ankle joint ppt

Post on 26-Oct-2014






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Introduction Synovial joint- Hinge variety Involves: 1.Talus of foot


3.Fibula Movements- Dorsi flextion of foot &

Planter flexion of foot

Ankle joint


Lower end Includes 5 surfaces

1. Ant surface

2.medial surface

3. Lateral surface

4. Inferior surface

5. Posterior surface Blood supply: Nutrient artery


Lower end ( lateral malleolus) It has 4 surfaces

1. Anterior

2. Posterior

3. Medial

4. Lateral

Talus Parts- 1.Head 2.Neck 3.Body Head Anterior surface articulates with navicular bone . Inferior surface articulates with calcaneum & spring

ligament. Body Superior surface Inferior surface Medial surface Lateral surface

Attachments of Talus:

Dorsal surface – Capsular ligament Neck of talus – Ant.talofibular ligament Medial tubercle – Deltoid ligament

Articular surfaces of ankle joint :Upper Articular surface :

1. Lower end of tibia

2. Lower end of fibula

3. Transverse tibiofibular ligament

Inferior Articular surface :

Upper , medial & lateral aspects of tibia

Stability of Ankle joint is ensured by :

1.Close interlocking of articular surfaces.

2.Strong collateral ligaments.

3.Tendons that cross the joint.

Depth of superior articular socket is formed by :

1.Medial & Lateral malleoli.

2.Transverse tibiofibular ligament

Factors that tend to displace tibia & fibula forward over the talus are :

1.Forward pull of tendons. 2.Pull of gravity.

Displacement is prevented by : 1.Talus (wedge shape ) 2.Posterior border of lower end of tibia. 3.Inf.transverse tibio fibular ligament. 4.Tibio calcaneum,post.tibio talar,calcaneofibular

& post.talofibular ligaments

Ligaments of Ankle Joint : Joint is supported by : 1.Fibrous capsule 2.Medial/Deltoid ligament 3.Lateral ligament.

Medial /Deltoid ligament : Attachments : Apex attached to medial malleolus. Based on inferior point of attachments medial ligament is

divided into: 1.Tibio navicular part 2.Tibio calcaneal part 3.Post.tibiotalar part 4.Ant.tibiotalar part

Deltoid ligament

Lateral Ligament :

Consists of three separate ligaments :

1.Ant.talofibular ligament.

2.Post.talofibular ligament.

3.Calcaneofibular ligament.

Lateral ligament

Relations of Ankle Joint : Anteriorly :

Posterior Relations of Ankle Joint:

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