annotations: (e . eniola o)

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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Here I have used the thesaurus to select a more advanced word to improve my document (‘adolescent’ instead of ‘young’)

I have highlighted the spelling mistake I made to show that I have then corrected it using spellcheck.

I have then highlighted my text in order to clarify it so that it looks neater and better presented.

As you can see I have also highlighted a section of my evaluation and have written it so

On Monday 31st March

I chose two paragraphs and changed the words in order to make it look readable and more refined. I did it by using synonyms auto, correct and thesaurus from the Words document.

The original sentence: YELLOW The refined sentence: TURQOUISE

After I complete this I will then start with researching activities on local schools’ website.

Once I completed the work I started researching extra-curricular activities on local schools’ website.

In addition I had to create surveys questionnaires and 2 radio shows regarding extra-curricular activities. In order for me to create a good radio show/broadcast I used reason software on the

As you can see I have also highlighted a section of my evaluation and have written it so

schools’ software. I worked with two of my classmates and recorded the script for the radio broadcast.

When writing my evaluation for the internship, I noticed that I was dragging out my paragraphs and I use the word ‘and’ quite a lot. That is why I decided to use synonyms and the thesaurus on words. I used it so that I could get higher marks for correcting my mistakes and annotating it. When I made those mistakes I used other words such as:

Also (instead of and) Refine (instead of change) Conduct (instead of make) Produce (instead of create) Resources (instead of research) Complete (instead of finish)

I used all these words to avoid repeating myself/ sentences. I want my work to be interesting for the reader, that way they will be interested in what I am talking about or referring to.

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