
Post on 21-May-2015



Art & Photos



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ancilery task


  • 1. Magazine Advert We have looked at some indie magazine adverts andfound that a lot of the adverts have their tour dates ontheir poster they do this to promote their music ondifferent media platforms this is called synergy. Ourposter is a picture of the main singer of Jessies Ghostand it has had an effect put over the top which is blackand white, also the name of the band Jessies Ghost isin a red font. We have followed the indie conventionsand have also shown the release dates of our newalbum. One of the more main stream things that wehave shown on our poster is the ratings that we havereceived from the different musical critics.

2. The first part of the digi-pack This part of the Digi-pack was taken from ourposter because our audience will see both thedigi-pack and the poster and link them togetherthis is called synergy where the audience relatetwo media products together. We put the title ofthe band on the first part of the digi-pack soeveryone knows who they are we made a boldblack and white colouring to make the mainsinger(Charlie) stand out. We also included therelease date of our album the same as we did onour magazine advert. 3. The second part of the digi-pack The second part of our digi-pack is a bold pictureof the main singer of Jessies Ghost again we haveproduced a lot of pictures of the main singer forour digi-pack because he is the person that isgoing to appeal to our audience the most wehave followed the conventions of the indie genreby putting the front man on the digi-pack theadverts the merchandise, we have followed suchbands as coldplay with Chris Martin. This createswhat is known as Richard Dyers star image. 4. The third part of the digi-pack This shows the lead singer again this specific part ofthe digi-pack is taken from the music video that ourrecord company Indiependant produced for the bandJessies Ghost we wanted a performance shot from thevideo to show the audience and the fans what theband have been doing this year, the audience alwayswant to know how the band have done each year andwhat has changed, for example a band calledNickelback have been on tour in the last two years andhave changed three members of the band. So we havegiven the fans a visual idea of what the band have donethis year. 5. Evaluation After looking at both the magazine adverts andthe digi-pack our group came to the conclusionthat they are both very strong and bold types ofmedia that would catch the audience we havefollowed all the conventions for a stereotypicalindie band we had some synergy between themagazine advert and the digi-pack but we did thispurposely so the audience will see it in differentplaces and recognise it, after doing audienceresearch we found that both of these productscame back very positive.

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