andrea herzog-kienast seo search engine optimization t3ee, cluj, romania 2013 1

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Andrea Herzog-Kienast

SEO Search Engine SEO Search Engine OptimizationOptimization

T3ee, Cluj, Romania 2013T3ee, Cluj, Romania 2013


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

SEO for developersSEO for developersAbstract:• website speed• URL structure (parameters)• structure of navigation• structure of content and sourcecode• delivery of content (caching)• meta data (canonical f.e.)• deny URLs (robots.txt)• be responsive • use description, subtitle, title for the menu


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

SEO for developersSEO for developersWhat can we do?• put important stuff above, less important (for example headerimage in footer)• use tools like seo_basic, tq_seo• be aware of clean and easy HTML and CSS• restrict the use of headers <h1> to editors, if you do not use HTML5• force the use of alt and title for editors• use your data from analytics• But most important: use your brain


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Checklist from Adam AudetteChecklist from Adam Audette


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

SEO for editorsSEO for editorsThe search engine is only the vehicle that will lead potential visitors to your website.

And so this is successful, we talk about search engine optimization.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

SEO for editorsSEO for editorsEditors can do a lot for a better ranking :

• well thought out content • active marketing (for example twitter) • using alt and title for images, links, files• interal links to content elements or pages


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

SEO for editorsSEO for editorsFor all SEO activities - the page is not created for a search engine - but for human visitors and there must be one or the other thing to weigh.

The search engine optimization affects only organic search results, not the paid results, such as Google AdWords.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

meta datameta dataAbout the importance of meta-information is much debated. We deal here only with this:

• description• keywords• title• alt


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

What is the sense of meta data?What is the sense of meta data?These metadata are used to describe the pages. They are valid only for one page of the website - not global.

You fill in the information either on the properties tab of each page (the meta tab), or use tools like seo_basics or tq_seo, the more comfortable way.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

DescriptionDescriptionSome search engines refer the description of the content in the results list with.

Google often ignores the description text in the search results and uses text which is used around the keywords. This depends.

So you can assume that this information will be at least considered. Words that are available in this excerpt are printed in bold if they appear in the query of the user.

If you want to set up your website properly, this meta tag should not be neglected. Search engines also reward a proper website.

The indication is unlikely to alter the ranking – perhaps.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Google resultsGoogle results


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

KeywordsKeywordsKeywords should be used sparingly.

Often you will find the statement to use not more than 1.000 characters.

Also the keywords refer to the individual pages.Only those words should be used that are found in the content of the current page.

Multiple entries should be avoided (like product, product, product).

<meta name="keywords" content="Elektronics, toaster, novis, Pro Line, Eco, Edelstahl, gebürstete matte Oberfläche" />


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

TitleTitleThis refers to the title of each page. The title is what the searcher in a search engine will see first.The title is the first in the results list. It should therefore be informative and contain no generic words such as home or welcome but here again: contain relevant words about the content of the page. It may contain company name and location. There should be two to nine words - but not more.

If the words of the title-tag occur in the query of the user, the words in the results are in bold.

Meaningful titles for each page are an important part of SEO.Short and sweet you need to describe the expected content of each page.

<title>PROFINO SOLINGEN - TOASTER Series PRO-LINE Manufacturer – for best results </title>


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

URLURLBeautiful are the URLs that are generated by such extensions like cooluri or realurl:


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

URLURLURLs contain the words that are naturally related to the page content or the site structure, are easier to understand for visitors. Visitors probably link those URLs that they can read and also prefer them on your web pages.

The use of URLs contain session ID, etc. should be avoided. Also, the excessive use of keywords in URLs should be avoided:


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Directory structureDirectory structureWe are of course already arrived at the directory or site structure of a website.

The structure should be as flat as possible and easy. Pages on upper level will be found better than pages of subordinate directories.

Search engines and users assign them a higher relevance.

Directory names that have no relation to the content must also be avoided.



Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Canonical URLCanonical URLIt is also important that only one URL is used so that the relevant content and its reputation is not allocated to different URLs.

When a user receives the content on one URL, another on a different URL or a subdomain, this often does not serve the overview.

If different URLs are used, the administrator should set up a 301 redirect.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Redirect URLRedirect URLYou have the following URL


But in order to lead to the right side, additional URLs are to be redirected to the main URL. It should not be forgotten to redirect those URLs that the provider is using, or those which were used to test the site also to avoid duplicated content.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Notation of the URLNotation of the URLThe texts in the URLs should be written consistently small, as expected by the user.

And what the user expects is also important for the search engines, because you want to help the user to find the desired content.

If the visitor will not find what he is looking for, he will deploy any other search engine, and of course this also does not want the search engine provider.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

NavigationNavigationThe navigation of the website, so the page structure, plays a key role in how a page is found.

It shows the visitor and the search engine pages which are of particular importance. It is very important to make it easy to find the relevant content.

The search engine will look the pages at the page level, and it matters which weight is assigned by the level at which it is located.

The sites on the first level play a greater role than the sites on lower levels.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Navigation and structureNavigation and structureIn many sites, which deal with various topics, structuring of topics should be - so belonging together - summarized.

This could for be example wines that are recognized by specific criteria.

For example, according to slope, dry or sweet, red or white.

Of course the audience plays an important role. A potential end user will look for other criteria than the expert.

