall! ... [Rul.j .h.n

    o~ 'h.bea"" Ihoullhu , o,ha,you w ruluov .. aIJ.hinll'. SOlh ..... m.on.whopro~idcslh. pl)WOT 10 .ul'l)v alllivinll.h ing' prl)~id powcrfl)ru'tl).ul,I)~ .. ou.",,1 ..... 0"'TH. O"rG'"Of M ..... IO

    H u ...... ,TTP ... T .. " .. o.A .. ... .. LN .. Tu ... ;. GlIGoar or Nnu: A,bru .. lif. firs. cn .. r.d,nlOlhcworldandman ... ook IOmcth,ngofthcirnuurc {lmcan.h.mod.of g.n.rauon).hcaccl)rd,nllly,ooka,.hc .. mc lime a Ih .. eof,heo,herau.ibu, contcm pl ... d,n,haln.ture. Fo.theliken ... ofman 0 God Ii not found in angcr.nor i. pl ... u m.rkof.hc.upcriornaturc;c""ard,, IIO. .ndholdn and.h.d ircofga'n nd,h. d .. lihoflo ... and.lI.h.lik aref .... mo ... d'J

  • pow~r tha< h rule. many animals. For rhough h~ un b~ killed by man)' wild animals on accounr fragili.y of hi. bod)'. he can be

    .am~d by non~, although h tarn", vuy man)' and nearly ail of .hem. Two BOOKSONGBNE'

    slsAG"1NSTTH~M"N l

  • thi'ICntcnccinruutuclurly thuoriginally Godpcrrn",.dth.uuaffoodafromvcgcu ... ",.
  • the oflife. le., thcy dic of old agc. I would ne.eT bdieve that. in aplac. of such gT
  • GaNUI."JI

    TH.M .... ,CH ........ , '.p.'

    5 ... IL ... ,TT BITW .. H C .. IAT .. U TH'N"S .. NO C ...... TO ... A"IlUIT .... : No on.doubu .h .. God himuLf i ho primal good. L nd~~d Ihlng.c.nb .... id,obclimil .. ,oGodin many wly" Some. etea.ed in .. aocdanct wi.h power and w;ldom. Ire . imillT H. S U:TH D .. T 0"1' H " .. .. .. C ..... TION "NU TH . S ' ZT H AIl.oP TH. H UM .... RAc AU"USTIN .. :Sac,~dSc.,ptul'

  • putd.ltdln,hcprocession.Ho,,1111S0O< G ... U ' 5 44.'

    I .. A S , r

  • u.whcn we.peakon. word! So wh .. ,oil could.h ... havcb..en for God.ospeak One word a day! Mo.!u,whodivid.d.h ubyhis word and his rod. did not.i ... joshua. son of Nun. who restrained th. lumin.ries by hi. word. did not tire.Sowhat.oil could the .. havehecn for God wh.n he created.hesea .nd .h. luminariuby hi. word! I.,.. not becau he .. Sted On th.t day that God. who do not w ... y. bl .... d.nd .. nctifi.d th v .nth da)" Nor wu it becau.e he wu to give it 10 that peopk, whodid no. und ... und th Jinc. th.yw ... frced from rv;tud h,ywere,ogive .... ,o thcir.crv.n ... nd maidJervan\&. H.gav. it to th.m .o th.t,.v.n if they h.d.o be pu, under rcquiremen,. they would re".h was given to.h.m in ord.r to depictby. remporal rest , whichhegaveto a remporalpeopl the mysteryofth.tru ... n whichwillb.giv.nto.h .... .h .... rn.lworld.Co .. ME~TARYONG.N.S'S ',PH '

    GOD'~ RUT A"' D C '''UST'S RUU"' ''' .CTION. LfiTTBROF BARNHAS'God.ay oth.j,wJ "! will no,abid. your ne'"moons.nd your sabb .. h.:' You se. wh.t he means: The p ... cn,ubb.,h rc not.ccep blc.o me. but which I have made, in which. alicr giving re" to all thi ngs. 1 will mak. th. b.ginningofth ighth, i . th. begin ningofanoth.rworld. Th.rcforc.we al.occl -.b .... withjo)'.h.eighthd.) onwhich j .. " . a!Joro ..,rcst.,,a. mad. manifest and ascended into hcav.n.

