ancient egypt

Post on 19-May-2015






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Ancient EgyptAncient EgyptMaría Camila Alzate

2Bach 2010

Introduction.Egyptian gods and amulets.PharaohsMummificationPyramids• Giza• Zoser• Abu Simbel How did Egyptians build pyramids?As a resumeQuiz

It is an ancient civilization of Eastern North Africa.

It is concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River.

It coalesced around 3150 B.C.

Its history can be divided into the following periods

• Unification of Egypt• The age of the pyramids• The great empire • Las Egyptian rulers Life in ancient Egypt

revolved around the Nile.

Most Egyptians worked as field hands and a small group were nobles.

The most important person was the pharaoh

Then nobles and high priest.

Lower traders, artisans and peasants

Finally slaves.

They used to have a lot of gods

Gods had the same behavior as human

Only the pharaoh and his priest can go into the temple.

The common people used to have its own altar at home

The most important gods were:RaOsirisHorusIsisAnubisSetHator

They were use to protect for any damage

The uraeus was the preferred protective emblem of the Pharaohs

The Eye of Horus was a symbol of magic

The Ankh is an Egyptian hieroglyph which means “life“.

The scarab was an amulet of life and power,

The king was the owner of the land and everything that was in it.

The pharaoh was considered the god Horus

The dead Emperor was the god Osiris

Nowadays he is the most famous pharaoh

When he was 18 he died

Tutankhamun's fame is due to the discovery of his intact tomb in 1922.

The Egyptians though that souls can eternity survive

He washed the body and the brain, stomach, intestines, lungs and liver were extracted

Secondly, the body was covered with natron

Later it was painted and wrapped in linen.Lastly, it was kept in its sarcophagus.

Giza is the oldest and the biggest pyramid

It was built by Hemiunu to the emperor Keops

It is composed by tree chambers

It is the tomb of the pharaohs Zoser.

It was know as the most sacred, nowadays it is the step pyramid.

Zoser was built by Imhotep in Saggara.

It was the prototype for the following pyramids.

Its name means the pure mountain.

It was built by the pharaohs Rammsees II.

The temple was built so far of any important city.

In March and September the sun rays enter into the temple.

The construction of the pyramids was an incredible achievment.

There were quarry workers.Then, the stone was transported.Finally, they put tue stone on its

place.They were built by free citizens:• Professionals.• Workers who paying taxes

Which of the following monument was built as a present for the Queen Nefertiti?

a) Zoser

b) Giza

c) Abu Simbel Did the pyramid´s builders slaves?

a) True

b) False Why is the King Tutankhamen so famous?

a) Because he built Giza

b) Because he was Nefertiti husband's

c) Because his tomb was discovered in 1922 intact

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