
Post on 21-Jan-2015






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By: Andrea Guillen


Description: This U.S. map shows us that exists more dryness in the red locations which means that there is a severe drought in the south. There is more wetness in the blue locations which means that the northern states don’t suffer drought.

Source: "Groundwater and Soil Moisture Conditions from GRACE Data Assimilation." Groundwater and Soil Moisture Conditions from GRACE Data Assimilation. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan. 2013.

Description: These both U.S. Drought Maps show the intensity of the drought by color. The more red the more intense the drought is. And the more yellow more lack of drought in the places. So comparing the U.S. map in 2000 with the U.S. map in 2013 we can see how the intensity of the drought has increased in 13 years. Thus, drought will probably get worse in a future.

Source: "Drought Monitor Archives." U.S. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Jan. 2013.

Source: "World Wide Daily Drought Risk Map." World Wide Daily Drought Risk Map. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Jan. 2013

Description: This world map shows us in which parts of the world there is a severe drought by labeling it with red or a mild drought by labeling it with yellow. Thus this world map shows that in North America, more specifically in United States exists a severe drought. South America has mild and severe drought. In other continents like Africa and Oceania there is mild drought. Also in certain parts of Europe there is severe drought.

Source: "Dessler: âPaying the Price for Climate ��Changeâ or a Case of Flawed Statistical ��Analysis? | Watts Up With That?" Watts Up With That. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan. 2013

Description: This graph shows us that between 2007 and 2011 the rainfall decreased drastically which will induce a drought. This is one of the causes why drought is produce, because of the chance in temperatures or the decrease of rainfall.


According to my research, I have concluded that the drought, a long period of time without rainfall or water caused by the lack of rain, occurs usually in hot dry areas. This natural disaster can cause other phenomena as wind erosion, wildfire. This all says that droughts will not decrease over the time.

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