    L~TT."OF BARNABAS 1;.8:

    Go .. R UTS IIUT Ht. GO"B", N,,"'':::E CON. TINU.S. C HRYSOSTO .. , You .... in .. yingat

    and bringing from nonbeing in'o b..ingon th. .even,hda).,.inuyingtha, "myfatheTisatworkupun.ilnowandlama. work:' ruulshisuncouingcarefotus:h. calb"work"themain,enanceofcread thing be .. owal of perm an enc. on ,hem and governance of them 'hTOUgh all time. If,hi. wasnt.o.afut.lI. how wou ldne'Ything han sub. iSted,without the guiding hand above di r ."ing all vi.ible things and the human .ac. as wdl~ HOM' Ll ES 0" G."u.s 10 . S.'

    TH. Goo .. Wo .. " . DO..,E ' ''' l l ~1 LB .. V To ET . .. ..,.OL R UT. BIOE' Under ,he law Ih. p.ople wereorder.d 10 work for si% d.y nd tot .. ,ontheocven,h ... b ... usc,heLord compl."d the CTeaUOn of the "oddin Jixd.y' .ndd .. i ... dfromhi . wotkon.h even,h. Mystic.llrspeaking. we arc coun I.d br.lI ,hi h.,tho who in lif.devote th.mJel ... to good works for tbe Lord k r. in th. futurel.dbv .he Lordto .. bbath"ha, .. crnal"JI.Ho"'UESo"'TH EGosPBLS ~.17.'

    2:3 Th. S.~r " t" D~y H~lIl) .... d

    THB Sn.t N

  • ... onth"lt i.foryouthcfintinthc ... onth.of .h~yt:a.," ullinglhefin.monthlhc&pring...... , I. wufimng.h me bcg,nn,ngof .hr yt:arbcthebcg'nningofgcnuarion.Hax ... . MI.0 ..... 4.';. T H.F .. ' TH " ' LW ' LLlb .. SIVINTHD .. T. AUGII.TINB, Hcav.n. IOO .... iIIbc.hc fulfill ... enlof.h.,ubba.h ... ,fo,e,oId,n.heco ... ... and,8e&.iUandsee.h., I a ... GocI:IO Thi . ,ndecd.",Hlbc.ha.u]um . ..... bb"lth.ha,hu noeven,ng andlh ... h. Lord forelhadowed in ,h "oun,of hi . c,ea';on,AndGocIre".d onth eventh day from all hi. work ,ha,h. had done. And heble .. cd ,he.nen,h da)' and ... n
  • formed m .. n of aUir from Ibe gfl}llnd.
  • .. ~re finw.~d and God had blulCd th~ .... !>bath .... ho
  • 2:7 God Forms Man from the Ground

    GOD FORM S M .... FRo M MilD. AUGlISTlNE: Fimofall . hefact ma, God fonnedman from the mud eanh usually rai. e qu ... ion about ,h ."n ofmud it wu or th. kind of mati.a! the term m~d .ignifi ..... Thou enemies of the Old Book [the Manichaoaru J, looking .. t

    .verylhingin.carnalmann.randlhe~for. a.lway. bcinginerro.,bilinglyfindfaullwilh .hispoin.a. we!1,nameiy;lhaIGodformed man from Ihe mud of the eanh. For they"r, "Why did God makt man from mud, Did h. !ack .. bctterandh.avcnlrmatcrial fTom which h. could make man,lhat he fonned him fT.gil. and mOfla.l from thi.eanhly conuption,"To bcgin with. they do no, undemand howmanr meanings etther.arth Or Wal

  • tII",u.y.,Andh.brcath.din.ohimth. b ... thorlif .. inglO .. l: lfupto.h '"f"',n,.he waoonl),.h.bod).w ho .. ld .. nd .... ~nd .hl. thclOul .. u atth" f"',n'Joined '0 the bod)"Pcrhlpl thclO .. 1 had be.n.lrudym.d.h .. tw .... illuifin.hc mo .. thofGod.d .. ,il.inhi." .. thlndw ... dom.Bu."didno,d.p."from.hc,,"if "p ..... d by pllcu. when i,wasbr ... h.d fo .. h.Fo.Godilnoteonuin.dbypllccbu, il prennt eYerywh .... Two BOOKS 0 .. GB .. . ' 5.sAoAINITTH.M .. NICN ..... NS1.5 . 0."

