anex 9

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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LISTENING TRAVELLING BY TRAIN Transcript: A. Passenger: Excuse me? Which platform does the train to Cambridge leave from? Train station attendant: The 10:15 train or the 10:40? Passenger: The 10:15. Train station attendant: The 10:15 train leaves from platform 3. Passenger: Thanks. B. Passenger: Hi. Could I have a ticket for the next train to Manchester, please? Train ticket vendor: Single or return? Passenger: Errr, single please. Train ticket vendor: The next train is at 12:30pm, leaving from platform 2. Passenger: And how much is it? Train ticket vendor: £13:50 C. Ticket inspector: Tickets, please. Can I see your ticket, please? Passenger: Yes, here you are. Ticket inspector: This ticket is for Oxford. Passenger: Yes, that’s right. Ticket inspector: But this train doesn’t go to Oxford, it goes to Liverpool. Passenger: What? Liverpool? Oh no!

D. Train station announcement: The next train arriving at platform 1 is the 15:45 train to Exeter, stopping at Bristol Temple Meads and arriving at Exeter St David’s at 18:30. E. Harry: What time is our train back to London? Angel: It leaves at 4:30. We’ve only got 5 minutes. Harry: What platform does it leave from? Angel: Platform 2. Look, over there. Harry: I can’t see our train anywhere. Let me see the ticket. Look, it says 4:20, not 4:30! Angel: Oh no, we’ve missed it. Harry: No we haven’t, it’s late. Look, here it is now. Angel: Phew, that was lucky! Match the vocabulary with the correct definition 1…….. platform a. A small piece of paper to allow you to use a train or bus. 2…….. ticket b. The place in a train station where people get on and get off trains. 3…….. single (ticket) c. A ticket to travel to a place, but not to travel back 4…….. return (ticket) d. A ticket to travel to a place and back again. READING

A Brief History of Tourism Tourism is 2,000 years old. It started when rich people of the ancient Rome didn´t want to stay

in the city during hot summers. They took trips to the countryside and the coast. People that lived in the countryside or the coast worked for the Roman ‘tourists‘, cooked for them or built new houses for them. When the Roman Empire collapsed, oman tourism stopped.

During the medieval era, pilgrims appeared. Pilgrims were people who wanted to visit holy places. People built simple inns near the roads to these holy places. The pilgrims slept and ate in these inns. Many of these people had a good time during their travel, or pilgrimages.

But it was in the eighteenth century when tourism became popular. Rich people in Europe started to travel because of health and culture. They visited spas and seaside towns and they enjoyed fresh air. Rich English people liked to travel to Italy. They studied Italian paintings, sculpture, and architecture . They wished to be cultural.

In the twentieth century a lot of Europeans got richer and wanted to travel. Soon there were hotels almost everywhere. In the 1960s, tourists started to travel by plane because it was cheap, fast, and comfortable. People discovered countries like Spain and France.

Today Spain, Italy, and France are still popular with tourists. The USA and exotic destinations attract a lot of people, too. In these countries, travelers can find fashionable resorts, comfortable hotels, and exciting theme parks. No wonder, tourists spend a lot of money.

TRUE, FALSE, DOESN’T SAY? Tourists also lived in the Roman Empire. Rich Romans travelled abroad. Pilgrims travelled in winter. Pilgrims wanted to enjoy fresh air and study paintings. In the 18th century people wanted to be healthy. Italy was a country popular with rich English people. It wasn’t expensive to travel by plane in the 1960s. In the 1960s people didn’t want to visit Spain. Today good hotels are easy to find.

WRITING After seeing examples/ small groups / write directions to be guessed by the other


Role Plays: At the airport You tell the customer officer what .you are going

to do

You are a French tourist.

You have just arrived in Italy. You want to stay for 3 weeks in Roma.You are staying at a hotel.


Name: Nationality: French Expiry Date: 2018 Number: 213479

You are visiting your aunt who lives in this country. You will be staying for the summer vacation (1 month). You will be staying at your aunt’s house.


Name: Nationality: Spanish Expiry Date: 2025 Number:AB35665

You are an exchange student. You will be studying at a language school in Amsterdam. You will be staying for 8 months. You will be staying in a host family. .


Name: Nationality: Scottish Expiry Date: 2019 Number: XY23521

You have just arrived in Germany and you are on a business trip. You are selling Polish wine. You will be staying in Berlin for 1 week. You will be staying at a hotel.


Name: Nationality: Polish Expiry Date: 2015 Number: GHG4156

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