angela gucwa- three excellent books published in 2016

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Three Excellent Books Published in


Angela Gucwa

Angela Gucwa stopped at the used bookstore the first day she arrived in La Grande, Oregon to become the official third-grade teacher at Grant Elementary School. She had moved from Portland because she wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and help children in small town settings. She is a voracious reader, getting through several volumes a year.

Here are three of her favorite books that were published in 2016:

Here I Am. Jonathan Safran Foer. From the author of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and Everything is Illuminated comes another kaleidoscopic novel about the American Jewish experience. Expect multiple media in this novel, which sorts through Biblical verses, government documents, and quiet portrayals of private lives.

When Breath Becomes Air. This memoir is the dying words of a talented young doctor (Paul Kalanithi) who, at age 36, was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. His experiences, as well as the workings of the human mind and human morality, are recorded here with great clarity and grace. Angela Gucwa couldn’t put it down, despite reading through tears at times.

The Girls. Set during the terrorization of Los Angeles by Charles Manson and his followers, this debut novel by Emma Cline follows Evie, who is drawn into a sinister enclave of Manson-worshipping girls. The novel is about the impressionism of youth and the dangers inherent in being young and more vulnerable than you realize.

Angela Gucwa enjoys traveling and reading

to experience new places, people, and cultures whenever



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