annex i external questionnaire, cover letter and reminders · annex i external questionnaire, cover...

Post on 22-Jun-2020






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A. Cover letter

Dear Recipient, We are contacting you regarding a survey commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO). The survey will be carried out by Grayling Public Relations, a global communications agency. This survey is a key element of WHO’s Global Communication Strategy Review and is part of the WHO Reform process which is currently underway. We are seeking your organization’s views and inputs on the work of WHO. Your candid and thoughtful responses will directly enable WHO to measure its effectiveness, identify areas that require improvement, and strengthen the relationship between your organization and WHO. We would be very grateful if you could take just 5-10 minutes of your time to complete the 15-question survey by 12 September 2012. To fill-in the survey, please click here: [SurveyLink]. We would like to emphasize that your responses will not be attributable to you specifically, only to your type of organization (Journalist/Media, Health professional association, WHO Collaborating Centre etc.). This will ensure the confidentiality of your answers. On behalf of WHO, we would like to thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Best wishes, Dr Anne Marie Worning Executive Director Office of the Director-General If you do not want to receive further messages, please click here:

B. Survey questions

1. Please describe your organization using one of the criteria below

Government Ministry of Health Government development agency Other government department UN agency Health partnership Foundation Non-governmental organization / Civil society organization Journalist/Media Health professional association WHO Collaborating Centre International organization Other

2. Please select in which country, territory, or area you are working 3. Which areas of WHO's responsibilities (core functions) are you most familiar with? (Please select up to three (3) boxes)

Providing leadership on matters critical to health and engaging in partnerships where joint action is needed

Shaping the research agenda and stimulating the generation, translation and dissemination of valuable knowledge

Setting norms and standards, promoting and monitoring the implementation Articulating ethical and evidence-based policy options Providing technical support, catalysing change and building sustainable institutional capacity Monitoring the health situation and assessing health trends

4. How essential is WHO for your organization? Indispensable Important Limited importance Irrelevant

5. Which of the following best describes your view of WHO's work over the past three to five years?

Consistently high confidence Increasing confidence Declining confidence Consistent disappointment

6. How do you view WHO’s leadership of the H1N1 pandemic? Excellent Good Fair Poor

7. How does your organization view WHO's ability to manage international public health threats in the future?

Excellent Good Fair Poor

8. Which of the WHO following areas of work below do you perceive to be the most important? Please select your top five (5) choices

HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis Malaria Neglected tropical diseases Non-communicable diseases (cancer, diabetes, cardio-vascular diseases, chronic lung

disease) Mental disorders Injuries and disabilities Sexual and reproductive health Neonatal and maternal health Vaccine preventable diseases Healthy ageing Health workforce Health information systems Health financing Access to medical products Emerging, epidemic and pandemic prone diseases Environmental health risks Health in humanitarian crises Health information and statistics Food safety Vaccines Essential medicines Human rights for health Health equity Health communications Gender equality in health Information technology for health

9. Which organizations or institutions do you consider the most effective at influencing policy for improving people's health at the global level? Please select your top five (5) choices.

National governments WHO European Union institutions World Bank UNICEF

UNFPA UN General Secretariat UNAIDS Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria GAVI Donor governments Private Philanthropy, (i.e. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bloomberg, Rotary

International) Other international organisations Media Academic institutions and publications Celebrities Industry

10. Which organizations or institutions do you consider the most effective at delivering public health programmes at country level? Please select your top five (5) choices.

National governments WHO European Union institutions World Bank UNICEF UNFPA UN General Secretariat UNAIDS Global Fund to Fight HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria GAVI Donor governments Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Other international organisations NGOs Faith-based organizations

11. How do you rate the way in which WHO communicates its public health information?

A. Reliability/Accuracy B. Usefulness C. Timeliness D. Accessibility/Technology friendly E. In a language you can use





Poor 12. Which of the below phrases best describes how you speak about WHO?

Positively without being asked

Positively when asked Neutral when asked Critical when asked Critical without being asked

13. Do you trust WHO to take the necessary measures to ensure the independence of its public health expert advisers?

Always Most of the time Sometimes Rarely Never

14. Do you believe WHO is inappropriately influenced by industry/private sector?

Yes No Don’t know

15. What do you value most about WHO? (This question is optional)

C. Reminder email

Dear Recipient, In July you received a survey commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO). We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the deadline for your responses is 12 September. Best regards, Grayling



A. Cover letter

Dear Colleague We are contacting you regarding a survey commissioned by the Communications Department. The survey will be carried out by Grayling Public Relations, a global communications agency. This survey is a key element of WHO’s Global Communication Strategy Review and is part of the WHO Reform process which is currently underway. We are seeking your views and inputs on the work of our Organization. Your candid and thoughtful responses will directly enable us to measure our effectiveness, and identify areas that require improvement. We would be very grateful if you could take just 5-10 minutes of your time to complete the 15-question survey by 12 September 2012. To fill-in the survey, please click here: [SurveyLink] We would like to emphasise that your responses will not be attributable to you specifically and the confidentiality of your answers is assured. I would like to thank you for taking the time to complete this survey which will provide an invaluable insight into how WHO can further develop its communications strategy. Best wishes, Christy Feig Director, Department of Communications. If you do not want to receive further messages, please click here:

B. Survey questions

1. Please select one of the categories below

Current employee External consultant Intern

2. Which areas of WHO's responsibilities (core functions) are you most familiar with? (Please select up to three (3) boxes)

Providing leadership on matters critical to health and engaging in partnerships where joint action is needed

Shaping the research agenda and stimulating the generation, translation and dissemination of valuable knowledge

Setting norms and standards, promoting and monitoring the implementation Articulating ethical and evidence-based policy options Providing technical support, catalysing change and building sustainable institutional capacity Monitoring the health situation and assessing health trends

3. How essential is WHO for improving people’s health? Indispensable Important Limited importance Irrelevant

4. Which of the following best describes your view of WHO's work over the past three to five years?

Consistently high confidence Increasing confidence Declining confidence Consistent disappointment

5. How do you view WHO’s leadership of the H1N1 pandemic? Excellent Good Fair Poor

6. How do you view WHO's ability to manage international public health threats in the future?

Excellent Good Fair Poor

7. Which of the WHO following areas of work below do you perceive to be the most important? Please select your top five (5) choices

HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis Malaria Neglected tropical diseases Non-communicable diseases (cancer, diabetes, cardio-vascular diseases, chronic lung

disease) Mental disorders Injuries and disabilities Sexual and reproductive health Neonatal and maternal health Vaccine preventable diseases Healthy ageing Health workforce Health information systems Health financing Access to medical products Emerging, epidemic and pandemic prone diseases Environmental health risks Health in humanitarian crises Health information and statistics Food safety Vaccines Essential medicines Human rights for health Health equity Health communications Gender equality in health Information technology for health

A. 8. Which organizations or institutions do you consider the most effective at influencing

policy for improving people's health at the global level? Please select your top five (5) choices.

National governments WHO European Union institutions World Bank UNICEF UNFPA UN General Secretariat UNAIDS Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria GAVI Donor governments Private Philanthropy, (i.e. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bloomberg, Rotary

International) Other international organisations Media

Academic institutions and publications Celebrities Industry

9. Which organizations or institutions do you consider the most effective at delivering public health programmes at country level? Please select your top five (5) choices.

National governments WHO European Union institutions World Bank UNICEF UNFPA UN General Secretariat UNAIDS Global Fund to Fight HIV, TB and Malaria GAVI Donor governments Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Other international organisations NGOs Faith-based organizations

10. How do you rate the way in which WHO communicates its public health information?

A. Reliability/Accuracy B. Usefulness C. Timeliness D. Accessibility/Technology friendly E. In a language you can use





Poor 11. Which of the below phrases best describes how you speak about WHO?

Positively without being asked Positively when asked Neutral when asked Critical when asked Critical without being asked

12. Do you trust WHO to take the necessary measures to ensure the independence of its public health expert advisers?

Always Most of the time Sometimes

Rarely Never

13. Do you believe WHO is inappropriately influenced by industry/private sector?

Yes No Don’t know

14. What do you value most about WHO? (This question is optional)

C. Reminder email

Dear Colleague, In July you received a survey commissioned by the Communications Department the World Health Organization (WHO). We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the deadline for your responses is 30 August. Best regards, Grayling



Question 8: Which of the WHO following areas of work below do you

perceive to be the most important?

By region

(in alphabetical order)

By stakeholder category

(in alphabetical order)

Question 9: Which organizations or institutions do you consider the most

effective at delivering public health programmes at the global level?

By region

(in alphabetical order)

By stakeholder (in alphabetical order)

Question 10: Which organizations or institutions do you consider the most

effective at delivering public health programmes at country level?

By region

(in alphabetical order)

By stakeholder category

(in alphabetical order)



What do you value most about WHO? (This question is optional)


The States' involvement in decision-making as regard their population health

1) Diffusion of norms and technical guidelines

2) Its involvement in issue-raising as regard health-related human resources in developing countries

Staff's expertise

Monitoring of the quality of health services supply

Its scientific expertise

The quality of its intervention in the field

Its initiatives to be present when needed

Its recommendations

Its constant involvement in the solving in major health issues around the world

Its independence as regard scientific work

Excellent capacity in terms of advocacy with the government

Updating of recent scientific discoveries

Technical support to governments through Ministries for Health

Its perseverance

Availability and ability to listen to people

Professionalism and credibility. Although I must emphasize that the WHO when publishes information of

the countries should first get to know the countries so that they can opine on such information.

Technical capability of high-level advice.

Their readiness to accede to requests from governments in situations emergency

its support to nations

normative guidance

Support for child health/survival in mitigating and preventing epidemics(vaccine preventable diseases)

Technical and financial assistance. WHO is a mother to cry to in hard times

Technical guidance

Technical Support

Technical support and guidance

The technical assistance as well as the policy guidance that the organisation provides

The technical support of WHO is very good. However, the operational issues including finance and Admin

and HR are at its infancy stage. GSM has really unnecessarily affected the smooth operation of the

organization. It is viewed as the most bureaucratic organization in Ethiopia.

All weather presence in needy countries in supporting health programmes at country level

Its attempt to secure sustainable health in developing countries

Knowledge and technical support


Provision of technical expertise and support to national governments on public health matters including

health systems strengthening

(i)Mobilize experts (ii) Resource allocation - financial and material (iii)Capacity building of health care

providers (iv) Guidelines and standards (v) Mobilizing communities during campaigns (vi) Advice countries

on issues of health (vii) Health Information

Information Dissemination / Sharing, Technical Assistance and Resource Mobilization

consultative, fair and inclusive

Its leadership and technical support concerning health issues.

The approach to deal with globe health threats and giving guidance to state parties

providing guidelines and the fact that they refuse to be called donors

As a credible organization with highly technically skilled staff

convening experts focused on critical PH issues

I value most its research contribution in health. It should closely collaborate with higher training


Its Research

Technical knowledge

technical reference (some subjects/expertise)


Technical expertise

Consultation and encouraging evidence based research and implementation.

research on health development and health data management

Independence Technical expertise Coordination

Global and country staff; work with national governments; WHO is less able to work on prequalification,

new vaccine development, need to focus on core strengths

pool of expertise &coordinator role

The leadership in influencing global and national health policies; technical resources

Access to authoritative clinical information

Access to guidelines, standards


information on global health issues

One is able to get almost everything one needs to know on various aspects of health in different parts of

the world

reliable and accurate information

WHO is good at making available useful information for planning purposes and general knowledge

WHO website provides a lot of very good information to developing countries on technical information on

management of key diseases particularly in relation to developing country settings.

being a relatively credible and neutral source of health information; it also promotes attention to

neglected, tropical diseases

It informs all countries about different diseases and influences these countries to take action through



Ability to convene stakeholders and chart policy and implementation direction

Cross-border contagious disease warning

Health Standards and Recommendations

I value WHO ability to compliment and work with national governments in the execution of health


Its leadership role in setting standards on global health issues in general.