    Nnu O' TH. SOUL. A .. non: n,.,.~fon: th.lOullfnotblood.bcca ..... blood .. ofth. fklh; nor ' . ,bc 10 .. 1 a hannony. bcca ..... ha. monyof,hi ........ il alooofthcfll$h:""ith~r" thcI0Il1 .... bauHblown bruthioonethinl; and,h.IO .. llOmcthingelH.ThelOuli.nOlfi",. no ... ,h o .. l lCluoh'y.b .. , thc soul f.".Adambeclm.alivinglOuI:linccthclOul

    rul~'.ndgl,.e. lir.:.o,h.hod).whichi. w"ho .. t .. c.oRTHHSoul~.4."

    FU'H F ... H.O,..n,SoULC .... ... n.GUG OaY o. Nus..: God made the inner person: h.mold.dth.ou .. r.Moldin~i. l .. iublefor cby.b .. ,"mlkmg"tI [fitungJ for.n,m'g . $o on th. Onc b.nd. hcmoldedflcsb.bul on tb.


  • How GOD C .... T.D HU .... " I ' N .. D, ' ... I NT WUF.O .. AN ..... l.5.G.'GDaYDF Nn, .. , Abo.e, the ,cxl l ayl Ihll Godcreucd; hcr. i, .. y. how God crca,ed. Ifthevcrle had .impl)"uidlh .. Godcrcaled,youcouldhav bcb.v.d tha,hecrca,.d (human"y) " he did ford bc"[$,for ,h .... ild animaL . for ,he planflfOrtmgTUl.Thi.i.",h, . o.voidyour plaClngh,m.nlhecl . .. of",lIdan,maLs. lhe dIV,no word hu made known the p.rtlcular artwhochGodhll uledforyou:'God tookof th.dulI of Ihe caTlh. 0" THIO"G'''OF M .. N.'"

    THI SOllL M .. " .. U'"OF Bo olL' M'M' ..... C N .. UOSTO .. : Thus wh.n you hur ,h .. Godb.uthtd,n.o h fao:c the bruthofHc. .. nderAandthatjus, .. heOrnughtforthth< bodil ... pow ....... aLsoh ... .. pLcamlh .. ,he bodyofm.n.crc.,.do .. lofdulI . houLdha rallonalloulwhicncQuLd"'. k ..... ofth. bodilymembcr . HOM'LllSoN G .... SlS 1).9."

    TH.Nuu o.Goo W ... NOTT" . .. . o ' '''TO THI SOUL OF M .. N. AUGUST"'I' Wc ough,lound tand ,hi. p .... g .... ,h., w. dono"akc,h .... o.dsh.bTu.h.d,n,oh,m ,heb.u,hoflif . ndm.nbcoc.m 1iving ooul"'om .. nth'.part .... i,w .... of.h. nllurcofGod ,, .. ,u ln.d,ntolhetoulof man .... Th. na,uI. of God i. no, mu,abl d""" no''corrup,.dbylhe .... n. ofvico nd." ...... SC .. p,urcclcally .. y. ,h .. ,h .... ul w .. m.d.byth."fC_1""'-""'''' tht_Goo!.11Iood.Mrt .. bm

  • embrrollplonted in Ihc mOlhc"" womb and devdopl from rh. ma,.,ial which hu IU, round.d it from th. beginning .... IlsoGod wI .... d,o'lko,hcmltuiaJfor,h.hum'" body from ,h. earth. Thul. d.y be me nuh ndblood "d.kin . ndn.rv .... nd ... inl. .ndl ... " ... . nd,h.b .. in.lndbon.mar"''' .nd.uppo .. ingbon .... nd10 on.Co"PI .. -o ' U .. o.H.Rn'CALMYTHS.-

