ancient rome republic to empire. the roman republic people of italy latins phoenicians/greeks...

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Ancient Rome

Republic to Empire

The Roman Republic

People of Italy




Phoenicians/GreeksAttributes include:• Excellent sailors• World traders• Learned the alphabet

and taught it to their trade partners


Attributes include:

● Building of city walls, engineering of the Forum, and construction of a sewer system to the Tiber River

● Temples built and decorated Etruscan style

● Class system

● Religious beliefs

The Republic• Starts in 509 BC

• Citizens had the right to elect their leader (unless you were a slave or woman)

• Leader ruled in the name of the people

• Policy lasts for over 500 years

Class System Patricians

= = A group of wealthy land owners

Plebeians= = Common people. Farmers,

artisans, small merchants

Slaves= =

Prisoners of war, plebeians in too much debt. Not Citizens and could not vote!

Early Roman Government

Patricians Elected to office

SenateForeign and Domestic Policies

Led by 2 Consuls

Served 1 year total

Enforced the laws of Rome

Controlled the Army

Had Veto Power


Led the Army

In charge of civil law


Early Roman Government


The Popular Assembly

Approved by Patrician consuls

Had very little power

The Roman Army

Participants:- Patricians at first

- Later, patricians and plebeians would serve

Threats:- Etruscans and Gauls

Weapons:- Javelins, slings, spears, and swords

Legions: (6,000 soldiers)- Each legion divided into smaller units

Plebeians Want Changes!

Plebeians want to fight in wars and they want more rights.


The Assembly of Centuries

The Assembly of Tribes

Composed of Roman Army

Passed Laws

Elected Consuls

Chose the Censor

1. Always Patricians

2. Registered the population for voting and taxing

The Great Divide


10 elected tribunes to speak for them

Refused to fight without more rights

1. First written law code

2. Posted in the Forum

Centuriate Council of Plebs

The Assembly of Centuries


The Assembly of Tribes


Composed of Roman Army

Passed Laws

Elected Consuls

Chose the Censor

The Great Compromise

Allowed to be consuls and members of senate

10 elected tribunes to speak for them

Allowed to pass laws

Marriages between plebeians and patricians okay now

Registered people for voting and taxing

Tribunes had veto power now

CenturiateCouncil of


The Roman Family(Men)


Large Families Rewards


Larger Army



Penalties given



Sold children into slavery

Abandoned infants

Extremely strict

Taught their children


Wealthy men were educated

The Roman Family(Women)

Rights Social Roles

-They were citizens

-They could testify in court

-They could not vote or hold office

Later:-They could own property

-They could create their own will

-Shared in household decisions

-Supervised children and slaves

- Could attend public festivals and the theater

The Expansion of Rome 1st









- Rome had to keep up with Carthage’s strong navy

- Lasted 23 years on land and water

- Carthage paid to surrender

- Gave up Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica

- Hannibal’s revenge

- Carthage marched with elephants

- Lasted 17 years

- Carthage paid heavy fine

- Gave up Spain

- Lasted only 3 years

- Roman legions destroyed Carthage

- Massacred the people

- Took Carthage as their territory

After the Punic WarsLands became provinces headed by Governors

Did not require people to change their customs

Some built roads and set up economies

Others accepted bribes

In charge of tax collection and defense




Introduced to the Hellenistic Civilizations (the spread of Greek culture to the non-Greek lands conquered by Alexander the Great)

Especially science and medicine

Trade and commerce (business) increased

Wealth accumulated

Small Roman farmers lost their land

Paid tributes (forced payment) of grain paid in grain

Drove down pricesFarm land bought at extremely low prices by wealthy traders

Acquired latifundias (large estates)



Slaves had to work the land

More farmers had to sell their land

Poor and landless people move into Rome

Mobs formed – Violence erupted



The Decline of the Republic



The poor, landless, and plebeians roamed the streets

Senate was full of wealthy men not concerned about the poor

Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus

(Leaders of the Poor)Urged the Senate to:

1. Limit the size of large estates

2. Redistribute land to the poor

3. Settle landless farmersLed violent revolts

Killed by gangs of wealthy nobles



133 BC – 44 BC)

Senate calls out legions to stop the revolts


in the

Roman Army

Army will include landowners and landless soldiers

Landless soldiers promised loot (money) by generals

As a result, the soldiers pledged more allegiance to the generals

The First Triumvirate

(Three Man Alliance)

Marcus Lucius Crassus

Wealthy General

Julius Caesar

Many military victories in Spain

Ran for Consul

Feared by Senate, well liked in Rome

Senate blocked his election

Gnaeus Pompey

Successful General

Conquered land in Asia Minor, Syria, and Palestine

Ruling Rome by 60 BC

Crassus dies in battle (53 BC)



And the POWER goes to…

Busy battling/winning land in Gaul and Britain

Getting nervous over Caesar’s popularity

Pompey orders him to return to Rome and break up his legions

Gets the support of the Senate (49 BC)

Caesar refuses and marches toward Rome

Caesar crosses the Rubicon River (the final straw)

Pompey declares a civil war

Pompey’s legions are crushed

The Rule of Caesar

Won major campaigns in:

The Middle East

North Africa


*Admired by the people

*Pardoned the senators who supported Pompey

Dictator for Life

(44 BC)

Gave land to the poor

Started building projects

Gave Roman citizenship to people outside of Italy

Increased soldier pay

Introduced the Julian Calendar (Used Hellenistic Astronomy/More accurate)

No power given to the Senate and Assembly of Tribes

Senate called Caesar a tyrrant. Blamed him for the destruction of the Republic.


Ides of March

“Ides” = 15th day of the months March, May, July, and October on the Roman Calendar = March 15th,

44 BC

=The day that Julius Caesar was stabbed by Gaius Cassius and Marcus Brutus

= Civil War to follow

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