Its power to influence and be recognized by national governments

Professional collaboration on health issues.

Promotion of norms and standards in Public Health

Setting norms and standards; and providing policy guidance to countries to help pursue them

Standards and guidelines

sustainable programs

Timely interventions

WHO has the potential to strongly influence the global public health and have governments of member

states held responsible for the wellbeing of the people of their nations. WHO won't be able to do this

though if they continue to play diplomacy and not hold member states accountable for the quality of

health if the people.

WHO leadership role in developing norms and standards e.g. WHO pre-qualification; and addressing

systemic failure e.g CEWG report on R&D convention

WHO manages to supervise global health matters

Its country presence and effective engagement with national counterparts

Its rapidly growing interest and involvement on "health and environment" issues, especially its role in the

implementation of the Libreville Declaration on Health and Environment.

Openly available technically sound norms and standards that WHO makes available in most cases.

To be more powerful and equipped every time.

WHO's position of influence globally and at country level, however, this opportunity is not always fully

exploited particularly in strong and meaningful engagement with government.

fairly good organization but needs to do more


Its work on public health

To be concerned about issues affecting developing countries more especially African countries


Addresses to country specific problems

Availability of human resource for capacity building of individuals/institutions/organizations on diversified

health topics

availability to help, move resources

Ensuring policy and technical guidance to countries

Essential Medicine Program

Its reliability in technical assistance

One of the Best Health partner throughout the world by providing facilities and technical support for

emergencies and sustainable development in health sector.

Providing basic health care where its most needed in emergencies.


Supply of laboratory kits for HIV/AIDs

support the training of health professionals and thus create master trainers

Technical support and Policy advice to countries

technical assistance

the technical assistance that they give the health professionals such as capacity building and human


Their creative plan of work worldwide, and also slow in their plans especially to some under developed

African countries.

Their investment in human capital all over the world

To me I think WHO technical support in waste areas in the field of health to different organizations is most


Being the world health organization, is a technical support for local and international NGOs. I appreciate

most of its work in terms of emergencies including outbreaks as well as donations of essential medical

supplies to local health partners who experience shortages

need to be flexible from area to area in payments and time lines

technical assistance to the MoPH

The WHO guidance is very important for national and international health organization because it has

decades experiences in all section of health.

its global reach, research in medicines and assistance in emergency situations.

WHO should be well coordinated with other donor communities and play its technical consultancy role to

ensure the quality of services are provided to needy people and be away from any political affairs and try

to build the national capacity instead of recruiting very expensive international expertise and very

transparent ways and procurement to staff to be open to all and avoid the internal relocation and give

100% opportunity to their own staff

WHO is an appreciable organization in health and research and in polio eradication especially in

Afghanistan. I appreciate WHO work in Afghanistan to my personal view.

timely updates and communications and building the capacity of Somali Local NGO,s and partnering with


WHO is one of the Organization in the World well know by every country and community. Every one trust

WHO and they respect the WHO policy, strategies and Guidance. WHO is only first organization for taking

of leadership and Health Prevention and Promotion. WHO should not lose the time for initiative and

immediate response for Control of Diseases and its prevention, meanwhile improvement and

sustainability of Health Program. WHO leadership and Support Always needed and trusted.

I believe that WHO is the best Organization and supports to the Somalia Communities through local

Organizations or other institutions in Somalia

Its timely response to human needs and the relevance of its intervention

the support and leadership in health sector globally

health cluster coordination in any humanitarian situation

It is a leaning university, but need having very professional attitude community.

Pool of technical experts

technical expertise and knowledge

Technical knowledge and skills

Technical resources

Technical experts

public health programs and the essential medicine

Technical, information and research support to partner governments and partners on the ground

The knowledge which provide on communicable diseases

Expertise and credibility

expertise and privileged relationship with Ministry of Health

The universal acceptability as lead technical organization

Most of the time when I need any information on health related issues, WHO is the first place to visit and

obtain necessary information with trust. In this regard, I really appreciate its information dissemination

and frequently-updated data. It would be better if its information sharing can be more user-friendly for

the elders and differently-abled who may need the most. Thank you very much for giving me such a

survey opportunity.

The international independent forum to raise and address public health issues

The reliability of information

They listen well and able to provide efficient feedback to requests from donors rapidly

Health information ,statistics, standards, ( to provide updates information about Afghanistan is my


The statistics it publishes

A widely accepted platform for leadership and information regarding global and local public health issues

WHO is always been there in emergencies and then recovery, especially in earth quake, floods, man-made

crises here. WHO is always leading the Health cluster at provincial and national level with best and

coordinates with all partners very well. WHO always give us valuable information. Thanks to WHO.

Commitment to improve the health condition of poor and underserved


If WHO communicate people's right to health it would enhance its prestige

neutrality and non-confessional

WHO HQ seems to have very high level, well qualified staff which lends it credibility but most of their field

staff do not have the same level of credibility or professionalism

WHO should maximize its efforts to gain more trust and be more credible among its partners and


Its global effort to ensure delivering health services to underprivileged people

Long term existing in tackling health problems

I believe WHO all activities will help us but, WHO has some problems in our country regarding the hiring

some foreigners staff who are looking for political issues among our country and their own country.

WHO is the most reputable Organization in the world but in Balochistan (Pakistan) it is monopolized on

ethnic basis due to the reason all the programs run by WHO are ineffective & fake. The example is Weak

Anti Polio initiative, Fake DEWS reporting, Fake Polio Surveillance etc.

WHO is well reputed organization and play important role to save lives.

It is the only Global Normative Body in Health but sadly lack of funds and questionable leadership has led

to WHO frequently "following the money" and donor agencies who have their own agendas

Being lead in health, we value most about WHO. It should have a leadership role in health globally

Evidence Based, global experience and "one for all & all for one" Concept

It has good access to governmental and decision makers.

It is international organization which is working for the health system improvements and for the people’s


it's cooperation with FAO in food safety

Its leadership in global health, support to national authorities and response to health crises, especially in


Its leadership position in setting evidence-based standards and guidelines



Providing leadership in technical aspects of the Health Sector

Still well placed to deliver and influence, but increasingly, wasting the opportunity.

Team work, coordination & dedication

Their role in strengthen drug regulatory authorities

Trustworthy in setting health standards and predicting/responding to the global hazards, but need to

more active.

WHO coordinate effectively the partner organization

WHO indeed is the response of the time needed

WHO is the Health Cluster Lead at Provincial, Regional or Country Level appropriately communicating with

all stakeholders including community, NGOs, UN agencies and MoPH. WHO oversee the activities at

community level like NID, outbreak investigation, response and communication. It also develops the

capacity building of the health workers, helps the MOPH in designing the public health policy.

WHO presence at global level and guiding global health towards advancement while tackling each

country’s problems to find solutions

WHO to be part of Ministry of health at country level

WHO's capacity to lead & guide health stakeholders & to bring positive change as Health Cluster lead

throughout country & its ability to generate funds by convincing donors which has sadly considerably

declined during last 6-7 months.

It is an international organization which brings all countries together and unifies health policies to all over

the world.

as a platform for joint efforts on international level for improving health of people

health and nutrition related strategies; interpretation framework for nutrition

I value its constant position against universal health care, primary healthcare and its approach to work

with the most vulnerable groups of the society.

Its leadership role is threatened by lack of institutional funds and over-reliance on private sector

Outbreak management and setting standards

potential to make health rights a reality for many people

Regional and worldwide operation


excellent organization


it is useful for Afghanistan’s health sector

it is very important un organization

it is very professional to run endless meeting

Their name

Excellent Agency

moderate high

WHO activities are of outmost importance

WHO is performing well these days in Pakistan as law and order situation is worst.

Technical support to Member States

The oldest organisation which has been very successful in the past on primary healthcare and fight against

malaria for instance

Its neutrality

Its existence

Its role of coordination and harmonisation between countries

Reporting on health situation worldwide

Support and assistance to countries

Its role in the improvement of vulnerable populations' health worldwide

Progress and positive outcomes achieved

To make people from different countries work together in regional and interregional meetings

Studies on epidemiological trends, health threats and appropriate vigilance systems

To be nevertheless THE main forum for discussing public health challenges, especially in developing

countries, and its role of standard-setter

Its existence as a development tool for public health

Its management of health crisis

The essential global network but collaborating centres should be better listened to

Its interventions in cases of crisis and disaster; work in the field

Expertise sharing and knowledge transfer

Its transparency

Global experience

Recognition of skills, collective work and availability for any technical support

Expertise capitalising at the global level

Kindness of its national staff

Logistical support

Good health for everyone, and making vaccines available to everyone without discrimination

Permanent readiness as regards technical and technological support, and constant cooperation to enable

Iraq to raise standards in the field of public health

Endeavours to monitor diseases linked to communities in countries having a highly developed economy


Treatment, and the awareness that health as a concept can only be complete unless it is both physical and

social, without any necessary part being removed

Dissemination, among the nations of the earth, of knowledge concerning infectious diseases, the method

of treating them, the method of sending information about them to the World Health Organization, and

the technique of continuing with advanced technologies, employing them and making them available to

the world’s doctors, especially in countries which are poor or in which there is a high percentage of

ignorance and illiteracy

Assisting countries to develop their medical organization, especially as regards sensible government

The importance of the World Health Organization consists in the fact that it is the competent

technological and scientific authority in all matters relating to health and that it is able to provide all the

requirements for putting the appropriate medical programmes into effect.

Providing various types of technical and medical support for medical projects, and I hope that it will be

possible to draw up plans by which the training curricula in higher education can be directed in such a way

as to suit the medical reality


Its role of standard-setter

heavy work in poverty area of the World

Provide technical assistance to solve many public health problems in our country.

communication and advisory activities

information and action

Collecting evidence; systematizing global health data; developing guidance (in selected areas)

Health as a most important value - giving advices, recommendations, sharing experiences and this way

has influence to national governments´ health programs and health of the people generally

Connection with research and reacting rapidly towards emerging issues in public health

Evidence based expertise.

Goodwill among experts outside WHO to contribute to WHO work

Objectivity and professionalism of information

Technical Expertise

technical expertise and updates

Technical knowledge

The field offices are the front line operators (the heart and soul) of WHO, and the best people should

always be maintained there.

trusted, reliable health expert long-term

WHO expertise

Some people working in WHO

expertise, information dissemination

Touching of the main health problems, availability of extensive and evidence based materials to different

health issues

great traditions, accumulated expertise in knowledge, databases and people - experts and contacts "on

the ground", leadership in capacity and excellence building, public health activities, omnipresence and

structures throughout the world, fair representation of national and value backgrounds/aspects

Abundance of evidence-based information.

contact for international information

The WHO provides a lot of valuable information on various actual health issues for free.

best practice, activities goals, health statistics, especially in alcohol and tobacco control


High credibility


political independence

organizational culture

ambassador for progress in health and healthcare

Authority, independence, political correctness

determines the priority directions in the field of health, but also affects other areas (policy for persons

with disabilities, seniors, LTC), inspiration for national governments

Good cooperation at the national level - Slovakia

I would value the promotion of principles, tools and conventions, created by WHO at country level, but in

fact WHO in Russia takes the apprehensive position by aligning with local government position on HIV

prevention among IDUs (methadone prohibited, harm reduction is almost prohibited, whereas these are

WHO confirmed practices)

Its capacity to work with governments and promote issues on the public agenda

its commitment to settling the status of health-related issues globally

It's global nature

Rational Decision Making

Resources available, good communication with WHO representatives

Standard setting

There is a need of leader of Global health im times of crisis and a torch to show the way to the future

WHO made tremendous efforts in combating major health risks of the world population. But problems of

21st century require new look, new spirit, new policies.

