android lollipop - a smarter way to use your phone

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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The L Developer Preview gives you an advance look at the upcoming release for the Android platform, which offers new features for users and app developers. The L Developer Preview is intended for developer early adopters and testers.


Android L(Lollipop)

T&C Applied

Android L(Lollipop)

The L Developer Preview gives you an advance look at the upcoming release

for the Android platform, which offers new features for users and app


The L Developer Preview is intended for developer early adopters

and testers.

Android L(Lollipop)

The 4.4 release introduced a new, experimental Android runtime, ART.


4.4, ART was optional, and the default runtime remained Dalvik .But with


L Developer Preview, ART is now the default runtime.

Android L(Lollipop)

Some of the major new features are: Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation

Improved garbage collection (GC)

Improved debugging support

Most Android apps should just work without change under ART. However,

some techniques that work on Dalvik do not work on ART. For information

about the most important issues, see Verifying App Behavior on the Android

Runtime (ART). Pay particular attention if:

Android L(Lollipop)

App uses Java Native Interface (JNI) to run C/C++ code.

Use development tools that generate non-standard code (such as some


Use techniques that are incompatible with compacting garbage collection.

(ART does not currently implement compacting GC, but compacting GC is

under development in the Android Open-Source Project.)

Android L(Lollipop) User Interface

Material design support

The upcoming release adds support for Android's new material design style.

It can create apps with material design that are visually dynamic and have

UI element transitions that feel natural to users. This support includes:  The material theme

View shadows

The RecyclerView widget

Android L(Lollipop) Graphics

Drawable animation and styling effects

Material design animation and activity transition effects

Animators for view properties based on the state of a view

Customizable UI widgets and app bars with color palettes that you control

The L Developer Preview adds Java interfaces and native support for

OpenGL ES 3.1.

Android L(Lollipop) Multimedia

Key new functionality provided in OpenGL ES 3.1 includes: Compute shaders

Separate shader objects

Indirect draw commands

Multisample and stencil textures

Shading language improvements

Extensions for advanced blend modes and debugging

Backward compatibility with OpenGL ES 2.0 and 3.0

Android L(Lollipop) Multimedia

The L Developer Preview introduces the new android.hardware.camera2

API to facilitate fine-grain photo capture and image processing. It can now

programmatically access the camera devices available to the system with

CameraManager.getCameraIdList() and connect to a specific device with


To start capturing images, create a CameraCaptureSession and specify the

Surface objects for the captured images. The CameraCaptureSession can be

configured to take single shots or multiple images in a burst.

Android L(Lollipop) Multimedia

To be notified when new images are captured, implement the

CameraCaptureSession.CaptureListener() interface and set it in capture

request. Now when the system completes the image capture request,

CameraCaptureSession.CaptureListener() receives a call to

onCaptureCompleted(), providing with the image capture metadata in a


To see an example of how to use the updated Camera API, refer to the

Camera2Basic and Camera2Video implementation samples in this release.

Android L(Lollipop) Multimedia

Audio playback It allow to supply audio data ( in

floating-point format .This permits greater dynamic range, more consistent precision,

and greater headroom.

Floating-point arithmetic is especially useful during intermediate calculations. Playback

end-points use integer format for audio data, and with lower bit-depth. (In the L

Developer Preview, portions of the internal pipeline are not yet floating-point.)

Android L(Lollipop) Multimedia

Android L app supply audio data as a ByteBuffer, in the same format as provided by

MediaCodec.The WRITE_NON_BLOCKING option can simplify buffering and

multithreading for some apps.

Media playback control It can build own media controller app with the new class, which provides simplified transport

controls APIs that replace those in RemoteControlClient.

Android L(Lollipop) Multimedia

The MediaController class allows thread-safe control of playback from a non-UI process,

making it easier to control media playback service from app’s user interface.

It can also create multiple controllers to send playback commands, media keys, and other

events to the same ongoing When it add a

controller, calls MediaSession.getSessionToken() to request an access token in order for

app to interact with the session.

Android L(Lollipop) Multimedia

It can now send transport commands such as "play", "stop", "skip", and "set rating" by

using MediaController.TransportControls. To handle in-bound media transport

commands from controllers attached to the session, override the callback methods in


Also create rich notifications that allow playback control tied to a media session with the

new class. By using the new notification and media

APIs, will ensure that the System UI knows about playback and can extract and show

album art.

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