    T ... SOUL 010 NOT PI.-."tlT.JO"" OF

    c .... u.S;,...,

    DAMASCUS' From me urth he formed hll bodJ'sndbJ'hilowni"brea.hingglv

  • was in ,he mids,ofparad is . and th ..... of th . knowledge ofgoOWH y CH .. JST' .... S P .. uFAC' .. GE .. n. a"s'"THE GRuT:For.hi. reasonw.allloo~ '0 th . eaS! in our pr. y .... but f.w kno .... ,h., ,h i.i.becau.ew.a ..... king,hranci.n' fatherland. which God planted in Eden , ,o",ard.he eas;.ONTHE HOLV SP'RIT 27.66.'

    2,9 Th. Tnt of Lift And the Tr .. of ,,,. Knowl.dg. of Good And Ev il

    THIIC~oSB"n. D. THB T .. II .. S''''''.JIIS THI C Lon RBLATIO" a.TW " L'Pfi .. "D KNOWLEDG ANONYMOUS: Indeed. the .. i

  • d. pmun;ng;nthep .. ug.ofScripfurc th. t tdl.howGod inmcbf,g,nningplan .. d."cr ofkno ... lcd.~.ndatru oflifein 'h.mi.u,of paudi toal!o,,,harlif.ilanaincdthrough knowl.dg . ltwu bccau,efhe fin'mendid. nO' un thi. knowlrdgc ... lIh dun he .. " ,ha! theyweu.1r1ppOiLcal,, "relen ..

  • G'I
  • guideu.""hecouneofe .. moJlife.Therefort, ,he.tream .horirriga"'paradi.eri.ufTomthe .oul when well.illed. nO. the.oul tha, lies uncultivated.Th. r.sulnfromitarefruir"cu of diverse vir.u . Ther. a fou r principal "e ha.con
  • .. ha, is mOrck Our ura ag.inlt them; In ... place ollrcrcoi.nct;ncrcd Scriptllr nd h .. d ... hari oldusthe . HM'Lu$O~ G.,..SlS,;.1",6!

    T H. R,,,,,, OP EO. N b T H E Ocu" T 'U T ENCI.CUS T H II E .. .. TH. JO H>I o~ D"H .. s, cus:Thenthc .. ilrhee>c ndtarenci.dClrh. . nti"'urdtlik ..... rtofrivcr.ndtowhichi r

    ...m.,omedtatScrip.urcrc~rrcd ... hen" ui-dthar.ri ... rflowcdoutofpa .. d ... :hh .. .... etpot.ble .. .... and.llppli h ........ but bccauscthc .. a'er"'mainutlgnan.inth .... as for a long Ome It ~'omCl bracki.h. Th lln and ,h. ,,at.tIpoull ar. con .. antly d ..... ingup th.l ... d ...., ... a .. r ndfromth .. ,hcdoll.u arc fo,med and ,h. ralO come ,h. w.ter b .. comini:.wect by fil .. a

  • IlKfourth,EllphraIU,OkTHODOXF"'TH~.~."

    TK. Rn' OF ED." SYMaO~";"~LT P .... p,oUaIl TH I!CHaI IT,u,CHuac;u.Cyp ~ IAN ' The ,hur,h ~ndo'el f.ui,flll

  • Ed.n,ogua,di, (OR,GEN j. Heworkedand guordedthegard.nofEd.n.buthi,workwa. not toil.ome (AUGUSTINS). Tho work of the fi,,, ma" demons" .... that there i.a natural b.nt fo, work in man (Sn. eoN THB NBW T"."LOGIANj.