Setting of standards and common language when it comes to health issues

WHO is uniquely placed to access decision makers and set the policy agenda in several countries. In most

situations, it uses this ability fairly well.

Its broad mandate (topics and geographical areas)

7 points

objectivity, pro-poor, evidenced based

Well-balanced position in many cases

its past



technical assistance

presence in the country

quick reaction to changing situations

strong commitment to people's health; professionalism; able to achieve results

cooperation, information, accessibility

pro-active approach, a transparent organization

Supports national governments in implementing new healthcare concepts and strategies; puts emphasis

on disease prevention and helps countries integrate this principle in their strategies ; steers financial

resources into disease prevention programmes


High expertise in situation assessment

in-depth analyses translated into Russian



accurate research and action programmes

systems approach





High expertise in planning the strategy for HIV and tuberculosis, impartiality

exhibits highest level of expertise, an internationally acclaimed organization

collection and dissemination of evidence-based and up-to-date information

Dissemination of information and disease control

Enables unification and standardization; provides access to diverse information on people's health

a trustworthy organization

WHO staff are trustworthy and strongly committed



Transparent and inclusive organization aiming to protect people's health in general and that of elderly

people in particular. Thank you!


Fosters cooperation based on the principle of inclusivity. WHO issues recommendations, not sanctions.

Strong political leadership, good management, clear hierarchy

gives an opportunity to cooperate and pool resources to address global health threats

creates and integrates universal standards, definitions etc.



access to information from various regions to guide actions in the city in which I work

The macro view of all countries, big and recent efforts to improve statistics

Comprehensive and dynamic view of public health problems worldwide.

Leadership in promoting health and quality of life of people

Its multilateral and inclusive character.

The support given to the collaborators centers to solve the problems of the country

Being scientific and reliable

New Drugs Code

Its expertise

Its team of Consultants and their willingness to always cooperate in case of national sanitary problems

It is a supra governmental organisation and therefore it establishes certain universal rules

Its willingness active participation in the management of health as well as its leadership in intersectoral


The technical support and work alliances

Its reliability and opportuneness of its actions

Its commitment and presence in national emergencies

The quality of the information they work with and its scientific evidence

Health reports

Commitment and Responsibility

Its opinion in always valid when it comes to public health

Its efforts to improve public policy and health care assistance to population

Keep health on the agenda during any type of crisis

Inter institutional communication mechanisms, homogeneous processes

The opportuneness of the information provided

Its presence and availability to answer technical questions and support health initiatives of countries.

Technical support to governments in difficult situations

Human Rights Approach. Influence in health policy. Health statistics.

Technical expertise in the area of international public health and the analysis of health data the at

country, regional and global level.

The way it tackles health problems and the proper orientation towards difficulties

Reliability of the information it provides

technical support in purchasing drugs

Budget allocation on national UN Volunteers. Quality and quantity of the communication materials

produced both at national and regional levels.

Its information

The technical and normative base used for monitoring and promoting infant feeding and growth.

Being part of the United Nations System

Provision of technical support to the institutions

Its commitment, impartiality, the quality of its support and its professionals

Coverage, I think it is necessary to improve the relationship with governments

The provision of policies to be followed in relation to health and its support provided to governments in

this area

The support through the evidence-based publications, which are valuable tools for decision-makers in

countries that have important public health problems. I wish the national offices which have

representation in Guatemala, would offer permanent and regular assistance and technical support in

many areas of work which are on the daily agenda of MSPAS (Ministry of Public Health and Social

Assistance, Guatemala).

Its permanent concern over research and control of pandemic diseases for its adequate management

Its technical capacity

Its global representation, connecting governments and societies

Its global presence and its serious analysis of different public health problems

Its presence, leadership, respect and technical consistency

Its presence in public health debates, human rights, health equity and its fundaments

It promotes de execution of work actions addressed at promoting the development of its member’s

capacities at local level.

Its unconditional support to countries when they need it the most

Its reliability

The generation for exchange of experiences, continental organization to help overcome regional health


Its contribution to the improvement of countries’ health

The technical and financial support provided in a professional and timely manner.

Its scientific level and the reliability of its publications, its people, its professionalism

The technical assistance offered to countries for the development of their capacities

Technical support to countries and local health organizations as well as international empowerment and

training of technicians.

Its perseverance in the publication of health programs

In my case it would be the OPS/OMS, and it is the agility in responding to technical cooperation requests

That it is present across the world with its actions and that it collects information and global and local

level, that it shares this information which serves as a reliable reference to be used in writing and

justifying a task statistically, academically, for governmental decision-making, and in the private well as

social enterprises as.

Its technical capacity

The overall look of health problems, which places it in a unique position compared to other organizations.

The provision of updated information which is helpful to prevent future health challenges

The way it responds when a country need it

Its availability to support anywhere in the world, its professionalism

Its contributions with documents and strategies

Its regular technical and financial support

Its leadership in the health sector

It helps to orienting national health policies in a justified way

Its compromise in promoting the cooperation among the international community, national governments,

NGOs, universities, community groups and others to strengthen national and local health.

Its concern towards the neediest populations’ access to basic health services

Technical advice

It offers timely information

It seeks for the perfect physic, physical and social welfare state of the people

Its experience

Its technical capacity and support to countries

Its leadership in the health sector

Its monitoring of health-related issues

Its commitment acquired with its partners and associates to collaborate on projects necessary for the

health development in the required regions.

The reports of the expert groups, though not always timely

Its ability to technically address priority health while making them accessible for countries

Currently, its representation in my country

Its credibility and respect

International leadership

Its collaboration, sometimes

Its commitment to adapt to changing times

Its position of defending the right to health without delegating it to a second level after the market

It allows focusing the efforts on health of any person as a part of the humanity, with no distinction

Its timely communication regarding prevalent diseases and incidents

Its presence

Its concern about healthcare equity

Its ability to dictate policies, although this capacity is being replaced by the World Bank

Annual reports about equitable health policies

Its scientific opinions, which allow to improve and to endorse the progress of medical guidelines

If it becomes independent it can be very useful

The WHO loses its value as it is too dependent on the health Ministry

Its leadership in strengthening institutional capacity of health systems worldwide through the generation

of scientific and practical knowledge on of Public Health

Health statistics Update

WHO must provide countries with drugs free of charge for diseases like leprosy

WHO has a very helpful website and good publications and supports well in technical issues regarding

public health/ a multisectoral approach though is also essential as social determinants are essential parts

in health

Its technical and scientific capacity to evaluate and propose health policies

Technical knowhow

The way they try to prevent illnesses and diseases

Research and data to guide policy making at national levels

Dissemination of information and monitoring of important health indicators

I'm glad that there is a global organisation to address for information on all diseases in the world. And that

they work pro-actively at prevention of different diseases.


statistics, protocols,

I value their leadership in combatting the various diseases.

Leadership in health issues

The international organization and cooperation. Global level issues being addressed

The role it is SUPPOSED to play: Member State-driven

The efforts to solve global health issues.

Trying to sustain its position in a myriad of health challenges

global concern about health conditions


Providing the required technical support to governments on key challenges within the health sector

Somehow (so far) could provide a lot of tremendous activity to support health particularly in the field of

infectious disease.

Very valuable especially for developing country

Who support technical assistance and budget to innovative programmes

WHO is providing guidance and technical support whenever we required

the guidance and providing technical expertise in the areas most needed

WHO belongs to all countries members of UN, your present is significant, and is expected to bring

resources (new approaches and technologies, new vaccines, better management) to tackle/eradicate

some issues of health problems in some countries. It is greatly appreciated. However, you should also

create/increase the capacity building of local staff (through training and sharing knowledge and

expertise) be more independent.

Voluntary involvement, decision making power

WHO gave technical standard and technical assistance for our program

Experience working in country therefore has good understanding on country system, culture and


Technical Expertise

Technical expertise in public health

Technically sound

Breadth of perspective


as health technical organization that we can always refer to

The contribution made by WHO to Sri Lanka is technologically appropriate, timely & very valuable

knowledge sharing, building the interconnection among experts

Sound evidence based technical information. Cross fertilization of international experience. Weather

Station role in Disease Surveillance. Pioneering role as in Health Promotion and Tobacco Control

technical leadership in providing evidence-based policy


Technical information

dissemination of information

updated publication at research to world wide

Information dissemination about epidemics and getting national governments to act.

Accountability of staff, especially national ones


Important, Trusted


One of the credible NGO in the world.

should be independent and trustable

WHO has already created a name and a brand for itself as the premier global institution on health. It has

to try to sustain its credibility and this global name.

Health for ALL

A credible organization to work for public health globally.

Bringing international best practices to country governments

Bringing world best practices to local

Connecting all health aspects from local to global and work on visible manner with local governments

International perspective taking the interests of the developing countries in consideration.

It has a global impact and focused on health to lead healthy life.

Its normative work (standard setting in the area of health)

Its role in promoting health as a critical public good and brining excellent capacity to help national

governments to deliver

Its role in setting standards and protocols.

Its status as the leader in health policy, norms and standards and its ability to influence national


Lead Agency on Health issues

Making standard of health indicator

Setting norms and standards

That WHO's stamp of approval for drugs, protocols, vaccines etc. is accepted by national governments

The guidance to working particularly in limited setting area

WHO is very concerned with public health in the world, so that the role of WHO should be needs to be

increased respect to the era globalization

working with the Government

would be good if WHO spear heads the international health issues with the same tenacity at the country

level: the global advocacy and technical capacity of WHO is of value to health partners but the same value

is not obvious at the country level and same level of cooperation is not evident at the country level.

As a leader in health policy mostly for developing countries.

Health Standards and Recommendations

global presence

Influence of industry and private sector seems to be unavoidable. WHO should maintain a balance in its

permanent or ad hoc advisory committee (expert panels). Pros and cons should be involved.

The global health situation and leadership to improve equality of health service access

Its global, regional and country level offices that allow WHO to have access as needed.

People at HQ. Not country based staff.

WHO has a good even best global network but declining capacity in many countries to link with this



Brand and technical support

Guidance on technical issues

technical support

technical support

high welfare

WHO significantly contributed to maintenance of health, and helped improve public health infrastructure

in member states. Particularly in the public health discipline, WHO attained high achievement on

increasing life expectancy and controlling tobacco consumption

Health crisis management, help developing countries to establish public health system and set guidelines

Researches on health-related policies and guidance on policy making, setting standards for health systems


technical expertise in health related fields

Perceptiveness in the technical discipline

Judgements on development of public health and epidemic status, and recommendations on measures

that should be taken. WHO is equipped with wide range of expertise and resources, hence is able to make

independent judgements and recommendations

influence under the international setting and technical expertise

authoritativeness on technical expertise

authoritativeness on technical expertise

providing information about public health in timely manner

information on technical issues

providing information and sharing experiences

Taking the leading role on health-related issues; compile and facilitate exchange of information and

knowledge; promote health and well-being, disease prevention and control guidelines, and health equality

Authority and fairness on setting health policies and standards

Authority, balance, sustainability and integrity in the field of international public health


Whether or not WHO can accomplish the objective of improving the health level of people

Monitoring issues on public health and individual health


coordination and leadership under the international setting

authoritativeness in the international setting

build confidence in international public health issues

authoritativeness in the field of public health

influence on the health policies of different states

Be the leader in solving issues on international public health

An international NGO which always gets ready to help their members states in different aspect such as

health development.

