ancient egyptian cats

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  • 8/4/2019 Ancient Egyptian Cats


    Urban Animal January 30, 2005 32

    No one knows exactly when cats were first domesticated but some of our earliest

    recorded instances of feline domestication come from ancient Egypt. Cats probably

    started out as useful servants, protecting the household from pests, but in Egypt

    they graduated into the role of pampered companions. Many Egyptian statues show

    sleek, well-groomed cats, often adorned with elaborate jewellery. As the civilisation

    along the Nile evolved, so did the role of the cat. Cats became associated with a

    number of gods and goddesses, particularly Bastet. With its stat us in association

    with the deities, the cat began to be worshipped also. The murder of a cat was a

    capital offence and cats were mummified at death.


    On the island of Cyprus, archaeologists have found the bones of cats, mice and

    humans jumbled together in sites that date to around 6,000 BC. Because all three

    species appear on the island at the same time, scientists have concluded that the

    humans likely brought the other two with them. The freeloading mice probably

    stowed away on the boats, riding along in stored grain or other supplies, and it

    seems likely the settlers brought the cats with them for the express purpose of con-

    trolling those same mice.

    No one knows exactly when people began to domesticate animals, but no doubt it

    happened some time, and possibly a very long time, before that first verifiable

    instance on Cyprus. Young animals have always held considerable appeal for

    humans, so it's not hard to imagine that early hunters might have found orphaned

    offspring of the ancestors of today's housecats and taken them home to raise. Since

    young animals tend to bond with whoever is providing the food, domestication

    wouldn't be far behind.

    It's also possible that some varieties of wildcat may have hung around human set-

    tlements to share in the food available, and gradually were accepted and even fed,

    as they demonstrated their usefulness in helping to hunt small animals, protecting

    stores from vermin, and discouraging snakes.

    Onto Egypt

    One of the most h ighly developed civilisations of the pre-Christian era hugged the

    Nile river basin of northwest Africa. Because the Nile flooded regularly and reliably,

    leaving behind highly fertile soil, the residents of that area had the unprecedented

    luxury of being able to produce food in quantities well beyond basic subsistence

    level. The excess could support people working in non-food-producing endeavours

    and eventually led to development of a class system where wealth and power began

    to concentrate in certain families.

    By 2000 BC, the ancient Egyptians had domesticated a variety of an imals, including

    not just the useful cattle and pigs, but cats, dogs, monkeys and some birds as well.

    Initially, the animals probably remained outdoors but were fed and cared for by

    people in return for the practical services they

    could offer. The dogs were hunters and shepherds.

    The cats, no doubt, earned their keep by

    eliminating vermin.

    From Pet to Prima Donna

    Within a few hundred years, Egyptian cats had

    moved beyond being just useful servants and

    were firmly established as companion animals,

    sharing house and hearth, especially in richer

    families. The New Kingdom, which began

    around 1550 BC, was a time of great wealth

    and power. Domesticated pets became co-

    mmon in households that could afford them.

    Considerable evidence shows that some cats,

    had a pretty soft time of it.

    Some of the things those wealthy Egyptians had resources for were writing, painting

    and carving. Since they liked to create elaborately decorated tombs, they have left

    us extensive documentation of their history, politics and daily lives and cats feature

    largely in that record. A variety of tomb paintings and carvings feature scenes

    involving people and their pets, especially dogs and cats. Cats are shown in both

    semi-realistic and satirical poses. In Thebes, archaeologists have discovered a num-

    ber of tomb- reliefs depicting cats crouched or sitting beneath chairs. Other images

    include some very plump cats, a cat eating a fish, a cat hunting with its master and

    grasping a goose in its paws, and many studies of cats just sitting in repose. A

    number of statuary pieces of cats survive and they tend to show sleek, well-

    groomed, well-fed felines, frequently adorn ed with elaborate jewellery including

    nose rings, earrings, collars and pectoral plates.

    So far as anyone can tell, cats rarely had personal names, but were most often

    called by the onomatopoeic generic name, miu .

    Becoming a God

    No written records tell us exactly when or how cats became associated with the

    Egyptian deities, but it seems not to have taken very long (in historical terms, at

    least; perhaps around 500 years). Two goddesses, in particular, became associated

    with cats: Sekhmet, a lion- headed goddess, and Bastet, a cat goddess. They were, at

    times, considered twins and earlier images of Bastet show her also as having the

    head of a lion, though later she would always have a cat's head. Although both

    goddesses were associated with the sun, Sekhmet was always considered the fiercer

    of the two, being linked to the strong destructive heat of the desert rays, while

    Bastet represented the nurturing, life-giving aspect of solar warmth.

    Ancient Egyptian CatsArticle from 'Cats and Kittens' Magazine.

  • 8/4/2019 Ancient Egyptian Cats


    33 January 30, 2005 Urban Animal

    Cats' earliest association with the deities of ancient Egypt probably began with Isis,

    but the link was cemented in Bastet, the daughter of Isis and Osiris. Egyptian deities

    had a confusing tendency to develop, overlap, fade into each other, or become asso-

    ciated with different ideas in different places. Both Isis and Osiris were variously

    sun, moon or earth deities, and Sekhmet and Bastet sometimes seem interchange-

    able, depending on time and location. In her capacity as a sun-goddess, Bastet also

    represented fertility, motherhood and beauty.