    Th., ... ofknowlodgeisa bound. ry totho inner, IN EDEN WAS NOT TOll ' SOME. AUGUSTH

  • THBOLOG,,,r
  • willofmlncouldlwly.oti.hulidc. inlll.ic 'pacioIlGoducurcd.hc,racc,i
  • walk~d in the contemplation of God-for them that hav.nof.arofchanging,becau,.in thccouneof.ime.heyhaveacquir.dacenain habirof.uchconte mplorion.lti,notgood, however,for.uch as arenill young and arc moreg.cedyin theitappetit . who,buau.c of,h.uncenaintyofth.irp .... veranc. inth. trut good and l>
  • ord.rtodemonltrat(th~ta(ompl haT' mony be.ween man and .h. anim.l. uill.d befor.,he . ,n(EPH ..... ) and.ha'th.m~nw&l l uperior.oth.m.ll ( .... llGu5TIN.). lnourag. , .h.nla.oChri , lh.humbl.peopl. ~..., l .. at.dbr"nim~lllik h.Il,,'man,nEd.n ( lsucofN""svsHj.

    Inlhenamingof.nimal.,humaniri,hon . or.d(CHIlYSOSTO .. ) ..... d.muhibi ... wi 10 ... for .h nim.l. (bHu,,). which .r. brough ohimby lh.Lord(CHIlTSOSTONj. H .. " ,h.domln,on of uono ... rn .. h" m.'n 'n.d ( ...... BIlOS.j.

    2: 18 Mlr l . NPf Gp~d Th ... the Man S"o~ld 8 e Alonc"

    M .. ", NIIOBD .. Hu ... 8 .,0 ... H u R.."."' ...... TIO'" ' '''CH .... T.CH .. noSTo .. ' ..... th a. um. ' God .. id,(..e,u.m .. kefor him . he1p.r:bu, in Ih um u '. God uy. nO ouch ,h,n~. ,h. Spm, need.ny o.h.r h.lp' Ho,,' much nc.dof .. ".unco,nlh.fu,ureh h.who IlIl.ou h.bod}, ofChrUl I .... ,.h.,"m.h. m .. d. man to ,h. ,m'ge of God. bu, now h. huuni dhim.oGodh,m lf ..... "ha im. h.comn .. nd.d,h. m.n.orul".wu.h.fl , he. . .. n . No,, ~.iv.d("LrIl .. , .

    ltnr'nhe.~.n.No" h.h g,v.nwth,p"TI ' d".,o ,,i,. No ... ' h.h .. opcn.d ,h. g ofh ..... n .OIU ..... ' Ih., urn. m.n wu formed on ,h. "nh dar.bec.uu ,h . .. on h.d 10 be ,0mplcd.Nowhei , form.don,h.flrJld.y ndfrom.h.beginninglnd,n,h.ligh .

    Ho",u~,oNJoH"'.S .. '

    Wo ........ .. Run, .. ". TuTulu ..... : jln good . nU, God) pN>V,d.d .. loolh. lp m .,fo, I.h. manl th.t tnere might no.b ny,hinginhi l 10; tha: " . no' ilo"'!. Fo, God uid that ,ti,

    notgood for.hem.n .obellon . Hekn.,, full w.ll what . blc" ing .h. gender of Ma." would be to him and.lso 10 th. chureh A" .. ,NST M .... c 'o" , ... .'

    .... n .... ' Ho .. . W.u P ..... o . ... S.Vu., .. " Of G ...... L .. : While Adam had b.rn gi n .h. whol.,.arth ,he hadb .... dll.for hi. hom . H. couldluvc .. ndgooulofp ..... di .. , .. wuno habitabl'plac.for hum.n. wyond iu bo,d.n-only for ".., I"" In,m.b, four .footed .n,mali. wild mOno ... ".nd , .. w!ingbug . Hi . b .... meaand palacc wuloc.dinparadi .. .

    s.u"""of.hi . GodbtolLgh, ,h.llVing (:Tutu,uto .... d .. n; .hrh.dbe.nupltr ... d f"rnmh,m . For.l.v do no,.I .... y ... andin Ih.i. m .... ", pr cncc;.h.,. ... pru.n, onl) wh.n n.ed.d. The living (f.ature! w ... nam.dlndimm.di .. ely n'a".' ..... dam. how ..... , .. main.din p ... d, ... O!