Effective support to states and health institutions

Feasible solutions for developing countries

professional, community outreach

Technical assistance to member country.

Technical support

Technical support

technical support and health policy orientation

Technical supports (experience experts, most important technical medical equipment, most updated

medical information, funding advocacy)

Honestly. The few countries I have worked in, WHO has lacked the technical leadership and vision to

deliver quality technical assistance.

Technical support, update guidelines, reference, information on health

Its provision of critical health information and provision of technical support to Government on

improvement of the national health system.

Advisory role on transfusion safety. Documents (guidelines, aide memoir and fact sheets and etc. are very

valuable and useful for references)

sets policy making as a priority and gives technical and financial support

The last resort for health when there is no actors acting on a health issue


High technical level of WHO staff

Provide technical expertise, only if the qualified national and international advisors are put in place.

Technical expertise

well organized

Public Health and supporting technical expert for laboratory

Learn International experience

technical capacity, independence and network

Credible authority as technical expertise based on the network of word wide experts.

Reliable data

Source of recent information about matters on health and humanitarian globally.

Technical guideline

Their genuine concern to enhance health education

WHO is an very important organization of the world in protection and health promotion of people

Health information and Monitoring

Setting norms and standards, public information and alerts

That it is the forum for the member states to have an ongoing discussion about global health issues, that it

is the organization that can truly lead global efforts to improve health.



The humanity

independence, ability to coordinate, impartial and need to decrease transaction coats for MoHs

Ability to work/liaise readily with national governments

Enhancing public health around the world and raising awareness of the health related policies

global leadership for health

global reach

international health norms

Its capacity to influence national government's decision due to perceived objectivity with regards to data.

its responsiveness to emerging international health issues

its standards setting mandate and ability

Its success in eradicating killer diseases, such as smallpox.

Public health policies

Shaping and influencing policy and as a source of authority

Technical stamp of approval

The capacity it has to have great leader (i.e. Brundtland, Mahler) who are consistent in their views and

direction for WHO

Its unique position as the leading global organization focused on health with unparalleled access to

national resources in times of need.

Leader in healthcare worldwide

Stakeholders engagement in policy development





What do you value most about WHO? (This question is optional)

Support to National Governments

That plays a very important role in the pursuing of accessing health for all

WHO in Papua New Guinea is doing a great work, supporting the National Health Department in

addressing and meeting health issues and concerns.

The prompt response to outbreak.

The Regional Office in the Americas (AMR) in my opinion is one of the only organizations that unifies

the Americas. That role I value the most.

Ability to work with ministries of health on technical and policy issues

respect for maintaining high quality technical assistance for better health for all

Assisting government always when required

Support to national health programs with dedication.

That it tries to assist all of those in a health crisis in any country.

Its support in Nigeria National programme on Immunisation against Polio

When they deliver basic health to the community

To be able represent and articulate the needs and demands of countries to strengthen health

program and health service delivery towards health for all.

the care and support given to national department by WHO

WHO's dedication in providing technical support to Member States to improve the lives of the



I really value WHO on its successes and output on PEI and tackling the vaccine preventable diseases


Country presence

its support and guidance to countries, especially the non-developed ones

country-level access

Our close relationship with ministries of health, which no other institution has, but we are still

lagging behind on what we can do best at country level.

Supporting organization

In the midst of health crisis or when important health policy advice is needed, WHO is the one that

governments/people turn to and depend on

Public Health Systems Support

health for all USP

Saving lives

Must do technical support for medical assistance, only for necessities needs of public health.

efforts against malaria

improve health in developing world

It's capacity to support Ministries of Health.

Provides technical support in countries with very little or no capacity

Provide technical support to the countries level

Support Health Factors

Vital but under-estimated

Its role in supporting health interventions in poor/developing countries

The medical assistance deployed to people worldwide

WHO gives effort in strengthening the institutional capacity of MoH at the country level

It is WHO technical support to national governments.

Practical work in the field

Providing the technical support and advice to Governments to improve their health systems and

responding to health emergencies

An institution with enough " grey hair" to provide fair and impartial advice and assistance to low and


WHO advice is good when honest

The ability to give impartial independent evidence-informed technical advice to Member States.

Willingness to help needy sectors

I have seen young technicians having dialogs with indigenous leaders and training them to carry out

medical services. Gaining the confidence of the most disadvantaged populations is not an easy task.

We should support these initiatives with more flexible and efficient bureaucratic services. I think

we're losing the way in the bureaucratic morass.

The fight against diseases, to extend life and promote the health of all nations

Research and control of diseases.

Its interest in helping its member countries improve the health of their populations.

Its support of countries directly or indirectly to the development of policies and monitoring activities

The capacity of reaction to any circumstance

Its tireless ability to work with governments to achieve the highest level of adequate health for the

world population

The support and capacity building provided to governments

Its work to improve the health of the vulnerable populations

Its presence in the countries

The fact that all its members are looking to improve the health of many people in the world. I value

the opportunity that WHO gives to young doctors around the world to work into the improvement of

health. I also value the fact that they allowed many development countries to join WHO and bring

their critical health matters to the world attention.

The professional expertise


Staff welfare

The objective and technical advice it provides (which hopefully is relevant as well).

Expert International Human Resources

WHO's technical expertise in the field of health.

The ability to meet set goals.

The technical expertise in health

High sense of professionalism and drive for accurate information/ data

independent and evidence-based expertise

Very knowledgeable and skilled staff, however very much disappointment about carrier

developments and appreciation of work. The whole UN system is very heavy and


Dedicated and expert staff

Health expertise of staff and passion for communicating public health risks and advocating health for


Its technical knowledge

Expertise and professionalism

The technical know how

Technical Expertise on Matters critical to health and the role of being a neutral brokers on health


Its Unbiased Technical Expert Advices

I value the unique health institutional expertise and the rich experiential memory that only WHO has

and the timely technical advice and support extended to Governments in times of international

emergencies and health crisis and, therefore, using its unique position in health leadership, WHO

must make utmost efforts and measures to take the centre stage immediately following an

international health crisis or emergency to continue to lead governments across the globe.

knowledge on health issues

Close relationship and guidance/technical assistance provided to national governments

its emphasis on technical accuracy

Effective deliveries of working capacity of the organization.

technical advice and health policy development

It is still an Organization for technical support and expertise to health sector development in many

countries. Some countries, like failed states, need WHO for guidance and leadership.

High level of knowledge

technical knowledge of staff's , however, it is decreasing due to political interference and

management style

Human Resources

Technical expertise

Its ability to provide timely, high level technical expertise and policy advice to countries through

WHO staff, consultants and temporary advisors.

Expertise, credibility

Technical capacity

Staff who work to deliver expected results

A valuable technical organization to assist country member to improve health status

WHO may no longer be the sole leader in health related issues but surely has the best technical


technical advices, consulting governments

The impartial technical expertise in all aspects of human health. This is hard to sell and turn into

funds though.

Technicality and professionalism.

technical expertise in health matters

The hard work of its international expertise

The quality control measures that WHO ensures for drugs/vaccines, the statistical health data

provided by WHO

Its constancy in monitoring health issues

It's technical input on health matters

Technical expertise

high intelligent, has the power to improve

Its capacity to provide evidence based guidelines on almost all health issues and focus on equity and

universal access

The reliable, independent, neutral position to provide continuous and progressive technical support

at global, regional and country level at Health and disease control area.

Use of GRADE system that uses evidence to set the global norms and standards of health which are


Technical capability

Technical Expertise

Ability to mobilize technical resources faster

The people serving for WHO, especially the workers below (not the people at the top)

Professional and Diplomatic

Provision of evidence based technical support

staff committed to improving global health


Technical support

The quality of its staff

Its technical expertise in the health arena, its brokerage and advocacy role among a variety of health


Technical Guidance

Technical capabilities of the staff

Technical capacity

Its Technical Leadership, and on time data on public health matters

involvement of the best expertise available

Technical support and Neutral advices

The technical staff that are really devoted to work on their specific subject of expertise

Expertise and Equitable access to health care

Expertise of professional staff

The fact that top global experts come together and issue evidence-based recommendations that are

followed around the world.

Evidence based

Scientific knowledge

Gathering evidence and formulate independent policies and guidelines relating to technical


The way WHO deals with discovering diseases and how to treat them

The incredible knowledge and experience from the field of many of its P staff, and the generous

salary that all staff are paid!

capacity to monitor and communicate global health statistics and using them to promote global


Staff Training

Its technical capacity

High quality technical expertise and rich global health knowledge and information custodian

evidence based approach

Good Technical Staff

Emphasis on science and evidence as the basis for developing policies

being low profile and practical

Significant proportion of technical units have an impact at country level

Availability of technical/medical information for all public for free

Technical knowledge and information dissemination to improve health status of people

Diversity in staff competence

WHO as the one and only UN agency specialized in health

Technical expertise in international health

Continuous advice in health related matters

The people who do the work for improving health with their full passion towards the overall

wellbeing of mankind!!!

Technical support to country

Its technical people - but management is killing the organization

The dedication of its staff to upholding the mandate of the Organization.

Its technical expertise and the network of consultation

Access to global expertise

Availability of technical advice through solid publications

WHO being a knowledge-based organization.

its reliability and factual.


The capacity to provide technical guidance on important health issues

Its technical expertise on public health matters

Technical expertise and global leadership

high-level professional standards

In providing technical expertise on health issues

The staff

Used to be technical expertise, but this has been effectively destroyed.

Time and Work

Its staff

Profound justification of all recommendations and actions taken

Professionalism, expertise, technical capacity, colleagues and professional network

Evidence based culture

WHO capacity strength for both Professionals and non-professional supportive staff.

I value WHO of its excellent job all over the World.

The quality of its staff

variety expertise in technical fields

Neutrality; technical expertise

The field experience of WHO

Technical support offered to countries

Technical expertise and leadership in health

WHO works silently but effectively.

technical expertise

some of its staff

Continuous learning and evidence-based researches and technical advise

There are some fabulous people

Technical expertise

the quality of the technical experts we regularly work with inside and outside of WHO and the work

in the countries and with the MOH

Their team of experts and the way they work.

The dedication of many of its staff


Its technical nature; technical work is the kind of work WHO does best. It’s often criticized though as

its true role isn’t clear to many people especially when compared to UNICEF, UNFPA, etc. WHO’s

strength lies in its technical work, staff and assistance. And this is what needs to be known about

WHO to eliminate false expectancies.

Technical expertise and country presence

The Organization's technical expertise and its dedication in providing leadership and guidance to

national governments and health sector partners is highly valued

Technical expertise

The staff

Its technical contribution by providing technical/evidence-based comments

technical excellent and its network

Technical expertise

Good members of staff

knowledge about the world health

WHO's global convening power and reputation for outstanding technical expertise (but this 2nd area

is being lost)

technical expertise

The dedication of the staff even under very stressful working conditions.

technical expertise and member states trust

Staff competency/dedication

expertise and authority

Technical expertise.

Technical Support

wide network of experts

The ability to provide appropriate evidence-based technical support to member states

Technical Guidance

Its technical soundness

Good People

Experience and expertise

The technical expertise.

Combined expertise from different parts of the World.

Best in addressing public health technically

There are some very dedicated people doing the hard work in the field. They have my admiration.

It's organizational setup. The hierarchy and protocol that bring with them the spirit of seriousness,

responsibility and accountability towards member states.

Technical expertise in health to promote health for all globally and act locally to strengthen the

national government's capacity.


experts / consultants from all over the world

Technical support to developing countries

setting evidenced based norms and standards for resource- limited settings

the commitment of staff wanting to make a difference (at least those not yet institutionalised) even

when frustrated by the 'system'

Knowledge and Information in public health areas

Technical expertise

The work done by the technical and support staff in promoting our Goals.