So be aware: who is the audience.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Navigation – BreadcrumbNavigation – BreadcrumbFor complex page structures it helps the visitors when a breadcrumb absorbs the structure again. So the structure and the place where you are is listed again.

Home → Products → Bottles → Gallones

The visitor can navigate back to the page he wants to.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

SitemapsSitemapsSitemaps for visitors show the entire content of the website and their hierarchical structure at a glance.

Search engines visit these sitemaps as well, but they are primarily a feature for visitor to find their way on your site.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Sitemap with DescriptionSitemap with Description


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

SEO für RedakteureSEO für Redakteure


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Sitemaps for search enginesSitemaps for search enginesSitemaps (xml) for search engines show the URLs of the web page. They show an overview of the entire structure and facilitate the search engines to crawl the site.

In addition, the search engine sees the canonical URL here. So the URL that should be the top level. The sitemap ensures that the search engine can find all the pages well, even those that are not included in the navigation (eg. not visible in the menu, but in the content links).


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

XML SitemapXML Sitemap


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Error pagesError pagesIf a user visits a webpage with a wrong URL

instead of

There should be a reasonable error handling, because the eg. “Page not found “ is not realy helpful tor visitors.

A separate 404 page - hands directly to all pages that can not be found. On this page the visitor can navigate through the website, perhaps you give him a sitemap and some content what to find where.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Example – bad 404 PageExample – bad 404 Page


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Example – better 404 PageExample – better 404 Page


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Content is King!Content is King!Interesting and beautiful text is informative for visitors.

By the way: Search engines weigh the relationship between text and images.

Text-only - “deserts” are also exhausting and boring for the reader and important content perhaps will be ignored.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

ContentContentContent has to be up-to-date.

Outdated content should not exist on a TYPO3 page (start and stopp).


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Design your contentDesign your contentTexts should be designed accordingly.

Use paragraphs, images and highlighting and perhaps sub-headings. So the text is broken up readability is more easy.

The content should include relevant key words that are repeated in the title, description and meta-keywords.

This of course is a tightrope walk - for search engine optimized articles are often not nice and for visitors they are often perceived as illegible. Primarily texts should be optimized for the visitors and not for search engines. So please – use your brain.

In german we say “Gesunder Menschenverstand” – Common sense!


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Content like desertContent like desert


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Designed contentDesigned content


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

offer new contentoffer new contentCreate some new content elements.

This work is rewarded by both: search engines and your visitors.

Because users will perhaps recommend your interesting content or link to it or communicate otherwise.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Anchortext for linksAnchortext for linksThe anchor text in links should inform you where the link actually leads before he is visited.

So the visitors thus knows what awaits him if he follows the link.

You have an opportunity to place relevant words on the page - without degrading the texts with word repetition.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Example - anchortext for linksExample - anchortext for links


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

HeadlinesHeadlinesThe use of headings within a page's content not only facilitates the structuring of the content, but also provides the user a quick overview of the different sections and their contents.

With subheads passages of text can also be cited - so you can repeat important content (like in magazines and newspapers)


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

How to use headingsHow to use headingsHeadings are usually larger than normal text and drag it to attention. Here again - crisp headlines, do not generate text deserts.

In addition, the hierarchy of headings is important. The heading h1 is the most important, and h6 least important heading.

A Heading first order should appear on a page only once, act like a chapter heading in HTML 4x.

<h1> - only once – is followd by <h2>. You can have <h2> followed by <h2> sub is <h3> and so on. See it as a structure like you will have it in a book.

With HTML 5 you can use H1 more than once.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

How to use headings in HTML5How to use headings in HTML5 Example:

<h1>T3EE Friday</h1>  <section>    <h1>Opening Session</h1>     <p>Welcome to TYPO3!</p>     </section>   <section>    <h1>Next session</h1>    <p>Some interesting stuff</p> </section>

So every <section> can have it‘s own <h1>. Take a look at the HTML5 specification.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Example – use headingsExample – use headings


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

ImagesImagesImages make the page more appealing to loosen texts and serve a better understanding of texts.Important are meta elements, like alt, title and caption (title), because here you can repeat relevant words and let the visitors get more information again.

This information enables the search engines to locate pictures easily. It also plays a role where the files are stored (path), and also the kind of file format – but I don’t know why .

Google also recommends setting up a sitemap for images.



Andrea Herzog-Kienast

GlossaryGlossaryWith a glossary (extension) technical terms can be explained. This leads again to more interesting content. In this case the internal linking of your pages gets to wear.

A glossary can also build with TYPO3 board resources (internal links of the content on a page with explanations).


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Social mediaSocial mediaTwitter interesting links!Make a facebook page!

Please ensure to only post relevant and interesting content.

Do not overdo - 1 Tweet or Facebook - message per hour is perhaps enough.

Post only if you have definitely something to say or react to news of the visitors.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

BacklinksBacklinksBacklinks are links from other pages on your website.

Backlinks without link exchange are better than a ring exchange.


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

MoneyMoneyIn fact – our customers want to be found in search engines. But they often do not know what to do. And don‘t know how much work is inside.

So it is lots of work to explain that SEO it‘s not part of a website.

It is consulting!

And due to the page it is more or less work for you. But – it is a work in progress.For example: You do something, the competitor also does. So you also have to update the content.

So you need to have a look at the page every given time and do some work.

SEO is a process – make shure that your customer will know!


Andrea Herzog-Kienast

Thank You!Thank You!


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