  • ........ ldundetsundanclob
  • attribu,erupon,ibilityforittremovalloa perlOn who by lin PUI an abrllp' end 10 hi' au,hority.Ho .. ,L' B50NGINu' 5'.:10."

    A .. , .... Li R BIBNT H " .... NP .... ' ON A .... on: The tKuu of Ihe field and .he birdJof,hea" ... hich...,RbroughtloAdom Ire ouri.ndonal lenses. bocallle bultland animals r'preoen, ,he diverse pauions o{lhe

    bodrwhc.he.of.h~mo'''vlolen.kindor ev.O of the mOR.empe ... e .... Godg .. n.ed

    .0 you.hepower oftKingable.o dilcern by thc.pplic ... ionofoobcrlgJC .Mlpeciao{ cKhand.v.ryobj.ninord"rthuyollmaybo indllced to form 1jlldgmen,onaU oflhem. God uJlcd them all ,oyour ... ention lO.ha. you might reahzcthat your mh.diS l upe.ior 10 all of them. P ..... o'u '''S' S1.''


    I' SD Ih~ LO~I> God cllumi dup 'leep" 10 fll!1 upon Ihe mlln ,! IIl1d whil. h, $Jepr rook on, I>f hil rib, IIl1 d cloud "p it! pillet w;lh finh; " lInd rbe rib which tb. Low God hlld IlIken from Ih. mlln h. mll.:l. ' ;1110 11 wOmOn IInd bro"ghl hr' 11> 110. mllO . u Th.n Iht man ' 'lIid,

    'Thjl lllllllli,hntof"'Jbl>lIcI andfir,hof myjl.,h; ,h"hlll1b ~ cal1eJ Womall,1

    b.ul/lt Ib~ "'Ill IlIlttll 0,,1 of Mall. ~ " Tb .. cfo 11 mlllllu~ rl hi, flllh" IIl1d hi' mGlhn and c1.lIve, 10 hil "'ift, and Ih.l buom~ on,jlt,h. " "nd Ih, mllnllndhi' '''if' w e bOlhnalted,lInd",,,. norll,hllmcd

    Q v."v ,. w: 11 "out of. bare bone thu God of.hc fallen Eve', birth_giving (CHUSOSro .. ). ,n"and), crealCllhe full boaul)' of Wom1n The wOman w ... mad~ in order 10 help man ,n (EI'HIlDt.CNuSOSTWI). AI Eve ...... born good worlu (AIIGUST,S.) bUI .boye all for Ihe wllnou, a mOlher.1O .. ... Jesus born wllholl'. like of boating . hHdren (A .. ftIlOSE .... UGUS iath.r (Cu,c o. JE1I.USALE .. ). God willed Ina, TrNI). She " .. Iuper;or 10 an)' an,mal In he, Ih" ,wn. male and female. be es.abli.ned.. abH,,}" to help ( E,I

  • him (En
  • TH. S b Now BONBO. M, BONB. EPHlI .. THBS' .. ' .. N:"Thil now"-lh ... il.lheon. wha h ... com. 10 me .. f,e. ,h~ an'maJ._is na, l uchuthcy;thcycamefromth.carth,but I h.i. "bon.of mybon.and Au hof myAuh: Adam ... idthi itherinapropheticway or,u nOledabow. ,according,oh ... isianln.l ... p. Andju,,",on thi. daj" .. n .he .. nimllo r.c.h,.d from Adam.htir nam ..... ccordinglo Ihcirk,nd ........ l .... th.bon ... m .. d .. 'n.o .. wnm"n. he ulLd n", by h .. , proper name. Ewc.butb) lhcnam.of wom .. n . h.n .. m. bclonging.o .h. whol.kind.Co .... fiNT .... IES ONG~NfiS'S ~"l.~.