Wide scope of services and expertise

Technical competency and recognition by Member States

Operational Structure

The country staff

The technical level of its staff. Frequent exchange of knowledge between its staff at various levels of

the organization.

Technical organization

Its professionalism

They are always ready to give their technical advice whenever needed.

Technical expertise of its staff

The governance structure (World Health Assembly)

Its staff

the technical support it provides to developing countries

Good technical reports on Health matters

technically solid and committed P and G staff who in spite of continuously deteriorating environment

still deliver

its competent and dedicated staff

The knowledge of its staff, the flexibility and innovation in creating projects and the commitment of

many of us

The persons working in it

Competent professional staff

The good people who work for the organization, often without any appreciation of their commitment

and sacrifices that they make.

Its knowledge base.

The staff

Its experience in managing public health policies and its strategic plans

Its expertise, impartiality and the ability to have a direct dialogue with governments in order to

influence public health policies.

Its ability to review things that are held for long periods without getting better results. The problem

is that those changes are slow.

Its high quality and expertise

Regulation in areas of importance for the public health based on evidence

That it cares about staying updated about on all health topics and affairs

Its technical capacity

Its technical excellence

The adoption of eHealth and Knowledge Management

Its fixed capacity (experts, strategic orientations)

Its employees

Knowledge production useful worldwide

Its capacity to give relevant pieces of advice to countries and to quickly intervene in case of


Gathering best experts at global level to elaborate health policies. Organise inter-countries to share


Its scientific expertise and its transparency

Its know-how and the privileged relationship with ministries for health

The WHO network of expertise

The way it works et does research in the field on health

Its technical expertise and leadership in the field of health

The quality of most of its experts, of its guidelines but also the opportunity given to the staff to really

participate in and to contribute to our countries' development in the field of health and the devotion

and self-abnegation of its staff which fulfil an important mission

Information sharing transparently health systems of all member countries

Information sharing

The credibility and authority accorded to WHO’s information and activities by most Member States

The reliability of information.

Global or regional picture of health trends; sharing information across countries.

Information is supported by facts and WHO covers the whole world.

Health statistics and trends and prevention interventions

The accuracy of the technical information

Being able to provide evidence based information after careful research findings

Objectivity of scientific findings

Source of information on one of the most comprehensive range of health issues worldwide

Perceived as an objective source of knowledge.

The continuous effort of WHO to disseminate health information globally

Its positioning in collecting information and sharing it among stakeholders

Evidence based information

Sharing information, Technical Support

Giving Credible information

Effective information to guide the global health policies and health emergencies.

communicating information and stories that make a difference

Able to access relevant documents with good strategies

Reliable advice about health issues

Its ability to deliver info on public health issues in an impartial manner.

you can always refer

Accuracy of information

Technically, the information is well researched and retrieved right from the grassroots.

The basis of formation of this organization.

Improving Health through the Health Messages

Radio commercials or advertisements usually mention WHO recommendation of health policy.

The quality of the publications: policy and strategy guidance, guidelines and standards, survey

reports etc.

Real time accurate data for information especially from the high quality WHO accredited network of

surveillance laboratories

Availability of global health statistics and monitoring of epidemics

Availability of health-related information

Health information

I think that WHO fulfil well its functions and ensure the quickness and quality of information diffusion

for a better decision-making


Exchange of ideas


Comprehensiveness of its databases

Its new management thanks to GSM which has decreased the admiistrative burden as well as the

funding for programmes

The use of GSM

information and health data

Since the use of GSM there are always difficulties at work because it is a new system.

Reliability of health information

Vaccines, diseases-focused publications

Information on all diseases and other issues on its website

The constant updating at all levels of its members

The network of professionals and institutions that can be accessed for information or advice

It is a leader in public communications when it comes to quoting facts and date about diseases

Its ability to provide data and global standards for the definition of parameters at country level

Reliability of information and impartiality

Taking into account of fundamental principles and basic information before every proposition

Human interactions, team work, communication, resource and knowledge sharing

The neutral position of WHO when advising and working with national governments - WHO does not

go with an agenda

It's neutral stand to providing services to the member states

its core values

Passion for health for all

Dedicated, committed and expert workforce.

Its global mandate to improve health for all


Mission and Vision

The international and human rights approach

WHO is doing its best to save and improve the lives of people


The noble principles it stands for

Its commitment to promoting and improving universal access to health services worldwide

Health for all, securing the health and wellbeing of people around the world.

values of solidarity and scientific excellence

Its staff commitment (most of)


Strict adherence to rules and regulations

The principles that it should be objective, highly competent in technical matters, independent of

industry and influence of other political/donor agencies and that it serves national ministries. It

should be visionary identifying the needs 10 years from now. However, diminishing technical

excellence and increasing bureaucracy mean these are not realised. Regarding the priority areas ...

neonates (and mothers) are included but not children! Quite an omission for WHO!!

the assurance of a Health Organization looking out for all people

Not being biased or influenced by any conflict of interest

Its mandate

Policy, standards and norms

Continuity in ensuring commitment to the best interests of the public

Working with all Member States on an equivalent foundation.

Being a neutral broker


The way it fulfils its mission and respects its core functions

The treatment towards its staff is better than the rest of the UN

its impartiality, which it needs to keep and defend

Health of the People


The role of WHO in helping people to safe lives from outbreak of communicable diseases, disaster

and improving public health

Its mandate

Expertise; neutrality; less politically motivated than other organizations.

WHO never tires from seeking health solutions and researches

It's mission

The overall Goal


it's independence from governments--it works with all governments regardless of their political


WHO tries to make accessible health to everyone

Noble purpose

Its outreach to everyone

Anything now. In the past the independency and commitment with the population health.

Our mission to ensure basic health access to all. I am proud to work for WHO. My primary challenge

at work is dealing with the bureaucracy of the Organization and duplication of efforts due to lack of

communication between units; however, this is not unique to WHO.

The international recognition as a public health organization.

its mission; hope it could be carried out without undue pressures from multinationals and their

related governments, and of course, wish that the Gates Foundation did not dictate global agenda

the way it does

"Health for all"

WHO's commitment to universal health coverage, pro poor, gender equity as well as the most

vulnerable and marginalized groups

WHO always work hard to find lasting solutions and get positive results to all health problems or

challenges globally.

Its status as an independent and trusted source of policy and technical advice to countries (still); its

relationship with various health stakeholders including governments

it is taking Health of people as a serious matter.

WHO cares to deliver health services to the poor and marginal groups of population

It's independent

its noble ultimate goal - improving people's health and quality of life, and equity

The priority it gives to human health and general well being

It's unrelenting effort to directly confront industries (tobacco, formula milk companies) which pose

threats to global health

As an employee of WHO, I believe that it is the organization which does not looking at profit other

than the service, it is an service oriented organization which we already doing

WHO provide support to improve women and child health development programme

Its goal to eradicate borderless diseases

Health service to people

The commitment of staff in country offices to supporting MOH and other partners and the dual

adherence to technical rigour and equity (at country level - does not exist in the same way at regional

or HQ levels).

The diversity and human capital

While politics, special interests and laziness always abound in a big bureaucracy, I do believe that the

organization has many, many talented and dedicated technical staff and also department leaders

who do indeed put issues above personal advancement or political influence. I think we work very


Used to value that WHO is not fund driven

That it addresses poverty-related and neglected diseases that hardly any other key actor does so

prominently and is in line with the overall UN spirit

Integrity of the organization

The fact that it is based on one member state one vote and not one dollar one vote

Neutrality on specific instruments combined with commitment to underlying values

the commitment of its staff

the commitment of staff working at country level, often in difficult or dangerous environments

Balanced views on evidence and practice


that there are still staff committed to work for the benefit of people at countries

Its collaborative institutional effort to promote equity in health around the world

Addresses issues of global importance particularly as it relates to the more disadvantaged segments

of the population or regions of the world

That is tries to improve the lives of those less fortunate

Taking measures to improve itself

the neutrality

human rights involvement

good and valuable

Associates with health

It's integrity as an organization

independent, neutral, credible Health organization

Its constitution

The public health approach

Relatively independent (but largely limited to activities support by donors so not fully independent)

Advocacy role, Independence, Standards setting, Tackling of ethically difficult issues

Health is wealth

Independence to address policy issues and accountability to countries

It tries to keep the pace with the time.

technicality and purely humanitarian

Its vibrancy and quest to improve and safeguard the health of the human population.

it helps in health

the working environment and the cultural difference

Effort in making health important, accessible and available to everyone

Its commitment to provide info and knowledge in health.

Its founding values, principles and competency models along with humane constitution, just and fair

staff regulations and rules

Independence from governments (but it is not always the case)

values of WHO should not be ignored as this is the case with all WHO new comers, management

gives less attention for proper briefing for newcomers this area should be strengthened

Its neutrality and working with the national governments

neutral broker

Its integrity

The dedication of the people towards the goal of the organization

Universality, equality, uniqueness


The independence from National Government and the private sector

its work focused on the poorest communities in the poorest countries with same quality of care for


being an evidence based organization and its ethical principles

I think till now the value is not fair enough

Its commitment to ownership of health programs by the people

impartiality, technical credibility

Respecting people’s life

It is working towards the good health of all the peoples in the world.

bureaucracies / corruptions

Credibility and independence

Its mission - to improve health for all people in need.

Commitment to improving health even under the most difficult circumstances, even when

recognized or praised for our efforts.

WHO's mandate.


Providing assistance to even the smallest needs.

We are working for the right thing

The history and mission of WHO are irreplaceable assets.

The mandate given but unable to delivery effectively.

Its mission.

Fairness, technical knowledge, independence

the mandate



evidence basis, neutrality

The commitment to public health and trying to ensure equitable access to affordable care


WHO values

it's mission and the dedicated staff to make it happen

The WHO Constitution

Its clear mandate: health for all people

WHO's efforts in making people healthier, that is happier

Overall still has many whose personal drive it is to do something useful and helpful for the

community in need

Commitment to change

High value of evidence-base; promotion of public health approaches; promotion of equity

Its mission; the theory is correct, unfortunately in practice we fall short

WHO strives to reach equity in health but sometimes it lacks the resources

To address public health issues that affect millions of people in a consistent way

Independent professionalism

Neutrality and enormous technical capacity


Commitment and accountability to provide general health services

Commitment to improving health especially of the Poor, Vulnerable and Women

That we are trying to make the world a better place and improve the lives of all people

Its mandate, its independence is essential

Its mission to advance the health of all the world's people.

working with the most important issue in life "health"

High ambition in defining health as a fundamental human right

Its work in favour of the poor and dispossessed

WHO's vision which becomes increasingly more difficult to attain due to so many factors.

Its mandate

Cultural mix of staff

Determine to bring about health for all worldwide


WHO is the only truly global and independent public health body. WHO has tremendous pressure

from various governments which are in turn pressured from private industry. This makes fulfilling the

mandate of WHO a true challenge but well worth the effort

WHO most valuable goal is serving people!

Good health, Good health communication, and etc.

The cultural diversity of WHO staff

The mandate

The humanitarian nature of the Organization's mandate to improve global health

its uniqueness as a potentially unbiased, fair intergovernmental organization

That it is in theory independent and non-partisan.

Independence. Ability to do research/advocacy on neglected topics

Its mandate on providing health for all

It is a neutral, global public health organization, that emphasizes technical accuracy and evidence-

based information to move forward

WHO is a neutral partner that leads technical assistance to governments

Its commitment in pursuing good health of populations despite hostile or unfriendly environments,

even in countries where there is no political good will. There is a single mindedness which makes the

organization flexible and pragmatic in its choices as it seeks to reach the people on the ground.

