animatic feedback

Post on 12-Apr-2017



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Animatic Feedback


well as you can clearly see that the audiences obviously feel that our animatic is highly engaging. this indicates to us that we are on track with what are goal is for this slasher/horror film. i believe that the reason why people find our animatic so engaging is because we have great use of mise en scene and an intricate plot to accompany this. Furthermore the variety of camerawork used adds to the level of interest audiences have for our sequence.

people rate our animatic a 4&5 however they will rate our sequence a clear 10. we are not going to lie, we are not he best drawers so obviously the level of skill will be slaking. however one thing we are good as a team is film and creating a story that people would love. we will back this up with our high skill in other departments and you will be able to notice this within the editing and camerawork.

This is great indication that our storyline is easily recognizable and that people know what's going on each scene. Additionally the use of camerawork and mise en scene doesn't feel out of place and helps to transition the scene swiftly from and to each other. One problem which we thought would occur was with was that people would understand the story however this information collected is proof that we have created a sophisticated but yet simple storyline that everyone could follow.

All this information collected will help our work improve, increasing our skill and overall sequence. however looking at the information collected people obviously feel that our work is already good. But there's always room for improvement and that's why when creating our sequence we will not rest with alright but instead only perfection will satisfy. To improve the audiences opinion we will take everything on board the information they have relayed to us through this questionnaire. People said they wanted more interesting sound effects so that will be a main task and aim within our sequence. Furthermore they think that by adding in effective fonts it will improve our work and so that’s what we are going to do.

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