    TH~ Wo ....... b M .. N' HUPfi ... AUGUi' TI .. B:Scr>p'ur ..... y ha,.h .... aman" ... m.d .... manlhclptr .a d .. ,by.piri' ... al un,anlh.mlgh,brtngforrhlp,ritualoff 'pro nl!, .ha.IO" h'goodworuofd,,"ln. pr.i.."whil. he rule. and , he obey . He 11 ruled b,. wi.dom: sh ... b)' .h~ man. For Chri .. lI .h .. h .. dof.he m.n, .. ndth.m .. n, ht hud " f th ..... "m .. n. ' Two 8001n,abl..hd .. on . Thul fr"'" .h .. ~.ry ,nc.p. ~'H(!s' ',Got,u .. ~M,II I. ' F: 4lol:-


  • ,hehouJehold"h.rew"uldhavebcenprop.r .. nk ,,,auuuthi inccone wouldb.crutcd f!nt and ,h. othcr.ccond,and thi$ would be further rdnforad if ,he cond were made from ,he fint.aJ wa. ,h. ca.e with ,h. w"m.n.Surelr noon.will.ayth.,God , .... bl o ,he.ib of,he man only 0 woman and no, al.oam.n ifhehad wi.hed to do so. C"nsequ.nrl). 1 do in wh .. .enn th< woman wao made a helper for th. man ifno,fot ,he,akeofbcuing children O ... TMEL'TO .... "I ... TB"p"BT ... T'o~opGs"E SIS 9.S.~.

    TH~ A"" .... L~ NOT ABU TO HELP MA" U THH WOM .. .... EpHllllMTH~SYIl'A": l the p.radi the wOman was verr diHgenr:.h. ,, .. also a".nt;ve to Ih h p and attl., the h.,d,.nddrov.sth .. w.reinth.field . Sh" would.l,ohdp,hem.n wi,h the buildings . pens . ndw;,h.nyo,htr,ask,h ... hewa, "ap.hlc ofdoin.Th nimal . even ,hough ,h.)" wcr ub tlient. w ..., nor abl. 10 h.lp h,mwithth thing . For,hi ..... onGod m.d. for the man I helper who would b. ,On amed for every.hing for which G"d hims.lf ",,,uldb.conarned.She w,,uldind dhelp h,m in man)" ,hings. COMMB"T ... IlY ON GBN. 5'5'.".'

    A ,,..M DRUM S" WHEN WOM ... N W ... S CR. ' .. THO .EpHIlEM THE Sn, ... ,,:Tha,m.n, ,,ake,.noinredwi,h'plendor.andwhodid n"'yerkno", . l'.p.fellonlh ,hnak.d and,l.p,.hi,likelj,h .. Adam",,inhi. d ... mwh.t\\, don."'hima'ifh.w ..., .".ke.Af,,,, Adam'. rib h.d been raken"u, ,n tne ,wlnkilOg": an eye,G"dd" .. dup,he f,e.hrn" ' placdi .. _,he.oul di.darn " idl.n .... h., is alien ,,,i,,natur.and,d.prrvedof,h.fac ul'ieo of ,he b"d). makes u.e of iu own. Thi. pow.r w. call ...... y. Thi. occurs ""he" w. a;v.d "f,h .... iv;') "f,h ... n L.cking.en."rr inpu"he."ulref1ec .. condi,ion,,,kinroddirium." Thus,in,h. b.ginning l .. p .... ... d.dbyec,,'r a w. rud:"God .. or an ec"",y upon Adarn , nd h lep,:Sleepb.ough,res, '0 ,h.b"dr bu,ecsr"yc.mooo" the."ul andprev." .. d it from resring . nd from tha"ime.hi . cornbin.,ionconsrifu ... ,h.n.rurai.nd ""tm.l form "r,h. d .. arn. 0" THE SOU" 45.1.;. "

    TR I F'Rn MA,,' P"snsnD THII POWU. OF PIlOPHHCT .. CUMB ... TOf ALIXA"OIlI ... Am" ngrheH.bre,...rh.propheU'p"kebr ,h.p"w", ond in'piu,i"" "fGod. Ber",. Ih< law Iher. was Adom, wh" u.ed a power ,,( p'''phecy"v.rlhewom."and"nrthen.m . ins"f.nimab;N"ah,pr chingup

  • Ahrah.m,!sucandJacoboA'or'ngadurfon. hadowingofa la'lc numb
  • andbloodIFir$(,throughthebapcilmofwa't., l;ru2r.forgi~cn;thcn,th.bloodofmarry" crown"h difice, HOMILtHS 66."