The objective of health for all.

I share the mission and vision of the Organization and I still believe that in my own little way, I am

helping to improve the overall state of peoples' health

I value the dream of what WHO should be and could be.

Health for all irrespective of financial contribution of the country in need.

As independent organization have to be more sensitive about the international and local situation

People's health

WHO is strongly committed on the health policy implementations

The strong aspiration and action to help humanity is the most important thing in the current turmoil

world though WHO does have some setbacks sometimes like losing a staff member to violence in a


Its impartiality, which I am discouraged to see is increasingly compromised by political



the priority it gives to country needs and its genuine interest in helping countries address priority

health issues bases on a solid scientific evidence

The financial Transparency present in the organization

Make health without the need to courtesy the Governments

WHO is a professional health agency working for saving human life

its mandate

The commitment and persistence to improving public health even under insecure conditions.

Its consistent commitment to health

WHO`s Values and principles: equity and universal access, human rights, quality, protection and

people oriented services.

Pursuing universal access to health for all people

Some independence

WHO's mandate in global health matters, convening power and its global expert human resource



multilateral composition, public health focus and rigour

Commitment to global health

Definitely it is valuable, but there is always room for improvement

The objectives and goals of the Organization

Their neutrality in negotiating the best deals that ultimately benefit the poor and disadvantaged.

Its contribution to improving the health of the marginalized people

Supported by a strong constitution

The mission is novel but it is too politicized, 7 elected officers make it difficult to manage the

organization effectively.

The vision and values it provides based on what is best for public health

its role in ensuring that nobody is left behind

Its independence and objectivity in matters relating to health.

Mission and Staff

The fact that it mixes solid technical expertise and humanitarian commitment

the mandate - health and global health development is a valuable aim to work for

considerable independence of particular interests

its aspirations

Independence and expertise in advising in public health problems

Its intention

International perspective, end goal is noble

Implementation of principles of equality and respect of human rights

Its neutrality and the importance given to ethics and equity in the provision of health care

Its rigor and the quality of its work

Impartiality, independence, humanness, management of epidemics

Its seriousness

Independence in taking a stand in the field of global health

Independence seeking

Its responsibility, trust, discipline and rigour

It works disinterestedly for public health

Equity, the quality of its work

Encourage WHO staff, is that necessary?

Good administrative management

Its truth and precision

Independence of its guidelines

Talent and availability of the staff

Its independence as regards Member states

Should be the neutrality of its decisions

Its rigour and constant search for efficiency improvement

Independence as regards national institutions

Organisation of the work

The way of working

a big family

The organisation of the work

Its rigour and its impartiality to elaborate standards in the field of health

Its mission, its values and guiding principles

Paper neutrality and belonging to the UN system

Its respect for the general public, and collective ideals, the capacity of providing data on the

development of specific topics, the seriousness of its treatment guidelines, the strength of some

projects (vaccines), the seriousness of some staff, experience in issues where not many people work.


Its commitment towards the health of people and the planet

Its mission and vision

Its mission and values

Its humanitarian goal

Its independence


Technical cooperation, transparency in personnel selection processes

Its independence from the industry

Its respect towards employees, which is reflected in the sense of them belonging to the Organization

The opportunity of personal development that I was granted there

Its philanthropic mission of improving the health of people

Its rationale

Its support for the world's needy people, although it must improve its interaction proactively making

health investment more efficient and making the most of existing human and material resources.

It allows me to grow, think, and express myself

Its great altruism

It is an organisation which values the human being

Its commendable mission to work for all people's health

The human resources we are working for

Its independence

All the humanitarian effort using the intellect of the experts to generate politics and guidelines that

serve us as standards for the countries and could take us as an example to attack our decisions as

terms of office

The thing I value the most from the OMS is its mission and objectives

Its credibility and indisputable support to support the humanity in matters related to health

Permanence in the time, independent of the government

Its genesis, its values, although I consider they are not applied on a daily basis and they have been


I value its way of being as an agency, with a lot of responsibility, prestige, respected, timely, and that

it is accepted in those countries where it acts

The fact that its objectives is the welfare and the world's health and that it does not generate profits

The objective of our job is very high and there is much commitment among some staff

Seriousness and competency

Its independence as regards governments and other partners; technical expertise in public health


Her leadership role


Its leadership in health globally and at country levels

being the leader on health issues and reliability in meeting its global mandate

The mandate of the organization to be the global leader in public health. Unfortunately, this has not

been realized.

Being global

It is an indispensable partner in improving the health of people in the developing world

The moral authority it has in dealing with international health matters and its recognized technical

expertise in settings norms and standards related to various aspects of health.

The WHO mandate.

its past

Providing practical leadership in health matters at country level without influence of donor

requirements which most of them do not benefit the country

Being an official UN organisation

The perception among national counterparts that WHO represents quality work.

It's uncontested mandate.

global, convening power, should be best of the best, equitable, focus on the most vulnerable

Its positive influence on global humanity's health and its staff

A name and brand perception that resonates with public health principles and values; the potential

to generate and utilize global expertise to make meaningful change in global health (if properly

harnessed at all levels)

Leadership role in health issues & relatively quick response in global health issues

Technical leadership in the health area

the recognized role in Public Health Leadership which is an opportunity to make great strides and

influence PH policies and practices

Continuity in the face of adversity and remaining politically and physically visible in the Health for life



Health of communities globally

WHO's leadership role in Global Public Health. Organization that sets standards (that people follow

and believe in)

Focus on the WHO core functions that has retained its credibility at country/national level

WHO should maintain balance between Government and NGO sector

Its reliability and durability as an old institution and partner of national governments in health

WHO is the leading part of the health sector or leading all health policies

The role of WHO is crucial in overall public health matters nationally and internationally.

Its credibility & Leadership that people trust

It's history as a Global Health Governance mechanism

Historical contributions delivered over time to Member States in Public Health matters

its reputation

Technical leadership for improving health and happiness of people around world

Doing work that has Global and national impact

Power of convening stakeholders and it's neutral position to bring the evidence on table

WHO maintains leadership in setting up and achieving ambitious goals in global health in fluent and

challenging environment

Setting norms and standards

Global Convening Power

its prestige and influence

That ultimately it is a Member State organization and the through the governing bodies all members

have a say.

That can define guidelines

Its brand name and privilege that it can use to broker or advocate for important health agenda.

Unfortunately, WHO has a lot of staff who are good doctors, but poor managers. The organization's

privilege is in decline because there are staff at management level who do not know how to do


WHO plays an essential role in the global governance of health and disease. WHO is playing

tremendous role in supporting governments especially in developing countries. It provides great

support to Ministries of Health to address the health related problems. I think it is very important to

keep the CO presence in countries like Tajikistan as the current MoH capacity is very low to face with

the challenges that health system is facing.

Open and transparent corporate culture. Functioning as a dialogue platform for health partners.

Improvement needed: integration of BRICS. India's and China’s health systems (traditional medicine)

need to be mainstreamed in health policy. Org. structure and HR need to correspond (e.g. relocating

functions to India, China), appointments at D/ADG levels. Stronger engagements in social

determinants of health, e.g. on major accidents, traffic. Internal justice system and mobility need


WHO is losing its health leadership role and need adequate steps to regain it

The potential to contribute to achieving great things

its relationship with national governments is the strength and weakness of WHO

Its credibility on being the ONLY world authority on health. Therefore, WHO should focus on

improving ALL health service delivery to meet local needs, rather than only focus on policy and plans

which look good on paper but ultimately do not translate to grass root level (patient and people

centred care)

its being the UN agency specialised in health (that is, being so by mandate of counties)

The role to be the agenda for the Members and with the Member States.

Past legacy - which is eroding, if not checked seriously

Timely manner to address critical emergency situations

Its POTENTIAL as a coordinating organism for existing international global health efforts.

Its convening power - still unparalleled

its recognised reputation

health monitoring and prevention of outbreak

Its dogged determination to be/remain the world's premier and best institution for the promotion of

global public health and equity in health, in spite of dwindling financial resources and fierce

competition from better-financed institutions.

Good relation with ministry of health

WHO leadership in global public health; WHO's information on health related topics

The ability to influence government policies that affect health.


Emergency response


The role this organization could play if.......................................

Its ability to improve health together with Member States governments

The ability to convene governments or public health actors, along with a coordinated surveillance

capacity and targeted health response.

WHO's ability to get the confidence of governments.

bringing together different countries around the world to discuss about health issues

Its global mandate that is endorsed by Member States

Leadership, Expertise and Setting standards

The name

Approach to the global concern towards health

It is the highest platform for Global Health and must exercise its leadership in a more effective and

impactful way

space for all Member States to have a dialogue and potential agreement on health concerns

It provides an excellent platform to help influence policy with the national governments at all levels

It's an organization that has done much to improve awareness of and influence decision makers

globally on various public health issues. But I believe it still has an important role to play despite the

many new and influential players in the field of public health today.

Their support in guiding the local governments to best ways of dealing with health crisis and their

methods of ensuring accuracy and factual information before disseminating it.

Its normative function; the essential nature of its normative work (guidelines, conventions, tools and

frameworks) for influencing national policies and programmes. This is our unique niche, which no

other agency/entity can compete with. The second most valued item is our governing bodies, which

enable our legitimacy as a global health leader.

Convening mandate. Support to member countries; international HIS/monitoring disease outbreaks;

setting norms and standards

The quest for building consensus on policy and its relation with governments

Highest Cooperation

Ability to influence health problems worldwide

WHO is the best on health promotion and would be among all UN health Organizations

WHO sets international standards for drugs, vaccines, treatment of disease but is effectiveness is

now severely undermined by lack of funds. I am doubtful for the future of WHO in these

circumstances. Unfortunately, most of the world does not understand the standard setting that WHO

does. Without these standards, global health will be infinitely worse.

WHO is the leading agency for improving health condition of the people around the World. WHO is

No.1 Health Expert.

Its international convening authority concerning the issues of public health importance

The leading agency for health

Its readiness to address public health issues

WHO continues to uphold its commitment to lead and provide guidance globally in the field of health

in collaboration with governments and other agencies to strengthen national health programs in

order to provide quality of and equal access to health for all people.

What I value most about WHO is its takes full responsibility concerning Health Issues Globally and

Internationally. No matter how badly the situation is, WHO always has representatives to assist with

the sudden outbreaks. The World sees WHO has a health resolver in any Emerging diseases.

Leadership on technical cooperation in health to member countries

Sole leader in health

Ability to collaborate with experts/professionals in all health related fields to set standards

The name this organization have owned over the time.

Its firm place in the 3rd world as a reference authority

WHO is the lead global technical health agency.

Its past contribution in global public health

Its ability to set standards, to provide guidelines and good practices and its credibility and leadership

in the field of public health


Convening power

Leadership in setting norms and standards for public health issues

The ability to work with all stakeholders

Technical leadership in global health issues.

It has a global legitimacy that other agencies lack.

The independence of WHO and ability to use this independence/neutrality to convene all stake

holders/interested to solve public health issues.

Visibility, Authority on health matters, Inspires confidence

ability to draw on global expertise - to convene consultations to inform WHO's work and


convening power

The Credibility

Convening power

Norms, Standards, Policies and Strategies

I'm just wishful WHO will reclaim its position in the world as it was the case in the 80 and 90

An independent international public health agency with UN mandate.

its impact and trust at country level

Trust from Government on WHO's technical leadership on matters of health

convening states

Safeguard Public Health

Global worldwide health adviser role

The ability to set norms and standards, on health issues

Capacity to work at government level

It's leverage in taking the lead about public health matters.

Global Health and helping other when they need help related to health situation.