    Bastet generally is depicted as a woman with the head of a cat, including long,sharply pointed ears. She wears a long, clingy gown and frequently carries a basket,

    an aegis (a small shield, sometimes bearing the head of a lion) and/or a sistrum (a

    kind of rattle or musical instrument). The basket may have kittens in it, the sistrum

    frequently has cats carved on it, and kittens may be gambolling about the goddess'


    Animals were never officially considered deities themselves, but they were often

    believed to be the embodiment of a deity, a role the cat served for Bastet (also

    known as Bast or Pasht). The distinction was difficult for the public to grasp, and

    worship of cats became common. A bronze figure shows an Egyptian priest kneeling

    in worship before a very large cat wearing a great deal of gold jewellery.

    Archaeological exploration has turned up numerous amulets of bronze, ivory, terra

    cotta, and lapis lazuli, among other materials, made in the form of a cat or bearing

    the image of a cat.

    Bubastis and the Festival

    The cult of Bastet and the concomitant worship of cats reached its height around

    950 BC when Bastet began to take precedence over other Egyptian gods and god-

    desses. The main temple and centre of worship of Bastet was at the city of Bubastis

    on the Nile delta.

    The Greek historian Herodotus, sometimes called the "Father of History" for his

    attempts to create an unprecedented written historical record, visited Bubastis and

    the temple of Bastet around 450 BC. His accounts provide a vivid description of the

    temple and the annual festival held there at the time. Excavations at Bubastis (now

    known as Tell Bastra) near the modern industrial city of Zagazig, have tended to

    confirm Herodotus' accounts of the area.

    Bastet's temple is described as a magnificent red granite building, built in the formof a square. Walls carved with elaborate figures surrounded the sacred enclosure, a

    grove of huge trees, at the centre of which stood a statue of Bastet. Sacred cats

    lived inside the shrine and were ritually fed.

    The location of the temple is still clear today, but unfortunately it appears that the

    main building was destroyed in antiquity, possibly by either an earthquake or for-

    eign invasion. Centuries worth of the debris of later occupation has mostly buried

    the ruins, and excavation of the area has also involved untangling masses of huge

    stone blocks fallen on each other. The results have justified the effort, as archaeolo-

    gists have un covered magnificent pieces of monumental sta tuary, smaller scale

    carvings, and other fabulous works of art, hinting at the overwhelming sight the

    temple must have been in its prime.

    Little is known of the rituals of the temple, but Herodotus gives a detailed account

    of the annual festival, describing it as the most important and popular of the sacred

    assemblies. Thousands of people eviden tly made a p ilgrimage to Bubastis for the

    festival, often travelling by boat along the Nile. (As many as 700,000, according to

    Herodotus, who has long been suspected of occasionally exaggerating for effect.)

    Along the way, and on their arrival, the pilgrims celebrated with music, singing,

    dancing, sacrifice and consumption of large quantities of wine.

    Post Death Experiences

    As a sacred animal, the death of a cat

    was serious business. When a household

    cat died, its Egyptian owners would

    shave their eyebrows in mourning and

    take the body to an embalmer for preser-

    vation. Entire graveyards devoted to cats

    have been found along the Nile, andelaborately wrapped, mummified cats

    show up regularly in tombs. Of course,

    cats weren't alone in being accorded this

    honour, as the mummified remains of

    other animals, including birds, dogs,

    baboons and crocodiles, attest. But the

    cats seem to have had a special place in

    the hearts of the people.

    Egyptians took the connection of cats

    with the goddess so seriously that the

    murder of a cat was a capital offence. A

    Roman soldier who killed a cat was

    promptly lynched by the outraged locals.

    Their neighbours noticed the Egyptians'

    reverence for cats, and at least one

    group, the Persians, are rumoured to

    have taken advantage of it. The story

    goes that at one time when they lay

    siege to an Egyptian fort, the Persian king

    ordered his troops to throw live cats over

    the walls. The unnerved Egyptians report-

    edly then allowed the city to be captured by the invaders rather than risk injury to

    the sacred animals.

    Postscript: Turnaround

    Perhaps the saddest irony of the importance and stature of cats in the days of

    ancient Egypt was contained in a CNN report from Gayle Young in Cairo, Egypt.These days, according to the report, rampant poverty

    has meant that few Egyptians keep pets of any

    sort, and as a result, the cats of present-day

    Cairo are mostly homeless and forage in

    garbage dumps and the crowded streets of

    the city, begging for handouts and scroung-

    ing a meagre living. It's a sad comedown for

    an animal that used to be draped in gold and

    jewels, and even venerated as a god. But their

    plight also illustrates one of the cat's most basic

    attributes. Whether considered a god or garbage-

    picker, the cat is a survivor.

    Reprinted with the kind permission of 'Cats & Kittens'

    magazine, a publication of Pet Publishing Inc. (who also

    publish 'Dog and Kennel' and 'Bird Times').

    To subscribe email

    cksubscripti ons@pet or contact

    the publisher: Pet Publishing, Inc., 7- L Dundas

    Circle, Greensboro, NC 27 407

    Ph: 336 292 4047 Fx: 336 292 4272.


    Rachael Hale Photography LimitedSee the review of Rachael Hale's new book 101Cataclysms: For The Love Of Cats in 'Pet Reads'

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