    TH! C HU .. CH AS MOTHU. OP THII NIIW H UM"'N T Ty.QUOO~ULTOIIU5:Tht.poIIl. P.ul,."ificsch31 chi. passage hu bo,h a plain and an alJegorical meaning. Oiscuuing i,inhi.I .... r,o,h.Eph.ian . he .. ,Hr., "Thi. i.agrea,mY"fjbu,I'peakconcern . ing Chrisr and rh. church."" Thtgrea, my. ICT)'is ,h31 Adam hop.s afrer receiving ,h. p,omi . H s,hac,h pou .. inwhomh. bc1i.~td i. now united '0 him. he Iymbolicall)" annou nc .. '0 u' ,h rhrough f.i,h ,h. church will .... ,h. mo,h.rofhum .. n

    kind.lti.uidtn"ha'$inctE~ehadbeen crea,.d from ,he $ide of the al"ping Adom. heh .. fo,.,een,ha,f,omrhe.ideofChr;st hongingonrhecross.hechurch,whichi

  • world that he ,doru ,nd 10~eJ"u a man Iov .. th.wif.ofhi.youth:" n.lovefOJrthi, wifc i.difl' ... n, from th. lov. for Ih.falh.r,nd the mo,hcr. Sc:riptur dd.s. "Th.ywill bc.omcon.nuh."lti",uoorn.rn.n makcon.nuhandl-OuJwithth.,.wif nd th."m;ndand,hOJughn ...,dr' ,heir f .. h.r and mOlh.r. l o tholC who ncy.r ,.kc.wifc.nd",),nglc ' p"" and m,ndw"h,h."fath.r.D ... o .. n .... T'o .. sII. ' o. ". '"

    A M ..... S"All CLlI ... ,. TO H" W, . C .. u. SO$To .. ,Wh .... ,.lIm didlh.lClhing. (om. f,om for IIIm 10 ""cr' From wh., I-OU.,nknowl.dg.offu,ur vcnn.nd ,h. f ... ,hat ,h. ru. ofhum.n b .,ngo oho,,1d g ...... ,n,ol'u'numbc,,\Vh.ncc ft.r.l1. didh om. '0 know th., ,h .. e wo"ldbc ,n, .. co" ... belw n man and woman, I ,h.con. umm.,ionoflha"n,.rcouru "".urr.daf,.rlhcf.lI:uplillthlflirnc,hcy wtreltvinglik.angcl.o,npuad, .. and l-O w,,, nOt b ... nmg w"h dui nO'Ulluhcd by olh.rp.nion . no, . ubj .. ,tothc n d.of nlfu .. ;'ywc...,c .. al.d incorrup,ibl. Ind immonal..nd on that aecoun,.,.nyr ... lh.yhadnon.cdlowcar do,hu. ... So from what l-O.trcc.lell m did ,h .. eti,ing.comtfo,lltm,o .. " .. ,Surelyi'" obv;, dilObedi."".hch.d a ohu.'npropn.ticgrac nd .... w.vcryth,ng ,hrough Ih y of ,h. Spirtl. HO"'LJlS ON G'''UISIS''''''

    2:25 Both Won N~hd ~lI d W Nor A,b~"ItI:I

    M ... ", ... ",,,\VO ..... NW .. ,.CLOTII.,O" ,Tt<

    withwhichth.yw.recloth.d. l,wuwh.n ,hi'glo, y walllrippcdf,om th.m.ft"lhey h"dt .. rug ..... dth.commandm.nlthatthr

    w~ .... ham.dbce.u ,h.yw ... nlkcd. CO .... I .. T .... YO .. G .... UtSl.14.~ .,

    THII. S." II"' ~ O. GMU COII1" NOT 0., .... 11. AUGUITlI'.: {Man and woman} .,....,.w .... ofcouru. of ch." n.k.dn ...... bu, they f

  • RUII CTIO,," RU Toa .. P ....... Dl SR LosT. GUCOU or Nu",: The

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