Its Health Standard throughout the world

Reliability and credibility

Leadership in global public health issues

Leadership in expertise and highest standards-setting

the ability to bring together international expert on various subject to seek advice

The fact that globally it is considered the maximum authority in health.

As a technical organization, WHO leads in setting standards that the countries health agency, other

UNAs and health sector partners follows or used as guidance.

its constituency and reach

Reputation, independence, neutrality, knowledge, access, power to convene, dedicated staff (in most


WHO has a unique leadership role in directing an international response to transnational epidemics.

The standard for healthcare that is unwavering and confidence-inspiring

Potential leadership role

The tradition of being the authoritive, independent, reliable Public Health agency of the UN.

The existence of a structure or space for minds from the globe to come together and influence


The total is more than the sum of its parts - the values it represents are essential. Its potential impact

is huge.

Its efforts to integrate evidence systematically into guidelines and technical recommendations

(although much still needs to be done specially in regions and countries) and to improve

transparency and the use of research in guiding policies. I hope this will strengthen WHO's credibility

which has been dented by a non-systematic consideration of research in technical cooperation and

guidance for better health leaving room for other organizations to fill in spaces WHO should be


International authority


Leadership in global public health issues.

Its historical reputation

Leadership in directing health issues globally

It's ability to convene the major players in global public health and ability to capture everyone's

attention on health matters

Although not all would agree, I still think that WHO is struggling to keep its leadership in the health


the partnership between the secretariat and Government which could be capitalized & strengthened

"no conflict of interest"

International public health organization across Governments

Its credibility and access to ministries of health in countries

WHO is respected as the world leader in public health

WHO is still perceived as having the best interest of the public at heart and this carries a great deal of

weight around the world.

WHO's potential. Its proven track record. I value the WHO brand.

Bringing the World's health issues together

its credibility and the largest pool of technical expertise (doctors)

Its committed public health experts, who national governments have access to for the public health

needs all across the world

Continuous campaign in promoting health and immediate response to every possible health threats

Ability influence member states on challenging and sensitive issues to ensure health services for all

community members

Leading agency in public health

Leadership in health problem solving

emergency response against disaster and new and re-emerging disease

Its international aspect

The respect of member states towards WHO's mandate

Its mandate which it works relentlessly to uphold.

That WHO should truly be a leader in health concerns.

ability to gather experts and come up with evidence based guidance

WHO is leading agency for health , providing accurate and reliable information

The Guardian of Health Worldwide Agency.

It’s the best organisation as it helps and support on health matters in wide range and with efficiency


WHO is a playing a positive role to provide support in Health Sector of the country.

Its Global presence and influence it has with leading health issues, pandemics and mobilization in

times of disasters etc.

Recognition and respect as leader in health

Its potential to do good work and its past reputation

fast and critical support to epidemics

Because it is in a position of authority, countries seek WHO for valuable support/technical input in

addressing their public health concerns.

part of UN

Providing and sustaining leadership in health despite emergence of multiple organizations

WHO is a political organization that occasionally does technical things. When WHO is at its best, the

technical overrides the political. This does not always happen.

It's history and foundation

Some leading Agencies and organisations in public health still believe that WHO can do better to

provide its leadership role in health.


Having pool of world's top experts in health arena, being able to compensate them to deliver services

for the Organization

Being an international body that influences health matters in the world today, there are no other


The questions is represented intervention of WHO for the global public health

Unique, independent, needs-based public health leader.

Credibility and respect at a country level for being objective, evidence based and promoting equity.

Still a global authority through which one can achieve public health goals.

Its potential

Global role in assisting countries to develop policies around disease treatment and control

It ability to function as uniquely global platform and convener in a neutral setting

Global perspective

The confidence people in general and resource poor countries in particular have in what WHO does

and says!

Brokering and convening role

It fills a unique role

Convening power

I value about WHO that its existence is very useful and essential , transmits its health messages and

publications to the public , contributes well in capacity building of health programs in national

institutions, assists national institutions in all aspects of health, transmits its knowledge about

health and technical support, purchases needed medications, medical equipment and supplies where

there are severe shortages in national health facilities.

Still seen as best for standards and guidelines; great convening capacity for experts in PH.

Close relation with national governments and capacity to bring partners together

the strong bond with countries

The original objectives and some of the great devoted staff who've worked here in the past, don't

know if there are many left. I work in HR and all I see are money grabbing selfish people out for

every cent they can get. I wonder how they ever find time to do any work for WHO?

Strong convening power

The brand is a powerful tool for mobilizing action around a particular priority

Possibility to give international response to the health challenges

The system is not dynamic as it could be.

Its representation in all lower and middle income countries

it's leadership and power in influencing global public health

as a right instrument to influence the policies in countries

Its capacity to handle global health issues

WHO is a trusted provider of health norms, standards and guidelines.

Its original mandate, promoting health while preserving neutrality.

Its role in providing a focused platform for experts to discuss major health issues.

Clout with national governments

Close link to governments

It's the only international health organization that can develop international standards and influence

national governments.

It's mandate. Just need to place the right profiles in the right jobs and fair selection of same and it

will soar.

Un-biased normative support to countries

Its mandate and its staff

It's convening power is very important in achieving its mission

Its close working relationship with Ministries of Health and other health development partners.

its role as the global authority on health

A great organization.

"brand" as an authority on health issues

Best placed organization to give an unbiased view on important public health matters. Mandated to

work for the benefit of the world and not serve the best interest of a country, organization or


Overseeing the global health policy

How it tackles the emerging and re-emerging diseases

Its aim

On policy guidance

normative work

central agency for information coordination and dissemination

Its mission to be the global leader in public health

the credibility that WHO among the government authorities

the trial to align the technical support with government expectation and the preparation of norms

and standards on different topics

WHO ability to remain visible in the international health arena despite several players and the

premium placed on it by national governments

Their response to Health needs of a nation

WHO has an enormous authority around the world, and therefore can potentially contribute to

health improvements.

If WHO discontinues it will be because something better has taken its place. As long as the aim is

pure the path to get there can change according to the situation at the time. Organizations, like

everything else, have their time.

its universality, its reputation, its convening power

It is a specialised health organization that needs to improve its old methodology in rules & regulation

to a modern one and can be the best AGENCY

Its independence and its Global role in shaping policies and strategies for health

Presence in every member state

The way our programmes make a difference in the lives and health of millions of people

its conveying power

Work with/for countries

Lead agency for health issues

Recognised and trusted standards

Designation as UN arm responsible for issues related to public health

Organisation reputation as the reference point on health issues

Its constitutional status inside UN.

Credibility, which has been declining lately

Convening power and promise of a single global public health institute that is science led.

Its potential.

IT is the only organization that can carry out many of its core tasks, e.g. in norms and standards, in

responding to countries' health needs, etc., it has this huge comparative advantage but does not

make the most of it.

That it remains a credible organization for most people in terms of providing accurate health


Leadership in health

leadership and standards and norms

Leader agency in world health

The capacity to come together in addressing health issues despite (individual) differences

Normative, standard-setting function; direct access to health and other ministries; reliability of data

and health information

Being the best international health policy intergovernmental forum

WHO is an association of 194 Member States

Norm setting, standardization, guideline development, scientific and technical publishing, convening,

monitoring of health situation.

The opportunity for one entity to have an overview of the whole world's health issues and work to

finding solutions which will be in the interest of all humankind.

The ability to convene multiple key partners at both global and local levels

International public health policy advice

Its special position of being able to influence national public health policies by virtue of close

partnership with the government and its technical excellence

Its global (including developing country) perspective

Ability to work with national governments and on the field

Its potential to do really good in the area of public health

Neutral and trusted partner to member states.

Ethics - Universal access -good Health as a Human Right

Global, intercultural, independent

the pool of international expertise - its exciting human resources base

The consistency in delivering the Global Health Agenda

setting global standards

Our reputation especially in low-income countries, we are well regarded and this image is critical to

our effectiveness.

Its convening power for improving health


Strong image as leader in international health issues

Despite the massive challenges, WHO still remains the technical health agency of choice for most


A respected and independent global voice for public health

The fact that it represents all the member states - while difficult, this is invaluable.

It is a well-respected global health institution

WHO has the potential at a global level to be a reference to improve "global" health. Whether it uses

that potential is another question.

Best neutral broker when it comes to public health and policies

Its convening power.

Setting norms, standards, and policy in Health

Implementation of Health Programmes in Complex countries, it is a challenge and WHO has the

capacity to Improve health conditions even in the remote inaccessible areas.

Independent global technical body which can provide evidence based and unbiased guidance

global health leadership and shaping agenda for policy dialogue

Mix of country presence and ability to convene stakeholders globally

Its ability to provide high level professional advice in an objective and independent manner. Its ability

and convening power.

WHO can influence policy change, particularly for low income, politically fragile countries. It would be

a lost opportunity if WHO is not more active in this.

authoritative image

setting norms and standards and monitoring their implementation

Style of intervention in health situations across the globe

Setting global norms but also building capacity at country level.

Its potential to truly lead the world on public health issues.

bringing governments, experts, donor agencies and other key stakeholders together for specific

health issues

Unbiased, member-state driven, regional structure, with mandate and long history in public health

its convening power

It's leadership role in health and its quest for the attainment of standard health as a fundamental

right of every human being

WHO can bring together world experts to address specific issues and it has a coordinating role with

other health related agencies.

That despite all our failings we are still valued by the health communities of countries in need

The uniqueness of this Organization of ours, which works to achieve what everyone expects should

be achieved but so few actors at all levels actually do invest sufficient money for.


representation of the organization at different levels (global, regional, country)

being able to guide the world on important health issues

its technical and leadership role in promoting health of populations .

The health work done to help poor countries, children

The leader in setting standards and norms, assisting the national governments in selecting the right

strategic approaches for disease prevention and control and to prioritise their health agenda.

Its unique role, which sets it apart from health care providers, governments (though it is a Member

State organization), civil society and the private sector; and its core values of equity and fairness.

Dedicated public health staff who work in challenging environments


Its ability to lead in path breaking areas, to provide support at grass root level through country

offices, to provide technical information and research to governments across the globe.

Its long history, and the experience and knowledge resulting from this.

Country Presence

Its ability to negotiate lasting agreements for health and develop evidence-based ethical advice and


Only place to do global public health that can influence national governments

I think their norms and standards are highly respected in national healthcare institutions.

The attempt to reach consensus on health policy.

I find it inspiring every day that 194 countries have come together to work to improve public health

Global leadership role and mandate

neutral agent for national governments

Its status as a specialized UN agency and authority on health matters

The unique mandate of setting the world health agenda

The hard work, integrity and leadership of the people working behind the scene.

Global Leading Agency working on health

The potential to critically review various policy options and their impact in different settings

Leadership on health system

potential to be the world's lead independent health organization

The Organization works for the betterment of health in the world

It being a Global Forum

Reputation and the value we can bring to people's health

Setting reliable standards and norms

The ability to cross-fertilize ideas between member states (and particularly institutions) through

exchange of knowledge and skills.

Convening power and provides the only global platform for developing countries to express their

views on health matters uncoerced/not bullied by more powerful countries and self-serving interest


the way they handle the surveillance activities and having the right staff to handle the affairs of the


Leadership, policy, technical support for National Government in health sectors

Its work experience on policies, delivery of health and its network in over 140 countries.

The goals towards which we work, the positive attitude of employees that during an emergency

come together to work towards the end goal in a coordinated manner

Global work and international platform, convening power

In times of health crisis, country still look to WHO first for leadership and guidance


Its historical legacy

The possibility/responsibility we have for making the most truly international effort to protecting and

improving health worldwide

Leadership and shaping the policies of governments

the normative aspect

HSS and social determinants of health approach, evidence-based, extensive network and


Involvement and dialogue with member states; commitment to improving global health

WHO should be the first organization in the world regarding health knowledge. Unfortunately we are

still far from this. We have the potential. We should focus on the best people and their expertise.

Its potential to be the world's leading public health and human-rights-for-health organization.

Its leadership in public health

It acts as a unique internationally recognised forum for international health issues, which all

countries can participate in. To paraphrase "it isn't really a very good system, but it is the only one

we have".

Response to the outbreak in Humanitarian disasters.

The power to convene and technical expertise

effectiveness and dedication

We join WHO for its being technical organization, now due to funding shortage WHO became only an

implementing NGO.

Consistency on Programmes (even if not successful)

Leadership role in Health

Prestigious and Trustable Organization for Health

Identify and addressing the health issues affecting the masses.

Pioneer in providing leadership role to Health issues

The networking that being able to gather state members in healthcare issues.

facilitating national government in collaboration with NGO, donors and UN

it's the international body that the world look at in getting health communications/advices.

It is part of United Nations, its care for people globally

WHO Leadership especially in pandemic scenario

Their dedication to provide services to catastrophic areas caused by natural disasters. And their

dedication to research for possible vaccine to problem cases like dengue.

Global scope

Health leader

It's as-yet-unfulfilled potential to harness decades of global/country knowledge to help the world,

countries and communities respond to their public health aspirations and challenges.

Convening power and experts' groups

Being specialized agency of UN

The relevance of topics; commitment to health equity and public health; readiness to adapt (as of


leadership role in health information and public health policy based on evidence

Its reputation as the leading drive for health

Its leadership in international public health

Leading organization for all health related issues

guidelines and standards

As a leader of global health WHO is trying its best to improve global health as per its mandate.

Implications of health matters at global level

Its convening power, and its mandate and ability to deliver high quality normative standards and best

practice for all aspects of public health.

The leadership it provides in health and the technical expertise the organization has in almost all field


The leadership, directors, the key management, donors, the government involved, and the staff


the persistence to provide high quality of products

the international environment; the values it represents; I can relate to the values put down for WHO

(but not always how they are acted out)


Swift positive response to disease outbreak

Knowledge generation

Leadership and guide the countries. There is a need to retain this position.

neutral health adviser globally

slower, shrinking

access to MoH, and trust by scholars/researcher/doctors in developing world

The Rolls and Regulations, and capacity building, every day for me is a day in the school of WHO.

leadership in health; trusted and neutral broker and convening role; credible scientific and evidence-


Global mandate and governance

Timely technical support and assistance rendered to all Nations of the World to save lives.

By raising issues that are important that no other one dares or wants to raise.

its constitution and its historical raison d'être; its normative function and its neutrality in assessing



global health communication

Global network, however the competences of staff especially senior management are highly


Leading national agenda on Health at country and global level

Reliable and the 1st global leader in health policies if provided with adequate resources.

WHO has still got a certain amount of credibility but could be much more credible if it worked fairly

and efficiently which is difficult but possible within political constraints.

Long history of public health excellence, independence, working closely with national programs.

However, all of these attributes are disappearing fast.

Its global presence.

only multilateral organization that has been set up to deal with public health problems--corrupt

organization with major leadership problem

Good work in addressing health issues

Its persistence, its doggedness, its ongoingness

Its reputation in the health community worldwide including in high-income countries, its ability to

convene and to gather the best expertise, influence policy through ministries of health and steward

an evidence agenda.

WHO fundamentally believes in the value of supporting national health systems to become stronger,

with a long-term vision of strong national health systems that don't require external resources or

parallel systems to provide health to their people.

Its unique position as a neutral convener of people, governments, and organizations for the

improvement of health.

Has a unique brand which is incredibly underutilized - can provide first rate advice, too quiet about

making that visible to the general public, or to donors.

Its influence on policy changes in particular in developing countries where needs are greatest

Lead technical agency for global public health

The theory that WHO allows governments and others to work together towards better health for


norms, standards, technical expertise, leadership

International/global scope in the area of public health

That it is still the only real option for independent global public health work.

Brand name

Its mandate

I feel that despite the recent reduction in its good reputation (due to H1N1, even if unfairly), it still

has a valuable job to do.

Its convening power

Global access to make a difference and is trusted by member states

That it occupies a position above the personal, the national, the partisan, and can potentially provide

the information and the direction that is needed to improve world health

Leading UN agency in global public health



its unique position as global normative agency

The opportunity to have made some contribution to public health at the international level

it's potential

That it exists in places in need.

Its credibility (although there is room for improvement)

Rigorous scientific work and evidence-based approach; normative work capacity; international


Its worldwide span that could make it so much more useful than today.

Tradition of excellence and quality

International aspect

The convening power of WHO and its capacity to respond to Global emergencies when required

Its resourcefulness and its convening power

It's credibility and brand name!

WHO is a unique setting for Member States to convene and discuss global public health issues in an

ordered and prioritised manner.

Its potential to do much more and effectively

Its ability to support and influence national policies, especially that of developing countries

The fact that WHO is an Organization that is ready to deliver health support at any time.

Ability to attract and coordinate people of high intelligence and different perspectives to counter

global challenges,

The convening power of the Organization

Omnipresence even without financial means. It is the only organisation which is present whatever

the situation (good or bad)

Its incontestable role of health counsellor which is recognised by states despite the existence of more

resourceful institutions

The network of national offices with their experts closest to the needs

WHO must exist and in particular for developing countries

Its regional office in Africa where diseases, epidemics and poverty are widespread

Increasing success

Organisation of the work

Its existence

It is the reference in terms of global health (standard-setter)

Its efficiency as regards norms

Its role of standard-setter as regards health promotion

Its work is still a reference and it is indispensable for health worldwide

Its multicultural staff and team work

The organisation in general

Good management

WHO has an undeniable force in terms of standards, directives and strategies to fight against public

health challenges

An organisation without competition between headquarters and regions

It is an organisation which is fully relevant in a world where preventable diseases are widespread

It is an organisation which has an important role in the field of global health

Its reputation and its unique role for health

Organisation which has and still shows its usefulness. It is still relevant despite being very criticised


Its excellence in the elaboration of technical standards

Its international reputation

Its reputation

WHO does much with little

Its global leadership in the field of health

Leader in the field of health. Key and necessary player

Leader in the field of health at the "SNU" and Ministry for health level. Plays the role of mediator to

make sure the Ministry for health fully plays its role and involves all stakeholders

Its capacity to gather public health authorities (politicians, scientists, general public and private



WHO is part of the UNO and seeks to act for everybody in the name of everybody (i.e international


Working environment

Fight against tobacco and information leadership at the global level

being/remaining/becoming again… the single international point of contact (national coordination) in

the field of health (all fields)

Ability to listen to countries

Its diversity

Leadership in the field of health

Working with and for all nationalities and religions

It is a reference

Diversity in the work

Its past

Its involvement in all health-related fields

Adoption of global resolution during the World health assembly

Working in a multi-disciplinary team with people with diverse backgrounds

Its experience in public health

Its influence thanks to its reputation

Organisation and policies

Coverage or role distribution worldwide

Its global role

Its capacity to work with decision-makers

Its leadership in the field of health. It is a key player

WHO is experienced but many things are still to be made for it to be efficient and effective

WHO should be more active to mobilise financial resources for the activities it carries out. Its

reputation could deteriorate

Its vision

Leadership in the field of health: standards, policies, statistics

Leadership in the field of health at global level

Its capacity to gather and to reach consensus

Its decentralisation and its role of key counsellor at national level

Being universal

Important role given to governments

I appreciate that WHO is one of the rare stakeholders to act to strengthen health systems through a

horizontal approach instead of a vertical approach (disease or programme) which is favoured by

many stakeholders at global level (GAVI, global funds, Bill Gates...)

Consultation and concentration forum. Availability

The WHO opinion is important on all health issues. We should regain our leadership

A better visibility and communication. Congratulations to the DCO team which has been

strengthened in the past years

Being global and debates at all levels on health issues

WHO is the governments' most important counsellor

Role of global standard-setter and presence in most countries

International context

Its global strategy in the field of health

Its bargaining and intervention capacity to improve quality of life and health of the population

Is potential to induce changes that promote the improvement in the health of the population

It is the leader institution in the field of health

Its normative capacity

Its leadership to establish health policies that improve the health of the countries

Being an international organization which can standardize global patterns and be an axis of

coordinated actions and transmission of knowledge

Its international prestige in the field of health

Prestige and history

Its worldwide leadership in the area of public health policies.

Leadership, expertise and credibility

It guides governments and it establishes specific agendas to improve the country indicators

Its trajectory

Its leadership

It is the only and necessary way to organize the work of governments, civil society and donors in

global health issues.

The ability to identify allies and to put them to work together

Its constant updating to maintain the leadership on health topics

Convening power

Its history

Its prestige, the way how the OMS pays attention to epidemics case

The opportunity the WHO offers to do useful things in those cases where it has the competencies

and the enthusiasm to do so

Worldwide acceptation of the WHO as the ruling body on health issues

Its capacity to promote dialogue between different actors in the field of health which otherwise

would not work in cooperation

The fact that it represents a criterion of reference which is respected and with is given much


The Partnerships – those are more flexible and can respond and act together with other affiliates

quickly while solving cases in their respective countries

What I appreciate the most is the WHO's leadership in the field of health and above all its

engagement for health

Technical organisation in the field of public health with a role of standard setter and provider of

technical support to Member states with a network of experts and collaborating centres at the global


The quality of its staff, its diversity, the multicultural environment, its influence and reputation


Capacity to elaborate health standards, monitoring of health trends and presence in 193 member


Method and norms as well as analysis objectivity

My work as an employee where I have learned much and in many ways contribute to the work of


No positive values except disappointment, deep disappointment year by year. The key issue: Terrible

management team made of medical experts who can rarely (<0.000000001%) be trained into

managers, not to mention good managers. This is the core problem of the WHO, which does more

harm than having a vicious tumour or cancer or HIV or any fatal disease in the body of a healthy


Its role in health. WHO should improve its function and involvement in any disease and any other

health related problems.

The WHO-APOC Programme has a better record than other parts of WHO. This made it difficult to

answer some questions because the answer differs for the different WHO areas.

I am able to earn a living and take my children to school

This questionnaire design includes ambiguous questions, makes false assumptions and is very

misleading in the way it was "advertised" - it raises plenty of questions but will not methodologically

be able to generate any significant answers

WHO is doing good jobs in improving public health and health education. However, personally I feel

WHO budget (funds) is not distributed wisely and equally. Especially allowance related for travelling

purposes .

WHO is far away from the journey of achieving the objectives of double Es ( Effectiveness /

Efficiencies ). The reason is - employ wrong people for the wrong jobs with high cost and only

performing postmen or postwomen jobs, therefore cannot achieve objectives. Words speak louder

than Actions instead of Actions speak louder than Words.

Many staff care about their work but this is overshadowed by staff who simply see their role as an


WHO has tremendous potential to assist and influence national governments, where things boil

down to but for its poor quality experts, who do not possess knowledge on how things may move at

policy level in the Member States

Its mandate which is not always easy for WHO to exercise given the political pressure and the fact

that WHO depends on donor governments for its budget.

Waste of money

Ironic that the Staff Association is more trusted and has more credibility.


What is there to value and believe in if WHO can’t communicate its knowledge neither externally or


Why the terms used for job positions like clerk hadn't been changed since ages, which is irrelevant to

outside industry?

I’m extremely happy to be part of the WHO winning team (an employee of WHO is a great honour)

"ownership" by national governments

Quality print outs

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